Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19  · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (2024)

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (1)


Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters: The Case of Hurricane Sandy and New York City

Rachel Meltzer The New School

Ingrid Gould Ellen

New York University

Xiaodi Li New York University

Updated December 17, 2018

Abstract The density of urban areas makes them economically productive, but it also makes them particularly vulnerable in the face of natural disasters. In this paper, we consider the localized economic impacts of an extreme event, Hurricane Sandy, on a dense and diverse economy, New York City. We isolate establishments that are more dependent on local customers--retail establishments--and test whether or not they are more vulnerable to hurricane-induced flooding than other entities with geographically dispersed consumer bases. We exploit variation in micro-scale exposure to pre-storm risk and post-storm inundation to identify the impact of storm-induced flooding on establishment survival, employment and sales revenues. Results indicate that the neighborhood economic losses from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized consumer base. After Sandy, retail establishments exposed to higher surge levels experienced higher rates of business closure and larger losses in jobs and sales revenues compared to retail establishments with no or little exposure to inundation. Furthermore, the losses among retail and non-retail establishments are persistent. Finally, declines in the number of retail establishments are concentrated among smaller and standalone establishments--some of the most vulnerable businesses in good times.

Acknowledgments: We thank Pooya Ghorbani and Rachel Marie Atkins Brooks and Samantha Cocco-Klein for excellent research assistance. We thank the New York City Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency and the New York City Department of Small Business Services for providing critical data. This project is supported by the National Science Foundation’s program on Infrastructure, Management and Extreme Events.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (2)


1. Introduction The density of urban areas makes them economically productive, but it also makes them

particularly vulnerable in the face of natural disasters. In this paper, we consider the

localized economic impacts of an extreme event, Hurricane Sandy, for a dense and diverse

economy, New York City. We exploit the random variation in storm inundation across

blocks in the city’s pre-determined evacuation zone to identify the impact of storm-induced

flooding on the number of commercial establishments, employment and sales revenues.

Previous studies have looked at the macroeconomic impacts from extreme events, such as

national productivity or cross-regional migration (Boustan et al. 2017; Ono 2015; Xiao and

Nilawar 2013; Leiter et al. 2009). However, the localized effects are less understood and

can be highly uneven. Spatial variation in the potency of the natural disaster can contribute

to wide variation in how urban neighborhoods within the same city experience such shocks.

Further, some types of establishments are likely to be more vulnerable to hurricane-induced

flooding than others.

We hypothesize that retail businesses that serve a more localized consumer base will be

most vulnerable to flooding risk; businesses that do not rely on foot traffic and serve

broader markets will be relatively less vulnerable. Our reasoning is that the risk for retail

establishments is twofold: not only do they confront the physical damage from excessive

flooding, but they also rely largely on the patronage of local customers who may be

displaced by the storm and/or suffer reductions in income. Further, disruption in

transportation networks and closure of nearby establishments may also reduce the number

of visitors and workers in the neighborhood who might shop at local stores (Boarnet 1996).

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (3)


Finally, smaller, independent retailers may face a heightened risk due to fewer resources

and minimal or no insurance to cover damage and survive a temporary (or extended) hit.

We rely on a combination of several longitudinal, micro-datasets on establishments,

employment, sales revenues and property characteristics in New York City, for intervals

of time both before and after Hurricane Sandy. We overlay these data with spatial

information on locally determined evacuation zones to capture pre-storm risk, as well as

surge zones that show us exactly where, and to what height, the flood waters rose after the

storm. We find that the commercial establishments in our sample are no more likely to

locate in areas of the city deemed to be at greater flood risk, but the establishments that

tend to locate in higher risk areas have somewhat different characteristics. In our preferred

specification, we control for these differences by restricting the sample to only

establishments located in the evacuation zone and rely on variation in water surge heights

to identify the storm’s impact.

Results indicate that the neighborhood economic losses from Sandy are significant and

persistent. Consistent with theoretical expectations, losses are primarily concentrated

among retail businesses that serve a more localized consumer base. While we find a net

decrease in the number of both retail and non-retail establishments after Sandy, survival

analyses suggest that these losses are driven by higher rates of business closures for retail

establishments and lower rates of new business openings for non-retail establishments.

Furthermore, any net losses in establishments are concentrated among smaller and

standalone establishments. We also find that the storm led to reductions in employment.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (4)


For retail establishments, jobs declined by 25 percent after Sandy on blocks that experience

three feet or more of inundation. There were no significant job losses, however, among

non-retail businesses. Finally, businesses experienced declines in sales revenues after

Sandy, which were, again, concentrated among retail entities in areas with higher levels of

inundation. Economic losses among both retail and non-retail are persistent, indicating

little sign of recovery to pre-Sandy levels as of 2016.

2. Global shocks and local commercial impacts 2.1 Background

While natural disasters, like hurricanes or earthquakes, typically cover large swaths of land

area, their impacts are highly uneven. The intensity and nature of the impact is determined

by both the force of the extreme event and an individual firm or person’s predisposition to

risk and harm, which vary across space. Therefore, looking at aggregate outcomes,

especially across micro-geographies in large diverse cities, can obscure meaningful

differences in localized post-disaster impacts.

To understand localized economic impacts, we compare outcomes across different types

of businesses. Specifically, we focus on the degree to which businesses rely on local

patronage or involves non-tradable goods and services (Meltzer and Capperis 2017;

Waldfogel, 2008; Davis, 2006; Dinlersoz, 2004). Certain kinds of businesses, like

restaurants, bars, and specialty stores, depend on street traffic (Jacobs 1961) and benefit

from the concentrated clustering of other outward facing establishments that attract one-

stop “comparison shopping” (Nelson 1958; Glaeser, Kolko, and Saiz 2001; Kolko and

Neumark 2010, Jardim 2015, and Brandao et al. 2014). The clustering of establishments

reduces the search costs for consumers. In addition, and more central to our analysis,

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (5)


proximity between the establishment and the consumer reduces travel costs. This feature

is particularly important for goods and services that are frequently consumed and

perishable, all of which require repeat visits within short periods of time (Hotelling 1929).

In sum, the vulnerability of what we collectively refer to as retail establishments is twofold:

in addition to losses from any physical damage to their location or inventory (which any

other commercial establishment could similarly experience), they also face interruptions

from a depleted consumer base that is either displaced from the area or suffers economic

losses of their own. Furthermore, many of these retailers rely on the agglomerative benefits

of nearby commercial establishments; therefore, the contraction or death of one

establishment can have a ripple effect on the other establishments in the cluster.

In contrast, commercial activity that draws consumers from long distances or does not rely

on face-to-face interactions is less vulnerable to disruptions in consumption-based

agglomerative economies. Non-retail enterprises should be less locationally bound by their

consumers, although they may enjoy production side benefits, such as input sharing or

knowledge spillovers, from locating close to other businesses (Marshall 1890; Duranton

and Puga 2004).

2.2 Empirical literature

Much of the research on the economic impacts from natural disasters takes a

macroeconomic perspective, focusing more on outcomes related to economic growth and

welfare (Kliesen 1994; Skidmore and Toya 2002; Zissimopoulos and Karoly 2010;

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (6)


Kellenberg and Mobarak 2011; Bakkensen and Barrage 2017; Boustan et al. 2017). The

research on business-related outcomes using micro-geographies meanwhile tends to be

case studies or small-sample analyses (for example, Alesch and Holly 2002; LeSage et al.

2011; Asgary et al. 2012; Sydnor et al. 2017).

The literature covers a range of disaster types, including tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding,

and earthquakes. The studies looking at micro-geographies yield a few common findings:

(i) businesses are as vulnerable to indirect damages, such as lifeline utility outages and

supplier disruptions, as they are to direct physical damages (Tierney 1997a and 1997b,

Alesch and Holly 2002, Wasileski et al. 2011, Corey and Dietch 2011) and (ii) the extent

of physical damage, preparedness and post-disaster governmental aid do not consistently

predict business loss, resilience or recovery (Kroll et al. 1990, Dahlhamer and Tierney

1998, Webb et al. 2000, Chang and Falit-Baiamonte 2002; Runyan 2006; Haynes et al.

2011; De Mel et al. 2012; Davlasheridze and Geylani 2017).

LeSage et. al. (2011) consider the variation in post-disaster outcomes over time and space,

and find that immediate effects often differ from longer term impacts. In the short term,

severity of the disaster (flood depth) reduces the probability of businesses reopening post-

disaster; ownership structure (specifically, sole proprietorship) and local household income

increased the probability. Based on post-disaster observations only, the authors find that

all of these effects diminish over time. This is consistent with findings from Baade et al.’s

study (2007) of the impacts of Hurricane Andrew on taxable sales in south Florida: they

report an immediate drop in the taxable sales for affected areas (relative to unaffected

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (7)


areas), but a recovery to pre-storm levels within 18 months. Studies testing the “creative

destruction” hypothesis produce mixed results. Analyses using macroeconomic data tend

to find positive correlations between natural disasters and economic growth (for example,

Skidmore and Toya 2002 and Leiter et al. 2009); however Tanaka (2015) uses plant-level

data and finds evidence of severe negative economic outcomes after the Kobe earthquake.

