The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

2d Section -THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1911 AGENTS WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED IS icords or less, SOc; additional words, to FEMALE HELP WANTED 12 words or less, SOc; additional Kords, to It worSs or less, SOc; additional words, is It word or lets. SOc: additional word, to FEMALE HELP WANTED 1t Korit or Jet. SOc; additional words. So hOTSwork! two in family. Apply 6450 Merlon W.

Phlla. GIRL wanted, colored, on" handy all around In store; reference. 206 Market Chester, FEMALE HELP WANTED It words or less, SOc; additional word, to HOCSEWGRJCGTrTran work In small family; mnst know how to cook. Apply Monday morning. 1836 K.

16th at. HOUSEWORK Half grown white girl to assist with housework, email family. 6110 Chestnut 8t. NURSE- Girl, and light housework. 2210 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 12 words or less, SOc; additional words.

MALE WANTET Experienced stewardesses, linen room girl, working bead tanndress, chambermaids, mountain hotels; dishwashers, kitchen girls, hotel, restaurant. Institution and tamilr cooks; 20 good house girls, manglers, hotel and restaurant waitresses, attendants, fancy CAN YOTT FURNISH TEAM WJKllNt SHOES Bonders to run Columbia beading ma, chine. 313 New st. iairona Ft. Wanted, resoonsihl vnunir men.

who are able Kl'KSG GIRL Experienced nurse girl to go to furnish team ami w'nou. to sell on commis me seasnore. Apply luou B. Bza. sion to farmers, the best line of household SHOES Wanted, experienced help on fixing tips.

185 Berks St. SHOES Experienced tip fixers, steady positions, good pay. Third floor, 1105 Race. GENERAL MMB. L.

HONAUER. SUCCESSOR TO PROF. R0HREE, Nl MARKET STREET. Established 1854. Bell 'phone.

Walnut 3125. AGENTS WANTED iS words or less. SCe: additional words, te AGENTS, street men. stores, summer resorts, celebration, carnival and the latest novelties. French poodle dogs, twirlers.

canes, pennants, serpentines, confetti, burnt wood novelties. Ca alogue free. Miller. 158 Parkw.Vl BOYS AND GIRLS WE WILL GIVE YOU splendid fountain pen free for selling packages post-cards: no money reauired. Florence Nqrelty Dept, Box 4505.

Philadelphia. WOMEN TO REPRESENT US -In the sale of a high-class patented article of children's wear: permanent. Apply Monday. 2021 Colum- bia avenue; AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire extinguishers: special starting offer; exclusive territory. $75 to $300 per month.

Badger OPERATORS, experienced, 25. all parta of shirts; we are busy; good opportunities for first-class, reliable operators to secure Fa necessities for the oldest, largest and most responsible company of the kind In the world. About two thousand salesmen now worfflng. earning on tiie average over $100 per month ner. clear of all expenses.

Net earnings of SHOES Fitters, folders aud vampere. 1101 X. 4th st. HOUSEWORK for general housework In country: all conveniences, no washing. Mrs.

C. H. Robert. Southampton, Pa. GIKL van tea for general housework, no wash-- lug.

two in family, P''d wages. Apply Monday uft-r 9 A. 6115 Hazel aye. Ironers. Penna.

Labor B4 S. 7tn st. fcs-tab. 1S70. aienuy positions the year rouna; best prices paid; only shirt makers need apply.

Tutel-man Brothers Alexander. American and The only scientific reeoenized and incorporat Dest men over $300 per month, 'lwo million over ctou per nionin. iwu mimoii SlLK Experienced hard silk winders and dou-blers. B. Sun.

435 N. Broad st. ed Institute nr ThtiiiiTihTa its stndents I ti.ohetI?I5Lla.?5'?f.,Zit.1 8nt I farmers now using th-se thoroughly advertised SEA.SHORE At once, three cleaners. $16. for GIRLS wantrd In assembling department.

Ap- IIODSEWORK-Girl for housework and cook- efferson. ing: wares S5: sleen out. Ca.ll SnndaT and ire x'ueaerry. lta rilnert St. nlv sixth floor.

The DeLoug Hook and Eye L. Nee- gooos. lstablished 1808. Capital or Address The J.

R. Waiklns 113 S. Gay SHIRTS Examiners on men's ahirts. dies A 24 Bank St. OPERATORS Experienced on ladies' waists, very highest prices and absolutely steady Monday.

552a Locust. HOUSEWORK Woman, general housework and iorvi pymSt Baltimore. Md. work. David Stern X.

E. cor. 12th N. W. Cor.

Broad and Wallace sts. GIRLS, experienced on men's leather belts; steady work. Eagle Suspender 1210 Race street. cooking, two adults, experience, references. SKIRT HANDS, experienced.

51 X. 7th second floor. in genalne French "Marcel Waving', artistic hair- 1 ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN Our $2000 Ac- and Cherry. Apply all wek. after 1.

2549 X. lth. SITUATIONS WANTED. MALE 25 words or less, SOc; additional words, to dressing, hair-work, manicuring, scientific mas iiueniai ueatn ana rteaitn poucv uruviuuiK a weekly benefit of $15 is the most liberal contract issued by any company for the small GIRL Refined for companion and waiting at I HOUSEWORK -Wanted a younjr girl or elderly OPERATORS, EXPERIENCED ON LINGERIE WAISTS; MUST BR ABLE TO MAKE ENTIRE GARMENTS: STEADY WORK GOOD SOLICITOR: department store: permanent position. Address A-46S.

Branch Inquirer. 339 West Girard avenue. sage, cuiroponv, electrolysis, etc. SPECIAL COURSES, 5 UP. instruments, positions free.

ehore. wages from July 1. P-348. inquirer i woman ror ngnt housework; two in iamiiy. office? jn.

4 1st. 2d noor. PA. KAUfHlfl RUBIN. 715 ARCH.

Chemical Mfg. Milwaukee, wig. I MADE $0,000 In five fears with a small mail order business; began with $5. Send for free booklet. Telfci how.

Heaco*ck. 5209 Lock port. N. Y. Expert teachers, individual instruction day SOLICITORS wanted.

Collateral Savings premium of $5 a year: sold to men or women between the ages of 16 and 70 years, any occupation and no medical examination required. Identification card in genuine leather card case fnr HpIIvpt clerk In printing office: HOUSEWOR1 Half grown girl for general OPERATORS, experienced on children's col Bank. i622 Point Breeze ave. ami evening, or write lor catalogue. must be thoroughly experienced in counting housework, sleep home.

2710 W. Allegheny ored dresses, take work home, bring cer A GENTLEMAN of Cuban birth, wbo speak Spanish and English, desires the agency of a farming Implement concern for Cuba. Address P-342. Inquirer office. ADVERTIsem*nT WRITER, with wide WesN SODA DISPENSER, young lady, experienced avenue.

aid inspecting StOCK. l-OOi. luquinri wu. iF YOU COULD BECOME a thoroughly com- insures immediate and accurate laeotincation in case of an accident or sudden illness: 22- tificates. National Mfg.

807 Market fourth floor. at soaa rountain lor seashore. In-nuirer office. petent stenographer, capable ot earning a GIRLS to learn button sewing, paid while HOUSEWORK Wanted, a woman for general ieuruins. Novelty Knitting Mills, 1011 I)la- I housework.

Apply to 7106 Germantown year-old company: over one million dollars paid AGENTS WANTED Imported perfumes, flavorings, toilet articles, soaps, teas, coffees; outfit free; credit given. Paris Perfume Jersey City, N. J. good salarv. after only 30 days of study.

1 1 ju claims. write at once tor runner lniur iu i fl 1 irond. Frets Bldg. at. Airy.

puna. era retail merchandising experience, requests interview with management of any establishment reouiring a "live wire" business builder OPERATORS, experienced on ladles' skirts, vcrv best prices and absolutely steady work. David Stern N. E. cor.

12th, STAMPERS Experienced on stationery; steady employment. The Keating Company. 715 Sansom st. AXZLZ mation or for an agency. Commercial Accident GIRLS wanted to pack cakes and work In HOUSEWORK Wanted, strong, young willing nn ITaAhlar-Wovl Hnlmff Z.M I rl for 1 hmtnpwnrk TVr A TT icing of untiring energy and unusual executive abii- nd Cherry.

room. LIVE AGENTS to demonstrate the latest and best patent gas iron on the market. Mrs. Lee's Gas Iron Mfg. N.

E. corner Howard st. and Susquehanna ave. Sehrelber. t2i ana woodland west Phlla.

enables us to Ao ail wV claim. Call write It tojnpyl011ChtnutrtPhiladelphia. 'phone for full information. THE SPENGLER HEAT DISTRIBUTOR, a 30-DAY SHORTHAND SCHOOL. device positively making one as range 1718 N.

BROAD. burner do the work of three, is offered on ami Vine sts. OPERATORS experienced on electric power STF.1NBACH COMPANY. ASBURY PARK. NEW JERSEY.

rraenmes to make ladies wasn suits: gooa GIRLfc Trimmers on ladies' waists and dress- I HOUSEWORK Wanted, good, reliable white es: those under 15 years bring certificates. I Protestant girl for light housework and light require the services of experienced salesladies thtpe 19 At ways position for a eood exclusive territory basis. Retails for $2. Big ay: steady work. Apply Walker Kurta.

2l7 Market St. Max Clair, jumper ana tjerry. wnsn. Apply xsya Mcuienan st. Senographe Our modern methods enableTur Profits Selling season now This Proposition AGENTS Ladies we have ten best selling articles on the market and vrotect you In vour territory.

Free sample. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co. Buffa lo. N. Y.

GIRL, Protestant, to attend trimming store HOUSEWORK White girl for general house OPERATORS, experienced on double needle ma lty: local and Western credentials. Address A. E. 1813 Green at. ADVERTISING MAN, must have position at once; biisiness getter.

Q-93. Inquirer office. ANYTHING IN FARMING, gardening, lawns: must have something to do: give me a chance to make good; all I want Is a foothold: conscientious, painstaking effort will do the rest; good references. Vlbert. Ward P.

C'oncordville. Delaware county. Pa. 6346 and help with light housework; no Sunday work. 'Phone Germantown 61-18 chines.

Apply Wm. H. Horstmann Ctn nd Cherry. students to become tnorougniy competent in i isi thirty days of study. Day and evening ses- for decidedly better sort of carcassing Kpec'al- sions.

