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- The Plain Dealeri
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- Cleveland, Ohio
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- 52
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I JI J'i Sale Sports and Imported Cars 1 147 Motorcycles Parts Accessories Trucks Trailers Parts 1973 DODGE SNOW IGHTERS AND 1 267 3920 Read for profit 142 Auto Parts Repairs Tires I i Cltyvery oood condition Ookwood Village Box232 I5l2 otter 12 noon EnAk UA lta 1 411 I bA Til 4491000 14700 Lorain Ave Plastering Hauling and Trucking Rt 20 and Vine Phone 523 5555 Janitor Servlet In iRkn OlfV HUI raoTtBOAv: 5 68 VW MOO 226 834 otter 4 6 om 62 5032 1968 VW fair condition 5725 I Altar 4 pm 228 5533 AiS i Vi' at 561 1177 NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NOW Now NOW Now Read a ad Use THE PLAIN DEALER WANT AD PAGES The fai'er retvh TM lawer Me ieg ceit leaden wha Shop shew caLmne regularly wiH find it a ptafifablf habit 3393 Warrensville Clr 50 1'JAY AND GO in till trio with subtle high wn 1st nnd prlnrhsslInoHsworp lug down the fimira rogs edit exotic necent to neckline Printed Pattern 1)214: NEW Sires 8 HI 12 14 HI Size 12 (bust 34) dress yards 39 lnch fabric Seventy five cent! ter eoch eld cantt far torn pattern for Air Moll one Sneclol Handling Sind fa Mer lon Martin core al The Plain Dealer Bex til Old Chelsea Mullan Naw York 10011 Print plainly NAME AD ORES ZIP STYLE NUMBER On SIZE CloveleU's Greateit and luiiest Market THE PLAIN DEALER WANT AD PAGES Phono 523 5555 GET AST RESULTS ROM A "QUICK ACTION" PLAIN DEALER CLASSIIED AD PHONE 523 5555 COMPLETE service All type clean Ino Home office Low rote 752 4932 Cleveland's Greatest and Busiest Market THE PLAIN DEALER WANT AD PAGES and insurance down foie over pay ments 94436S) ond 746 407? Um ler ftttuta Plain Dealer Want Ads 523 5555 am Phont 523 5555 You CanCharge It unfvm 135 Sale Miscellaneous JACK ENSLEY AIRPORT MAZDA 7007 Brookpark at Ridge Zb Z8UU ft LARGEST SEIICTION MlfA INTOWN a BUICK PAAIDINE 2 TRAVEL TRAILERS EQUIPMENT CAMP SITES RENT 139 damping and Travel Trailers Equipment Sites (Sale Rent) Quick Action! Advertiser wha dewnd quick aden rely upon tSe rosuh praduefa power of Dealer Classified Adi "uUSjtmwtiimu Qeutio tATusa ivameAra wemo nxmi wettnvta TRAINS Lionel LGB Tyco Raptdo Bachman 110 Racing Sets PARTS TRADING POST 2 Stores to Serve You: 4384 Pearl Rd 661 7300 898 222nd St 289 0282 rn TUB PLAIN DIALS 111 I LH TUKBAV NOV A ROOMS patches $950 up clean work Call anytime 752 7671 PLASTERING $10 patch up paint re modelpooer791 4775 PLASTERING REPAIRS CLEAN PROMPT 267:895 PLASTER drvwaliToll types remodel Ino Low rate 661 6037 662 1985 DISCOUNT MOVING 221 0507 LIGHT MOVING AND HAULING REASONABLE 941 9685 MOVING? CALL ED EXPERIENCED 761 3052 HAULING MOVING "ANY KIND LOW RAES 563 MOVING hauling Clean basements attlcsuetcReasqnable 651 6369 HAULING rubbish clean up anything etc landscape Cheap Jim 795 2053 LIGHT Haullno delivery clean attics etc 681 6414 451 7409 MOVING Haullno' wreck garages clean attics Reasonable 341 4267 BACKHOE dump truck wants work also too toll 234 