The Evansville Daily Journal from Evansville, Indiana (2024)


jEransyille. Massrs. HOWARD BROW N. decMIy G. W.


MITCHELL, Messrs. Z. H. cook son, GEO. FOSTER fc Evansville, nd.



Rosea jr. H.Lii'snii. J. I. BOOK RS ROGERS, M'GUIRE Sc.

031 31 1 SSI 05 AXD POR WARDING MERCHANTS, 0. 25 POYDRAS STREET, XfW Orleans. 9 LiVral nah advances wilt be made on consign Bieats shipped to oar care by fnoTiir, Harriso Vaile. St. Louis, Mo.

w. K. llaowsa Yincennes, Usskdict fc Gravville, UK, P. O. O'Rilkt It F.vansville.

PrJorcHuT Mu Vernon, Ind. aecwv-iy T. G. NOEL, OCR COMMISSION MERCHANT, asd rtoraiKTOK or STOCK STABLES, laaaV-ly NEW ORLEANS, LA. J.

E. YOSi: Si COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 90. 1(5 NtOlZME tEW ORLEANS, w-v a vrT th-ir rtjntinn to the sale of I due and the purchaso of Groceries, for which fcn xperience of fifteen years cives them more than una-arr nualifications and facilities. arr nualifications and faciliti Refer to janV-m Evansville, NOTICE TO LIQUOR DEALERS AND A COMPLETE assortment of the Oils ecessary for making and flavoring erery rariety of Liquor, and a package of the articles U5eu ror ginuj ARTIFICIAL STREXOTII i Liquors. (conTertinr TO gailons of Whisky to 100 gallons), andeTery article necessary to commence a LIQUOR STORE, win be fnrniibed for tvtestt dollaks.

A1.o, all th tnfarmaUon necessary to conduct an estabhiLment, (bus enabling the new beginner to successfully compote with the oldest Liquor Dealers. -Address, through the Post Ootfiee, P.I.ACOlTR.NewOrleans. Lacour'S Concentrate'i Acid for making Vinegar, Is ut up in two gallon pacicages, at nre aoiiars per jxtca age in good shipping ordT. '-ly QUIT DRIN KING POISONOUS LIQUORS. PATENT IMPROVED PROCESS IOI MAK1SO AtL K1KDS Of LIQUORS AND VINEGAR, Instantly, by the Uso of fJlCOUR'S ESSENTIAL OILS.

rsrtnEliE OTLS are obtained by Dittillatlon, at the Chemical Laberatory, Paruh of Jetlersoii, of .1 I PIERRE LAtOUR, tittwr of Lacour's Chemical Analysis; Laconr's Chmical Manipulation, Lacouron tle Manufacture af Liouor, itc. Purchasers are particularly requests to return the tasks and obtain their money. If the Oil does uet give perfect satisfaction. LABOUR'S OIL OF COGNAC, ConTerts neutral pirit to a superior imitation of Im ported Brandies, viz: Otard, Sarerac, Jlarett Cognac, Poultney, Seiznette, Vineyarl Proietfrs, CastiUion and London T)ock Brandies. These lienors wU hare a full frnilv flaror and a beautiful, sparkling eolor.

Common Rectifies! Whisky will be changed by he use of the Oil of (Virnac to New York Brandy, Pine Apple Brandy, Common Coenac Brandy, LACOUR'S OIL- OF RYE, Changes Rectified Whisks to Monongahela Rye Whisky, OW Virgiiiia MJt Whisky, Bourbon ac OIL OF CEDRAT, Caaeges common Rectifi! Whisky to Oillrish Malt TTtisky, ana a superior arucieoi cwwu u.u.j OIL OF PEACU, Hanges emmon Whisky to Virginia Peach Brandy, A oil of Peach and (til of Cognac will convert cow tanoa Whisky to Apple Brandy. OIL OF GIN, wf the roorest Whiskv to Flollsnd Gin, Schnei- am Schnapps. Kose uin, awan um tngiuu wiu, o.e. i i 4 LACOUR'S CONCENTRATED ACID, Wilt Un hnnn tftpr heinr mixe1. chanffO five "gallons of s-ood Vinegar and twenty-Hre gallons of water to thirty piions me acut imfgiru can be found in the market.

By the use of Lacour Concentrated Acid, inesar can be xnad for one dollar sad sixty ceuts per parrel. TOR -M AmO LIQUORS, teoar Oils require no preparation only poor the Oil into the Whisky, and shake well. The Liquors tSnt maie will har! a true natural aroma, a Tall, ncn. ollv taste; a beautiful trans jrent color and a fine bead. Lacour's Oils exert three distinct properties ine.nvert- insnnmrnnik WhiftlcV tn KrlUKlT.

(iIU. Th fin ronertv combines with and subsides In the form of fcoculent particle the whole of the train oil, Amylic Alcohol. Th Whisky is thu depressed of that peculiar irritating twl burning taste, mid becomes a neutral spirit. The second property consists in an oily za imnartml tu the li.iuor. which renders it mellow; and imparts an appearance of great age.

The taird property is exhibited in the rich vinous nutty odor that is imparted to the lwjuor, which renders distinc tion from the genuine rran.u impossn.i. T-i. ii.u nn nnart tLuka: each flask con- tains sufficient oil fr making three hundred rations of liquor. Full aud compreneusiye uirtxuou ny the bottles. PRICE, 8 PER BOTTLE.

TV For sale at th corner of St. Charles andPoy One bottle of these oils, fire in numberi will be securely packed and shipped, with bill of lading, to any part m'f ihm cMinrrv. nnon the receipt of ten dollars, in the P. T.ACOüR. New Orleans.

Purchasers are requested, as a guarantee of wl th nun of nv bouse in ew Ur- and mm will shin them a tacku of the Oils. If er do not perfina all that is tlaimed for them, they ill cost nothing. aa nriliT. T. SCLL1TA.1.



Chwse.Larl, Eggs, Dried Fruits, lour, Meat, and all sorts of estcrn Fro-Vi r.rhse of Groceries, lc Cash a.1- riVnmenta. febua asys vaa COUDAGK, OAKUM, Slc tfi-rii nnnPR. AV 123 Front Btreeti. Yind TctouiStoolas street, New Orleans, i r. i a lannraiurers or Mnill Tarred Uoii.

iTV MU Extra Oakum deliverable in New York or NewOrleaus. Je oakum: aiL'n i naw and tTtraOakam Mn urni irv the Kiupn-e Oaknm Works- For Hby -6M TU, V0wFR, fcCO MISCELLANEOUS. NEW FEED STORE, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, Br R. IL Hart, C0RRR Or AND CASAL iTItBTf BALED II AY, Corn, Bran, ShipstnfT, No. 1 extra Flour, Chicken Feed, Crashed Feed and Corn Meal, in Quantities to suit the trade.