The research to date convincingly shows that the characteristics of the businesses matter,

supporting the notion of differential recovery (Cutter et. al. 2000 and 2003, Smith and

Wenger 2007, Cutter and Finch 2008, Finch et. al. 2010, Van Zandt et. al. 2012).

Communities and individuals, that is, possess different characteristics that make them more

or less vulnerable to negative disaster impacts. A number of studies find that larger

businesses, and those that were performing relatively better prior to the disaster, cope better

in post-disaster circ*mstances (Tierney 1997b, Dahlhamer and Tierney 1998, Wasileski et

al. 2011; Basker and Miranda 2017). It is understood that larger businesses do more to

prepare leading up to the disaster, most likely due to resource availability (administrative

and financial) (Webb et al. 2000; Basker and Miranda 2017). Indeed, some commercial

enterprises can actually benefit from disasters since they end up providing goods and

services to aid the recovery process or benefit from serving a captive market (Dahlhamer

and Tierney 1998).

A few cross-sectional studies based on small or systematically-selected sample surveys

suggest that business recovery also depends on the vulnerabilities and assets of the

surrounding community (findings from Corey and Dietch (2011) also support this idea).

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For example, Xiao and Van Zandt (2012) find that the return of businesses to a community

is dependent on the return of residents (and vice versa) and Chang and Falt-Baiamonte

(2002) deduce from interviews that the disrepair of the surrounding commercial district

matters for the degree of a business’s loss. In addition, wholesale and retail businesses are

more likely to close after disasters, because they are more affected by the local economy,

intense competition, and levels of consumer confidence (Wasileski, Rodríguez, and Diaz

2011; Webb et. al. 2000). These studies, however, rely on only post-disaster observations

and therefore omit many of the businesses that may have closed due to disaster-induced


The current analysis contributes to the literature in several ways. First, we rely on

longitudinal data and can observe commercial activity for a diverse and large sample of

micro-geographies and over an extended period before and after the disaster. Second, we

track multiple measures of commercial activity. Third, we isolate impact estimates using

fine-grained spatial controls and narrowing the counterfactual to include other commercial

establishments similarly at risk prior to the storm.1 Finally, we test for, and observe,

different responses for different types of businesses and in a untested context (New York


1 There are newer studies focusing on the impacts of Hurricane Sandy in New York City, primarily on residential prices. Barr, Cohen, and Kim (2017) find that houses, apartments, and commercial properties prices have the most volatility in older, denser, and central urban neighborhoods. Ortega and Taspinar (2017) find that prices fell after Hurricane Sandy, and did not fully recover over time. This was true for properties directly damaged and properties flooded, but not physically damaged (although the former incurred bigger losses).

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (9)


3. Data and analytical strategy

In October of 2012 the eastern seaboard of the United States was hit by Hurricane Sandy,

one of the strongest storms it had seen in recent history, and New York City was hit

particularly hard. The storm surge reached almost nine percent of all residential units in

the city, and nearly four percent of all households registered with the Federal Emergency

Management Agency (FEMA) for post-disaster assistance (Furman Center, 2013). Data

on the impact of the hurricane on businesses are scarce, but media reports indicate that

many businesses struggled with their operations for months following the storm (Birch,

2013, Eha, 2013). Hurricane Sandy is estimated to be the fourth-costliest hurricane on

record in the U.S., after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Hurricane Harvey in 2017, and

Hurricane Maria in 2017.2

The sheer scale of New York City provides a sizable and diverse sample of businesses and

neighborhoods to study. Further, New York City neighborhoods experienced widely

divergent levels of flooding and damage. For example, FEMA estimates that the surge

covered 39.6% of Lower Manhattan, but even within this area, the Bowling Green

neighborhood saw 58.1% of its land surface flooded while the Church Street neighborhood

experienced a flooding rate of only 19.6%.

3.1 Data

We compile a rich micro-dataset that captures flooding risk and exposure and a range of

economic outcomes for businesses at the neighborhood level. We first obtain maps with

information on the boundaries of local evacuation zones (defined by New York City

2See the NOAA website for details: https://www.coast.noaa.gov/states/fast-facts/hurricane-costs.html

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (10)


officials) in effect at the time of Hurricane Sandy together with information on the water

surge heights in the flood zones. The evacuation zones are used to proxy for the pre-storm

vulnerability of businesses, as well as access to information about pre-storm evacuation

warnings.3 The surge maps, on the other hand, capture the storm’s actual impact (from

water inundation). The evacuation zone maps were obtained from the New York City

Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency and can be seen in Figure 1. We obtain the

surge zones maps from the FEMA Modeling Task Force (MOTF), which uses statistical

modeling and on-the-ground surge sensors and field observations to regularly update flood

impacts. They use high-water marks and surge sensor data to interpolate water surface

elevation after the storm.4 MOTF reports surge levels at a very micro level (one- or three-

square meter), but since they are based on interpolated values, we collapse the raster-level

surge heights to block-level averages. We classify a city block with surge height above

zero as part of the surge zone, but surge heights within the zone vary widely. Figure 2

displays a map of surge levels across the city.

Second, we obtain information on establishments from the InfoUSA historical business

database, a longitudinal panel of establishments constructed by Infogroup.5 Infogroup

identifies establishments using yellow pages, phone books, and newspapers, and

3 In anticipation of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, New York City officials issued mandatory evacuation orders for evacuation zone A; zones B and C were not told to evacuate. In our empirical analysis, we treat only zone “A” as the evacuation zone. 4 Surge levels for the boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island are based on 1-meter digital elevation model (DEM) resolution and for the Bronx, 3-meter resolution. Information on the FEMA MOTF is available here: http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=307dd522499d4a44a33d7296a5da5ea0. 5 See http://resource.referenceusa.com/available-databases/ for details.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (11)


incorporates phone verification for the entire database (Lavin, 2000).6 We use data from

2008 through 2016. Unlike publicly available government data on establishments, the

InfoUSA dataset provides full street addresses for each establishment, and it is more likely

to capture self-employed establishments and small chain establishments than public

records.7 The dataset reports industry at the 6-digit North American Industry Classification

System (NAICS) level to allow for a fine-grained distinction across establishment types.8

The dataset also reports on the number of employees at each establishment and

distinguishes between chains and standalone businesses. Most importantly for this

analysis, we can track both the closure of businesses and their movement into and out of

very precise locations, i.e. single city borough-blocks, using a unique ID that stays with the

establishment over time. Our sample for the establishment count analysis includes 187,758

block-year observations, covering 20,862 borough-blocks.9

6 Every business in the database is contacted at least once each year, and large companies are called several times throughout the year. The operator asks the respondent to confirm the number of employees, address, and type of business. The response rate is high, because InfoUSA asks only basic information. Keeping track of defunct businesses has been a part of InfoUSA’s database maintenance, and InfoUSA counts answering machine or voice mail reply as a successful verification (Lavin, 2000). Information for businesses that benefit most from the advertisem*nt from the database is expected to be more reliable (Hoehner and Schootman, 2010). We compared InfoUSA establishments with those available through the public County Business Patterns (CBP) data, and while the absolute counts are slightly different the coverage is similarly steady over time. 7 See “exclusions and undercoverage” for County Business Patterns (CBP): https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/cbp/technical-documentation/methodology.html#par_textimage_36648475 8 NAICS is a classification system for U.S. businesses, which identifies the industry for the establishment’s primary activities. NAICS are self-declared by the business and exist “for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. economy” (https://www.sba.gov/contracting/getting-started-contractor/determine-your-naics-code). 9 For all analyses, borough-blocks in Sub-borough Areas (SBAs) without any inundation or evacuation blocks are dropped.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (12)


Third, we obtain employment information from the LEHD Origin-Destination

Employment Statistics (LODES) dataset, which is publicly available from the Census

Bureau. The LODES dataset includes annual employment counts by 2-digit NAICS code

for every census block in New York City dating from 2008 to 2015.10 The LODES data is

derived from state unemployment insurance records, which means that the employment

counts, while reliable, are likely undercounts of actual employment on the ground (i.e. they

do not capture the jobs for which unemployment insurance is not reported, usually those at

non-employer firms that are operated by the owner or those reporting little or no

compensation).11 We use the variable that records jobs based on the location of

employment. Our sample for the employment analyses includes 160,776 block-year

observations, covering 24,929 census blocks.