Positions secured. SO-Day Shorthand ties to handle, either in a small or large way. School 1718 N. Broad. Spengler Specialties 37 2Sth N.

work. 3541 Germantown aye. I Sherman Germantown. 2ti vt colored rirl for downstairs and I HOUSEWORK Woman for general house OPERATORS wanted on shirtwaists and in ribbons, veilings, hosiery, notions, art, jewelry, coats and suits, millinery and mnslin underwear departments. Apply on Monday, between 10 aud 1.

Folwell Bros. 625 Chestnut St. STENOGRAPHER, bright business school graduate with grammar school education; capable of working into good office position; $5.00 to start, rapid advancement- Reply own liamdwriting, stating speed, etc. O-64. Inquirer office.

AGENTS No experience necessary to make $5 to $25 a day, with the most useful articles on the market. Write today. Hermann Sales 1024 Green st. dresses: also sleevers and learners wanted. rookin" refernce.

6801 X. 11th. Phone. work. Mrs.

Crowell. York road and Wilson AV lnrl.l,ir.R"T PERSdN mv earn S100 26 North 4th St. Oak Lane. 843. Oak Lane.

monthlv corresnnnrtlni. for newspapers: no I a uiKijp, maa auilkbk OI vacuum cieau- nnvnasinir Send for particulars. Press Svn- I ers wants exclusive representative In each vrfwt SAMPLE "Union Hand Cleanser." Ex r.tpt.c T-som nnrir lnce: paid while I HOI SEW IRK. ten ml: cood cook, small ram- OPERATORS wanted; special on two-needle dicate. Lockport.

X. Y. I county. Only men of ability considered. Our centre machines on shirts.

Tuteltnan Broth learning; 65-hoiir week. North American ily; sleep Lome. Call Sunday and Monday. elusive agents, hustlers only wanted. Write t.idnv Seed Mfe.

93 Heade New ers Alexander. American and Jefferson. GIRLS wanted to learn McDow- PiPJES? inccme of $300 month the Xaee Sth. cor- Allegheny. 727 N.

10th. i v.r.n initial, 01 stcwor White eirl for general house- ARTISTS Two Dutch artists, painters, opea for engagement, thoroughly acquainted with interior decorating of every description: high-class workmanship guaranteed. L-3S9. Inquirer office. ASSISTANT SHIPPER and packer wishes position; wholesale preferred.

K-329. iu.ui.-.- York. ell's. 307 Denckla 11th and Market. OPERATORS wanted on lawn dresses; best 11 1 wautCTi I ITn 1 ti .71 diwc.

i nnn mit h. wood. Annlv 2107 I work: two In family: suburbs. W-309. In- prices paid.

Eagle Waist 1023 Filbert. STENOGRAPHER Young lady stenographer and typewriter, accurate and rapid, as general office assistant, seven dollars to begin; state age, experience and 'phone number. S-333, Inquirer office. per year around. This machine is operated with ease ty one person and sells for $10 under factory guarantee.

Sample machine skipved you for inspection without remittance. The Brabam, Mau-nfacturlng H-62. Cincinnati. O. Jacob Kline.

Manager. FREE SAMPLE No splash waterstrainers are winners. Daily upward. Let us prove it. Send 2c.

tmailing cosU. Seed Filter Boardwalk. Atlantic City. X. J.

auirer office. 7-r rr Hfirsi-wftRK-stronr e-lrl tor general honae OPERATORS, experienced, wanted on knit AGENTS WANTED Ul uw. goods. Annly The Carlton Knitting 23d work, saloon 5th and Wyoming, work, must be good cook. Apply 25o6 S.

and Hamilton. Chase car. AGENTS AND SALESMEN The Canassers' Nineteenth. IS words or less, SOc; additional words, to New York. CREW MANAGERS wanted to start agents selling the Sun Self Heating Iron.

Aetna Iron 14 New York Newark, X. J- housework. OPERATORS, experienced on misses' and Magazine. 6-page monthly, chuck full of yal- STENOGRAPHER, active, wanted by manufacturing concern, willing to assist with clerical work; state experience and salary ex-pected. B-82.

Inquirer office. HOUSEWORK Girl for. general niBts. Small elrls to trim threads from ASSISTANT BARTENDER (married): cleaning 2013 S. Cleveland ATTENDANT NURSE, invalid, four years' experience, furnish references.

Inquirer office. children dresses, steady work. National sleep In. 141 good laundress, reference, lawn shirtwaists. Byer Frank 014 Wal Mfg.

307 Market fourth floor. GENERAL SALES AGENTS Here Is an op- tells how to buy from manufacturers, illus- N. 15th nut. GIRT. Strong eirl.

about 10, seashore store. OPERATORS on ladies' waists and dresses; HOUSEWORK Wanted, a maid for general kjuiuuiijr iu liauuie a uevice in yuur im-aui-jr traies newly patented specialties, exposes and make you Independently rich. The device 1 "fakes" and mail order schemes, and tells a STENOGRAPHER and typewriter knowledge of bookkekeping. accurate, assist with of-flce work, wages $10. Q-377, Inquirer office.

AUTO REPAIRMAN, best reference, worked must be experienced. Apply all week. Max BIG PROFITS IX) AGENTS Selling Twiu Hook Hose Supporters. They're different no bifid to bind, soil or stop circulation. Sell last L.

B. Baker. Foxboro. Mass- housework: references: Sleep in or out. di help licht housekeeping, reference.

726 E. hundred aDd one things the hustling salesman Is called the "B-H" Gas and Range Lighter, With its use matches are a thlnar of the uast. Clnir. Juniper and Cherry. sTi-auy machine.

U-3W, Branch Inouircr. 4OO0 Girard are. Spruce st. v.iinira st. snouia snow.

xeariy eunscnption. special It is a brand new invention aud lust on the OPERATORS, front makers, experienced on la STENOGRAPHER Intellisent. industrious, reliable, good references, moderate salary. P- limited time rate, three months. six AUIOMOBILE MAN.

practical, wants position GIRL Wanted, a girl, experienced In opera t- dies shirt waists, lianey. is-uttner tiaaD. market. it is not a spark lighter; its action months, 25c. (No free Canvassers.

clean: no unaay worit; Bleep oome. ma ai. inquirer oince. inz prs bosom machine. Apply Co 13th and Callowhlll.

in garage repairing. Geo. J. Trautz. SM Haverfoni ave.

in igniting is the same as a match; all the Publishing 24 Vandewater New York S. Twentieth. IF YOU WERE DEAF, dumb and bund yon could still see money-making possibilities of our proposition; $1 starts you. Postal for particulars. Pearce.

X. E. Cor. 5th and Oxford. lumbia e.

rinuiiu i iv 11 WICI K19 HOUSEWORK Wanted white settled woman OLD ESTABLISHED New England corpora GIRL to operate typewriter and assist to of STENOGRAPHER-TYPEWRITER Must have good education; state age, experience and salary expected. A-35, Inquirer office. nurner ana ignition lmmeaiately takes nlaee. OPERATORS wanted on gingham and percale dresses; steady work; good pay. H.

Teller 233 Market, 2d floor. with reference, general housework, to go to tion desires the services of lady solicitors iou ueiiea me sen-ices oi lauy suiicnors BAKEE. first hand, all around man wanted, str ady work, city or country. 720 X. Broad sirwt.

fice; state Aj-iviu, Drancn inquirer, It weighs ounce, three inches lone. It has Cape May. .25 v. Girarq ave. 4400 Uericantown aye.

no wicks or batteries: it eannot ignite unless to se goods ds i sell their guaranteed line of ladles' dress 1 AGENTS WANTED 'f 'n' direct to consumer in every city and mail order business, communicate ith In the States of Pennsylvania and New nahle Information. Box lbla. 1. OPERATORS on regulation sailor suits: good orougnt in contact with gas: therefore it will GIRL wanted. Ice cream saloon.

1202 S. Broad HOUSEWORK -Half-grown girl to assist with Cambria. STENOGRAPHER Young lady wanted: state age. salary and where last employed. B-73, Inquirer offire.

tow wages: steady employment, al rt. 7th housework. Call 1342 W. BAKER, third band on bread, in country would lik-; to learn cake baking. William McLaine.

B. In wnmgiown. Pa. street. reduce the cost of life insurance: will last a lifetime if nronerlv taken care of; retails for lifetime if nronerlv taken care of retails for second floor.

HOUSEWORK Half gtown girl wanted for GIRLS Young girls wanted to work In blnd- OPERATORS and finishers on custom shirts. Jersey. Liberal commission and excellent on- AGENTS Handle our name plates, signs, nnm- 25c We hSve one Sr wh ha. Sd over portunity to develop a permanent and lucra- bers. and make $5 profit daily; samples DofoOO it less than mouths' "tlS Send fcf ues'metQl fee.

Brett Brothers. Boston, Mass. 26c. in stamps to the manufacturers and sam- WHY LONGER endure inside drudgery Be light housework. 2017 zotn.

STENOGRAPHER wanted, competent, who Is willing to take In public work. Apply 209 Mint Arcade. ery. Apply 242 W. 3ft.

one on alterations. 1114 Chestnut, Room HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for general house White City, 58. BAKER first hand bread and cakes wants steady work. city, country. Charles Hes- dricks.

Pa. BAKDR, first band on bread, cakes, wants GIRL for Ice cream payilion. Chestnut Hill Park. i onr representative doing outsiae. neaitniiii work.

Apply In afternoon. 4 tranaiin sc. pie will be sent prepaid. In your reply state OPFRATORS ON ALL PARTS SHIRTWAISTS. AGENTS, to sell the newest electric appliance 1 work.

Your own boss. Making $5 daily up territory aesirea. HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for general house STENOGRAPHER, to tend office. 0 to 4.30; state age and salary; beginner would do. Address A-342.

Inquirer office. GIRLS. 23. wanted. 14 to 16 years, for pack STEADY WORK, GOOJJ fil.

1. tttLUU oc ou ine maruei: sola evervwnere mere is i t- su ii a non, steaay sober. 752 22d. work, small family Call leos J- cotn at. ALTO IUMTEK COMPANY.

WF.IGHTMAN, BUILDIXG. 809 CHESTNUT. ing olives. ADPly liiT ortn aier. electricity, in the home and office: liberal profit: sales driving samnle.

weighs a pound: ciyen. Letterdice Company. 1-U4 Cnesi BAKER, first class, fancy cakes, wishes situa GIRL, experienced. German, to make herself HOUSEWORK-Whke girl In family, of three PHILADELPHIA. PA.

