253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls - Little Duniya (2024)

253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls

A beautiful baby name often combines a melodic sound with a meaningful origin. Names that roll off the tongue effortlessly and have a pleasant phonetic structure tend to appeal more. Many classic names have stood the test of time due to their graceful simplicity and historical resonance. These names often have roots in literature, mythology, or history, providing a sense of depth and continuity.

Modern parents also look for names that reflect contemporary trends while still retaining a touch of individuality. Some prefer names with nature-inspired meanings, reflecting qualities like strength, serenity, or purity. Others might be drawn to names with spiritual or virtuous connotations, symbolizing qualities they hope their daughter will embody.

Cultural heritage plays a crucial role as well. Many parents choose names that honor their family traditions or cultural background, adding an extra layer of significance. Names that are globally recognized yet have distinctive variations across different languages can also be appealing.

Ultimately, a gorgeous baby name for a girl is one that resonates personally with the parents, carrying hopes, dreams, and a promise of a beautiful future for their child.

253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls With Meanings & Origin

253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls - Little Duniya (1)

  1. Abigail – Hebrew, meaning “my father’s joy”.
  2. Adelaide – German, meaning “noble kind”.
  3. Adele – German, meaning “noble”.
  4. Adeline – French, meaning “noble”.
  5. Adriana – Latin, meaning “from Hadria”.
  6. Agatha – Greek, meaning “good”.
  7. Agnes – Greek, meaning “pure”.
  8. Alana – Irish, meaning “child”.
  9. Alexa – Greek, meaning “defender of the people”.
  10. Alexandra – Greek, meaning “defender of the people”.
  11. Alexis – Greek, meaning “defender”.
  12. Alice – German, meaning “noble”.
  13. Alicia – Spanish, meaning “noble”.
  14. Alina – Slavic, meaning “bright, beautiful”.
  15. Allison – German, meaning “noble”.
  16. Alma – Latin, meaning “nurturing”.
  17. Amanda – Latin, meaning “worthy of love”.
  18. Amara – Greek, meaning “eternal”.
  19. Amber – Arabic, meaning “jewel”.
  20. Amelia – German, meaning “industrious”.
  21. Amy – French, meaning “beloved”.
  22. Anastasia – Greek, meaning “resurrection”.
  23. Andrea – Greek, meaning “manly”.
  24. Angela – Greek, meaning “messenger of God”.
  25. Angelina – Greek, meaning “little angel”.
  26. Anita – Spanish, meaning “grace”.
  27. Annabelle – French, meaning “grace and beauty”.
  28. Anne – Hebrew, meaning “grace”.
  29. Annika – Swedish, meaning “grace”.
  30. Antonia – Latin, meaning “priceless”.
  31. Anya – Russian, meaning “grace”.
  32. April – Latin, meaning “to open” (related to spring).
  33. Aria – Italian, meaning “air”.
  34. Ariana – Greek, meaning “most holy”.
  35. Ariella – Hebrew, meaning “lion of God”.
  36. Ashley – English, meaning “ash meadow”.
  37. Astrid – Norse, meaning “divine strength”.
  38. Athena – Greek, meaning “goddess of wisdom”.
  39. Aubrey – German, meaning “elf ruler”.
  40. Audra – English, meaning “noble strength”.
  41. Audrey – English, meaning “noble strength”.
  42. Aurora – Latin, meaning “dawn”.
  43. Autumn – Latin, meaning “fall season”.
  44. Ava – Latin, meaning “bird”.
  45. Avery – English, meaning “ruler of the elves”.
  46. Barbara – Greek, meaning “foreign”.