2339 HAULING RUBBISH CLEAN UP 429 0692 HAULING: Moving CLEANBASE MENT etcLpwrates 6BI 5488 MOVING hauling clean basement etc wreck garages 791 1665 URNITURE moving light "Hauling" bosemenls olllcs cleaned 883 2231 GENERAL haul1ngwreck garages house repairing 881 0518 HAULING rubbish up anything' do plaster cement exp 721 2435 wheels heater West coast mirrors plus many other factory accessories $2588 AIRCHILD CHEVROLET 12200 Detroit 571 4000 9I0a0 na MiMA ais It cmimiMiorb MOw reori wl line Slim Sophisticate 9214 8 16 ORD Diesel Tractor runs good looks oood $2500 1 327 7285 1954 ORD ECONOLINE 150 1 64 52M 70OR6" Ranchero pickup SLOTS VALUE 1433' SI CHr 45L7I17 65 DODGE VAN $275 228 1670 WALL PANELING LOOR TILE REE ESTIMATE 281 0579 Maintenance small large lobs Call 10 am 4 om 226 3544 CARPENTRYPlaster Paint plumb ing Electrical Low rotes 279 6141 REPAI or "Remodel In out" malor mlnor ree estimate 425 2211 ROOS PAINTING etc 248 5654 CARPENTRY plumbing paint re pair remodel free estimate 251 0866 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO 2811 Chester 696 iKO Volley ord Truck Joies 5715 Conof Rd 524 INsOCK Cost Chew U20 Brdwyj MI H9300 DODG POWER WAGON '5010 '65 WANTED lor ports 885 5772 f96? "ORD 2 ton dump 9 ft snow plow $1900 7S1 7351 399J265 enon 'lte rwrw WIIIUVW VUII W1 WIV Dvi runiijHj Jr QZUJ 499TB reUTfD EafS S7IUO0 Earn up well novlno contracts orronned withhe purchase of a new or late model Kenworlh tractor Call Ari Kara of 659 4123 lor appointment Hlnong Ken worth Inc Richfield 0 2S90 Brecks vlllnRd 197O OOOOE power wagon 4 wheel drive 4 ipeed power Drakes lock out hubs heavy duly suspension radio and beacon 90 hydraulic snow plow with power angle 4 vr salt spreader hO self contained AH controls In cob Will jell seooratelVj $3400 33S I72I 1969" ORD 35C I ton stake truck1500 See at 7809 Old Rockside Inde pendence Ohio ORO 600 dump 4 speed2 speed axle New tires Ail hydraulic 9 plow 1350 S62 S49B 2 PAIR I'Axlis truck wheel $50 and 4 wood roilr box 25 1968 ORD Bronco with Mevers'power angle snow plow Mini condition 14 wo TMACTSTTnfarTcwTXheiiric? fonkj large seat 1 7145 J00TWrtt 1962 HARLEY pAViDSOtr cOmpi'etoiV slocked SUOO 10 In eslended springer fronl end $200 10 In extended CH tront end with 21 In tolndle liub wheel all chrome 1245 Otier Harley Do vid son porls Cail between 6 7 pniSI17I3( CHADIMAS HOUSE Of SUZUKI 4050 Akron Cleve Rd (Rte S) Cuyahoga alls 929 3171 30 HP Snowmobile excellent condi tion used only 6 hrs 1 256 3373 69SklROULE new 440 Hlrth engine like new Best oHer 442 3193 1972 RUPP snowmobile 400 Nitro A $900tlrm 243 4309 248 4934 1972 SNOWMOBILES at our cost or best otters Must sell 261 0700 SUZUKI XR 400: Excellent extras first $600 fakes It 481 19M 122 Clothing urs Repairs LADIES and GIRLS CLOTHE Girls chubby size 12'5 14V Girls regular size 12 14 Teen size 12 14 Ladies size 12 14 Coats dresses suit (3 pc) pant suits pants sweatshirts blouses skirts etc OHIO'S largest Used Car Dealer nay 62 ORD van needs work best offer Ino highest prices for CADILLAC oil 741 8405 luxury Chtvtlltie CorvftltM $ct nnnftp vs ton irurk iws ran ore trade down specialists We buv dLrim i 35 