OPERATORS, experienced on misses' white STENOGRAPHER for general office work: state age, experience; salary five dollars at start; location Frankford. E-43. Inquirer off. tion. Bell paone Diamond 2214 A.

useful in bakery. K4. IS. llin. I mums.

i niesses: good wages. 01 N. 7th second AGENTS consumer. Many making $25 xrpv wrivt-iv RnTu A vr I n0 experience or knowledge of electricity re- nJh wp1 New oulred; it shows how to use one light instead wards tellini w. 7n Xhn, Pt of and get the same results: sell for daily.

Experi We give a S2.50 kitchen set floor GIRL shout IT. helper: rood borne for UOl hf-W UKK penenceu gin ior girls. Make ence unnecessary, uavis wwp iuu housework; two in family. 1236 S. Broad.

selling plan. OPERATORS, experienced on two needle sew right party. 1S34 Race BAKER. English, desires position: steady or Jobbing, day work preferred. Q-397.

Inq off. BAKER First band, al! round, wishes position in country. 72i Spring Garden st. 1450 Carroll tnicagu $3.50 and saves the purchaser an investment Toilet HOUSEWORK Girl to assist housework and ireo our customers lu -uieri "ur kltoub. I os Writ.

Ir.r Tho rrrv. TTTsTT ZTTul Ti. v. Vrf tnir mat-nines. Appiy 10 air.

iaiz, oecona GIRLS to learn braiding. Apply Progressiva Milla Tj.hit'h nr sod Mntter St. it annr, a a ivow I nivrantu I 1 mn, fasill L1KUI I uvwi. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, lady, competent; permanent position: state experience and salary. R-337, Inquirer office.

STENOGRAPHER wantedTsalary Apply giving references. P-374. Inquirer office. store. Call after 9 o'clock.

144 za. noor. 4tn si. Meryrto. 256 Nassau Brooklyn.

X. Y. BARTENDER at present employed, wishes to GIRL-Wanted. 'strong girl or woman for rough EOUSEWORK-Glrl for general house- OPERATORS, experienced Infants' caps, high tast-selllng articles. Work pleasant and easy, i No experience needed.

Wm. Howard took 19 UOHTH onder of the world: rc-w automatic est prices. Louis 11. Weinberger. 154 N.

starching in laundry. Maverrora. "iiv. nyi chance, Iirst class reierence, for honesty, sobrietv and sbilitv. Address Flood's Saloon.

orders first day his profits $12.64. Samples razor sharpener wonderful accuracy amaees Seventh. -Girl, about 16. for housework! H0USEW0RI GIRL to do housework. Jewish Foster Home.

and Market sts. STORE GIRL wanted in baking and Ice cream saloon, experienced; wages $5. Apply 2536 Amber Frankford. Phlla. rurnlshed workers.

Liberal credit terms. A i-w iuu lur mc; -i'ii i 1 1 nnn I ry sample in pocket: u.expriencea man made OPERATORS wanted on shirtwaists and two in fam ly, good reference. 1620 Green. Chnrch lane and Chew st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES IS word or less, SOc; additional words, to 1 .1 1 i 1 1 dresses: steady work with best nay.

Belber- automobile; a 4O0 piano, and other 1 i uu r.TRiw,nt.rt half-trrnwn irirl to be useful. HOUSEWORK Girl or woman for general man 240 Market. 1 rr- -XT rmnt prizes given absolutely free to the agents who "u' STRIPPERS on binders and Havana fillers. 913 Filbert St. 4J.3 N.

3Htn. Delow spring oaraen. I ino in muwij. sell the most goods. In case of tie, equal ki Mn.

nvrite for froe details, sworn statements, and GIRL Errand girl, neat and willing. Room HOLSEWOKK rtomsn to assist witn nouse- OPERATORS, experienced on Singer embroidering machines; steady work; good pay. Joseph's. 526 Jefferson. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT BUREAU.

808 wanted. Sultzberger-Oppenheim-er 11 00 Montgomery are. iti.rir' 15.1 BBveriv Boston have terirtory assigned. AddressThe Never- 9. 4th floor.

4S N. 13th. worn. iiuu o. ni Walnut St.

Headquarters tor public, private I fall I V.T1, I I fatl Company. loo Colton Toledo. Ohio. Mass. Etnery I HOUSEWORK Girl, small family, good home, male and female help, for city, country, moun OPERATOUS, experienced on ladies' waists STRIPPERS wanted on wrappers GIRL Bright girl.

16 years of age. Shirt 146 N. 13th St. AGENTS $50 weekly: we manufacture the at once. iUjo s.

Aiaer el. HAVE YOU HEARD THE GREAT NOISE? and dresses, highest prices paia; steaay tains and score, rollowing positions open tor Monday: Chef. $15. for restaurant; driver for nest needle case made: a wonaeriul seuei ana pinners: steaay work. ADUly Bayuk Bros.

3d and Spruce. Our "Lucky Leven combination ($3.20 val- work. Moidawer Milgrim, 1214 GIRLS, experienced, to label cans In paint 1 HOUSEWORK Girl for general cousewwi, fictory. 114 rTont. I ora nome.

iji! --'i TWO OPERATORS on Wheeler and Wilson ne you sell for $1.00 will put you on easv suy meu: to per cent, proni; iiqu0r house; woodworking machine man. or-streel The Juiciest spring To ffi -'i "SS? BARTENDER Young Irishman wants uteady position, sober and ambitious. 2717 Jeffer- son st. BA RTENDER Yonng Irishman 'wants position. Has four years experience.

Can be well recommended. SIS Pine Camden. N. J. bTrTEXDER Young man.

inexperienced" wishes to learn the business. E-30S. Inquirer office. BARTENDER, reliable man. wishes steady po-sitiim, city or country; reference.

"1935 Hunting Park ave. BARTENDER, reliable, Irishman, wishes to learn: A-l references. Q-743. Branch Inquir-er. 3145 Fairmount ave.

A ENDER. married, wishes position; thor-oushly experienced; fast worker, good mixer. 1S22 S. ladstone. OPERATORS, experienced on ladies' lawn waists, steady work, good pay.

Benjamin GIRL take charge small house. 2 adults. Call HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework. macnines. Monireia Mtg.

bta ana you don't have daily profits of $6 to $10 you Snnftntr "IVt-l pv st I alcon out I all Vine. Tuch I3Q4 Arch, mn new naupnin sts. can make over $100 weekly; particulars free order cook, $14. for Atlantic City; four wait- or send 10c for a 25c. samnlA containing 115 are due at the morgue.

Newcome averages 30 27 I HOUSEWORK Girl wanted for general house OPERATORS, experienced on ladles' shirt TYPEWRITING Young lady, well educated, noxes a aay proni GIRLS wanted to make ice cream boxes. N. tith st. DroDositSn Good for J.18 fom lne fetory. Paty J45; houseman.

$30: two porters. $9: kitcheii This onii i Nedle 88 Union S)mervllle. ilass. man. voung men as assistant waiter and i.

lxioa gooa i sure tmng work. 1410 jackson. waists. Haney, Kattner Kaab, s. E.

cor. must oe exceptionally accurate, no shorthand, central. N-327. Inquirer office. 13th and Callowhlll.

Great crew manai $100 weekly profit GIRL Yonng colored girl to work In kitchen; HOUSEWORK Wanted, girl to help house our "27 varieties'" From factory to you no LET "BOOSTER" show you how to get the porter work. $8: assistant butcher S3o. for our "27 varieties. OPERATORS' wanted, experienced on all parts Hammonton sleep home. IT 11 Tioga St.

1 work; sleep in. dough." Start a mall business: operate a hotel: colored help of all kinds, siuele and VAMPERS Steady employment. Shoe Hammonton, N. J. middleman's profit.

Get aboard. Davis Soap of Fairmount Shirt actory. vesc silent salesman" system: spare time: ootsi- I married farm hands; married couple, $45: as- GIRL wanted, white, to assist with housework KOUSEW OKK Girl on iarm at raon. uutn works, tiz iiavis lij Carroll ayenue. and Cliuron Camden.

hlliriAO. nnlimhMl i awav wno-A lv. 1 St HI1 1 COOk for lnStitUtlOO. iMil iOe CleH III and mke herself useful. 2028 Ridge ave.

IV. -aol. inoulr-fr ornce. cnicago. WAlTREiSES with hotel reference; no others; June to September: board, room, washing; ery.

Ihe best money-making propositions are man. $13; soda dispenser, etc Female de- OPERATOR, experienced, and ironer wanted for housework Ap- HOUSEWORK Colored girl ESTABLISHED HOCBEIHO-LD NBCEISSITY GIRLS Wanted, kitchen cirls, colored. flti, give age. weight, height. Henry Powers, orf muslin unaerwear.

-iy ou bi. ln Booster. bena luc. lor two montns trial, i pm miem. ciureruym Km.

4.0 incoa Koosipr Minrinp Iit qok Iriftii. I for city, country, mountains and shore: chani- reierence. ij'ra nuucr giviug premiums to Utters, wants liouse-to- xly 1410 South fenn square. BARKEEPER Head barkeeper, sober, Industrious, competent, city or seashore, highest references. X-302, Inquirer office.

v.u:tiiuiue, Atlantic sjiry, j. j. Stohrer's Pickle Works, 120 I HOUSEWORK Girl, good cook, washer and uousu saies luauaer in an iowus uvtr wit. 1 OPERATORS wanted on all parts of waists and dresses. 529 Arch.

6th floor. ueiuiaius. cooks ior cuy ana oui ci lowu, GIRLS wanted. Spruce st lroner. ii54 spruce WAITRESSES Wanted, experienced waitresses, with Crane's, 1310 Chestnut luraiso.

iree trial samples ana aavertis- tn coot tri- ironer rri fur Ine matter. Eiclusive territory. Saies run $75 WEEKLY to one in every town, either I0 OPERATORS on ladies' lawn waists. Green HOCSEWORK-Girl. white, for general house GIRL for general housework.

X. 12th st. i .1 ..11 let' Hamilton mmla SRJ. lost a-aat tlr. i, i- Bireer.

span 931 Market ivc iu aou cnu oeii Mm cuiouie. ofciiiu l0T institution. $20: 10 housework work. 5-113 Market ft BARTENDER sneaks German, first class, exceptional references; hotel experience. Phone Tioga 4flQ9.

