The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1920. The Article That's Too Good to Throw Away Can Le Repaired by an Advertiser MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE ROOMS AND BOARD EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT BUSINESS SERVICE at the Stores 64 Rooms Without Board 68 LIVE STOCK MERCHANDISE 33 Business Opportunities 38 Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 Building Materials ARCH ST 33--2 nice connecting front 51 Jewelry and Watches 60 Specials -Men 33 Help Wanted--Men STORE for sale. 592 Liberty HARNESS -Several seta of double barness, STRUCTURAL STEEL (secondhand), low WATCHES, rental gives diamonds you low and prices jewelry; J.

Chase. my and TOOLS--New machinists' and tools. secondnand Dean, 40 Dwight carpenters' St. rooms sultable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. InFARM and WINDOW CLEANING; good wages.

Bright- GROCERY and heavy and single express styles, pipes, machinery and belting. William In quire J. Clark. Help Wanted toainster HAND. Ilenry inust be Ashley, good East milker woad Window Cleaning 87 Sargeant, corner of Armory.

for light sale at extremely low prices; special Dashevsky, 125-127 Ferry St, Tel River Jeweler, 562 Main St TRICOTINE, blue and all brown, wool, 1 54 to Inches 2-yard wide, lengths AUBURN ST 59-Rooms by day or wook, meadow. 53 8. WOODSMEN Vermont, good WASPS. MERCHANDISE entire stocks taken for cash; prices on horse collars that Section. have Main work guaranteed, Deane's 40 Dwight St.

at $1,50 and $2 per yard. 627 Main St. private family, all bought and sold, store been 3752-W. WATCHES cleaned $1, main springs all navy conveniences. River Hire at 80 Main fares advanced by right.

Call H. Kramer. taken in exchange. Harness Farm and Dairy Products 55 a diamond VACUUM WASHER, made of heavy zinc. 7342-X.

and FISH CLERK. steady every Stockbridge Friday. St. Acher- company. our prices are Floor, Rear, Forbes Wallace WILL SELL or exchange for "Make BELMONT AVE- tarnished rooins with mernorn Fish 15 24 Main St.

River 5126. and 1400; BEES--For sale, 10 good hives of bees. ring 8 platinum pendant which has 54 with a smoothly finished handle; third -class TOUNG MAN wanted tor reportorial work, variety store, HORSE- Weight between 1300 Inquire River 2076-R. SmAll diamonds. Rox 373, Union Office.

Monday 90 easy day." Carlisle Hard- private bath. Tel. R. 7488. FIREMAN wantel, man experience on d.

c. must have some experience. Telegram OLD STAND 7 years old. 4 Boulevard Mittineague. ware 326 Main St.

BAY ST 30--2 pleasant roomie, rentlemen with motors engineer's and license electric with wiring: day work, Publishing Holyoke. Masa, pool room cigar stand. Golon, 1054 Main HORSES--The Ira Johnson Horse Fuel and Feed 56 WILL HOLD until Xmas for you VACUUM CLEANER--The Western Elec- preferred. Walnut 666-M. 51 hours per week.

Inquire Supt. Spring- YOUNG MAN desiring good position 89 ROOMING HOUSE of 11 rooms, long lease to heavy draft and matched pairs a 372. ape or cial $36 watches you may select at present tric, with motor-driven brush, picks up BEAUTIFUL furnished room, private diamond rings or any jewelry Mold Rendering Bright wood. clerk and bookkeeper, excellent 136. oppor- to run, located on $1400: High terms handy can be clalty.

14-16 Emery River $12. CHESTNUT Tel. W. wood, 2639. $13 per cord; dab wood, low prices; partial payments go if desired: everything: complete set of tools, which ily, steam-beated apartment; central.

Box FIREMEN with Arst class licenses, Apply tunity for advancement. P. 0. Box down arranged. town: Horace price D.

Peck, Room 521, HORSE, bay, 1000 sound, $40; chest- 1150 DRY PINE KINDLER-Order open evenings. National Jewelry adapts it to every $10 down; imaginable ask for use: dem- easy 318, Union Office. Labor American Bosch Magneto YOUNG man to work evenings and Sat- Third National Bank. R. 5440.

nut, 1000 sound, 9. $35; gray. concord while your winter can Main St. payments: only Murphy-Warren Electric BRADFORD ST 19-Rooms reserved for Brightwond. urdaya.

Apply Senter's Drugstore, cor. HOUSES -Central. various lbs. good worker, age $65; top, $30; supply given: now the kindler prompt will please attention you. F.

138 onstration. State St. River 8345. exposition visitors. FRY COOK, Franklin Restaurant, 18 Sul- Dickinson St.

and Oakland St. sizes, ROOMING investigate, Browning, 185 State St. buggy, $30; rubber tire Call 28 buggie Fremont St. be M. West N.

E. Box 225 Liberty Machinery, Electrical and Tools 61 BRIGHTWOOD, 79 No. Main 8t--Furfolk Ilolyoke. YOUNG MAN wanted, experience not nec- River 4127-M. 3 single harnesses.

horse St. Tel. River 2586. AUTOMATIC COW WATERING BOWLS Wearmg Apparel 65 nished room. lady preferred.

First bell GROCERY CLERK, experienced, for work essary, $10 per week, room new and school. cash for your store? HORSE--Our farm and exceptional good WOOD wood, sawed and delivered, -(Individual): we have a large stock COAT-1 man's fur coat, size 38 or 40. 1 right. board, business inside. 92 Eastern Are.

East Longmeadow, next to the DO Write YOU WANT Carter, epot 61 Somerset Spring- Prince, color place bay, An from A buggy to $18 per cord; mixed wood. $16. Labrie, on hand that we ordered a year ago. Ba- coat, size 40, $10. 42 Mattoon St.

BYERS ST 54-Pleasent farnished room. A HIGH SCHOOL BOTS OVEr 18 years to YOUNG MAN for stockroom and store, shipping age deld. Masa. plow. worker, weight Any nearly 1200 age 8 430 Still St River 1886-W.

con-Taplin 69- Hillman St. SeA army Searlo. Phone River 1563-J. usher evenings. Garden Theater.

work in automobile chance for accessory advancement; BEST PRICES paid for stores of every years; will sacrifice for low price as we WOOD Cord and kindling wood. G. AVERY TRACTOR and plow. Box 402, COAT--Girl's dark brown corduroy, size CAREW ST 16-Furnished room, 1 miaHOTEL kinds, also restaurant 18 apply to in 21; writing Rood Hox 323, Union Office. description, general mdso.

and nxtures. have no further use for him; also steel- har- Stone, 127 Montrovia, East Springfield. Union Office. 14, good condition, too small for owner. ute from Main St.

and lunchroom help. chefs, cooks, second over 16 to act as card boy J. B. Finn, 94 Main St. Wal.

820. tired Concord burry, 2 nearly new reason- WOOD--Soft and bard. Chicopee Wood BROWN SHARPE, 6 turret lather, 20- R. CENTRAL--Modern. attractive Foom, pricooks, short-order cooks, porters.

Inter- dish- and YOUNG ussistant MAN In picture booth, good IF YOUR BUSINESS I for sAle list It nesses, robes. blanketa, caretaker no on pri- Yard. successor to R. C. Bartholomew, inch, 10 Perkins bench grinders, 1 hand CRAVENST coat, lining needs repairing, vate family.

River $276-M. national washers, waiters Employment and Offire, countermen. 80 Main St. chance to learn motion picture operat- with B. A.

Moban, 25 Harrison he able vate offer estate. refused; 143 Maple see St. for further now at 311 Center Chicopee. Tel. 756.

miller, bench 1 lathe, 14-inch Pratt Hampden Whitney lathe, 238 green bolivia cloth, must be re- CENTRAL--Front room, sultable for 1 or Ing. P'oll's Palace Theater. Apply to rets results. particulars; dally except Sunday. Good to Eat 57 1 Dwight St.

Phone Walnut 1353, lined, blue coat, all full length. 2. Write Box 421, Union Office. HOUSEMAN wanted. Apply manager or Mr.

Biilings. $3000 buys one of the most attractive HORSES-1 pr. of horses, 6 and 7 yrs. old, Things 6-horse- Box 140, Union Office. CENTRA Room suitable for bualness Hotel Nonotuck, Holyoke, Mass.

YOUNG MAN--We have A job for a ventures to be found in River 1473-J. APPLES -Nice eating and cooking apples, ELECTRIC MOTOR and 1487 or starter, River 7938. FUR COAT. ladies, good condition. Cali women, home privileges.