All trade delirer- ed by express promptly. Grinding don to accommo date the oountry trade. Thankful for the past favors, I hope, by strict attention to buyers, for a continuance ol a liberal trade. R. B.

HART. apW. EVANSVILLE. -PAPER WAREHOUSE. WE hare now on hand, and offer on liberal terms, a well assorted stock for printers and bookbind ers, among which we name 500 bundles Printing Paper, assorted slits; 1000 Straw Boards; 1000 Tar Board, As well as eolered Printing Paper; plain Cap and Ilost flat Cap; Demy, Medium, white and colored Cards and Card Boards, which we can hare cut'to any sixe; Post-office paper; Manilla Wrapping, Printers' Ink, fcc.

We also beg leave to call the attention of dealers to our stock of 2500 bundles Wrapping Paper, and 100 gross of Bonnet Boards. The highest market prich paid for Rags. (TEN NEY fc SORENSON. ap-29. J.

E. CAMPBELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, FIRST STREIT, ItTWIIS VIS A5D DITISIOM, EVANSVILLE, MANUFACTURER of eTerr description of Brass Work, of equal qnalitr, if not superior to any. thins; manufactured in the East, and on as farorable terms. I keep constantly on hand oil frlohes, stop, bibanaCTlinder co*cks; churrh, und hotel hell; anti-friction metal, soft and spelter snider, as well as a complete assortment of all other articles uiu allr kept in this line of business. I am al.o arpointed sole ajrent in this citr for the rU of Jm.

Taompson's celebrated leather belting. These hehinjrs are superior to anrthing; yet offered, and hare invariaHr, when exhibited, been awarded with the first premium. Samples of the same can be sen at the establishment. Krerv description of liras Castings made to order, and furnUhed at Cincinnati prices. The highest market price paU fur old copper, brass and sine.

All orders addressed to me will meet with prompt and immetlaite attention. dec4 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, nilLwlDELPniA. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS I fWlo all persons af9icted with Sexnal Diseases, such A asSPERXATORRincA, Olbkt, Weak. sn, Impotence, Sirnins, the Vice of OSAS1S5 or 9 blp Arvsc, Jkc. THE HOWARD ASSOCIATION, In view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual Diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases, by guacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a haritabie Act worthy of their name, to give Medical Advice, oratis, to all persons thus afflicted.

Apply bv letter, with a de-sription of their condition, cage. occupation, habits of life, and in case of extreme poverty ana sunering, FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF pnARGE. Thp Howard Association is a Benevolent Institution, estaidiehtsl by special endowment, for th relief r.f the sick and distressed, atHioted with "Virulent and Epidemic Diseases." It has now a surplus of means, which the Dirt-dors hav Toted to expend In advertising the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association commands the hi best Meilrai skill of the ace, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Just uihtished.

by the Association, a Report on SnermaiorrhoBa. or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism. Masturbation or Pelf-Abuse, and other dis-mss of the Sevnal I Irnrn. hv the CnnsnUinf Sureeon. which will sent by Mail, in a sealed envelope) free of charge, on the receipt or two stamm tor postage.

Adnress kW. tif.t. IV. VA i.ium cur peon. Howatd Association.

No. i South NINTH street, Philadelphia. Pa. By oH-r of the Directors. K.KA D.

IlKAKi Vi LLL. I'restnent. GEO. FAIRC11ILD. Secretary.

febll "57-ly. EVANS' age, SECOND STREET, SEAR JIAIXf 3CS- IND. EVANSVILLE," rWHIS establishment is now fairly opened for ness. The choicest Liauors and Cigars always on hand. A LUNCH WILL BE SET EVERY MORNING, AT WO XLULK.

rjc3)-3in A. RANNEY, PUBLISHER. OFFERS FOR SALE 500; 000 BOOKS AND MAPS, or all xtans, at publishers rxicts, TO BE ACCOMPABIES WITH FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND GIFTS, VITORTH from 25 cents to 12) each, consisting of uom and uver atnes. jewelry, tteticuies. Lailies purses, Portmonaies, SjljO worth of Gifts Aistnruiei wttn every isooks.

A cift will be delivered with every book sold for One Dollar or more. Although no boolc or article will he sold for more than the usual retail price, many will be solil for less. Persons wishint any order at tmeeandlt will be forwsraed with a gift. A complete Catalogue of Bonks, Maps snd Gifts will be sent to any a i.iress on application, rersons ordering Books and Oifts.shnuld forward the amount of pnMage, as it most invariably be aid in advauce. The average potee for gl and tl 25 looks is IS cents; and for tl 59 and 1 00 books 21 cents.

Address. A. KANN Et. je3t-2mwj No. 2CQ Broadway, New ork.

BOOK ESJ BINDING. having one of the latest lm- imptw.ciRuliug machines, can rule ACCOUNT BOOKS, To any pauern; and having materials of all kinds prepared to bind Bibles with gilt edges. Morroco Extra: Panneled sides. Bring alone your books to be bound of any kind. Oter Crescent City Bank opposite the Court House.

myus ICE CREAM SALOON. L. KESLER. Main Street, bstween First and Second, BACON MAM AND PICKLED POIIK Choice Bacon Hams, all biv own curing; Kers Pickled Pork, 60 lbs In each, put up ei- prejily for family or a ie by Corner of Fonrth nnd Main Street. V.

B. A good stock of Family Groceries constantly on hand ami for sale. jy-lm. LUMBERS II. II.

BENNETT 1 CO. wwfOt LD respectfully announca to the citizens of Evansville and surrounding country, that they hsve nut up in their yard a large ani full assortment of VINE LL JlUKK. I Also A Urre lot of PTNE SUINOLE3. Divsed and Undressed FLOORINU, VCAT1IEK BOAKD- which they will sell cheap for cash. Orders A I 1 1 1 irnm me couniry soiiciieo.

ggr Lnm-r ard on carpenter street, near Krau Ileilmann's Founderv. All business of the firm will be promptly attended to by James Sauun, who will always on hand. jext-jm. BOOK STORE. TnB undersigned having aain commenced the Book business iu this place, would respectfully solicit a snare of patronage from the citizens of Kvansville and its vicinitv.

A full assortment or bchool is lank imobs, Novels, Stationery, alwa on hand. Also: Music for Piano and uuitar, Musical Instruments, Violin and Guitar Strings, fcc. Slf 8tore on Slain street, south side, next door to J.F.Byrnes. UyJOJ TIIOS. CONYNGTON.

ater Cooler lee Chests and Hefrlgeratorrt rnvrE have tn store a rood assortment of those de- II siaeMe articles. They will give you good water, solid healthrul meats and vegetables; provided you buy a Cooler or Kefrifferator and put them into use. We otter them at manufacturers price freight added. Jel BROOK CO. llfE are prepared to furnish Families, Hotels, Res- Wi turants.