  47. Beatrice – Latin, meaning “she who brings happiness” or “blessed”.
  48. Beatrix – Latin, meaning “bringer of joy”.
  49. Belinda – Italian, meaning “beautiful snake”.
  50. Bella – Italian, meaning “beautiful”.
  51. Bernadette – French, meaning “brave as a bear”.
  52. Bianca – Italian, meaning “white”.
  53. Bonnie – Scottish, meaning “pretty” or “charming”.
  54. Brianna – Irish, meaning “strong” or “virtuous”.
  55. Bridget – Irish, meaning “exalted one”.
  56. Camilla – Latin, meaning “young ceremonial attendant”.
  57. Cara – Italian, meaning “beloved”.
  58. Carmen – Latin, meaning “song”.
  59. Carolina – Latin, meaning “free man” or “manly”.
  60. Catalina – Spanish, meaning “pure” or “unsullied”.253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls - Little Duniya (2)
  61. Catherine – Greek, meaning “pure” or “clear”.
  62. Cecilia – Latin, meaning “blind”.
  63. Celeste – Latin, meaning “heavenly”.
  64. Charlotte – French, meaning “free man”.
  65. Chloe – Greek, meaning “blooming”.
  66. Christina – Greek, meaning “disciple of Christ”.
  67. Claire – French, meaning “clear” or “bright”.
  68. Clara – Latin, meaning “bright”.
  69. Clarissa – Latin, meaning “bright” or “clear”.
  70. Clementine – Latin, meaning “merciful” or “gentle”.
  71. Constance – Latin, meaning “steadfast”.
  72. Cora – Greek, meaning “maiden”.
  73. Cordelia – Celtic, meaning “heart” or “daughter of the sea”.
  74. Dahlia – Scandinavian, meaning “valley”.
  75. Daisy – English, meaning “flower name”.
  76. Daphne – Greek, meaning “laurel tree”.
  77. Delilah – Hebrew, meaning “delicate”.
  78. Diana – Latin, meaning “divine”.
  79. Dorothy – Greek, meaning “gift of God”.
  80. Eden – Hebrew, meaning “delight”.
  81. Edith – English, meaning “prosperous in war”.
  82. Eileen – Irish, meaning “bright, shining one”.
  83. Eleanor – Greek, meaning “bright” or “shining one”.
  84. Elena – Spanish, meaning “bright, shining light”.
  85. Elisabetta – Hebrew, meaning “God is my oath”.
  86. Eliza – Hebrew, meaning “pledged to God”.
  87. Elizabeth – Hebrew, meaning “God is my oath”.
  88. Ella – English, meaning “beautiful fairy woman”.
  89. Elsa – German, meaning “pledged to God”.
  90. Emilia – Latin, meaning “rival”.
  91. Emily – English, meaning “rival”.
  92. Emily – Latin, meaning “industrious”.
  93. Emma – German, meaning “whole” or “universal”.
  94. Erin – Irish, meaning “peace”.
  95. Esme – French, meaning “esteemed” or “loved”.
  96. Esther – Persian, meaning “star”.
  97. Eva – Hebrew, meaning “life”.
  98. Evangeline – Greek, meaning “bearer of good news”.
  99. Evelina – Latin, meaning “wished for child” or “desired”.
  100. Evelyn – English, meaning “desired” or “island”.
  101. Faith – Latin, meaning “faith”.
  102. Faye – English, meaning “fairy”.
  103. Felicity – Latin, meaning “happiness” or “good fortune”.
  104. Fiona – Irish, meaning “fair” or “white”.
  105. Florence – Latin, meaning “prosperous” or “flowering”.
  106. Frances – Latin, meaning “free one”.
  107. Francesca – Italian, meaning “free” or “from France”.
  108. Freya – Norse, meaning “lady”.
  109. Gabriella – Hebrew, meaning “God is my strength”.
  110. Gemma – Italian, meaning “gemstone”.
  111. Genevieve – French, meaning “tribe woman” or “white wave”.
  112. Georgia – Greek, meaning “farmer”.
  113. Georgiana – Greek, meaning “farmer” or “earthworker”.
  114. Giselle – French, meaning “pledge”.
  115. Grace – English, meaning “elegance”.
  116. Grace – Latin, meaning “grace” or “favor”.