Boy 41T. Union KITCHEN man Wilbraham wanted. Academy. Apply Tel. 24-2.

strong. active young in man growing Massachusetts: I have a this very ad good and be HORSE6-We have just arrived with $1.50 per bushel; tine potatoes, $1.60 a River 3823-M. Office. to louse- who wishes power. Phone River mother.

to earn promotion 8 son for selling; answer 6 heavy bushel. Box 963, Union Offce. Also ELECTRIC MOTOR-Brand new, 25-h. LADY'S velour suit, 36-38: bat, coat; LABORERS--Several P'olish men men wanted at preferred; once And 11085; A the willingness job to requires take muscular responsibility. work altion; convinced $2000 that cash this 19 required; a sound notes propo- may carload matched of pairs fresh ranging country in horges, weight from sweet GRAPES cider.

-For sale. Inquire Mra. M. E. Gen, cycles, Elec.

3-phase, 40, 1200 r. complete p. with 560-volt. 60 other articles. R.

17, gents, CENTRAL--Modern private family, front River room. 8034. 1 or for yard work: Em- The E. A. 55 Fillman St.

be arranged for balance. Bor 365, Union 2600 to 3100 pounds, suitable for the woods. R. gator, pully and base, price $600. Holyoke LADY'S BLACK SUIT, whipcord, dze good steady year-round job, Apply also several heavy single horses; second- Saunders, Mill Feeding Hills.

Bar Holyoke, Mass, $15. Box 305, Union Office, COURT SQUARE Chambers, next to Anployment Wason Mfg. Co. YOUNG NAN -For general 14 office Fort work. Office, hand horges taken in exchange; if in need 2411-W.

will get LADY'S SUIT, dark brown silvertone, size ditorium, 2 desirable rooms, suitable for LINOTYPE OPERATOR. permanent it Apply Springfeld Circulation Union. WHOLE OR PART of business on for profits. sale, ot horsen, visit our stable, it will be SWEET CIDER and apples, bring your fresh ELECTRIC water direct AUTOMATIC from well PUMPS by opening 36, worn only few cost $39.50. sell 2 persons each.

R. 8861. competent. Apply Union YOUNG MAN, 18 to 21. to learn plumbing at 2000 least per $1000 cent.

cash. profits can ba made, no worth your time; small Sale proft, Stable, quick 38 Rail- sale, Jugs and baskets to Kibbe Hamp- faucet; let us demonstrate, Bacon- for $25. Call R. 1999-W for appointment. DRESDEN ST 14-Large pleasant rood on Com- balance posing Room.

supply business, good chance competition for 16 yeara: this can bo our motto. Massasoit den, Maas. Tel. 5-4. Taplin 59 Hillman St.

MEN'S SUITS at half price: we have on second door, gas, electricity, steam. River LUNCH MAN and dishwanher, no Sunday for And steam advancement, Crane 21 Water guaranteed: CAURA of selling will be giv- road Row, Springfield. Household Goods 59 ELECTRIC MOTOR-6 horsepower, 1p hand large stock o' misft and college 8230. work. Dillon's, Stourna both experi- St.

Apply to Mr. Areding. N. Box 139, Union Office. IF horses, YOU harness, WANT to wagons, buy, sleighs, call and good condition.

Unceda Tire Exchange, clothes: all One quality, stores why are pay asking DIVIGHT ST 181-Nicely furnished bedPark. sell or exchange the enced MACHINE and Inexperienced. GreenGold Tap YOUNG MAN- Over 16 to learn music INSTALMENT CONCERN (inc.) desires splen- V. M. Frost, Mulberry St.

Stables, (est backs, hair upholstered. R. 4739-M. 163 Dwight St. when exorbitant you can come to us and get one room, modern.

OPERATORS, ARMCHAIRS (5 oak), leather seats prices other Lie Greenneld, Mass. business. Apply Steinert, 424 Main St. active party with capital this 19 a good Springfield, 8163: auction every Tues- BABY CARRIAGE for sale, good condi- GASOLENE ENGINES--Large stock of equally as good and save 40 to 7 ELMDALE ST 41-In West Spriordeld, MANAGER-014 established Boston 14 YOUNG MAN to take charze of did opportunity For for' Interview 'one' write seeking Box 443, day at 1.30 p. consignments received.

tion. O'Connor, 1369 North St, new machines (all sizes secondhand and makes); ones we in Sain Winniman 142 Bridge EL (just pleasant room to desirous of connecting with neat appear- room, one who has 5 and 10-cent atore Unlon business. Ofice. MULES-1 pair, will work single or dou- BABY CARRIAGE. Wakefeld, good also Rood have condition.

Revoral Bacon-Taplin 59 HIll- few steps from Main. toward Water St.) EUCLID AVE 61-Furnished room, ladies Ang man who sales, ability to experience preferred. Apply 3. S. Kresge hie, one a good driving mule, D.

W. new 38 Brunswick. R. 1083-R. man EL RAINCOATS FREE--We need secretaries preferred.

Call River 2491-11. local office: must willing 336 alain st. collector, Investments, Stocks, Bonds 39 Maynard, Littleville, Mass. BABY CARRIAGE- -White willow. full Russell Sons everywhere to form clubs of 10, your coat FOREST PARK--Pleasant furnished to look after demonstrate ability, Apply Room 102, YOUNG MAN- Wanted, as one Durocs, some ex- MACHINERY--John W.

free, made to measure, exclueively H. for O. TOO gentlemen preferred; pall oven1 318 Main St. living at home and one Apply who can Circulation ACCOUNTS AND RENTS collocted on cellont tried sows and open gilts, some size, ready for only shipment A anywhere at the Bay Taylor gears St. of Tel.

all River kinds 1838. men or women: write for outfit. W. 2485-J. used few times, crated and made to order, 47 MAN to care for Ares and du general nish bond 14 Fort preferred.

Springfold Union. commission: can place your at 8 per money cent. on choice young boars. and 14 Quertin, Walnut State Storage. Write to Mrs.

Alice John- MILL SUPPLIES- Wyckof Lloyd 5 Elm Springfold, Mass. her fur GIRARD AVE 114-Room with private work about house. Apply matron, with experience See Eisold, frat 21-23 mortgages Dwight. Tel. River Stony River Wilbraham, 1002.

son. Gen. Pittsfield, Mass. 19-21 Worthington St Tel. River 106.

AIRS. C. F. TUBBS has opened State St. bath for two.

Apply evenings. Tayson Williston Seminary, East- work YOUNG in MAN drug store, J. ROMA W. O'Connell, cor. of the gov- City, Phone while they BED8-2 white enameled, with springs; cows by parlore In Court Square HARRISON AVE front room hampton, Mass, State and Walnutt Str.

AN EXECUTIVE department device at gov- PIGS--Fine littie ones; come Walnut 373-W. good condition, 1108 State St. Phone River MOTO-MILKERS-Milk demonstration your free. Bacon- entrance. suitable for two men.

Bell 2. MAN wanted to drive Ford delivery Market, truck; $13- MAN to help in electrical draft- ernment ernment is expense now which has wide feld last; take your choice. E. 3865-J. Taplin 59 Hiliman St.

Wanted -To Buy 66 lIGH ST 149--2 rooms, 1 large and 1 testing a electricity; apply at once. Winchester Ing room, also work on records. Box 930, In dally use; an exceptional opportunity SHEEP--Some good Mass. yearlings. CADILLAC electric vacuum cleaners, POWER LAWN MOWERS--The prices on clocks, mirrors.

small. modern conveniences, Baker. YOUNG $15 for night work in Union Office. la afforded for Investment with small risk; Maynard, Littleville, shed. electric washing machines, hand these machines will advance before next shawls; ANTIQUE highest prices paid.

DrisState St, furniture, HIGH ST-Front room, suitable for one MAN -Middle-aged, be an all around man. White YOUNG MAN to work shipping dept. both small and large Investors should remark- in- STARLE ROOM for 14 horses, some vac cleaners, dirt cheap; distributors of spring: buy now. Bacon-Taplin 59 coll. 204 Plainfield St.

River 1195. person, steam heat, electricity. Tel. River Star Garage. 454 Worthington St.

Crane 21 Water St. Apply to Mr. vestigate. ag the opportunity men 18 of national Phone River 2677. wagon, motor-driven brush 33 Bessee sweeper Place.

vac. W. 1972. Hiliman St. ANTIQUES.

bric-a-brac, curios. our prices 5951-R. rage; must Treadhardener. Breding. able: references Box 390.

given Union of Office. 1 TWO-HORSE wagon, Springfield. spring Tel. well Elec. PORTABLE WOOD SAWING OUTFITS are right.

stoves. rugs, etc. New England HILL SECTION--Furnished room, 1 or MAN with some experience as with tire bust- reputation, F. C. Rising, West CHILD'S CRIB, New Englander, couch -largest stock in New England, Bacon- Furniture 683-585 Main St.

Wal. ladies, privileges; references. Walnut Greendeld Tap ness for retail tire store In Holyoke. DON'T indorsed or by tho United R. 6613-W.

bed, 1 office 6 chair, Geraldine 5-place Court, light 8d floor. Taplin 59 Illiman St. 1514. Largest used furniture store 1p 1692-R. Die Greenfield, YOUNO nAn acquainted anore invest- oak livMAN TO MAKE big money in full or spare Worthington Commercial Springfield.

