Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (2024)

Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024

Messages for Locals:

Idaho Power Update Aug 20th 9am: We were given the go ahead this morning to start patrolling the lines that were impacted by the fire. Our crews are doing so now with a projected end of patrol time around 4pm this evening. If there is no damage to our equipment, there is a good chance that we will have power back on by this evening. Based on information by the management team, it sounds like out structures within the fire zone are not damaged but our crews need to patrol manually to get a good visual on each pole, line and device to confirm. We have been told by fire management that they are still monitoring the area very closely and there is a potential that we will be asked to de-energize power at a later date/time depending on fire and wind conditions. We will try to give you as much notice as possible, if that request is made.
Dylan Martin

Important: “Escort 9:00 a m is located west of junction at the wide spot with kiosk. NOT at the junction with South Fork road. Do not stop at junction. Turn right toward Cascade less than 1/4 mile the location is manned by forest vehicles & staff at the kiosk.”
“East fork road is excellent, very few rocks. there are two large ones about a mile from Yellow Pine with space between for passage.”
“South fork road is great with the chip seal complete. Outbound, about 3/4 mile from Warm Lake road junction, watch for the orange marker and avoid the hole on the right side . It’s not too visible.”

Roads: Warm Lake Highway is closed at the turn off to the South Fork Road.
Lick Creek road is reported to be very rough.
Deadwood Route – The 555 road, that runs past Deadwood Reservoir is closed. If people were looking to drive out of the area to the south or east, they would take the 579 road all the way out to Highway 21. OR – take the 579 to road 563, and then southward on 582 to Lowman. But the 555 Road from its junction with Hwy. 17 (Banks-Lowman Road) north to its junction with the 579 road is closed.

Escorted Access on Warm Lake Road
August 15, 2024 VCSO
For citizens and contractors of Yellow Pine, Warm Lake, and Big Creek area.
The Valley County Sheriff’s Office, in coordination with the Fire Incident Command Post, have established once-a-day, one-way escorts through the fire affected areas. This escort will be provided for reasons of necessity and not for recreation purposes. The escort service will begin on Friday, August 16, 2024.
Two escort staging locations have been established.
From the west, a 7am escort will depart from the Warm Lake Highway & Joshua Drive intersection. Meet in the large eastbound turnout.
From the east, a 9am escort will depart from the Warm Lake Highway & Forest Service Road 474 (South Fork Rd) intersection. Meet in the large eastbound turnout.
Escorts will only be provided to those who pre-arrange access.
To request an escort, please visit the Valley County Sheriff’s Office web page at (link) Click the link for Warm Lake Road Fire Escort Request.
You will be required to provide your name, driver’s license number and upload verification of residency and/or proof for need to be escorted through. Proof accepted for residency could be a property tax receipt or assessment, mail, and/or power bill. Contractors will need to show the necessity of the escort and provide the location to which you are traveling to.
An approved list will be provided to the security checkpoints daily. Please plan to arrive earlier than the posted departure times to ensure you are checked in. Those not on that list will not be escorted into the fire impact area.
We appreciate your patience during this challenging, we want to ensure the safety of residents, contractors, and fire personnel.
A reminder to sign up for Code Red notifications and follow our Facebook page.
A Code Red will be used to update and notify those affected with any changes to the escort protocol including any changes to departure times from the west or east staging locations.
Kevin Copperi
Valley County Sheriff

Yellow Pine Transfer Station: Update Aug 18th: “Lakeshore will be emptying the transfer station on Tuesday. Cecil will push down the trash in the dumpsters today. Residence need to get all of their trash in the dumpsters by Monday at 5 PM to ensure it is taken out before the Bears come in.”

Gas for Local Generators: Contact Fire Chief Tim if you need gas for generators from YPFD fuel tank at cost, $5/gal.
There is gas for vehicles at the YP General store.