BARTENDER Young Irishman wants to learn. old country experience. 2717 Jefferson st. HALF-GROWN GIRL assist housework, sleep Apply 2023 ana again, nontes can oe esraousnea ana I girls. 3 to SO: pastry maids, child nurse.

OPERATORS on shirts for button sewing ma WAITRESS for private family. Spring Garden street. Apply J716 Bar HOUSEWORK Girl wanted. homt-. 1932 N.

5tr. snb-agents appointed. Nearly 200 per cent profit uo enuerienCB necessary; an-jear- $3 and cther numerous positions. Call early chines. L.

Needles Z4 nank st. Write today ine Wet Phila WAITRESSES, neat, experienced. Apply before HANDS Experienced hands wanted on cover aav ior iree xuc. sauiyie hhu jionaay IJKhtlng Cleanser Cleveland. O.

est money-making plan In the country Only A wanted on skirts. Apply 61 OPERATORS HOUSEWORK Young. white Catholic girl, sition. O. o.

ju. 10 sroaa st. one in a town. Address O. E.

Swartzbaogh. ed buttons. ttn. BARTF.NDER Young, speaks German, wishes position, reference. 1315 N.

Warnock st; M. 2d st. eenerai Housework. LOfcmoia avc ROYAL. 1418 ARCH Wanted, male and female attendants: man and wife, both flnru' nrirola r.

Inciltn. Drawer 19. Toledo, O. WAITRESSES Experienced, wanted for half HOSIERY Forelady to take charge of finish 1 1 nr.TI I .1 b- OPERATORS, experienced on silk waists. wJrero; -tatS wlriencand salary EoulWORKiabhite girl, -j vwna lir, luutil timeY Apply iianscom 1232 Market.

Sell Wm. Goldstein, 1027 Ridge sixth poor. room or if large city, open tip an office and AGEXTS-Astoundine proposition. expected. Address X-4S0, Inquirer branch, th I uiv iruamiiieeii i.ii lie KH7.or inn ti i WAITRESSES, experienced only.

Apply 120S fell "18 karat" carbon products. Must OPERATORS Experienced on ladies waists. and Oxford w.Hui utu i.u if and downstairs work: five laundresses, eirl HOUSEWORK white girl for general Blank 26 S. 7th Et. HOSIERY Wanted, experienced loopers; eood housework good tva ges.

(40 N. rionvier st. $oo to $2iio capital, we snow yon a handle agents and make big money. way bed Profit 100 per cent sinsor Id for machine, ironer. waitresses, cbamber-No sal- PIS'u.

Pg Ifmme 30?" Largest lineof maids, housemaids, kitchen maids. Following mtoduce I hours, sample, joc. Largest line or lnred htn.r co.iv-- A RTENDER Steady sober, good mixer, city or country. A-80, Inquirer office. BARTENDER wishes position, first class man.

thorough ly experienced. 1018 N. Sydenham. BARTENDER. Irish, thoroughly experienced; oiiick worker: best reference.

633 N. 18th. BARTENDER, reliable, good mixer, neat worker, with refe -ence. Phone Belmont 37S7 X. OPERATORS, experienced on combination and par.

steady work. Apply m. iuDei, IRONERS on Royal shirtwaists, steady work, arv crabbers wanted. Mien who can cutlery in the world. Write quick.

Millgot Adams west of CorM. fifth floor. princess slips, zerrer-iirnaiey. lia maraet. results will get a stock Inteiest in our Dusi The Hagedcn-Merz aa ana cm u.

cooks, chambermaid and waitress: laundress. gaies sua national union roieao. u. 1IOAI1-T1T Knitters and toppers. Acme Mayo private waiters.

Tiorturs kitchen rin fi OPERATORS, experienced on plain lac nneck- ness. No experience needed. Address Anglo- viTCHFA- AVOU.4X to helo on ranee, no ttreet. WANTED, young lady for addressing and mailing: must be rapid and experienced; salary to start. state age and experience.

C-96. Inquirer office. WANTED, for the summer months, well educated lady, teacher preferred, to make special demonstrations; a work of travels through the Oriental countries; fine terms to desirable party. C-315, Inquirer office. wear.

Louis 11. elnuerger, 104 A. itn. AGENTS, now is time; sell our patent- class positions now city, country, sea- machines. Park Hosiery Mills, so.

ana Amonca au cortlanat Jsew xorg. Sunauy wort. Apply e-njr. t.jl sts. good eu wvn nu pirsriviiiK aeiue, miuucnui m- i snore, tan early Monday street.

and numberer, experienced; E-37, Inquirer office. PAGER wages HOSIERY Experienced pairers and folders BARTENDER, married. 42. lunch; wants employment. gooa" at cooking 1212 X.

Sth. D0NOHUE S. 1727 Sansom st. Wanted, stew- A-- AUtiM IVA.utll ai om-e in mis viciu-i low nriced- hir demand- TMcVetf itT to represent large California real mate B0 ketttes in da- HuntingTon firm. At start we give for his co-oneration a LADY solicit orders and work In flower and examiners: steaay worg.

uooa pay. ara ror western Pennsylvania; club waiters. store uptown; no night work. c-io, in ACKER, sliced dried beef: packer girl with experience. H.

Strecker. 2066 B. Tioga. freo bom it on ontwrtnnitv to arn Bulu lur uruois. wrni.

Mm iree Vl F. E. Munich. 2720 Hope. BARTENDER Irish married man with best references, wishes position.

114o Daly St. HOSIERY Experienced knitters on Paxton from two tb five thousana 'dollars annually. rDTrto lncn bell boys, buss boys, for seashore: elevVtor no experience necessary. Send postal et once I boys, billiard room boys, silvermen. handy 1' in.T ladv to take charge of con Neul maonine.

rsrown, ADerie t-aie- BARTENDER, Irish, wishes position: 3 years' experience; 'phone Walnut 6324A. WANTED A competent woman or girl for cooking and downstairs work; good laundress; reference from last place; two adults in family. Apply 3021 Frankford are. feet onerv ana stationery store. owvj.

itace tborp and Huntingdon. tor tun particulars, uaiiromia io-operaiive i 1 at man. cuauneur. private iamiiy; juaj. tnam- rninn Tmoi Kidu Tis 4nplM Pal.

I lng Chemical Refrigerating Coolers to hotels. I bermaids and waitresses for coaslmro lnnn- PAPER BOXES EXPERIENCED ALSO A FEW LEARNERS. 412 414 LOCUST STREET. West Phi a HOSIERY, experienced menders on white wcrk. a rvv tr.

inn home for two sisters em mvir.F.11 msn woman wanted in every Ff.0". tn.r.. ashore, $6: storeroom girls: many BARTENDER, middle-aged, reference; security; city or country. W-3l. Inquirer office.

Ann iifriuau-nuii-L ivau uwaicij nloved beautifully situated, country, small WANTED Lady who Is competent to solicit for the automobile line. C-303. Inaulrer bria r.rd Ormes streets. compensation, good home. C-3SS.

Inquirer off office. on household necessity. Must be well known ket chemical Dept. UIKKl on,l c-oerienced bosom on- TAPER BOXES Waited, experienced small fine neck wa'k to do at home. 452 Yo-k 4th and 5th uboTe BOOKKEEPER and auditor, I am keeping books for small firms at a cost of $.

to $10 a month. Can call anytime. P-26. Inquirer office. ALL WHITE HELP wanted fog Atlantic City hotels, no advance charges, positions guaranteed; head cooks, head waitress, waitresses, pantry girls, laundresses, fancy Ironer.

shirt WANTED-Experienced girls for packing pickles Ill U1B V.VllllAlUliavj auu yttii niCRfifO ill well as capable of handling canvassers. Bie TrlaDKle "Slerr orv rlrmrtinmriT. neck opportunity, awaits the right person. C. C.

ana onves. Apply z4 s. 2d Phlla. Pickline Co. HOSIERY WTLTER3 on macnines.

1 operators. ite Laundry. 1836 N. ltn st. ironer, mangle girls, starchers.

help wanted for private families also. Simons' Employment Bureau. Mrs. James B. Simon, msna-rer iv ill pay a to cents -r u.

i vdrt-t xnerienced feeders and folders PAPER BOXES Experienced hand and table workers on tine square and round boxes steady employment: good wages; clean work room. G. A. Bisier. 247 N.

6th. BOOKKEEPER desires a few parties who have small sets of books: will write them up. either day or evenings. Address Competent. N-91.

office. is wanted; mane tug money selling i yoU can make this amount In your spare WANTED Half grc vn white girl, light housework, small family. Bleep home. 2000 N. 25th st.

unrt'd srood navr steadv nhoto pillow tons. 25c: bromides. 25c Pr: I time taking orders for our legal plan clothing I Pacific Atlantic City. HOSIERY Loopej. -anted.

Vernon. Howard I position. Apply, ready for work. Standard traits. 35c.

ollettes. SOc. We produce works of club. Interview and particulars. Address art: guaranteed: lowest nrlces: largest studio: rim oeuaju 1 Laundry, zio B.

mn DOUGHERTY'S. 1205 FILBERT The following heln can meet st this offia mt 30H, Inquirer office. WANTED Chambermaid, for mountain hotel. Apply Sunday, 4321 Wyalusing West Philadelphia. prompt service: creait given; samples, portrait anted a marker ana sorter on HOSIERY Experienced transfer bar toppers.

LAUNDRY Wi HgrryC. Aberlo A- 3d and Cumberland, anci and frame catalogue free. Daniel H. Kitter Co WEt ARE MANUFACTURERS of new. high- 10 o'clock Monday morning: Engineer.

$50 to grade original air brush design show cards. I S60: head baker. Stui: third bakpr 3S- -ntn. collars. Swiss Launary.

PAPER BOXES Experienced girls on small roura and square work; also borne workers. George JW. Plumly Company, 213 X. 4th st. PAPiSU BOXES Experienced girls wanted on covering machine.

Art Paper Box 201 Spruce st. 1218 Madison. Chicago. Ill WANTED A bright girl about 14 years old Camden. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, working, must be I Market Every storekeeper buys.

400 per cent, profit. I and cook for country hotel. three mangle BOY AND GIRL AGENTS, be a bird man BOOKKEEPER and correspondent, age 28, experienced, capable of taking charge, good references, desires position with good future. P-331. Inqnirer office.