States government will yield or see and Mr. 11p, Poultry and Supplies COAL RANGE, Magee: good as new. 28 cut woodlot. Inquire Fred Lenvleux, 4.3 -Highest prices paid, rugs, room3. HOWARD Inquire Main St.

Maas. Tire Rubber Co. 206 ed with men 49 Ingroom set, SAW MILL wanted, party with portable to Western Mass, ST 14--2 nicely furnished by selling anywhere German Marks with absolutely zafety. Main Write St. Tel.

Wal- ANCONAS and leghorn co*ckerels. 81 Sheldon St. Front Holyoke, Tel. Holyoke 2930-W. etc.

Hampden Furniture 615 or City Bonds on our instalment plan; Y. M. EMP. DEPT. Bowen, Suite 62, Saratoga Chicopee.

COAT, RANGE Glenwood, in very Tel. Walnut 1266. HOMER ST 12-Nicely furnished room engineer, stoves, best investment Just now, no experience 9 houseman, $50 nut 467, -See our exhibit in the Tel. River 98. Musical Instruments 62 Main St.

quantity suitable for two. River 3271-J. needed. Call Room or 615. write for Court appoint- Square steamfitter; sheet cxp.

metalman; meat y. cutter, m. $25- GOOD SECOND mortgage, Box $1200, $53. to BABY Machinery Building at the Exposition: condition. of 6-room APPLES On tree, state 419, kind, Union Office.

JEFFERSON AVE 21-Large, pleasant Bldg. from 8 to 10 atock clerk, $25; shoe store: janitor, vield if sold at once. chicks on exhibition for sale. The Kerr COMPLETE FURNISHINGS ACCORDEONS, barmonicas, Honner's and where located, Box room, suitable for 1 or 2. R.

1502-W. ment. $35; 18-50 in Union Office. Springfeld. Phone River including cabinet Victor victrola.

76 ukeleles, violins, banjos. etc. National BOOK-To purchase Rook of Knowledge, Branch managers for West- at at $25; painter boy on over toys, 16 in SECOND MORTGAGES for gale, liberal 1680. Chickeries, Byers St. Mrs.

J. Handy. Jewelry 16214 Main St. International Encyclopedia (last edition). Tel.

MARBLE River ST 66-Two furnished rooms. feld, MANAGERS- Pittsdeld, Chicopee, y. stenographer, ton. Brattleboro, Burlingtod. branch bank: bookkneper with banking exp.

discount. John F. Tehan. Phone River 4292. DUCKS mammota pekin, drakes, COUCI.

beautiful solid leather, private CORNETS. TRUMPETS, trombones, altos, and any sets. up-to-date H. R. Huntting Room MAIN ST 85-Furnished rooms: call be311 Stearns reference books or must be experienced EXPERIENCED rallroad agents and tele- 293 Bridge St.

bred from prize winning stock. Inquire family good condition, cheap. Box 820, baritones, basses, saxophones: easy terma; standard Springfeld, Mass. Tel. tween 9 a.

m. and 1 p. and between ers. W. H.

Walker. 35 Harrison Ave. operators; minimum rate 580 per STOCK for sale, miscellaneous Eastern Box 967. Union Office. Union Office.

repairing. John R. 706, 3110. 5.30 p. nt.

and 9 mana Heald 275 Main. Myrick graph States Exposition stock, 2 shares $50. Leghorna, Barred and for Tel. River COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and records, p. MEAT CUTTER wanted.

Apply at 681 pour. 8-bour N. day. H. Apply H.

R. E. E. Regan, New Box 412, linion Offce. White HENS-10 co*ckerels.

Brown 409 Union Test COTCH, green velvet, sale. September record now on sale, repairing BOOKS--Full value paid for small or MAIN ST 674-Rooms by day Main or St. week and Main St. N. Walnut 1372-M.

3271-R. on all makes of phonographs, open late collection of books; calls made light housekeeping. 674 MEAT CUTTER wanted. refrrences. Ap- Haven.

Conn. ail around country printer, Money to Loan 40 for sale (2), 11x9 And 9x7, CRIB River and 6699-W. mattress, 12 good condition. evenings. 719 North St.

Tel. Wal. 1181. prompt. Call.

Walnut, or Box 680. MASS AVE 5-Front room, steam, electric- Tel. Springfeld. Union ply Moran'e Market. 111 Main St, Chic- OCTOBER 1, work, Bellows Falls for let and id mortgages and con- MEN HOUSES for small auto.

30 Clark. MASON HAMLIN upright grand piano Office. ity, use of phone, private family. opee Falls. Tel.

Chicopee 113. no Times, Job Bellows Falls, linotyne. MONEY struction loans: 3d mortgages bought for or could be used things DEAK, 1 new office desk, single bed, machine, gas that cost recent mayor of Northampton CAMERA--No. 1 autographic kodak, Office. spe- 1394-R12.

MEN-3 bench men for cabinet shop. AI11- cash. IL. B. Robinson.

95 Harrison Ave. POULTRY--One of the eat peculiar 'em before heater, chaira, gas commode. plate, Mrs. Hewing J. Donovan, $800.00.

only $250.00. Essex. Gibbs Piano cial lens 6-3. Box 213, Union MAPLE ST -Furnished rooms, singie and 10P Hubbard Northampton. Help--Men or Women 34 EMPLOTES 0D their honor: about chickens Is you can are dead; St.

71 Main, cor. CANOES for cash; must be good condi- double. R. 2295. Tel.

430. IT, for LOANS TO no publicity. no Indorsera, they are grown and after fresh they eggs. baby No. Main NEW PLAYER pianos of high grade, tion; state price.

Box 358, Indian Orchard. MAPLE ST 182-Small room to rent. MEN to work in lunchroom. Apply CLERKS (men, women) over examina- Dos- no security. for information.

patronage of we have 'em all ways; hens; don't take DINING TABLE for sale, chairs, mission $425, fully warranted. Gibbs Piano CASH paid for pianos, players and all Phone River 1961-M. Main St. tal tions mall September, October: experience ladies asked; this company operates under chicks, word for It but come and see for set, rockers, fourth sideboard, door, left. stretchers, 71 Main, Cor.

Essex. musical Instruments for our rental dept. MODERN 14-room 2-family, Rochelle service, $135 month; no charge pulleta, laying etc. MEN-530 wanted for tobacco Melds, good unnecessary. For free particulars write 8 State license.

The New Method Loan our vourself. New England Poultry Supply 1086 State NEW PIANOS right from the factory, Gibbs Piano 71 Main cor. Easex. $9000; also 1 and 2-family houses with also J. Leonard (former civil service 318 Main Room 305.

38 Taylor St. River 7022. P. S. Rab- buffet.

DINING Tel. River -Oak 98. Anish, table, chairs, bargained for before high prices. beauti- River 6451-W. extra big lots at bargain prices.

W. O. we wages, ablp board erery and day, room; apply at once. Inter- Iner), 466 Equitable Washington, bonda or other secu- bita for pets or breeding at before-the- ful uprights, $275, regular price $450. CLOTHING Take your secondhand Root, 25 Harrison Ave.

River 7336-M. national Employment Office, 80 Main St. v. C. rity: I give terms and easy payments.

war prices. DINING SET. library table, sectional Gibbs Piano 71 Main, cor. Essex; days clothes where you get the fairest prices. MYRTLE TERRACE front MONEY LOAN--Buy MEN for mill work: no experi- DANCING PARTNER.

ODe who specializes Ellison. 36 Cumberland after 7 m. REEFER'S MORE EGG tonio and other bookcase, beds, tables, couches, small evenings. S. A.

Main St. River 4041-M. room, reasonable, gentleman only. Phone once noceesary. Sprnigdeld Waste in eccentric dancing.

Box 441, Colon good second mort- poultry remedies for sale by G. W. Good- TUgS and other household goods. 42 POTATO slicer and peeler. Horne, 83 Main CLOTHES I buy and sell old clothes and R.

4569-W or R. 3609. office. PLENTY of money construction loans. rich, exclusive agent, 141 White 8t Essex St.

Chicopee Falls. shoes; best prices for anything you wish NO MAIN ST 805--6 good clean rooms for able-bodied men for truck- or gentleman 1A- gages, 374 Main St. Phone COMB BLACK MINORCAS-My DININGROOM set, oak table, long side- PHONOGRAPII, new, $125; cabinet tnod- to dispose of. Call or write Sam Winni- suitable for each, by day during OXabort-time and ing. MEN--Wanted.

