iolo ical contrai - Food and Agriculture Organization · 2013-08-29 · iolo ical contrai of astro-intestinal nemato es of ru m i n ants usin re arious fun Proceedings of a workshop - [PDF Document] (2024)

iolo ical contrai - Food and Agriculture Organization· 2013-08-29· iolo ical contrai of astro-intestinal nemato es of ru m i n ants usin re arious fun Proceedings of a workshop - [PDF Document] (1)

iolo ical contrai - Food and Agriculture Organization· 2013-08-29· iolo ical contrai of astro-intestinal nemato es of ru m i n ants usin re arious fun Proceedings of a workshop - [PDF Document] (2)

iolo ical contraiof astro-intestinalnemato es of ru m i n ants

usin re arious fun

Proceedings of a workshoporganized by FAO and theDanish Centre for Experimental Parasitologylpoh, Malaysia5-12 October 1997




Rene, 1:::,98

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0 FAO 1998

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Gastro-intestinal nematode parasitism is one of the most important diseaseconstraints to small ruminant production in the sub-tropics and tropics, where theenvironment provide near-perfect conditions for the development and survival of theseparasites. Control of the gastro-intestinal nematodes particularly Haemonchus contortusand Trichostrongylus species is a prerequisite for profitable small ruminant production.Strategies for the control have up till now relied almost entirely on the use ofanthelmintics.

The frequent use, often combined with mismanagement of the drugs, have led towide-spread resistance of the parasites to one or more of the major groups ofanthelmintics particularly the benzimidazoles and the levamisole/morantel group. Thesituation is alarming in many parts of the world, where the exhaustion of almost allchemotherapeutic options for nematode control in sheep and goats is likely to result inserious economic consequences.

There is, therefore, an urgent need for developing alternative sustainablestrategies. These include grazing management, breeding for resistance/resilience, betterutilization of existing drugs through the understanding of the pharmaco*kinetics and theuse of predacious fungi for biological control of the nematode parasite larvae onpasture.

The predacious activities of a number of fungus species in the soil, compost andmanure have been known for more than hundred years, but strangely enough, thisknowledge was not utilized in the context of nematode control until much later andinitially only in the control of parasitic nematodes of plants. It was not until thebeginning of the 1980ies that this principle was systematically investigated and tested,and through the continuous effort of Professor Peter Nansen and Dr. Jorn Gronvold atthe Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark the fungi nowoffers a viable option for biological control of gastro-intestinal nematodes expanding thearsenal of control methods. It should be stressed, that it is unlikely that biologicalcontrol can completely replace other strategies, and it should be viewed as a componentin integrated parasite control.

These Proceedings are a compilation of working papers prepared for theFAO/DCEP workshop on "Biological Control of Gastro-Intestinal Nematodes ofRuminants Using Predacious Fungi" which was held 5 - 12 October 1997 at theVeterinary Research Institute, Ipoh, Malaysia. The main objective of the workshop was,through technology transfer, to increase the capacity of selected scientists and theirlaboratories to utilize biological control of parasitic nematodes of ruminants in thefuture. In view of the potential of biological control becoming an important componentin integrated parasite control strategies, FAO would like to make the compiledinformation available to a wider audience.

Jorgen W. Hansen, D.V.M, Ph.DSenior Officer, Parasitology

Animal Health ServiceAnimal Production and Health Division

iolo ical contrai - Food and Agriculture Organization· 2013-08-29· iolo ical contrai of astro-intestinal nemato es of ru m i n ants usin re arious fun Proceedings of a workshop - [PDF Document] (5)














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P. Mendoza de Gives 82



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Peter J. WallerNational Veterinary Institute

P.O. Box 7073, S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden


Livestock are a vitally important agricultural commodity in developing countriesof the world. They are reared under a vvide variety of production systems ranging fromlarge-scale intensive commercial enterprises to traditional small-holder and villageproduction systems. They can be based on sedentary systems, through an infinitevariety of schemes that employ some form of animal movement, to the other extremeof transhumance or nomadic husbandry. Most of the developing countries of the worldlie within the limits of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, namely the tropical andsubtropical regions of the world. It is here that the problems with helminth parasites areunquestionably much greater than in countries of the more temperate regions. Theenvironment in the tropics/subtropics is favourable more-or-less continuously throughoutthe year for the free-living stages of parasites to hatch and develop. The limitingenvironmental variable controlling the development of vvorm eggs to infective larvae israinfall, because temperatures are alvvays warm enough to facilitate this process.Consequently there is a direct correlation between the severity of helminth problemsand rainfall in those regions where livestock are raised in the developing countries of theworld.


Parasitic nematodes of ruminants are among the most common andeconomically important disease entities of livestock particularly in small ruminants in thedeveloping world. They have simple, direct life-cycles, normally with the followingpattern: nematode eggs are passed out to the environment in the faeces of the host. Onthe pasture the eggs develop through a series of larval stages to reach the 3rd orinfective larval stage. These infective larvae migrate onto herbage and are ingested bythe grazing animal to commence the parasitic phase of the life cycle. Development tomature, egg-producing adult worms occurs in the gut of the animal. The exposure oflivestock to helminth parasites will differ according to the production system, but acommon aspect of nearly all husbandry systems practiced in these countries is theirdependence on grazing. This of course places the host animal at risk to nematodeinfection as they are exposed more-or-less continuously to larval pick-up during the vvetperiods of the year in these regions.

Ecology of the Free-living Stages

In the temperate regions of the world, large number of recommendations toimprove efficiency of parasite control in livestock based on combining anthelmintictreatment with some form of grazing management have been developed (Barger, 1996).In comparison, there are relatively fevv examples of such schemes in thetropics/subtropics, but the potential for grazing management is possibly even greater inthese regions. This is due to the fact that the development of the free living stages

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being generally much faster and more successful than in the temperate regions, thelongevity of the larvae is much shorter. Studies in the wet tropical climates show thatpeak larval concentrations occur on pasture within one vveek after contamination, butfall to barely detectable levels within 4 - 6 weeks (Banks et al., 1990; Barger et al.,1994; Sani et al., 1995).

Host Specificity

Alternate grazing between sheep and cattle can be a very effective form ofparasite control for both livestock species, provided that the grazing alternations arelinked with the seasonal reductions in larval availability on pasture. From a practicalstandpoint, cross-transmission of parasites from one host to the other is of littleconsequence. In the temperate regions of the vvorld, excellent control of parasites fromboth species of livestock can occur from very infrequent pasture interchange (Bargerand Southcott, 1978) and if the timing is epidemiologically precise, pasture changesneed not be accompanied by anthelmintic treatment (Donald et al., 1987). However,care must be exercised in simply transferring such schemes to the tropics andsubtropics, without first conducting ecological studies on the free living stages ofparasites in these environments. While similar benefits may result from interchangegrazing, the grazing intervals will, almost certainly, need to be shorter. Also, control ofH. contortus may prove difficult. In the more temperate regions this species can cycle incalves but they rapidly acquire natural immunity to become refractory to infection by 12months of age (Southcott and Barger, 1975). In the tropics this age resistance is slowerto, or may never, develop. For example, in Paraguay there was no indication that cattlehad acquired significant immunity after two years of grazing (Benitez-Usher et al.,1984).

Mixed grazing of sheep and cattle is a much more commonly practicedprocedure. The benefits are mainly seen as being agronomic, with better pastureutilisation and the maintenance of pasture species composition, rather thanparasitological. However there have been some reports in the temperate regions (Barger,1996) and in the tropics (Aumont et al., 1995) that grazing sheep and cattle togethercan improve performance, particularly of sheep, which was attributed to better parasitecontrol. It may be expected that farmers that practice mixed grazing systems wouldalso tend to use anthelmintics less frequently, however surveys and questionnaireresults in Uruguay provide no evidence for this, as levels of anthelmintic resistance onsuch properties was as great as on sheep enterprises Mari et al., 1996).

Anthelmintic Resistance in the Tropics/Subtropics

There is no doubt that for the sheep and goat industries at least, anthelminticresistance is the greatest threat to continuing production throughout the tropics/sub-tropics. The following examples illustrate this point.

South America. Recent surveys in the humid sub-tropical region of SouthAmerica, which encompasses the northern provinces of Argentina, the southernstate of Rio Grande du Sul in Brazil and all of Paraguay and in temperateUruguay, which collectively account for approximately 50 million head of sheepand goats (Waller et al., 1996), showed that resistance existed to all thecommercially available broad spectrum anthelmintic groups. High levels ofresistance (exceeding 80% of farms) to both the benzimidazole and thelevamisole/morantel groups, and their combination, vvere recorded in all

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countries. Although resistance to the macrocyclic lactone group was only at alovv level (1.2%) in Uruguay (Nari et al., 1996), it was the only generallyefficacious group for most farmers. However, sheep producers in theneighboring countries are in a much more parlous state. Ivermectin resistancewas estimated to be present on 6% of farms in Argentina (Eddi et al., 1996),13% in Brazil (Echevarria et al., 1996) and on approximately 70% of sheepfarms in Paraguay (Maciel et al., 1996). In addition, 20% of farms surveyed inBrazil shovved resistance in Haemonchus contortus to the salicylanilideanthelmintic, closantel - the highest ever recorded for this drug anyvvhere in theworld.

South-East Asia and the Pacific. The number of small ruminants in South-EastAsia and the Pacific nations has increased rapidly in recent years and with thisthe problems of nematode parasite control. About a decade ago, Banks (1988)warned that anthelmintic resistance was one of the greatest threats to thefuture of small ruminant production in the South Pacific. This prediction seemsto be becoming a reality. Recent surveys showed that combined resistance tothe benzimidazoles and levamisole occurred on approximately one third ofcommercial farms in Fiji and resistance to ivermectin was also emerging(Manueli, 1996; L.F. LeJambre personal communication). Furthermore surveywork in Malaysia (Dorny et al., 1994) has shovvn high levels of resistance,particularly to the benzimidazoles, in parasites of small ruminants and multipleresistance involving all broad spectrum anthelmintic groups, as well as closantelhas been recently reported (Sivaraj et al., 1994). Anthelmintic resistance isalso increasing on the sub-continent of India (Gill, 1993).

Africa. In the high rainfall regions of Africa, anthelmintic resistance has beendetected in virtually every instance vvhen it has been specifically investigated.Unfortunately resources to conduct this work are very limited and largelyrestricted to Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. Surveys in these countriesshow that the situation is grim. In Kenya, resistance is widespread, particularlyto the benzimidazoles, and there exists a major problem of poor quality drugscommanding a major share of the market (Wanyangu et al., 1996). Recentsurveys in South Africa show that around 90% of sheep farms have parasitestrains resistant to compounds from at least one anthelmintic group andapproximately 40% of farms now have to confront the problem of multipleanthelmintic resistance (van Wyk et. al., 1997). There are also a number ofinstances recorded in South Africa where farmers have had to abandon sheepfarming because of failure to control worms by chemotherapy (van Wyk, 1990).The situation with regards to anthelmintic resistance, outlined above, makesrather depressing reading. But, it does not overstate the case with regards tothis problem in nematode parasites of small ruminants in the tropics/subtropics.

Approaches to Parasite Control Now and in the Future

Effective helminth control is a major element in ensuring the sustainability ofanimal production, especially as part of current livestock development plans ofincreasing the volume of locally produced livestock products being embraced by manycountries in the developing world. Herein lies the crux of the problem, namely thesustainability of the helminth control practices themselves upon which overallsustainability of grazing livestock enterprises in developing countries depends.


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There are novv u itimt:'ei uf alternative, non-chemotherapeutic approaches toparasite cootie! rvhich Itc nene-!its, or the promise of great opportunities in the future- not ieos.clvvh;eh ;;s: the fOCUS o thiS WC,!--St(T oamely Hologicel control. Parasitecontra! ! exclue' ;;ely 1-00.)-:sud or LhOparasitic piase ,tfithin The host -particLe. ill the u of antImintic;, ...H.empts to ciever-e, and breedingnrnr'!"'H-1(;),-"uu)! 'ituations and for

most of the Itine, Rsite population is notio the lioct-, nut eri paslue?, tte,cieLkt;ii qteater attention to

;2.--ustaetable methods of

racts, on parasites have been known for along time and u dit vounino p'epaiations currently used by livestockovvner ;.d see:rep'es are LISeL cii s;iteli material (Hammond et al 1997).Pastur, legumes, ported to have anthelmintic properties,and at ce-tain -;:;(.6,-Jet-, et growth me-..---cet,onc foi age clops appear to act as vermifuges(io,ev Aii.JoiSoil (!).Íuue.n dv thei e hu buen considerable interestgenetatei, ine stitches 0+ Nieeen aud ce-,;vcikee3 ( I 0) which suggests that

; p; .-teep with the ability to vvithstandrife to dire mintic properties of tannins, or most

to the role i i pre jr-i from ruminal degradationmals are on -hon. This work has some exciting

- the t 3 the mujo' uy of forages high in condensedle world. These have been generally looked upon

viith dis-!..-Tiutsi us axcucs etuk1eie3ed A:Ai-ink-le, in tha diet of animak have detrimentaciitee*ts ue; neeiLl-; p;;;edu-ti utv h he ihai thau.i is an optimum level, or type, ofietiinio in t' 'o ;2ii- sheie is no beneticial effect of ruminal bypass ofprotein - t; nti-metabolk N problems in animals. This isoby' .; ser investigation.


Grazing Management

Pastures provide the link betvveen the free-living and parasitic phases ofnematode parasites of grazing livestock. At different stages of grovvth, pasture speciesmay facihi;1 Dr impede the s the free-living populations, the establishment ofparh,;it:- .s and lesen or ir i-le effects of parasitism in livestock. In theory,

!eel- L p Hes the efficient conversion of herbage toef nematode parasites. There are a number of

: offer efficient and practical adjuncts to

ysterns have been developed for the Pacific Island countries (Barger etal., 1994) a: ivialaysia (Sani et al., 1 9 ex ! it the short survival time of freehymnlervae, hese involveci the subdivis f i'-to small plots and allowingsheu goats to graze for no more th, movement to a new plot.




the free

par iii: r cro


iolo ical contrai - Food and Agriculture Organization· 2013-08-29· iolo ical contrai of astro-intestinal nemato es of ru m i n ants usin re arious fun Proceedings of a workshop - [PDF Document] (11)

Animals vvere movedapproximately 30 day-,pasture productivity. Subdivisiorpowered electrical fencing, or using I CdUilY illdL

for anthelmintic treatment is drastically reced(Barger et al., 1994), which is in stark contrastgoats every 3-4 vveeks vvith anthelmintic vvhicountries. Unfortunately, these simple arto be abandoned, not because theyconsider that they require more effort (

their stock (P.Manueli; P. Chandravvath,total anthelmintic failure and the need tonot being heeded or reinforced,

Biological Control

By definition, biological control does no to lie o substitute forchemotherapy where the expectation, if not the lee .\.,, is thnt pa,nsites may beeradicated by the frequent use of drugs with efficiencie::. approachi 100%. Biologicalcontrol agents rarely eliminate the target organism, but reduc numbers toacceptable levels and maintain a balance betvveen the pathogen and the, entar2onist. Incontrast also to chemical control of nematode pazasiTes vvnichi:- directed ,zntireli ai. heparasitic stage vvithin the host, biological control will almost cert:-411.' H e.,ised on thefree-living stages on pasture. Within t :nvironment, th. stages ofnematodes are subject to a variety of bol end biLvric feetocs e-dn oro roundlyinfluence their developn-lent and survies: iposi icaponani iD.T'L.ITS aretemperature, oxygen and humidity - extr ,:se can be lethal or nese free-livingstages. With regards to biotic factor, ists a vast asse,n.,lage of livingorganisms that can affect the suoces-7, devoloc..Thci nobi.-3Live larvae.From these may emerge candidate(',.-;) for x.(voi n poi . siLe.s.

Before considering these, it isbiological control. Essentially, it can be u,

Natural biological control. Contienemies in the normal environnagainst worm parasites, under mos:to have little impact, otherwise tparasites in the first,disturbances that follovved thehave tipped the balance in fay,susceptible hosts and favorablestages.

;al grazing'y fail, bued with

. comm.).

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,ced by nativeough such orgar

testock grazing enNould not be a -

-3en 3rgued that the major co:_-)1c-,gicalip3Odn of livestock pia-dng sysLen-is.asites by providing en abundance ofmicro-environments for the free-living

to the ord.:line! plot aftermar-id'ino

..iply erecte." by usin,_, sciai-j I encing !s. The need

eliminated.outino of be,-iiing si-ieep and)mmonly pi aclid,,; these

management systems tendause livestock ownersuppressivelv drncliiiiqmessage of Thpendin:,

L L_istainable paiasite control or.aduceF,

cepts of

,ed) naturaltainly exist

are likelywith worm

Applied biological control. Ce: by human intervention. This is

further divided into classic: !ogical ontrol, which is effected by theintroduction of exotic natural enemies or .,:egnienutive biological col ol whichis brought about by the enhancement o' natural enemies all eedy pr e.eent in agiven environment. Most people assnciate biological contrnI with the former.Although there have been some cc. -.Hes of classical bi cL control thathave been spectacularly successful, uch examples in Aus. ,e use of

iolo ical contrai - Food and Agriculture Organization· 2013-08-29· iolo ical contrai of astro-intestinal nemato es of ru m i n ants usin re arious fun Proceedings of a workshop - [PDF Document] (12)

the Cactoblastis moth to control prickly pear and Myxomatosis to controlrabbits, there have also been some spectacular disasters. Again Australia canprovide an example, with the cane toad introduced to control cane beetles, butit has now spread widely, causing inestimable damage to both beneficialinvertebrate and vertebrate fauna alike, As a result, regulatory authorities inmany countries insist on thorough environmental assessments to be conductedbefore they sanction field release of introduced organisms. Control of nematodeparasites of livestock is likely to be by the augmentative approach, either bymanipulation of the environment or of the existing natural enemies of parasites.

Parasites by 71anipulation of the Environment

There a re good examples of environmental manipulation, or management, forthe biological control of insects. These include changes in land use, habitat provision,reducing natural enemies of beneficial species, and improved pesticide utilisationparticularly more selective use. There is good reason to consider that it is possible tolessen the effects of worm infections in livestock by similar environmental manipulation.In support of this, there is evidence that organic farming practices increase theabundance and variety of dung-dwelling microrganisms, particularly fungi, which mayinclude nematophagous species (Bell, 1983). These findings may partly account for thegood levels of parasite control in organically reared lambs in New Zealand (Niezen,, 1996). There is also some evidence that the type of plant species used in pasturescan influence the species and type of fungi that colonise the dung of livestock thatgraze on the pastures (Hay anci Niezen 1995).

The practice of "green manuring" of land, by the ploughing-in of various crops,as a replacement for synthetic fertilizers, is now being strongly advocated in WesternEurope. This is not only more ecologically responsible, but another "spin-off" benefit isthat it encourages the proliferation of earthworms which can have an importantinfluence on the free-living stages of parasites, as described in more detail below.

Contr.,' Parasites by Manipulation of the Organisms

Direct manipulation of natural enemies of parasite larvae consists of massproduction and field release of individuals of a given species of organism. There are twotypes of release, namely inoculative and inundative. Inoculative release refers to therelease of relatively small number of individuals where the expectation is that theprogeny of these individuals vvill provide long-term pest suppression. In contrast,inundative release is the release of massive number of individuals with the aim ofproviding immediate pest suppression. It is in this latter category of augmentative,inundative release that future biological control of worm parasites of livestock will bedeveloped.

Candidates for Biological Control of Worm Parasites

A. Dung removers

Dung beetles. Dung beetles are found throughout the world and these are oftencapable of rapid and often complete dung removal and thus are indirectly


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responsible for significant reductions in the number of free-living stages ofparasites (Waller and Faedo, 1996). Hovvever, such dung dispersal activity isnotoriously labile, being dependent on ideal weather conditions, therefore littleopportunity exists to exploit these organisms in attempts to achieve cost-effective and reliable biological control of nematode parasites.

Earthworms. These take over the role of dung beetles in the cool, moist regionsof the world. In northern Europe for example, earthworms play an important andoften dominating role in removal of cattle dung from pastures and can beresponsible for significant reduction of infective larvae on pasture (Gronvold,1987).

B. Parasite antagonists

A number of organisms have been identified that exploit the free-living stagesof parasites as a food source. These include microarthropods, protozoa, predaciousnematodes, viruses, bacteria and fungi (Waller and Faedo, 1996). Although all are ofintrinsic interest, it is from the latter tvvo groups of organisms that breakthroughs inbiological control are likely to emerge.

Bacteria. Many species of bacteria are associated with the cuticle, body cavityand gut of nematodes and some of these are pathogenic. Bacillus penetrans is apromising candidate for the control of parasitic nematodes of plants. Itproduces highly resistant spores, which attach to the cuticle and then invadethe nematode host. This bacterium is highly host-specific, which is both a goodand bad thing. It is good from the standpoint that only the target nematodepest vvill be affected, but bad insofar as the search for the specific B.penetranspathogen for each of the whole range of nematode pests would be mostlaborious, expensive and fruitless in many cases. Another factor that ishampering the exploitation of this organism is the difficulty in culturing largequantities of B.penetrans, which is an absolute pre-requisite forcommercialisation. Many bacteria and closely related organisms, theActinomycetes, produce important secondary metabolites, which includeantibiotics, insecticides and anthelmintics. As such they should be regarded asmicrobial control agents, rather than true biological control agents.

Fungi. Fungi that exhibit anti-nematode properties have been known for a longtime. They consist of a great variety of species which include nematode-trapping (predacious) fungi, endoparasitic fungi, fungi that invade nematodeeggs and fungi that produce metabolites that are toxic to nematodes (Barron,1977). The most important groups of nematophagous fungí are the first two,namely:

Nematode- trapping fungi. These fungi produce specialised hyphaltrapping devices, such as adhesive netvvorks, knobs, and constricting ornon-constricting rings. Fungi in this class may also produce nematodechemoattractant and/or chemotoxic substances (Waller and Faedo, 1993).Within a short period of time following capture of the nematode, thefungus penetrates the worm and destroys it.

Endoparasitic fungi. These fungi invade the nematode from adhesivespores that stick on the cuticle, from spores that are ingested by the

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nematode, or from motile spores in water.

Fungi from these two classes am ¡Ind in all environments throughout thevvorld, but are oarticularle abundant . agricultural soils. Under laboratoryconditions, where (ungi are grown as a m mIture on standardised, generally nutrient-poor media and are provided vvith a nematode prey that cannot escape, results can bespectacularly successful. Total capture and destruction of nematodes can occur within a

matter of hours. Hovvever this type of work provides little relevant information as tohow these fungi vvould perform as practical biological control agents against animalparasitic nematodes. Testing needs to be done to determine the limitations andopportunities for parasite control associated with the livestock production systemsbeing considered.


Modern control of nematode parasites needs to move away from reliance onanthelmintic treatment to a more integrated form of pest management. This vvill have asessential components various non-chemotherapeutic methods of control. To achieve thisrequites technolop,y Transfer and educati-,a programs tc be implemented and financiallysupported. The task w.II not be easy and there is no common strategy that can berecommended because of the tniletent divelsity in the political, economic, educationaland animal management stfuctui es in countries of the developing world. Hovvever, thereare now clear signs that policy and decision makers in these countries are becomingincreasingly more sensitized to the importance of helminth parasites as major causes ofproductivity loss in grazing animals as well as to the significance of problem ofanthelmintic resistance. It is hoped that this workshop on the biological control ofhelminth parasites in livestock in the tropics and subtropics, will be the catalyst to a

comprehensive evaluation of the potential of this alternative technology in this region ofthe vvorld.


Ikr.der:s.on NI_ Serge'.LA & Waller P.J. 1987. Impact of gastrointestinal parasitism onpasture utilisation by grazing sheep. J.L. Wheeler., C.J. Pearson & G.E.Robards (Editors). Temperate Pastures, their Management, Use andManagement. Australian Wool Corporation / CSIRO Technical Publication.Australia. pp 555-567.

Aumont G., IVIallieu M., Kojfer., Pouillot R. & Barre N. 1995. Effects of grazing vvithheifers on gastro-intestinal strongyles of sheep in irrigated Digitaria decumbenspastures in Martinique (F.W.I.). International Conference "Novel Approaches tothe Conti el of Helminth Parasites of LivesTock". University of New England,Armidale, NSVV, Australia, 18-21 April 1995. Abstracts p 61.

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Banks D.J.D., Singh R., Barger Lr.. Pratap Cl.& Le Jambre L.P. 1990. Development ancisurvival or infective larvae of Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongyluscolubriformis in a tropical environment. International Journal for Parasitology20:155-160.

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alternately with cattle. .AtftTa'alian Journal of Experimental Agriculture andAnimal Husbandry 18: :240-.2:46.

Barger I.A., Banks D.J.D., & LeJambre L.F. 1994. Rotational ora7ino for controlof gastroThtestinal nematodes of goats in a vvet tropioal env:rem-flew. VeterinaryParasitology 53: 109-116.

73arron G.L. 1977. The nematode destroying fungi. Topics in Mycology N° 1. CanadianBiological Publications Ltd, Guelph, Ontario.

VE,rl A. 1983. Dung Fungi: An Illustrated Guide to Coprophilous Fungi in New Zealand.Victoria University Press, Wellington, ;.iew Zealand,

Benitez-Usher C., Maciel !:-:,,b,r.Ho C. 8, Armour J. 1984. A study of ()ovine parasiticgastro-enteritis in Paraguay. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2: '2_95-308.

Donald A.D., Morley F.H.W., Axelsen A., Donnelly J.B. & Waller P.J. 98 . Integrationof grazing management and anthelmintic treatment for the control of nematodeinfections in young sheep. In: Ternperate Pasi_ures. Their Frodiretion Use andManagement. (Edired by Wheeler .L., Fearsoh & f-tobards G.E.), pp. 567-569. Australian Wool Corporatron/(2.SIRO, Melbour-ne.

Dorny P., Claerbout E., Vercruysse 4.. Jalila A. 1994, Anthelmintic resistance ingoats in the peninsula Malaysia. './oterinary Paras-cology 55: 327-342.

Echevarria F., I'orba M.F.S., Pinheiro Waller 81 Hansen J.W. 1996. Theprevalence of anthelmintic resistance in nematode paiasites of sheep inSouthern Latin America: Brazil. Veterinary Parasitology 62: 19-2.06.

Eddi C., Caracostantogolo., Pena M., Schapiro J., Marangunich L,, Waller HansenJ.W. 1996. The prevalence of anthelmintic restance in nematode parasites ofsheep in Southern Latin America: Argentina. Pal asirology 62: 189-197.

Gill B.S. 1993. Anthelmintic resistance in India. The Veterinary Record 133: 603-604,Gronvold J. 1987. Field experiment on the ability of earthworms (Lumbricidae) to

reduce the transmission of infective larvae of Cooperra oncopnora(Trichostrongylidae.: Nematoda). Journal of Parasitology 73: I i 33- 1137.

Hammond J.A., Fielding D. & Bishop S.C. 1997. Prospects for Plant Anthelmintics inTropical Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary Research Communications 21: 213-228.