Propane: Ed Staub is coming up this week to provide propane for their customers that are using generators for backup power. This is not a normal delivery and does not impact AmeriGas users. We will reach out to AmeriGas today to see if they will do the same and keep you updated. Tim is coordinating with Ed Staubs specifically to be an escort for their vehicle to come in which is estimated Tuesday.
update Aug 18: “Ed Staub Propane will be coming in on Tuesday to fill up those folks that have propane generators.”

Mail: While Warm Lake Hwy is closed we will have 3-day a week mail.

Water: Boil your tap water, no water treatment while power is off.

Link to Air Quality Monitor in Cascade

Link to Air Quality Alert Aug 20, 2024
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Fire Updates Aug 20, 2024 Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (1)

Active Duty Army Wildland Firefighters Supporting Mountain Complex Fires

August 19, 2024

Today, active duty U.S. Army Soldiers began supporting the response to the Mountain Complex Fires in the vicinity of Cascade, ID. Over the course of the next 30 days, they will provide assistance to an interagency task force from the National Interagency Fire Center.

Eric N Smith
Captain, Public Affairs
U.S. Army North (Fifth Army), Public Affairs Office
1400 E. Grayson St. (Building 44)
San Antonio, TX 78208
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Daily Update – West Mountain Complex Aug. 20, 2024

Boulder, Snag, Wolf Creek, Dollar, Goat & Gabe Firea

Fire Information Phone Line 208-462-0345 (8 a.m. – 8 p.m.)

Fire Location Size Containment. Start Date
Boulder 9 miles SW of Cascade 2,301 acres 38% 7/24/2024
Wolf Creek 5 miles W of Donnelly 1,154 acres 95% 7/24/2024
Snag 11 miles E of Cascade 22,016 acres 1% 8/5/2024
Dollar 18 miles NE of Cascade 2,041 acres 0% 8/5/2024
Goat 11 miles SE of Cascade 1,405 acres 0% 8/5/2024
Gabe 9 miles SW of Cascade 5 acres 100% 8/15/2024
Cause: Lightning (All Fires)

Total Incident Personnel: 1,189
Soldiers of the 14th Brigade Engineer Battalion, based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington, were strategically
embedded with firefighting crews on the Snag, Boulder, and Dollar Fires. Soldiers supported suppression operations by
assisting wildland fire crews with mop-up, holding and maintaining control of fireline, and installing hose-lays and other
equipment needed.

Weather | Anticipated Fire Behavior:
Yesterday began with southwest winds and gusts up to 25 mph and poor humidity recoveries. Smoke from the nearby
Middle Fork Complex impacted the West Mountain Complex area throughout the morning. However, skies cleared by
midafternoon. Hot, dry, and windy conditions over the past several days have led to increased fire activity. Starting
today, conditions will moderate slightly with cooler temperatures and precipitation predicted later in the week.

Boulder Fire: Crews will continue to mop-up the south end and east flank of the fire. Fire crews are using a combination of indirect
and direct suppression tactics on the most active portion of the fire which includes the northwest perimeter. Fire spread
has slowed on the western perimeter due to previous burned areas and rock outcroppings. Fire crews are also
monitoring interior pockets of heat

Dollar Fire: The Dollar Fire activity was moderate today. Fire managers are expecting to continue to see the most active fire
behavior on the northern perimeter. Fire crews will continue direct and indirect suppression tactics. They are also
finalizing plumbing along the southern perimeter of the fire. Plumbing includes setting up hoses, pumps, and water
sources to control and contain the fire.

Snag Fire: Yesterday, fire crews successfully completed firing operations in the north and southwest of the Snag Fire. Firefighters
have held control lines near Warm Lake Highway and have reported no new spots. They will continue to monitor the
highway securing control lines. There may be opportunities for continued firing operations at the southwest area of the
fire today, if weather conditions align.
The Valley County Sheriff’s Office, in coordination with Great Basin Incident Management Team 2, have established one-
way escorts for residents and contractors through the Snag Fire affected areas. This escort will be provided for reasons
of necessity and not for recreation purposes.