Powers Paper Brightwond, Mats ratliar OPPORTUNITY with the for lady oleomargarin retail trade River T. 8833. Wheeler, SINGLE complete dock of blue ribbon winners, board, chairs, upholstered in blue, no el, $90; also other larre beautiful models man, 143 Bridge St. Walnut 2678. position.

MEN of neat appearance to put to call on merchants in Springfeld and dollars to loan on 2d superior layers of extra largo white dealera, 27 Ellington Longmeadoy. at cut prices: free trial at horne: CONCORD CARRIAGE, In good condition. OAK ST 17-Furnished room, single and nut our line of useful household goods, Worcester territory: must ba experienced A FEW Horace D. Peck Room eggs; also Cyphers adaptable hovers. Tel.

R. 8166. rave you money and cuarantee Henry Chapin, Somers. Conn. double.

wanted thousand proposition for men of soli- and not afraid of work; liberal salary 621. Third Natl. Bank Bldg. River 6440. coal brooders, bone cutter, away prices.

all ELECTRIC PORTARLE sowing machine, faction or no Fairfeld sale, Music easy terms 35 and Main ex- St. DIAMONDS Highest cash prices paid for OAK ST. 23-Front room In apartment. F. Adams 216 to start.

Address P. O. Box 1171. guaranteed 0. 488, at Northampton.

White or Rotary or ask Vibrator; for monthly demonstration. pay- changes. $200 pho- diamonds, old gold and Jewelry. Freder- electricity, convenient to bath. give ing ington ability.

St. C. MEN and women speaking foreign Jan- Tel. Phone ments cash; Harrison PHONOGRAPH-WIII swap my ick. Jeweler, Ma'n.

next to Ilarrington. R. 8023-J. MEN. 25 neat men for excellent selling guare, to ACt as agenta, commissions and INSTRUCTION MERCHANDISE Ave.

White Sewing Machine nograph for 6451-W. secondhand upright piano. Worthy Hotel. OFF FT PLEASANT AVE--Neat, furnish31 330 Worthing- salary. Call Room 48.

324 Stain 8t. Call River DIAMONDS- We specialize in buying and ed room, private lavatory, use of positions, Ft. Wal. The 3688. MEN AND WOMEN register at the Conn.

Local Instruction Classes 43 51 ELECTRIC IRONS, electrio washing Re- PHONOGRAPH records wanted, selling diamonds; wO have continuous phone. reasonable. W. 1886-R. Taylor ton Job Valley Trea Employment Bureau, 11 AUTOMOBILE BOOKLET sent on Articles for Sale chines, large display, The Electrical quantity.

Box 429. Union Office. calls for them and pay the bighert cash MEN WANTED--It you are out of A Court House Place. nod evening. Instruction on CANS--Sheet steel ash cans, $1.25 frigeration and Appliance Wal.

Masonic A cabinet, lat- prices. M. J. Kittredge, 422 Main 8t. OFF refined DICKINSON neighborhood: ST--A modern Wal.

room 1145-M, in or desire change, to us, will quest. day Packards. Laporte Auto School. ASTI La Hough, 384 Armory St, cor, State Main Sts. 825.

est model to exchange for secondhand $4. place you; plumbers, painters. carpenters, Agents 35 Twin 94-98 Broadway. Springfeld. delivered.

1457-W. FULL, SIZE enamel bed springs and mat- upright plano. Call River 6451-R. PAy the highest cash ON THE HILL--King 211, furnished store helpers, office belpere: leave Interna- your late River $1.25 tress, River 4949, evenings. sale.

Phone evenings, price for secondhand furniture. Mittle- room. River 1832-M. name with us for any position. Stain 8t AGENTS--Our washing wafer, rust re- AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION on ASH CANS-Sheet steel ash cans, Eastern FURNITURE Piano moving business, all PIANO, 238-R.

upright, for man Furniture, 126 Bain. Tel. W. 179. ON THE HILL-2 furnished rooms In tional Employment Office, 80 mover and specialties are making money model cars: lessons given individually, li- delivered.

Edw. J. Pheian, 162 equipped, $850, $150 terms. W. 3547.

Walnut FURNITURE in sets of IN parte: we will private family, 30 Montrose St. MEN wanted at once to work in pantry. For Mig. othere. Call or 216 Worthington day CANTO or guaranteed: evening: large special course $10.

Call Ave. River 1697. FURNITURE from 4 rooms, complete. Call PIANO -I 338, desire to Union Office. best care call for rugs, suites of furniture.

pic- ORANGE ST 84-Nicely furnished room to write Lincoln Ray repair shop; Highland Hotel, Mans. for particulars. Springfield Auto School, BARREL and now oak kega for wine, 689 Main At. River 7382-M. sured.

Box tures or an entirely furnished home and rent. River 7522-11. to harvest tonacco: rood 25 Harrison Room 104, 2d floor. etc. Edw.

J. P'helan, 162 Eastern Ave. at full line of good second- PIANO--Ludwig upright, beautiful new. Gibbs case buy them outright: we pay 4189 cash you for can all OSWEGO ST 28-Pleasant room to lot. hirs.

MEN A. C. (10) King. State Line, Suftield. Wanted- 36 River 1697.

FURNITURE--A and fine tone, $200, good 88 articles; by phoning River METAL roofers, good WORKERS, pay and 3, 2 stoady tar and work, 8. gravel F. AMERICAN commercial GIRL-16, course. one -Women desires year office high taught Cadillac AUTOMOBILE in CArs, our big Dew repairing garage clage nOw on and -cylinder driving writer DESKS-2 desk. 1011 top Springfield desk, 1 Offce roll top Supply type- hand B'wood Fur.

furniture; 279 WA also Main buy reasonable R. furniture. 2611. it PIANO, Piano upright, i1 Main, or cor. phonograph Essex.

wanted, Union rest date Kimball, at ease attention 574 88 Main 18 far St. as concerned. price and Wilson Imme- J. PARK J. gentlemen.

ST Walsh. Tel. modern, 93-Pleasant Walnut central. room. for Seager.

1 or 1 Situations 2461-W. M. work where there is opportunity to learn ropalrinen and drivers are in de- KINDLER- -We All orders for taken at once; buyer has privlege to rent Office. FURNITURE- We buy and sell second- PEARL ST 270-Nice large room to man 139 Dwight St. school 71-73 Worthington St.

FURNITURE of 6 rooms. any condition, cash. Box 372. NIGHT WATCHMAN with 11- and advance. Box 406.

Union Office. mand; position and license. Smith's Auto DRY PINE kindler that will please you; place house if desired, nice location on tho HIll. PIANOS TUNED regulated; all kinds hand furniture. For satisfactory sale and wife or two business women.

conse. Apply 1'. M. West CLERICAL WORK, experienced, can aleo School, 621 order early and avoid delay when Box 380, Union Office, or repaira made and new parts installed, of your houschold goods you will do well man. N.

E. State St. dry Box 225 Liberty ft. operato typewriter, Miss Demme, 510 CHAUFFEURS-A license geta you a job you your need the wood, F. M.

West N. FURNITURE- -There is DO question about Ivories reglued polished. F. A. Clapp, to phone River 6169-R or write Tenn Fur- PINE ST CT 20-Rooms to rent.

Tel OFFICE BOY wanted. Apply at U'nion Armory St. at 74 Pynchon $9 for laws driving F. B. 325 Liberty St.

Tel. River 3586. us paying the highest cash prices for with N. W. Brown, 28 Vernon St.

Tel. niture Main St. Walnut 2669-W. office. HOUSEKEEPER A reined American song, repairing and road FURNITURE-Our line is more complete secondhand furniture, people furniture crowd which our River 7498.

FURNITURE and all household goods In PLYMOUTH ST 83-Centrally located, PAINTER wanted. Ralph Halsbeck, Suf- widow would like position in home of re- ENGINEERS AND license: open days, Instruc- today than at any previous time, A8 WE to we atore dally and selling dispose of at the most rea- PIANOS and phonographs, famous cash or Stultz easy exchange for Reliable new or Furniture we will pay 593 you Main cash pleasant furnished room, hented. Avery, Conn. South Main St. spectable elderly man.

Box 389, Union tions to obtain Engineering School, 41 Sharon are continually buying. It will la be need buy prices; Just at present time our terms. Agent world's for the choice plano). C. C.

St. for it. Phone Walnut 2120. QUINCY ST-2-family, gas and bath, Ant PAINTERS, 10. wanted at once.

F. J. Office. Ings. Spfd.

your advantage to atop in when price. Penn stock sonable is more complete than It has ever Bauer (A New location 78 Broadway. Tel. condition, price very low. Ira E.

Featon, 317 Main St. LADY with attractive personality with Music and Dancing Teachers 41 of P'urn. furniture 6291 at Main reasonable St. been with all kinds of chairs, rockers, R. Clapp.