Hay F.S. & Niezen J.H. 1995. Fungi that att' 1 tatodes cp: pasture. Proceedings ofthe 25th Seminar of the Sheep d ' Catt:. of New ZealandVeterinary Association No.165: 29-:13.

Maciel S,, Gim&rwz A.M., Gaona C., Waller P.J. & Hansen J.W. 1996. The prevalenceof anthelmintie resistance in nematode parasites of sheep in Southern LatinAmerica: Paraguay. Vaterineo, Parwitelogy 62: 207-212.

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Niezen J.H., Charleston W.A.G., Hodgson J., Mackay A.D. & Leathwick D.M. 1996.Controlling internal parasites in grazing ruminants vvithout the recourseanthelmintics: approaches, experiences and prospects. International Journal forParasitology 26: 983-992.

Sani R.A., Chong D.T., Hlim, R.A., Chandrawathani P. & Rajark.:;. C. 1995.Control of gastro-intestinal strongylosis by grazing management. InternationalConference "Novel Approaches to the Control of Helminth Parasites ofLivestock". University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia. 18-21 April


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1995. Abstracts. p. 58.Sivaraj S., Dorny P., Vercruysse J. & Pandey V.S. 1994. Multiple and multigeneric

anthelmintic resistance on a sheep farm in Malaysia. Veterinary Parasitology55: 159-165.

Southcott W.H. & Barger I.A. 1975. Control of nematode parasites by grazingmanagement 2. Decontamination of sheep and cattle pastures by varyingperiods of grazing with the alternate host. International Journal for Parasitology5: 45-48.

Van liVO J.A. 1990. Occurrence and dissemination of anthelmintic resistance in SouthAfrica, and management of resistant worm strains. In: Resistance of Parasitesto Antiparasitic Drugs. (Edited by Boray J.C., Martin P.J. & Roush R.T.), pp.103-113. Round Table Conference. 7th International Congress of Parasitology.,Paris, August 1990. MSD. Agvet. New Jersey.

Van Wyk J. A., Matan F.S. & Randles J.L. 1997. How long before resistance makes itimpossible to control some field strains of Haemonchus contortus in SouthAfrica vvith any modern anthelmintics? Veterinary Parasitology 70: 111-122.

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Waller P.J. & Faedo M. 1993. The potential of nematophagous fungi to control the free-living stages of nematode parasites of sheep: screening studies. VeterinaryParasitology 49: 285-297,

Waller P.J. & Faedo M. 1996. The prospects for biological control of the free-livingstages of nematode parasites of livestock. International Journal for Parasitology26: 915-925.

Waller P.J., Echevarria F., Eddi C., Made! S., Nari A. & Hansen J.W. 1996. Theprevalence of anthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites of sheep inSouthern Latin America: General Overview. Veterinary Parasitology 62: 181-187.

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Peter J. WallerNational Veterinary Institute

P.O. Box 7073S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden


Although direct application of fungal spores to animal bedding has the potentialto control important parasites, such as Strongyloides papillosus (Chandravvathani,in press), it seems that for most circ*mstances in which nematode-destroying fungi canbe used in the prophylactic control of nematode'parasites of livestock, is to incorporatefungal material into the diet of animals. For this purpose, the nematophagous fungus,Duddingtonia flagrans is an ideal choice. This is because of the superior ability of thisfungus to survive passage through the gastrointestinal tract of livestock, as the resting,chlamydospore stage. This stage can survive the harsh environmental conditions of gutpassage (anaerobic, enzymatic and thermal) in livestock (Larsen et. al., 1992; Gronvoldet. al., 1993; Waller et. al., 1997), to which fungi that produce thin-vvalled conidia,succumb (Faedo et. al., 1997).

However, before fungal material can be used in this manner, local isolations offungi need to be made, then cultured in sufficient quantities to enable testing to beconducted firstly in the laboratory and then ultimately under field conditions.

Methods for Selecting Fungi as Biological Control Agents

The most important principle for selecting candidate fungi as possible biologicalcontrol agents is to obtain isolates from the field in the region, or country, where thiswork is to be performed. This is important for several reasons. Firstly, it has beenobserved that laboratory stocks of fungal isolates lose various attributes, which' mayinclude nematode-destroying capacity, following repeated passage. Secondly, mostcountries have stringent requirements regarding the importation and field release ofexotic living organisms. These two drawbacks would apply if strains of fungi withknown nematophagous activity were obtained from the major fungal collections orrepositories in Europe or North America. Fungal species that have evolved to surviveunder local environmental conditions would be much better strains to work with thanthose derived from centralised fungal collections.

The most relevant sites for sampling would be the environments where the fungiare expected to exert their effects, notably fresh faecal deposits, but in intensive animalproduction systems, animal bedding may also be appropriate. The reason for restrictingthe sampling to these sources is simply to save unnecessary labour at a later stage,because in almost all circ*mstances, future fungal deployment will be in ways whichrequire it to survive passage through the gastro-intestinal tract of animals and then totrap nematodes in freshly deposited faeces. Almost certainly, a large number ofnematophagous fungi would be isolated from other sources such as soil, pasture etc.However almost all would fail the most important test of gut survival and thus theirisolation (and any other testing) would be wasted effort.


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The use of animals as a stringent screening procedure means that the number ofoccasions on which isolations can be expected is very few. Therefore, if a seriousattempt is to be made, a large number of small samples should be collected per rectum,from livestock found on a comprehensive range of farms in a region. Suitableprocedures have been described (Larsen et. al., 1994). Following isolation by thesemeans, pen trials should be carried out to confirm the gut survival and nematophagouscapabilities of the fungal strains


Direct Application

This could only be considered in the most intensive forms of animal productionwhere animals are closely confined, and of course, where internal parasitism is a

problem. Such an example would be the intensive calf-rearing units in the southernislands of Japan where Strongyloides papiliosus can cause sudden death in massivelyinfected animals in the hot summer months (Taira and Ura, 1991). A practical solutionto this problem may be the direct application of fungal elements to the bedding(Chandrawathani et. al., 1997). Therefore, the requirement for fungi to survive gutpassage is not relevant in this circ*mstance. All that would be required is for the fungirapidly to colonise the bedding and to reduce the overwhelming number of S.papillosuslarvae responsible for the sudden death syndrome, but to allow sufficient numbers tosurvive to provoke the normal, rapid acquisition of immunity which characteristicallyoccurs against this parasite.

However, apart from similar forms of highly intensive iivestock production, it isbeyond the bounds of reality to conceive of a practical means of applying fungalmaterial, especially to the grazing environment, to produce reliable and substantialreduction in the free-living stages of parasites.

Supplementary Feeding

Danish workers have demonstrated that a daily supplement of barley grainssupporting the growth of D.flagrans will reduce parasitism and increase productivity ingrazing cattle, pigs, horses and sheep (Larsen et. al., 1996). These results are especiallyexciting as they demonstrate that the principle of biological control of nematodeparasites using nematophagous fungi is very robust, being applicable across the wholespectrum of grazing livestock species. Clearly then, the transfer of this technology tothose production systems where long-term daily supplementary feeding is a commonmanagement procedure, would be relatively straightforward. The major impedimentwould be the need to scale-up production to satisfy the commercial requirements for thefungal grain supplementary feed option for biological control of nematode parasites.

Feed Blocks

Block administration, developed mainly for mineral supplementation and to a

lesser extent for anthelmintic medication, is now undergoing a resurgence of interest asa means of low-cost nutrient supplementation of livestock. These blocks can bemanufactured using simple, low-cost technology and generally incorporate surplus plantby-products as the nutrient source. These by-products may well prove to be suitablegrowing substrates for locally isolated strains of nematophagous fungi. A range of block


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formulations containing D. flagrans chlamydospores have been tested and the resultsare very encouraging (P.J. Waller & M.R. Knox, unpublished data). These blocks havealso been shown to have a shelf life of at least 6 months. Fungal blocks could prove tobe a particularly important control option in the humid tropics and sub-tropics wheretethered husbandry and night housing with stall feeding are common animalmanagement practices and vvhere anthelmintic resistance is a serious problem.

Controlled release devices

Intra-ruminal sustained or controlled release devices are a modern advance inanthelmintic medication. Although the unit costs of these devices is high, they allovvgreat flexibility in animal management insofar as they provide protection against parasiteinfection for an extended period of time. Rather than using anthelmintic compounds,devices containing fungal spores could provide this extended prophylactic effect. Theobjective would be to develop a device which would release sufficient spores for anextended period (60 days or more) to result in a substantial reduction in the number ofinfective larvae which succeed in migrating to pasture over the same time period. Thesedevices could be administered at epidemiologically critical times to reduce seasonalpeaks in larval numbers but would allow sufficient larvae to escape and thus provokethe development of naturally acquired immunity in grazing livestock.

Investigations have shown that chlamydospores of D. flagrans can withstandtabletting pressures required for manufacture of these devices. The devices have a goodshelf life and can release optimum concentrations of spores for effective parasite controlin vivo (P.J. Waller & K. Ellis, unpublished data). Further work is required to test thetime/release profiles of fungal chlamydospores in these prototype devices and to verifythe long-term in situ viability of spores in devices administered to livestock. Although itis premature to speculate as to whether commercially attractive, fungal controlledrelease devices will be developed, they have an enormous potential market as a non-chemotherapeutic, environmentally benign form of parasite control to all the grazinglivestock industries throughout the world.


Modern control methods of worm parasites of livestock need to shift avvay fromthe reliance on anthelmintics to a more integrated approach to pest management.Biological control is a major component of integrated pest management (IPM) of insectpests and there are grounds for optimism that this will also apply to animal nematodeinfections in the near future. With the current move towards "sustainable" agriculture,biological control can be expected to play an even more substantial role in IPM of wormparasites. Hovvever, this view must be tempered vvith the inescapable fact that thecommercial, financial and animal management dependence of anthelmintics is too greatto allow for any rapid change. But the goal will be the spectre of widespread, high levelanthelmintic resistance.

In comparison with other non-chemotherapeutic approaches to parasite control inlivestock, progress in biocontrol using nematophagous fungi in recent years has beenremarkable. Although commercial interest is high, there has been a general reluctanceby companies involved in the anthelmintic business to invest in this research. Part ofthis is due to the fact that as distinct from the anthelmintic discovery and development,


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where new drugs can be tightly protected by patents, this is not the case for naturallyoccurring organisms. However, there is an ever increasing interest worldwide, bypotential users of biological control products which are in tune with the move towardsthe sustainable, ecologically and environmentally acceptable systems of livestockmanagement and disease control. Therefore there is a clear market for biological controlproducts against worm parasites of livestock.

Biological control has many obvious attractions and advantages over other non-chemotherapeutic means of worm control. For example, it will be applicable to therange of worm parasites not only within, but also between, species of livestock, whichis one of the major shortcomings of the worm vaccine approach. It will provide theopportunity for livestock producers to capitalise on the increasing demands ofconsumers for chemical-free livestock products. Finally, it is also difficult to envisagethe development of resistance mechanisms vvhich casts a dark shadow over the futureof anthelmintics.


Chandrawathani P., Omar J. & Waller P.J. 1997. The control of the free-living stages ofStrongyloides papillosus by the nematophagous fungus, Arthrobotrys spp.Veterinary Parasitology. (in press).

Faedo M., Waller P.J. & Larsen M. 1997.The potential of nematophagous fungi tocontrol the free-living stages of nematodes of sheep: comparison betvveenAustralian isolates of Arthrobotrys spp. and Duddingtonia flagrans. VeterinaryParasitology. (in press).

Gronyold J., Wolstrup J., Larsen M., Henriksen S.A. & Nansen P. 1993. Biologicalcontrol of Ostertagia ostertagi by feeding selected nematode-trapping fungi tocalves. Journal of Helminthology 67: 31-36.

Larsen M., Wolstrup J., Henriksen S.A., Gronyold J, & Nansen P. 1992. In vivo passagethrough calves of nematophagous fungi selected for biocontrol of parasiticnematodes. Journal of Helminthology 66: 137-141.

Larsen M., Faedo M. & Waller P.J. 1994. The potential of nematophagous fungi tocontrol the free-living stages of nematode parasites of sheep: screening studies.Veterinary Parasitology 53: 275-281.

Larsen M., Nansen P., Gronyold J., Wolstrup J. & Henriksen S.A. 1996. Biologicalcontrol of gastro-intestinal nematodes facts, future, or fiction? VeterinaryParasitology. (in press).

Taira N. & Ura S. 1991. Sudden death in calves associated with Strongyloidespapillosus infection. Veterinary Parasitology 39: 313-319.

Waller P.J., Faedo M., Larsen M. & Hennessy D.R. 1997. The potential ofnematophagous fungi to control the free-living stages of nematode parasites ofsheep: studies with Duddingtonia flagrans. Veterinary Parasitology. (in press).


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Michael Larsen' and Margaret Faedo2'Danish Centre for Experimental Parasitology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, 13 Bhlowsvej,

DK-1870 Frederiksberg C Copenhagen, Danmark.2McMaster Laboratory, CSIRO Division of Animal Production,

Blacktown NSW 2748, Australia


Parasitism vvith gastrointestinal nematodes in grazing livestock is a majorproblem facing farmers globally. Control is currently achieved by the use ofanthelmintics which include a number of broad spectrum and narrow spectrumcompounds. An indiscriminate use of anthelmintics has led to development of resistanceparticularly in gastro-intestinal nematodes of sheep. Consequently, research is focusedon developing alternative interventions and strategies to drenching, among which arebiological control vvith nematophagous fungi.


Nematophagous fungi are a taxonomically diverse group utilising nematodes asa food source. They are commonly grouped as egg parasitic, endoparasitic or nematode-trapping (see Figure 1 A-C).

Nematophagous fungi are ubiquitous fungi and are commonly found in decayingplant material, dung and soil (Duddington, 1951; Barron 1981; Peloille 1981; Gray1983; Nordbring-Hertz 1988). The optimum temperature for growth of mostnematophagous fungi has been found to be betvv-- epproximately 20E and 25EC(Feder, 1962; Cooke, 1963; Olthof & Estey, 1E5; Pandey, 1973; Peloille, 1979).Predacious nematophagous fungi normally forms tr-ps on the grovving hyphae, butwhen exposed to various stimuli, such as dead or living nematodes, soil, compost, ordung-extract, some of these fungi are also able to produce traps directly from conidia(Mankau 1962; Cooke, 1964; Dowe, 1987; Dackman & Nordbring-Hertz, 1992).Although nematodes are utilized as a food source, there does not appear to be a simpleequilibrium betvveen the number of nematodes present and nematophagous activity ofthe fungi. Cooke (1962a & 1962b) found that in response to changes in the organicenvironment, nematode numbers in soil rose to quite high numbers but independent ofthat nematophagous fungal activity rose and fell.

The distribution of the fungi within the soil varies according to their trappingmechanism and is to some extent correlated to the type of soil. Gray (1985) found thatpredatory nematophagous fungi that produce ring trapping devices, were associatedvvith high moisture, high organic matter content soils. These soils would most likelycontain high nematode numbers. In contrast, fungi producing adhesive networks vvereassociated with soils containing low moisture and lovv organic matter. With respect tothe fungi producing constricting rings, Cooke (1963) found that they had slower growthrates compared to fungi producing adhesive netvvorks. In a recent study by Persmark etal (1996) there appeared to be seasonal fluctuations in both nematode numbers and the


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Fig.1. (A) Arthrobotrys oligospora: a representative drawing of the nematode-trapping type. A nematodehas been caught in a net, made of three loops. Inside the nematode, the fungus has formed an infectionbulb from which trophic hyphae grow out, and fill the body of the nematode. Uniseptate conidia, borne inclusters at intervals along the length of an erect conidiophore, is also shown. (Drawing by J. Gronvold.)(B)Harposporium anguillulae: a representative dravving of the endoparasitic type. Nematodes are infectedby consuming crescent-shaped spores when they move into areas infected with spores. The spores lodgein the muscle tissue of the oesophagus, if nematodes try to swallow them. A germ tube penetrates theoesophageal muscle and enters the body cavity. Inside the victim, the fungus develops an infectionthallus. In the late stage of infection, short unbranched conidiophores break out through the host cuticle atnumerous points. On the conidiophores, philides produce crescent-shaped spores successively. AfterBarron (1977). (C) Verticillium chlamydosporium: a representative drawing of fungal parasites of cyst androot-knot nematodes. The dead female, i.e. the cysst, still attaching to the root, is filled with eggs. Someof the eggs have been infected by vegetative hyphae, penetrating the cyst wall and the egg shells. Aconidiophore with conidia is also shown. After Dackman (1988).

The figure on the cover and figure 1 are reprinted from Veterinary Parsitology, 48, Jern Gronvold,"Biological control of nematode parasites in cattle vvith nematode-trapping fungi: a survey of Danishstudies", pages 311-325, 1993, with kind permision of Elsevier Science-NL, Sara Burgerhartstraat 25,1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands".


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presence of nematophagous fungi, in particular endoparasitic fungi. However, no suchcorrelation could be demonstrated between the saprophytic nematode-trapping fungiand nematode numbers, despite their parallel decrease in numbers in winter andincrease in Autumn. The author concluded that although the saprophytic nematode-trapping fungi were able to utilize the soil nematodes, they were not a regulating factorof these nematodes, but both fungi and nematodes were dependent on the sameregulating environmental factors.

Mahoney & Strongman (1994) and Hay et al. (1997) recently demonstratedthat all types of nematophagous fungi (endoparasitic and predacious) quickly invadedung when deposited on the ground. Potentially all types of fungi present on pasturecould be picked up and passed in the faeces of the grazing animals. This is apparentlynot the case. In the two published surveys regarding isolation of nematophagous fungifrom fresh dung of sheep, cattle and horses (Larsen et al. 1991, Larsen et al. 1994) thefungi isolated appeared to be not only almost exclusively predacious fungi, but also ofthe net-trapping kind only, producing three dimensional sticky nets. These findingsappears to be contradictory to what is often suggested regarding potential candidatesfor biological control. Based upon the degree of parasitic behaviour (obligate tosaprophytic survival), it has been suggested that the endoparasitic fungi wouldconstitute much better candidates for biological control compared with fungi that areable to survive and grow as saprophytes, in particular the net-trapping predacious fungi.The discrepancy could possibly be due to the fact that the net-trapping fungal speciesoften produce a lot of conidia and/or resting spores (chlamydospores). The probabilityfor spores of these fungi to be picked up in sufficient numbers by grazing livestock andsubsequently survive the passage through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of theseanimals appears to be much higher than for fungi producing very few spores or fungi,that are spread only in close association with infected nematodes. Maybe moreimportant, the production of large numbers of resistant chlamydospores by some of thefungi might be the key factor determining their success of survival through the Gl-tractof the grazing animals.

Isolation and identification of fungi

A number of different techniques have been described for the isolation ofendoparasitic and predacious fungi, respectively (Gray 1984; Bailey & Gray 1989;Dackman et al. 1987; Persmark et al., 1992). For the isolation of nematode-trappingfungi, the soil sprinkling technique has been found to be most efficient and widely used.Larsen et al (1991) used a modified sprinkling technique to isolate nematophagous fungifrom faecal and soil samples. The sample was crushed and 1-3 g spread onto 2% agarplates in a cross pattern. Antibiotics can be added to the media to suppress bacterialgrowth. The plates are then baited with a large inoculum of nematodes, either a pureculture of a soil nematodes (i.e. Panagrellus redivivus) or infective, third stage larvae ofa parasitic nematode. The soil nematode, in addition to stimulating activity of presentnematode-trapping fungi, will also stimulate the activity of the endoparasitic fungi. Ifinfective third stage larvae are used as bait, only the nematode-trapping fungi willalmost exclusively be stimulated almost exclusively. It is very important that there areliving, moving nematodes present on the plate during the entire observation period(normally 3 to 4 weeks for isolation of fast growing fungi). Frequent monitoring of larvalnumbers and re-baiting is necessary to ensure stimulation of nematophagous fungi.When a positive observation of a nematode-destroying fungus has been made it isimportant to follow the development of conidiophores and subsequently pick freshly


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produced conidia for pure cultures and identification. Endoparasitic fungi often do notproduce conidiophore and conidia above the surface of the agar and thus it is notpossible to isolate the fungus for development of pure cultures.

Identification must be performed directly on specimens taken from the originalplate. In-Iportant features for fungal identification are the trapping mechanism used, aswell as the morphology of the conidiophore and conidie The presencelabsence ofchlamydospores has also been used as a secondary char --te.r in the identification ofthese fungi. However there is a lot of variation in the ice of chlamydosporesmostly due to environmental changes such as, type of mua, and temperature Thus,this feature can not be considered ot key importance. Furthermore, it should be notedthat the length of conidiophores can vary, depending on type of media for cultivation.Measurements of conidiophore length should be made either on material from theoriginal plates or from a pure culture of the fungus on a defined me.clia, shortly Frft-erisolation. For the identification of the fungi, the key by Cooke & Go,;frey (196»,)very useful, in addition to the keys by van Oorschot (1985) on Arthrp. cd

genera plus by Rubner (1996) on Dactylella-Monacrosporium specieF,onshould be confirmed by checking the original description in the litere Lure, In case ofdoubtful identification, one of the major culture collections (i.e. American Type CultureCollection or Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures) could be consu 1 for confirmationof the identification. Prices for identification are variable, often rz' g from approx.US$50, but those interested should directly contact such fungal re l onies mentionedabove, for the current price of this service.

Molecular techniques

Incubation of fungi for identification using traditional methods ma ; ?,quire up to10 days. During culturing, rapidly growing microorganisms obscure the growingnematophagous fungi. As outlined above, nematophagous fungi etbject tomycostasis. That is, samples containing r-nicroorganisms present in hig,. ec..Lentrationswill inhibit the grovvth of the less abundant nematophagous fungi. It is essential that atechnique be developed to overcome these difficulties and allow researchers toaccurately monitor nematophagous fungi in environmental samples.

Molecular techniques present several advantages over trad: Hentificationusing morphological characteristics. Nucleic acid sequences particularorganisms can be found which do not depend on gene expression. k techniquesdo not require culturing of samples and isolation of fungal species. Tho,-;, techniques aremore frequently used to detect and characterise fungi in natural and man-madeenvironments (MacNeil et al, 1995; Muyzer and Ramsing, 1995; Persson et al. 1996). Asimple method for extracting DNA from mycellia grown on petri dish cultures is outlinedby Lecellier and Silar 11994). For environmental samples, such as soil or faeces a morerigorous extraction technique is necessary to ensure complete removal of any possibleinhibitors. This is outlined in Porteous et al (1997).

Molecular techniques for the identification of fungi often rely on the 18S generRNA or DNA. The DNA sequence that separate the genes coding for each individualrRNA molecule, called intergenic transcribed spacer sequences (ITS), are highly variable(White et al, 1990). The ITS region often varies between species, variety and evenisolates. Surrounding the ITS is the well conserved regions of the 18S, 28S and 5.8Sgenes. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to amplify the ITS region usingprimers designed from the conserved regions of DNA. There are often hundreds, even


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thousaE f copies of - eukaryotes making it an ideal region for designingprobes. /ever, probe,, :ji are not limited to this region. Research is required indesigning probes for key nematophagous fungi before this technology can be applied.

Cultivation oi fun

As reviously, ,L iyation of enqnharasitic fungi in pure culture canvery cf specific species of

fun:: . s.ial; experiments in thelab:31otoi w r;t:rd"d. al cdlidrei. the necessary amountot ;lungol pAtoiial L Li on nc on ei;:_;,-), 'i3n dealing ;with larger trialssuch vv:t-k Th`orYLL-11.-_,, It :s lieeessar,/ tv r-hass culture theTU11.71.7!z..-q.'Disez, '-1,. .1,,_'CLIJI1 of `,Ji.:1,7-11 rnaterioi -1 a seen solid -necha has been describedt'/ LarS.:11 (i I ) A desenly3d tk-Vy GIOCIVOld ei al. (1993). Inprinciple, cuiti-. .:ypes of media such as barley, vvheat, cornor whole rice, k right balance betvveen the selected media,water content and Tor experiments involving a limited number

:3nlinhlse Lvìcy maTenai on a semi-solid media in Erlenmeyerflasks (co her con be clutoclaved) is simple and not toolabr,rious, L ultivhf'on oi ,4,1'30-ms: the most pi-orrJs ng -luegus for biologicalcer».rol, heen nerion-ne e'. (2,)`1 -;- 2C ei vvarei n i Frlahmeyer flasks)

3r. 20; ,;(_) i C. i/0-1-,11 tho colLuie is oulei; Lddr. 3-4 weeks a high numberof resistant resi I -ipores, ehlarnydospo: le produced ready for use in different

:s, suc passage .ials on housed animals or in field trials. The cultivateded fre. drie,d,

eservation OT cultures (short/long term)

Since ii.ffeiopt speci..: genera of nematode-destroying fungi might responddiffere o hniques, it is very important to store replicates of the

3chnique. For details on how to best preserve livingfunejal mate' I, ions (1994). For a limited collection of fungi, used insmail cibo, Cv V ,-::oeritnerits oc similac. routinesub-c.ulture on an agar medium isuossib.e Cultql es cap disc. be kept in tubes on dgar slants, with or withoutadde...; Aliutnei technique is stucage of a small block of culture onnutrient r n agar in steriie water. Aknough there is no guarantee for success onecould D store replicates of the ag.--.1 cultures in the freezer.

For long term storage and preservation one of the best and most affordablestorage of fi material on silica gel. It is a simple technique, preserving

keeping the material genetically stable.



Barron, G.L. 1981 1:-)i-edar_pis apd pard;;;;I:-.e.:: of microscopic animals. In: Biology ofL.:ds. Cole, CdT. & Kendrick, B., pp. 167-200, Academic

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Larsen, M.; Wolstrup, J.; Henriksen, S. A.; Dackman, C.; Gronvulo, J., and Nansen, P.1991. In vitro stress selection of nematophagous fungi for biocontroi ofparasitic nematodes in ruminants. journal of f ;alanionoldg, C-)5, 193 700.

Lars, , M., Faedo, M. & Waller, P.J. 1994, 7he poterireil o neinatopiiagoes fungi tocontrol the free-living stages of nematode parasites of sneap: suivey Ici mepresence of fungi in fresh faeces r ' lia, VeterinaryParasitology, 53, 275-281,

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1 2Malcolm KT7OX and M. Wan Zahari


CSIRO Animal Production, Armidale NSW 2350 Australia2

Livestock Research Centre, MARDI, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Throughout the developing world the productivity of ruminant livestock is

severely constrained by inadequate nutrition and gastrointestinal parasitism vvhichinteract to restrict growth and reproduction rates and contribute to high mortality insome flocks and herds. Where nutritional deficiencies are likely to exacerbate thedetrimental effects of parasitic infection, the use of low cost supplements such as urea-molasses blocks (UMB) can enhance the animal's ability to utilize the available diet andassist the animal to withstand infection. Such supplements should therefore be

considered an integral part of husbandry practice in these areas, in order to reduce thedebilitating effects of parasitism and minimise the requirement for alternative means ofcontrol. When parasite challenge is high or during periods of low hostimmunocompetence caused by immaturity or physiological stresses such as

reproduction, it is likely that alternative means of control will be necessary. Duringthese times UMB can be employed to deliver chemotherapeutic or biological parasitecontrol agents. Future parasite control vvill depend on the successful integration of allavailable means of control into strategic programs for each production system beingtargeted and UMB will have an important role to play in many of those systems.