BOOKKEEPING An experienced office man wants small sets of books to write -nn and to systematize offices; also auditing work; terms reasonable. C-379. Inquirer office. BOOKKEEPER Expert will audit accounts, end to worg in ractory. u-aj.

inqnirer ornce. Catalog containing 350 varieties free. Samples l.irMiRY Girls. 18 years of age. for all girls.

$15; laundress, $25; pantry girl, $20; like Curtiss: sell 24 packages of postcards WASHING White woman wanted for washing. departments. Pilgrim Lnunnry these positions are all at summer resorts. l(c. Peoples Show Card Concern, i22 w.

Madison Chlcaso. Til. for ug at 10c. each and receive aeroplane ab eiinert and settled, not oyer 3-i. In widow-rr's small family: one that would appreciate a good borne.

Those with; small children need not apply. Oall after 2, Sunday. 2338 S. 11th. Proad.

ou Tuesday, must be good ironer. 152 Apsley Germantown, one square above Wayne solutely free: flies loO feet, write today tor laundry, exnerieneed marker and sorter I AGEXTS on salary or commission. The great cards. Toe Inter-Mountain Distributing mks. g.

patrilk has opened a first-class employment bureau downtown with very best stlect help, male or female, white or colored junction. est agents seller ever produced: every user BOXES For.uady, one who thor Highly t.ndevstands all klris of and fan hi'-i1'" help. M-327, office. PAPER BOXES Experienced machine girls aud turners-ln on small work. Cigarette Paper Box Marshall and Noble.

01 flat ana rousn ary. iiunyareu uouuury, Division 5, Box 1113, Salt Lake. Utah. take care of books day or evenings, iioa- HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged woman for of ink it 200 500 WASHING Colored woman for washing. Char- 674 N.

erate terms. L-327. Inquirer office WANTED-One man or woman in every local- cnr -nVoiit- si Tsn-ntirt to M-elP furnished the shortest notice. 1929 Reed pen and buys on sight; to ne iuie. 3d4tf voooiana ave.

housekeeper on farm: three male adults; ouiv ihnsr used to the country need apply: no LAUNDRY vfcnts experienced girl to wrap lty to start a "candy kitchen:" best paying icon, i hV. in Phlla. Bell 'phone Dickinson 2907 A BOOKKEEPER Wanted, position as bookkeep WASHING White woman to take home fam- cuff, shirt ana collar wora. Atgien Jaun er or assistant, by youne man. P.

O. Box small business on eath. Few dollars start v-, riot no-nv 1mm -it a ui ti vorv Wrtti" for Monroe Mfg. X-229. La Crosse.

Wig. WANTED Public cook, woman. madhouse. PA PERBOXES Experienced operator on Stokes outdoor work. Apply David J.

Richards. Sew- I 1 Vrt. -I tly wash. 4o38 X. Smodley st.

dry. 1108 Dauphin st 11. Windsor. Pa. 14 housemaids, $5 up: private cook for Ac Smith wrapping machine, week or piece WASTE SORTER, female, experienced; learn aal" wllln.

nnr guaranteed stocklnirs ft Atlantic: 4 waitresses and 2 vegetable cooks. LAUNDRY ants first-class, experienced col BOOKKEEPER Assistant bookkeeper and work 443 N. 10th. HOi SF KEEPER Pot est ant widow, no chiMren riiuouciuuui, I a. I V' lll 1.

-j ers paid, iuo Blair St. lar lroners, with view or xamng cnarge oi typewriter desires position, experience; ref lCTPPtrvnCTVrcTiiiT nn tr ap-mttj 1 ior l- ruieen cents ior irmi pair; uuiuuoii man auu or smie lany. wiia PAPER BOXES. Experienced table workers on fifty'-slx room, select iiparrrueit 1 departments. Apply 1836 N.

19th. WEAVERS wanted on haircloth. Address John' i uiu uuiun lull tho capital ronn rwli Sonrt tndav atsttnor I Wire. I ail Pine Inrhnrcha Ke erence. X-73.

Inquirer office. epcr. business in your own home. We tell vou how. I i i d' K.ur I nne square and round work, iugene K.

213 Church st. MEim, iojo w. 6za piace, cnicaeo. must lie "hustler and have hest ref- I LAUXDRY Experienced marker and sorter, Address Iniitilrer f1c. 1 nat and rough dry.

Incomparable Laundry, BOOKKEEPER Experienced, rapid, to write and furnish everything needed wholesale. An WA NTED 20 housemaids, couple. suburbs, WILLOWERS Experienced willowers wanted. no books weekly or monthly. 1-027.

inquirer PAPER BOXES Experienced girls on cover hoi.orable and profitable business for man or rc', 1 rn 1 50: working housekeeper. $7. small country woman. Particulars free. Many make $310 a I AGBN1S -make 500 per cent, profit selling our I hotel; colorod waitress, private: cooks and ith.

"Best" Ostrich Feather Shop. 117 N. 10th HOUSEKEEPER wanted, working, in widow-oi2. N. office.

ing machine, also turners-in. Apply 8th and and 140 N. 7th st. finisher, also Murphy Mfg. South Norwalk.

Conn, gold window letters, novelty signs ana change- I'UHiiiiKiiiialu? i'ueiiitri, bimi -st-paraie; pieuij BOOKKEEPER Young man. graduated book er plain family of three: plain cooaing; I LAUNDR1 IJcpenencea smrt mow sts. or worn, excoueuc places, ctar. ii J3tn. in all departments.

2204 Germantown keeper, desires position in clerical, moaerare rnis is nice place ror gooa gin or womau i help AGENTS WANTED-An established old line Catalogue W. Sullivan 1234 Van Buren WINDERS Experienced soft silk windrs, steady employment. Pine Tree Silk Mills, sularv to start. D. Rosen.

308 Dickinson st. wishing good home ana steady Place; per avenue. GERMAN EMPLOYMENT, 1312 -Filbert St. PAPER BOXES Experienced elrls on hand work: pill and powder. Edwin J.

Schoettle v.v,aaac.laj musxxx CniCagO, III. week. inquirer ornce. Aiiegneny ave. ana conainot st.

LAUNDRY -vs-ants experienced girls In man BOOKKEEPER, assistant, wishes situation. 237 N. 6th st. SPARE TIME. ttorsFKFFPRa Refined vonne woman, capa wanted, male attendants, sanatorium; farm hands.

German aud Polish housework girls, German coachman, for country. gle room. Atgien iunary. liua iraupmu WARPERS or jack spoolers. Apjply at Jas.

W. Dettra. V047 3d St. ble managing refined widower's home; de ren lea conndentlal Givo rontons nvnerionca I utvumi iu i.ini.u vnutiu. street.

uoak. 213D ti. morris Phila. PAPER BOXES, experienced girls on staying, topping and coveriug machine. Thomsen's, cor.

Turner nd Mascher sts. tails appreciated; state salary desired. A-341, and refrences. Box B-327, Inquirer office. for up-to-date merchant tailor on small weekly BOOKS to keep for party having bo regular GIRARD 1328 Cooks.

chamber LAUNDRESS for Monday and Tuesday, north inquirer omce bookkeeper. Q-38. Inquirer ornce. GLADIAT0E HOSIERY is the different kind: PD18 br17LenL "iculara at maids, waitresses. Iiouseworkers.

child's west section of city; reierence. li-ous, in- PAPER BOXES-Small girls to turn In. Ap HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Protestant; about BOY. 17 years, wishes to learn horseshoeing.

nnrses. butlers: white and colored; lots of linen heel and toe for men, women and Lt i quirer office. GET SOME of the profit from the tremend Walter Kllis. Weldon. fa.

ply 615 Commerce sr work. WINDERS, experienced soft silk winders, also LAUNDRY wants experienced feeders, folders BOY. 16. wants position In law office, can 40, to keep house for three young men must be good cook; references exchanged etate salary desired. W-330.

Inquirer ofai-e. avi i-t-PPO WnrVinv hntiptnn.r' re ous wave or ousmess now going over ine country on Valentine dusters and dust mops. children: fully guaranteed: agents make $10 to $20 daily representing our mill; samples free: send for details. Gladiator Hosiery Dept. C.

Wilmington. Del. FARMHANDS waited, 200 wbtfle and colored men. eood waees. Call readv for work.

gins, not over it years, to learn win-oing. Call between 8 and lO A. Sauauoit Silk and shaker In manele aeparimem. iood give reference. l-3itt, inquirer ornce.

X. 19th. Mfg. 18th and Hunting Park ave. TUfy absorb oust as a sponge aosoros water.

P. Valentine Mfg. Allstoa Station, Boston- CANVASSERS, experienced, of good address. early Monday; no money needed. Scullin's, 205 S.

Front. fined person can have home same as their LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced fancy Iron- PAPER BOXES Wanted a girl for labeling. Oneida Hosiery 2d and Allegheny. Pi" PER BOXES Experienced girls on covering faehine and tnrnerg in 443 N. loth.

PAPER BOXES Experienced stavlne machine girl, steady work. Sondprs. 1120 Vine st. AGENTS make big money selling 3000 guar for Tioga and Germantown. salary ana com Mass own; state age ana salary.

ai-o, inquirer 1 ers, aiso ki-is ou ivuu oiw anteed articles, heautiiuiiy illustrated in four free catalogs. $500 prize contest begins i erford. AGENTS-424 a week: new patented automatic v.A5en5?r office. O.MAN anted, middle aged woman to mission. Apply Albert Sutcliffe.

5516 Germaa- town svenue. CARPENTER Reliable carpenter desire work run home and cook for three mrtn on farm June 15. Extra premiums all summer. Write HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, colored girl for LA L'XDRY-Woman to wash woolens and cleTr. lmestic, maleand big demand: bia profits: free sample to work-1 COOKS, chambermaids, waitresses, housemaids.

out Quaker City Laun- near Lansdale. Write or apply to Dtaniel silks: steaiiy position. housekeeper in country, short distance from PAPER BOXES Experienced out and workers. Apply 8th and Willow sts. tor catalog.

A. VV. Holmes. Dept. A.

ad. Providence, I. good reierence. pnone. rresiua -ia -1 AlwooQ.

Loimar, fa. dry. 6 S. 4'th st. Phlla.

Call Monday A. secona noor oacu. son. 727 o'vnn. ers.