Steamboats and Factories wititthe best Ice ever put up in this city; and we hare such a sup ply on nana trvat tnoseercamawiin us neea ni ienr being left without ice in the hottest of the season. We will sell as low as tne lowest, uraers leu at our store will be attended to. We can furnish from a nound to 100 tons. A snpplv at onr store at all times Oelil y. iiunASKwa et CO.

CI I ARLES EVEUT, AWninZ ana Sail lliaKera gARL itbit, orrosrrc the cai works, EVANSVILLE, IND. MB. EVERT Is rrepareJtomaVe to order, Horse Covers and Canvas Hose, Wagon Covers and Awnings, Manilla Rope Mats, and everything in the UiKginc lire. hteamboa's can procure Fire Screens, Boiler Deck Cuttings, Derick Guy es, and everything, in his line. He Is aiso prepared to rtrap worn.

VtT For particulars enquir? of Philip Hcrnbrook fc Water street. fj4- ALMS S. HOWES' MAGNOLIA WHISKY. KVAttSYfLLE. IND.

EVANSVILLE, IND. 150 BBLS. Old Bourbon WhlAv; pm bids. Old Moioncahel whisky; W. I no Jtosc ti nisay, Es: 6 do ine; 100 do New York Jlrandy; fiO do New York Oin; 3) do Pips Cogiwc Brandies; fjr-Orders received from all iarta of the United States and put up in packages of iu moat approved styl.

rl5 MISCELLANEOUS. HALLOCK STODDARD, IMPORTER ilXD DEALERS 1 Drug, Chemicals, Points, VarnitJut, i Acid, 7 WindiAO Glau By Stuff, Trvst, i Patent Ifeaicin, Perfumeryt Soap and Taney Article, Together with an assortment of nair. Tooth, Clothes, Paint and Whitewash Brushes, all of which they pro- cure from first hands and sell at as small a profit as such articles can be sold. Also: Constantly or hand a large ana vaneaas- 1 sortment of DAOUERREOTYP Such as Cameras. STOCK! Casos, Plates, Glas, Chemicals, And almost erery article used In Daguerreotyping or Ambroryping.

Onlers from operators promptly filled and forwarded at a small advance on Eastern prices. Pf" We are constantly receiving fresh supplies of articles enumerated ahove, and others usually kept in Bliu uuirrs usumir acin in I Drue Stores, and every article sold by us Is warranted to he mire fresh mud Pennine. lir Particular attention paid to filling Physicians' onlers, and orders from country stores. We invite those wishing; articles in our line to call or send and we are sure we can tive satisfaction both in regard to quality and price. HALLOCK STODDARD, myl-iy ao.


ri2T3L 1 FTRICT attention 1 signments for sale of I OnhTS foi i paid to con-t Flour. 1'ro-for the pur chase of Produce solicited and promptly attended to. Having a larce Wharf-Boat at tbe anil being Armt at this place for several RaMroad, I posxss u-perior advantaees for forwaniing Merchandise or pro- dueecoming here by Railroad as well as by RUer. Othce on board the lower Wharf-Boat. janU TO IERCTI.NTS, SHIPPERS AND OTHERS.

TnE undersigned would announce that he has finished Iiis large and sutatantial new Wharf -boat, MAMMOTH CAVE." He has placed her, fir the sake of convenience In all stages of the river, at the foot of Vine street. He will at all times hereafter, he pleased to give prompt and careful attention to Receiving and Shipping, as well as to all other river buine.s that may be entrusted to him. The trUnum therefore, of the Mercliants, Shippers and others, of this city and of the Interior, is solicited. aepU-ly JOHN S. MITCHELL.

SIGN OP THE GOLDEN COFFEE POT!" it Main street, between First and Second, EVANSVILLE, IND. THOMAS SCANTLIN, DEALER IN Pfovea, Tinware, Lamps, Hardware) A Cattery, UritMiiiiia Ware, rial ii de Fancy Tinware, Hollow Ware, Joa fad-lrona. Urns Lanterns. Enamelled and IMain Mantle Orates, Coal-Hods, Lamps, Toilet Ware of rlain and fancy rtvles. Also, niannficturer of all kinds oCTlN.SUEET- tV All jobs executed with neatness and dispatch.

riy NEW SPRING MILLINERY! JUST RECEIVED. ftTISS F- R. BAftKKIt has just received a large if I. assortment of Millinery, consisting of French Tissues Lace and Neapolitan Bonnets, ALHO MIW and Mrw Bonneta Ribbons. Flowers, To which she invites the particular attention of the ladies 1 Evansville nnd vicinity.

fe2S Ret. Main and Locust, opposite the 1. 0. TALLANT At EL A PL A I. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, -WHEELINO, VIRGINIA.

WHEELINO FREIGUT AOENT8 OF THE Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, And Baltimore and Boston Steamship Refers to PRESTON Ott). FOSTKK LATOHLIN, CKANE KKF.NfcPRF.SfON, JOHN 8. ITCIIKLL, FRENCH sepl5-ly Evansville, Ind. I BT ADIE3fine ki JU stock, wititthe new elastic attachment Just ree'd. Ilajrv otv aM.a ws iiwww a aj om srvs cva flOVB OYSTERS.

TS boxes 1 Mo, each.t ami 7 pound cans, lor sale by K. I Lilt KT fito. myl Sycamore street. (Mill by MIICKENS. 20 doa large fat Chickens, Just ree'd myl Z.H.

COOK fc SON. SCO AR 10 Prime N. O. Sugar, 40 half bbl Molasses, for sate by aplO WHEELER fc RIOGS. I.ADIEK CAITERS.

A LARGE assortment at all prices, from the manu facturerstirect. mhl4 31CJIBA WELLS. 400 mhJl BITNDLF.S Wrapping Paper on consign- mrnl. fur sale low to i close HORNUROOK fc Water street. fcTOAR AND MOLASSES.

J3 hhds choice New Orleans Sugar; a hhla PruhMl und i 14. Is Powdered Sncarf MEDICAL: ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY ONE of the Beat Purgative and Llrer ichies now I fore the pulio, namely. Dr. Sam- fords Istioorator or Liver Remedy, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder and more eliectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its matter, then on the stom-04 ach and bowrbt to carry off that matter, thus ac -Mgcsmpiisnin iw ir purposes eneciuauy wunuui soy of the rainful feelines exierletiHi in tlie onera- 4Stiuns of moat Cathartics.

It strencthens the sys-tcni at the same time that it purges it, and when ta-ken daily tn moderate doses, will strengthen and it up with unusual rapidity. -f Dr. SAtiroRD's Ixtiuorator Is compounded entirely from fcew articles of medicine, namelv. SCjuius. Some idea of the strength of these gums may be when it is known thUone bottle of the In 22 viaorator contains as ninch strength as one hunlrel flects.