Throughout the developing vvorld the demand for ruminant livestock products isincreasing but limited land resources limit substantial expansion of the ruminantlivestock industries unless previously underutilised feed resources are exploited. Theproductivity of ruminants in this region is severely constrained by inadequate nutritionand gastrointestinal parasitism which interact to restrict growth and reproduction ratesand contribute to high mortality in some flocks and herds. By reducing theseconstraints, considerable productivity gains can be made without increasing overall flockand herd sizes.

The available feed resources in these areas are often low in quality, fibrous anddeficient in components which promote efficient rumen function. Supplementation,particularly with high quality protein, is often necessary to maintain adequateproductivity, but high cost limits widespread adoption of this approach. Nematodeparasites can cause high mortality in ruminant livestock and losses from clinical andsubclinical infections probably equal the value of present output in some areas. Up tothe present time, control of nematode parasites has either relied on frequentanthelmintic treatment or has not been undertaken due to the high cost or unavailabilityof anthelmintics. Where anthelmintics have been frequently used, anthelminticresistance is emerging as a major problem (Sivaraj et al, 1994; VValler et al, 1996) andruminant industries must seek alternative control methods.

This paper firstly describes low cost nutritional approaches which can be used to

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manipulate r unctlen :Inc; oitimise efficiency of microbial growth in therumen from aN a:LiameFify of the pathophysiological effects ofnematode parE l:h regard to the protein nutrition of host sheep then precedes abrief revievv oi sup!Jorting the effects of nutritional supplementationof infected hoste. The iele of strategic nutritional supplementation in future parasitecontrol programs is then discussed in re,; eco to the use of low cost supplements asdelivery vehicles for nutrition components vvhich have direct nematocidalactivity.


In liv k rearing enterprises which are reliant on low quality roughage for theprovision o stible carbohydrate, the most critical nutritional deficiency is nitrogen.In situations where other dietary components are not limiting, efficient rumen function isdependent on having sufficient degradable nitrogen in the diet to provide adequateruminal ammonia for microbial growth. In situations where deficiency occurs, provisionof additional nitrogen cl !: hace a dramatic impact on digestibility and productivity fromlow quality diets. Pr sources can provide additional nitrogen through rumenfermentation but unforLeuaRly in most developing countries, supplies are inadequateand costly. Non-protein nitrogen supplements are less expensive, readily available andcan assist the animal to meet its nutritional requirements from low quality roughages.

Non-Protein Nitrogen Supplements

Non-protein nitro,ien (NPN) has long been identified as being able to provide thenitrogen requiremen,fs ter microbial growth in ruminants. A broad range of compoundscan provide NPN (Doyle, 1987) but since the 1920's most research has concentratedon the use of urea as a NPN source since it is relatively inexpensive and readily availablein most agricultural situations. In animals offered low quality diets, supplementationwith urea irereases microbial decomposition of feed carbohydrates, vvhich results inincrease,l fe d intake and increased protel: for intestinal absorption (Preston& Leng, Delivery of urea supplemene, gfazing animals has been successfullyattempted Lq many means including in water (Stephenson et al., 1981), inmolasses mixtures (Nolan et al_ 1975; Langlands & Bowles, 1976; Mulholland &Coombe, 1979; Coombe & Mulholland 1983) and in feed supplement blocks (Leng etal., 1991; Taiwo et aL, 1992). The latter means of delivery appears most practical forwidespread use and will be discussed further below.

Urea 'ementation and Efficiency of Microbial Gre.

Viian urea is fed to the ruminant animal it is rapidly metabolised to ammonia inthe ruminal fluid. Numerous studies have attempted to determine the optimalconcentration of ammonia for microbial synthesis in the rumen. Satter & Slyter (1974suggested that between 50 and 80 rrigN/I was optimal for microbial synthesis in therumen while several other authors have suggested concentrations of 150-200 mgN/I tobe more appropriate in animals fed lovv quality fibrous diets (Leng & Nolan, 1984;Boniface et al., 1986; Perdok & Leng, 1989). Recent studies by Balcells et al. (1993)established that by increasing the amounts of urea (3, 6, 9 & 12 g/day; giving rumenammonia levels of 50-110mgN/I) infused into the numen of sheep, increasedconcentrations of allantoin were excreted in the urine. Prior studies had established


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that allantoin excretion could be used to determine the re e of microbial y eld tochanges in rumen-degradable N supply (Chen et al., 1: i. et al, 1991).Therefore, with increased urea supplementation more microbial protel: e availableto the sheep and it was suggested that most of this Ira ease was due t aed feedintake stimulated by an improved rate of rumen fen: leition (Balcelis et al., 1993).

Further studies conducted vvith similar methodology but restricting feed intake to800g/day showed that the greater the rumen ammonia concentratien, the greater theinfluence on microbial protein production (Kanjanapruthipong, 1995). With increasedrat:,-, of urea infusion digestibility increased, protozoa numbers increased and then

ad, fungal sporangia numbers increased then gradually declint. while urinarypurine production increased as rumen ammonia levels increased (seo Fleere 1). It wassuggested that, at the higher concentrations of ammonia, increased ieiorobial proteinavailability resulted from decreased turnover of microbial cells within tlle cumen due tolovver numbers of protozoa (Kanjanapruthipong, 1995). From this study it can beconcluded that for sittations where low quality forages are to be utilised,supplementation with RIPN to give a ruminal fluid ammonia concentration of at least200mgN/I yvould be appropriate.


Composition of UMB

One means of delivering NPN supplements in areas vvhoi e low quality feeds arethe primary feed resource is through feed suppler/lent blocks. Thece bloebt, have variedcompositions (Kunju, 1986; Sansoucy, 1986; Long, 1986; Leng et al., 1991; WanZahari, 1990; Taivvo et al., 1992; Hadjipanyiotou et al., 1993; Sansoucy, 1995) but theprimary ingredients are urea to provide NPN and molasses to provide energy and attractthe animal to eat the supplement. Molasses is also a good source of various macro andmicro-minerals and can be further fortified with minerals abpr- oriate to the particularproduction system during the preparation procedure (Leng, i unju, 1986; Preston

Leng, 1987). A generalised formur- :ion for the prepar ' UMB is presented inTable 1. Since quality and price ingre :nts can vary cons: y between localities itis recommended that various fori. it is be i- etior to embar king on larger scaleproduction. Studies of UMB conduL i. Malaysia have concentrated onthe utilisation of local agricultural byproducts with Isiderable success (Wan Zahari,1990) and this approach should be follovved where possible.

Application of UMB

Urea-molasses blocks have -- shown to se feed intake and improve thedigestibility of roughage-based diets (Irebs 8: L --, 1984; Kunju, 1986; SudanaLeng, 1986; Soetanto, 1986; Soetera:o et al., 1_, eld trials have established thataccess to UMB results in productivity increases in .:enall and large ruminant livestock inthe developing nations of Asia and the Pacific Islands (Kunju, 1986; Hendratno et al.,1991; Leng et al., 1991; Manueli et al., 1995; Salman, 1996;1996a,b) and in Australia (Butler et al., 1994). It is expected ti . twill occur throughout the developing nations as the human poet:demand increases for ruminant products from the limited feed resouices available, sinceUMB enables rumen function and ruminant productivity to be optimised cost effectively


Zahari et al.,- use of UMBexpands and

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(Leng etal., 1991).

Cons...di-4ion of

Variability of consumption of block supplements is commonly observed whenindividual animals within a flock or herd are compared (Lobato & Pearce, 1980; Lobatoet al., 1980; Kendall et al., 1983) and this can cause some concern for livestockproducers who desire uniform productivity from all animals. Factors such as blockconstituents, particularly nitrogen content, and hardness can affect rate ofconsumption. Intakes of UMB by rVialaysian sheep varied considerably when urea andsalt concentrations were varied (M. Wan Zahari, unpublished). Of equal importance toblock characteristics are animal-related factors such as exposure time, previousexperience and social behaviour and factors relating to pasture quality and availability(see review by Bowman & Sowell, 1997). It is desirable for the majority of animals toconsume sufficient block supplement to compensate for deficiencies in the available dietand therefore blocks should be tailor made to the local environment and animalsconditioned to consume them. Inadequate block intake does not appear to be as great aproblem in developing nations livestock production systems where supplements areusually readily consumed. Over consumption should also be avoided to reduce the riskof urea toxicity (Preston & Leng, 1987) and to maintain supplementation cost at aneconomic level.

UMB as

In situations where UMB are regularly used to deliver deficient nutritionalcomponents they can also be employed to simultaneously deliver chemotherapeuticagents. Continuous low dose anthelmintic medication has been successfully deliveredthis way resulting in efficient control of nematode parasites (Knox, 1995; Sani et al.,1995; Chandrawathani et al., 1996; Tan et al., 1996; Wan Zahari et al., 1996a,b;Yahya et al., 1997). Similarly UMB have been used to deliver ionophores to increasefeed efficiency in grazing cattle (Bransby et al., 1992). Recent work to inVestigate theuse of UMB for the delivery of chemicals to suppress rumen protozoa populations hasbeen inconclusive and investigations are continuing (S.H. Bird, personal communication).Of greater relevance to the primary theme of this workshop is the potential for thedelivery of biological control agents by UMB particularly in situations where grazinganimals are confined for at least part of the day since initial investigation of thispossibility has been very encouraging (P.J. Waller and M.R. Knox, unpublished results).A more speculative possibility is the future use of UMB to deliver protective vaccineantigens against helminth and other disease causing organisms.


Nematode parasite infections can cause anorexia, maldigéstion andmalabsorption of feed, gastrointestinal loss of endogenous protein and initiation ofimmune responses in sheep. These factors will be considered independently with regardto their effects on protein nutrition in infected sheep but it is important to rememberthat these factors are often interdependent when considering their influence on hostprotein nutrition.


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Voluntary reduction in feed intake is commonly observed during infection withparasitic nematodes and can severely influence the protein economy of the host bysignificantly reducing the amount available for anabolic processes (see review bySymons, 1985). The degree of anorexia may be affected by the species of parasite andits site of infection and by the breed, age and resistance status of the host sheep. Moreimportantly, level of infection also affects anorexia as clearly demonstrated by Steel etal. (1980) where infection levels below 3000 infective Trichostrongylus cloubriformislarvae per week failed to reduce feed consumption but increasingly higher infectionlevels produced greater reductions in feed intake. Increased availability of protein in thediet can reduce the degree of anorexia in infected sheep as demonstrated in penexperiments with Haemonchus contortus (Abbott et a/.,1986, 1988; Datta et al., 1996)and T. colubriformis (van Houtert et al, 1995).

It has been suggested that anorexia may result from pain and discomfortassociated with infection or be the result of hormonal feed back mechanisms fromdisrupted gastrointestinal function (Symons, 19851. More recently it has beenrecognised that increased cytokine activity associated with inflammatory responses toinfection may be a major causitive factor of anorexia (Grimble, 1989).

Protein digestion and absorption

Results of studies attempting to determine the effects of nematode infection onthe protein nitrogen digestibility of feed resources are somewhat equivocal with somestudies demonstrating a reduction (Owen, 1973; Barger, 197a; Dargie, 1980; Steel etal., 1980) but other studies showing no effect (Roseby, 1973; Sykes & Coop, 1976;Poppi et al., 1981). Methods used in estimating the apparent N digestibility of feed relyon measurements of all dietary matter entering and leaving the sheep under observation.While dietary matter entering the system is easily recorded, faecal matter leaving thesystem comprises not only the residues of digestive processes but also remnants ofendogenous protein loss due to infection. Such measurements may thereforeoverestimate the N digestion of infected animals. Digestive absorption can be reducedat the site of infection due to tissue damage or increased local inflammation but this iscompensated for by increased absorption at sites distal to the affected area (Bown etal., 1991) so overall effects on absorption are negligible.

Gastrointestinal losses of endogenous protein

Infection with H. contortus and T. colubriformis can result in substantial lossesof endogenous protein in the form of whole blood, plasma, sloughed epithelial cells andmucous. A considerable proportion of these proteins require redigestion before beingabsorbed at sites distal to infection. Unresorbed residues vvill either be excreted withthe faeces or be further digested in the large intestine, absorbed as ammonia andexcreted as urea in the urine and therefore represent a major drain to the overallnitrogen economy of infected sheep (Rowe et al., 1988; Poppi et al., 1986; Kimambo etal.,1988). Synthesis of specific proteins for repair, replacement and reaction to damageof the gut wall, to mucous production and to plasma or whole blood loss can however,impose a significant drain on resources which would otherwise contribute to thesynthesis of muscle, bone and wool (MacRae, 1993).


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Nutritional cost of immune function

Inflammation and other immune responses occur locally and systemically as aresult of the presence of, and damage caused by, gastrointestinal parasites. Theseresponses can represent a significant drain on the nutritional resources available to thehost and redirection of protein away from normal body processes may result. Mucuscontains high concentrations of threonine, serine and proline (Neutra & Forstner, 1987)and increased mucus production may result in deficiencies of these amino acids forother processes. Mucus also is reported to be resistant to digestion and resorption fromthe small intestine (Lindsay et al., 1980) so once formed its component amino acids areeffectively unavailable for synthesis of other protein. It has also been shown inlaboratory studies that production of the immunological mediators leukotrienes (MacRae,1993) and cytokines (Grimble, 1990) require specific amino-acids, particularly sulphur-amino acids, which may reduce their availability for other processes. Wool productionin particular is highly dependent on the availability of sulphur-amino acids and parasiticinfection can cause significant reduction in the amount and quality of wool produced(Barger, 1982).


Several reviews have concluded that sheep offered a high plane of nutrition arebetter able to withstand the detrimental effects of nematode parasite infection thanthose less adequately nourished (Parkins and Holmes, 1989; Coop & Holmes, 1996; vanHoutert & Sykes, 1996). It has been shown that an adequate supply of dietary proteinenables infected sheep to withstand the pathophysiological consequences of infectionthrough compensating for parasite-induced protein deficiency resulting from increasedendogenous protein loss from the gastrointestinal tract. Improved dietary protein supplyimproves the capacity of infected sheep to mount an effective immunological responseto infection and enhances the onset of parasite rejection (Steel et al, 1982; Abbott etal, 1988; Roberts and Adams, 1990). The following recent studies further demonstratethe importance of dietary protein supply.

Post-rurninal infusion of protein

The studies of Bown et al (1991) clearly confirmed the importance of additionalprotein through post-ruminal infusion of sodium caseinate which markedly reduced thedebilitating effects of T. colubriformis infection whereas isocaloric amounts of glucosehad no effect. Availability of protein aided parasite rejection as evidenced by lowerfaecal egg counts and lower total parasite counts at slaughter in those lambs receivingthe infusion. Similar results were achieved by Coop et al. (1995) with infused lambsinfected with Ostertagia circumcincta having lower egg counts and worm burdens.Worm size was also reduced and mucosal mast cell numbers and protease levelsincreased indicating a higher degree of immunity in infused lambs.

Bypass protein supplements

A similar nutritional result to post-ruminal infusion can be achieved by feeding aprotein source which escapes or "bypasses" rumen fermentation but is available fordigestion in the intestines. A proportion of most feed protein is bypass protein andchemical and heating processes involved in modern vegetable oil extraction and feedmanufacture increases this proportion dramatically. These include feed resources like


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soya bean, coconut, cotton seed and fish meals and oil palm kernel cake while someleguminous plants with high tannin levels also are a good source of bypass protein.Bypass protein feeds are now commonly available and have been utilised in recentstudies on parasite-nutrition interactions.

Studies by van Houtert et al. (1995) used three levels of fish mealsupplementation (0, 50 and 100g/day) to demonstrate the benefits of bypass proteinsupplements in young Merino lambs offered a nutritionally balanced ration based onoaten chaff and essential minerals while infected with 3000 T. colubriformis L3/week.Establishment rates of worms were not affected by the supplement, but rejection ofestablished worms occurred earlier in those fed the higher level of fishmeal, as indicatedby reduced faecal egg counts and vvorm numbers at slaughter. The rejection ofinfection by those on the higher level of supplementation coincided with increasedeosinophil levels and increased mucosal mast cell protease levels. Liveweight gain wasalso influenced by level of fishmeal supplementation with those receiving no supplementshowing a 43% lower rate of gain than uninfected controls whereas the 50 and 100gfishmeal/day groups lost 18% and 11%, respectively.

To compare the effects of protein supplements of different rumen degradabilityon parasitism in young merino sheep, Smith et aL (1996) supplemented the basal diet ofoaten chaff with either lupins (35% protection) or canola meal pellets (57% protection)while being infected with 5000 T. colubriformis and 3000 0. circumcincta per week.After the 12 week experiment the canola group had lovver faecal egg counts and wereconsuming more food than those offered the lupin supplement. The authors suggestedthis vvas probably due to a more rapid and effective immune reaction by those sheepoffered the less rumen-degradable protein supplement.

An experiment to determine the level of bypass protein supplementation requiredto elicit improved production and immunity in young crossbred sheep infected with H.contortus has been undertaken by Datta et al. (1996). Using different levels of a highbypass protein supplement (cotton seed meal) these authors were able to describe asignificant relationship between level of supplementation and faecal egg output withthose receiving the higher levels of supplement having the lowest faecal egg output.Feed intakes and weight gains were maintained on higher levels of supplementation butsubstantial reductions occurred at lower levels.

Supplementation with urea

Unfortunately the provision of high quality protein is usually not an economicproposition for small ruminant producers due to high cost and is therefore not oftenpractised. Recent research has indicated that provision of low cost supplementsenhances the ability of infected hosts to overcome the detrimental effects of nematodeparasitism. In controlled pen studies with young Merino sheep, Knox et al. (1994)showed supplementation of a low quality roughage diet of oaten chaff and essentialminerals with urea reduced the effects of parasitic infection by reducing faecal eggoutput and parasite burden and increasing weight gain and wool production (see Table2). Further studies (M.R. Knox and J.W. Steel, unpublished) using a UMB supplementwith a similar basal diet showed similar production responses to supplementation inparasitised young Merino sheep but not when feed intake vvas restricted to that of theunsupplemented group (see Table 3).

In both these studies supplemented animals vvith mixed species infections of


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nematode parasites showed similar or greater weight gains and wool production thantheir respective unsupplemented uninfected control groups. Such supplements can,therefore, assist sheep to overcome the detrimental effects of nematode parasiteinfection. This response is attributed to a greater intake of the basal diet, presumablydue to increased digestibility arising from enhanced rumen NH3-N levels and their effecton microbial fermentation, which results in increased post-ruminal microbial proteinavailability .

Manueli et al (1995) investigated the impact of UMB supplementation in youngFiji sheep and found that access to UMB almost doubled the numbers of lambs born andthe weight of Iambs reared to weaning. The requirement for salvage treatment due tohigh (>4000 epg) faecal egg count was also halved in those sheep with access to UMBcompared to those with no supplement. Later experimentation has confirmed that thegreater lamb growth and survival was due to increased milk production in the ewesreceiving the UMB supplement (P.R. Manueli, M.R. Knox and F. Mohammed,unpublished).


Clinical and sub-clinical nematode parasitism cause substantial production loss inruminant livestock production systems in terms of reduced growth of meat and fibre,reduced reproductive performance and increased mortality (Barger, 1982). Attempts tocontrol this problem have relied heavily on the use of anthelmintic chemicals and hasresulted in the widespread emergence of strains of nematodes resistant to thesechemicals (Rolfe, 1997; Waller, 1997). In some sheep production systems anthelminticresistance has developed rapidly to all classes of chemicals (Sivaraj et al, 1994; Walleret al, 1996) and since no new anthelmintics are likely to be available in the near future,continued production is under severe threat. Alternative means of control are nowbeing sought which will reduce the reliance on chemical intervention and maximise thehost's natural ability to resist infection.

Host nutrition is one factor which has not been fully investigated with regard toits interaction with nematode parasitism but which may play an important role in futureintegrated control strategies. Substantial evidence exists that supplementation ofyoung sheep enhances their ability to overcome the detrimental pathophysiologicaleffects of infection with nematode parasites. This response is partly due to directcompensation for parasite-induced protein deficiency which results from increasedendogenous protein loss and also due to an increased capacity to mount an effectiveimmunological response to infection. In situations where persistent subclinical infectionoccurs, strategic nutritional supplementation of young animals, particularly in the periodimmediately post-weaning, may reduce the requirement for alternative methods ofcontrol. Recent evidence also suggests that the benefits derived from tactical use ofsupplements persist long after the period of supplementation ceases and would have amajor influence on the lifetime performance of the animal.

Rumen function can be dramatically changed by optimising the rumenenvironment with mineral and/or NPN supplements (Leng, 1991) and UMB are apractical and popular means of NPN delivery. Recent research has shown the beneficialeffects of urea supplementation on the ability of sheep fed a low quality roughage dietto resist the effects of gastrointestinal nematode parasites (Knox et al., 1994). Suchsupplements should therefore be considered an integral part of husbandry practice in


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these areas, in order to reduce the debilitating effects of parasitism and minimise therequirement for alternative means of control (Knox & Steel, 1996). When parasitechallenge is high or during periods of low host immunocompetence caused byimmaturity or physiological stresses such as reproduction, it is likely alternative meansof control will be necessary. During these times UMB can be employed to deliverchemotherapeutic or biological parasite control agents. Future parasite control willdepend on the successful integration of all available means of control into strategicprograms for each production system being targeted and UMB will have an importantrole to play in many of those systems.

Figure 1 Effects of levels of ruminal fluid ammonia obtained through ureasupplementation on ruminal fluid protozoa numbers, fungal sporangia, in saccodigestibility and urinary excretion of purine derivatives in sheep fed a low proteinroughage-based diet (adapted from Kanajanapruthipong, 1995).


cE 4



uid Protozoa

In Sacco OM Digestibility60 12

50 100 150 200 250

Runinal fluid animnia (nigN/1)


EE 6



50 100 150 200

Urinary Purim Derivatives



50 100 150 200 250

Runinal fluid artirmnia (ngN/I)

Runinal fluid atnroria (n-gN/1) Runinal fltid aturotia (rIgN/1)

150 2(0 250


50 100

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Table 1 - Generalised formulation for the preparation of urea-molasses blocks.

husks, chopped oil palm fronds

1 Local cost and availability will determine most appropriate binder or combination of binders.2 FAO formulations recommend the use of water (see Hadjipanyiotou et al., 1993).3 Locally available agricultural byproducts (prefer those high in Phosphorus).

Table 2 - Mean liveweight and wool production over 18 weeks of merino weaner sheepon a basal oaten chaff diet or supplementea with 3% urea and infected with nematodeparas: ,:es.


1 200 L3 thrice weekly.2 1000 L3 thrice weekly.3 200 H. contortus L3 and 1000 T. colubriformis L3 thrice weekly.


Component Common Ingredients Quantity (%) Example (%Non-proteinnitrogen

Urea, poultry manure 5-10 10 (Urea)

Molasses 20-40 25Salt NaCI 1-10 10Binder 1 CaO, Ca(01-1)2 ,MgO, cement,

gypsum, dolomite, Nabentonite

5-15 10 (CaO)

Water 2 0-30 15i'vii,,,.)i-al Premix Commercial products or tailor

made to meet localrequirements

1-2 1

Protein meal 3 Fish meal, coconut meal,cotton seed meal, palm kernelcake, leucaena leaf meal

5-25 10

Filler Wheat bran, rice bran, rice 5-25 19

DietaryTreatment Treatment

Liveweight gain(g/day)

Wool production(g/day)

No urea Nil 30 4.2No urea 1H. con tortus 29 4.2

No urea 2T. colubriformis 32 4.4

No urea 3Mixed 22 3.8

3% urea Nil 50 5.33% urea H. contortus 40 5.73% urea T. colubriformis 37 5.23% urea Mixed 39 5.3

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Table 3 - Mean liveweight and wool production over 20 weeks of merino weaner sheepon a basal oaten chaff diet or supplemented with a urea-molasses block and infectedwith nematode parasites.

Group Chaff

1 ad libitum2 pair fed to 13 ad libitum4 ad libitum

5 pair fed to 46 ad libitum


Block Parasite Liveweight gain Wool production(g/day) (g/day)

No Nil 69 6.4Yes Nil 69 6.4Yes Nil 90 8.6No Mixed1 41 6.2

Yes Mixed 39 6.0Yes Mixed 59 7.5

1 200 H. contortus L3 and 1000 T. colubriformis L3 thrice weekly.


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Alicia Silvina FernándezDanish Centre for Experimental Parasitology,

The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural UniversityBulowsvej 13, 1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark,


Argentina's natural environment provides an excellent setting for extensivelivestock farming, where animals graze on pastures all year around. The animal stockdistribution in Argentina up to 1991 was as follows: Cattle, 48 million head; sheep, 24million head; swine: 4 million head; and horses, 2.8 million head. These figures may havechanged since the 1991 census. The Humid Pampa, the region formed by the provincesof Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, and east side of La Pampa, covers an area of500.000 km2 (about 20% of the country) where 65% of the total livestock is produced,i.e. 31 millions head of cattle. (Doyle, C. 1992)

Gastrointestinal helminthosis is a major problem in both cattle and sheep butstudies on the economic effects on grazing livestock has largely involved the beef cattleindustry. It was established that this is the foremost problem in postweaning andfattening cattle system, second in importance in dairy production systems, and ranked asthe sixth most important problem in breeding systems. (Entrocasso, C.M., 1987)

Therefore, it is now well known that the gastro-intestinal helminthiosis is one ofthe most important diseases with a high economic impact on beef production systems,and it has been established that parasite control is the variable which has the highestcorrelation with increasing production. (Fiel, C.A., Steffan, PE., 1994)

Losses in Argentina are estimated at US$22 million/year due to mortality, andUS$170 (89%) million/year due to subclinical losses, of which US$92 (48%) correspondto losses in the Buenos Aires province. (Entrocasso, C.M., 1988) To this should be addedthe cost of anthelmintics.


Liveweight gains

Gastrointestinal parasitism causes significantly reduced weight gain andoccasionally bodyweight losses in both dairy (Fernández, AS.,, 1992; Fernández,A.S.,, 1994) and beef calves and yearlings, mainly in the form of subclinicalinfections. In beef cattle, these reductions commonly amount to 20% (20-40 kg) of thebodyweight gain in a short period of time (30 - 60 days) and losses may rise up to 30-40% (30-60 kg) if symptoms become clinically apparent. (Entrocasso, CM., 1988). Thereduction in growth rate is neither recovered after treatment or following provision ofbetter nutrition or the combination both (Stefan, PE.; Fiel, C.A., 1986). The price can bereduced to nearly 20% per kilogram of live weight in groups of animals after sufferingparasitic infections (Entrocasso, CM., 1988)


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Autumn and winter are crucial seasons due to the age of the animals, the lack ofnutrients and the high availability of infective larvae on pasture ingested by calvesconsequently leading to the high adult worm burdens. Those, in turn, produce decreasedweight gains / losses of weight as indicated above. Therefore, GI nematodes producedevastating effects on young animals from vveaning (March) until 18-20 months of age.