Wolf Creek Fire: Firefighters will continue repair work on control lines on the northeast corner of the fire. Repair work includes strategic
procedures to minimize impact to the environment caused by firefighting and suppression activities. Firefighting crews
will continue to monitor for any interior flare-ups, which is when there is a sudden rate in spread or intensification of the

Goat Fire: Crews are improving and holding the southwest control lines and looking for potential firing operations on the southern
perimeter of the fire. The western flank of the fire is burning near a previously burned area, which has helped slow fire
spread. Firefighting crews will begin chipping operations to reduce fuel along contingency lines. Chipping is the method
used to reduce vegetative material making it less flammable.

Gabe Fire: Firefighters will monitor the fire to ensure no further fire activity occurs and there are no lingering pockets of heat.

The Valley County Sheriff’s Office issued a “ready” evacuation order for Warm Lake residents and the North Shore Lodge at Warm Lake on August 7. A second “ready” evacuation order was issued on August 8 for the Horsethief area, including the YMCA Camp, and areas of Scott Valley.

Warm Lake Highway Closure: The Valley County Sheriff’s Office has closed Warm Lake Highway due to the Snag Fire.
The Warm Lake Highway is closed at the Horsethief Road intersection east toward Warm Lake and from the Johnson
Creek Road intersection west toward Warm Lake. Scott Valley residents will be allowed access.

Hunting Closures: Prior to entering the backcountry, Idaho Fish and Game advises hunters to check with their local
Forest Service ranger district offices or county sheriffs’ offices for fire closures in their hunt areas.
The Boise National Forest has modified or expanded their wildfire closures August 12, 2024 to address public and
firefighter safety and respond to increased wildfire growth. This closure area begins at the south end of the Dollar/Oro
(Snag) fire closure area and continues south to Crouch and the Banks-Lowman Hwy, and east to the 579, 563 and 582

Wolf Creek Fire Closures: On the Payette National Forest, a closure including popular National Forest System roads
around the Wolf Creek fire such as: sections of NFS #1763 (West Mountain Jeep Trail), #835, #206, #326. On the Boise
National Forest, Forest Road #435 (Anderson Lake Road) was closed on August 1.

Boulder Fire Closures: The Boise National Forest has issued a closure order #0402-04-98 for National Forest System
(NFS) roads, trails and lands encompassing the Boulder Fire. The closure was enacted to protect public safety and
support fire suppression activities. The closure includes Blue Lake and Snowbank Mountain Road (#446) along with all
#404 and #421 system roads.

Fire Restrictions: Stage 1 Fire Restrictions have been issued for the Payette Fire Restrictions Area on the Payette
National Forest and the West Central Mountains Fire Restrictions Area on the Boise National Forest.
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Aug 20 Map West Mountain Complex

Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (2)
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Snag Fire

Boise National Forest – 9.5 miles East of Cascade, Idaho
Tue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 399
Size 22,016 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 1%
Planned Actions – Resources will continue to monitor the spread of the fire towards Warm Lake Rd, west of Big Creek Summit, taking appropriate actions as necessary. Direct and indirect line prep will continue along the west flank working south to reduce the impact to private lands. Firing operations will be conducted as necessary to reduce pockets of fuel and reduce threat of torching and spotting.
The fire continues to back and flank along the west and north flanks. Interior pockets continue to consume, creeping, smoldering with group torching. Short range spotting was observed. The fire continues to burn east into previous fire scars slowing fire growth. Active fire behavior was observed
throughout the burn period.
Link to Snag Fire on InciWeb
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Dollar Fire

Boise National Forest – 18 mi. NE of Cascade, Idaho
Tue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 78
Size 2,041 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Link to Dollar Fire on InciWeb
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Wolf Creek Fire