Fourth, we use reported quarterly taxable sale revenues for all NYC commercial filers from

the city’s Department of Finance (NYC DOF).12 Due to statutory restrictions on data

sharing, we could not access filer-level information. Instead, NYC DOF aggregated the

data in order to ensure the confidentiality of the tax filers according to the following

protocol: (i) the blocks in the city were divided into four sub-groups: blocks outside both

10 We can access LODES data back to 2002. We replicate the analyses with this longer time frame and the results are substantively the same. We restrict the time frame to 2008-2015 to be consistent with the other outcomes. 11 The compensation threshold for reporting unemployment insurance varies depending on the type of entity (available at https://labor.ny.gov/ui/employerinfo/registering-for-unemployment-insurance.shtm). 12 The following items and services are exempt from sales tax: Unprepared and packaged food products, dietary foods, certain beverages, and health supplements sold by food markets; diapers; drugs and medicines for people; medical equipment and supplies for home use; newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals; prosthetic aids and devices, hearing aids, and eyeglasses; laundry and dry cleaning services; shoe repair services; some items used to make or repair clothing and footwear; veterinary medical services. However, returns for clothing and footwear under $110 eligible for exemption are included in the sales even though they have zero sales tax.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (13)


the evacuation zone and surge zones; blocks in the evacuation area but not the surge area;

blocks in a surge area but not in the evacuation zone; and blocks in both the evacuation and

surge zones; (ii) filers were then grouped first according to their ZIP Code, then according

to their location in one of these four designated zones13 and finally whether or not they

belong to the retail industry, a classification defined in the following section. In the

resulting ZIP-zone level data set, each observation contains summary data for a set of at

least ten commercial filers for each quarter-year spanning 2008 to 2016. The dataset

includes, for each group-quarter, the number of filers (on average there are 351 filers per

ZIP-zone per quarter), as well as means and standard deviations of sales revenues. The

sales mean is $65,407, and the standard deviation is $125,440.14 In total, our sample for

the sales analyses covers 307 ZIP-zones, comprised of 10,644 Zip-zone-Year-Quarter


Finally, we obtain building characteristics, like age, height, size, and number of residential

and commercial units from the New York City Department of City Planning’s Primary

Land Use Tax Lot Output (PLUTO) dataset. These variables are useful for understanding

the physical structures in which establishments operate in the city and to control for land-

13 These ZIP-zone aggregations were the smallest groupings we could achieve without violating DOF’s aggregation minimum of 10 observations per quarter-year. ZIP-zones with fewer than 10 filers were dropped these constituted about 20% of the sample; in some cases ZIP-zones could be constructed, but not broken out by industrial classification. We also replicate the analyses using aggregations within bigger geographies (Sub-borough areas, or SBAs), such that we end up with a higher number of SBA-zone observations. The results from regressions using this unit of analysis are substantively to the ZIP-zone ones presented in the paper. 14 Outliers in sales revenues were omitted before constructing the summary statistics. Filers with sales revenues in the top 5 percent for Manhattan and the top 1 percent for the other boroughs were dropped from the sample.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (14)


use zoning that could affect the clustering of certain types of businesses.15 We have this

information for every year from 2002 through 2016.

3.2 Identifying Commercial Economic Activity

We examine outcomes for all types of businesses but also conduct all of our analyses

separately for retail and non-retail sectors given that we want to test for differential

responses between retail and other neighborhood-based businesses on the one hand and

broad-based (non-retail) businesses on the other. See Table 1 for a list of NAICS codes

included in broad classification (our definition of retail is consistent with other studies

(Meltzer and Capperis, 2017; Bingham and Zhang, 1997; Stanback, 1981)). In addition to

the establishments classified as retail by NAICS (44-45), we include food services and

other personal services that tend to rely on neighborhood-based markets.16

Our dependent variables capture three aspects of commercial economic performance. First,

we examine net changes in the number of establishments and individual establishment

closure using InfoUSA data. We calculate a simple count of establishments, in total and

for retail and non-retail sectors separately, for each borough-block and each year in the

15 We cannot access information on whether or not establishments possessed flood or business interruption insurance. However, prior research (Asgary et al. 2012, Yoshida and Deyle 2005) and a more current assessment of the insurance market (Dixon et al. 2013, conversations with the New York City Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency) both indicate that small businesses have minimal access to insurance. We do not expect that insurance is widespread enough to affect the validity of our results. 16 We estimate impacts for three outcomes, each of which comes from a different source. Therefore, the precision in the NAICS classification varies across the sources. The InfoUSA data provides the most flexibility in defining retail such that we can include the full range of retail-oriented establishments, including some from the “Other Personal Services” NAICS category (81). The LODES data provides classifications only at the 2-digit level, such that we cannot include 5-digit NAICS categories from NAICS 81. The DOF data provides the least flexibility due to cell size requirements. In order to maximize the number of observations in the DOF analysis, we group the retail categories with other service-based establishments, like Health and Social Services. We are not concerned that these discrepancies drive differences in the estimations, as 84 percent of zip-zone observations in the DOF sample have fewer than 10 health and social service filers.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (15)


sample. We consider closure as the most severe outcome after the storm, or as the

establishment’s response along the extensive margin. Second, we track employment using

LODES data. We construct a count of the number of jobs on each census block by year

for “retail” and “non-retail” establishments. Third, we consider sales revenues, using NYC

DOF data. We observe the total reported revenues for commercial filers by “retail” and

“non-retail” classifications for each ZIP-zone and quarter-year.17 Together, changes in

these last two metrics (employment and sales) indicate how the establishment adjusts its

operations to stay open in the face of an extreme event, or their response along the intensive


We also explore the heterogeneity of effects across retail establishments. For example,

smaller establishments may be more vulnerable to a natural disaster shock. Typically

operating off of tight margins (in good times), they do not have the financial cushion of

other, larger establishments. When hit by power outages, flooding and other storm damage,

they are less likely to have access to the capital needed to continue to pay fixed costs and

to make any needed repairs. As a result, they may be more likely to cut back on staff to

save on expenses or even to shut down entirely. If an establishment employs few people in

the first place, it has fewer places to cut back in the face of unexpected losses. In addition,

independent businesses may be more vulnerable, compared to multi-establishment chains,

since the latter are likely to have establishments in unaffected areas with continuing

operations that help cushion the economic blow for the flooded location (LeSage et al.


17 We can also observe the mean reported sales, but we present results only for the total sales. The results are substantively the same when we use mean sales instead of total sales.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (16)


We use several variables from the InfoUSA database to proxy for the size and

organizational structure of an establishment. Building off of the existing literature, we use

the number of employees to measure the size of the establishment (Tierney 1997b,

Dahlhamer and Tierney 1998, Wasileski et al. 2011). We also divide retail establishments

into chains or standalone categories, based on the reported status code.18

3.3 Addressing selection bias

The biggest threat to our estimates is selection bias, from two different sources. First, the

establishments that choose to locate in riskier areas of the city may be systematically

different from other establishments. For example, less capitalized businesses could sort

into flood-prone areas if the rents are lower there, or, alternatively, businesses of a

particular industry (i.e. manufacturing) that are more or less resilient due to immobile and

expensive infrastructure could cluster in flood-prone areas if that is also where land use is

zoned to support their activities.

To assess the severity of this threat, we compare differences in the characteristics of

establishments located in vulnerable locations, i.e. evacuation zones, prior to the storm.

We consider characteristics of both the establishment, as well as the structures where they

are located. Figure 3 shows that most establishments are located outside of the flood-prone

areas of the city (as identified by evacuation zone).19 Figures 4a through 4c show that the

18 We classify “Headquarter”, “Branch”, and “Subsidiary” establishments as chains, and “Single” establishments as standalones. 19 This is also true for employment: over 90 percent of jobs are located outside of the evacuation zone A pre-Sandy.

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (17)


businesses located inside and outside the zones have similar distributions with respect to

size, age, and organizational structure (i.e. chain versus standalone establishment

configuration). Although it is not displayed, average commercial property prices per square

foot (as a proxy for the cost of renting a space) are also very similar outside and inside the

evacuation zone.

Figures 5a through 5d, however, reveal some differences in sector and property

characteristics between businesses inside and outside of evacuation zones. First, the share

of establishments characterized as retail (drawing solely from NAICS codes 44-45) is

almost five percentage points lower in the evacuation zone. Similarly, restaurants are

slightly less likely to be located in the higher risk areas; there are no other meaningful

differences across sub-types of the firms (and if anything, they represent a marginally

smaller share of businesses in the evacuation zone). Second, establishments in the

evacuation zone are more likely to be located in industrial buildings than their counterparts

outside the zone. Third, we see that commercial establishments inside the zone are located

in somewhat older structures than those outside the zone, though the overwhelming

majority of both sets of establishments were built before 1990, when new resilience

standards were put into place. Finally, establishments in evacuation zones are slightly more

likely than those outside to be located in 1- and 2-story buildings, increasing their exposure

to flood-induced damage.