Heifer Reproduction

Another important effect of the GI nematodes is on reproduction in heifers. It hasbeen clearly demonstrated that nematode infections can significantly delay the sexualmaturity of 1 5-1 6 month old heifers. Significant differences in both weight and length ofthe uterus and the number of corpus lutea in the ovaries between treated and non-treatedanimals heifers were recorded (Stefan, P.E.,, 1990). It was also demonstrated thatthe pelvic areas of 24 months-old heifers exposed to GI nematodes are smaller than thoseof heifers without parasitic infection (Stefan, PE., 1991).

Milk Production

Two trials have been conducted on milking cows in the east-central area (CuencaMar y Sierras) of Buenos Aires province to investigate the effects of the GI helminthosis.The first trial has shovvn that anthelmintic-treated cows produced 200 kg more milk thannon-treated animals after 305 days of lactation (P<0.05) (Biondani, C.A.; Steffan, PE.,1988). The second study also showed average differences (57 kg milk) at day 120 oflactation between treated and non-treated groups of cows, although no significantdifferences (P> 0.05) were found (Fiel, C.A.,, 1991).

Carcase composition

It has been demonstrated that nematode infections affect tissue quality. Inyearlings suffering from GI nematode infection, the muscles with high or moderate highgrowth patterns responsible for good carcase conformation, in parasited stock were mostaffected. Fat deposition was also adversely affected (Garriz, C.A.,, 1987).

Current parasite control practices and problems encountered in their implementation

Control programmes are widely used in beef production systems with treatmentscarried out at weaning time and at the end of winter. The scale method is often adoptedin order to decide whether or not to apply anthelmintic treatment.

In many farms it has been possible to achieve good nematode control byintegrating the use of safe pasture e.g. new pasture, and frequent anthelmintic treatmentduring autumn-winter (Entrocasso, C.M., 1988; Stefan, PE.,, 1993). It is notunusual with intensive 4-6 weekly treatment of young cattle in the humid Pampa.Implementation of good control practices are hampered by the lack of extension service -

at least in some areas - leading to farmers treating animals only when clinical signs areevident. Important economic losses are therefore inevitable. The lack of epidemiologicalknowledge by practitioners to recommend adequate methodologies of control is also a


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serious limitation.

Anthelmintic resistance is not known to occur in cattle parasites but it has beenshown to occur in sheep in the northern provinces in Argentina (Eddi, Extensivestudies are necessary in order to get a clear picture about this topic in Argentina.


Only one report of isolation of nematophagous fungi in Argentina has been madeso far. At the present time all ongoing work about the subject is carried out abroad, whereArgentinian researchers are working in order to achieve specialisation in the subject. Atthis stage it is obvious that the implementation of biological control in large areas withlivestock grazing all-year around needs to be extensively studied in Argentina. The factthat animals are exposed to parasitic infective larvae continuosly is a major challengeregarding the method and the timing for the administration of the fungal material. Thisrequires epidemiological knowledge of the areas vvhere biological control will beimplemented, in order to achieve successful results. The obvious target area will be theHumid Pampa region. Studies on Biological control could be directed in two ways:natural or artificial. In the first case, epidemiological studies are needed to know thenatural behaviour of fungi and its nematophagous characteristics regarding environmentalconditions and animal species. In artificial biological control, native or introduced speciescould be used. In either case, characterization of the species as well as environmentalimpact need to be evaluated.

Much work has to be done before biological control could be a reality in Argentina,with a large range of activities contemplating not only research but extension and training.First of all, the notion of biological control as an alternative parasite control method needsto be widely accepted at several levels, i.e. university, farmers, practitioners, polititians.Secondly, an extensive evaluation of why biological control is needed, i.e. anthelminthicresistance, residues in food, ecotoxic effects of anthelmintics, development of new drugs-and its understanding will lead to elaborate research projects in order to achieve thenecessary results for a future successfully use of nematophagous fungi as biologicalcontrol method in this country.


Biondini, C.A. Steffan, P.E. 1988, Efecto de las parasitosis gastrointestinales sobre laproducción láctea en rodeos lecheros - Vet.Arg. 5 (42): 11 6-1 26

Doyle, C. 1992- Argentinian market for animal health products - Animal Farm, 19:14.Entrocasso, C.M., 1987 - Economic impact of gastrointestinal verminosis in the temperate

climate areas of South America, with special reference to Argentina. In: Theeconomic impact of parasitism in cattle. Proceedings of the MSD Ag.vetSymposium in association with the XXIII World Veterinary Congress, Montreal,Canada, 53-58.

Entrocasso, C.M., 1988 - Epidemiology and control of bovine ostertagiosis in SouthAmerica, Vet. Parasit. 27: 59-65

Fernández, A.S., Fiel, C.A.; Rodríguez, E.M.; Fuso, L.A.; Sominson, P.M.; Cattoni, P.V.,1992 - Parásitos internos en vaquillonas lecheras de recría. I. Efecto sobre laganancia de peso. II. Metodología de control. III Estudio epidemiológico. Vet.Arg.,9 (87): 473-485.

Fernández, A.S., Fiel, C.A.; Rodríguez, E.M.; Sominson, P.M.; Fuso, L.A. 1994 -


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Endoparasitosis en vaquillonas lecheras de recría. Su epidemiología y control.Vet. Arg., 11 (106): 374-389.

Fiel, C.A.; Fernández, AS.; Domínguez, A.A.; Fuso, L.A.; Sumell, C.A., 1991 - "Efectodel tratamiento con Oxfendazole sobre la producción láctea en vaquillonasHolando Argentino de primera parición" - X Congreso Latinoamericano deParasitologr2 y I Congreso Uruguayo de Parasitología. Montevideo, Uruguay,

Fiel, C.A., Steffa.-i, 1994 - Epidemiología de los nematodes gastrointestinales en laPampa Húmeda. In: Enfermedades parasitarias de importancia económica enbovinos. Bases epidemiológicas para su prevención y control. Eds: A. Nari, C.Fiel - Cap.4: 67-94

Garriz, C.A.; Gallinger, M.M.; Touraille, C.; Steffan, P.E.; Fiel, C.A.; Ambrostolo, R.R.;:Aondani, C.A.; Zamorano, M.; Bulman, G.M. 1987 - Gastrointestinal parasitism:Its effects on muscle, fat and bone composition of the carcass and organolepticcharacteristics of meat" In: The economic impact of parasitism in cattle.Proceedings of the MSD AgVet Symposium in association with the XXIII WorldVeterinary Congress, Montreal, Canada, 59-68.

Steffan, P.E., 1991 - Efectos de la parasitosis gastrointestinal sobre la aptitudreproductiva de vaquillonas. VI Simposio Argentino de Producción Animal,AAPA, Tandil, Argentina, Junio.

n, P.E., Fiel, C.A., 1986 - Caracterización e importancia económica de las endo-ectoparasitosis de los bovinos de carne en la provincia de Buenos Aires(República Argentina) Therios, 35: 19-34.

Steffan, P.E.; Fiel, C.A., 1994 - Efecto y control estratégico de la parasitosisgastrointestinal en vaquillonas de reposición. III Simposio de ActualizaciónParasitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina, marzo.

Steffan, P.E., Fiel, CA., Costa, J., 1993 - Parásitos internos de los bovinos en la PampaHúmeda. Cuadernillo de Divulgación editado por Hoechst Argentina S.A., 3ra.edición.


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Terezinha PadilhaSenior Researcher, Embrapa - Dairy Cattle Research Center,

Rua Eugenio do Nascimento, 610, Dom Bosco, Juiz de Fora, MG 36038-330, Brazile-mail: [emailprotected]


In Brazil, ruminants are raised mainly on permanent pastures in Brazil.Gastrointestinal nematodes are an important limiting factor for livestock production ofthese animals due to ideal conditions for parasite development and transmission whichoccurs almost all year round. This is particularly the case for small ruminants, which arehighly susceptible to the main parasite present in the Brazilian flocks, namely Haemonchuscontortus. (Honer and Bressan, 1992; Bianchin, 1996; Echevarria, 1996; Padilha, 1996).

To avoid losses associated with parasitic gastroenteritis, farmers generally applyseveral dewormings per year. In a survey conducted in Rio Grande do Sul, in which 31sheep farmers were interviewed, the number of anthelmintic applications varied from 6 to12 per year. (Echevarria and Pinheiro, 1989). Intervievved farmers in Ceara State reportedthe use of 1-2 dewormings a year in goats (Cavalcante, 1995). In dairy cattle, 3-4dewormings are generally used in the Southeast Brazil. Most farmers reported that theydid not use the recommended strategic control programmes developed during the last 15-20 years in Brazil but used anthelmintics empirically or diagnostically (Charles and Furlong,1996).

Anthelmintic Resistance

The frequent use of anthelmintics often at insufficient dosages to prevent lossesdue to trichostrongylid infection in ruminants have resulted in the development ofanthelmintic resistance in the worm population, specially in the State of Rio Grande doSul, where most of the sheep are raised. A recent survey in the region shovved severeproblems with anthelmintic resistance: 90%, 84%, 72%, 13% and 20% of the examinedfarms were resistant to albendazol, levamisole, a mixture of levamisole and albendazole,ivermectin and closantel, respectively. (Echevarría, et. al., 1995). in the goat population,mainly raised in the Northeast region, anthelmintic resistance is suspected to be present.It is important to note that although goats have a different metabolism of anthelminticsand require a different dosage, they are dewormed at the recommended dosage for sheep.Continuous underdosing could be the reason for the report of reduced efficacy or could bethe reason for anthelmintic resistance. (Charles et al., 1989; Charles and Medeiros,1993; Santos et al., 1993). In cattle, there has been no surveys to clarify the picture ofanthelmintic resistance. Hovvever, there are some reports of reduced efficacy. (Pinheiroand Echevarria, 1990).

New Approaches to Parasite Control

Since the middle of the 70s, EMBRAPA and some universities in Brazil haveimplemented studies to develop parasitic control programs for the most important


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production areas of the country. These programs were developed, and tested both onexperimental farms, in computerized farm models and in private farms and shown to beefficient in reducing losses. (Charles, 1992; Furlong, et. al., 1993; Bianchin, 1996;Echevarria, 1996; Padilha, 1996). Surveys of parasite control management conducted atcattle farms in Brazil revealed that farmers are aware of the importance of worm control.However, few farmers use anthelmintics according to the recommended controlprocedures (Charles and Furlong, 1996). A study conducted among extensionveterinarian, which deal with dairy cattle, for example, revealed that few of them areaware of the information developed in the last few years regarding worm control.(Charles, 1995). Neither farmers nor extension veterinarians are aware that resistance candevelop and become a great problem. The result of both surveys indicate a need forcontinuing education courses for extension veterinarians on worm control emphasizingmanagement of resistant nematodes and ways of preventing its Occurrence.

Continuing educational courses for extension veterinarians and the correct use ofanthelmintics by farmers will improve worm control and retard the development ofresistance in the areas in which it has not yet occurred. However, in some areas such asthe State of Rio Grande do Sul, where the worm population have developed multipleresistance (Echevarria, et. al. 1996), control alternatives should be developed.

The Potential for Biological Control

The use of microorganisms to reduce pasture infectivity as a possibility to controlresistant nematodes is being investigated at EMBRAPA-Dairy Cattle Research Center. Thefirst studies with Brazilian isolates were aimed at the identification of nematophagousfungi, which colonize cowpats and sheep faeces, and the speed by which colonizationoccurs. For this purpose, the faeces of these animals were spread on Brachiariadecumbens pastures in the Mata Region of Minas Gerais State.

Cowpats were deposited monthly from April 1995 to April 1996, while sheepfeces were spread in the months of July and October 1995 and January and April 1996.Samples of the manure were collected 3, 7 and 14 days after fecal deposition for cultureon water-agar containing free-living nematodes as baits. Inoculated plates were examinedfor three weeks. Isolated fungi were further cultured on corn-meal agar plates foradditional studies, classification and characterization.

The colonization of cattle and sheep faeces by nematophagous fungi in thesestudies was fast and diversified. From the 390 cowpats deposited during the wholeperiod, 293 fungi were isolated. A total of 123 fungi were isolated from the 120 sheepfecal samples deposited on pastures and most fungi were recovered on day 3 and 14 afterdeposition. Twenty-eight species of nematode-destroying fungi were identified from theisolates: 22 predators and six endoparasitic. Among the predators were a predominanceof those fungi, which produce adhesive nets. These were able to colonize faeces in boththe dry and wet seasons. Arthrobotrys oligospora predominated in the bovine feces whileA. oligospora and Monacrosporium eudermatum predominated amongst the sheepisolates. Myzocytium sp. and Harposporium anguillulae were the species thatpredominated among the endoparasitic fungi.

A survey of nematophagous fungi, which pass naturally through the gastro-intestinal tract and pass out with fresh faeces, was conducted from April, 1995 to April1996. Ten samples from cow and ten samples of heifers were collected directly from the


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rectum. From the cows, a pool was made of the feces and from which 10 samples of 2gm each were placed in the center of a water agar Petri dish in which free-livingnematodes were added as bait. With the faecal samples from heifers were cultivated foreach individual animal. Ten isolates were found in the study: four isolates of the genusArthrobotrys, two of Monacrosporium, two of Harposporium, one of Dactylaria and oneunidentified isolate, (unpublished results).

In vitro bioassays to check its activity on free-living stages of trichostrongylidspecies were conducted with some of the fungi species, in which nematophagous activityon free-living nematodes are intense. An isolate of H. anguillulae, a very commoncolonizer of cattle manure and sheep faeces, vvas tested using a bioassay. The resultsshowed that the addition of 300,000 conidia per gram of feces caused a reduction of99.5% of the trichostrongle larvae compared to the control group. (Charles, 1996).

The species, which naturally passes through the gastrointestinal tract, have beenexposed to further studies such as in vivo bioassays to check persistence ofnematophagous activity after the feeding of fungi material produced in water agar orchopped corn to calves. Two species, Arthrobotrys musiformis and Arthrobotrys cladodes,which were found in fresh faeces of cattle and sheep, respectively, were studied. A.musiformis vvere recovered on the third and fourth day after feeding fungi material (culturein chopped corn) to calves and it reduced the number of infective larvae in fecal cultures72 hours after feeding by 99%. A. cladodes, fed as conidia suspension (23 million and150 million), were present in faeces 20 hours after feeding but vvere less successful inreducing the number of larvae. (unpublished results)

Ongoing work is focusing on the search for fungi present in decaying ruminantand equine feces originating from several regions in Brazil, testing the techniques of massproducing fungi in cereal and including feeding of fungi into the integrated strategicparasitic control program for sheep in South Brazil and cattle in Southeast Brazil.

Integration of biological control into parasite control programmes to reducepasture infectivity in Brazil, where most ruminants are raised on permanent pasture underextensive conditions, should be applied in the seasons of the year where transmission isgreatest. Formulations, which could deliver standard doses to animals everyday, ifneeded, should be developed.

The use of fungi or any other biological agents, which act on the free-livingstages of trichostrongylid species on pastures, will change the concept of worm control.Today farmers apply anthelmintic to reduce the worm population in the gut and as aconsequence decrease the number of eggs passed in faeces, resulting in a reduction in thenumber of infective larvae in the herbage. In the future, farmers will use a formulation tobe fed to animals, which will act directly on the development of free living stage in thefaeces. Extension officers and farmers will need to be made aware of this new conceptwhich will require continuing education courses and worm control campaigns.


Bianchin, I. Epidemiologia dos nematodeos gastrintestinais em bovinos de corte noscerrados e o controle estratégico no Brasil. In: Padilha, T. Controle dosnemat6deos gastrintestinais em ruminantes. Coronel Pacheco: EMBRAPA-CNPGL,1996, p. 113-156.


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Cavalcante, A.C., Uso de vermífugos em caprinos e ovinos deslanados no sertao doCeara. 1995. Personal comunication.

Charles, T.P. Verminose dos bovinos de leite. In: Charles, T.P.; Furlong, J. Doençasparasitárias dos bovinos de leite. EMBRAPA-CNPGL

Charles, T.P. Controle da verminose em rebanhos de leite: conhecimento existente entreagentes da extensao rural. Revista Brasileira de parasitologia Veterinária,Suplemento 4, 1995, p. 109.

Charles, T.P.; Furlong, J. A survey of dairy cattle worm control practices in SoutheastBrazil. Veterinary Parasitology, Amsterdam, 65 (1-2): 66-73, 1996.

Charles, T.P.; Roque, M.V.C.; Santos, C. de P. Reduction of haemonchus contortusinfective larvae by harposporium anguillulae in sheep faecal cultures.International Journal for Parasitology, 26 (5): 509-510, 1996.

Charles, T.P.; Pompeu, J. and Miranda, D.B. Efficacy of three broad spectrumantihelmintics against gastrointestinal infections of goats. Veterinary Parasitology,Amsterdam, 34:71-74, 1989.

Charles, T.P.; Medeiros, E.M. de A.M. Effectiveness of albendazole, oxfendazole andivermectin against gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats. Arquivo Brasileirode Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, 45 (5): 497-503. 1993.

Echevarría, F. Epidemiologia de nematodeos e o controle estratégico em ovinos lanados.In: Padilha, T. Controle dos nematodeos gastrintestinais em ruminantes. CoronelPacheco: EMBRAPA-CNPGL, 1996, p. 157-168.

Echevarría, F.; Pinheiro, A. Avaliaçáo de resisténcia anti-helmíntica em rebanhos ovinos noMunicípio de Bagé, RS. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, Brasília, 9 (3/4): 69-71,1989.

Echevarría, F.; Borba, M.F.S.; Pinheiro, A.C.; Waller, P.J.; Hansen, J.W. The prevalence ofanthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites of sheep in Southern Latin America:Brazil. Veterinary Parasitology, Amsterdam, 62: 199-206, 1996.

Furlong, J.; Silva, A.M. da; Verneque, R. da S.; Gardner, A.; Brockington, N.R. Análisebioeconomica do uso de anti-helmíntico em bezerros na Zona da mata de MinasGerais. Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia veterinária, Sao Paulo, 2 (2): 119-126,1993.

Furlong, J.; Silva, A.M. da; Verneque, R. da s.; Gardner, A.; Brockington, N.R. Análisebioeconômica do uso de anti-helmíntico em bezerros na Zona de mata de MinasGerais. Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia veterinária, Sao Paulo, 2 (2): 119-126,1993.

Honer, M.R.; Bressan, M.C.R.V. Nemat6deos de bovinos no Brasil. 0 Estado da Pesquisa.1991. Revista Brasileira de Parasitología Veterinária, Sao Paulo, 1(1 ):67-79,1992.

Padilha, T. Controle da verminose gastrintestinal em pequenos ruminantes nas regioesáridas e semi-áridas do Nordeste do Brasil. In: Padilha, T. Controle dosnematodeos gastrintestinais em ruminantes. Coronel Pacheco: EMBRAPA-CNPGL,1996, p. 169-178.

Pinheiro, A.C.; Echevarría, F.A.M. Susceptibilidade de Haemkonchus spp em bovinos aotratamento anti-helmíntico com albendazole e oxfendazole. Pesquisa VeterinariaBrasileira, Brasilia, 10 (1/2): 19-21, 1990.

Santos, N.V.M. Dos; Charles, T.P.; Medeiros, E.M. de A.M. Eficacia do cloridrato delevamisol em infestaçoes por nematodeos gastrintestinais em caprinos. ArquivoBrasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, 45 (5): 487-495,1993.


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Peter R. ManueliDivision of Animal Health & Production,

Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries & Forests,P.O. Box 15829, Suya, FI77


Gastro-intestinal parasites are the major cause of losses in the Fijian smallruminant industry. They are the largest single cause of deaths on small ruminant farms,and also cause substantial production losses in the case of chronic infections.Currently, parasite control on small ruminant farms in Fiji relies almost exclusively onthe regular use of anthelmintics. Given the possible problems that could be caused bythe development of widespread anthelmintic resistance there is a need to developalternative and sustainable methods of parasite control.

Research carried out in the past in Fiji in conjunction with ACIAR has targetedrotational grazing, selection of resistant hosts, nutritional manipulation and the use ofmedicated feed supplements. Hovvever, each of these approaches has been faced withdifficulties. In an attempt to vviden the range of sustainable parasite control methodsthe MAFF and ACIAR has begun investigations into the use of a nematophagous fungiin Fiji.

Fiji: Location Geography and Climate

The Fiji archipelago consists of more than 300 islands scattered over 230,000km2 of ocean, lying between latitudes 15 and 22 degrees South, and longitudes 174degrees East and 177 degrees West. Of the total land area of 18,378 km2 the two mainislands of Viti Levu (57%) and Vanua Levu (30%) covers 87%.

The climate is tropical maritime, with three climatic zones: a wet zone on thewindward sides of the main islands, a dry zone on the rainshadovv sides and anintermediate zone in the transition area between the wet and dry zones. Mean annualrainfall ranges from 1800 mm to 3200 mm (Twyford and Wright, 1965).

The Importance of Small Ruminants

Small ruminants (sheep and goats) play an important role in Fijian agriculturalsystems. In 1991 there were 24,027 goat farmers holding 187,235 goats (mean flocksize of 7.79 head) (Otanez, Narayan and Tubuna, 1992). Since 1991, 88 new sheepfarmers have been established holding some 2,842 sheep with a mean flock size of32.3 head.

Whilst very few sheep and goats enter the formal (abattoir/butcher shop)system of marketing, there is a large demand for live sheep and goats with live maleanimals fetching premium prices of $3.00 - $3.50 per kg liveweight. The high demandfor small ruminants is largely due to the fact that they are the only commodities not

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subject to religious taboos (unlike pork and beef), a factor of major importance in Fiji'smulti cultural society.

Table 1. Goat and nho,v meat imports and estimated local production

Year Sheep TotalLocal frri p o rt 3 Value of Local Imports Value Value ofProd prod Prod of prod Local Prod

(t) (t) 6;000) (t) (t) ($000) ($000)

1990 624 84.8 3 744 7.8 8 373 46.8 3790.81991 640 114.9 2 840 10.7 9 807 64.2 3904.21992 651 55.1 3 906 16.5 11 129 99 4005.01993 621 137.2 3 726 16 10 378 96 3822.01994 745 129.7 4 470 20 9 533 120 4 590.01995 790 101 4 740 24 1 231 144 4884.0

Note: The value of production is based on a value of $6/kg carcass weight.Source: Nlanueli, 1996e,

The I ce of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Small Ruminants in Fiji

Studies in sheep carried out in Fiji have indicated that parasites may beresponsible for 30 percent of all stock deaths in privately owned small holder flocks andY 50 pe:ocnt of ll mortalities in intensively managed government flocks (Manueli,

TI- most irr, -t7,nt parasites of small ruminants in Fiji are:

Table 2. Gastrointesfrial Parasites of Small Ruminants in Fiji.

A, Occasional; + +, Common; + + +, Very Common;

Source: VValkden-Brown and Banks (19861

Investigations into the parasite nutrition interactions in Fiji sheep have clearlyindicated that the parasite problem is exacerbated by sub-optimal nutrition.Improvements in nutrition have shovvn to result in a reduction in the need foranthelmintic treatments in supplemented animals, with an improvement in productivityof 66 85% over unsupplemented controls. The effect of parasite control in addition

Haemonchus contortus Abomasum + + +Trichostrongylus axei Abomasum + + +Trichostrongylus Small Intestine +colubriformisStiongyloides papillosus Small Intestine + + +11,1oniezra expansa Small Intestine + + +Oesophagostomum Large Intestine + +columbianum


Species Site Frequency of


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to nutritional supplementation has resulted in a further 30 62% increase inproductivity measured as total weight of lambs weaned (Manueli, 1996b).

Current Parasite Control

Current control methods range from monthly drenching on large intensive farms(and government farms) to sporadic drenching (2-3 times per year) in small holder andextensively managed flocks. Anthelmintics commonly used are levamisole, albendazoleand fenbendazole with lvermectin usage being restricted to government stations. Allanthelmintics are imported into Fiji at considerable cost with supply being subject to thevagaries of shipping services. The high level of anthelmintic usage on the larger farmshas resulted in anthelmintic resistance on a number of goat and sheep farms. Limitedsurveys (Banks,, 1987) have shown the level of resistance to be 44%, 38% and17% for benzimidazole, levamisole and the combination of both drugs. More than half(54%) of farms have resistance to either benzimidazole or levamisole drugs. At thisstage, no ivermectin resistance has been reported. This is of special concerns as thelarge flocks are the major source of improved breeding animals for the nations smallruminant farmers, thus resistant worms are being distributed along with improvedbreeding stock.

The problem of the development of anthelmintic resistance is furtherexacerbated by the lack of knowledge on the part of both farmers and extensionofficers of correct anthelmintic usage. The tendency of farmers to regularly under-dosetheir animals due to either a desire to save money, or a genuine unawareness of theimportance of dosing according to liveweights.

Non-chemotherapeutic Alternatives to Parasite Control

Alternatives to chemotherapy that have been the subject of research in Fijiinclude: the development of a rotational grazing system, the selection of resistant hosts,the use of medicated feed blocks and nutritional manipulation. More recently researchhas begun into the use of the nematophagous fungus aflagrans to control gastro-intestinal parasites of sheep.

Rotational grazing

As a result of research from ACIAR project 8418 it was found that due to rapidhatching of larvae on pasture, infection with infective larvae occurred all year round inboth the wet and dry zones. However, larval survival was relatively short with themajority of larvae dying within 10 weeks of hatching (Banks,, 1990). This resultedin the development of an 8 paddock, 28 day rotational grazing programme (Lawrence1992); however, uptake by farmers of the rotational grazing systems has been slow.This has been due largely to the high fencing costs associated with the establishment ofthe rotational grazing system and the small land areas and flock sizes of most smallholder farmers.

Genetic resistance

The enhancement of host resistance through the selection of resistant hosts iscurrently being pursued. An estimate of the heritability of faecal egg counts of 0.27 ±


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0.03 has been calculated for Fiji sheep (Woolaston, 1995). However, thebreeding of resistant sheep is a long-term programme and the benefits will not becomeapparent for some years.

Improved nutrition

Nutritional supplementation has some promise as a large number of small holderfarmers regularly provide some sort of feed supplement to their livestock each evening.However, high costs of supplements and poor distribution systems for feeds haveresulted in low level of utilization of supplementary feeding.

The introduction of Urea Molasses Blocks (UMBs) and Medicated Urea MolassesBlocks (MUMBS) has proved popular with many farmers; however, farmers have beenfacing problems with obtaining ingredients for small scale on farm manufacture of theblocks. The use of UMBs and MUMBs is an area that has been the subject of extensiveresearch during ACIAR/CSIRO Project 9132 (Manueli 1996b). The use of MUMBs inconjunction with UMBs (1 wk MUMB, 4 wks UMB) has proven to be effective both onresearch stations and on private farms. However, the acceptance level of farmers hasbeen limited due to the problems mentioned above sourcing ingredients for on farmmanufacture of blocks.

The problem of the supply of feed ingredients is likely to prevent thewidespread uptake of the UMB, MUMB technology in Fiji as long as individual farmersare required to mix their own feed blocks. In an attempt to overcome this problem theDivision of Animal Health and Production will, over the next 18 months, establish sixsmall scale, Urea Molasses Block manufacturing plants at various locations around thecountry. The plants, which will be based on cement mixer technology, will be used forthe manufacture of UMBs and MUMBs for sale to farmers.