1077 or R. 4335.0 fore FURNITURE disposing -Why of your not try furniture. Kimball Kim- be- 293 Bridge St. River 4292. FEEDER -Cylinder, ateady Work.

auto wishes position as companion. Tel. ice boxes And in fact most Murphy PRESS BEN PORERESKY-Violinist and leader -Butcher's, sectional ice box. stoves, your next trip PIANOS, uprights $50 up, best makes of ball Furniture 47 Main St. W.

2178. SARATOGA ST 51-Large front room, Apply to Sir. Lathrop, 28 Fort St. River 4444. Hotel Bridgway Orchestra; w111 accept ICE BOX feet.

Ice caracty 3000 Iba. Tel. everything imaginable; on to drop in. ever renowned uprights, lowest prices, kuar- FURNITURE-Household and office fur- private family, gentleman, Bell 2. wanted at once.

A Apply NURSING or work in a doc- limited number of students for the com- 40, 6x9x10 Thompsonville, Conn. If uptown don't make 1t buy a you point are always wel- anteed, easy terms and exchanges. Pair- niture antiques and feather beds, pictures. SARGEANT ST 79-One large front room M. J.

ROOFERS, Brunton, 773 Liberty St, tor's office, by first aid nurse. references Inquire at Hotel Bridgway, you helpers Ing season. -CREAM machino for motor. cone. your service, Mittleman Fur- feld Music 35 Main St.

if you have any old furniture stored suitable for two, SALESMAN wanted fo rour children's furnished. Apply Box 401, Union Office. 12.80 to 2 and 6.80 to 8.80. and all attachments, in niture 126 Main St PIANOS Piano Co. bargains: Dun- away We can guarantee you a satisfac- SEVENTH ST 39-Nicely furnished rooms, department.

It. 423. PASTRY COOK, experienced, open for en- studio, private lessona condition. Morris Ice-Cream Parlor, Pal- Consisting of dresser, ham Co. upright mahogany case, $150; tory price.

Clinton Furn. 103 Main suitable for 1 or 2. tubs jewelry line, gagement. Box 355, Union Office. any time; pupils learn In few lessons.

mer, Mass. chiffonters, FURNITURE mahogany or oak, rugs 9x12, Milton upright, fine mahogany tone, $165; case, Winter $185: St. R. 1717, cor. Greenwood.

SEVENTII ST 52-'The Columbia," far taking full charge, trim win- WANTED--TwO or. three small family Memorial Bldg. State St. River 7585. OUTFITS at $1.25 and tables, beds, new mattresses, Werner upright, FURNITURE -Your entire household fur- nished rooms, heat, with bot SALESMAN--Experienced in capable in hug- Eastern Ave.

SHOE TAPPING diningroom set, Stick- Co. upright, mahogany case, slightly dows, willing to give interest washings. 130 DANCING -Learn the new dances quickly tap your own shoes: soles and white cotton, leather: also used, $200; small Chickering upright, fine nishings, pets or Individual pieces, and alad wAter. River 7235-R. iness to right party.

Apply, giving par- YOUNG LADY wishes position of all by private lessons. Densmore Studio. The heels en sale also. Samuel Katz. former- ley fumed oak, genuine mahogany to begin with, $75; Naylor One office furniture: we buy outright pay STATE ST 663-Clean, well furnished ticulars, to Box 414, Union Office.

kinds of embroidery work; European drat- Worthy. For appointment, Tel. R. 7876-R. ly the Springfeld Leather 214 Main.

two other sets including with one 25 rocords, tone, full size, $100: easy payments taken. you cash: it is to your England advantage Furniture to con- room, steam heated, apartment, SALESMAN -We have an exceptional clasa experience. Address A. Railis, 173 ETHEL M. TOOMEY, pianoforte.

Author- SHEET STEEL CANS for ashes, waste and 100 Columbia new linoleum graphonola squares. 6x9, at $7.50 Gibbs Piano 71 Main, cor. Essex: sult 583-585 u. first. Main st.

New W. 1514. Largest used Apt. opening for capable real catate splen- man, Exchange Chicopee, ized teacner of progressive series. 104 refuse: $1.25 delivered.

New York Metal while they last; rolltop desks and deska. days, evenings. furniture PI016 In Western Mass. ST JAMES AVE 69-Furnished room, large office, established clientele, with a real FIRST -CLASS laundry work done at 9 Dale Cornell St. Tel.

Walnut 3556-WV. Drum 24 Hanco*ck St. River 4995. Bay State Furniture, 552 Main St. PLAYER-PIANO, Simplex, with rolls, $25.

-Any alze or style; will pay able for 2: also garage. Wal. 2396-M. did opportunity office of to etanding: your letter St. Tol.

River 3099-M. MISS A. GLENN ROBINSON, teacher of SHOES--The Boston quick shoe repairing FURNITURE -Bargain in a 3-room apart- Fairfield 35 Main St, cash. Call Wal. 1514 and we will call ST JAMES AVE 205-Large, sunny room.

connect GAS RANGE will entate receive every attention. Write to piano, assistant to Mire. Marion Wilcox shop does the finest shoe repairing in the ment of new furniture, selling at great -PIANO, only used 2 months, ma- mediatey with the money. suitable for 2, gentlemen preferred. Box 350, Union Office.

Situations Wanted -Men 37 Thomson: 86 Leschetizky Woodside Ter. method: Tel. progreg- River city at the lowest prices; all work guar- sacrifice; must be sold at once, leaving No. hogany case, 88 notes, with music, $395; HOUSEHOLD GOODS--We try to pay the ST JAMES AVE room, PIANO- We have an opening AMERICAN COUPLE want position in 1751. give series.

anteed. 134 State St. and shoe. city: Main no St. agents.

A. J. Wickroski, greatest 71 Main, bargains cor, in Essex. Mass. highest cash prices for secondhand far- able for also garage.

Wal. 2396-M. 485 Gibbs Piano for SALESMEN two bright and energetio palesmen to charge of lodging house; capable and re- voice; SOLE LEATHER, shoe findings teacher of retail. price niture of all kinds. Kimball Furniture UNION ST 478-Furnished front room, handle an excellent line of pianos and JiablA, Address 1849 Main Athol, Mass.

placing of tone 3 specialty. R. 8247-T. maker's supplies; wholesale Walnut and 246. FURNITURE used wanted; furniture.

will pay Hampden Fur- PLAYER-PIANO, rolls mahogany, free. only Gibbs Piano 47 Main at. W. 2178. modern, All conveniences.

MABELLE BURNS, high $275 phonograpba; an exceptional opportanity ANSISTANT ENGINEER-Position 89 08- teacher of piano. I. Goldstick. 137 Main for good 615 Main St. Wal.

1266. taken at Main once, 12 cor. Essex. JUNK--American Waste Taper Co. pays WALNUT ST 60-Comfortable, steamfor the right men.

See Mr. Silber, at 313 sistant engineer by A middle-aged man MARY E. PARENTEAU, 6538-W. TAILOR'S SUPPLIES and furniture. Call niture 71 rolls highest pricea for papers, magazines, rags, heated room, 8 windows, to business Dwight St.

with 23 years' experience as engineer in 20 Sachem St. Tel. River 77 Murray between 6 and 7 p. m. GAS RANGE, Garland, and gag water PLAYER- PIANO, L.

M. Pierce, trade 100 for A metals, we are paying $1,75 per 100 gentleman; call After 6 D. Saturday 6ALESMEN for large Mass. corporation both locomotive and stationary enginea, ORCHESTRA for dancing. coach theatricals S.

HI. 8. or WINDOW SHADES Window heater; $25. Tel. Walnut 1117-l.

and music cabinet, 80 or Manhattan after lbs. for newapapers in bundles: our prices and Sundays. Mra. Cassidy, door, will for and vicinity. no experience to take effect about Oct.

1. Tel. River homes, for any occasion: Orchestra, 525 Shades retailers, repair- G.IS STOVE, three burners, cheap. 57 9ev- good touring car. are always in accordance with the mar- right.

necossary. Sec Mr. Carmody, 293 BAdge 1005-30 for Appointment. musical clube. Tel.

River Gatchell's 3076-R. era. Main St. Walnut 1639. enth upstairs.

5 p. m. 40c kcts; we call anywhere with our truck WALNUT ST 71-2 large front rooms, bath She CHAUFFEUR (colored) single, do own re- Main St. YEAST -The Liberty Yeast Corporation, GLENWOOD RANGE, water front 'and RECORDS- -Victors and 35 Columbias, Main St. for not less than 100 Ib9; no quantity write too 648 adjoining.

River 2375. SALESMEN- salary and over 23 commission. years of See age, Mr. paira, unquestionable willing to work references. in 6 or out years' of expert- town, PIANO- Leschetizky, Mr.

W. teacher Jenner of Gillum, piano. pupil Studio, of Murray HIlI Springfield, W. Hum- Mass. tank attached.

Phone River 1151-R. each. Fairfield Music made by Hardman large. Belmont Call Ave. River 5169-R or WILCOX ST 64-Pleasant furnished roomie Phone K.