The second source of selection bias relates to the establishments’ varied preparation for the

storm. Specifically, closer to the onset of Sandy, the city actively issued warnings and

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evacuation plans for areas at highest risk. It is possible that firms located in the evacuation

zone differentially prepared for the storm’s landfall compared to those located outside the

zone, such as moving inventory to avoid flooding and reinforcing windows and levee-type

structures. It is this selection issue that we are most concerned with, since we do not have

information on the establishments’ activities leading up to the storm.

In order to address both selection concerns, we restrict the sample to establishments located

on blocks in the pre-determined evacuation zone, and therefore subject to evacuation

warnings. We assume that, in all areas of the evacuation zone, establishments perceived

relatively similar risk levels and that any difference in preparedness was randomly

distributed (controlling for other location-specific and establishment-specific

characteristics). About nine percent of gross non-residential square footage (five percent

of gross square footage) and five percent of all establishments were located in the

evacuation zone in the year preceding Sandy.

We take advantage of the fact that the impacts of the storm were uneven within the

evacuation zone. Some areas of the evacuation zone were hit hard by the storm surge,

while others experienced little or no flooding. In our crudest specification, we consider a

city borough-block/census block flooded if any part of it was inundated; we then refine the

definition to distinguish between those with high and low surge levels (discussed below).20

20 We replicate the analyses using information on observed damage, as reported by FEMA. The observed damage and surge heights by block are consistent. 97% of high-surge blocks have damaged buildings; 91% of low-surge blocks have damaged buildings; and only 3% of non-surge blocks have damaged buildings. In terms of severity, 55% of high-surge blocks have destroyed/major damaged buildings, and only 15% of low-surge blocks have destroyed/major damaged buildings. We prefer the identification strategy based on surge heights as it is arguably more exogenous than the subjectively determined damage classifications provided

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To capture the impact from flood exposure, we divide city blocks in the evacuation zone

into two categories: (i) blocks inside evacuation zone that did not experience any flooding

(Evacuation_only), and (ii) blocks in evacuation zone that experienced flooding

(Evacuation_surge). Based on our classification, about 94 percent of the establishments

in the evacuation zone were affected by some level of flooding. Figure 6 shows how blocks

are allocated with respect to evacuation designation and flooding, and within one sample

Sub-Borough Area (SBA), a collection of census tracts with aggregate population of at

least 100,000. The dotted blocks are in the Evacuation_only zone, the black blocks in the

Evacuation_surge zone, the grey blocks in the Surge_only zone, and the hollow blocks are

outside of both (None).

This within-evacuation zone analysis constitutes our cleanest estimation of the hurricane

impact, since, under our assumptions stated above, all of the establishments in the

evacuation zone had access to the same notification of risk prior to the storm, but only a

subset were actually “treated” (i.e. flooded) by the storm. In addition, restricting to only

evacuation zone blocks mitigates against selection bias due to firm sorting across low- and

high-risk areas. Nonetheless, we still control for establishment-level and location-specific

factors that vary within the evacuation zone. We make the reasonable assumption that any

unobservable factors driving differential exposure to storm surge are correlated with the

observables that we can control for.21

by FEMA (which can also be endogenously determined by mitigation efforts by the property owner or business). 21 It is unlikely that establishments systematically selected locations based on information on storm and flooding vulnerability, as prior to Sandy there was little awareness around severe flood-risk. This is based on conversations with emergency management officials. Indeed, it was Sandy that triggered an update of the evacuation zones and the flood maps months later (Huffington Post 2013).

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To further refine our identification of the storm’s effect, we differentiate between blocks

that had higher and lower surge heights (still within the larger evacuation zone). Those

blocks with three or more feet of flooding are designated “high surge” and those with less

than three feet are “low surge” (those without any flooding are still “no surge”).22 We

expect that any effects from the storm should be concentrated or more intense for the “high

surge” observations.

3.4 Estimation

We estimate a series of regression models in which the dependent variable is one of the

three outcomes we discussed above (number of establishments by year; number of jobs by

year; and total sales revenue by quarter-year) observed at geography i and time t.

3.4.1 Establishments and jobs

For the establishment and jobs models the unit of analysis is the block;23 for the sales

models the unit of analysis is the ZIP-zone, described above. The regression model for

establishment and job outcomes takes the following form:24

Outcomeit = 𝜆𝜆Sandyt + β Highi * Sandyt + γ Lowi * Sandyt + δNi + θDb,t + eit (1)

22 Conceptually, three feet makes sense since at that water height inventory and spaces would be damaged to the point of drastic business interruption. Three feet falls at about the 60th percentile of surge heights, across all blocks in the city that experience some degree of flooding. See Appendix A for a distribution of the surge heights across blocks that experienced any level of flooding. 23 More precisely, establishment counts are observed at the city block and jobs are observed at the census block; the two are very similar spatially. 24 We also run log-linear models and the results are substantially the same.

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Here, Sandy takes on the value of 1 starting in 2013.25 High and Low capture the intensity

of the surge. High takes on the value of 1 if block i saw more than 3 feet of water surge

(averaged across all of the commercial properties on the block), and 0 otherwise. Similarly,

Low takes on the value of 1 if block i saw some flooding but less than three feet of water

surge. The omitted category captures those blocks without any inundation. We are most

interested in β and γ, which capture the post-Sandy impacts (specifically, the net change in

establishments or jobs), and we expect that β will have a larger magnitude than γ. We

include Ni, a block fixed effect (either the boro-block or census block), and Db,t, a vector

of SBA-year dummies to control for broader neighborhood changes over time. We also

estimate models where the post-Sandy impact varies across time, by interacting the High

and Low dummies with year-specific indicators. In all cases, our preferred specification is

one in which the sample is restricted to only observations in the evacuation zone.

Because we can follow establishments’ locations and operations over time, we can also

estimate an establishment-level model to test for any changes in the probability of closure

after Sandy. We identify closure when the establishment ceases to exist in the InfoUSA

data or when we observe a move to a different location within New York City. We test

whether the time until closure shortens after Hurricane Sandy in the blocks seeing high

surge levels, using a Cox model with non-proportional hazards to estimate the likelihood

that an establishment closes between time t and Δt, given that it is operational at time t

(also known as the hazard rate hi(t)). We compare the hazard rate in high-, low- and no-

25 Hurricane Sandy hit New York City on October 29th, 2012. Since we have quarterly data for sales revenues, we set 2012 Q3 (September 1 through November 30) and after as post-Sandy in those analyses.

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surge areas using a difference-in-differences strategy (Clotfelter et al. 2008), where 1/hi(t)

is the expected duration until the event, or closure, occurs.26

hi,j(t) = h0(t) exp(𝜆𝜆Sandyt + βHighj + γLowj +ηHighi * Sandyt +ζLowi * Sandyt +δChaini

+ θEmployeeit-1 + αClusterjt-1+ ιOpeni) (2)

hi,j(t) is the hazard rate for an establishment i in boro-block j, and h0(t) is the baseline hazard

function - the hazard function for establishment i when all the covariates are set to zero.

High takes on the value of 1 if the establishment is located on a block with more than 3

feet of surge; Low is 1 if the establishment is on a block with a lower surge. Chain is a

dummy that takes on the value of 1 if the establishment is part of a multi-establishment

chain, Employeeit-1 captures the number of employees at establishment i at time t-1,

Clusterjt-1 is the number of retail/non-retail establishments in block j at time t-1, and Openi

controls for when the establishment opened.27 The Cluster covariate controls for any effect

of being located in a cluster with other businesses the Open variable differentiates between

establishments that newly enter the sample after the start of the study period (and controls

for higher probabilities of closure among younger establishments). Finally, we stratify the

model, to allow for different hazard rates across zip codes and census tracts (separately).

26 The partial likelihood of the Cox model is a flexible estimation option, for it allows for an unspecified form for the underlying survivor function as well as time-varying explanatory variables. 27 Additional specifications, not shown here, control for building characteristics of where the establishments are located; including these controls does not change the results presented here.

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3.4.2 Sales revenues

Since sales revenues are only available at an aggregate unit of analysis (Zip-zone), the

regressions take on a slightly different form:

log(Salesjq) = 𝜆𝜆Sandyq+βHighi*Sandyt+γLowi*Sandyt++ δNj + θDb,q +ejq (3)

Our dependent variable is the log of total sales, in order to facilitate the comparison

between retail and non-retail sub-samples (the volume of sales for non-retail filers is

disproportionately higher than retail ones). The indicators, Sandy, High, and Low are

defined the same as in equation (1). Db,q is a vector of borough-quarter dummies to control

for macro changes over time and Nj is a zip-zone fixed effect. Zip-zone fixed effects are

included in our preferred specification so that we can estimate changes in sales over time

within a single zone (i.e. evacuation and surge) and across surge intensities. Since the sales

data do not allow us to isolate the blocks in the evacuation zone, as we do for the other

outcomes, the fixed effects allow us to approximate a similar identification strategy. All

of the regressions are weighted by the number of tax filers in the ZIP-zone. We also

replicate all of the regressions for retail and non-retail sub-samples to test for different post-

Sandy responses across the two types of businesses.