Though possessing rare meoicinal powers, these Wiiums have been but little known to physicians, and never used in their prescriptions until used in (he form of the lnvigorator, which met with such I unprecedented success as to mduce the rconrietor iiouiirr ii u. a iiuiiv uiinicine, levi ana anowa id iu effects. It has rarely ever failed to cure Liver Complaints in their worst forms. Indigektion Laing caused bv a deranped Liver is cured when the Liveris excited to action. Ljsp Jaundice is caused by an improper action of the Liver, anil as a proof that the lnvigorator relieves W- this disease Ut any one troubled with Jaundice take the lnvigorator rerularly one week, and their skin will legin to assume its oricinal color.

Costi veucss can be permanently cured by the In-yij yigorator. Take it in small doses on retiring, and it SMassists nature in her operatkdis. lis irrad ut 11 di minishing the dose, the bowels are left in a healthy -m Learnt active suue. ana worn as regularly as ci.xa w'orK. icr tieauacne in yerv aoon relievetl ty ta- recta all acidity and sourness of the stomach.

For an overloatleit stomach it has no equal, as it relieves all oppressive or unesy feeling after eat-ing heartily. For a family medicine geuerally, all who use it speak in the highest terms. ESQ DR. PANroao's IxviuoRATORcaiuetn us recommended as a cure for Liver Complaints, and all diseases arising from a iseoned liver. The testi- fsmonial or so many or our physicians In its favor, mJ induces us to try it, and now conviction is certain that it is on or the greatest blessings ever given to dyspeptics; for it made a complete cure before the tnrst nuitie was taken, and now we can eat anything edille without trouble, while nothing but the lightest food would digest, and often that gave 'pain.

ow what we want tu say to all our readers lis. if Liver Com plaint or Dyspepsia trouble vou.iio ir full lis ffSPV flua thtt rjrvatfc-sif in l.a State Fact. There has never been tried in our family a reme dy which his met with such unliounded success in -the cure of diseases incident to children, as Doctor "anfod's lnvigorator; nor is it alone for diseases of -T-cniKiren we use ior it acts as a auiartic so fjmildly and gently, and seems to renovate the sys-em so thoroughly that we think we are doing a I mtrnt ice to au aavisina mem when hev need to to this remedy. There are cases that hare come under cur notice where rreat benefit rCTha teen in diseases of the Lives. Stomach "and where all other remedies failed to give relief.

It ha Isvonie so useful in our family that we will not le wiUiout it. acksoa villk (Ala.) J.Erl ILIvil. PRICE ONE DOLLAR TER BOTTLE. SAN FORD fc Piopretors, 8 Broadway, New Wholesale A rents, JOHN P. PARK, Cincinnati: FAIINESTOCK fc DAVIS, Chicago; 0.

J. WOOD 6i vU. M. LOins. Agent f.r Evansville, J.

J. PENNINOTON, jy2-0m Druggist. A. BEATTY, M. WOULD resp1 announce thai he has located hiiuielf in AN 1 LE, for the Practice of Medicine.

Having had an experience of about twenty -three years in a heavy practice. In some of the most sickly regions of the went, lie 1 now pr.pnrefl, with of the l-? to comliat disease In all u.svanfiusronn''. or k. jtiinroamni, rara'vsis, kc. he uses a Magneto-Electric inachinc, in connection with other I tre-itment, a ita surevss.

He would also refer to hs luinroved inhnlinc anuira. tus for treatment of pnlminary and throat rersoiisatUictetl with Mrotiuiu, weakness and intl.ii.a-tion of the eyes, mav exiert fneady and permanent relief. He would say thathe cures Cancers without th uw of knife. Ir. Reatty Is also acnt for Pesh'er Anti-periodic Pills, certain cure for Fever aud Ague, no one has ever been known to have a second chill afU.T commencing OFFICE on Miin street, between Second and Third street, uear the Washiugto Hotel.

je-3m. A CARD TO TUB LADII. rBTIIIS creat Turkish Periodical remedy for the 1" JL mediate removal of Oltruction. Irretrularitir Prolapsus I'teri, i Falling of the Womb,) Lcuchorrhe or Whites, fcc, These Pills hive never tn a single instance failed la producing the menses. Too much cannot be said la their favor.

No woman can enjoy good health when that particular part of her peculiar Organization is deranged, tick ness at the stomach, heartache, lancuor. debility, pain in the head, side and back, loss of appe tite, costiveness, are some of the symtoms whica attend irregular menstruation. As certain as timeara Pills to remove one and all of these symtoms lie sure ana get tne genntne, which Ms our sicnaturc on each box. These Pills may be had by addressici Dr. Hanflor dc and loclosin the Pills will be sent by return mail.

A. ii. ia-nes wnose neaitn wm not permit or an in crease of family, will find these Pills a pre ventive. Ladies who are pregnant, should rot use these Pill 1 as they are sure to bring on misorriace. thoueh no in jury health would follow.

Address, mi. baa run a febfltf Cincinnati, Ohio. Transylranla University. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. THE 4M Session will coir.incnce oh the riRST Mo-nT li NoveMsrs.

Ij7, and will continue four months, under the-direction of the same Faculty as hcretof.we.- 21" Tickets to the full course, 105. Matriculation and Libmry Fee, 5. tirad nation Fee I)pmon-stmtor's Ticket, 1. All im sdvskck. tiood sird-inc, with fuel and from a i-'KN) to tl.WW per week.

KOBKKT Denn, fcc. I estneton. Jnly lT. auglj I Li E3 UrE beg to call the attention of the public to th following sworn certificate from one of ou most respectable citizens. Mr.

Valin. the father-in-law of the proprietor of the "Courier des etats Uuis," and formerly gunniaKer in I'hiiadeipina: Dr. lipRia Dear Sir: I h-reby certify that I have been aHliete-l with the Piles ft-r near years; Uiat I have used bottles of Barnes' Pile Lotion, and every-thiug ele I could hear of, but all to no effect, for they did me little or no good. About two months since, I commenced using your valuaHe remedies for the Pile, i anil have the happineist to say that they have had the ues'red fleet, a they have cured me of this most dis. i 1 irennit comii.uni.

1 consider uns aunosi a ui, for I am now HI years of ace. I siiavrely reconuntnd them to all atHicted a'ita the above complaint. Mgneu, r. valic. No.

73 Fracklin street, Nrw York, August 2th, Vrji. State of New-York, New York City and County, I. Jo-ph r. Lasrrence, a Commissioner Peels in and for the City and County, uud a Notary Public iu ami fn the Stite New York, do heret-y certify that on tlia day of the date hereof, before me personally canie P. VaSie, to me well known, who heinir ry me duly sworn, rtil depoeeand say that the contents of the foreifoinfj certificate, by him air true.