co 4 speeds and performance cars We ore trade down specialists We buv 9 ORD Van 12oassenqey4 cvl riikfsn mra AutAmniiM Tmii Ifl: ifamatiC low mt SliQS Jack Greenhoe Marvin Hempstead 1969 ORD Ranchero" verv oood con Dave Shubert or Harrv Elsner aitlon 659 3501 Don I 7 17KB HONDA Trgll 70 4 speed 300 ml ex cellent condition Jll 8864 eve 1971 HONDA 450 Scrambler $795 171 4442 T972 HONDA CL 450 only 400mf7AlrW $900 or best offer M3 44I9 1971 KAWASAKI 100 CC fndurg' $l2 1972 Hondo 50 mini troll $300 Both excellent condition 749 7741 1971 KAWASAKI 125 trail hike 1300 otter 4pm 235 4465 rebuilt custom point and springer 231 7460 af ter 4 om '47 SCRAMBLE R3O5 extras Coll ot ter 6 om 642 3982 1973 SUPER Glide 1200 must sell DRATED 184244 between 4 8 pm MpW '51 TRIUMPH 650CC chopped custom point and chromed 451 19iL '72 TRIUMPH Bonneville 4500 mt semi chooned $1400 663 6420 '69 XLCH chromed and polished" excellent condition 442 7469 MOTORCYCLE STORAGE INSURED REASONABLE Golden Gate HONDA stocked $1200 10 ln extended sprlm per front end 1200 10 ln extended CH fronl end with 21 in spindle hub wheal ail chrome $245 Other Hurley David son parts 181 1 713 4 pm 7 71 "HONDA CO 4' 4700 ml ogooe rock bark rest rover lelmrli aj shape Wnv wolt till spring? $15 $24 374? nlfar 7 urniture Moving Storage LOW COST LOCAL MOVING 24 HR SERVICE 249 7864 73IATS JUST ARRIVED! 124's 128's SPY DERS SEDANSWAGONS Llohtlng Svstem Safety eatures Heating System Bumpers Body Styling EDER IMPORTS "OHIO'S LARGEST IAT DEALER" 3582 LEE RD 752 2900 ROLLS wheel chair and walker Excellent condition 333 2644 tHP AIR AND SN0W BlGwLR 4225 248 1932 eves LIONEL metal engines cars tracks extras transformers 842 9495 GE ISLIte Outdoor Sets $178 SILVERMANS ALL STORES COAL furonca to heat a home 331 2510 POOL Table Sears 7 ft cues balls wall rock SOT 442 0580 BEAUTY eaulpment: Excellent condL Ion verv rea sonobte 229 8449 STEEL I beams Channels Anoles HgrrsWrecklnoq 24M907 OLD time HO troln ond other HO en gines 486 4396 16 GAUGE Remington automatic $75 ortrade for HO trains 4S6 4396 DO IT YOURSEL: Thin Brick end Stone 663 7800 19100 Mlles Ave GREAT Xmos gift New swirl let elec tric bath $250 value $75 442 5962 WINCHESTER 24t 3x9 Redfield Wanted double bbl shotgun 661 4421 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICAT197i edition Reasonable 8834431 POOL TABLE new 7W All accesso ries Best offer 883 3907 TORO snowblower excellent condl tion $45 226 6973 NEW Soruce 10 'l2 ft BROADWAY WRECKING ftR 1 3939 133 Wanted Miscellaneous "eornTurnffurPovs'" TOP DOLLAR TO ALL PEOPLE or Used urniture and Appliances 631 4707 9 to 9 xinw inc ti untOs I73 SS31 or 414073 844 aval REEER TRAILERS Strick 38' tondem reefer troll er Mercedes powered Thermokmg Umt 2995 each LaPINE TRUCK SALES 430 Wo ner Rd 441 4240 TXfLWttpVfwrlKHVlf CUBL Trailer Wont porf time or oc casional loads Mr Robert Sr vlAviAu I965 1967OODGE Paneled TnSiTsl both need rapolr sold to highest oner Vehicles located at 7203 Lexington Ave 361 2804 1970 ORD ton pickup truck WiTh 44" cap loo automatic power veering pnd jtYakmenv extras 2400 or of 'a ORD Suoervdn 4cvl standard shift 725 and ord Su