4. Findings

The paragraphs below summarize findings for each of our outcomes. In each case, we first

present findings for the full sample and stratify the observations by retail and non-retail

classifications, and then present findings for only blocks in the evacuation zone, our

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (24)


preferred specification. While we discuss in more detail the trends over time for the three

outcomes in a later section, we note that we observe parallel trends leading up to Sandy,

across low and high surge areas, for all samples.

4.1 What are the short-term effects from Hurricane Sandy on establishments?

4.1.1 The number of establishments

Table 2 reports the estimates for equation (1) for the number of establishments using the

full sample. The first column shows that Hurricane Sandy is actually associated with an

increase in the number of establishments per block citywide, likely capturing the general

growth in commercial activity over this time period. When we introduce High Surge and

Low Surge controls, we find that a small portion of the establishment growth is driven by

blocks that experienced modest inundation, but that there is no significant growth on High

Surge blocks. The final four columns of Table 2 show results when we stratify the sample

by retail and non-retail classifications. For retail sample, the coefficient on High Surge

interaction remains insignificant, while the coefficient on the Low Surge interaction term

retains its positive sign; the coefficients for both interactions terms for non-retail

establishments remain insignificant. In all, these results contradict priors (i.e. that

Hurricane Sandy would decrease the number of retail establishments on inundated blocks),

but the Sandy coefficient could be capturing other contemporaneous changes that affected

the type of businesses that tended to locate in high-risk areas of the city.

Thus, we refine the estimation by restricting the sample to blocks in the evacuation zone--

these results are displayed in Table 3. The coefficients for the interaction terms now show

negative signs across the board, which is more consistent with expectations and suggests

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that our previous estimates were likely affected by the heterogeneity of establishments

located on high-risk blocks more generally. Without regard to the type of businesses,

blocks in High surge areas (i.e. more than 3 feet of water) experienced a net loss of about

1.3 establishments per block following Sandy. When we stratify the sample by type of

business, we observe a net loss among both retail and non-retail establishments, relative to

areas that did not experience any flooding; the magnitude of the loss is about three times

larger for the non-retail establishments, but the baseline number of non-retail

establishments is also significantly higher. The coefficients translate to a 12 percent loss

for retail establishments and a 9 percent loss for non-retail ones. While the coefficient on

Low*Sandy is not statistically significant in any model, the difference between the

coefficients on High*Sandy and Low*Sandy is only statistically significant for the retail


The InfoUSA data provides enough industry detail that we can break out our “retail”

category to confirm that the results are indeed driven by the neighborhood-based

businesses, like grocery stores and drug stores (see the full list in Appendix B). These

results are displayed in Table 4. They show that while all the High*Sandy coefficients are

negative for all of the retail sub-categories, the estimate is only statistically significant for

neighborhood-based retailers. Unfortunately, the other outcomes are not reported with

enough detail to distinguish across types of retail and therefore we cannot disaggregate the

retail classification in the same way; to keep the categories consistent we maintain the

larger “retail” classification for the remaining analyses.

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4.1.2 Survival analyses A net loss could be a product of two processes: a decline in the number of new

establishments opening on the block and an increase in establishment closures. In order to

identify the likelihood of closure (as opposed to fewer openings) we estimate hazard

models to estimate the difference in time until closure between pre- and post-Sandy

periods.28 We run these for retail and non-retail samples separately and display the results

in Table 5.29

Two key findings emerge from these regressions. First, there is no significant difference

in the odds of closure across High, Low, and no surge areas for non-retail establishments.

This suggests that any significant net loss for non-retail establishments at the block level

is largely driven by a decrease in new business opening after Sandy. By contrast, the odds

of closure are significantly higher for retail establishments located in both High and Low

surge areas (compared to area without any surge).30 When we stratify by census tract the

relative magnitude of the coefficients persists, but the significance goes away. It’s unclear

whether we have enough variation within census tracts over time to estimate the odds of

closure. Using the coefficients from the zip-stratified models, retail establishments are

between 15 and 43 percent more likely to close when exposed to any level of inundation,

depending on the level of geographic control in the model. This suggests that the net loss

for retail establishments observed in the block-level analysis is at least in part due to higher

28 Schoenfeld residual tests reject non-proportionality among all of the covariates, except the open year dummies. 29 Since the data is left-censored (i.e. we cannot observe when all establishment form) we also run models excluding all establishments that we cannot observe enter the dataset prior to 2009. The results are consistent with those presented, albeit less precise due to the smaller sample. 30 The coefficients on High*Sandy and Low*Sandy are not significantly different.

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rates of closure after the storm. We do not find that the rate of closure after Sandy varies

with the establishment’s size, chain status or concentration of nearby retail clusters (these

results are not displayed).

4.1.3 Testing for heterogeneous effects Thanks to the detailed nature of our establishment data, we can test for heterogeneous

effects across the retail establishments that exhibit the most significant post-Sandy

response. For comparison, we also display results for non-retail establishments.

We first consider establishment size. We use the number of employees to proxy for

establishment size and set up discrete size categories based on the distribution of

establishments in New York City. Over 95 percent of establishments have fewer than 50

employees.31 The stratified regressions are displayed in Table 6; we show only results for

the evacuation sample. As expected, for both retail and non-retail sectors, losses are

concentrated among the smallest establishments. And the losses are especially profound

for the very smallest establishments--those with fewer than 20 employees. Specifically,

blocks with High surges lost, on average, 0.4 retail establishments with fewer than 20

employees, after Sandy compared to blocks without any surge. These effects are not driven

by composition, since about 91 percent of both retail and non-retail establishments have

fewer than 20 employees.

31 The U.S. Census’ definition of “small business” is an entity with fewer than 100 employees. In our sample, 99 percent of the establishments have fewer than 100 employees and therefore we used a breakdown, i.e. 1-19, 20-50, 50+, that reflects the diversity of the establishments in our sample.

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As for differences in impacts across chain and standalone establishments, our results again

conform with theoretical expectations. Table 7 shows that the coefficient on High*Sandy

is highly significant and negative for both retail and non-retail sectors for stand-alone

establishments; but we see no effects for chain businesses.

4.2 Jobs Table 8 shows employment results for the full sample, while Table 9 shows results for the

restricted sample of blocks in the evacuation zone. A similar pattern emerges as that

observed with the establishment analyses. First, we find that employment generally

increased in the quarters after Hurricane Sandy. When controlling for surge intensity

(column 2), the post-Sandy effect is insignificant. However, when the sample is stratified

by retail and non-retail classifications, the coefficient on High*Sandy is significant and

negative only for the retail sub-sample. This effect intensifies when we restrict the sample

to only blocks in the evacuation zone (see Table 9). In our preferred specification, blocks

with High Surge designation lose on average about 10 retail jobs per year after Sandy,

compared to blocks without any water surge.32 This represents a 25 percent net loss for

the typical block with non-zero employment prior to Sandy. Unlike establishments, we see

no significant net loss for non-retail establishments. Blocks with low surge levels are not

significantly harmed either.

32 The High*Sandy and Low*Sandy coefficients are significantly different at the 5 percent level for the retail sample.

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4.3 Sales revenues Finally, we present the findings for the third outcome of interest, sales revenues. As was

the case with establishments and jobs, the first column of Table 10 shows that sales

revenues go up after Sandy, indicating an upward trend over this time period for the city

overall. When controlling for surge intensities, the coefficient on High*Sandy is negative

and significant overall and then for both the retail and non-retail subsamples.

Next, we include ZIP-zone dummies, which allows us to compare outcomes across surge

heights over time and within the same ZIP-zone (which is designated as evacuation or not).

Table 11 shows results. We see that the coefficient on High*Sandy is significant and

negative. When we stratify the sample by type of establishment (or filer, in this case), the

negative coefficient on High*Sandy persists only for retail: sales drop by about 16 percent

after Sandy compared to areas without any flooding. The coefficient on High*Sandy is

marginally significant and positive for the non-retail subsample. Note that when we control

for pre- and post-Sandy revenue trends, the significance goes away for not-retail filers (but

persists for retail filers).33

33 Recall that the sales revenue data only capture goods and services subject to sales tax and excludes items like packaged food, diapers, medications and laundry services. Therefore, it is possible that these observed effects are underestimates of the Sandy-induced revenue losses, if demand for exempt goods and services is similarly interrupted. However, it is also possible that demand for these exempt items, which tend to be more necessity goods, are less vulnerable to interruptions (Aladangady et al. 2016; Farrell and Ward 2018). The net effect is therefore ambiguous.