Research Into Nematophagous Fungi In Fiji

Research into the use of nematophagous fungi in Fiji began in July of 1996 inconjuntion with the CSIRO under the aegis of ACIAR. This involved the collection ofsome 2,459 faecal samples from sheep and goats from a 26 farms in Fiji. The sampleswere then cultured in an attempt to detect the presence of nematophagous fungi. Anumber of fungi were detected and identified. Twelve separate isolations ofAstrobotys/Geniculif era were made, but unfortunately no local isolate of D.flagrans wasobtained. The lack of success with isolating D.flagrans was thought to have been dueto a number of factors. These included: low numbers of larvae developing in thesamples due to low faecal egg counts in the animals sampled; faeces were not culturedon agar which may have inhibited larval movement on the petri dishes and thus reducedthe chances of observing trapping; the large numbers of other saprophytic fungi thatgrew in the cultures may have prevented the development of D.flagrans in the cultures.As a result another attempt to isolate nematophagous fungus was carried out in 1997.

The second attempt involved the collection of a further 253 samples from sitesthat had produced trapping fungi in the past. However, this attempt was alsounsuccessful despite the fact that the samples this time were cultured on agar (2%agar, 0.02% Tetracycline) and with additional larvae supplied.


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Subsequently a Queensland strain of D flagrans was imported and quantities offungal material have been grovvn on sterile, moist cultures of rice for experimentalevaluation of this fungus in controlling parasite infections of small ruminants under localpen and subsequently, field trials. Preliminary results of a pen trial being carried out inFiji indicate that D.flagrans is reducing larval recovery rates in ewes being fed D.flagranschlamydospores.


At present the best possible mechanisms for the use of D.flagrans in Fiji is

through its inclusion in Urea Molasses Blocks and feeding of rice with fungal cultures asa feed supplement.

Feeding in Urea Molasses Blocks

The establishment of the Urea Molasses Block plant for the commercialmanufacture of UMBs represents an opportunity for the incorporation of D.flagrans infeed blocks for distribution to farmers. As previously mentioned, it is planned toestablish six commercial urea molasses block plant in Fiji in late 1 997 and early 1998. Itis possible that rice grains, on which D.flagrans has been grovvn, could be incorporatedinto the urea molasses Blocks and fed as a feed supplement to livestock at night innight sheds. Hovvever, there will be a need to investigate the stability of thechlamydospores in the blocks. This will require that research be carried out into thedevelopment of appropriate block formulations.

Feeding of Fungus on Rice

Since a culture of supplementary feeding of livestock currently exists in Fiji,there is a possibility that the fungus could be fed directly on rice grains as a feedsupplement. However, the success of this approach will be subject to the developmentof a satisfactory distribution system and the acceptance of rice as a supplement by thesheep. This approach is the one being used in pen trials that are currently being carriedout in Fiji. Unfortunately there are no results available at this time.

The Incorporation of fungi into pelleted rations

The possibility of incorporating fungus into compounded feeds represents a viableoption as the largest local feed miller has expanded feed production to include theproduction of ruminant diets,

Incorporation into a Reduced Rotational Grazi amme

Studies to be carried out in Fiji will investigate the use of the fungus in a

reduced rotational grazing programme. The current programme requires a minimum of 8paddocks and a 28-day rotation. The use of the fungus to reduce larval survival andavailability on pastures may allow the use of an abbreviated rotational grazingprogramme. However, this approach will require that epidemiological studies be carriedout to investigate the trapping ability and survival of the fungus on pastures.


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Small ruminants vvill continue to play an important role in the Fijian farmingsystem because of the high demand for live animals for home consumption. Theproblem of gastro-intestinal parasites however remains the major problem facing smallruminant farmers causing mortality and reduced productivity that is often exacerbatedby sub-optimal nutrition.

The problem of vvidespread anthelmintic resistance in Fiji is the major threatfacing the small ruminant industries in Fiji. This threat coupled with the relatively highcost of imported anthelmintics, has made it necessary to explore all possible methods ofparasite control. Previous research has highlighted rotational grazing, nutritionalsupplementation together with the feeding of medicated feed supplements and theselection of resistant hosts as possible alternative methods of control. However, due tothe small size of both herds and holdings in Fiji, the long time scale required for thedevelopment of resistant hosts, and problems faced by farmers in obtaining materialsfor the manufacture of UMBs and MUMBs the adoption of these control methods hasbeen limited.

The use of nematophagous fungi for parasite control in Fiji represents anattractive method of parasite control with potential to be incorporated into the localfarming system. However, this will require that difficulties faced in growing D.flagransin large quantities be overcome. If the fungi can be produced locally using locallyavailable materials and is shown to work well under Fiji conditions this may result in a

reduction in the imports of expensive anthelmintics. The fungi also represent a possibleway of modifying the rotational grazing programme allowing for a reduced rotation andthus making it more acceptable to local farmers. Hovvever, any decision to release thefungus for widespread use by private farmers will require that a thorough environmentalimpact study be carried out.

At the conclusion of the current experimental programme in Fiji we will havegenerated knowledge that will allow us to determine the optimal method of use of thenematophagous fungus in Fiji. However, the fungus remains only one of a number ofalternatives to chemotherapy available to us in Fiji. Any future sustainable parasitecontrol in Fiji will have to rely upon a number of different control measures.


Banks, D., Singh, R., Pratap, B., 1987, Goats, Annual Research Report, ResearchDivision, Ministry of Primary Industries, Suya, Fiji.

Banks, D.J.D., Singh, R., Barger, I.A., Pratap, B., Le Jambre, L.F., 1990, Developmentand Survival of Infective Larvae of Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongyluscolubriformis on pasture in a tropical environment, International Journal forParasitology, 20: 155-160.

Lawrence,J., 1992, Taking the Gamble out of Goats, Partners in research forDevelopment, 5: 23-28.

Manueli P.R., 1996a, Sustainable control of parasites in Small Ruminants, CountryPaper, Fiji, In: Sustainable Parasite Control In Small Ruminants, Eds. LeJambre,L.F., Knox, MR., Proceedings of An International Workshop sponsored byACIAR and held in Bogor, Indonesia 22-25 April 1996, Australian Centre ForInternational Agricultural Research, Proceedings No. 74, pp: 92-97.


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Manueli, P.R. 1996b, Research in Fiji - Blocks for parasite control in sheep, Paperpresented at the ACIAR Project 9132 termination review meeting held at theVeterinary Research Institute, lpoh, Malaysia from 11 - 22 November 1996.

Twyford, I.T., Wright, A.C.S., 1965, The Soil Resources of Fiji, Vol. 1., GovernmentPrinter, Suya, Fiji.

Walkden-Brown, S.W., Banks, D.J.D., 1986, Integrated Small Ruminant and CroppingSystems in Fiji with Health as a Major Constraint, In: Small RuminantProduction Systems in South and South-East Asia, Proceedings of a Workshopheld in Bogor, 6-10 October 1986, International Development Research Centre,Canada, pp: 289-310.

Woolaston, R.R., Manueli, P.R., Singh, R., Tabunakawai, N., Le Jambre, L.P., 1995,Breeding to assist control of gastrointestinal parasites of small ruminants in thePacific Islands, In: Gray, D.G., Woolaston, R.R., Eaton, B.T., eds., Breeding forresistance to Infectious Disease in Small Ruminants, Australian Centre forInternational Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia, pp: 179-186.


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P.K. SanyalBiotechnology Laboratory National Dairy Development Board

Anand-388 001, Gujarat, India


Parasitic gastroenteritis, dominated by haemonchosis, is one of the majorconstraints to profitable ruminant production in India. The hot and humid tropical climateis very favourable for the development and survival of pre-parasitic stages of nernatodesand infective larvae are available on the pasture at all times of the year in most parts ofthe country. Owing to favourable climatic conditions for development and survival ofpreparasitic stages and in absence of conventional or alternate control strategies,control of ovine, caprine, bovine and bubaline parasitic gastroenteritis is primarilyattempted by the frequent use of anthelrnintics at short intervals, particularly inintensive and semi-intensive management systems, vvhich has been shown to result inthe emergence of anthelmintic resistant parasite strains. Efforts are now being made todevelop and use environmental friendly alternatives to chemotherapy, viz., grazingmanagement, host resistance to parasites etc. There is also a growing awareness aboutthe importance of parasitism and need for integrated management for sustainableparasite control.

Although in India biological control using mycological agents is restricted to theplants, there is need for research on nematophagous fungi mediated parasite control asan alternative to chemotherapy. Although anthelmintic resistance is not as rampant asreported in other developing tropical countries, particularly in the southern hemisphere,there is need to have other alternative means to combat this menace, which will notonly reduce the use of chemicals but also the cost of animal production as a whole.Further, investigation to alternates to chemical control should be continued againstvvhich parasites may not develop defenses as the kinds of changes the parasites willhave to make to avoid the newer methods of control are inherently more difficult andhence slower than the task of developing resistance to anthelmintics.


According to FAO (1994), there are 44.8 million sheep and 118.3 million goatsin India vvith a large genetic diversity as reflected by 40 species of sheep and 20 ofgoats which account for 0.5 to 5 per cent of the value of total output of the livestocksector (Singh, 1995). Indian goats have adapted to the variety of climatic andagroeconomic situations prevalent in different parts of the country and cost little tomaintain as they feed on harvested or fallow fields, canal banks or overgrazedcommons. Sheep in India are kept by people who have traditionally taken to sheepfarming and are reared in the migratory system, which is dependent on season andavailability of pasture to graze. The sheep breeding regions of India are classified as (1)The northern plains, (2) The semi-arid western region, (3) The southern humid regionand (4) The temperate and subtemperate mountains. Both sedentary and migratorysystem of sheep production are common in India. Flocks of Central Institutes and


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Government sheep breeding farms engaged in research on sheep production areprimarily sedentary flocks. Integrated sheep development programmes are feasible forthe sedentary flocks which are located in areas with sufficient grazing/forest land.

There are 193.0 million cattle and 78.3 million buffaloes in India (FAO, 1994).Though India is poised to become the World's number one milk producing country, theper capita productivity of the dairy stock in the country is very low and far below theworld averages. The need to optimise productivity in dairy animals in Indian context isfurther aggravated by liberalised economic policies favouring a market driven economyconfronting the Indian dairy farmers with global competition on a scale hitherto notknown to them.


Animal diseases are conservatively estimated to reduce production of animals inIndia by 30-40 percent. Indeed, much of the national animal diseases control effortsduring last three decades have been devoted almost exclusively against bacterial andviral diseases, which are responsible for major epizootics. Parasitic gastroenteritis isnow regarded as one of the major causes of low productivity in small and largeruminants. Further, parasitic infection is believed to be the reason for poorimmunological response to the vaccines used to control major bacterial and viralepizootics. Efforts for effective control of parasitic gastroenteritis (PGE) in domesticruminants in India have not been made due to paucity of information on theepizootology of the disease, its variability depending on the agroclimatic conditions,shortage of trained personnel and traditional practice of keeping and management ofanimals.

Small Ruminants

Haemonchus contortus is considered to be the most pathogenic nematodeparasite of sheep and goats (Sood, 1981) followed by Trichostrongylus colubriformis(Sanyal, 1988a). However, Bunostomum, Oesophagostomum, Cooperia, andStrongyloides spp. are also common, particularly during rainy and post-rainy months.

Large Ruminants

Haemonchus spp. is the predominant nematode recorded in buffalo while,Haemonchus and Mecistocirrus spp. head the list in cattle (Sanyal and Singh, 1995a).However, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus spp. are present in lownumbers particularly during monsoon and post-monsoon months.


Small Ruminants

Naturally acquired mixed trichostrongyle infection is believed to adversely affectthe live weight gains and fibre production in small ruminants. In nomadic migratoryflocks nematode parasitism is regarded to be causing major losses of production whichis often exacerbated by severe and seasonal shortage of nutrition. Suppressiveanthelmintic drenchings result in marked increase in live weight gain and clean fleeceyield (Sanyal et al, 1986; Maru et al., 1986). In intensive farming system morbidity andmortality rates could be reduced to a great extent by the use of strategic dosing coupled


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field results in depressed nutrient intake, impaired absorption and utilization. Nutritionalsupplementation, particularly the use of bypass protein, has been shown to limitparasite induced losses. Anthelmintic-unresponsive diarrhoea and anthelmintic-unresponsive growth retardation as reported by Suttle (1994) has also been observed inflocks maintained in institutional farms.

Large Ruminants

Apart from calves, parasitic gastroenteritis in cattle and buffaloes is present insubclinical form (Sanyal et al., 1992a), but the extent to which this reduces animalproductivity was not known before 1992. Peri-parturient anthelmintic treatment ofcrossbred dairy cattle with conventional anthelmintic formulation resulted in 11.26 percent increase in milk yield with a gain of 1.42 litres of milk per cow per day. Itincreased the lactation length by 27 days and time to first oestrus was reduced by 8.2days (Sanyal et al., 1992b). Similarly, an overall 13.2 per cent gain in milk yield in dairybuffaloes with an increase of 0.96 litre/head/day was observed following periparturientanthelmintic treatment (Sanyal et al., 1993). Strategic long-term low-leveladministration of fenbendazole in urea molasses block has been reported to increasemilk production by 1.2 litres per day in dairy buffaloes (Sanyal and Singh, 1995b), 0.57litre per day in crossbred cattle (Sanyal et al., 1995) and an additional increase of 60gm in body weight per day in treated heifers (Sanyal and Singh, 1995c).


Small Ruminants

Most of the available information on parasite prevalence comes from flocksmaintained under intensive management system. Very limited information is availablefrom the migratory flocks. However, it is considered that seasonality of infection inthese flocks is likely to be the same as in intensively managed flocks, because theprevalence of parasitic gastroenteritis in tropical areas is largely determined by rainfalland production systems practiced. The epidemiological picture of parasiticgastroenteritis in the country can be divided into 4 major agroclimatic zones of sheepbreeding in India:

Northern plains

Limited surveys indicated higher prevalence rate during monsoon andpost-monsoon months (June to October) in the states of Bihar (Bali, 1973), Orissa(Mishra et al., 1974), Punjab (Chabra et al., 1976) and Haryana (Bali and Singh, 1977).VVhile studying epidemiologic pattern of parasite prevalence, Gupta et al. (1987)reported H. contortus and Trichostrongylus spp. to be responsible for ovine and caprineparasitic gastroenteritis. The adult parasites persisted throughout the year and therewas no indication of hypobiosis. The agroclimatic conditions of the zone revealed that,in general, favourable weather conditions for the development and survival of free livingstages of the parasites existed all the year round. However, July to October were themonths of maximum parasitism.


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Semi-arid western region

Rathore et al (1955), Dubey et al. (1983) and Sanyal (1989a) indicated June toNovember were the months of high risk. A retrospective study on the prevalence ofovine parasitic gastroenteritis in the flocks of Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute(CSWRI), Avikanagar, Rajasthan during 1988-1993, indicated equivalent averageparasitism rate of 1.96 per cent in adults followed by 1.10 per cent in hoggets and 0.17per cent in weaners. Peak parasitism was observed during July to September (Swarnkaret al., 1996). The worm egg counts in adult sheep rose to a peak in August while inyoung sheep, peaks were observed in September. Pasture larval burden was moreduring monsoon and July to October seemed to be more vulnerable months (Swarnkaretal., 1997).

Southern humid region

Gupta and Mathur (1969) observed that November to January are the monthsof peak parasitism in Madras, Tamil Nadu which receives North-East monsoon duringOctober-November.

Temperate / Subtemperate region

In the temperate Himalayan region of Kashmir predominant parasites wereTrichostrongylus and Strongyloides spp. An increasing trend of infection from spring(March - May), summer (June - September) to Autumn (October - November) wasobserved with ambient temperature ranging from 7.4 - 29.5°C (Dhar et al., 1982;Krishna et al., 1989, Makhdoomi et al., 1995).

Results of a study undertaken during 1986 to 1989 on the bionomics ofpre-parasitic stages, seasonal availability of infective stages on pasture, per-parturientrise and hypobiosis of parasites in the host in subtemperate Tamil Nadu indicated thatthe period of June to November was best suited for rapid hatching of eggs followed bymoulting (Sanyal, 1989b). Seasonal availability of ovine strongyle larvae on pastureindicated H. contortus being active during June to November and rare during Decemberto May. Whereas, Trichostrongylus colubriformis was found on pasture throughout theyear (Sanyal, 1989c). Peri-parturient rise with resultant higher worm burden in Iambswas also recorded (Sanyal, 1988b). Hypobiosis of H. contortus during September toFebruary was very common, coinciding with higher worm burden in the hosts duringMarch onward (Sanyal, 1988c; Sanyal, 1989d).

Large Ruminants

Pal and Balakrishnan (1987) recorded bimodal distribution of gastrointestinalparasites in cattle in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands with maximum incidenceoccurring during March and December. Jagannath et al. (1988, 1989) reported higherinfection rate in buffalo than cattle in Karnataka with higher incidence during south-westmonsoon.

Quantitative epidemiology of bovine PGE organized by the National DairyDevelopment Board in eight different agroclimatic zones of India during 1 990-1 994indicated typical seasonal rise in Worm burdens in host and on pasture followingmonsoon rains (Sanyal et al., 1992a, Sanyal and Singh, 1995a, Mathur et al., 1996).


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Chemotherapy with or without grazing management

In majority of farmer's flocks no anthelmintic treatment is given unless clinicalcases of PGE .7.)pear. In some flocks tactical anthelmintic treatment is practiced duringthe months of 3rch-April, June-July, September-December. Based on the observationson parasite epi,_ology in sedentary flocks of CSWRI in the subtemperate Tamil Nadu,a control strat2gy was formulated with the combination of rotational and clean grazingwith anthelmintic dosing at strategic points (Sanyal, 1991). It was observed that cleanpasture provided after winter drenching in January can be grazed for more than 3months, whereas clean pasture provided after rainy season drenching in June showedhigh pasture contamination in the second month of grazing. During most seasons,except winter, monthly rotation of pasture was practiced as pasture larval burdenreached above critical level within a month of grazing (Sanyal, 1991). Based on theepidemiologic pattern of parasite prevalence, a control strategy was formulated forsheep flocks of CSWRI stationed in semi-arid climate of Avikanagar involving twostrategic dosings during March-April and June-July and one tactical drenching duringOctober-November. This strategy implemented since 1985 onward resulted in reductionin equivalent average morbidity per 1000 animal days at risk from 0.12 to 0 (Maru et

al., 1993).


Anthelmintic resistance

In migratory farmer's sheep flocks anthelmintic treatment against PGE tends tobe ad hoc and haphazard, so the selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance isconsidered to be low. However, distribution of farm-bred flocks to the farmers undervarious extension programmes have resulted in the spread of resistant strains generatedon the farm to the farmer's flocks. Emphasis on anthelmintic treatment has resulted inuse of drugs by the farmers, who not only compromise with dose but also withanthelmintic efficacy. Therefore, the risk of selecting for resistance has increasedsignificantly.

In India Varshney and Singh (1976) first reported resistance to phenothiazineand thiabendazole in H. contortus of sheep. Later on, during 1990s many reports ofanthelmintic resistance appeared like fenbendazole resistance in ovine H. contortus

(Yadav, 1990), levamisole resistance in caprine H. contortus (Yadav and Uppal, 1993),fenbendazole and tetramisole resistance in ovine H. contortus in sheep breeding farm,Rishikesh, Uttar Pradesh (Srivastava et al., 1995), multiple benzimidazole resistance inH. contortus in sheep (Yadav et al., 1995) and goats (Uppal et al., 1992), emergingresistance to rafoxanide in H. contortus in sheep (Singh et al., 1996), albendazoleresistance H. contortus strains in CSWRI flocks (Singh et al., 1995) and benzimidazoleresistance in sheep and goat in Uttar Pradesh (Yadav et al., 1996a). An outbreak ofhaemonchosis in sheep associated with fenbendazole and morantel resistance wasreported for the first time by Yadav et al., 1993a. The first genuine survey foranthelmintic resistance was conducted by Kumar and Yadav (1994). They surveyed 32traditionally managed and 22 intensively managed flocks in 3 farms for FBZ resistance.They observed no resistance in traditionally managed rural flocks while, 15 of 22intensively managed flocks had slight resistance (between 60-88 per cent reduction of


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egg counts) and 4 had severe resistance (less that 60 per cent reduction). Resistance toalbendazole and levamisole were reported in five sheep farms located in differentagroclimatic regions in India (Gill, 1993, 1996).

Till date there is only one report of fenbendazole resistance in gastrointestinalparasites of cattle (Yadav et al., 1996b).


The demand for milk, meat and fibre in India is growing not only because ofincreasing human population but also due to rise of per capita income. Ruminants play acrucial role in the conversion of low quality plant material and crop residues to highquality human food and in returning valuable plant nutrients to the soil. As sustainabledevelopment is a compromise between reducing environmental degradation and positiveeconomic growth, sustainable parasite control should aim towards less intensive, lowerinput, less risk of parasite induced losses with greater opportunities for integration ofchemotherapy, grazing management, biological control, mathematical models anddecision support systems. In most of the cases resistance seems clearly to beassociated vvith heavy reliance on chemicals, applied frequently and sometimeshaphazardly. Drug resistance increases costs of treatment, reduces the efficiency ofproduction, depletes the stock of effective control tools and increases the risk ofenvironmental contamination, as frequency of use and dose increases with decliningeffectiveness of anthelmintics. As resistance to newer anthelmintics is emerging, thereis a need in India for sustainable integrated parasite management which is

multidisciplinary in nature and is under resourced because of its long-term nature.Government must acknowledge the crucial role of research and development and theneed for widespread dissemination of its results in the quest for sustainabledevelopment.

Use of Anthelmintics with Grazing Management

Natural grazing management is an age old practice of farmers wherein theflocks migrate from one pasture to another depending on availability. In sedentary flocksgrazing management are being practiced since late 1980s, with reduction in thefrequency of anthelmintic interventions. People have started fine tuning the strategybecause of the fact that selection pressure on worms to develop anthelmintic resistanceis not simply proportional to frequency of treatment, but depends on how anthelminticsare used in relation to grazing management.

Anthelmintic Delivery Devices

One of the recently developed weapon for efficient integrated parasitemanagement programme is self medicating anthelmintic delivery devices. These consistof adding a targeted dose of anthelmintics in a suitable and palatable vehicle which isconsumed by the animal at its own will. Through these delivery devices the cost oflabour and spillage of drug can be reduced considerably.

At the Biotechnology Laboratory, NDDB, Anand, under the NDDB-ACIARcollaborative research projects (PN 8523 and 9132) two self medicating devices againstparasitic gastroenteritis are currently being evaluated. These are:


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Medicated urea molasses block licks

This technology is based on the principle that efficacy and spectrum of activityof benzimidazole anthelmintics are increased following sustained low doseadministration. Medicated Urea Molasses Block (MUMB) developed by the NDDB,Anand, contains adequate fenbendazole anthelmintic so as to deliver a minimum dailydose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight when licked by the animals on daily basis. Laboratoryand field trials have indicated that these are highly effective for treatment and control ofgastrointestinal round worms and during improve animal productivity (Sanyal, 1995).This delivery device can be used as a proactive mean to control parasites by theirstrategic application based on parasite epidemiology.

Dewormer concentrate feed pellets

Medicated feed pellets were developed based on the observation that divideddose schedule of benzimidazole anthelmintics is more efficacious than the single dose.It contains fenbendazole or albendazole for large and small ruminants, respectively andis offered to the animals for two consecutive days. This delivery device is primarilymeant for curative treatment of animals (Sanyal, 1997).

Host genetic resistance

Emergence of resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes to broad spectrumanthelmintics and excessive cost of developing new anthelmintics will warrantdevelopment of alternative methods of control. Breeding of stocks genetically resistantto helminth parasites may provide a solution, but no such efforts have been made inIndia. Very few studies have been conducted on the breed susceptibility to nematodeparasitism. Though Yadav et al. (1997) reported no significant differences inparasitological, pathophysiological and immunological parameters in native Nali andMerino crosses experimentally infected with H. Contortus, it was observed in the flocksof CSWRI, that the native Coimbatore breed excreted fewer worm eggs in faeces andhad lower morbidity and mortality rates compared to purebred Merino, Rannbouillet andtheir crosses (Sanyal, 1988a). The first specific study in this direction was conductedby Yadav et al. (1993b). Following experimental infection with H. contortus theyobserved significantly less changes in haematological values, body vveight gains, faecalegg counts, adult worm counts, abomasal pH and pathophysiological changes in theabomasum with increased eosinophilia in lambs of native Munjal breed (Nah x Lohi)compared to crossbred Hisardale (Nah x Corriedale crosses) lambs. An effort is nowbeing made to study Garole breed of sheep which are naturally resistant to variousdiseases including parasitic gastroenteritis as a joint research programme involvingACIAR, Goverment of India and NG0s.


As reported earlier, parasitic infection of ruminants in India is governed primarilyby rainfall and temperature which favour development and survival of preparasiticstages. Therefore, the prevalence of parasitism is seasonal. Farmers tend to recognisethe seasonality of the problem and accordingly treat their animals vvith anthelmintics. Inmany instances lengthy periods of high rainfall require regular and frequent treatment.The picture is more severe in sedentary flocks where animals are grazed on permanent


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pastures throughout the year. It is largely been regarded that parasite control can not beachieved by a single method. The available classical and alternate technologies shouldproperly be integrated similar to those practiced in the integrated pest control inagriculture. Biological control seems to be one such additional alternate control strategy.There are promising reports regarding the potential use of biological control of nematodeparasites of ruminants using nematophagous fungi in cattle, horse, pig and sheep fromDenmark and Australia.

Though in India biological control of nematodes by mycological means isrestricted to the field of agricultural research on the use of nematophagous fungi foranimal parasite control is being proposed. Though anthelmintic resistance is not asrampant as in other developing tropical countries particularly in the SouthernHemisphere, it is felt that India should develop alternative methods, so as to reduce theuse of chemicals. It is also felt that the kinds of changes the parasites will have to maketo avoid the nevver methods of control are inherently more difficult and hence slovverthan the task of developing resistance to anthelmintics.


Prerequisites to the adoption of biological control using nematophagous fungiin India can be divided into two basic heads:


Isolation of local strains of nematophagous fungi which can survive ruminantgut passage.Development of a device for delivery of fungus to the host.Strategic application of alternative control methods and monitoring VVOrMburden in laboratory and field trials simulating standard husbandry practices.Impact of biological control on user and environment.Impact of nematophagous fungi on beneficial saprophytic nematodes useful innutrient recycling.


These are essential steps for biological control on commercial perspectives.

Development of cheap method to scale up fungal production.Development of formulations in which nematophagous fungi can survivestorage.


Parasitic gastroenteritis is regarded as a major impediment to profitableruminant production in India. The haematophagous abomasal parasite Haemonchuscontortus is the dominant species in both small and large ruminants. Monsoon governsthe severity of infection which is more in sedentary flocks of sheep compared tomigratory flocks. Frequent anthelmintic interventions have resulted in the emergence ofanthelmintic resistance particularly in sedentary sheep flocks.