pervan radio 6 cvl standard shift heayv duly 900 144 4461 1969 ORO Econollne Von 600 Wholesaler 6100E uclld 1973 Vans A Mazie Vans 200 ton 4 wheel drive snow steering power brake radio dual unaalo kaaia Xkil 4 lighter ton club cib with camper 9000 pack8ge Good Selection oportsman Wagon Jauv ftsir nu lAftiiiAA rn nm me nnnnc tr tnifcmiiBtnn Lu UULUIL UUUUL new ruh' er front ond roar truck in 1100 Peon Rd Strongsville 23 S100 A condition your choice 12000 niiien faavu 4 1964 aluminum trailers cross mem 72 ElOnolinevans 9nler control MARC LANCE ORD 23775 CENTER RIDGE RD or 414 373 8444 eves DOWD Authorized Dealer Oldsmoblle Mercedes Tovofa Mayfield at Superloj 321 9100 VW Bus under warranty perfect Warm air blower and other extra Book 2350 best offer over 2000 3822I485 '71 VW Super Beetle convertible radio excel'ent condition best of far EV 14571 71 VV? Suderbug AM new tires extras good condition Best of I erovei1700884 9762 '68 VW bus Immaculate new heads dutch muffler curtains radio car pet bestoffer941 364l 71 VW karmonn Ghla automatic AM stereo 4 new Michelin bresAfter5Pm257 9343Mentor 1969 VW Bus Excellent car one own ner trade Specially priced at JOE ERDELACi65is Lorain 28I 01 15 '64 VW engine excellent body minor rust radloheater $995 Coll S71 O963 '69 VW BUG automatic good condltion Best oflec 752 9131 1970 VOLVO 4ioor Automatic low mileage one careful owner Excellent condition throughout JOE ERDELAC 16515 LORAIN 281 0115 1968 VOLVO 142 automatic nice SPORTS CAR DEVELOPMENT 4311 Mayfield Rd 332J869 '68 VOLVO 142 new tires well main tamed 451 0800 after 6 pm WANTED: SPORTSCARS Immediate cash for your car All vear models We pay the top price See or call REPAIR SERVICE GUIDE To place an Ad call Miss Gordon 523 4790 Appliance Repairs 431 1 BMW 1600 tw bctierv new exceot Wedond Sun 19 BMW 2002 condition 2 14 1 3 1 2 oik for Molnar WANTACAPRI SEE EaRlCHE 7 TO CHOOSE ROM 2000's and 4 Speeds and Automatics IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LaRICHE LINCOLN MERCURY 16303 Detroit Ave 228 5800 Wl JfAPRI A RfXLTPORTS CAR EXCELLENT CONDITION LOW mileage specially prIcfdat $1984 ERDELAC 16515 LORAIN1 211 01 15 7I CAPRI I600CC Wnvl too "decor group snow tires excellent Must sell USjfr after 5 72 2004 4 aoeed decor group tew ml ruslproofed 531 1640 CORVETTES New Chevrolet dealer pgvt loo dollar for sharp Corvette Will buv direct or trade on mew' or used Contact Llovd Barker General MonooerB'tkPORAiY Chevrolet 637J PEARL RD 881 2121 70 CORVETTE Coupe: Chrome head er ana side pipes tut telescopic wheel power steering AM stereo 454 Cu In luggage rack Immaculate '55 '63CPRVETTE cstback 327 4 soeed compiete retlnlsh new parts Teiemlst Grev Can be seen 3:00 7:00 at 4)572 Elmwood St Elvrla 2 blocks off Rtt254 324 6913 66 CORVETTE: Convertible mechon" Icollv excellent triple ontl theft pro must sell need larger car 261 774 before 9 am otter 9 om CORVETTES! 