Fuller corner of Main and Bridge. I'hone River agent. Pure compressed yeast in KITCHEN RANGE, tables, laundry hot wagon, water Peck, almost new; will sell at JUNK--I will pay the highest cach for to rent. Mrs. Davis.

5369-W. Stephen STANDARD PLAYER, Bennett, ence. 1493-bf. A. C.

phrey, pounds; boller, laundry, extrator, 4793-11. rags, rubber. metal. paper. etc.

Phone WORTHINGTON ST 866-Modern fur 6 Auburn St. Address 61 Monroe St. SALESMEN with or without experience to PIANO- W. Greenleaf, harmony, artstic in- small cakes, half pounds bakers in and Chicopee, 82-gallon tank, cement blocks, R. 5176.

rifce. Call River Walnut 3057 and I will send my auto. nished front room. River 998-M. investigate Call our any proposition, morning from profitable 8.30 em- to tion.

CHAUFFEUR. 330 Chestnut St. M. desires Lysoaki. posi- teacher of In piano all and grades; "efficiency idea" Holyoke deliveries and made to Westfeld.

LIVING ROOM set (3 pieces), fumed oak, VIOLIN, perfect or tone, recently good victrola. regrad- NEWSPAPERS in bundles, $1.85 8 bun- REFINED gentleman to share large well a. ployment. Roum 704, 318 Main St. for beginners.

Studio, 67 Warner St. Phone genuine leather; price $75, Phone Walnut uated; will sell, Office. dred, Box 745, Union Office. furnished room in fine central location 11 IlL. CHAUFFEUR for private party or on River 6670.

Business and Office Equipment 52 2416-M. Bov 348, Union at one third expense. Box 343, Colon OfSALESMEN to sell foreign money and city truck: CAN do own repairing. Box 351, l'IANO-MIle. Camille Serra, graduate of Standard OAK BOOKCASE and large oak desk in VIOLINS bought, sold and terms.

PAPER stock, rubber and scrap metal Kur- Ace. exchanged, bonds on Instalment; a splendid oppor- Union Office. AMERICAN SLICING machine, condition: 9x12 rug and 9x9 rug. rare old masters on Land, easy bought. Phone River $210.

Fisher itien; tunity for experience energetic not mAn necessary; of big carn- CHAUFFEUR wishes position with make private own pianoforte Instruction; the principles of registers, computing electric scales, choppers and coffee good condition. River 6523-11. Fairfield Music 35 nitsky, POSTAGE 68-70 STAMPS--I Liberty 8t. buy all old stamps Rooms for Housekeeping 69 all national- England Conservatory of Music. rebuilt National cash perfect Main St.

referencem. family, or and on furnish light truck: best can references. Ad- Leschetizky presented in definite end mills. H. J.

Polhemus, 18 East Court St. OAK DININGROOM SET, round table, Seeds, Prants, Fertilizers 63 used before 1870 on or off letterm. P. furnished tr.go; give full Union Office. particulars repairs comprehensive manner.

Studio, 302 Phone Walnut 2092. chairs, sideboard and desk, and other St. BELMONT PLAZA -Modern and Box 866, dress Chauffeur, 230 Main St. R. 68701.

Springfeld, Masa. Tel. River or- things. 50 Oak St. Phone River 3264-R.

STRAWBERRY plants- early Atherton, Altchco*ck 318 Main apartmenta, 2. 8 and 4 rooms, crockery. BALESMEN-3 educated men, must be COLLEGE STUDENT desires work for 4485-W. BEEF BOX for meat market, in good chairs. Al condi- and ever-bearing $1 a 100, $8 a 1000.

John RAGS, papers. metala, also secondhand cooking utensils, furnished for Quent, talker, of good appear- excel- evenings and Saturdays. Write Box 437, and harmony der; will sell reasonable. 365 Belmont OAK DINING table and Rush, Berkshire Ave. furniture and carpets.

Tel. River 7106-M. housekeeping from $4 to $10 per week. A. ance; conservative banking house.

assuring U'nion Office. PIANO- Teacher of piano 500 Ave. market. R. 4095.

tion; bargain. 59 Eddy St. electrio 64 J. Clark, 66 Roseland St. E.

Buckler, 356 Belmont Ave. R. 2930. lent large income opportunity and for future. Room 602, ITIGH SCHOOL BOY (16), wants work pon.

Tel. Walnut 1695-M. single CLOTHING double, RACKS suitable for gale, for store oxidized, or OHIO vacuum cleaner TUEC-Strongest on the suction market: cleans Specials at look prosperous, RAGS Wanted to buy rags and papers: right men, will Accept few more pupils at the Stores 317 Main St. for afternoons and Saturdays. Tel.

R. PIANO Amy U. Wood Bagg, Leschetizky tailor shop. Tel, 7161 or apply at without Injuring rugs; free demonstra- BUY ON men and boys. I pay per pound for rags: papers in housekeeping rooms to ront.

or CREDIT and CHESTNUT ST 351--2 nicely be experienced, 1162-W. r.ethod: accompanist lecture recitals. room 1, 333 Main St. tion and trial; easy terms; cleaners cloaks clothing and for sulta (skirts, waists and bundles, $1.60 100 Box FOREST PARK-2 One rooms, light houseyoung P. O.

401, city. well BALESMEN recommended, wanted, steady position; also TELEPHONE OPERATORS, 2 experienced, River 6502-R. show ed and repaired. Alderson. W.

1316. weekly); large variety RUG. and one 9x12 Axminster or must COUNTERS for sale, shelving, with sweaters, 50 centa Home Outfitting Wilton. 103 Norfolk St. keeping privileges.

W. 1954-W. extras for Saturday. Apply Army and desire positione: private exchange pre- ROBER1 W. FIELD, teacher of piano, cases, Nat.

Cash Register, elect, meat PARLOR SUITE, solid mahogany, in shoes and hate. Call for old KENSINGTON AVE 119--3 furnished Navy Store. 484 Male ferrod. Tel. Walnut 574.

72 Temple St. Walnut 246. grinder, computing scales. Monday, Spring- Royal Wilton rug, $696: couch, fumed $15: oak mahogany dining 5 Elm St. WE and PAY platinum; full value strictly confidential.

gold, silver Kit- rooms for housekeeping. HALESMEN wanted, experienced position, shoe, TRAFFIC MANAGER desires position 12 or SHELDON. teacher of mandolin and ban- Sept. 20. 2 p.

m. 110-112 Oak set, $100; $45; folding Gate-Leg Walnut table, CASIL ORDER CHECKS issued, $10 to tredge. Jeweler, 422 Main SpAd, MAIN ST rooms and rooms clothing and for furnishing, Boringfleld steady and Iol- as Assistant, or AS shipping clerk, shipping jo-mandolin. Tel. River 8069-W.

field, Mass. will wardrobe, practically new: also parlor stove, $100 buy at the dept. stores and 5 Elm. pay metals. rubbers, for light housekeeping.

best yoke. Apply reference, Army and Navy Store, 484 And rears' tratilo experience work, in graduate industrial of aL Salle TEACHER of piano and organ. Hattie DESK AND CHAIR-Brand Fuller Ridg. new: $40: all and oll heater. refrigerator, etc.

Call us weekly. Home OutAtting sets I PAY bottles; CASIL send for promptly rags. for family trade. MAIN ST 77-Light bousekeeping and Main St. Extension University in Interstate Com- May Manley, 185 Belmont Ave.

R. 2327-W. sell cheap. Room 317, afternoons, 289 Westfield Mittineague. CHINA DINNER SETS-42-picco imperfoe- Wm.

Hall. 129 Cedar River 2847. single room. Flat F. SALESMEN in broker's office; must prove merce: American, 32 years old, married.

VIOLIN-Le Roy F. Jarrett. violinist and DICTAPHONE Several practically about ball PIANO-Now England cabinet grand; and In Fold band will not pattern impair (slight value or ap- IF YOU HAVE a diamond you can get a MAIN ST 120-Attractively furnished new. ability on commission basis. Call Room Address Rox 381, Union Office.

teacher: orchestra for all occasions, Room guaranteed perfect P. condition, O. Box 918. Jack ice chest. 1196 State St.

tiona that while they last, $4.98 set. big cash price for it now at J. Kit- suites, all modern, Inquire Room 10, 6tb phone Wal. 540. TRAVELING SALESMAN going South soon 47 Carr 85 Harrison Ave.

Tel. new price, ree trial. cases, counter cases, RANGE in fine condition with hot water Poole's pearance) Court Square Store, tredge, 422 Main Bt. foor. 706.