Payette National Forest – West facing slope of West Mountain, Council Ranger District, Payette National Forest
Link to Wolf Creek Fire on InciWeb
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Boulder Fire

Boise National Forest – located about 1 mile to the southeast of Tripod lookout, 9 Miles southwest of Cascade, Idaho.
Tue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 601
Size 2,301 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 38%
Link to Boulder Fire on InciWeb
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Goat Fire

Boise National Forest – 11 miles SE of Cascade, Idaho
Tue, 08/20/2024
otal Personnel: 0
Size 1,405 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Link to Goat Fire on InciWeb
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August 20th Daily Update for Middle Fork Complex, Wapiti and Bull Trout Fires

Fire Information: 208-992-3045

Incident Commander: Rick Connell, Northern Rockies Team 5
Middle Fork Complex Location: 9 miles east of Garden Valley, ID
Bull Trout Location: 15 miles WNW of Stanley, ID Wapiti Location: 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID
Start Dates: 07/24/24 – 08/06/2024
Cause: Lightning
Bull Trout: 271 acres Wapiti: 9,049 acres
Middle Fork Complex: Bulldog: 4,986 acres Nellie: 19,517 acres
Containment: Middle Fork Complex: 5% Wapiti: 10% Bull Trout: 92%
Resources on site:
Middle Fork Complex: 7 type 2 hand crews; 9 engines; 1 water tender
Wapiti: 2 hot shot crews; 2 type 2 hand crews; 20 engines; 2 water tenders; 1 skidgen, 1 bulldozer
Bull Trout: 1 engine
Total Personnel: Middle Fork Complex: 369 Wapiti: 178 Bull Trout: 22

** Effective as of August 20, 2024, 8:34 AM, Highway 21 is closed from MP92 to MP107 from the
Granjean area to the Custer County line due to wildfire activity. This area starts at Forest Road 025RC (MP 92)
which accesses Warm Springs Guard Station and air strip to the Custer County line MP107. This closure is to
provide safety for firefighters completing strategic firing operations along Highway 21 to reduce hazardous fuels
and limit fire intensity.
The community of Hanging Valley is in Level 3 “GO” evacuation status due to the Highway 21 closure.
Evacuation information will be posted on the Boise County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. The Bonneville
Campground is also closed effective immediately. For closure information, please visit Boise National Forest’s
website – Alerts & Closures.
During these critical fire weather days, the protection of communities, historic landmarks, and other values at risk
are the primary objectives. Firefighters are utilizing all resources available including helicopters, fixed wing aircraft,
and water scoopers; aircraft are utilized as tactics, weather, smoke, and terrain conditions allow safe operations.
Firefighter and public safety are always the highest priorities. Smoke will be visible and could impact roadways
today, please follow the instructions of emergency responders and drive safely.

Middle Fork Complex: The Middle Fork Complex is comprised of the Bulldog and Nellie fires.

Yesterday on the Bulldog Fire, crews prepared the FS road 698 for holding the fire on the east side. An
assessment of structures and other values at risk was completed in the Silver Creek area to the north, and lines
held on the south/southeast edge. Today, firefighters will continue to improve and hold direct and indirect lines.
The public is reminded that the Middlefork Road (FS Road 698) is closed at the Forest Service
boundary just north of Lightning Creek and the Scriver Creek Road (FS Road 693) is also closed at
the Forest Service Boundary for firefighter and public safety as crews continue to work to protect private
property and structures in the vicinity of Crouch.

On the Nellie Fire, there was growth to the north and south with group torching, long-range spotting, and terrain
driven spread. Active fire behavior occurred throughout the afternoon and evening leading to a 3,000 acre growth.
Firefighters continued to provide for protection of the Deadwood and Scott Mountain Lookouts and the
communication tower. A wildland fire module will assess the Deadwood Reservoir area to provide for infrastructure
and historic structure protection. Firefighters will continue to identify potential control lines surrounding the fire
area. The public is reminded that Forest Service Road #555 is closed at the intersection of Highway
17 all the way to the Forest Service Road #579 intersection.