20 In stockf CHIZEKS 5000 Pearl Rd 661 9400 '66 CORVETTE Stmarav new engine clutth brakes Jires rebuilt Irons reasonable 331 38'? eves '62 CORVETTE 327 4 speed new clutch brakes tires and Too Clean asking $1500J77 5252! '657tORVETTf7 427 2 tops verv good 8195 convertible 327 4 sneed asking 1100 398 4823 73 DATSUNS TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ALL REMAINING 1972s WE NEED YOUR TRADE NOW! bdiiback's Travel Trailers Ohio' large Concord anti Intrepid Piller Reduce ail yiiif sin Wheels Travel Trailer Truck Cope Horse Trailers 171 and '72 De mo and Parts at Great Snvmos Danbeck a Travel trailers Inc Rt 2 4 ml ot Aurora Open 1 davs III dark Mj7520 4TAPCPAT DLUXr motor all tibreulasi 318 DODGE AIR AM stereo mo os nt it)C? Bric LODI TRAILER SALES OM COVERS AND Rentals truck enmners covers HOLIDAY nnt msv isahst AOroACTravrs WnTer Pt 6 fLel'd izi supplies $2995 28' Phoenix completely talf con tained and ready to go ideal for towing or paimansnt campsite EX TRA CLEAN! bains travel trailers 14300 Euclid Ave 761 7500 RACEKTRAVEL'fRAILtRS NOMAD ANO BEELINE 267Northf leldTbedlord 419 4080 ilRPILLA Trailer Sales No 1 jWAkron Cteveiondfd Penkituio Ohio 44164 Cleveland fchone 44 Comclele HV Spies hervlce Ports 197! PUMA tent eomper fully self eon iained Moled blds being becroted bv Communlfv Notional Bqnk 456 North Held Ha Warrensville HI rriur nan juniro nur: aii'u Mircqnlsuned Seated id being ac Cjrled by Community National Bank 457 Norintield RcQ Warrensville Hi mu i Home for sole ivug Aveo" tiyw cvei 9i da uvuw wriwirwir mi ADMtarancft iiib nw i tale iUSOO Phone 1 SJ2 IS00 days I Complete parts and servlc facilities' for every kind of repair Southwest Irovej rollers 85 55'5 TRUCK COVERS 70th ond Euclid 432 019 432 0411 10 Comolng Trailer in Stock 6W 4134 TRUCK COP oll sizes Mood oonel ed Southwest Trove: Trailers 6410 Pearl Rd 645 5555 70 PORSCHE '91P well eaulpoed $4950 831 2065 70 PORSCHE '914' 4 cyl AM Maas excellent 439 4050 9 5 RENAULT SPORTS CAR'S 4549 State Rd 35VO84O 70 RENAULT Rio 14000 miles $995 eder lmoorts3582 Lee Rd 752 2900 SUNBEAM TIGER MARK 1967'1 289 8 new palnt BRG radi als hard and soft tops 34X100 miles see to appreciate $2295 732 8154 'TOYOTAS HUGE SAVINGS ON and DEMOS MANY MODELS AND COLORS TO CHOOSE ROM READY OR IMMEDIATE DELIV ERY Open Mon Thurs til 9 pm Sot til 6 pm OHIO'S LEADING DEALER METRO TOYOTA 671 5700 ONE: W300 1 ton with 8 ft blade ONE: W200 3 ton with 7 ft blade 2 EAST CLEVELAND DODGE 14401 EUCLID Rnpid MntiVrn 451 5300 1971 ORD 12 Stake truck automatic power XIck CHRISTMAS BUY NOW AND SAVE CLOSE OUT ON SAILBOATS DINGHIESea Soiling Was $50000 llngfliher Wai $93700 lOTAtieAA UJas 1 914 Ml n' Wo 175100 14' AM Wlndlllte Was 544 00 Now19900 'Lamp Mlnlflsh Was $44400 Now Were $15500 Now $9950 Sailbool Irailert Were $25000 Now 12PLEA5e BOAT Gem Boat Service Inc 6 Mlles North on Route $3 Port Clinton Ohio 43452 Phono (4191 797 4451 A BE HER' WAY OUALITY SERVICe WELL KNOVN BOATS AND MOTORS ISOUR WAY 1973 17' GLASTRON 174 2 deluxe sleeper teats plus rear lump seoft full lop deluxe Interior lull Instrumon liton sueedmeter electric horn elec tric bilge pump ond blower 18 gal ln onk I30HP IO Heavy duty LITTLE DUDE TRAILER REE storage NO payments 'til Mav SAVE 00 LAKE ERIE BOAT SALES 7301 Detroit 281 7402 Baroom Lovoway for Xmos 1973 LOWRANCE $89 Lowronre or Vexlfar fish temp $25 Shgkesceor 604 Elec Motor $59 Conoes 