Bldg. or SECOND COOK. Franklin Restaurant, 10 would like to hear from SOMA business Walnut 529. FLOOR CASES, wall cash register, mirrors front and reservoir, River 8268-1, or 139 DELAY with that fall suit, order IF YOU DESIRE to of your MURRAY HILL AVE 3, cor. Liberty, 1 of Suffolk Holyoke, Mass.

house who would like to represented IT IS WITH much pride and sincere counter, table, made to order. Shop Fountain Place. DON'T tailored, strictly union label; niture And receive the highest cash 3 housekeeping rooms. R. 5869-W.

SECOND cook. Cooley Hotel. Apply to In Florida and adjoining States. 13ox 391, isfaction that announce the 43 bought Park and St. sold, 5819.

RANGE--Richmond, good condition, com- now: credit if home desired. 5 Elm Room prices, call River 5169-R. or write Penn, NORTH MAIN 332-Furnished for Chef. Union Office, ment of cha well known Bauer, concert for the 5 on each bination coal and gas. Call River 5841.

salesman wanted in talloring department. Furniture Main St. light housekeeping. also large front room, planist WANTED--work eVenings from 6 to 10 p. and teacher, Mr.

Claude Springfeld Conservatory OFFICE top. DESK, Box 10 379, drawers, Union Office. modern, Glenwood. good condi- EDISON CYLINDER Records: why send to WANTED--Small forge and anvil. Phone NO MAIN ST 608-Furnished front rooms once, Puritan Lunch, 818 State mi.

Box 442, Union Office. of Music. 54 Byera St. tion. 154 Oak Grove Ave.

R. 2571-J. Chicago for them? We carry the largest River 5096. and rooms for light housekeeping. alt SECOND COOK, experienced, wanted coming seasou.

side, flat RANGE, SHEET METAL worker and helper. Pome- YOUNG MAN, 20, with 1 2-3 years in agri- OLIVER prompt. efficient TYPEWRITERS--Guaranteed service; ribbons, RUG---6x9 French Wilton, Bokhara; cost stock in New England: we ship them WANTED--Secondhand trap and snow- modern conveniences. Top floor. Hyde, :43 Dwight St.

cultural college, desires position, plant. prefer- Bor LIVE STOCK year; supplies W. 236-R. 47 Thompson St. Mrs.

$119.00, at $55.00, 1 pair portiores, 1 new anywhere; send for latest catalog. Ft. Flint shoes, reasonable. Box 141. Union Office.

SARGEANT ST 79-Rooms for light conk and counter man. ably in chem. Office. lab. of a paper I.

T. Soule, Mgr. cotton mattress 42-Inch, 6 bent wood Brickett Dept. 437 Main wIll WOOD--Good. bard wood.

4-ft. lengtha, housekeeping, 4. Eureka Lunch, 17 North Main St. 497. Union school graduate, Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 POOL.

TABLES-(2), 9 sitting chairs, chairs, 1 leather rocker, 1 complete Rec- ELECTRIC IRONS--The you for Harder Cool 278 King St. River 2677. SPRING ST 41-Near State. mingle and YOUNG MAN, 20, business position. very good condition; price tional oak book caao, seven units, 1 coffee atick to on ite own merits: special light houeskeeping rooms; all modern SHOEMAKER wanted for bench work.

desires clerical or bookkeeping CANARIES, male and female, mating low. Wall 82 Main In St. mill: all at real value. Tel. Walnut the next few days, $7.50: you will now p- ROOMS AND BOARD conveniences.

Phone River 6931-M. United Shoe Repair Rox or herdsman CAKAR. 62 Chandler Longmeadow. RUBBER STAMPS, Reals and stencils, 2301-62 Kimberly Ave. And preciate the one hot weather.

Harry Zundell, TEMPLE ST 70-Pleasant furnished rooms 91 Broadway, 315. Union Office. of these trona right 3HOE SALESMAN for steady position: Traveler EXPERIENCED Oct. farmer married, American, CANARIES for sale, male and foinale, everything for the office, quick service. RUGS at factory prices, via all grades Glenwood to 524 during Main St.

Rooms and Board 67 for housekeeping. must 501 Main St. Protestant, references, good living condi- topnots R. Smith Afg. 267 Worthingtop sizes; 1 square east.

W. A. Lorlmer, rugby shape, $1.67, $1.87 ARMORY 8T 52-Board and I THOMPSON 8T 41-Large front room: be experienced, Mr. Bell, wants position for mating. 408 Union upper take Chicopee car Shoe tions, vicinity of Springfeld; write, St.

River 1325, 37 Gaylord Grant Chicopee, Mars. to soccer balls, $2.50, $3.50 to $8, heat. room, steam all home privileges. Tel. W.

236-R. and GHOE evening. SALESMEN, Traveler Shoe, Saturday 501 Main Afternoon Ing wages paid, with 6-room house, POX HOUND, Buckfeld years old; strain, also good fox start- hound SAFE, good 9126, 2 doors, deep, 481 RUGS--Just the time when you are hav- Call's Athletic and Toy Meekins, cor. State. Edgar Colt, Kent Place Farm," Suffield, er pup, and 8 stayer.

months 4 old. F. M. Austin, 60 Wil- high, 36" wide, outside dim. W.

1566-W. ing your spring cleaning done to have Packard Wheat, Inc. Call BELMONT Wal. 362-M. AVE 672-Board and room.

Also single and double rooms, $2 up. UNION ST 161--2 rooms for housekeeping, STOCK SALESMEN-50 experienced men, St, Longmeadow. SHOWCASE- For sale, A manufactured very by attractive the your old rugs made 17 over. Taylor St, R. Springfeld 743.

FOUNTAIN at PENS prices and pencils can can afford: be CAREW ST 72-Table board, home cook- WALNUT ST family; 96--2 adults unfurnished roome, Conn. full or spare time, local company in pro- FINANCIAL FOX HOUND. female, Walker, nicely glass showcase Company and never Economy Rug bought now children right you by equipping ing. Phone River 689. private only.

duction, no oll, mine or wildcat started; 1 voung coon hound, 18 months Rochester Showcase cabinet of drawers and RUGS--For sale. rugs, factory prices. all start the necessities of school days. CORNELI ST 42 Pleasant furnished WENDELL AVE 18--3 rooms, modern. tion, legitimate industry.

low capitaliza- 38 old alredale and hound. G. W. been used; which also a he used in almost any kinds. no rent or salesmen to pay.

you them Friend with Jewelry, the 807 Main, 2d door. room and board. River 1916-W. tion. local directors.

take crew ter- Business Opportunities pit, Main St. Wal. 3432-W. shelves can Can be meen at the save the difference. Call.

write or Tel. middle- WILBRAIIAM AVE 10-Front room for ritory, 330" investigate. Address Tel, The Wal. Toyler 3689. AM GO TEARS OLD--Have $1000, would HOUND WANTED, beagle, must be first tine ball of Lunch.

business. 27 Main Northampton, 126-3. John B. Garside, MIll Agent, 176 FURNITURE that 18 new. such as a few aged FURNISHED or young room people, with board, comfortable for light housekeeping to rent.

like to invest with services lu some bus- class on rabbits: trial; no others wanted. Pearl Thompsonville, Conn. extra pieces bedroom to suite brighten or up parlor the suite or would the winter. Wal. 1396-R.

WORTHINGTON AT 966--2 modern rooms Worthington St. home TRACER-Wanted, experienced architect'a tracer, office. iness Box 324, Union Office. Victor Tier, 78 Fairview W. Spring- SPOT CASIT paid for entire stocks And SEWING MACHINES -Latest Improved new make your little home look much more SECTION--Room and board for separate, or for light housekeeping.

River must ta rood letterer; AUTO MECHANICS to invest $1500 and feld. store fixtures anywhere; get our price be- Singer G6-1, $50; White Rotary, cabinet cheery, but today when things are so bigh HILL respectable men, private 1098-W. Bor services in a fully equipped and well PEKINGESE PUP--Full blooded, 7336-R beau- fore selling. Holyoke Auction 480 sample, $67; Singer Improved, Florence Ro- and you do not like to lay out large ily. Box 438, Union Office.

2 PLEASANT unfurnished connecting Union Office. two young TRUCK SALESMEN-A large and rapid- naying service station; must have $800 tifully marked. 50 Johnson St. R. High Holyoke.

Tel. 2601-J or 497. Colonial drophead, new, other $35; new and dem- surn of money to get these much desired rooms. Box 408. Union Office.

1y growing truck sales who organization down. Box 291, Union Office. PET STOCK Will purchase All kinds. TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes. bought tary, onstrator new, $45; machines inany at special prices.

White things it makes you wAit till A more KENSINGTON bath AVE 67--Room, preferred; steam needs At once several salesmen are BLACKSMITH business. shop and tools, The Bird and Pet Shop, 234 nnd Bold: Corona agency. Springfeld Machine 31 Harrimon Ave. favorable time; we will belp you out by heat, connecting: 6416-1. -Wanted-Rooms, Board really opportunities.

looking Apply in person between shop 20x60, gasolene engine, screw cut- Maln 3 steps above the Typewriter Exchange, River 4851. SEWING MACHINES- Singer, like new. allowing you something on your old turni. and board BOARD AND ROOM wanted. 1n Went to make a permanent con- Arch.