In witness whereof, I have sufcsrrited my name as Commistioner of leed Notary lutlir, of the State of New York, and have aiFxed my Notarial Seal at my office the Stiili day of August, l. JOSKPH C. LAWRENCE. Commtssiouer of lVnlnml Nobu-v PnMic, Wallstreet, New York. We challenge the medical fatuity of the I'nited Suites to pneluce a remedy equal tt lr.

Puprie's Celebrared Itemoltps ftr external or internal Piles. SO cents per box. Office 7 6 Nassau street, New York, will sent by mail to any part the I'niteil States, gold ty all respectable druggists in the United States. N. B.

An Agent wanted, terms cash. DR. DUPRIK PILLS Are unrivalled for purifying thejdooil, being an eflec. tual remedy for Internal Piles. Salt Kheum.

Hin Worm, fcc, tic) reward will be paid toany person tliat can prove they contain anything injurious to the sys- iui. in oe sent ny man to any parr or ine 1 niioci States. per Wx. l'rincisii oftice 7rt Nassan street, New York, and for sale by all refpectablt drng-jlsts in the Jt.HtUl'.A- I'A lfc.M JJt.DU i.t. iimu, 76 Nassau street, New York, WM.

J. REDPATH fc CO. doc3 tfi Proiirietorf Store. fAMES SCANTLIN, of the late firm of J. Scantlin A Son.

has orened in his new brick t.tween Waterand First streets, opposite the old Stale Bank, where he has the Urgeat aud best assortment in thecity, consisting of Castings, Mantle and Jam Orates, Tin Ware, Japaned prised and Rrttannla Ware ofthelates wholesale and Retail. "r.ivehim a call, he Is well experienced In his busi ness, he knows how to that he can sell cheaper than anv one in me rraoe. AIOr-anford Patent Straw Cutters and Cries' Ct lebrated Plows. janJO WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND rii II sulicriber respectfully informs the citizens Evansville aud vicinity, that he has come ta tM place with a variety of Cloeka, Watches, and Jewelry, which he will sell at the lowest prices. He will also repair all kinds of atches, Clocks, and Jewelry, on the snonest S.

ROSENFELD. I myljCm Main near Second, CHOICE LIQUORS. A l.LTS fc HOWE have some OLD BOCRBON A. WHISKY and FINE IIRANDY. in hotrtes, for the complaint of the season, for the beneti of their JXcw Stove and Tin MISCELLANEOUS.

A RARE CHANCE FOR AN INVESTMENT! 7. FOB- SALE 7 A TAL UABLE TRA CT OFLAKD, Adjoining the Town of Cannclton! Consisting of about one hundred acres, one-half of which is bottom land, and the remainder extends r.V the delightful hills that border the town. All of it is embraced In, plat of the. town of Canaelton, and is in demand for house lots.u The lb weV bourfdiry of the. tracts is not more than ten "minutes walk from She x- tensive Cotton Factory and principal coal mines.

All the products of the land can be sold on the soil to the people of the tdwn, Jt is most adipfrabty situated for Tegetahle gardens for. which the town affords a good market and high prices. The land will eventually all be wanted for house lots. On the premises are three dwellings, one of which is worth (500; another is worth loOO the other a 1eautiful cottage residence, cost 9400 three years ago to erect it. Either of these houses cut be had with the land, or all of them, as the purchaser may wish: they are separated a street from the body of the land, and ar tots laid off for resi dences.

The property will be sold on a liberal credit to a responsible purchaser. The location is one of the most delightful on the Ohio river, and the principal cottage with three acres In garden and frnit is the most beautiful rural residence le-tween here and Louisville. The chief motive for offering it for sale, is that the property is too valuable to rent, and needs more attention than the owner can at present bestow on it. Address or apply to the editor of the Journal vansville. my2 II.

COOK de SON. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. evansville, ind wholes a le departm ent. ifirst street, first door from main. RETAIL DEPARTMENT.

MAIN FIRST DOOR BELOW THE CORNER. Z1I. COOK beg to thank his friends in Evansville and neichhnrbood, for their favors so freely I. stowed nnon him since be lias leen in business among them, and takes thisoppurtiinitv of introducing to their notice his son, Mr. II.

A. COOK, whom he has taken into partner-hip from this date, and solicits for the nw firm of Z. II. Cook cV Hon, a continuance of the Siinp rt so iiiierally conferred on himself. 2.

II. Cook fc Son, having taken the business rtm-Ises and purchased the whole of th stock of Mri ii. Foster, feel confident tluit they will be enaMed to au, ply the citizens of Evansville with every article they my require in the Grocery and Provision line. Z. it.

Cook fc Son wish especially to draw the sttentiou of persons in the country having produce of any kind to dispose of, to their incrvased facility for taking ofl'tbir stock, ana supplying- mem at their store, with ail articles required 111 the wholesale department, at prices that must insure their onlers for the future. feW-tf EVANSVILLE TOOL STORE, First and Second. Tn undersigned would respectfully Aiiininains ciuzens 01 atin puiiu'iiriiUK viruuu.l bllrVi lie 1-1 now receiving his snrinir stock of Tools and Hardware generally, comprising many new ucicsauapartiy lansistingor 3 1 ECU AN I CS' TOOIJ? In the greatest variety and of the very best quality, being designed exclusively for tho retail' trade; aLw BXILDINK HARDWARE, Locks, Hatchets, wronrht and cast Butts, wrnuchi Hiuges, screas. Kails, Ural, Trimmings for Furniture, fcc, fcc. GARDEN AND FAR MIN (J IMPLEMENTS, Shovels, Spades, Oraiu Scoops, Hoes, Iron Bud Stee lukc, and Hay orks, fcc.

POCK ET AND TADLE CUTLERY, Spoons in great variety, Scissors and Shears, fcc. al ways on hand. Also Chains. Mill and Cross-Out Saw. Aim.

Platform Scales. Pump and Fixtures. lii-ass and Enamelled Kettles, fcc, fcc. mh-Jo ALU'S. WALDKTKCH.

Read This and Hand It to Yonr Neighbor. FEVER AND AGUE CURED! THE TRAPPER'S REMEDY, OR OREGON AGUE POWDERS: pRRrAREO RT J. M. SMITH, latk or MfLTXOMAH, ORKOO.t TCKRtTORT, And sold by SMITn fc ATKINSON, No.33BalU- more street, Baltimore. those i rter where its worth has been made known eitert nee.

being in a portable form, it is very convenient for persons going into districts ahere Ague and Fever may prevail, as it can tie carried without inger of soiling anything that it may be parked witb. By attending rtrictly to the directions, relief may be confidently calculated upon. No persons afflicted with rever and A cue should nKiect to avail themselves of its virtues. No Arsenic, Quinine, or asy poison usI in its composition. For sale bv KJSLLEK WHITE.