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There is increasing awareness that in future the parasite control programmeshould reduce the reliance on chemical anthelmintics. It is believed that parasitic controlneeds an integrated approach involving the use of all available means. Compared toother non-chemotherapeutic approaches to parasite control in ruminant livestock, use ofnematophagous fungi has shown promising results in Denmark and Australia. Researchand development work on biological control of parasites is desirable so as to developsustainable parasite control strategies.


Bali, H,S. 1973. Incidence of helminth parasites of sheep in Bihar. Journal of AnimalHealth and Production 1: 35-39.

Bali, M.K. and Singh, R.P. 1977. Studies on the prevalence of »laemonchus contortus insheep and goat in Hissar, Haryana Agricultural University Journal of Research7: 143-148.

Chabra, R.C., Bali, H.S. and "Nor, L.S. 1976. Gastrointestinal strongylosis andcomparative efficacy of anthelmintic in sheep. Journal of Research, PunjabAgricultural University 13 : 308-311.

Dhar, D.N., Sharma, R.L. and Bansal, G.C. 1982. Gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep inKashmir. Veterinary Parasitology 11: 271-277.

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F. SatrijaDepartment of Parasitology and Pathology, Bogor Agricultural University

JI. Taman Kencana N° 3 Borog - Indonesia

BeriajayaResearch Institute for Veterinary Science

P.O. Box 52, Bogor 16114, Indonesia


Ruminant livestock are the second most important source of animal protein inIndonesia, follovving poultry. Data on livestock population available from the DirectorateGeneral of Livestock Services shows that the population of ruminants in Indonesia isapproximately 6.5 million and 11.9 million for sheep and goats, respectively. The largeruminant population consists of approximately 11.3 million cattle and 3.1 millionbuffaloes (Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan, 1995). Small ruminants are important animalsfor small holder farmers in rural areas of Indonesia. Despite the fact that animals aretraditionally raised by farmers as a sideline to the main agricultural activities, they play asignificant role in supporting farmer's income. They contribute from 14 to 25% of thetotal annual income of smallholders (Knipscheer et al., 1983). Large ruminants areraised under more intensive management systems, particularly in the eastern part ofIndonesia.


Most sheep and goats are kept in pens vvith slatted floors, usually around onemetre above-ground. Only a few animals are housed on the ground in some areas. Thereare three management feeding systems adopted by farmers, depending on the location.In high altitude areas, most animals are housed and feed is brought to them andconsequently they are infected with very low level of gastrointestinal parasites(Beriajaya, 1986a). In the coastal areas, most animals graze during the day andgenerally they are infected with high numbers of parasites (Beriajaya, 1996b). In themedium altitude, animals graze for only a few hours each day, being housed for most ofthe day. These management systems greatly modify the transmission of parasiteinfection. Generally the more time spent grazing the higher the level of parasitism(Beriajaya and Stevenson, 1985).

Faeces which accumulates under the pens during 1-3 months, is used asfertilizer for crops and vegetables. Because penned animals have very limitedopportunity to naturally contaminate pasture by grazing and that there is only little useof dung to fertilize pastures, the transmission potential of parasites is considerablyrestricted in this system of management.


Gastrointestinal nematode infection is one of the most common problems facedby sheep farmers in Indonesia (Ronohardjo and Wilson, 1986). A wide spectrum of


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gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep has been found in this country, includingHaemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus spp., Cooperia spp., Bunostomum sop, andOesophagostomum spp. (Kusumamihardja, 1988). Observations in the field showed theprevalence of the infection ranged between 45 to 89% with Ii.contortus andTrichostrongylus spp. as the most predominant species in West Java (Sutama andBeriajaya, 1991: Carmichel et al., 1993; Ridwan et al., 1996).

These parasites are the cause of considerable disease problems and thereforeare responsible for major economic losses and inefficiency in production. From aslaughter house survey, He et a/.(1990) found that the prevalence of gastrointestinalhelminth infections in sheep including nematodes is approximately 80%. Furthermore,on the basis of carcase weight differences between infected and non-infected animals,this study estimated an annual loss of 3.2 - 4.4 million kg. of meat (US$4.8 - 6.6million) due to parasite infections. Another study estimated that US$7.04 million vvaslost annually due to haemonchosis alone (Ronohardjo et al., 1985). This estimate hasranked haemonchosis as the sixth most economically important livestock disease inIndonesia (Table 1).

Fewer studies have been done on the gastrointestinal nematodes of largeruminants. The importance of these parasites almost certainly exacerbates the effectsof liver fluke (Fasciola gigantica) which has long been considered the most importanthelminth parasite of large ruminants (Rohardjo et al., 1985). It has been estimated thatnematode infections caused 14% reduction in carcase weight of Ongole cattle (He etal., 1989). Together with other gastro intestinal helminth infection, it caused an annualloss of 19 - 39 million kg of meat (US$38 - 79 million).

Toxocara vitulorum is also one of the most prevalent gastrointestinalnematodes parasitising cattle and buffalo calves at an early stage of their life. Results ofour recent study have shown that the prevalence of infection in calves aged below 2months of age, ranged between 34.5 - 52.8% in some districts of West Java andSouth Celebes (Satrija et al., 1996). A higher infection rate (51.1 - 61.4%) was foundin buffalo calves in West Java (Satrija et al., 1995)

Table 1. The estimated annual loss caused by most important livestock diseases inIndonesia (Ronohardjo et. al., 1985)


N° Disease Estimated annual loss(Million US$)

New Castle Disease 40.32Fasciolosis 32.00Trypanosomosis 22.40Foot and Mouth Disease 14.72Haemorrhagic Septicaemia 8.64Haemonchosis 7.04Ascariosis 6.72Brucellosis 3.52Sephanofilariosis 3.52Anthrax 3.20

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Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes

Effective control of parasitic gastroenteritis in ruminants requires accurateunderstanding of the epidemiological pattern of infection. Ridwan et a/.(1996)conducted an epidemiological study of nematode infection of sheep in four geographicalareas of West Java. These areas have different climatic regions, based on annual rainfalland the length of the rainy and dry season (Oldeman, 1975). Results of thisinvestigation confirmed that the pattern of monthly nematode egg counts over a periodof one year was the same in all location. The mean nematode egg counts decreasedafter the end of the dry season and increased about 3 4 months after the beginning ofthe rainy season. This study also revealed that the intensity and epidemiological patternconfirmed that of a previous study which demonstrated the infective larvalcontamination level of pasture in the humid area of Bogor/West Java was higher duringthe wet season than during the dry season. This also reflected the cumulative parasiteburden at the end of the seasons (Kusumamihardja, 1988).

The combination of grazing management with anthelmintic treatment remainsthe best choice for nematode parasite control in ruminants (Fabiyi, 1986). Rotationalgrazing systems are now well established as one of the most effective measure tocontrol parasites. A small ruminant parasite control project in North Sumatra included afield trial to control haemonchosis using a one-week grazing and a six-week restingsystem (Ginting et al., 1996). Results of this trial suggest that performance of animalsgrazed in this system was superior than those grazed in 6 or 12 week rotational cycles.Unfortunately this system is less practicable in traditional farms where unsupervisedgrazing by several flocks occurs along road sides or verges of paddy fields. In this case,the key to implement the control program is to educate farmers of the benefits ofrotation in which stock graze for only a few days on a given area which is then spelledfor several weeks (Carmichel, 1993).

Results of parasite control studies elsewhere, have demonstrated thatanthelmintic treatment at the time when larval population in pasture is low, may preventthe accumulation of parasites in animals and improve the subsequent performance ofgrazing animals (Satrija et al., 1996a). An almost continuously high larval availabilitypattern throughout the year, as shown on previous epidemiological studies, requiredfrequent anthelmintic treatments in an attempt to achieve an effective control. Thus,anthelmintic treatments given to lambs at 4 8 week intervals may reduce the level ofparasitism and subsequently improve the performance of treated animals (Beriajaya andStevenson, 1985: Beriajaya, 1986: He et al., 1990).

Except in dairy and feedlot farms, anthelmintic treatment with commerciallyavailable drugs is rarely given by farmers to their livestock. The price of modernsynthetic anthelmintics is generally too expensive for the small holders, they are notalways available, or in small enough packaging at the local markets. These are the mainobstacles for implementation of parasite control programs at the village level (He,1991). Therefore the risk of the development of anthelmintic resistance in Indonesia isconsidered to be low (Dorny et al., 1995).

Breed Resistance

Breed resistance in sheep against gastrointestinal nematodes has been studiedin North Sumatra, from 1990 to 1995. Gatenby et a/.(1991) and Carmichael et al


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(1992) reported that some ewes in observed flocks maintained lovv faecal egg counts.Romjali (1995) studied experimental infections with H. contortus in four genotypes oframs aged between 18 and 24 months. The results showed that there was nosignificant differences in faecal egg counts among the breed types, but there were highvariations among individuals within breeds. Another study conducted in North Sumatrawith weaned lambs indicated that the Sumatra Thin Tail genotype had lovver faecal eggcounts than crosses with St. Croix or Barbados Blackbelly (Batubara et al., 1995). Thestudy concluded that the indigenous genotype of sheep may have some degree ofresistance against gastrointestinal nematode parasites.

Medicinal Plants

Farmers in Indonesia use a vvide range of traditional remedies to treat animaldiseases, rather than commercial veterinary drugs (Wahyuni et al., 1992).Ethnobotanical surveys have listed some 25 species of medicinal plants used by farmersin Java to treat gastrointestinal nematode parasites (Sangat-Roemantyo and Riswan,1991; Murdiati, 1991; Gultom et al., 1991; Ma'sum, 19911. Hovvever, the specificanthelmintic efficacy of a number of these plant and herbal preparations has not beenexperimentally documented. For example, extensive studies have been done toinvestigate materials from papaya trees for anthelmintic properties. A high efficacy ofpapaya latex was demonstrated against Ascaridia galli in chickens (Mursof and He,1991) and against Ascaris suum in pigs (Satrija et al., 1994). A high efficacy of papayalatex against Heligosomoides polygyrus has also been demonstrated in mice (Satrija etal., 1995). When latex was orally administered to sheep experimentally infected withH.contortus, it significantly reduced the egg counts of treated animals (Beriajaya andMurdiati, 1977). The results of further investigation will provide the basis for the use ofthese traditional medicinal plants in the control of gastrointestinal nematode infectionsin ruminants. The availability of effective and cheap traditional medicines mayencourage farmers to increase the animal production in rural areas which will increasethe farmer's income and food security.

Biological Control

Work on nematophagous fungi in Indonesia, was initiated with attempts tocontrol some of the important nematode parasites of plants. Several species have beenstudied, including Arthrobotrys, Dactylaria, Catenaria and Dactylella spp., andArthrobotrys spp has been used in attempts to control plant parasitic nematodes(Manohara et al., 1996). There has also been some studies on the effects of nematode-destroying fungi on animal parasitic nematodes. Two species, Arthrobotrys spp andVerticillium spp. were isolated near the research institute laboratory at Bogor, butunfortunately the species vvas not maintained for continuing studies. Presently, work iscontinuing to find local isolates of nematophagous fungi. Six genera, namely,Arthrobotrys, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Gliocladium, Paecilomyces, Trichoderma andCephalosporium spp were found in sheep grazed pastures. These species will be purifiedand mass cultured for both in vitro and in vivo studies. In vivo studies will be tried insheep to establish the capacity of these fungi to survive passage through thegastrointestinal tract of ruminants and then to reduce the number of infective parasitelarvae in faeces.

It is still too early to determine whether nematode-destroying fungi can be usedto control nematode parasites of livestock in Indonesia. Local isolates of fungi arepossibly the best candidate, rather than exotic imports, because they have adapted to


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local environmental conditions and are thus likely to be able to exert therenematophagous effects more effectively. Field studies vvill determine the efficacy andapplicability of these organisms and the best means of delivery. The methods by whichthis form of control need to be determined. Firstly, the method should be studied in afew smallholder farms, possibly using a feed block supplement. If it vvorks in thesesystems, then work should continue with large scale farmers.


Ruminants are important livestock kept by farmers in Indonesia. Parasiteinfections are categorised as major economic diseases of these livestock. Controlprograms at present are solely based on anthelmintics, which have the disadvantagethat resistance is emerging as a significant problem. Nematode-destroying fungi offer analternative, biological approach to control. However, before they can be practicallyapplied, they need to undergo considerable experimental evaluation under laboratory andfinally farming conditions in Indonesia.


tobara, A., V.S. Pandey, E. Romjali, I. Mirza, Wasito, P. Dorny, R.M. Gatenby, A.J.,Wilson and Ng. Ginting. 1995. Experimental infection of different genotypesweaned lambs with Haemonchus contortus. Small Ruminant CollaborativeResearch Support Program, Sungai Putih, North Sumatra, Indonesia. pp. 31-36.

P. Stevenson, 1985. The effect of anthelmintic treatment on the weightqain village sheep. Proc. the 3rd AAAP Animal Science Congress 1:519-521.

BErizjaya, 198F4:1. The significant importance of gastrointestinal nematodiasis on villagesheep in upland areas of Garut, \Nest Java. Penyakit Hewan 33:130-133.

Beriajaya and P. Stevenson, 1986. Reduced productivity in small ruminant in Indonesiaas a result of gastrointestinal nematode infections. In Livestock Production andDiseases in the Tropics, (eds. M.R. Jainudeen, M. Mahyuddin and J.E. Huhn).Proc. 5th Conf. Inst. Trop. Vet, Med. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Beriajaya, 198b. Pengaruh albendazole terhadap infeksi cacing nematoda saluranpencernaan pada domba lokal di daerah Cirebon. Penyakit Hewan 18 (31):54-57.

D.B. Copeman. 1996. Seasonal differences in the effect of nematodeparasitism on weight gain of sheep and goats in Cigudeg, West Java. JurnalIlmu Ternajk dan Veteriner 2(1):66-72.

Beriajaya and D.B. Copeman. 1997. An estimate of seasonality and intensity ofinfection with gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep and goats in West Java.Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 2(4):270-276.

Beriajaya, T.B. Murdiati dan G. Adiwinata. 1997. Pengaruh biji dan getah pepayaterhadap cacing Haemonchus contortus secara in vitro. Maj. Parasitol. Ind.10(2):72-77.

Carmichael, I.H., S. Widjajanti, M.D. Sanchez, M. Hutauruk and A.J. Wilson, 1992.Helminth parasitism in sheep grazing in rubber plantations in North Sumatra.Final Report. Collaborative Research Project. SR-CRSP/CRIAS-James CookUniversity (Project ATA-219). Balai Penelitian Veteriner, Bogor, Indonesia.pp.54.

Anonimous. 1995. Statistical book of livestock. Directorate General of LivestockServices. Jakarta.

Gatenby, R.M., M. Hutauruk, A.J. Wilson and E. Romjali. 1991. Identification of work


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resistance in sheep. Annual Report 1990-1991. Small Ruminant CollaborativeResearch Support Program, Sungai Putih, North Sumatra, Indonesia. pp. 58-59.

Romjali, E. 1995. Studies of genetic resistance of sheep to gastrointestinal nematodesin North Sumatra, Indonesia. M.Sc. Thesis. Prince Leopold Institute of TropicalMedicine, Department of Animal Production and Health, Antwerp, Belgium.

Manohara, D., I. Mustika dan D. Soetopo. 1996. Penelitian musuh alami Phytophthoracapisci, nematoda dan hama serta ambang ekonomi hama utama lada. LaporanBagian Proyek Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan obat, Cimanggu Tahun,1995/1996.

Murdiati, T.B., Beriajaya dan G. Adiwinata. 1997. Aktivitas getah pepaya terhadapcacing haemonchus contortus pdad domba. Maj. Parsitol. Ind. 10(1):-7.


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S. GithigiaDivision of Parasitology

University of Nairobi, P.O.Box 29053Kabete, Nairobi, Kenya


Gastrointestinal helminths cause considerable losses to the livestock industry inKenya. These losses are related to clinical parasitic gastroenteritis leading to mortalitiesespecially in lambs, kids, calves and poorly managed and malnourished adults. Greaterlosses occur due to sub clinical parasitic gastroenteritis leading to chronic productionlosses. These losses have been reported in all the agroecological zones of Kenya.Although most losses occur in the high rainfall areas, losses have also been reported inthe dry and semi arid areas. These production losses are manifested as reduced weightgains, lower milk and wool production and in meat and organ condemnations.

The most common and economically important nematode Haemonchuscontortus is causing high mortalities in sheep and goats in Kenya (Njanja, 1985; Maingi,1991; Mwamachi, 1993; Baker et. al., 1993). In the coastal area, the DianiEstate farm lost 81 out of 355 lambs due to helminthosis within a period of 6 weeksafter weaning (ILCA, 1993). Helminthosis caused 50.6% of all the deaths in this flockwithin one year. In the semi arid area of Marsabit, a survey of gastrointestinalhelminths of cattle under nomadic management showed that helminthosis was a majorconstraint to livestock production in this area. Haemonchus spp were the mostimportant parasites (Omara-Opyene, 1985). Ulvund etal., (1984) found that ewes andlambs grazing the cool highland pastures were heavily infected with gastrointestinalhelminths and had to be treated every 3 - 4 weeks through out the year. The animalslost considerable weight and H. contortus was the main helminth present.

Waruiru, (1993) reported fatal parasitic gastroenteritis in nutritionallystresssed weaner heifers turned out on infected pastures in a medium potential area ofCentral Kenya. H. place! was the main helminth identified.

In a study conducted among small scale farmers in a semi arid area,helminthosis vvas ranked as the most important disease of livestock and the main causeof mortality in kids (Githigia et. al.; 1995 (a)). Current research on goats in the large andsmall scale farms in a similar area has shown that treatment against gastrointestinalhelminths leads to improved weight gains, kid survival, mothering ability and possiblyreduces the kidding interval. In the drier areas calves *treated against Toxocara(Neoascaris) vitulorum were reported by the pastoralists, to be able to survive throughthe dry season, compared to the untreated calves (initial Kanyari - 1997 Personalcommunication)

Work by Maingi (1996) in a sheep rearing district in central Kenya has shovvnthat gastrointestinal helminths are a major constraint to the sheep industry. Mortalitiesdue to fasciolosis may reach up to 55% in some farms in the district (Maingi andMathenge, 1995).


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In a survey covering 5 slaughter houses around Nairobi over a period of 6weeks, helminths parasites were the major causes of whole carcass and organcondemnations. 11.8% of all cattle slaughtered and 46% of all sheep and goatsslaughtered had their organs condemned due to helminthosis (Githigia et. al.; 1995 (b)).Although the major documented causes of economic losses in Kenya are due tohydatidosis, fasciolosis and cysticercosis (Cheruyoit,1983), pimply gut(Oesophagostonnosis) also causes losses as they render intestines useless for suture andsausage making and cause condemnations of large and small intestines (Githigia et. al.;1995 (b)). In monetary terms, Preston and Allonby (1979) estimated that H. contortuscaused an annual loss of 26 million US dollars to the agricultural sector. This figure isvery conservative and may have doubled during the years.

In the slaughter house survey, about 1200 US dollars were lost within a periodof 6 weeks in only 5 slaughter houses. Considering the other slaughter houses and theperiod the loss could be substantial.

In addition the cost of importing anthelmintics, the primary method for thecontrol of gastrointestinal nematodes places additional stress to the already strainedeconomy of Kenya.

Current Methods of Gastrointestinal Helminth Control in Kenya

These mainly rely on anthelmintics. Anthelmintics are used on a considerablescale in the more important livestock producing areas like dairy farming which is heavilydependent on use of these products (Kinoti, et. al., 1994). Outside these areas they areutilised in intensive livestock operations such as government farms and largecommercial enterprises. Use of anthelmintics in small scale and nomadic productionsystems is limited and is based on rare haphazard anthelmintic treatments (Mbaria,; 1995).

Treatments are usually carried out when the animals show clear signs ofhelminthosis. The treatment regimes vary, and seem to depend on the regions whereresearch has been undertaken. In the wet highlands treatment is recommended every 3- 4 weeks through out the year in sheep (Ulvund et. al.; 1984). At Diani in the coastalregion near Mombasa, treatment is done at weaning. Lambs and kids are monitored forup to 1 year of age. A monitor group is regularly sampled and the whole flock is treatedwhen the monitor animals have a mean faecal egg count (EPG) of between 1500 - 2000(ILCA, 1992).

Current research findings show that there is a benefit of treating just before andagain just after rain for both the short and long rains, reduced pasture infectivity andworm burdens.

Benzimidazole group are the main anthelmintics used. Ivermectins are also inuse (Kinoti,; 1994) but their use is restricted due to the cost. Closantel andmoxidectin are currently being used in research evaluation prior to registration.

The main problems with anthelmintics is that they are used in a rare haphazardway with no account of epidemiological principles, thus effects are inconsistent (


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Mbaria, et. al., 1 9 9 5 1.


Benzimidazole resistance has been reported in nematodes of sheep and goats inKenya (Baker,, 1993; Njanja, et. al., 1987; Maingi, 1991; Maingi, et. al., 1993;Waruiru, et. al., 1991; Mwamachi, et. al., 1993). Levamisole resistance has beenreported in sheep and goat nematodes ( Maingi, 1991; Waruiru et. al., 1991; Mwamachiet. al., 1993; 1995). The main species of worm involved has been Haemonchus. Thiscould be due to its high pathogenicity which makes any control failure more noticeablethan in cases with other worm genera.

Resistance is more common among goats than sheep flocks ( Wanyangu,, 1994). This could be attributed to the differences in their physiology and drugmetabolisms vvhere goats metabolise drugs faster. Little information is available on thedosage rates for goats and they are given the dosage for sheep. This usually does notvvork as reported by Mwamachi, et. al., (1995).

Another problem is the unavailability and cost of the drugs which precludemany farmers from using them. Also the improper use of the drugs at farm level whichis linked to educational levels, community infrastructure and an inefficient veterinaryextension service, is another important problem.

Most anthelmintics are sold over the counter with dosage labels in languagesthat the farmers do not comprehend. The major drug companies also compete for ashare in the existing anthelmintic market with focus on sale volumes.

Alternative approaches to Parasite Control

Another control method used in a few areas is grazing management. Pasturemanagement is unknown to most farmers (Mbaria, et. al., 1995). In some areas,animals especially goats are taken out to graze after the dew has evaporated. Thepurpose of this is that farmers believe that this reduces larval in take however, this hasnot been verified in experimental evaluation. Other farmers graze the more resistantadults ahead of the less resistant young and lactating animals, in the belief that thisimproves parasite control.

Host genetic resistance is also a potential gastrointestinal parasite controlmethod. Studies show that the Red Maasai breed of sheep shed fewer faecal eggsunder natural and experimental conditions. There is evidence that this breed of sheep isrelatively resistant to infection with H. contortus (Preston and Allonby, 1978, 1979;Bain, et. al. 1993; Baker, et. al, 1993). Baker, et. al., (1993) reported higher lambmortalities from weaning to 1 year among Dorper compared to the Red Maasai sheepbreed in a study located near the coast. They suggested that the lower mortalities in theRed Maasai were due to nematode parasite resistance. Several research projects arecontinuing on the resistance of this breed and the Small East African goat breed toHaemonchus contortus at K.A.R.I. , ILRI and the University of Nairobi.

Herbal medicines and plants are also used especially among the pastoralists.They claim that certain plants eliminate tapeworms (their only evidence of helminthosis)


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but this claim is yet to be verified and also the efficacy of such plants is yet to bedetermined.


ossibilities of Integration of Biological Control into Sustainable Programmes inKenya

Following studies in Denmark, vvhicl, '.howed that the administration of D.flagrans, by vvay of a feed supplement to significantly reduced infectivelarval numbers on pasture (Githigia, trial work on biological control is

planned for Kenya.

It is proposed to integrate biological nontrol vvith the strategic anthelminticcontrol programmes. One pcoposal would be ;e continuous fungal administrationduring periods of heavy pasture infectivity i. the heavy long rains combinedwith few, tactical anthelmintic treatments. Fungal cioz-*-19 for selected periods duringdry season and the short rains season, also needs r he evaluated.

The objective is to redu-..e pasture infectivity and total worm burdens andeffectively reduce pasture contrnion. This in turn will lead to reciuced anthelminticusage and increase the dosing irrlrevais thus saving money and leading to improvedlivestock production. Hopefully thi,,! nay lead to a situation where the livestock industrydoes not depend entirely on anthelmintics and eases the problem of anthelminticresistance.

Attempts vvill be made to incorporate fungal material into feed similar to the useof coccidiostats in poultry feeds, into feed blocks or possibly into slow release capsules,

Bc-yr.cfr.:.. Biological Control Concept can be Utilised in K

Isolation and characterisation of the nematod eyinc: from Kenyansoils and dung pats in order to obtain a suitabli, for biolockal control.Crop scientists in Kenya have already done s vvork on plant nematodedestroying fungi,Training and development of the necessary manpower to isolate process andhandle the fungi.Provision of the equipment and cultivation facilities for the production ofsufficient quantities of fungal material for field testing.


Bain, R.K.; Wanyangu, S.W.; Mugambi, J.M. lhiga, 11/1,A.: Duncan, J1. and Stear, M,,J19(A. Genetic resistance of Red Maasel sheep tio Haornonchus coolorruL-;. In;Proceedings of the 11th scientific \Aforkshop of the SR - CRSP Nairobi March1993,

Baker, 13.K.; Reynolds, L.; Mwamachi, 7,7:11.; ,I.O. Magadi, M. and Miller, LE.1993. Genetic resistance in Durper enci Red IVieasai Dome,- Iambs id coastalKenya. In: Proceedings of the 11W sclentific workshop of SR - Nlaironi


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March 1993.Cheruiyot, H.K. 1983. Bovine helminth parasites of economic importance - abattoir

survey in Kenya 1976 - 1980. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 31 367 - 375.Githigia, S.M.; Okomo, M.A.; Inyangala, B.O.; Okeyo, M.; Wanyoike, M.M.; Munyua,

S.J.M.; Thamsborg, S.M. and Kysgaard, N.C. 1995 (a) ). Economic importantdiseases of goats in a semi arid area in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the VIIIInternational Conference of Institutions of Tropical Veterinary Medicine Volume1, Berlin, September, 1995.

Githigia, S.M.; Kimoro, C.O.; Mwangi, D.M. and Gichanga, E.J. 1995 (b). Prevalenceand economic significance of Oesophagostomum and other helminths: survey inselected abattoirs around Nairobi Kenya. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 43 29 -33.

ILCA, 1992. Genetic resistance to gastrointestinal parasitism in small ruminants. ILCAproject proposal (2.2 /01 - 02 / 01).

Kinoti, G.K.; Maingi, N. and Coles, G.C., 1994. Anthelmintic usage in Kenya and itsimplications. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 42 1 71 - 73.

Maingi, N., 1991. Resistance to Thiabendazole, Fenbendazole and Levamisole inHaemonchus and Trichostrongylus species in sheep in a Kenyan Farm. Vet.Parasit. 36 285 - 291.

Maingi, N.; Gichanga, E. J. and Gichohi, V.M. 1993. Anthelmintic resistance innematode species of goats on some farms in Kenya. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr.41 195 - 201.