Auto Comb 4622 ilnch layton, men am women, want ors ciry, ecasnore. WOMAN, middle-aired, refined, wishes posi B. Cor. 8th and Arch sts. LaUNDRY Three plain lroners.

feeders and PLEATER, knife and accordion, steady work, good pay. 1Q8 S. 13th. 2d floor. OnlO.

loumr. s'l 'uuuiuiu ave CARPENTER, foreman, desires steady situa tion, housekeeper, widower's family. Ad and son. elceant folders on manele. Apply to ioreumn.

jcuer- PORTRAITS Photo pillow tops, photo plates, TIOGA for white and colored cooks, chamber- dress 1444 Peach St. lawn ooDortunity. state age. etc. D-50, inquirer I son Hospital.

10th and Sansom sts PRBSSERS. exnerieneed on ladies' WE START YOU If business, furnishing cv-ervthing. $30 to $200 weekly operating our celebrated "specialty candy and popcorn crlsp-ette outfits," home or small room year round. Opportunity lifetime for men and women; book-let free. Ragsdale East Orange, J.

frames, sneer, pictures; lowest prices; rejects maids, housemaids men and wives, citv nnd tion; competent in an oranrues. ai-oiv, Inquirer office. CARPENTER'S HELPER wishes position, in WOMAN Wanted, reliable woman, good sewer. waists; must be able to fold, also to press tuckinss. Greenspan 031 Market.

office. LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced markers and HCUSEKEHFER Middle-aged woman for sorters on i-hlrt and collar work. Wm. Mac- creui it'll, yruiuin uuipuifius, uu.vs ofun i ppa snort. H4n zinD.

also assist with housekeeping, with woman Aata A mv-iLacj run lull allair -v lunr 1 side or outside, concrete construction work liung alone. 748 S. 10th. housekeeping, good home. Call Sunday 10 Laren.

Banner Laundry. 180 1 Qirard ave, Chicagol XURSB-Enplish. or German girl, child three preferred. S-S74. Inquirer office.

20th. 720 ISO W. Columbia ave. I LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced shirt starch WOMAN on farm for summer, assisting with sewing, housework, small family. E- CARPENTER and millwright wishes position.

AGENTS Make $300 a month. New invention. Rvervhodv deliehted. Must have one. "HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, a working house- er: no night work.

Lureka uiunary. loll is PRESSERS wanted on shirtwaists and dresses. Apply Biberman Brothers. 240 Market street. PRESSKRS Experienced on ladies' waists and dresses: steadv work; good pay.

Dersh Bletz. 1020 Race st. Thompson, zo uaiaiw. ornce. AMERICAN HOME INSURANCE UNION has opening for 2 health and accident agents of producing ability: furnish references; salary and commission to right men: large list of claims paid; write or call from 11 to 2.

718 Drexel Philadelphia, Pa. kwicr for furnished room house. Call lO to Miuman. Can fall. A postal to us, a lortune ror you.

MALE CARPENTER Yonng man wishes steady posi 4 Sunday. 183 Mt. Vernon st. LAUNDRY Wanted, markers and sorters on WOMAN Bright woman to take charge of Aerio Suction K-lo. Cincinnati.

tion; gooa rerereuccB. xuj in si. house and capable of selling In store. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, white woman, wid- rough dry: also girls in all departments. AGENTS New game for cigar stores.

pool DOUGHERTY 1205 FILBERT-Chef 367, Inquirer 1103 Kldge. $50; three fry cooks. $50. $55. $60 tore, 3730 Haverfo'd.

FRESSERS. thoroughly experienced on ladies' ower. no children, aw iitn si. retai for SI: rafile or cnance H. S.

STUDENT, reliable, desires employment during vacation. Address 1727 Fair- wash dresses: steady work. Moidawer WOMAN to do plain Ironing and run sewing cards of every aescnption; particulars iree. Camden. X.

J. I LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced fancy lroners; HOfYsEKEEPER wanted, sealed woman, in steady posi; ion. Eureka Laundry. 1511 North roast cotik, $12; order cook. $15 and $12; vegetable cook.

$40; kitchen fireman. $40: head and second baker, for resort hotel. $75 for Milgrim. 1214 Arch. mount ave.

THE! NEW MATCHLESS CIGAR LIGHTER. Agents. Just out; the new pocket lighter. Shaped like a fountain pen. Territory going fast.

Write today for sample offer. Schiller Mfg. Dept. 206. Schiller Chicago.

macnine in launary. to. 2otn ana Montgom Poola HaJTlsmirg, Pa. CHAUFFEUR and mechanic wishes position. ery.

Way Muffler a working man's home. 121 Pearl Mount Stillman PRESSER wanted on Jerseys. AGENTS Don't eat before. writing; mammoth head and $.0 for second: head baker for bak hand wanted: WOMAN Wanted, healthy woman to nurse in 23d and Arch sts. Holly.

J. LAUNDRY (iood all-around either commercial. imsi or nn .1 -1. i-t i-i temperance. Best of ref catalog soaps: easiest.

uuicKest moueyg-et- 1430 N. st. come ready for work. ters: like taking candy from a baby. Parker rii irFKFT.PER for eentleman.

willing to do RKSSERS Dresser on lawn ery. Io: five third hand bakers, ice cream maker, $12; assistant head waiter, as captain. $40: engineer. $50 to $00 lensineer can erences. Address A-1248.

Inquirer branch. S34S Chemical Chicago. 1430 N. work, no incumbrance; state age. L-390.

I LAUNDRY Good starcher wanted. shirtwaists. Bycr-rrank 914 Walnut fant two months old. apply rank trots. 1115 Wharton St.

WOMAN wanted for housework, no Coll with references. 3218 Chestnut. AGENTS $15 daily, new copyrighted negro pictures, big assortment. 300 ver cent, profit. Only negro pictures published.

Our New Daisy Portrait a crackerjnek selcr. Write us. Peoples Portrait. 754 W. Madison.

Chicago. inqmrer office. I 19tb st. AGEXTS WANTED $5 to $25 per day sell- meet employer here 10.30 o'clock): head silver CHAUFFEUR AND MACHINIST wishes po PRESSER, experienced on cleaning and dyeing HOUSEKEEPER, working, to take full charge. LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced markers and in? my automobile specialty, senq lor tree man.

two cino waiters, f-w. nve res work. Mapp, 3i22 Market st. sition, private or shop, can onve anv car taurant waiters. $7 to $10: three bell boys.

Uhle, Box 5, Station sorters. ston Laundry, 238 New -6t. particulars today. 133 Srruce st. or repair.

Robert Kenworthy. 1513 Falrmoont M. Kohn PRESSERS Experienced on shirts. 20: two telephone operators, $18 and $20; EARN $10 TO $15 PER WEEK during spare WOMEN wanted to canvass toilet articles. Apply Monday evening, 3029 W.

Dauphin. iew xork i itf. avenue. LAUNDRY Son. Arch st.

four hotel house porters. 30 and numer HOUSEWORK Neat, clean white girl, good ncnimal appearance, plain cook and general time in the mail order business by our new l.xperienced plain and fancy lrou-i Laundry 2831 N. Broad. ous positions for pot washers, dishwashers and ers. Pilgn CHAUFFEUR desires position, don't drink; system.

Everything fnmlsbed. Send for our PRESSERS wanted on waists and dresses. 529 WOMAN wanted to wash and Iron. Apply 1140 AGENTS TO SELL a fast selling soap and other toilet articles, send 20 cents lor samples aud particulars. C.

A. Whipple, 932 Brock bousemork. for gentleman's country home for kitchen men. Colored Department Head nav-out-or-oront plan. Pease Mfg.

Dept. LAUNDRY liperienred collar ironer by ma Arch, sixth floor. 1UUia 13IO Dl. strictly rename, nest experience, willing lo start at reasonable summer or steadv: all modern conveniences; waiter, $40; fifteen waiters. J2il; bell boys.

8. 144 Broadway. Buffalo. N. Y.

t-hire. Ocenn lunary. iou ine sr. RAG SORTERS Experienced women to sort Ashland. Pa.

sTate age and wnees expecrea in nrst leiier. S4: chef. S50: assistant cook. S30: bar porter, wages. M-334.

inquirer oince. WOMAN Good woman to wash and iron on Mondays. 1341 Mt. Vernon. ENERGETIC MEN, every city, make $2 to LAUNDRY wants experienced markers and sort rag.

823 Kninbringe st. 31-317. Inquirer ornce. AGENTS make hie money selling auto special $8. and numerous others.

I armor and Gar 17 a day. Necessity in every mill, snop. ers. Apply 3939 Market SL HOUSEWORK Small Germantown family REELERS on worsted yarns. ty.

$100 to monthly or more easily dener Department Gardener. $30; assistant Apply at James E. Xorris with nice home, will pay good wages to LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced ladies' clothes CHAUFFEUR, colored, two years' VI reference, have traveled through different cities, just from Washington: willing to start on a small salary. H. G- 2Q4S Redner st Doak.

company. 21S0 maae. write xouny. iuc voiji pfirfieDPr. (Kiuiiry iarm tiaiiu.

-u; nve printing plant, office and factory. Duplicate orders easy. Call or write Hastings Miller, 118 Xassan street. New York city. Y0UNQ GIRL to assist with general housework, small family, light work, pleasant surroundings for one willing to please.

Ap-ply 1657 N. 60 at. Kensington, Phlla. whise girl wita references and ability. 20 1 lroners.

16 and lork. Spruce scran ton, ra. i truck farmers, two aairy men ana any nam- Elennst: 1 LAUNDRY i-hirt starcher wanted. Apply AGENTS Improved specialty for antomobile brof general an around iarm nanas RELIABLE GIRL for general housework. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, can do own re AGENTS wanted to sell our high grade 1m-oorted chewinir aum.

The best on the mar cooking: saanll family. Call Sunday be r-u seller. oik in i i i iiius- i wii.vitt I i rn smsn re. HOITSEWORK ExDerienced white girl for 1012 Callowhlll St. tween 9 and 12.

8856 Girard ave. general housework: mnst be good cook: to go I LAUNDRY Experienced eirl on collar ma- ket. Send 5c. for a full size T.ackaa-e. prices.

pairing, strictly iciui- -stands the care of horses and gardening, white. Normian M4rsh. Malaga. N. J.