Dr.T.M'GOWN'S ESSENCE OF.TAR ISA CERTAIN CURE FOR 1 Dowel Complaints and Diseases of the Longa. flMHRTY Thousand cures, without a sir gle failure. -B For sale in vansville. by Keller White. IIhI- lock A Stoddard, Woolsey 'Saw yer, ai-d Leich fc ViTlimr.

tWThe erent American Tar spring LiKixea-rand VERMtrroK, also for sale by them. augjiHiawjy. n.GIE AXD FOR A SAW MILL i or ,3 st Jl Gm IHE subscrilvrs offer for sale a good second hand Steam Engine, and the machinery suitable for a saw mill all complete. Marine turned our saw mill into flouring mills, and obtained a larger enxfne. we offi-r our former engine and the machinery used by us in the saw mill, for sale at a Ntrrain.

LITTLES St IRVLJf, Jy2-dfcwtf. Canal Mills, Evansville Ind. 40O CASES DOOT8 AND enOES. KEEN PRESTON nAA'E now In store, every description of Boot and Slioes ad ited to the trader, consisting of Men's oak lottotn pump sole kiD boots, do A calf. calf.

lo calf and mit, siitchd, plain and fancy lace extension top Boots, Men's split, lined and unlihed and oak bot tom, kip, purp sole lsropans; do coat, mit, goat, caif, a can Rinipaifni leainrr jien cnn ana goal pums. Hoys split, linen and nnoned kip. oak btt-tnm rump sole Umrin; do ct nd mit aoat, calf and A calf, tin 1 pttent leather Shoes; JJovs' calf and kip. rump Loots. sole, and plain and fancy lace extension top Women's kir.

snlit. calf, lined and nnlined Boatees. do gostt, mit gort, Immzed, glove top, patent leathtr. eniuiif lied and kid sewed and recced Bootees akd Uai- tors; no plain ann patent leather ntcel tiaiters; lo Booteesof everv etyle (Kureka. Jrnnxr lind, Kxr-J- sior, Polka, known to the trade.

Women's Buskins of various rtylea-caif, goat, grained, kid. moroc co, patent leather, Klove, nronned, Misse' Uoaees, split, kip, calf, A calf, font, mit cxat, ttcnt leather, enamelled, morocco, fancy top, LTOu7.el, IOTC, KC. i Youths' Itrocans, calf, A calf. kin. split, roat.

train ed, lace and stamped Shoes. Youths calf and A otdf Boots, lul'h-en kid and colored moroceo shoes. These goods were bought of the manufacturers, and we defy all competition, except We sell onr ItooU and Shot -a on the same terms as Ih-v Ooods. We have one of the largest and most desirable stocks of boots and shoes ever brought Into the State, including a majority of the best makers of New England; and from this time forward, it will lie a losinglaisiness for any merchant to pass by Evansville, on their way up the river to buy hoots and wh. Ue-r6spectfulry lc vite the trade to call and examine our tc-k.

apl KEEN ti KENDALL, MAKER, CALDWELL'3 BU1LDINO, LOCUST STREET, TS prepared to make as fine a Boot and Shoe as can B. be obtained in the city. He warrunU a good ft, and uses oulv first quality of stock. As be is a nt-w wuin t. i 1 fliiu twv uuu CEORCE MILLER, DB4LER 'IjV BOOTS AND 8HOE8.

MAIS) STRCRT, BRTW. FIRST AND SECOND, EVANSVILLE, IND. JV rillLIP DErSNER, well known to the citizens of Evansville, is now employed in my establishment, here he will be happy to see Lis former customers. ap.M.m 1857. SPRING GOODS.

1857. A Large Arrival of Fresh Stock for Spring. 11TE Invite ALL to come and look at our splendid goods. We are determined, this Spring, to take the lead in iu Just call in and let us show you. We have them now, certain, and 'tis worth your while to amp in and soe lue newest raamon; mhl? McREA WELLS UNION BAKERY, THR OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT IM THE CITT, CRACKETW AT WHOLESALE A RETAIL.

fWy II undersigned constantly keeps on band a large assorUnp'it or fresh Vtater! liutter anu un.t ...1 V.v.l lire: whii-li. hloff nunnlWliiml Irv the Litest ImrCOVed Jla rhinerv. ran I .4 low urice as in any place in tlie West, and are not excelled in equality by auy otlicr msnnfiirti in th cnorttrv. A large stock always on hand at my shop, on Water street, netween bycamore and tne. "57-dtf COW I.OST.

SwST ATt F.T from th. ivsidenceff the Subscriber ar- TITTS preparation has been used with EMINENT Sl'CC LSS. and being safe and speedy In its operation, has established for itself a hiirh reputation in 3 Dark Red revs old, star In the forehead no ear marks point or one horn fractured. A suitaol reward will b. mid for.

hvT rrturnor Jnfw- uwtwnofhw. n.aKrrTLr?, jri st MISCELLANEOUS-. TUB HAZARD POWDER COMPANY. i at AKtrr aCtcrsrs ao dealeu i -D CtONTINTJE to offer Iheir well known 'brandsof Elkctric Indian Rifle and KcirrcrcRT Rifle Powder, in kegs aud canisters ALaxWkmwiwdtfTforBlasting'and Mlnlne. eomnris- tng a full assortment of qualities and kinds required by the trade, guaranteed to give entire satiyfaction.

i The standard of their Powder, which has now enjoy ed the highest reputation for more than twenty-fire ears, will he found unsurpassed by any other manu facture or the kino tn tne woria. For sale hv the nrinerna dealersaad whin it the office of ttkedCbmpaoy. fcJ- Wall, cor Water street. New lora. a.

u. UAX.AA1, A'resiaeni. A. E. DoreiASf -j mjn-omd BOOTS AND SHOES, f2.AITERS, MISSES' 8nOES AND TnE FIN-wJI est assortment of Leather and Findincs ever brought to this market, just received by Railroad.

The entire stock, was purchased in the Hast, and is of the rr. kinds, witti Children's shoes, all size and patterns. I nave inu Gr I Notice that I have the best lot of French Calfskins ever brought to this market, which I am prepared to make up at prices which will do With all competition. Ladies and Gentlemen, who want a superior article in the Boot and Shoe line will do well to call -AT JOH N- ASCH 'S, Second Street below Main, i -i EVANSVILLE, IND. mh36 fjel HALL, DODD A CO.

8 FIRE PROOF SAFES! WTB have on hand a supply of those I PROOF SAr tS. which oiler at low tirurps. For their superior finalities, we refertoCRKSCEXT CITY BANK, O. COPELAND, Broker and Banker, J. U.

MAGUEK fc CO. and BKMENT VIELE. 11UR MKUOK Agents, ey25tf Water street, Evansville, Ind. J. PENNINGTON, HAS Just received fresh supplies oftba following White Lead, .1 Tin Foil, Hold Leaf, Fancy Soap, Blacking Brushes, Hcrub Brushes, Horse Brushes, Tanner's Brushes, Common Dusters, Parlor Dusters, Hair Brooms.