Sewing board if desired; private family, and 11 o'clock to Mr. Wallace, 176 ting engino lathe, milling machine, elec. PUPPIES-English bull terrier, all white, 123 Wort bington St. 1 Wheeler Wilson, 1 Standard rotary; ture as a part easy payment for weekly the new payments MAIN boarders ST taken 849-Single and car line. or 10 for elderly mad.

about Oot. more than ordinary bench Raw. good 6-room large house, garden; Ane sturdy youngsters, beautiful heads, TYPEWRITER-Remington No. 10, first- terms. Main, Wal.

976. the Call us balance up and on ask us about thia Phone minutes walk to Court Sq. 2362. 1, vicinity of Elm 8t. Box 854, Union separate, nection Chestnut Springfield.

lights, bath, all painted, dam, Lady Juno, A. K. No. 248664: class condition. 301, Union Office.

that offers fine chance to start garage business; Norosa Van Guard, A. K. C. 26311, secondhand SEWING MACHINES-? Singers, alightly Walnut 1597-M. PLAINFIELD ST 603-Room And board Office.

FREE CHOPPERS- Wanted. The F. near seminary, church, stores, mid- 68 sire, Governor st. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt and in used; bargains; terms. Main, Wal.

HOUSEHOLD Axtures. radiator, exposed in private family for young girl. FURNISHED rooms in the neighborhood of Bartlett Tree Expert Stamford, Way between villages; must sell this and exchange typewriters sold and rented: all makes 10 976. pipes can be made to look twice their ST 14-Room and board for two the Am. International College.

Write of Conn. month: price $3500, part cash. A. A. RABBITS--I buy and sell Park stock.

Exchange. Room 628. STELING RANGE in good condition, hot value and present beauty by an applica Moor, right. phoine, stating price, to the Am. InternaWANTED--A man to drive Ford truck.

Park. Mill Northfeld. Sass. all kinda. Louis Cabana, 127 Broadway, city.

River 2483. tion of our paint: we always have the gentlemen, Arst tonal College. Apply in person at Monson State los- BUTTER AND EGG ROUTE in Spring- Holyoke. USED Underwoods and Remingtons, at water front. River best makes on hand and will be glad to ST 82-Double and single rooms LARGE unfurnished, well heated sunny 2346-M.

pital. Palmer, Mass. field and vicinity; will sell reasonable: THE service: HOME Five of the the Boston best bred Terrier Boston for bargain. Norsiliss Typewriter Agency, Room hot STOVE- water Bargaina, Jacket; also Fairmount two-burner Per- be consulted when you Supply are ready. 203 Wor- with sonable.

board, table board by room. Protestant home preferred. River coal range, week, reaWANTED- Boy for errands. Apply at 397, Union Office. Terriers in Weatern Stahl's Tel." 12 340 Court Sq.

Ridg. Tol. Wal. 2914. fection months.

oil W. stove, 157. both 0160 used Clyfton less Ave. thington opposite Poll's. SPRING ST 82-Double and single rooms MARRIED COUPLE want board and room good opportunity for young man.

Box Hampden Typewriter Exchange, than England Paint and Office. location, $1000 14 168. Stahl's "Tel and 2 OUIJA BOARDS at reduced prices; $1.25 with board table hoard by the week. in private family, central location. Box WANTED- -Reliable party with portable GROCERY weekly.

Tor particulars write P. "Chappio," I 14 Stahl's "Little Boats and Accessories LIVING, music and diningroom furniture, are now 98c; $1.75 size at $1.48: Uncle TABLE BOARD by the week, also 353, Union Office, STORE--Good "Cap- 53 sawmill to operate timber tract In O. Box 1153. tain Boy," 20 King. stud fee, $5, $10, $15.

Look CANOES wanted: cash; must be in good gas ticles; range, leaving rugs, town. and For further Infor- Wiggily game, 50c. Call's Athletic and meals. 151 Maple St. River 1003-J.

ROOM wanted in private family for 18 miscellaneous Monson. Mass. M. Penn, 533 Dickinson. lunchrooms and over then decide.

Stahl's Kennels, condition. Box $68, Indian Orchard. mation Inquire Chicopee 742-M. Toy Meekina, Packard Wheat, WESTFORD AVE 129-Near tieman and board for son 12 years old. WANTED--A A teamster on farm, no COWA rooming GROCERY houses, candy stores, Golon, 105 Main st.

98 Whittier Tel. R. 5569-W. 54 of household furni- Inc. room with or without board, private contral location, references exobanged.

McElwaln Farm. West Springfeld, doing big Building Materials VARIOUS ARTICLES and Tuesday, 10 A. PEARL BEAD3, La Vega Indestructible, family. Box 411, Union Omice, It. GROCERY and confectionery, Box Union Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 CEMENT BLOCKS for sale, A No.

1. T. E. ture for sale 1 Monday So. Church Court.

with a white gold diamond clasp. and at- WILL SHARE apartment with young busWANTED--Good canvassers, good cash business. R. 2201-M. COW -A good family, 13 weeks pigs, also.

Albanes 76 Wilbraham Ave. Tel. In. to p. m.

tractively displayed in 8 handsome vol- Rooms Without Board F8 woman. Rox :15. Union Office. Office. Pendleton River 7047-M.

60 vet box, makes an attractive and Hotel Bridgway: aak for M. S. Wilson. GROCERY, meat market, excellent loca- Ave. Willtmansett, Holyoke 4008-J.

Sash Glass glass ful Rift and at at A $5 very up. J. reasonable Chase. price: the ninhed rooms, women, married couple American couple, Box 401, Union ing proposition: make big money. Call yearling hens.

H. D. White. Jewelry and Watches ALREMARLE furnished or unfur- 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, by middles tion. factory district: sell at owner Inventory engaged or GOAT CART and harness; cheap for cash.

of every description. Office and ware- DIAMONDS. watches Kittredze, and 422 fewelry. jiain For St. we Jeweler, have 562 hem Maln wear State 9t.

preferred. R. 2276-1 Orice WANTED--Experienced retail store sales- lump gum, about $2200: 67 Bliss St. house 28 Belle 210 Franklin St. deal see The Tuobey Co.

832 Dwight St, in other business; act quick. River 1514-R. Call 4 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Why is Springfield so famous? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

What was Springfield, MA originally called? ›

The history of Springfield, Massachusetts dates back to the colonial period, when it was founded in 1636 as Agawam Plantation, named after a nearby village of Algonkian-speaking Native Americans.

How old is Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

How to contact mayor Sarno Springfield, MA? ›

City of Springfield Office of Mayor Domenic J. Sarno
  1. 36 Court Street - Room 214 Springfield MA 01103.
  2. (413) 787-6100.
  3. (413) 787-6104.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Springfield Demographics

White: 46.06% Black or African American: 20.52% Two or more races: 18.5% Other race: 11.62%

Why is Springfield called Springfield? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Group from Springfield's Sister City of Takikawa, Japan Visit the City: City of Springfield, MA.

What is the youngest town in Massachusetts? ›

Incorporated in 1920, East Brookfield is nicknamed "The Baby Town of the Commonwealth”, as it is Massachusetts' youngest community.

Who is the chief of staff in Springfield MA? ›

Mayor Sarno Appoints William Baker as Chief of Staff - Announces Office Promotions and New Mayoral Aide -: City of Springfield, MA.

Who is the current mayor of Springfield, MA? ›

Domenic J. Sarno (born May 4, 1963) is the current mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who is the state rep for Springfield MA? ›

Carlos González is a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He was sworn into office in January 2015. A resident of Springfield, Massachusetts, he was elected as a Democrat to represent the 10th Hampden district.

What is Springfield, IL famous for? ›

As the largest city in central Illinois, with a population of 117,000, Springfield is best known for being the home of our 16th President Abraham Lincoln and the place where President Barack Obama spent his early career in politics.

What is Springfield or known for? ›

Springfield, Oregon is believed to be the famous typical American town behind the acclaimed Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation's "The Simpsons". Take a self-guided and unofficial Simpsons tour around the city.

Why did the Simpsons choose Springfield? ›

In an interview with Smithsonian Magazine's May issue, Matt Groening revealed that the animated town is based on Springfield, Oregon, near his childhood hometown of Portland. He also was inspired to use the town's name after it was featured on the 1950s television show "Father Knows Best."

What is Springfield Armory famous for? ›

Reopened in 1978 as the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, the original 1840's arsenal houses the world's largest collection of historic American military firearms. Year-round public programs, exhibits, and special events are hosted on the grounds of the National Historic Landmark.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.