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4.4 Robustness checks 4.4.1 Alternative surge metrics In order to confirm that our results are not an artifact of how we set the high and low surge

thresholds, we estimate models using alternative metrics. First, we re-estimate the

preferred models using a continuous measure of surge height. Table 12 shows these results.

The results are consistent with those that use a categorical surge measure, such that only

coefficients for the retail regressions are significant and negative. However, in two cases,

the non-retail establishment and retail sales analyses, the negative coefficient is not

significant. These differences, and the smaller coefficient magnitudes across the board,

indicate that the continuous measure does obscure nonlinearities in how inundation affects

economic viability. Second, we use thresholds below and above three feet to classify high

and low surge blocks. These results, displayed in Table 13, show that a similar pattern

persists, but that the magnitude of the high effect increases as the threshold gets higher

(with the exception of the sales estimation). Therefore, our findings should not be driven

by our selection of a three foot cutoff.

4.4.2 Controlling for transit interruptions and relocations While transportation networks, like the subway, were interrupted following the storm, they

were not disabled for long. 80 percent of the city’s subway system was operational one

week after Sandy (Kaufman et al. 2012). Within two weeks after Sandy, about 95% of the

subway lines were back to normal or partial operations (Zimmerman 2014). We do not

expect that short-lived interruptions would drastically influence our estimates, which

capture multiple years post-Sandy. However, there were a few places where transportation

interruptions persisted (although no more than 8 months), like the Rockaways in Queens

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(Flegenheimer 2013). In order to test the sensitivity of our results to these transit-related

outages, we replicate our preferred specifications with the Rockaways omitted. These

results are displayed in Table 14. The estimates are generally unchanged, suggesting that

they are not driven by transit-related interruptions for local residents and potential


We also want to confirm that we are not overestimating economic losses by including in

our count of establishment closures those that stay in business by relocating to another

space in the city. Using the InfoUSA data, we can identify establishments that close and

relocate (unfortunately we cannot follow establishments with the other datasets), and we

re-estimate our preferred model excluding establishments that relocated during 2008-2016.

These results are displayed in Table 15 (for the establishment outcome only) and they show

very similar results to those produced by the evacuation sample. This is not surprising

since the share of establishments that relocate is very small (in 2013, 2.3% businesses


4.4.3 Controlling for pre- and post-Sandy trends Thus far, we have constrained the post-Sandy response to be a one-time persistent shock.

However, it is possible that the response to Sandy-induced flooding could change over

time, and that this temporal response could vary depending on the outcome. Looking at

the impacts over time will provide a clearer picture of localized commercial resilience. To

do this, we replicate the above models, but instead of including a single dummy for Sandy

we specify year-specific (or quarter-specific, in the case of sales revenues) dummies that

are individually interacted with High Surge and Low Surge. We plot the coefficients for

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (32)


these year-specific (or quarter-specific, in the case of sales revenues) interactions in Figures

7 - 9. All figures plot coefficients across retail and non-retail strata.

Even though the volatility of the trends varies across the three outcomes, the overall

trajectory is similar. First, within industrial classification (i.e. retail and non-retail), we see

parallel trends are upheld across High and Low Surge observations leading up to Hurricane

Sandy at the end of 2012. We test this assumption more formally by estimating pre- and

post-Sandy trends separately for High and Low surge areas. The results from these models

are displayed in Table 16. They generally support the results from our preferred

specification, with a couple of exceptions. Across all models, the pre-sandy trend controls

are insignificant, mitigating concerns that any post-sandy effects are due to different trends

across Low and High surge areas leading up to the storm. However, for the establishment

analysis, the negative coefficients for the sandy-surge interactions (our impact estimates)

are now insignificant; but the post-sandy trend variable is negative and significant,

supporting the post-sandy effects we observe above. In addition, for the establishment

analysis, there are now also significant losses for non-retail establishments (on Low Surge

blocks only). As a share of the mean number of non-retail establishments, this is a 38

percent loss. These results are tempered, however, by possible multicollinearity across the

trend and SBA-year fixed effects. For this reason we opt to not prioritize these results in

the paper.

Second, the increasing gap between High and Low surge lines and the zero axis (which

represents establishments, jobs or sales in areas without any surge) is evident for both

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (33)


sectors. However, the divergence is most severe for the High surge lines and, with the

exception of establishments, is negative only for the retail sector (this is corroborated by

the regression estimates presented above). Recall that while the drop in the number of non-

retail establishments on High surge blocks is bigger in magnitude, it is actually smaller as

a share of the baseline number of non-retail establishments (which tend to be more

common). Third, for all three outcomes, the negative impacts manifest themselves within

the first year post-Sandy. The one exception is sales revenues, which grow for non-retail

entities immediately following Sandy, though they drop over time to below pre-Sandy

levels. This could be capturing an increase in consumption of goods and services that are

used during recovery, such as construction material and services. Finally, the divergence

between High and Low Surge lines for both retail and non-retail observations persists until

the end of the study period, indicating that economic activity has not returned to pre-storm

levels .

5. Conclusions and policy implications

This paper explores how extreme events, like hurricanes, affect localized commercial

activity in dense urban areas. Specifically, we examine how businesses in New York City

fared in the face of severe flooding induced by Hurricane Sandy. We find that economic

losses are primarily concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more

localized consumer base. While the number of both retail and non-retail establishments

declines after Sandy, these losses appear to be at least partially driven by higher rates of

business closures for retail establishments and lower rates of new business openings for

non-retail establishments. Furthermore, any establishment declines are concentrated

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (34)


among smaller and standalone establishments--some of the most vulnerable businesses in

good times. The number of jobs and sales revenues also decline after Sandy. And these

losses are persistent over time.

Our findings have three important implications. First, the results from a natural disaster,

like Sandy, were immediate (i.e. within the first year) and persistent--as of 2016 businesses

still hadn’t recovered to pre-storm activity. Second, establishments respond in different

ways, both by shutting down and also by cutting back on how intensive their services are.

Critically, closure is not inevitable and adjustments in employment, for example, suggest

some level of resiliency among businesses. On the other hand, closures do occur, and are

disproportionately borne by smaller, independent establishments.

Finally, the most significant impacts are caused by extreme flooding, or inundation of more

than 3 feet. Holding all else constant, the city blocks with extreme flooding experienced

aggregate net losses of 540 establishments, 3,700 jobs and $2 million in sales revenue,

compared to blocks that had no water surge. Lower levels of water inundation did not

appear to trigger similar losses. Therefore, any mitigation or recovery efforts should focus

on places that experience severe flooding, as it more likely induces prolonged business


In short, neighborhoods experience shocks in different ways, partly due to the variation in

the nature of economic activity that takes place across them and partly due to the variation

in the intensity of the shock. Given the growing risk of climate-related threats, and their

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19 · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (35)


increasing presence in dense urbanized areas, the results have important policy

implications. Both mitigation and recovery efforts need to take localized contexts into

consideration and be tailored to the conditions of the neighborhood and the type of

businesses at risk. The nature and capacity of resiliency varies across neighborhoods, and

therefore the policy responses should as well. And while we observe economic losses in

the context of a Hurricane shock, we can expect similar repercussions for establishments

in the face of other profound shocks outside the control of the local neighborhood. For

example, our results can shed light on how retail businesses might suffer as online e-

commerce draw local consumers away from brick-and-mortar locations. There is a good

chance that neighborhoods will increasingly face one, if not more, of these shocks.

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Figure 1: NYC Evacuation Map

Notes: The dark area is Zone A, the evacuation zone that was instructed to evacuate prior to Sandy. The lighter shaded areas are also evacuation zones, but were not told to evacuate for Superstorm Sandy. We use only Zone A areas to define our evacuation zones in the analysis.

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Figure 2: Surge Level by borough-block

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Figure 3: Distribution of businesses across zones, 2012

Notes: Y-axis reports shares (%)

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Figure 4: Distribution of businesses, Citywide, inside/outside evacuation zone, 2012

Notes: old establishments open before 2009, and new establishments open after 2008; Y-axis reports shares (%)

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Figure 5: Distribution of businesses, Citywide, inside/outside evacuation zone, 2012

Notes: Y-axis reports shares (%)

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Figure 6: Evacuation and Surge Zones

Notes: Black blocks are in both evacuation and surge zones; grey blocks are in surge only zones; dotted blocks are in evacuation only zones; and hollow blocks are not in any zones. The crosshatched area is high-surge.

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Figure 7: Retail vs. Non-Retail Establishment counts, Before and After Sandy

Notes: Plotted points are adjusted values, controlling for borough-block fixed effects, and SBA-year indicators.

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Figure 8: Retail vs. Non-Retail Jobs, Before and After Sandy

Notes: Plotted points are adjusted values, controlling for census block fixed effects, and SBA-year indicators.

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Figure 9: Retail vs. Non-Retail log(Total Sales), Before and After Sandy

Notes: Plotted points are adjusted values, controlling for Zip-zone fixed effects, borough-YearQuater indicators.