Wapiti Fire: The Wapiti Fire had active fire behavior with group torching, long range spotting, and terrain driven
runs. Crews continued structure protection throughout the day and night for Sawtooth Lodge, Bear Creek, Camp
Creek, and Wapiti Creek Summer Home areas. An additional structure was lost due to showering embers in the
Wapiti Summer Homes area. Fire is expected to continue to spread downhill and along the ridge lines to the west
and north. Firefighters will be operating along Highway 21 may conduct strategic fire operations if needed, to
reduce heavy fuels and limit the intensity of fire spread. Smoke will impact the Highway 21 corridor today.

Bull Trout Fire: The Bull Trout fire is still 92% contained, with little heat observed yesterday. An engine continues
to patrol the fire daily to ensure no changes in activity.

Critical weather conditions on Monday created hot dry windy conditions that brought active fire behavior. Fire
spread due to group torching with spotting up to ½ mile. Today, when the inversion lifts conditions will be elevated
to near-critical fire weather throughout the afternoon and evening. Winds will be from the southwest at around 6-
12 mph with gusts up to 15-20mph possible. Isolated showers and thunderstorms may be possible east of the
Sawtooth Range. These thunderstorms may bring gusty outflow winds that could cause fire to spread. Inversion
will settle during the late evening and overnight with light winds across all areas. Due to weather conditions, fire
behavior is expected to include group torching, short- and long-range spotting with terrain driven spread through
dead and fine fuels again today. As dry weather continues, fuels continue to be very dry and will remain dry. Fire
spread will be wind driven and align with slopes and fuel types

Middle Fork Complex: The Boise County Sheriff’s Office continues to maintain the Level 2 evacuation notice for
residents on and near the Middlefork Road between Stump Ranch Road up to Tie Creek Campground. The Boise
National Forest issued an area closure for the fire (Closure #0402-06-59) effective August 12, 2024. The purpose
of this order is to protect public safety during the fires.

Wapiti Fire: The evacuation order for Summer Homes and the Sawtooth Lodge remain in effect for the Wapiti
Fire, as does the area closure issued by the Sawtooth and Boise National Forests (Closure #0402-05-94) effective
August 12, 2024. This Order is for public and firefighter safety during fire suppression efforts of the Wapiti Fire.

Bull Trout Fire: The Bull Trout Fire Area Closure (Closure #0402-05-93) remains in effect for the roads and trails
within the perimeter of the fire. The Boise National Forest issued this order on August,12, 2024. It will be rescinded
as soon as it is safe to do so.

The Boise National Forest, Idaho Department of Lands, and Bureau of Land Management are in Stage 1 fire
restrictions on state, endowment, private and federal lands within the West Central Mountains Fire Restrictions
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Aug 20 Map Middle Fork Complex

Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (3)

Aug 20 Map Wapiti and Bulltrout

Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (4)
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Wapiti Fire

Boise National Forest – 2 miles southwest of Grandjean, ID
Tue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 147
Size 9,049 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 10%
Link to Wapiti Fire on InciWeb
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Bulltrout Fire

Boise National Forest – 15 miles W-NW OF Stanley, ID
ue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 15
Size 271 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 92%
Link to Bulltrout Fire on InciWeb
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Bulldog, Nellie

Boise National Forest Boise County
Bulldog Fire – 8 mi. north of Crouch
Tue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 369
Size 24,503 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 5%
Bulldog: There is a high potential that the fire will continue to spread actively to the east and north. Group-torching, short-range spotting, and terrain driven runs through dead and fine fuels.
Nellie: Continued growth in various directions due to terrain influences and exposed ridge lines. Group torching, spotting up to 1/2 mile, and uphill runs continue to be the pattern of fire spread.
Link to Middle Fork Complex on InciWeb
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Limepoint and Cliff Mountain Fires