YOUNG LADY In registry room of Jewelry store; must write a neat hand, one experienced In carding anfl tagging Jewelry preferred; state past occupation. W-31, Inquirer office. to AtianiK- uct: to xiiu omuuiii uu chine. 1012 Callowhlll. terms, etc.

i.ta truer (juewing uum. ZLi west trated booklets, write today. Box 118. Red Hill Bnc i-m hotel In country: chef, countxv hotel. Penna.

$100: second cook. $55: club waiters. $35 and $100 TO $500 A MONTH IN A PLEASANT $45; billiard boy. $25; boy to serve drinks. $30: mall order business at home, no capitaL houseman, and found: two order cooks.

Tudor 1330 Washington Boulevard. Chica- white or colored. $14: Irish bartender. $14: 28th New York. Shute's LUNDRY 1 Experienced starchers.

CHAUFFEUR, white. 23 years, familiar with ironing. aiipit ii: umaim pu fiorSEWORK-Girl, housework, white, fam IJiuiidry. 436 Market St. AGEXTS 100 per cent, profit: new comblna lly four, including girl six; boy four, will 1 IaaI.

1K In YOUNG LADIES wanted with taste for millinery to trim dolls' hats; must be neat hand sewers. A. Smith fe 5 S. 18th. 2d floor.

Packard, peerless auu n--iir v-in. mendation from present ernployer. Address kiai Rsnstead West Phlla. sleeve and fancy LAUXLRY Itosom, body. tii I iaiueucr lur uismuiiou.

lwo wallers. spend summer In cottage in Atlantic City SALESLADIES for contingent help 8 days a week: those having detrt, store experience preferred. Berg 1007-21 Market Bt. 11UU IV I XV 1 1 IUC 1, '11 11 1 (. 1 111 ers.

electricians, machinists, plumbers. auto lroners. aKo starcher I ehnrt 1, 11,1 Til a fi rtnlnr.fl v.lf.r. 242 8. Mb St.

Call Monday. 44 s. oum st. owners. Sample free to workers.

B. Thomas AGENTS make 500 per cent Profit ored waiter, country hotel: second cook. 'cafe, 1 1 tv and changeable signs: goia and I CHirrTFrR wants position with private fam-CUy. bluest, sober and steady 1 1 years' ex- I LAUNDRY Feeders, foliijrs and shakers, flat TTOUSF.WORK Girl for general housework. 1522 Finch Dayton.

Ohio. YOUNG WOMAN, iissist house and store: German preferred. Call Monday, 210tl Columbia ave. work department. 242 s.

tftb St. cookinir: one who has some experience SV. SomntiH fmirlii' Vovcltv I uBiivuicu. ciuKic iarm nanus, no silver letters. Big demand.

Imperia. Novelty sslmrle man take charge school AGENTS Our little Wonder Pocket Tool Scis round store; Protestant, with reference. T- LAUNDRY' lroners on ladles' clothes. Quaker perlence, tne very rai Inquirer officCj sors combines 18 tools. Light, neat, com Sjgiirt.Lquis,Aio.

i farm j25; men and women, weavers on fancy AGENTS MY NEW FRUIT JAR HOLDER ginghams: 2 attendants; pastry cook, country 67. Inquirer ornce. I City Launcry, a. 48tn st pact, useful: an imported novelty Just being YOUNG WOMEN for stitching room. Ferris, 60 X.

2d Camden, N. J. CHAUFFEUR, colored, practical experience. HOUSEWORK Wanted at once, woman with I LAUNDRY Experienced markers and sorters introduced, write tor terms ana tree sample. sells like hot cakes; Pig prorit.

write ir i store, sis: man. open and cook oysters, no now working in garage, uo on shirt and collar work. 242 S. Pth st. N.

soiimano. 4S2Z Finch Dayton, Ohio. chiid or elderly lady to assist light house particulars and let me prove it. George unaav: secona man in stable, care hunters SALESLADY, experienced In millinery; steady driver. Write to K.

xonng. ian licensed nreman. hospital: teamster on farm Corsey. 58 Park ooopury, J. work on farm, call at oil w.

Cornwall AGENTS Something new: accident policy, pays LAUNDRY Experienced shirt finisher, fenute's position. Beck s. 2dlt iront st. street. colored pastry cook: night fireman, country Sunday afternoon.

ic.Rvrs Useful novelty, every house buys. neatn ana weekly oenent tor si Laundry. 4 43tl Market. hotel; man and wife, country place, and house HOUSEWORK Colored girl for reneral house GENERAL ADAMS ADAMS. Philadelphia's Oldest and Original SCHOOL OF MAXICTRIXG AND BEAUTY CULTURE LAUNDRY" Experienced body lroners ofa white CH AUFFEUR Automobile machinist.

10 years' experience, best reference, total abstainer, go anywhere, private. Chauffeur. 2522 S. 63d. good side line; agents' price $1.50 per gross; sample, 2c.

(mailing cost). Rex Specialty work, no cooking. Henry C. Price yearly: $100,000 deposited with State. Dept 73, German Commercial Accident Newark X.

J. work, three In lamuy: ween, urn SALESLADIES, experienced, one for suit and auck coats- iu- vine. BELL and hall bovs. counter man. waiter, below 6th Uak Lane.

Phone 9-97 250 IN. 5tn coat otnjr generally usetul in all depts. LAUNDRY Girl to wrap. Apply 1012 Callow- bring reference. oldish man to work around small country CHAUFFEUR, colored, well recommended, so- THREE EXPERIENCED industrial insurance Ladies, enroll now.

Learn Manicuring, Hair- hill st. for Cape May, permanent position if suitable. E. Turner, Cape May, X. J.

cotel. care garden, general machinists OUR NEW TRACE HOLDER proving to be the best proposition ever on the market. .1 ti L-n 1 anil Boll, itr a ter. reliable. lesponsioie.

James. 1.1 conta HOUSEWORK Middle sged woman for gen- Dressing. Electrical and Vibrating Facial ana men to handle a new unique proposition- excellent terms to live men: policies Issued from 17th street. platform men. driver, mnst speak German; LAUNDRY Wanted, feeders and folders.

erT housework in country: family of three. Scalp Treatment. By our Method pupils be SALESLADY wanted, a thoroughly experienced Monday morning. H. W.

Ludlam, 3oB CHAUFFEUR desires position, careful driver. Apply 1013 Callowhlll st. quarter. Camahan Mfg. Dept.

Chicago, man and wife, two neat white restaurant r- 77- if i I waiters, a strong, intelligent- man with four come self-reliant. saleslady for candy and ice cream saloon; 3 montns to kj years. i. it, jjeaver. ia i.

9th. 2d floor. 9 to 11. make own Tepairs. goon reiereDce.

tuian Money earned while learning, proiessor, late Cherry et; LAUNDRY Mangle room help, learners tak state age; sleep in. Address P-27. Inq. off. AGENTS.

make pig proms selling our leeu ood references, position $50 per month. salary. Inquirer branch. 2222 Turner st. bags for horses, economical, comfortable, san- 1 whether we can suit en, paid -wnue learning.

h.k vine. EARN $10 TO $15 per week during spare from Paris, teaching genuine Marcel Waving, latest and most exquisite styles In Hairdress- SALESLADIES E-xperienced for hosiery and HOUSEWORK Colored girl to cook and take care of down-stairs work: small family; reference required. Wm. Burk. 801 W.

Girard timo in the man order business, by onr LAUNDRY Ixxperienced feeders on flat work. gloves, also suits ana dress departments. ilorf11 no JTl Reinheimer's. Front and Susquehanna ave. 1020 ine st.

cat snowoatis next niuiri. i i ii oi. new system. Everything furnished. Send for our "pay-out-of-profit" plan.

Pease Mfg. CHAUFFEUR Eoglish. requires position, willing to travel. grage and private references, experienced. Box 26.

Holland, pa. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic. German, with refer a venu-e CHEWING GUM Sell to dealers in your town; Thos. H. Bambrick SALESLADIES and demonstrators, fifteen: ex LAUNDRY Mangle girls, body Ironer, learn DS" SPECIAL $5.00 COURSES.

INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IX1XG COURSES. Vnnlcnrlnir Halrdresslng. Shampooing. Hair- HOUSEWORK Girl, half-grown colored Ctrl. Dept.

144 Broaaway. Buitaio, in. x. clean, prontame ousmess nuin up quickly perience unnecessary: 'ood salary: call today ers taken. Horn ana Haraart, zio lotn.

MARRIED MAN. without children, meet one to assist with housework and care of baby with our oranus: tour navors; novei packages. 10 to 5 o'clock. Hall, 849 X. Franklin bt.

WANTED Man or woman as manufacturer's in smill family; reference requireo. wm. Burk. of the head men of P. K.

no obiec- flAn. a ilt-od mn wi ft. to helt another ence, wishes position, steaay; city or 3445 Woodland ave. LAUNDRY Experienced markers and sorters. Write today.

Helmet Cincinnati, u. representative for "So Coola" the great sum Mill West Girard avenue. Waving, Scalp Treament. long courses this month only. Pupils assisted to position at titla nd resorts.

vine. mer drink. Exclusive territory. Salary and 1 iijij oiahi ivu raiuius uny i uomc woman in the house; man neip on ine iarm CHAUFFEUR, white, familiar with all cars. SALESLADY Wanted, experienced saleslady, for fancy gsods and notions.

Jos. Goldstein, Long Branch, N. J. HO USE WO RK MIddJe-aged woman In need of commission. 25 glasses.

25c. samples, 15c and taker in spare nuic piiiih luinwia, in, VULUIBI, i 34 -jth St. LAUNDRY Experienced folders frM instructive booklet, giving plans of opera j. ziegier inicago. ftrictly temperate, recommendation iron present employer.

X. Judson st. off on flat work. iuz ine. home, assise ugnt noiuieworn, small salary but good home.

No. 1525 Edgewood West A NTEI 1 50 white and colored men. and tion. G. F.

Keamona. uept. u. noston. Mass SALESLADY wanted In confectionery and lc boys for farm work.

415 Race. LAUNDRESS, white, strong, reliable, sleep Ph lla AGENTS tSale representatives, presto self-filling fountain pen. unsurpassed simplicity. i-. X- A In nil 1 bn rtn cream store.

iNewmeister, 2HO Girard ave. Dav and Evening Classes. Diplomas, Satlfac-tlon Guaranteed. Evenings, Tuesday and Thursday, 7.30 until 9.30 P. M.

A graduate from this school has profession that will earn her a living In any part of the CHAUFFEUR. German. 24 years, wishes position, family preferred, city or country. 1517 out. Nursery, 19th ana EJiswortn.