Maingi, N. and Mathenge, S.N. 1995. Acute fatal fascioliasis in sheep in KinangopDivision, Nyandarua District, Kenya. Bull. Anim. HIth. Prod. Afr. 43 21 - 27.

Maingi, N. 1996. Ph.D Thesis . University of Nairobi.Mbaria, J.M.; Mcdermott, J.M.; Kyule, M.N.; Gichanga, E.J. and Munyole, P.N. 1995.

Prevalence of helminths and helminth control practices in Molo division NakuruDistrict Kenya. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 43 35 - 44.

Mwamachi, D.M.; Audho, J.0.; Magadi, M.; Reynolds, L. and Baker, R.K. 1993.Evidence of multiple anthelmintic resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes insheep in Coastal Kenya. In; Proceedings of the 11th scientific workshop of SR -CRSP Nairobi March 1993.

Mwamachi, D.M.; Audho, J.0.; Thorpe, W.; Baker, R.L. 1995. Evidence for multipleanthelmintic resistance in sheep and goats reared under the same managementin Coastal Kenya. Vet. Parasit. 60 303 - 313.

Njanja, J.C.; Wescott, R.B. and Ruvuna, F. 1987. Comparison of lvermectin andThiabendazole for treatment of naturally occurring nematode infections in goatsin Kenya. Vet. Parasit. 23 205 - 209.

Omara- Opyene, A.L. 1985. A survey of gastrointestinal parasitism in cattle undernomadic management in Marsabit District of Northern Kenya. Bull. Anim. Prod.Afr. 33 107- 112.

Preston, J.M. and Allonby, E.W. 1978. The influence of breed on the susceptibility ofsheep and goats to single experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus.Vet. Record 103 509.

Preston, J.M. and Allonby, E.W. 1979. The influence of haemoglobin phenotype on thesusceptibility of sheep to Haemonchus contortus infection in Kenya. Res. Vet.Sci. 98 496.

Wanyangu, S.W.; Rugutt, M.K.; Bain, R.K.; Nginyi, J.M. and Mugambi, J.M. 1994.Anthelnnintic resistance survey in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 12th scientificworkshop of SR - CRSP Nairobi March 1994.

Waruiru, R.M.; Maingi, d. and Gichanga, E.J. 1991. The prevalence of anthelnninticresistance in sheep in three districts of Kenya. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 39


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423 - 428.Waruiru, R.M.; Ayuya, J.M.; Weda, E. and Kimoro, C.O. 1993. Fatal haemonchosis in

heifers in Kiambu District Kenya. A case study. Bull. Anim. Hlth. Prod. Afr. 41263 - 265.


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P. ChandrawathaniVeterinary Research Institute59, Jalan Su/tan AzIan Shah

31400 lpoh, Malaysia


Malaysia has a small ruminant population of 227,800 sheep and 258,220 goats.The Katjang breed of goats is the most common f ollowed by imported breeds such asJamnapari, Anglo Nubian, Alpine, Saanen, Toggenberg, Australian Feral and the Boerbreed. The sheep breeds available here are the local Malin, imported Dorset Horn,Wiltshire, Suffolk, Romney, Commercial Merino/Border Leicester crosses as well as thehair breeds such as the Barbados Black Belly and Santa Ines.

The small ruminant industry in Malaysia is mainly in the hands of small holderfarmers with individual flock sizes of between 5-50 heads. The animals are housed inraised floor pens at night and allowed to graze on whatever pasture is available duringthe day. Usually, 6-8 hours grazing is allowed where the sheep and goats would feedon indigenous grasses under tree crops such as rubber, or oil palm, as well as onroadsides. With the high local demand for mutton and goats milk, the price of thesecommodities have increased thereby encouraging large scale small ruminant operationsbeing integrated with plantation crops. In oil palm or rubber plantations, the natural'pasture' of Asystacia sp. which is a nutritious indigenous grass would makecommercial small ruminant farming viable.

Hovvever, the productivity of small ruminants is limited by several factors, themost important being diseases. The major disease problems encountered arepneumonic pasteurellosis, endoparsitism, mange, contagious ecthyma, melioidosis andcaseous lymphadenitis. In sheep, blue tongue and pink eye have also been reported.

Importance of gastrointestinal nematodes to the small ruminant industry

Over 90% of the endoparasitism cases in small ruminants are due toHaemonchus contortus which is a blood sucker found in the abomasum of smallruminants Sani RA & Rajamanickam C. (1990). causing anemia and hypoproteinaemia.Other common nematodes are Trichostrongylus and Oesophagostomum spp. whichdamage the intestinal epithelium thus causing protein leakage into the gut. Hence,parasitic gastroenteritis produces a negative nitrogen balance in the animal which isrelated to innappetance. The post mortem findings in severe cases of parasiticgastroenteritis includes an emaciated carcass, pale muscles and viscera, watery blood,oedema in the lungs, cavities and subcutaneous tissue particularly the neck region andgeneralised serous atrophy (Sani,,1986).

Control options for helminthiasis in small ruminants

Chemotherapy has been the most common method of controlling helminthiasis insmall ruminants in Malaysia for the past two decades. Benzimidazoles, levamisole,closantel and ivermectin have been in use routinely in smallholder systems as well as in


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commercial farms often with 6-12 treatments given per year (Chandrawathani P, This has led to anthelmintic resistance in many farms nationwide according tothe survey carried out by VRI and UPM (Dorny, P. et al., 1994). It was found that 34%of the goat farms showed benzimidazole resistance in H.contortus while 2 out of 10farms were found to have levamisole resistant H. contortus. Closantel, beingsuccessfully used in the 'wormkill' programme in Australia has been intensively used bysmallholders. Studies show that closantel (Chandrawathani, P. 1994) andivermectin (Chandrawathani, P. and Waller, P.J. 1997) have an efficacy of 100% insheep. The faecal egg count reduction test is being conducted routinely on all

institutional farms, where drug resistance is most rampant, and at the same timealternative methods for helminth control are being seriously considered.

Parasite Epidemiology and Grazing Management Strategies

As Malaysia experiences a hot, wet tropical climate all the year, the developmentand survival of the infective larvae on pasture has been determined to facilitate thedevelopment of sustainable control programmes. The ACIAR collaborative projectPN9132 on the epidemiology of trichostrongyles in small ruminants under rubber and oilpalms has revealed valuable epidemiological information. Emergence of infective larvae(L3) on pasture occurs within 4-5 days. These larvae can survive up to 4-5 weeksunder our tropical conditions after which only 20% of the larvae would still be surviving(3). This finding has created the possibility of practising pasture management, orrotational grazing, to control helminth infections in grazing animals by minimising thenumbers of infective larvae on pasture. With rotational grazing, the need foranthelmintic therapy is drastically reduced (up to 80%) thus overcoming the problem ofdrug resistance as well as reducing drenching costs. At present rotational grazing ispractised in large institutional farms vvith a large grazing area which can be subdividedand grazed for 3-4 day leaving each paddock spelled for at least 30 days. However, thelimitation at this method is that smallholders are not able to practise the system due tolimited grazing areas or high cost of fencing.

Epidemiological data also shows that helminth infections in sheep are mostevident in the weaners and periparturient ewes (Sam-Mohan, A. 1996) where highestfaecal egg counts were observed. This would include animals below the age of 8months, after which time the animals show some degree of immunity to infections. Amarked periparturient rise in egg shedding was observed in ewes 6 weeks before andafter parturition. These observations are useful in designing control strategies especiallytreatment regimes for small ruminants. Thus, it is recommended that sheep under 8months of age and ewes about to lamb, are dewormed although rotational grazing orother sustainable methods of worm control should be practised where possible toreduce pasture contamination.

Nutritional Supplementation

With the current concerns about indiscriminate drug use, drug resistance andincreasingly high cost of newer and more effective drugs, the introduction of themedicated urea molasses block (MUMB) is a welcome reprieve. These are locally madenutritional blocks which has 0.05% fenbendazole incorporated in it. Trials have shownthat sheep consuming at least 60-100 grams of MUMB per day are able to maintain alovv faecal egg count and at the same time show improved live weight gains


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(Chandrawathani, P. etal. 1997). With this method, labour and drench costs have beenreduced as the blocks are placed in the pens where sheep or goats have access to it atnight when they are housed. At the same time, the nutritive value of the blocks givesadded immunity against concurrent diseases. This method is effective provided existingworms in the animals are removed by drenching prior to feeding the blocks as theamount of anthelmintic being ingested is very low and would not remove existing wormburdens being effective in controlling the incoming larval stage only. The MUMBtechnology is relatively new and efforts are under way to produce large quantities ofcheap blocks so as to making them available to smallholders and commercial farmersalike.

Studies on Biological Control

As the MUMB technology is in place, it would be only right that the next step insustainable worm control strategies be directed towards the biological control ofnematodes by nematophagous fungi. A survey of this fungi from faecal and soil samplesover the past 2 years in Malaysia have shown the presence of Arthrobotrys sp. to bepresent. About 2000 spores of Arthrobotrys sp was able to reduce the Strongyloideslarvae from calf faeces by 90% (Chandrawathani,, 1997). This encouraginginformation has further prompted us to find ways and means to incorporate fungalspores into the existing urea molasses blocks as a way of delivering it to sheep or otherruminants.

In conclusion, in the Malaysian context, the small ruminant industry is stable atthe moment and the productivity would be markedly improved if helminthosis could bemore effectively controlled. The various control programmes such as strategicdrenching, rotational grazing and the use of MUMB are all being practised at differentlevels depending on the situation and type of farm.


Sani R.A. PA ajamanickam C. ,1990. Gastrointestinal parasitism in small ruminants. InProc. Workshop on Integrated tree cropping and small ruminant productionsystems. Medan, Indonesia 9-14/9/90. pp197-201

Sani R.A., Awang I.P.R., Sheikh-Omar A.R. & Chulan U. 1 986. Occurrence of helminthsin sheep. Kajian Veterinar 18(11:77-80.

Sam-Mohan A.(1996).MSc.Thesis (UPM).Dorny P., Clarebout E., Vercruyse J., Sani R. & Jalila A., 1994 Anthelmintic resistance

in goats in P.Malaysia. Veterinary parasitology.55:327-342.Chandrawathani P., Parameswaraii :S. Asiah Naina M.., 1994. Antiparastic drugs used

in selected sheep and goat farms in Wsnalaysia. J.Vet.Malaysia 6(2):61-64.Chandrawathan; P., Adnan M., Jarnoa.: O. & Rajamanickam C., 1994. The efficacy of

Closantel for the control of H,contortus in sheep, In Proc. of InternationalCongress on Quality Veterinary Services for the 21st. Century (15-17 Nov)Kuala Lumpur .

Chandrawathani, P. Waler, P.J. 1997. Stongyloides papilous paper. Vet. Parasit. (inpress)

Chandrawathani, P., Omar, J. 2,2!cl Waller P.J., 1997. The control of the free-livingstages of Strongyloides papillosus by the nematophagous fungus, Arthrobotrysspp. Veterinary Parasitology. (in press)


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Rajamanickam C., Cheah T.S., Hasnah Y. & Chandrawathani P., 1989. The use oflvermectin to control nematodes infections in sheep. In Proc. of 25th AnnualScientific Seminar MSPTM (21 - 25 Feb 1989) IMR, KL.

Sani R.A., Wan Zahari, Chong D.T., Mazila M., Subramaniam & Chandrawathani P.,1995. Efficacy of Medicated blocks for Parasite Control in sheep. In. Proc.17th MSAP Annual Conf. 28-30 May 1995, Penang, Malaysia.pp 118-119.


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, especial

There is no inforrnatior:nematodes in the livestock Ind

However, productionthe subsequent :educed ecennodL i-atun.-,high east si Lecnment foi parasites

Current Control

Pedro Mendoza de Gives..;ontvi Frdomology/Nematology

kodfainsted EAuelheental Station1-/,-?rpenden, Herz's, AL5 iii, United Kingdom


Mexico possesses an important potential capability in livestock production, dueto its extensive grazing areas with suitable characteristics to promote this activity.However, a number of factors limit livestock production in this country. These include,the high costs of supplementary food, tb.: of proper management systems,unsuitable grazing regimes, the lack of extens....1 service support and many diseaseconditions. Parasitic diseases are a very impo;lant constraint on the livestock industryin Mexico (Quiroz, 1984:, I J81), The most economic important parasiticdiseases in ruminants I;'; :ieen classified and these include, ticks, blood protozoa,fasciolosis and gastroart.:- al nematodes (P.E.F.G., 1990). Gastroenteritis caused bynematodes in ruminants nsidered as a ve ,y important problem in animal productionsystems in Mexico. A lar ç: .4 spec: :f gastro-intestinal painsites haJe beenidentified in cattle and sheep in k w conii_vtos,digitatus, T-tcliostroogOis sp. Cc,opo,13 sp., Llsie LT/a spp (..)esophagostomum spp-,

-fhe 9ro-co d» Gortari, 199, CnITIPos -31--al 1990Heinandel Doininnual Cumoz-p*rnero,Areyalo e): a I 0d5 Anaemia !:,,q1;ihi. gain, decreased milk and woolproductic., md susceptibility to oth( of the conseque:ni_::_. 3ttributedto the asites (Quiroz, 1984; 1996).



are o-i

md th:or specific


the economic impact of the gastro-intestinal3



:.ed not only by the reduced weight gain andanimal production, but also by the relatively

:r disadvantages of thdir ue (Campos et al,.:ation on epidemiological aspects of gastro-

itab! ..:n.....grammes of control of theserys.: are other problems which

In Mexico, the most ccsmon metho OT c Cr.n1 of gastro-intestinal nematodes incattle and sheep is by an trea,ttiew I:tttl; Campos et al 1992).This method helps to re burden of animals, however the theseproducts is a considered - -nany resource limited farmers. The cost ofpuientisi-qr ..ntnelminues toi :n rylex,co 1995 and 199, been estimated

Ivle-Aieat) pal-to31(--r,..)gdo H., -mpublished-), imately US$7he enviincimental impaet (\ilf,,::Lccii and Forbes, 1997.) d the imminent

preserm1992) ,h a

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may also lead to inappropriate control of parasitic infections.

Studies on biological control of nematode parasites in Mexico

In the National Institute for Research in Veterinary Parasitology, (CENID-Parasitologia Veterinaria), Mexico, a research project to explore the potential use ofnematophagous fungi in the control of ruminant parasitic nematodes, has been ongoingsince 1989, At the beginning of this project, some in vitro assays were performed anda very high activity of nematophagous fungi was shovvn against different ruminantparasitic nematodes (Mendoza, 1991; Lozano, 1991; Cruz, 1992; Mendoza et al. 1992;Mendoza, 1994a,b). At the same time, attempts to pass conidia ofnematophagous fungi conidia through the gastro-intestinal tract of sheep and recoveringthem from faecal material, were unsuccessful (Mendoza, 1990). Protection of conidiausing different enteric coats against the conditions in the out was considered. Differentisolates were screened to test their ability to survive through the gastro-intestinal tractof the animals, and some isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans and Arthrobotrys speciesfrom sheep and calf faeces were obtained, some of which displayed a high resistanceand remained alive after passing through the digestive tract of animals (Llerandi-Juarezand Mendoza, 1997). In a further experiment a group of sheep infected vvithHamonchus contortus was treated orally with an aqueous suspension of conidia whichsignificantly reduced the percentage of larvae in faeces compared with a control groupwithout fungi (Mendoza 1996).

Evaluation of the use of different mixtures of nematophagous fungi with highactivity against nematodas and also different fungal biopreparations to be administeredin animals as a method of control of ruminant parasitic nematodes are currentlyunderway.

Experiments which include the evaluation of the production of extracelullarenzymes by nematophagous fungi under different conditions and the influence ofnematode cuticle on the nematode-predatory behaviors are also being undertaken.

Although, there are just a few records of biological control of these parasitesusing nematophagous fungi in Mexico, results are highly promising and in future thismethod of control could potentially be an excellent alternative to reduce the use ofchemicals for the control of ruminant parasitic nematodes.

In further trials, an evaluation of different strategic measures using thenematophagous fungi under field conditions will be undertaken in the most importantareas of livestock production in Mexico.

REFE1FL'',".7', órnero, H.Q. and S.G. 1995 Valoración de la reinfestacién denemEt:Ddos gastroentericos en bovinos en clima cálido. Veterinaria México,26;145-149.

Calderón, R., Gonz6;ez, A., Toledo, F., Rojas, E., and -ierrara, J. 1987 Fase dedesarrollo, Modulo de Producción de Leche Santa Elena con ganado suizo pardoen pastoreo. 5a. Demostración, Instituto Nacional de InvestigacionesForestales y Agropecuarias (INIFAP). Hueytamalco, Puebla, Mexico, P. 37-42.

Carnair A.J. 1983 Prevalencia de nematodos del abomaso en bovinos procedentes del


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Estado de Chiapas, Mexico. Tesis de Licenciatura, Facultad de MedicinaVeterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Coyoacan,Mexico, D.F.

Campos, R.R. 1991 Diagnóstico y control de nematodos resistentes a losantihelmínticos. In: Diagnóstico y control de parásitos de animales y el hombre.Edited by Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad NacionalAutónoma de Mexico. pp 506.

Campos, R.R., Her:cm, R.D. & Quirc::, ftì. 1992 - Diagnóstico in vitro de Haemonchuscontortus resistente al Albendazol, Fenbensazol, Oxfendazol y Febantel en tresrebaños ovinos Tabasco o Pelibuey. Veterinaria Mexico, 23:51-56

Campos, R.R., Liebano, H.E., Herrera, R.D. & Godinez, G.A. 1990 Identificación larvariade nematodos gastroentericos en feces de bovinos de la zona ganadera delEstado de Morelos. Veterinaria Mexico, 21:415-417

Cruz, G.Ma.E. 1992. Evaluación de la capacidad atrapadora in vitro de Monacrosporiumgephyropagum sobre larvas infectantes de Strongyloides papillosus. Tesis deLicenciatura. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. UniversidadNacional Autónoma de Mexico. Coyoacan, D.F. Mexico.

Domínguez, A.J.L., Rodríguez, V.R.I. & Honhold, N. 1993 Epizoología de los parásitosgastrointestinales en bovinos del Estado de Yucatán. Veterinaria Mexico.24:189-193

Gibbs, H.C. 1992 The effects of subclinical disease on gastrointestinal nematodiasis.Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 14:669-674, 676-677,

Hayat, C.S., Hussain, S.M., 11.1bal, Z., Hayat, B. & Akhtar, M. 1996 Effect of parasiticnematodes on Haematology and productivity of sheep. Pakistan VeterinaryJournal. 16:81-83

Hernandez, E.L., Prats, V.V. & Ruiz, A.C. 1992 Determinación de larvas infectantes denematodos gastroentéricos en pasto durante dos períodos del año en un climatropical húmedo (Aw). Técnica Pecuaria en Mexico. 30:31-36

Llerandi, J. R. & Mendoza, de G.P. 1997 Resistance of nematophagous fungichlamysospores to the digestive processes of sheep in Mexico. (Submitted).

LOZEi10, M.J.J. 1991 Reducción del número de larvas preparasíticas de Haemonchuscontortus en feces de ovinos adicionadas con Arthrobotrys robusta in vitro.lesis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia.Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. Coyoacán, D.F. Mexico.

Mejía-García, R.A. & Orozco de Gortari, J. 1979 Hallazgo del nematodo Mecistocirrusdigitatus (Linstow, 1906) en bovinos de Mexico. Memorias de la Reunión Anual,Area Médica: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Pecuarias, SARH, Mexico,1979, p. 31.

Mendoza, de G.P. 1991 Capacidad atrapadora in vitro de Arthrobotrys spp(Hyphomycetales) contra larvas infectantes de Haemonchus contortus (L3) yNacobbus aberrans (J2). Tesis de Maestria. Universidad Autónoma del Estadode Morelos. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

Mendoza, de G. P. & Vazquez, P.V.M. 1992 Reduction of Haemonchus contortusinfective larvae by three nematophagous fungi in sheep faecal cultures.Veterinary Parasitology, 55:197-203.

Mendoza de G. P., Zavaleta, M.E., Herrera, R.D., Quiroz, R.H. & Perdomo, R.F. 1994aInteraction between the nematode destroying fungi Arthrobotrys robusta(Hyphomycetales) and Haemonchus contortus infective larvae in vitro.Veterinary Parasitology, 41:101-107.

Mendoza de G. P., Zavaleta, M.E., Herrera, R.D. & Quiroz, R.H. 1994b In vitro trappingcapability of Arthrobotrys spp on infective larvae of Haemonchus contortus and


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Nacobbus aberrant. Journal of Helminthology, 69:223-229.Mendoza de G.P., Flores, C.J., Herrera, R.D., Liebano, H.E., Vazquez, P.V. & Ontiveros,

F.E. 1996. Evaluación de la reducción del número de larvas infectantes deHaemonchus contortus en feces de ovinos tratados oralmente conclamidosporas de Duddingtonia flagrans. Memorias del XIX Congreso Nacionalde Control Biológico, Sociedad Mexicana de Control Biológico, Centro deCiencias de Sinaloa, Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, 14 y 15 de Noviembre de 1996.

P.E.F.G., Programa Especial de Fomento Ganadero de la Secretaría de Agricultura yRecursos Hidráulicos (SARN), 1990. Published in February, 1990, Mexico, D.F.

Quiroz, R.H. 1984 - Parásitos y enfermedades parasitarias de los animales domésticos.ED.LIMUSA, Mexico, D.F.

Sanchez, G.S.& Quiroz-Romero, H. 1993 Frecuencia de parásitos gastrointestinales,pulmonares y hepáticos en ovinos de la Magdalena Soltepec, Tlaxcala, Mexico.Veterinaria Mexico. 24:195-198

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Stella MacielSubsecretaría de Ganadería

Asunción del Paraguay, Paraguaye-mail: sseg@quanta,


Paraguay is a landlocked country located in the centre of South America,covering an area of 406,752 Km2 and extending between 54° 19' and 62° west, and19° and 27° 30 south. It is bordered by Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. The country isdivided into two main regions by the Paraguay river, namely the Occidental and Orientalregions.

The western part of the country (Occidental region) accounts for 247,000 km2and comprises the Chaco plain which extends to Bolivia and Argentina and in totalconstitutes one of the largest ecological zones in Latin America covering 1,125,000km2 in total. The eastern part (Oriental region) constitutes 39 percent of the totallandmass of Paraguay and consists of plains and gentle hills. The highest lands are inthe east but even there the hills rarely exceed 500 m in altitude and the highest point inthe country is only 850 m. above sea level.

The climate is subtropical with summer rains and dry vvinters. The averagetemperature range from 26° C to 37°C during the summer months between October andMarch. In winter, i.e. from May to July, they range from 16°C to 25°C. Extremes ofheat and cold are greatest in the Chaco.

Rainfall is highest in Eastern Paraguay where annual precipitation varies around1700 mm in upper Paraná to 1200 mm on the lowland of the Paraguay river. Althoughthe heaviest rainfall tend to occur in the summer there is fairly even distributionthroughout the year. Seasonal rainfall variation is greater in the Chaco where most ofthe annual precipitation of 400 to 800 mm falls between October and April and theseasonal effects are greater. Higher rates of evaporation and impermeability of alluvialsoils in the Chaco result in periodic droughts, occasional floods and shorter vegetationgrowing periods than in the east.


The sheep population of Paraguay is by South American standards small. Thetotal population of approximately 370,000 is concentrated in the Oriental Region (70per cent) where the bulk of the 9.0 million cattle in Paraguay are also found. Typically,sheep are maintained in small flocks, rarely more than 200 animals, but often on largefarms which carry substantial numbers of cattle. Sheep flocks are commonly confinedto small areas where they are maintained at very high stocking rates. Some sheep-cattlemixed grazing occurs in certain districts. British breeds such as Hampshire, Corriedaleand Romney Marsh are preferred. Essentially then, the sheep industry is based onEuropean sheep breeds, not renowned for high levels of innate resistance to parasites,in regions of high temperature and at high stocking rates. Many specifically designatedsheep pastures are regularly inundated following heavy rains or flooding that favour thebuild - up of heavy worm infection.


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Massive helminth problems are endemic vvith all important species wellrepresented. The major pathogen is H. contortus, but Trichostrongylus colubriformis andCooperia spp. in particular, is also a very serious problem.


Establishment of adequate parasite control programmes have been impeded bya number of factors including insufficient knowledge of the epidemiology of theparasites, the poor to moderate efficacy of the available antihelmintics and thereluctance of both veterinarians and farmers to deviate from the convenience ofhusbandry-based parasite control programmes. These programmes relied heavily ontreating sheep when they were available, or treating only those animals that exhibitedclinical signs of parasitism , in many instances on a monthly bases or even every threeweeks. (40% of the farms studied).

Attempts to minimize the reliance on anthelmintics for control of parasites haveconcentrated on developing control programmes for the more susceptible age groups ofsheep. Farmers, however, have still been reluctant to adopt the concept of prevention.(i.e. treating animals before they developed clinical parasitism.

Studies carried out from March/July 1994 to determine the prevalence ofanthelmintic resistance in the Region with the technical and financial support of FAO.shovved that the level of resistance exceeded 50% to all anthelmintics independent atformulations. Resistance to the benzimidazole group was 73%, levamisole group 68%,ivermectin injectable 47%, and oral 73%. There was clear evidence that the three mainparasites of the genera Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia and Trichostrongylus had ahigh level of resistance to all three broad spectrum anthelmintic groups.

Clearly the level of anthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites of sheep inParaguay has reached an alarming level. Farmers and the government are aware of theactual situation vvhich was found in the sheep industry and quickly extending to thegoats population. They are eager to find methods to alleviate the problem consideringthat the sheep/goat production will be impossible in the near future if thesecirc*mstances continue. Taking into consideration that there is a governmental programof diversification emphasizing the small ruminant production in an attempt to alleviatethe social hardship of the small farmers, it is important that remedial action is takenimmediately.


There is an urgent need for the development of other non chemical methods ofparasite control. However, in order to undertake any action, it is imperative to get thewillingness and cooperation of the Governmental Institutions (Extension Services of theMinistry of Agriculture and Livestock and the different Veterinary Schools) and farmersassociations. This is essential in order to implement any activities to promote anycontrol method proposed.

It is well known that biological control will be one of the best chances forcontrolling gastrointestinal parasites in small ruminants due to the ecologicaladvantages of its application.


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In order to implement it, it will be necessary to train the laboratory and fie dstaff in the development of this new methodology.


Benítez-Usher, C., Maciel, S., Rebollo, C. and Armour, J. 1984. A study of bovineparasitic gastroenteritis in Paraguay. Prey. Vet. Med., 2:295-308.

Maciel, S., Giménez, A.M., Gaona, C., Waller, P. and Hansen, J.W. The prevalence ofanthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites of sheep in Southern Latin America:Paraguay. Vet. Paras. 62 (1996) 207-212.


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A . Nari*, J. Salles* , D. Caste!Is**, J. W. Hansen****DILA VE. "Miguel C Rubino".Division of Parasitology.