Aug 20 Map

Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (5)
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Limepoint Fire

Payette National Forest – Hells Canyon, Council Ranger District Payette National Forest
Tue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 477
Size 32,368 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 58%
Link to Limepoint fire on InciWeb
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Cliff Mountain

Payette National Forest – Hells Canyon National Recreation Area in wilderness just below Hells Canyon Dam 25 miles east of Joseph, Oregon in Adams and Idaho Counties, Idaho.
Fri, 08/16/2024
Total Personnel: 0
Size 1,108 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 75%
Link to Cliff Mountain on InciWeb
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Payette Wilderness Fires

Payette National Forest – Payette National Forest’s part of the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness.
Mon, 08/19/2024
Burnt Creek Fire: Detected August 19 – estimated 200 acres. Located in Burnt Creek within the Big Creek Drainage – ¼ mile south of the Big Creek and 1.5 miles west of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. This fire is within the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. A Zone/Point Protection Strategy is being used on this fire and a structure protection plan for values at risk in the area is being implemented.
Fiddle Fire: Detected August 17 – 1/4 of an acre. Located in the Wilderness approximately 1 mile south of the Stibnite Mining District. This fire is under a suppression strategy with firefighters inserted via short-haul. Fire Conatined, Controlled and OUT as August 19.
Fivemile Fire: Detected on August 14. 1/10th of an acre (single tree on a steep rocky slope). Located in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, approximately 3 miles south of Fivemile Bar. Management Action Points have been established and are being monitored by staffed lookouts.
Parks Fire: Detected the evening of August 11. Located a ½ mile south the Salmon River – approximately 1.5 miles upriver from Chamberlain Creek. The fire estimated now at 18 acres in size. This lightning caused fire is being permitted to play, as nearly as possible, its natural ecological role within the Wilderness. Zone/Point Protection measures will be taken if necessary.
Monumental Fire: Detected the evening if August 6. At 11 acres and started by lightning. Located approximately 6 miles to the NE of the Stibnite Mining District and under a full suppression strategy due to its proximity to the wilderness boundary. Contained and controlled as of 8/13. Unstaffed, but is being monitored by air.
Farrow Fire: Detected August 5 and currently at an estimated 500 acres. Located approximately 5.5 miles southeast of Cold Meadows Guard Station. This lightning caused fire will be permitted to play, as nearly as possible, its natural ecological role within the Wilderness with Zone-Point Protection as needed.
Eagan Fire: Detected August 5 at 1/10th of an acre. Located 1½ miles south of Soldiers Bar within the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness. Fire has been contained. No smokes spotted since 8/6. It will be monitored with the other wilderness fires.
Iodine Fire: Detected July 26 at ¼ of an acre. Located approximately 4 miles southeast of Cold Meadows Guard Station. Aerial Recon on August 7 showed no smoke over the fire and no visible flames. This lightning caused fire will be permitted to play, as nearly as possible, its natural ecological role within the Wilderness. No separate Inciweb page for this incident.
Link to Payette Wilderness Fires on InciWeb
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Flat Fire

Idaho Department of Lands – located a few miles northeast of Pioneerville Summit Flat Rd N/E of Pioneerville, Boise National Forest Boise County, ID
Tue, 08/20/2024
Total Personnel: 483
Size 3,641 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 14%
Aug 20 Map
Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (6)
Link to Flat Fire on InciWeb
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Memories gone up in smoke: Wildfire burns Wapiti Summer Homes

Jude Binkley, Tracy Bringhurst August 18, 2024 KTVB

Wind has whipped up the Wapiti Fire, destroying summer cabins.

The wildfire is burning near Grandjean, and its flames have reached the 18 quaint cabins that make up the Wapiti Creek Summer Homes.