Lead, Chrome Yellow, Carpet Brushes, Paint Brushes, L'nrnine Fluid, Sar.d Paper, Paris Green, Oil, Drop Black. it I Alcnhnt. JFhitewsh Brushes, Chrome Green, Marking Brushes. octS CO-PARTNERSHIP IN THE Wholesale Dry Goods Business. THE undersigned have this day entered Into a copartnership, ander the style of French fc rauld, to carry on the Wholesale Dry Goods and Clothing Business, and, for that purpose, will be glad to see all their friends at the old stand of Johnson fc trench, Evansville, Ind.

k. septt-17 1 SYLVESTER T.JERAULD. DISSOLUTION. The cpartnerhipheretofore existing between John Burt':" aud 0. W.

Cleavland. In the Milling busi- ness, under the style of Burt is St Cleavland, was dissolved March 28th, by mutual consent. juii.a um in, -ap30 U. CLEAVLAND. DISSOLUTION.

Tue partnership jierctofore existing under the name of Bittrolff bona, was dissolved by mutual con- seut, on the2Wh of April, 157. The business will he continued by J. L. Rittrolfl and J. L.

Bittrolif, under the stvle of Bittrolff Son, who art alone authorized to use the name of thnld firm In settlement of business. arOO BITTROLFF SON S. BrrrnpLrF son, CSf. jewelry, Watches, Clocks. Sil War.

have now on hand a well ra selected stock of gold and silver Watches; fine Jewelry of all kinds and of the latest Btyles; Yankee Clocks in Bronne, Iron and Wood cases; silver Table and Tea spoons, plated ware, porte moneaa, gold silver and steel spectacles, wiucn we are prepareu io sen at the lowest eartern prices, and warrant every article to be what it is reprecaLed. The public generally are Invited to call and examine fir themselves, at tho old und. en Main street, aetwecn 1st and 2d. ap30 FAIRBANKS' SCALES. WE have on band and can supply any slr.e of those unrivaled weighing machines.

They are the only true standard for the truth of which we refer to the thousands that are using them. HORNBROOK i Oeneral Agents. Water street. Evansville. dec 13 OLD ESTABLISHED FOUNDERY MACHINE SHOP.

KRATZ HEUS AN, riNE-STBEET. Ewansville, Indiana. The proprietors of the Cllw Fonnderv are now pre pared to do all kinds of lachine nod Piuishlna work, and everything appertaining to the foundery business. Machinery of all Kinds', Blade and Repaired. We have every facility of the best machinery and workmen, and we give all work eutrusted to us, our undivided We are manufacturing BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, 2J anv povw reoulred, and ready to' promptly fill orders for this kind of machinery, warranting our work.

and satisfiel with reasrinalfle prteen. Fountlery, Finishing Shaps, are on Tine ROOM are on MAIN STREET just ahoT Second, where orders will be received. SJi2uly A RETIRED PHYSICIAN Whose sands of life have nearly run out, diacor ered while In the Eart Indies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds ami funeral debility. The remedy was discovered by i im when his only child, a daughter, was given' Bp to die. lie had bean! much of the wonderful restn.

tives and healing qualities 0f preperations made from the Kant India hemp, and the thought oocurrrd to him that he might make a remedy for his child. Ii" studied hard and succeeded in reaiizine his jiu child was cured and is now alive and well. He has since administered the wonderful thousands of sufferers in all parts of tthe world and he has never failed ta make them completely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much rood as possible, be will send to such, of his afflicted fellow Is-incs aslreauet It, the receipt with full and explicit directions for making it up, and successfally using it. He re nuires each applicant to inclose him one shillin three cents to he returned as postage on the receipt, arm me reirminoer oc appiieu 10 tne psyuicnt thisaiveniiemenr.

Aaoreas Tr. II. JAMl9. Io. 19 (irand Jersey City, N.

J. N.B. -Dr. n.Janws has neither office nor agent In New Vork.aseome have pretendei and advertised. The receipe 1 sent from no place but No 19 (irand street Jersey City, New Jersey.

jelO-mo-dw-in DR. Js J. PENNINGTON, HAVING purchased the stock of Medicines open-ed foe sale by Crawford Bell, a fw months since, desires to call the attention of the particularly of physician and coming to this city to mcLra will rrhfoms. to his assortment, which will be constant hr leoeivmg additions from the astern cities, and which will be sold on as low terms as can be afiord- edhvanv other evtaMixhment in tne west IS o. M'ashington Block Buildings.

sep-S9 I. JOHNSON, BLANK BCOE irv T. a Nr Books ruled and made order ofth. IL bent paper from a Memorandum to the largest Boole ledger. Music and Magazines bound in any yle Crescent City Ballding, Main street.

Kvansviue. Ana. apzoum ranO MINERS. LIME BURNERS. Ac.

100 kegs blasting and rifle Powder, Inst received. ana i 1 fay sale by it -KUNaTOV. mri MISCELLANEOUS? 1857; 1857 NEW. SPRING STOCK- -or DRY. J.

C. JEWELL A CO. TnE underBigned bare, and are receiver dattl' the largest arr I best assorted stock of DRY GOOD fc CAPS, BOOTS fc SHOES. fcc, ever before rrought to thu mvkcs wnaisuaT i )U CS9BTS mW- aaawt do Lawns: do do do do do da do do do do do. do do do do de Laioea; do Challies; do Ginghamst French JaconetJLawnaf Plain black Lawns, assorted Poplins; Bareges, de Beige; Blenched Muslins; Denims; assorted Cottonades; Summer Tweed; Summer Jeans Shepherd's Checks; Arcon Checks; 15 19 eo da Marseilles Coating; do Cadet Mixtures: do Spanish Linen CoaUnf Linen Drilling; Colored Cambrics; Brown Linens; -Checked Coating; Blue Drilling; Brown Sheetings; Shirting frtripus; Brown Drilling assorted Ticking: do do do do 100 bales 13 do T.JO do 7 do la do ine i nbieachM Sheetings 2i piece Carpeting; 1(1 1W lh 2S 20 do do do do do Oilcloth; Crash: Summer Caasinieres; Summer Coatiar; Colored Tabby Velvet; Black Silks: do 2S Crape Shawls,) .10 Black and Colored Shawls: fsl de Laine Shawls; 75 Cliallie Shawls; .5 Silk Scarfs; io cases Men's black and colored Wool Rata 30 do Men's Mack anl colored For Hate 10 do Boys' Mack and colored Hats; 10 do Palm Hats; 15 do leghorn JTi do Women's colored Silk Bon acts; 10 do Women's Straw Bonnets.1 J.C.JEWELL fc CO.