  117. Gwendolyn – Welsh, meaning “white ring” or “blessed ring”.
  118. Hannah – Hebrew, meaning “grace”.
  119. Harper – English, meaning “harp player”.
  120. Hazel – English, meaning “hazelnut tree”.
  121. Helen – Greek, meaning “torch” or “light”.253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls - Little Duniya (3)
  122. Helena – Greek, meaning “shining light”.
  123. Henrietta – French, meaning “ruler of the home” or “estate ruler”.
  124. Hermione – Greek, meaning “messenger” or “earthly”.
  125. Holly – English, meaning “holly tree”.
  126. Hope – English, meaning “hope”.
  127. Imogen – Celtic, meaning “maiden”.
  128. Iris – Greek, meaning “rainbow”.
  129. Isabella – Hebrew, meaning “pledged to God”.
  130. Isla – Scottish, meaning “island”.
  131. Ivy – English, meaning “ivy plant”.
  132. Jacqueline – French, meaning “supplanter” or “may God protect”.
  133. Jane – Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious”.
  134. Jasmine – Persian, meaning “jasmine flower”.
  135. Joan – Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious”.
  136. Jocelyn – German, meaning “member of the Gauts tribe”.
  137. Josephine – Hebrew, meaning “God will add” or “increase”.
  138. Joy – Latin, meaning “joy” or “happiness”.
  139. Julia – Latin, meaning “youthful”.
  140. Juliet – Latin, meaning “youthful”.
  141. Juliette – French, meaning “youthful” or “downy”.
  142. June – Latin, meaning “young”.
  143. Katerina – Greek, meaning “pure” or “unsullied”.
  144. Katherine – Greek, meaning “pure”.
  145. Kayla – Hebrew, meaning “crown of laurels”.
  146. Keira – Irish, meaning “little dark one”.
  147. Kira – Persian, meaning “sun” or “throne”.
  148. Lana – Gaelic, meaning “little rock”.
  149. Laura – Latin, meaning “laurel”.
  150. Lauren – Latin, meaning “laurel”.
  151. Leah – Hebrew, meaning “weary”.
  152. Leila – Arabic, meaning “night”.
  153. Leonora – Greek, meaning “light” or “bright”.
  154. Lila – Arabic, meaning “night”.
  155. Lillian – Latin, meaning “lily flower”.
  156. Lily – English, meaning “Lily flower”.
  157. Lola – Spanish, meaning “lady of sorrows”.
  158. Lucia – Spanish, meaning “light”.
  159. Lucy – Latin, meaning “light”.
  160. Luna – Latin, meaning “moon”.
  161. Lydia – Greek, meaning “woman from Lydia”.
  162. Mabel – Latin, meaning “lovable”.
  163. Maddie – English, meaning “woman from Magdala”.
  164. Madeline – Hebrew, meaning “woman from Magdala”.
  165. Mae – English, meaning “bitter” or “pearl”.
  166. Maeve – Irish, meaning “she who intoxicates”.
  167. Magdalena – Hebrew, meaning “woman from Magdala”.
  168. Margaret – Greek, meaning “pearl”.
  169. Maria – Latin, meaning “bitter”.
  170. Marian – Latin, meaning “related to the sea”.253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls - Little Duniya (4)
  171. Marianna – Latin, meaning “beloved” or “grace”.
  172. Marina – Latin, meaning “of the sea”.
  173. Martha – Aramaic, meaning “lady”.
  174. Mary – Hebrew, meaning “beloved”.
  175. Matilda – German, meaning “battle-mighty”.
  176. Maya – Hebrew, meaning “water”.
  177. Maya – Hebrew, meaning “water”.
  178. Melanie – Greek, meaning “black” or “dark”.
  179. Melissa – Greek, meaning “honey bee”.
  180. Mia – Latin, meaning “mine”.
  181. Mila – Slavic, meaning “gracious” or “dear”.
  182. Mirabella – Latin, meaning “wonderful” or “extraordinary beauty”.
  183. Miranda – Latin, meaning “worthy of admiration”.
  184. Molly – Hebrew, meaning “bitter”.
  185. Naomi – Hebrew, meaning “pleasant”.
  186. Natalia – Latin, meaning “birthday of the Lord”.