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Table 1: Retail and Non-retail Classification

Category NAICS Description


Retail 311811 Retail Bakery

44-45 Retail Trade

72 Accommodation and Food Services

812111 Barber Shops

812112 Beauty Salons

812113 Nail Salons

812310 Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners

812320 Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated)

Non-retail Other


Retail 44-45 Retail Trade

72 Accommodation and Food Services

Non-retail Other

Sales from DOF

Retail 44-45 Retail Trade

61 Educational Services

62 Health Care and Social Assistance

71 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation

72 Accommodation and Food Services

Non-retail Other

34 LODES has 2-digit NAICS rather than 6-digit NAICS

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Table 2: Regression Results, Establishments, Full-sample

# of establishment per borough-block (bb)


Total (2)

Total (3)

Retail (4)

Retail (5)

Non-retail (6)


sandy 2.354*** 2.298*** -0.0224 -0.0480 2.377*** 2.346***

(0.627) (0.627) (0.163) (0.163) (0.615) (0.614)

high_sandy 0.470 0.00952 0.461

(0.363) (0.0768) (0.343)

low_sandy 0.371** 0.189*** 0.182

(0.165) (0.0440) (0.149)

Constant 17.36*** 17.36*** 4.163*** 4.163*** 13.20*** 13.20***

(0.0861) (0.0861) (0.0126) (0.0126) (0.0814) (0.0814)

borough-block f.e. Y Y Y Y Y Y

SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y

Observations 187,758 187,758 187,758 187,758 187,758 187,758

R-squared 0.098 0.098 0.098 0.099 0.085 0.085

Number of bb 20,862 20,862 20,862 20,862 20,862 20,862

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 3: Regression Results, Establishments, Evacuation Zone Sample

# of establishment per borough-block (bb)

(1) Total

(2) Retail

(3) Non-retail

sandy 10.17 6.464 3.710

(7.602) (5.181) (2.443)

high_sandy -1.299** -0.292** -1.007**

(0.553) (0.122) (0.510)

low_sandy -0.610 -0.0496 -0.561

(0.474) (0.0988) (0.427)

Constant 14.00*** 2.595*** 11.40***

(0.347) (0.0321) (0.341)

borough-block f.e. Y Y Y

SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y

Observations 12,312 12,312 12,312

R-squared 0.120 0.074 0.121

Number of bb 1,368 1,368 1,368

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 4: Retail Sub-sector Regression Results, Establishments, Evacuation Zone


# of establishment per borough-block (bb)

(1) Neighborhood-based

(2) Accommodation

(3) Restaurant

(4) Other

sandy 1.099 0.0194 1.951 6.510*

(1.434) (0.0310) (1.435) (3.939)

high_sandy -0.128* -0.00995 -0.114 -0.166

(0.0695) (0.0339) (0.0971) (0.118)

low_sandy -0.0991 -0.0194 0.0494 -0.0103

(0.0674) (0.0310) (0.0949) (0.113)

Constant 1.091*** 0.0367*** 1.056*** 2.023***

(0.0230) (0.00551) (0.0226) (0.0420)

SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y Y

borough-block f.e. Y Y Y Y

Observations 7,596 7,596 7,596 7,596

R-squared 0.048 0.063 0.038 0.082

Number of bb 844 844 844 844

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 5: Hazard Model Regression Result, Establishments, Evacuation Zone


Hazard Ratio (1)

Retail (2)

Retail (3)

Non-retail (4)


sandy 0.0185*** 0.0225*** 0.0270*** 0.0271***

high 0.957 1.052 1.053 1.060

low 1.022 1.094 1.024 1.036

high_sandy 1.432** 1.153 1.093 1.076

low_sandy 1.288* 1.072 1.018 1.008

chain_dummy 0.747*** 0.768*** 0.756*** 0.768***

employee 0.999** 0.999* 1.000* 1.000


1.000* 1.000 1.000 1.000

Stratified by ZipCode Census Tract ZipCode Census Tract

Open Year Dummies Y Y Y Y

Observations 6,833 6,833 31,126 31,126

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 6: Regression Results, Establishments, Evacuation Zone Sample, Stratify by


# of establishment per borough-block (bb)

(1) Retail 1-19

(2) Retail 20-50

(3) Retail 50+

(4) Non-retail


(5) Non-retail


(6) Non-retail


sandy 3.050 3.530 2.512 4.206* -0.396 0.0267

(2.155) (2.506) (1.790) (2.410) (0.372) (0.0379)

high_sandy -0.387** -0.0175 -0.00512 -0.865* -0.121* -0.0507

(0.182) (0.0462) (0.0256) (0.483) (0.0625) (0.0421)

low_sandy -0.0504 -0.0305 -0.0124 -0.548 -0.0879* -0.00269

(0.169) (0.0435) (0.0240) (0.395) (0.0525) (0.0344)

Constant 3.847*** 0.264*** 0.0924*** 10.47*** 0.692*** 0.404***

(0.0500) (0.0122) (0.00765) (0.300) (0.0155) (0.0123)

borough-block f.e. Y Y Y Y Y Y

SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y

Observations 7,596 7,596 7,596 12,087 12,087 12,087

R-squared 0.085 0.062 0.096 0.115 0.046 0.034

Number of bb 844 844 844 1343 1343 1343

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 7: InfoUSA Regression Results, Evacuation Zone Sample, Stratify by


# of establishment per borough-block (bb)

(1) Retail Chain

(2) Retail


(3) Non-retail


(4) Non-retail Standalone

sandy 8.486 1.093 4.054 1.280***

(6.086) (0.732) (2.848) (0.432)

high_sandy 0.0287 -0.446*** -0.0610 -1.008**

(0.0585) (0.165) (0.0864) (0.481)

low_sandy 0.0138 -0.0933 -0.0471 -0.552

(0.0548) (0.152) (0.0755) (0.407)

Constant 0.371*** 3.835*** 0.702*** 10.91***

(0.0173) (0.0475) (0.0235) (0.345)

borough-block f.e. Y Y Y Y

SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y Y

Observations 7,596 7,596 12,087 12,087

R-squared 0.130 0.087 0.168 0.119

Number of bb 844 844 1343 1343

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 8: Regression Results, Jobs, Full-sample

# of jobs per census block

(1) Total

(2) Total

(3) Retail

(4) Retail

(5) Non-retail

(6) Non-retail

sandy 47.52*** 47.01*** 4.051** 4.065** 43.46*** 42.94***

(12.55) (12.55) (1.936) (1.941) (12.23) (12.22)

high_sandy 5.489 -3.108* 8.598

(11.61) (1.605) (11.44)

low_sandy 5.287 0.101 5.186

(8.287) (1.416) (8.048)

Constant 133.7** 133.7** 21.98*** 21.89*** 111.7** 111.8**

(56.40) (56.37) (6.327) (6.322) (55.31) (55.29)

census block f.e. Y Y Y Y Y Y

SBA*Year dummies


Observations 160,776 160,776 160,776 160,776 160,776 160,776

R-squared 0.006 0.006 0.026 0.026 0.004 0.004

Number of blocks 24,929 24,929 24,929 24,929 24,929 24,929

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 9: Regression Results, Jobs, Evacuation Zone Sample

# of jobs per census block (1)

Total (2)

Retail (3)


sandy 280.5 314.3 -33.75

(246.7) (232.6) (44.38)

high_sandy 47.86 -9.790*** 57.65

(42.54) (3.730) (42.47)

low_sandy 50.32 -5.931 56.25

(42.66) (3.809) (42.27)

Constant 2,776 451.7 2,325

(9,370) (753.3) (9,149)

census block f.e.


SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y

Observations 9,995 9,995 9,995

R-squared 0.039 0.085 0.035

Number of blocks 1,679 1,679 1,679

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 10: Regression Results, Sales Revenues, Full Sample

log(total sales) (1) Total

(2) Total

(3) Retail

(4) Retail

(5) Non-retail

(6) Non-retail

sandy 0.238*** 0.245*** 0.295*** 0.304*** 0.118** 0.112**

(0.0240) (0.0233) (0.0271) (0.0253) (0.0536) (0.0528)

high -1.288*** -0.966** -1.586***

(0.425) (0.447) (0.283)

low -1.748*** -1.696*** -1.248***

(0.142) (0.157) (0.201)

high_sandy -0.160** -0.241*** 0.128

(0.0698) (0.0799) (0.0934)

low_sandy 0.0334 0.0517 0.118**

(0.0362) (0.0568) (0.0580)

Constant 17.96*** 18.08*** 17.62*** 17.71*** 16.86*** 16.95***

(0.142) (0.129) (0.132) (0.124) (0.211) (0.200)

Borough*YrQuarter dummies


Observations 10,644 10,644 8,610 8,610 8,574 8,574

R-squared 0.309 0.484 0.308 0.455 0.336 0.418

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 11: Regression Results, Sales Revenues, Within Evacuation Zones

log(total sales) (1)

Total (2)

Retail (3)


sandy 0.246*** 0.291*** 0.105***

(0.0190) (0.0190) (0.0391)

high_sandy -0.0966* -0.161** 0.140*

(0.0581) (0.0658) (0.0774)

low_sandy 0.0328 0.0524 0.0629

(0.0316) (0.0475) (0.0473)

Constant 16.35*** 15.88*** 15.38***

(0.0203) (0.0263) (0.0343)

ZipCode*Zone f.e. Y Y Y

Borough*YrQuater dummies Y Y Y

Observations 10,644 8,610 8,574

R-squared 0.991 0.989 0.983

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 12: Regression Results, Continuous Surge Height, Evacuation Zone Sample

(1) Estab. - Retail

(2) Estab. -


(3) Jobs - Retail

(4) Jobs - Non-


(5) Sales

- Retail

(6) Sales -


sandy 6.421 3.065 308.8 17.39 0.292*** 0.167***

(5.198) (2.461) (232.5) (15.78) (0.0189) (0.0341)

Sandy_surge height

-0.062*** -0.0456 -1.02*** 4.323 -0.0156 0.0227*

(0.0226) (0.0803) (0.359) (3.595) (0.0177) (0.0132)

Constant 2.595*** 11.40*** 20.30*** 149.0** 15.93*** 15.38***

(0.0321) (0.341) (3.891) (60.69) (0.0273) (0.0295)

SBA*Year dummies


Block f.e. Y Y Y Y N N

Borough*YrQuarter Dummies


ZipCode*Zone f.e.


Observations 12,312 12,312 9,995 9,995 8,581 8,545

R-squared 0.074 0.120 0.084 0.035 0.989 0.983

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 13: InfoUSA Key Coefficients using Different Threshold, Evacuation Zone


Threshold Coefficients (1) Estab. - Retail

(2) Estab. -


(3) Jobs - Retail

(4) Jobs -


(5) Sales-Retail

(6) Sales -

Non-retail 3 feet high_sandy -0.292** -1.007** -9.79*** 57.65 -0.16** 0.140*

(0.122) (0.51) (3.73) (42.47) (0.0658) (0.0774) low_sandy -0.0496 -0.561 -5.931 56.25 0.0524 0.0629

(0.0988) (0.427) (3.809) (42.27) (0.0475) (0.0473) 2 feet high_sandy -0.196* -0.585 -8.787** 56.58 -0.0442 0.0761*

(0.113) (0.535) (3.766) (43.03) (0.0543) (0.0426) low_sandy -0.0684 -0.740* -5.952 57.15 0.0147 0.123

(0.1000) (0.407) (3.955) (42.75) (0.126) (0.111) 4 feet high_sandy -0.368** -0.638 -11.3*** 73.27* -0.0665 0.0686

(0.149) (0.597) (3.805) (40.07) (0.0677) (0.133) low_sandy -0.0577 -0.693* -5.931 50.65 -0.0309 0.0865**

(0.0966) (0.419) (3.718) (42.61) (0.0552) (0.0437) Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Note: Sandy dummy, constant, block fixed effects, and SBA*Year dummies are controlled for InfoUSA and LODES; Sandy dummy, constant, Zip-zone fixed effects, and Boro*YearQuater dummies are controlled for log(total sales).

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Table 14: Regression Results, Excluding Transit-Interrupted Areas, Evacuation

Zone Sample

(1) Estab. - Retail

(2) Estab. -


(3) Jobs - Retail

(4) Jobs -


(5) Sales - Retail

(6) Sales -


sandy 6.458 3.637 314.5 -33.20 0.398*** 0.167***

(5.182) (2.439) (232.6) (44.08) (0.0216) (0.0340)

high_sandy -0.294** -0.964* -10.02*** 57.92 -0.155** 0.174**

(0.128) (0.535) (3.788) (42.88) (0.0716) (0.0757)

low_sandy -0.0401 -0.473 -5.895 56.78 0.0565 0.0626

(0.100) (0.430) (3.856) (42.76) (0.0484) (0.0478)

Constant 2.852*** 12.56*** 20.78*** 158.0*** 15.88*** 15.38***

(0.0356) (0.382) (3.751) (57.27) (0.0266) (0.0344)

SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y Y N N

block f.e. Y Y Y Y N N

Boro*YrQuater Dummies


ZipCode*Zone f.e. N N N N Y Y

Observations 10,998 10,998 9,296 9,296 8,458 8,422

R-squared 0.074 0.121 0.086 0.035 0.989 0.983

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 15: InfoUSA Regression Results, Excluding Relocated Businesses, Evacuation

Zone Sample








sandy 10.47 6.774 3.699

(7.473) (5.051) (2.447)

high_sandy -1.221** -0.251** -0.970**

(0.529) (0.118) (0.492)

low_sandy -0.599 -0.0353 -0.564

(0.458) (0.0945) (0.413)

Constant 13.54*** 2.501*** 11.04***

(0.348) (0.0308) (0.344)

borough-block f.e. Y Y Y

SBA*Year dummies Y Y Y

Observations 12,231 12,231 12,231

R-squared 0.120 0.076 0.121

Number of bb 1,359 1,359 1,359

Robust standard errors in parentheses

*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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Table 16: Regression Results, Controlling for Pre/Post Sandy Trend, Evacuation

Zone Sample

(1) Estab. - Retail

(2) Estab. -


(3) Jobs - Retail

(4) Jobs -


(5) Sales – Retail

(6) Sales -


sandy 6.736 4.737* 312.8 -99.60 0.293*** 0.104***

(5.163) (2.520) (232.7) (77.75) (0.0190) (0.0394)

high_sandy -0.0675 -0.335 -7.832** -57.25 -0.149*** 0.0639

(0.106) (0.409) (3.676) (35.16) (0.0376) (0.0806)

low_sandy -0.00385 0.168 -6.249* -68.49** 0.0235 0.0184

(0.0887) (0.250) (3.412) (33.71) (0.0302) (0.0318)

high_trend35 0.0278 0.114 -3.911 15.04 0.00177 0.0453

(0.0557) (0.232) (2.391) (39.94) (0.0165) (0.0316)

low_trend 0.0523 -0.0614 -2.342 -4.304 0.00712 0.00313

(0.0449) (0.162) (2.375) (39.26) (0.0177) (0.0199)

sandy_high_trend -0.148* -0.568 5.228 27.56 -0.00726 -0.0440

(0.0807) (0.409) (4.780) (68.93) (0.0162) (0.0432)

sandy_low_trend -0.122* -0.0973 3.907 62.41 0.00255 0.0109

(0.0636) (0.229) (4.619) (65.15) (0.0175) (0.0239)

Constant 2.372*** 10.56*** 485.0 2,581 15.87*** 15.38***

(0.0958) (0.420) (745.5) (9,236) (0.0367) (0.0471)

Observations 12,312 12,312 9,995 9,995 8,610 8,574

R-squared 0.075 0.121 0.086 0.037 0.989 0.983

Note: Since we assume the trend started three years before Sandy, High/Low*2008, High/Low*2009, block fixed effects, and SBA*Year dummies are controlled for InfoUSA and LODES; High/Low*2008, Zip-zone fixed effects, and Boro*YearQuater dummies are controlled for log(total sales).

35 High trend is high*(year-2010) for InfoUSA and LODES; high*(year-2009) for sales

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Appendix A: Surge level (in feet) distribution

Notes: the X-axis represents water levels in feet.


1% 0.056109

5% 0.279842

10% 0.526056

25% 1.222088

50% 2.431354

75% 3.863869

90% 5.178217

95% 5.94011

99% 7.688412

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Appendix B: Retail Sub-sector Classification

Category NAICS Description

Neighborhood-based Retail

311811 Retail Bakery

444130 Hardware stores

445110 Grocery stores

445120 Convenience food stores

445210 Meat markets

445220 Seafood markets

445230 Fruit markets

445291 Baked goods stores, retailing only (except immediate consumption)

445292 Candy stores, packaged, retailing only

446110 Pharmacies

446130 Optical goods stores (except offices of optometrists)

446191 Nutrition (i.e., food supplement) stores

446199 All Other Health and Personal Care Stores

451120 Hobby, toy, and game stores

451211 Book stores

451212 Newsstands (i.e., permanent)

453110 Flower shops, fresh

453910 Pet shops

453991 Tobacco stores

812111 Barber Shops

812112 Beauty Salons

812113 Nail Salons

812310 Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners

812320 Dry cleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated)

Accommodation 721 Accommodation

Restaurant 722 Food Services and Drinking Places

Other Other

Localized Commercial Effects from Natural Disasters...2018/12/19  · from Sandy were significant, persistent, and concentrated among retail businesses that tend to serve a more localized - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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