Corner First and Viue vansvtlle, ap27 WHOLESALE DRY GOODSH SPUING STOCK FOR FRENCH JERAULD, HITS OH HARB A COMrtlTt STOCK OR Dry Goods and Clothing! For the OLCSALE TRADE. We in vits attention to the f.iic win catalogB, whkb in part constitutes our stovk on hand: 20X1 piecas assorted do do do Lawns; tno do lOU do 50 do" Saldo 1M) do-, l.V) Ai Ginghams; le Lanes Chailies; Bars res; Ie Briprs; Apron Checks? Hickory Shirtingi; P.rown Lineus. Cottonades; Bleached Masirns; Fine Drown Plain and Plaic Cambric Colored Canibrics; -Corset Jeans; Summer earn; Tickinn; do do do 'do do do do do do do do do EiO-do do InOO 1000 mt 250 't fyxi 100 fA .20 2M (10 do do do do do do do do Irish Linens; do Blue and Brown Drills; do Blue Ieniras; do Table Diaper; do assorted Carpets; do Straw do Craahas; do Rarcine: 1 IfioO das Persian Spool Cotton; do Buckey Spool Cotton; lo Chaman 200 yard Spool Cotton? J.fc P. Coats Spool Cottoa; 1 Saspenders assorted; Cotton Hose do; -Cotton Lox; Men and Boys Black Wool Hats; do do do do do do do do do do do do 2M s) ion 60 125 25 10 IS mcu and Boy colored wool Hats; Men's assorted Cassimcre do; ass'd Palm Leal da; do Leghorn do; do Panama do; do Moleskin do; do Silk Bonnets; do Straw Bonnets 1 do 100 assorted Silk Mantillas; do Summer Shawls; S0O pieces assorted Window Paper; 2NV) do do Wall Paper, together witb lfl.OiO Notions too tedious to mention and toe cbeav to advertise. All of which will be sold uaasually low for cash or prompt paper.

Call and examine and then wy win convince yvu. ap2MAw FRENCH fc JERAULD. SPRING SUMMER DRY GQODSl SIIANKLIN at REILLY, Corner of Mala and Fi rat fatreeta. ARE now in receipt of their usual large and well! selected stocks of Spring and Summer Staple and Fancy Dry Ooods. which they offer to their custom era and the public generally, at prices that will com para with any other house In 'the city, consisting in pah of.

the following: Domestic goods or all kinds; Crapes, 1 jwus, Organdies and era res; Silk, Ite Challisand Fancy tyeas Goods; Casrlmere, Tweeds, Cottonades and Linens; Brilliants, French, English and American Printa, and Oiuchams; French, ScoU-h Kmhroidered Collars and Sleevesi; bite doods and Trimmings, Moliair, Skeleton aadi Embroiderot Skirts; Parasols. L'morellar, Bonnets, Ribbons, fcej Oal fords Moleskin Ilats, Straw, Leghorn, Willew- and Panama Hats; Oil Cloths, Wool. Cotton and Reap Carpets and. Matting; Also: 12-1 Linen Sheet in rs. 40 Inch Pillow Case- Linen 4-4 Shirtings, Linen, Bleached and Brown Damask, T.

Cloths and ivapkins ami nite ana fancy. Bordered Linen Cambric Haixlkerchiefs. These are all of nor own importation, and we will them all Linen and Grass Bleached. We respectfully invite purchasers to examine our stock. mtii M1A.1VL.I.

tl NEW AU1UVAL OF Spring nnd Stimmer Goods at 9 fSl GREAT bargains eflered in Silks, Lawns, Barera 11 soita of Irs-m OcmkIs rointllr. AIM. Sw superior assortment of KsiivoMries, Swiss and Jacco-. ret Edirings and Uaii'i, Miintiilas Shawls, S'lkfnd Kid Hoves, Misses and Children raw Ilats, IHttel and riowerm bsiww, i inio. rwipM ana uroH.

Barred Muslins. Nan took, and ItriDbiiiWvs of all dea-- criptioiis; Printe! and White IrUtj Linens. Vbjte and nrown uie iioenp, lowimn. iura In xlditton to th- Hove thrv otter tlMnr i-w aiai anrti costotners, a heavy stock of Staple Ooods. Call at their store on Mam street, near tht comer oa First, R0SER, BRO.

fc STORAGE WANTED. VBTB are prepared to store In onr Fire Proof Ware-T house any quantity of Grnin. Iroduce. or Mer- chanliEe, on the most liberal terms. Having large and airy rooms will he Uken of Household FurBgura, Agrieqlturai ImplemenU and all kindsof soodaor warea liable to-.

damage from damp or rust. 1 Insurance tftected at tae lowest nre prow rate, 07 ue month, or longer, when desired. A Warehouse located on comer of Locust street and and K. Canal, and most con venienf for Rirer or Railroad. Apply 10 aus iu lu.

PA nm HANGING WAREHOUSE. (. C. SCHMITT fc STARK, First Street, Near ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURING. Ur wish to call the attention of onr old customers and ol everybody in want of elecant and desir able Furniture to our new and very nrh Patterns af Sofas, Sociable.

Divans, Eliaabeth and Parlor and In Hair CloCi, Plush and Brocatel, which will be. ready for inspect! in in a few days. Every article in the Upholstery Line Is made under our personal iprintendence and expressly for the uiry 1 rane. 1 take our aim to sen as eneap as anv house in the ewt, and all weask Is: Rive as a call 1 before you go and r.tend your money abroad. ap27 SCHMITT fc STARK.

JOHN IIBALY, BOOKSELLER STATINER, Comer of Main and First Streets, EVANSVILLE, HAS for sale a general assortment of CITOOL-CLASSICAL, MEDICAL and MI SC ELLA" NEGUS BOOKS. BLAXK BOOKS OF ALL KlDS! Writing-, Letter and Wrappir. Tapers; Steel Quill. Ink Pencils, Envelopes, and Collate and Schoo Liliraries umlshetl at the lowest rates. ttT Country Merchaurs and Teachers are Invited ta call and evuniue the apK McCOdiMfCK'S REAPER AND MOWER.

We. acut Agents fortha sale of this reliable Machine: all who wish to la'w In the Harvest Field, should procv-re one. We have samples on band, which we, take pleasure in showing. HO KN'BROOK fc mb21 Water atreet, Evansville. C.

SODA. 10 kegs recalved amd for sale VICKKKk fc JOHNSTON. IUKW NOVEL 1 wl By Charles Lever "Glencore and bis Torttiee. jy23 DOBELL fc LISTER. VEOKTABLES- AU kinds of fresh Vegetables for sal at jj30 Z.H.

COOK fc SON'S. BOXFJ XI, ecKlej ary at Is and bait bblsi. 11. Molasses. iut rM by TICK2BY fc JVlCiSlOsN.

friends. Those wanting a goo ALLIS fc MOWBf 1.

The Evansville Daily Journal from Evansville, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.