P.O Box. 6577.Montevideo. Uruguay** Uruguayan Wool Secretariat. ( SUL 1

Baltasar Brum 3764. Montevideo. Uruguay.*** FAO. Animal Production & Health Division.

Via delle Terme di Caracalla.00100,Rome. Italy.


Uruguay is situated between the 30° and 35° southern latitudes and 50 and 60western longitudes, with maritime influence of the River Plate to the south and theAtlantic Ocean to the east. It has a temperate climate with an average rainfall rangingbetween 1 000-1 400 mm equally distributed throughout the year.

The prevailing animal production system is based on mixed cattle and sheepgrazing natural pastures. The country has the largest sheep stock of Latin America (20million heads) and is the second tops wool (washed vvool) producing country of theworld.

Epidemiological studies of nematode parasites of sheep, have shown that themost common species of gastro-intestinal nematodes are represented, includingHaemonchus contortus, which is the most important parasite except in winter whenTrichostrongylus colubriformis and to a lesser extend T.axei and Ostertagia circumcinctapopulations increase and take on importance.( Nari and Cardozo,1987 ).


Recent studies have shown that the potential losses caused by thesenematodes in one year old sheep kept in a "non parasite control" scenario amounted to50% mortality, 25% reduced live body weight gain (LBW) and a reduction of greasyfleece weight (GFW) of 29%. It was also demonstrated that the animals in poor bodycondition, as a result of the reduced weight gain, did not have full compensatory grovvthat any time during their production lives. The most affected wool components were thestaple length (p <0.01) and diameter (p< 0.05). No significant influence on the strengthof the vvool was detected. (Castells et a1,1993; Castells and Nari, 1996 ).

These studies have clearly demonstrated to the farmer's associations theimpact of helminth infections and in general there is a high awareness of the problem.The Uruguayan Wool Secretariat (UWS) has estimated the annual production lossescaused by parasites in the national sheep flock to be in the order of 18.335.000 kg ofgreasy wool, which represents a potential annual loss of about US$41,800,000 ( SUL,1996).


The extensive use of anthelmintics for the control of gastro intestinalnematodes of sheep during the last 15-20 years have resulted in widespreadanthelmintic resistance. In order to obtain an estimate of the prevalence of anthelminticresistance throughout all the sheep raising regions of the country, a survey was


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conducted in 1995 on 252 randomly selected farms. The study only involved farmswith more than 600 sheep, which represents 80% of the total sheep population. Threeanthelmintic groups were evaluated, namely benzimidazoles, levamisole andavermectins. The results showed that 92.5% farms had some degree of anthelminticresistance although stock owners with resistance problems often ignore the situation.

Resistance to benzimidazoles was recorded in 86.0 % of the sheep flockstested, 71% had resistance to levamisole and 1.2 % to avermectins. More than 80 %of surveyed farms had Trichostrongylus populations resistant to both benzimidazolesand levamisole. For Haemonchus, resistance was confirmed for all three groups of vvidespectrum anthelmintics although the resistance to ivermectin is still limited.

A major cause of anthelmintic resistance is the frequent use of treatment andthis study showed that almost 50% of the sheep farmers treat their lambs more than 7times per year with the majority of drenches given during the post-weaning period.However, frequent treatments are not only restricted to the weaned lambs as more than40 % of farmers drench their evves a similar number of times. (Nari et al, 1996).

Thus the majority of Uruguayan farms have gastrointestinal nematodepopulations with anthelmintic resistance and it is, therefore, a realistic end-pointprediction, that alternative helminth control will become a major element in ensuring thesustainability of sheep production enterprises in the future.(Nari and Salles,1997).


The principle of sustainability of nematode control is therefore related topreservation of anthelmintic efficacy through integrated pest management with far lessbut strategically timed, use of anthelmintics in combination with grazing managementand other control strategies.

Considering that only 7.5 % of the tested farms do not have anthelminticresistance, the starting-point has to be the determination of the problem on a "one farmone problem" basis by using already developed standardized methods for the diagnosisof resistance.

After the diagnosis is accomplished scientists and/or extension servicepersonnel should advise live stock owners according to the epidemiological situationand the practical possibilities of control in each specific farm.

Control Strategies

Promoting and implementing new control strategies are often met withskepticism and the acceptance of perceived complex and "impractical" measures isgenerally slow However a range of alternative control strategies have been developedbased on epidemiological data, more appropriate use of anthelmintics and grazingmanagement.

a) Using the existing anthelmintic groups

Considering the findings of the diagnostic survey these are some of the optionsavailable with regard to continuing use of existing groups of anthelmintics


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The annual rotation of vvide- and medium spectrum anthelmintic groups. Onfarms where tvvo or more of the main groups are still vvorking, drugs from eachgroup should be rotated on an annual basis.

Re-introduction of anthelmintics vvhich were 'forgotten' vyhen new broadspectrum anthelmintics vvere marketed. After more than 25 years,naphthalophos, was reintroduced in Uruguay at the dose rate of 50 mg/kgwhich increase its activity against T. colubriformis. It is especiallyrecommended on farms where only one wide spectrum anthelmintic group isstill effective.(Lorenzelli et a1,1996).

The use of combinations of wide spectrum benzimidazole + levamisole groups.One third of sheep flocks still have nematode populations where thecombination usually achieves more than 95.0 `)/0 of efficacy. (Nari, et al 19961.

The use of specific drugs such as the narrow spectrum closantel, for theexclusive control of H. Contortus and the other blood sucking parasites.

Expand the knowledge base of the pharmeco*kinetics of the anthelmintics. Forexample, the effectiveness of oral formolations of benzimidazole, and themacrocyclic lactones markedly improve- eep if they are removed frompasture 12-24 hours before treatment. Tl Jourse is only of limited value ifresistance is very strong (E. Lorenzelli,

b) Grazing Management

Grazing management is currently a neglected component of the parasite controlstrategies in Uruguay. Hovvever recent work has demonstrated great potential forparasite control through managing pasture resources either in isolation, or together withreduced use of anthelmintics.

The growth and production potential of the native pastures in Uruguay variesconsiderably according to the season. During winter, the quality (protein + oner gy) andquantity of pasture are very low and farms are often overstocked as this usuallycoincides with the lambing season. In contrast, there is an almost uncontrolled pasturegrowth during late spring and summer that sometimes precludes the normal grazingpattern of sheep.

The following are the recommendations given to farmers for coping with theseextreme differences in pasture production:

The use of mixed grazing of cattle and sheep during the highest pastureproductive periods of the year (namely late spring-summer and early autumn).

A sheep-rotation grazing scheme for the rest of the year. This programme isbased on the demonstrated benefits of resting pastures vvhich resulted in a

dramatic reduction of the parasite burden when 90 days elapsed before thelambs returned to the same pasture.(D. Castells and A. Nari,,1997).

The creation of safe pastures for weaner lambs by using alternate grazing


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between more than two year old cattle and the weaned lambs. The potential ofcattle cycling H. contortus, was tested by artificially challenging a group ofadult cattle with a field strain of sheep H. Contortus. No differences betweenthe control and artificially infected groups of cattle could be detected.(A. Nari,1987). In this grazing system it is not advisable to keep the lambs longer than2.5-3 months on the same pastures because of their selective grazing (A. Nariand Cardozo,1987).

When flock rotation in winter is not possible, due to extensive condition offarming and lack of fencing, the use of alternate grazing between cattle andpregnant ewes is another valid strategy. Excellent parasitological results wereobtained in ewes after 2.5 and 4.5 months of alternate grazing. (CasteIls andNari, 1996 ).


A specific modified "Wormkill" Programme, based on the epidemiological database and the integration of strategic anthelmintic treatments and grazing managementhas been recently tested on 11.000 sheep of all ages over a period of 26 months. Theprogramme was developed on the basis of a previous diagnosis of anthelminticresistance in each farm, the knowledge of the local epidemiology, low frequency of drugadministration, slow rotation of wide to medium spectrum groups of anthelmintic stillbeing effective combined with closantel and punctual grazing management measures(safe pastures for Iambs). It was demonstrated that it is possible to overcome theparasitism of H.contortus and Tcolubriformis and other less important species ofnematodes in all age categories of sheep. The results were especially outstanding onone of the farms which previously had a record of using 10 drenches per year, inaddition to frequent clinical parasitism being observed. (A. Nari et al 1997).


These sustainable integrated parasite control programmes based on localknowledge developed for Uruguayan conditions of farming should be strongly promotedwithin a realistic frame. This would secure the necessary time for applied research forthe development of more sophisticated non-chemical technology such as geneticresistance, biological control and vaccines.

Genetic resistance

Exploiting genetic resistance to diseases in general and to nematodes inparticular should without doubt be one of the targets for Uruguayan researchinstitutions. It appears that there is a potential for utilizing both between breed andwithin breed differences in resistance/susceptibility to nematode parasites. Encouragingresults have been achieved in this respect by the UWS and different farmer'sassociations (R.Cardellino, pers. com.,1997).

Biological control

Fungi with a predacious activity against nematodes have shown promisingresults. It has been demonstrated under experimental conditions that a daily supplementof barley grains supporting the growth of the fungi can lower the larval contamination ofpastures and in turn considerably reduce parasitism and increase productivity in grazing


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calves and sheep. In the context of improved nutrition of sheep, blocks for nutritionaland mineral supplements, and the inclusion of the fungi have been tested and couldprove to be an important control option in certain management systems. Theseformulations should be tested to determine if they have a real impact under theextensive sheep farming conditions of Uruguay.


The sheep industry is one of the most important sources of income for theUruguayan economy. The entire sheep population of the country is at presentexperiencing direct or indirect losses due to gastrointestinal nematodes. Any attemps toincrease wool and meat production must be supported through sustainable helminthcontrol programs.

Since a limited survey was carried out in 1992 in one of the more problematicareas of the country which recorded 25% and 60% of levamisole and benzimidazoleresistance the problem has rapidly increased up to figures of 71% and 86%respectively.(A. Nari et al 1992; A. Nari et al 1996 ).

Within the framework of the new epidemiological situation, it will be necessaryto remember:

A sustainable helminth control of sheep livestock will focus on a "one farm-oneproblem approach" by using a standardized methods for the diagnosis ofresistance. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have a "critical mass" of welltrained field veterinarians capable, not only of doing the diagnosis, but also tocompetently managing a range of technical, integrated control options availablein the country. This programme of prevention and control should be promotednot only by the veterinary practitioner but also by other farmers, animalscientists and extension personnel. Courses of continuous education forprofessionals should be made available.

Technology transfer for a sustainable helminth control to farmers should beformulated within two well defined levels. One, directed toward key farmersassociations by promoting their interest in developing jointly applied research indifferent production areas of the country. A good example of this philosophywas the joint pilot trial developed for the application of a modified "Wormkill"programme in the northern region of Uruguay. A second but interacting level,should be the massive transfer to farmers of the already available knowledgeand technology. The extension personnel of UWS should promote schemes ofintegrated control by using local information which do not solely rely on use ofanthelmintics.

Research institutions should support applied reset without loosing the link withfarmer associations but doing and oriented basic research if it is of importance.

Due to the fact that the problem of anthelmintic resistance has beenexacerbated by the common use of generic products and drugs of dubiousquality the official authority (DILAVE "Miguel C. Rubino") should have theproper financial support for a more efficient quality control and monitoring ofcommercial products.


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CasteIls, D.; Nari, A.; Marimol, E. and Acosta, D. 1993.1ncidencia de los nematodesgastrointestinales en la producción de carne y lana. In: Jornadas de SanidadCima. SUL. Editorial Hemisferio Sur, p.43.

1C96. Efecto de los nem-atodos gastrointestinales sobreJivers,:,rametros productivos en ovinos de recría y su impacto sobre eldesem.n posterior. Piin Congreso Uruguayo de Producción Animal. 2-4octubre. Montevideo. Urn.ony.

Loienzelli, E., Machi, I. and I_ i, A. 1996. Prueba controlada de naftalofos enestablecimientos con :edentes de resistencia antihelmíntica. Revista de laSociedad de MedicinE V ririria Argentina .77 173-176.

Nari, A., 1987. Enfoque epider ugico pa te el JiagriUstico y control de resistenciaantihelmintica en ovinos, Editoriai lnusIiio Sui, Montevideo, Uruguay.p 60.

Nari, .4. zwd /2.ardozo, H. 1987 Lnieinieciacies causadas por parásitos internos.Nematodes gástrointesunales. Itl s. borocif. , A. Duran. and J.J. Mari ( Editors).Enfermedades de los Lanares. Editorial Hemisferio Sur, Montevideo, Uruguay.Pp. 1-57,

A., Lorenzelli, E., Quintana, S. and Franchi, M., 1992. Estado actual de la

resistencia antihelmíntica de los nematodes gastrointestinales del ovino. Unproble emergente en Uruguay. In: M. Azzarini and R. Cardellino (Editors).

t;e Tenias Agropecuarios, Editorial Hemisferio Sur, Montevideo,Ui uguay, _2(3.

Nari, A., Salies, Gil, A., Waller, P. and Hansen, J.W. 1996. The prevalence ofanthelmintic resistance in nematodes parasites of sheep in southern LatinAmei lee: Uruguay, Veterinary Parasitology 62 213- 222,

Nari, A. i-roirle, M., Rizzo, E., Marmol, E. and Mautone, G. 1997. Evaluación de unprograma de contni ncmatodos gastrointestinales en ovinos. Medidas paradilatar la aparición -esistencia antihelmintica. XXV Congreso Nacional deBuiatria. 18-21 de junt PaysandiTi. Uruguay. pp. 98- 101.

Nari, A. and Salles, J. 1997, Resistencia antihelmintica en Uruguay, Enfoque económicoy posibilidades de control en el país, Proceedings. 11 Congreso Uruguayo dePí ocluccion Animal.

SUL, 1996. Pérdidas por parásitos internos. Grupo Veterinario, p.5,


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1 Animal breeding: selected articles from the WorldAnimal Review, 1977 (C E F S)

2 Eradication of hog cholera and African swine fever,1976 (E F S)Insecticides and application equipment for tsetsecontrol, 1977 (E F)

4 New feed resources, 1977 (E/F/S)5 Bibliography of the criollo cattle of the Americas,

1977 (E/S)6 Mediterranean cattle and sheep in crossbreeding,

1977 (E F)7 The environmental impact of tsetse control operations,

1977 (E F)7 Rev. 1 The environmental impact of tsetse control operations,

1980 (E F)8 Declining breeds of Mediterranean sheep, 1978 (E F)9 Slaughterhouse and slaughterslab design and

construction, 1978 (E F S)10 Treating straw for animal feeding, 1978 (C E F S)11 Packaging, storage and distribution of processed milk,

1978 (E)12 Ruminant nutrition: selected articles from the World

Animal Review, 1978 (C E F S)13 Buffalo reproduction and artificial insemination,

1979 (E*)14 The African trypanosomiases, 1979 (E F)15 Establishment of dairy training centres, 1979 (E)16 Open yard housing for young cattle, 1981 (Ar E F S)17 Prolific tropical sheep, 1980 (E F S)18 Feed from animal wastes: state of knowledge,

1980 (CE)19 East Coast fever and related tick-borne diseases,

1980 (E)20/1 Trypanotolerant I vestock in West and Central Africa

Vol. 1. General study, 1980 (E F)20/2 Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa

Vol. 2. Country studies, 1980 (E F)20/3 Le bétail trypanotolérant en Afrique occidentale et

centrale Vol. 3. Bilan d'une décennie, 1988 (F)21 Guideline for dairy accounting, 1980 (E)22 Recursos genéticos animales en América Latina,

1981 (S)23 Disease control in sem*n and embryos,

1981 (C E F S)24 Animal genetic resources conservation and

management, 1981 (C E)25 Reproductive efficiency in cattle, 1982 (C E F S)26 Camels and camel milk, 1982 (E)27 Deer farming, 1982 (E)28 Feed from animal wastes: feeding manual, 1982 (C E)29 Echinococcosis/hydatidosis surveillance, prevention

and control: FAO/UNEPNVHO guidelines, 1982 (E)30 Sheep and goat breeds of India, 1982 (E)31 Hormones in animal production, 1982 (E)32 Crop residues and agro-industrial by-products in

animal feeding, 1982 (E/F)33 Haemorrhagic septicaemia, 1982 (E F)34 Breeding plans for ruminant livestock in the tropics,

1982 (E F S)35 Off-tastes in raw and reconstituted milk,

1983 (Ar E F S)36 Ticks and tick-borne diseases: selected articles from

the World Animal Review, 1983 (E F S)37 African animal trypanosomiasis: selected articles from

the World Animal Review, 1983 (E F)38 Diagnosis and vaccination for the control of brucellosis

in the Near East, 1982 (Ar E)

39 Solar energy in small-scale milk collection andprocessing, 1983 (E F)

40 Intensive sheep production in the Near East,1983 (Ar E)

41 Integrating crops and livestock in West Africa,1983 (E F)

42 Animal energy in agriculture in Africa and Asia,1984 (E/F S)

43 Olive by-products for animal feed, 1985 (Ar E F S)44/1 Animal genetic resources conservation by

management, data banks and training, 1984 (E)44/2 Animal genetic resources: cryogenic storage of

germplasm and molecular engineering, 1984 (E)45 Maintenance systems for the dairy plant, 1984 (E)46 Livestock breeds of China, 1984 (E F S)47 Refrigeration du lait e la ferme et organisation des

transports, 1985 (F)48 La fromagerie et les varietés de fromages du bassin

méditerranéen, 1985 (F)49 Manual for the slaughter of small ruminants in

developing countries, 1985 (E)50 Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in

animal feeding: research guidelines 1. State ofknowledge, 1985 (E)

50/2 Better utilization of crop residues and by-products inanimal feeding: research guidelines 2. A practicalmanual for research workers, 1986 (E)

51 Dried salted meats: charque and carne-de-sol,1985 (E)

52 Small-scale sausage production, 1985 (E)53 Slaughterhouse cleaning and sanitation, 1985 (E)54 Small ruminants in the Near East Vol. I. Selected

papers presented for the Expert Consultation on SmallRuminant Research and Development in the NearEast (Tunis, 1985), 1987 (E)

55 Small ruminants in the Near East Vol. II. Selectedarticles from World Animal Review 1972-1986,1987 (Ar E)

56 Sheep and goats in Pakistan, 1985 (E)57 The Awassi sheep with special reference to the

improved dairy type, 1985 (E)58 Small ruminant production in the developing countries,

1986 (E)59/1 Animal genetic resources data banks 1. Computer

systems study for regional data banks, 1986 (E)59/2 Animal genetic resources data banks

Descriptor lists for cattle, buffalo, pigs, sheep andgoats, 1986 (E F S)

59/3 Animal genetic resources data banksDescriptor lists for poultry, 1986 (E F S)

60 Sheep and goats in Turkey, 1986 (E)61 The Przewalski horse and restoration to its natural

habitat in Mongolia, 1986 (E)62 Milk and dairy products: production and processing

costs, 1988 (E F S)63 Proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on the

substitution of imported concentrate feeds in animalproduction systems in developing countries,1987 (C E)

64 Poultry management and diseases in the Near East,1987 (Ar)

65 Animal genetic resources of the USSR, 1989 (E)66 Animal genetic resources strategies for improved

use and conservation, 1987 (E)67/1 Trypanotolerant cattle and livestock development in

West and Central Africa Vol. I, 1987 (E)

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67/2 Trypanotolerant cattle and livestock development nWest and Central Africa Vol. II, 1987 (E)

68 Crossbreeding Bos indicus and Bes taurus for milkproduction in the tropics, 1987 (E)

69 Village milk processing, 1988 (E F S)70 Sheep and goat meat production in the hum d tropics

of West Africa, 1989 (E/F)71 The development of village-based sheep production in

West Africa, 1988 (Ar E F S)(Published as Training manual for extension workers,M/S5840E)

72 Sugarcane as feed, 1988 (E/S)73 Standard design for small-scale modular

slaughterhouses, 1988 (E)74 Small ruminants in the Near East Vol. Ill. North

Africa, 1989 (E)75 The eradication of ticks, 1989 (E/S)76 Ex situ cryoconservation of genomes and genes of

endangered cattle breeds by means of modernbiotechnological methods, 1989 (E)

77 Training manual for embryo transfer in cattle, 1991 (E)78 Milking, milk production hygiene and udder health,

1989 (E)79 Manual of simple methods of meat preservation,

1990 (E)80 Animal genetic resources a global prograrnme for

sustainable development, 1990 (E)81 Veterinary diagnostic bacteriology a manual of

laboratory procedures of selected diseases oflivestock, 1990 (E F)

82 Reproduction in camels a review, 1990 (E)83 Training manual on artificial insemination in sheep and

goats, 1991 (E F)84 Training manual for embryo transfer in water buffaloes,

1991 (E)85 The technology of traditional milk products in

developing countries, 1990 (E)86 Feeding dairy cows in the tropics, 1991 (E)87 Manual for the production of anthrax and blackleg

vaccines. 1991 (E F)88 Small ruminant production and the small ruminant

genetic resource in tropical Africa, 1991 (E)89 Manual for the production of Marek's disease,

Gumboro disease and inactivated Newcastle diseasevaccines, 1991 (E F)

90 Application of biotechnology to nutrition of animals indeveloping countries, 1991 (E F)

91 Guidelines for slaughtering, meat cutting and furtherprocessing, 1991 (E F)

92 Manual on meat cold store operation andmanagement, 1991 (E S)

93 Utilization of renewable energy sources andenergy-saving technologies by small-scale milk plantsand collection centres, 1992 (E)

94 Proceedings of the FAO expert consultation on thegenetic aspects of trypanotolerance, 1992 (E)

95 Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in animalfeeding, 1992 (E)

96 Distribution and impact of helminth diseases oflivestock in developing countries, 1992 (E)

97 Construction and operation of medium-sized abattoirsin developing countries, 1992 (E)

98 Small-scale poultry processing, 1992 (Ar E)99 In situ conservation of livestock and poultry, 1992 (E)100 Programme for the control of African animal

trypanosomiasis and related development, 1992 (E)101 Genetic improvement of hair sheep in the tropics.

1992 (E)

102 Legume trees and other fodder trees as proteinsources for livestock, 1992 (E)

103 Improving sheep reproduction in the Near East,1 992 (Ar)

104 The management of global animal genetic resources.1992 (E)

105 Sustainable livestock production in the mountain agro-ecosystem of Nepal, 1992 (E)

106 Sustainable animal production from small farmsystems in South-East Asia, 1993 (E)

107 Strategies for sustainable animal agriculture indeveloping countries, 1993 (E F)

108 Evaluation of breeds and crosses of domestic animals,1993 (E)

109 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 1993 (Ar E)110 L'amélioration génétique des bovins en Afrique de

l'Ouest, 1993 (F)111 L'utilización sostenible de hembras F1 en la

producción del ganado lechero tropical, 1993 (S)112 Physiologie de la reproduction des bovins

trypanotolérants, 1993 (F)113 La technologie des fromages au lait de drornadalre

(Camelus dromedarius), 1993 (F)114 Food losses due to non-infectious and production

diseases in developing countries, 1993 (E)115 Manuel de formation pratique pour la transplantation

embryonnaire chez la brebis et la chèvre, 1993 (F S)116 Quality control of veterinary vaccines in developing

countries, 1993 (E)117 L'hygiene dans l'industrie alimentaire, 1993 Les

produits et l'aplication de l'hygiène, 1993 (F)118 Quality control testing of rinderpest cell culture

vaccine, 1994 (E)119 Manual on meat inspect on for developing countries,

1994 (E)120 Manual para la instalación del pequeño matadero

modular de la FAO, 1994 (S)121 A systematic approach to tsetse and trypanosomiasis

control, 1994 (E/F)122 El capibara (Hydrocho*rus hydrochaeris) Estado

actual de su producción. 1994 (S)123 Edible by-products of slaughter animals, 1995 (E S)124 L'approvisionnement des villes africaines en lait et

produits laitiers, 1995 (F)125 Veterinary education, 1995 (E)126 Tropical animal feeding A manual for research

workers, 1995 (E)127 World livestock production systems Current status,

issues and trends, 1996 (E)128 Quality control testing of contagious bovine

pleuropneumonia live attenuated vaccine Standardoperating procedures, 1996 (E F)

129 The world without rinderpest, 1996 (E)130 Manual de prácticas de manejo de alpacas y llamas,

1996 (S)131 Les perspectives de développement de la filière lait de

chèvre dans le bassin méditerranéen, 1996 (F)132 Feeding pigs in the tropics, 1997 (E)133 Prevention and control of transboundary animal

diseases, 1997 (E)134 Tratamiento y utilización de residuos de origen

animal, pesquero y alimenticio en la alimentaciónanimal, 1997 (S)

135 Roughage utilization in warm climates, 1997 (E F)136 Proceedings of the first Internet Conference on

Salivarian Trypanosomes, 1997 (E)137 Developing national emergency prevention systems for

transboundary animal diseases, 1997 (E)

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138 Producción de cuyes (Cavia porcellus), 1997 (S)139 Tree foliage in ruminant nutrition, 1997 (E)140/1 Analisis de sistemas de producción animal Tomo 1:.

Las bases conceptuales, 1997 (S)140/2 Analisis de sistemas de producción animal Tomo 2:

Las herramientas basicas, 1997 (S)141 Biological control of gastro-intestinal nematodes of

ruminants using predacious fungi, 1998 (E)

Availability: January 1998

Ar Arabic Multil MultilingualChinese Out of printEnglish In preparationFrenchPortugueseSpanish

The FAO Technical Papers are available through the authorized FAOSales Agents or directly from Sales and Marketing Group,FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.

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Gastro-intestinal nematode parasitism is one of the most important disease constraints tosmall ruminant production in the tropics and subtropics. Control of gastro-intestinalnematodes, particularly Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus species, is a

prerequisite for profitable small ruminant production. Strategies for control have until nowrelied almost entirely on the use of anthelmintics. The frequent use of the drugs, often

mismanaged, has led to widespread resistance of the parasites to one or more of the majorgroups of anthelmintics. There is therefore an urgent need to develop alternative,sustainable strategies. Such strategies include grazing management, breeding for

resistance or resilience, better utilization of existing drugs through the understanding ofpharmaco*kinetics and the use of predacious fungi for biological control of the nematode

parasite larvae on pasture. To further knowledge on the last of these approaches, FAO andthe Danish Centre for Experimental Parasitology organized the Workshop on Biological

Control of Gastro-intestinal Nematodes of Ruminants Using Predacious Fungi, held from5 to 12 October 1997 at the Veterinary Research Institute in Ipoh, Malaysia. Fourteen

participants from ten countries received theoretical and practical training in the isolation,identification and cultivation of predacious fungi which they will be able to use for

biological control of parasitic nematodes of ruminants.

ISBN 92-5-104 09 1 ISSN 0254-6019

II 111121111 11111119

M-27 W7790E/1/2.98/2000


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What is parasite refugia? ›

Refugia-based strategies are intended to help slow the development of anthelmintic resistance by providing a population of parasites that are not exposed to the treatment.

What parasite causes Gnathostomiasis? ›

Human gnathostomiasis is a condition caused by several species of parasitic worms (nematodes). You can get infected by eating raw or undercooked freshwater fish, eels, frogs, birds, and reptiles.

What are the 3 main parasites? ›

There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites.

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