The Differences Between Whiplash and a Concussion | Free Consults (2024)

The Differences Between Whiplash and a Concussion | Free Consults (1)

Concussions and whiplash injuries are two of the most common types of injuries car accident victims can endure. However, they are very different types of injuries, affecting different parts of the body. Concussions are head or brain-related injuries, whereas whiplash is considered a neck or soft-tissue injury.

The symptoms you experience, and your recovery may also be different depending on whether you are diagnosed with whiplash or a concussion. It is not unusual for injuries of this nature to become quite expensive due to the astronomical cost of healthcare in Georgia and across the United States. Trust an experienced Atlanta car accident lawyer from John Foy & Associates when you need help making the liable party pay.

What Is a Whiplash Injury?

Whiplash is an injury that occurs when the neck and head jerk violently forward and backward during a collision. When the car suddenly decelerates, the head and neck snap forward like a whip, which puts intense pressure on the cervical spine. This can cause straining or tearing in the neck, tendons, and muscles, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

These types of injuries occur most often in rear-end collisions, based on data from the National Library of Medicine. Symptoms associated with whiplash may not be apparent in the hours after the collision. It is not unusual for car accident victims to experience increasingly intense pain in the days and weeks following a collision.

What Is a Concussion Injury?

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury. It occurs when the skull suffers a serious blow that causes the brain to move or bounce within the skull. This can have serious and lasting consequences, including damaging and stretching of the brain cells and metabolic or chemical changes in the brain cells.

Concussions are another type of injury that may not be readily apparent. However, without treatment, the symptoms of a concussion will continue to worsen over time. If your brain is unable to rebalance itself, your recovery could take months or longer.

The Symptoms You Experience with Whiplash May Be the Same as a Concussion

Since concussions and whiplash injuries involve the head and neck regions, it is not unusual for patients to experience similar symptoms. For example, people diagnosed with concussions and whiplash may experience severe headaches, blurred vision, or memory loss.

However, patients dealing with concussions may find it more difficult to sleep, find themselves more irritable or anxious, and have difficulty concentrating. Patients with whiplash injuries may experience stinging in the shoulders, loss of motion, and extreme pain in the neck. Even if your symptoms initially seem minor, it is always in your best interests to get medical attention.

Your healthcare provider or the emergency room may refer you to a neurologist to ensure your concussion is not a more serious traumatic brain injury. If you are diagnosed with whiplash, your treating physician may refer you to an orthopedic doctor for additional treatment. Once you start seeing a healthcare provider, be sure to follow their treatment plan, as this will help you with your financial compensation with the insurance company and at trial if you pursue legal action against the liable party.

What to Do if You Suffer a Neck or Head Injury in a Car Accident

If you are diagnosed with a head or neck injury, there are certain steps you can take with a neck injury lawyer to get your medical expenses covered. The individual or entity that caused the accident should also be responsible for covering your expenses. Building a powerful claim against them should be a top priority.

Get Medical Help Immediately After the Wreck

First, get the medical help you need. Whiplash injuries and concussions are not injuries that should be taken lightly. You may do long-term damage to your health if you do not get medical help as soon as possible after your collision.

Getting medical treatment and care can also help strengthen your case. You will have diagnostic imaging results, your physician’s prognosis, notes from your trip to the emergency room, and copies of all of your medical bills that can be introduced as evidence to support your case. If the liable party accuses you of exaggerating the extent of your injuries, your medical records can help refute their allegations and show the jury exactly why you are seeking the amount of compensation you demanded in your lawsuit.

Get Help from a Respected Car Accident Law Firm

Once you are medically stable, your next step should be to contact a highly experienced car accident attorney. John Foy & Associates has decades of legal experience. We work for our clients on contingency and have successfully recovered millions of dollars in trial verdicts and insurance settlements for our clients.

Many of our former clients have dealt with concussions, whiplash, and other similar injuries. We recognize all too well how difficult it can be to recuperate after severe injuries. Let us take the legalities of your claim so you can get ongoing medical care without the headaches that often come with litigation.

Stay Off Social Media

Do not post anything about the accident online. While it may be tempting to share photos of your injuries with your concerned friends and family members, anything you share, post, or say on social media could be misinterpreted. The last thing you want is to give the defendant an opportunity to escape total financial liability.

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Contact John Foy & Associates and Call in the Strong Arm

Whiplash and concussions are two entirely different injuries. It is possible you could be diagnosed with both depending on the type of collision you were involved in and the severity of the accident. When your whiplash or concussion injuries have consumed your life, you should not be forced to absorb the impact when someone else is at fault.

By taking legal action against the driver who hit you, you can demand the fair compensation you deserve and ensure the liable party is held accountable for their recklessness. Find out how much your case is worth when you reach out to a reputable Atlanta car accident lawyer from John Foy & Associates. When you are ready to schedule your no-cost, risk-free consultation, fill out our secured contact form or call us today to get started.

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The Differences Between Whiplash and a Concussion | Free Consults (2024)
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