HOUSEWORK Reliable girl or woman, white; catches: nig money; exceptional Tjrooosition: I SALESLADIES For wholesale toy and Bta- superior other fountains, patent, latest novel Bsmnla catch nostDald. 25c. Antn dutch farmers at 007 lne sr. general Housework: no wasmne or ironing X. Marston st.

LAUXDRY Wanted, experianced fancy Iron tlooery house. s-iQ, Inquirer office. sges $5. Apply Sunday and Monday. 9 to 12, ty, grand opportunity, either sex.

Terry, 813 Broadway, New Y'ork. Chicago. ers. 2701 Columbia ave. 1036 N.

18th. civilized world, can or write ror particulars. ADAMS BEAUTIFYING SCHOOL. 105 Arch Philadelphia. AGENTS make big money selling auto special FEMALE shirts, ty: lw to twu per monm or more easily UOUSF.WORK-CIrl for general housework.

SPAnd wTk AfSl 19th sciall adult family. 4 E. Mt. Pleasant collars and flat work. Apply 18tl in.

ltn, CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position four veers' experience, reference. Win. Brown. H'a-i Kater. CHAUFFEUR, own machinist, any reasonable offer city or country.

SS, Inquirer branch. Pine. SALESWOMEN. Glmbel Brothers have several vacancies for Second fliior front. Bell 'phone.

Spruce 417B-. AN EXTRA LIBERAL PROPOSITION' now offered agents handling our line of useful quick sellers. Write today. Clrlch 27 Thames N. Y.

made. Write touay. riaitis ungues, nan- DOUGHERTY. 1205 FILBERT STREET Head laundress for institution. two storeroom girls, $25; two short order cooks.

SS; vegetable co*ck BrooKiyn. a. l. LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced body lroners Mt. Airy.

experienced saleswomen learners Vt ken. wax Aiaraex st. $2 TO $20 WEEKLY copying and mailing our HOUSEWORK Good colored girl to ro to cook, $30; four chambermaids. $16: two wait LAUNDRY IVeders. folders, shakers and tak letters to your menus aavertising our sta Ocean City, must cook, wash and iron, prl- in lara itooas In Umbrellas In Jewelry.

Apply Employment Bureau, Fourth Floor. resses. no Sunday work; six cleaners. $14 CHAUFFEUR Reliable colored man; can maka own repairs: l.andy around house; reference. e-s off.

1427 catnanne st tionery; sample ana starting instructions iuc. Ti1 fuiily. N-383, Inquirer ofnee. positions for dishwashers and glass pantry Century Stationery nonse. ieetwooa.

pa. starchers. LAUNDRY Wanted, experienced s. Bancroir. HOUSEWORK Wanted, half-grown girl to as THE ONLY SCHOOL THAT PAYS OUT MONEY TO BRING GOOD POSITIONS FOR GRADUATES.

AGENTS. $1 hourly: patented one-handed flour 1427 Catharine St. iriris. ollowing positions tor resort st once Head laundress. $50; starcher.

$25: three wait resses. $15 and S16: cook. $40: vegetable cook sist with light housework good place ror -n i 1 1 sifter; oniy one uiiu. -uiiit i uimrutu 728 Market wanted, two. p.Kl gill.

K0 ll 111 UIIK'IUII SI. LEARNERS Strong, active girls to operate SALESLADIES free, orsnejt t- rv-i. nayiou. jnio. $35.

Following open until Jnne 20th, meet Now Is the time to learn this coming new prcfession and go to a fashionable summer resort do appointment work, establish a busi coat lronmar macnines. iaui n. mm. street. HOUSEWORK Girl wanted, small family; willing to go to Atlantic City for summer.

LEARNERS In all parts of laundry work, ness of your own or nil a good position and AGENTS Legitimate substitute for slot ma- employer in the city: Parlor maid. $18; two chines; patented; sells on sight for $1. Par- storeroom girls, $30, for Maine: six chamber- tlculars. Glsha Anderson. Ind.

maids, seashore, $14; ten waitresses. $15: two ti- a ic-pFTkK to tor. riav Qelllncr colored kitchen girls. $18. for mountains.

I Apply Monday morning. 4523 Spruce st SAMPLE MAKER on ladles tailored waists, capable of assisting designer. Haney. Kutt-ner Raab. 13th and Oallowhill.

innlv 1K1H IS. 1UTU fit. esrn frm 12 to per ween gooa pusi tinns come nouring In from the best hair HI LSL-WOKA-Giri to assist nowwors rwb offl and apttrt-entg sleep out. References required. 1625 S.

22d 1 d.iiv r.t "rossln parlors and hotels all over the SEAMSTRESS wanted In laundry to do plain onr specialty. Particulars free; write today, have numerous other positions at all times. If Box 573. State College. Pa.

you are employed and want a Tuition for fu- street. I Sunday; centra location: state occupation, age sewing. Apply anaa waraet. TInited States. Apply here for expert opera-inm tnnwlnir onr graduates are thoroughly SALESMEN Can you sell advertising and the best folding drinking cups ever invented? Liberal commissions.

Send five cents for samples. Baldwin Ma nufacturlng Boston, Mass. AGENTS and store salesmen; can you handle a high grade 10c. specialty of merit? Big commission. Slocum-Miller 3808 Lancaster avenue.

AGENTS, general and special, wanted by large old line health and accident company; new. liberal, easy-selling policies: choice ter-rifory. big pay. Royal Casualty St. Louis.

LEARN THE TRUTH about mall order business before buying "outfits," particulars free, mail order library. 853 Tompkinsville, New York city. WANTED A gents to sell Raydlth genuine egg shampoo: tv-i only perfect shampoo; advertising steady work; salary. Ray-dith Perfum- 3H N. State Chicago.

AGENTS 3tart a mall order business of your own by sella) our specialties. Samples and particulate IP cents. Xapolitan Company, Reading. Pa. iiATiT'i-n o-i cpTTFn T-ii.

I HOUSEWORK Colored girl wanted for general I and salary. rJ-aaz. inquirer ornce. SEAMSTRESS wanted. Apply Forrest Lann-dry.

1225 Columbia ave. tanght and capable. School open the year ni: Vfc -ins nvi imi -ni to resorts. Cook, white or colored, for sea Call 5 to 8 hum wanted. Wills Eye Hospital.

1810 Race hcustwork. tnree in iamiiy. P. M. 53o2 N.

8th. arounr. Pupils can join eitner aay or even Bareiy less inau a. -j Shore. $50, for June ferean Pittsburg Pa A WALNUT ST.

5 attendants. Monda wages ia per minjui. iau juonuay CHAUFFEUR Man wants position do repairing, good references. Call or write. Hltcn- ens; 2535 X.

4th. CHAUFFEUR Young man. new starter, wishes position. 1834 Columbia ave. CHAUFFEUR wishes position; state wages.

11-81. I nqnirer office. CHAUFFEUR, colored, experienced and willing to assist housework. Address 5440 Arch. CHTfFEUR Young colored man desires a position.

21 S. ISth GEEK, colored, wishes position, some experience, expects small wages. 623 S. 15th. ClIEMIST 5 vears' experience.

Iron. steel, bronze and alloys, desires change, with view to advancement; at preseut chief chemist for large corporation. Q-26, Inquirer office. COLORED MAN would like jiosition as chauffeur in private family, good reference. 219 Delaware Ross.

Atlautlc City. X. J. COLORED MAX desires porter work, stab! a driver or helper; good reference. 62-1 LiUy.

HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework, also I morning. ing classes at any time. or write. LAWRENCE HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL, ROOMS 243-45. MINT ARCADE BLDG.

PHILADELPHIA. laundress. Call Sunday after 2.30. 239 N. 1 iiinrTnpHem-w1 colored maid for small m- AGEXTS, $24 per week.

2c. article. Big ae- mornlng; 8 girls, learn nursing; 2 club cooks mand. Sample outfit, 10c. King.

Couders- j10. 4 ,3 Mt. pocono. $10: second cook I lect apart nent house; good wages. A-385, RH0FJ SALFJSWOMEX.

We require experienced Shoe Saleswomen. Apply Superintendent's Office. X. ELLEN -BURG CO. port.

Pa. 1 chambermaids, city: waitresses, country HOUSEWORK wanted. German girl, tngnsn inquirer oin e. AGF.NTS Wanted, quick, energetic men or 1 hotels and restaurants; lannaresses. seashore, speaking, general housework, for old lany.

womon In everv town: hustlers only wanted. I 825: cook. Wildwood hotel: pastry cook. $35 MANAGER $60 a month guaranteed, salary Apply Broad, reference. Samples free.

J. Fenstermacher. Hamburg. Pa. 1 chambermaids and waitresses.

$22.50 and tips or commis ion, luu or part lime wore, iaaj local manarer for American Oueen Corsets HOUSE-WORK Colored girl for general bouse- rSi-fo ricivn ifxvrn dealers write I institution cooxs, insriruuon LADIES to copy letters at home; $15 weekly made; send stamped envelope. worir wan ted. seashore, not Atlantic City. I made to latest models, front and SHOES Experienced general operators, fitting; also girls, lace and dress shoes. Ori-anna and Willow, below 4th and Noble.

152. Memphis, lenn Boub-hou. 417 Walnut. 1 back laceu: special paieuis. rvxne uvbk ad Morris.

18 Koaman umia. -1- fl0T riastrV ckT 35 oia rviuian mia. hefmaM, $25; club cook. $10; pastry cook. $35 $6 STARTS Y0TJ In fortune making proposi- i Americau t- nt2cjiorris, 100 NAMES and addresses.

Price 20 cents. I laundresses, wardmaid. hotel cook, sleep home 125 FOR EACH 100 letters copied by ladies at hom*o. Write for particulars. Pierce Copy UDLMiHUKil-wnue gin ior general nouse- tcvvd t.n 1-a tion If tl.i live Ferris, 60 N.

ln gas towns; postal now; w.rk- wages; call bunaay or mod aay. I uujnjii.ivyn uuirrai tuu SHOES Experienced Tamper. 2d st-. Camden, N. J.

particulars uee. E-879. Inquirer offlca. W. Fisher.

814 Green namsDurg, ra. 1 shirt Ironer. Henry Price. Commons. Ohio.

209 Cedar ave. I to-wear new. awa iuuki uwr,.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.