  187. Nell – English, meaning “bright, shining one”.
  188. Nina – Spanish, meaning “little girl”.
  189. Nora – Irish, meaning “light”.
  190. Olive – English, meaning “olive tree”.
  191. Olivia – Latin, meaning “olive tree”.
  192. Ophelia – Greek, meaning “help”.
  193. Paige – Latin, meaning “young helper”.
  194. Pearl – English, meaning “pearl”.
  195. Penelope – Greek, meaning “weaver” or “duck”.
  196. Persephone – Greek, meaning “bringer of destruction” or “bringer of death”.
  197. Phoebe – Greek, meaning “bright” or “radiant”.
  198. Pippa – Greek, meaning “lover of horses”.
  199. Poppy – Latin, meaning “red flower”.
  200. Rachel – Hebrew, meaning “ewe”.
  201. Rebecca – Hebrew, meaning “to bind”.
  202. Rhea – Greek, meaning “flowing stream”.
  203. Rosalie – Latin, meaning “rose”.
  204. Rosalinda – Spanish, meaning “beautiful rose”.
  205. Rose – Latin, meaning “rose”.
  206. Ruby – Latin, meaning “red gemstone”.
  207. Sabrina – Celtic, meaning “from the river Severn”.
  208. Sadie – Hebrew, meaning “princess”.
  209. Sage – Latin, meaning “wise”.
  210. Samantha – Aramaic, meaning “listener”.
  211. Sarah – Hebrew, meaning “princess”.
  212. Savannah – Spanish, meaning “treeless plain”.
  213. Scarlett – English, meaning “red”.
  214. Seraphina – Hebrew, meaning “burning ones” or “fiery ones”.
  215. Serena – Latin, meaning “calm” or “serene”.
  216. Sienna – Italian, meaning “orange-red”.
  217. Sofia – Greek, meaning “wisdom”.
  218. Sophia – Greek, meaning “wisdom”.
  219. Stella – Latin, meaning “star”.
  220. Summer – English, meaning “summer season”.
  221. Susanna – Hebrew, meaning “lily”.
  222. Sylvia – Latin, meaning “forest”.
  223. Tabitha – Aramaic, meaning “gazelle”.
  224. Talia – Hebrew, meaning “dew from heaven”.
  225. Tatiana – Latin, meaning “fairy queen”.
  226. Teresa – Greek, meaning “harvester”.
  227. Tessa – Greek, meaning “harvester”.
  228. Thea – Greek, meaning “goddess”.
  229. Theodora – Greek, meaning “gift of God”.
  230. Valentina – Latin, meaning “strong” or “healthy”.
  231. Valerie – Latin, meaning “strong”.
  232. Vanessa – Greek, meaning “butterfly”.
  233. Vera – Russian, meaning “faith”.
  234. Victoria – Latin, meaning “victory” or “conqueror”.
  235. Violet – Latin, meaning “purple”.
  236. Virginia – Latin, meaning “pure” or “virginal”.
  237. Vivian – Latin, meaning “alive”.
  238. Vivienne – French, meaning “alive” or “lively”.
  239. Wendy – English, invented name possibly meaning “friend”.
  240. Wilhelmina – German, meaning “will” or “protection”.
  241. Willow – English, meaning “willow tree”.
  242. Winifred – Welsh, meaning “blessed peace”.
  243. Yasmin – Persian, meaning “jasmine flower”.
  244. Yvette – French, meaning “yew tree”.
  245. Yvonne – French, meaning “yew tree”.
  246. Zara – Arabic, meaning “princess” or “flower”.
  247. Zelda – German, meaning “gray fighting maid”.
  248. Zenobia – Greek, meaning “life of Zeus” or “born of Zeus”.
  249. Zinnia – Latin, meaning “flower name”.
  250. Zipporah – Hebrew, meaning “bird” or “little bird”.
  251. Zoe – Greek, meaning “life”.
  252. Zora – Slavic, meaning “dawn”.
  253. Zuri – Swahili, meaning “beautiful”.

This comprehensive list of names offers a variety of beautiful and meaningful options from different cultures and languages, ensuring each name carries its own unique charm and significance.

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253 Gorgeous Baby Names For Girls - Little Duniya (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.