“We’ve lost six of them now to the fire,” Dan Marler, one of the cabin owners said.


Fire General Update Aug 20, 2024 (2024)


Why is there so much smoke in New Mexico? ›

Wildfires burning throughout the western part of the country are impacting air quality in New Mexico. While no air quality alerts have been issued for New Mexico, smoke is impacting many in the state.

How are the fires in Ruidoso, New Mexico? ›

Status UPDATES & Announcements. The Blue 2 Fire, 8 miles north of Ruidoso in the White Mountain Wilderness Area, has burned 7,532 acres since May 16, 2024, and is now 91% contained.

Is Cloudcroft on fire? ›

Fire near Cloudcroft now 100 percent contained – KTSM 9 News.

What is the haze in Albuquerque today? ›

Albuquerque air quality index (AQI) forecast
DayPollution levelTemperature
TodayGood 39 AQI US95° 69.8°
Friday, Aug 16Good 45 AQI US96.8° 75.2°
Saturday, Aug 17Moderate 57 AQI US96.8° 71.6°
Sunday, Aug 18Good 36 AQI US96.8° 73.4°
7 more rows
Aug 15, 2024

Why is it so hazy in Las Cruces, NM? ›

LAS CRUCES - Las Cruces has been plagued by hazy skies in recent days because of wildfires burning in the Pacific Northwest, a state expert said Wednesday. The haze is from smoke that's winding its way in a circular pattern away from northwest and into New Mexico, said David DuBois, state climatologist for New Mexico.

Can you smoke recreationally in New Mexico? ›

Both medical and recreational cannabis are legal in New Mexico. However, the following restrictions are placed on the possession and use of the drug in the state: You must be aged 18 or older to use medical cannabis. You must be aged 21 or older to use recreational cannabis.

How many deaths in Ruidoso, NM? ›

RUIDOSO, N.M. – It's been more than two weeks since the fires in Ruidoso broke out, causing unimaginable destruction and grief for many families. Two people died in the fires, including Patrick Pearson.

Who started the Ruidoso fire in 2024? ›

Wildland fire investigators noted the Salt Fire took resources from the South Fork Fire. Two people died and over 1,400 structures burned in Ruidoso because of the South Fork Fire. Investigators determined lightning caused that fire.

How many homes were destroyed in Ruidoso, NM? ›

At least 200 homes have been destroyed by flooding in Ruidoso, that's on top of the 1,588 structures destroyed in the South Fork and Salt fires.

Which is better, Cloudcroft or Ruidoso? ›

It really depends on what you're looking for. If you want to be around a lot of people, enjoy dining and bars, or want to shop, Ruidoso fits the bill. If quiet seclusion away from crowds is your goal, you can't beat Cloudcroft. But, seriously, you should stay at The Lodge at least once in your life.

Where is the big wildfire in New Mexico? ›

Some of the largest wildfires in state history

Smoke from the Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire drifts over Las Vegas, N.M., in May 2022. The Calf Canyon/Hermits Peak Fire burned more than 340,000 acres in northern New Mexico in 2022.

Why is the air quality bad in New Mexico? ›

As touched on briefly, a number of New Mexico's industrial processes would have an effect on the level of air pollution present throughout the state. These would be ones such as emissions from factories, power plants as well as from fertilizers and livestock.

What caused the fire in New Mexico? ›

A multi-agency team determined lightning caused the South Fork Fire that started June 17. Local officials are calling on the Bureau of Indian Affairs to release more details.

Why is it so hazy in Mexico? ›

The haze is a combination of thick humidity, low clouds, and smoke. Agricultural burning takes place every year in Mexico, as it helps enhance crops and grasses for pasture. However, the smoke can also help degrade air quality.

Why is Santa Fe so smokey? ›

Smoke from wildfires in western Canada and the northwestern part of the U.S. is responsible for the haze hanging over Santa Fe and other areas of Northern New Mexico in the last couple of days.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.