159 Boats 49 Motor 39 MANOA 947 PORTAGE LAKES OR Akron Rte 224 93) 1 644 6774 7 days '63 OWENS flagship 115 h'o low hrs good condition Make etter See Martin at Anchor Point Lake Shore Blvd nt SH INSIDE HEATED WINTER STOR AGE Hot ond cold woter Cement floor or bgatt up to about 21 Polnesvllle 352 9049 or 25S4554 ZUCKER MARINE Rt422 Chagrin all 543 5161 Crulellner 24' alumin um 20 hp sleep 4 new canvot good cond lion 439 4952 71 15'" BOW Rider? gio' 40 HK Johnson trailer full canvas 749479' 5 6 MARINETTE'28 ft cruteer Mu" ett Storoe paid 1255 5953 MECHANIC'S DREAM 67 English Sport Cortinal 4 new tire master cylinder brake shoes wiper motor generator and regulator Good shape best offer Coll after 3:30 777 6089 sports cars TOP PRICES 160WMADIS0N LA 1 3131 HIGHEST prices paid for used foreign ond sorts cars JAGUAR CLEVELAND MOTORS 3020Mavfleld YE 2 9460 WE BUY CLEAN USED CARS I ELLACOTT SHAKER VOLKSWAGEN 4459 Northfield Pd 144 Custom Modified Competition Cars Equipment ALTEREo'cHASSIS 32 Bartnm edv disc brakes American Mags tront ond rear chrome front and rear end resh 8 Transmission Mlsc "427" Chew parts Hlllborn inlecticn 4000 lb cap Aluminum Trollex trailer Richard Gillespie Newton alls 872 9706 or 872 7415 after 4 PRO STOCK '70 Plymouth duster ram chargers built heml aluminum 4 speed 538 Dan all the best equip ment also car hauler truck Will sell separatej442 809 '48 ORD Torino 404 engine 427 head 510 cam medium rise junior headers 2 harley 460 electric field pump hurst 4 speed lokewood bars air shots 430 gears needs work Best offer 451 8633 Monte Carlo 350 Edel Lorck hl rise 780 hollev double pum per tuned custom headers thrush muffler $2350 729 9837 '70 CHEVY readv to race en tons Stahl 4 Mgroso Zoom Lakewood hurst gasket everything new minus 381 4010 COMPLETE 327 competition engine EHR can hear run 425 7776 or 425 2726 '68 CHEVELLE Super Sport new 427 short block 4 bolt turbo hvdro 400 headers $950 441 4117 after 6 pm 1963 RAM CHARGER DODGE 426 cross rom complete car Excel lent! 475 861 3975 '72 429 ORO engine $175 Chevy Olds Buick turbo 400's and 4 soceds Mmfong 4 speed set up 671 8696 887 BUILT Cheap 661 0142 before 1 pm '67 IREBIRD 69 400 enaine extra $800 or bestpffer261 7132j ENGINE '70 Pontiac 400 perfect cori ditloncwlll install 861 3975 '65 OODGE 4 sneed 426 custom paint $1500 or best offer 941 9826 ENGINE '71 "9000 miles 3975 ENGINE '69 ord 390 excellent com olete $1 75861:3975 ENGINE: '69 Chew 250 6 cvl Excel lent $145 861 3975 '55 DODGE Lancer: Interior mint ex terior fair luoer rod ram engine needs work 692 3531 alter 6 '58 EDSEL dean Interior needs body work $375 Hubbard 534 5251 We do hove other cor LINCOLN 4 door convertible every extra 434)00 ml See to appreciate $1100 333 3642 '55 CADILLAC 'leetwood 60 series $200 '40 BUiCK SPECIAL $800 both excellent 398 9996 8 2 Pm '1957 STUDEBAKER Hawken' pine Immaculate $750 961 5109 1937 LoSAlXB WANTED OR PARTS 8435811 (chrome plating! the best We alo do aluminum 861 7554 '59 make after 267 5730 54 CADILLAC1 4 door actory AIR power Immaculate 1500 842 4917 WANTED: '50 iord 2 dr with or without engine Good body 361 2077 '30 MODEL A rd window coupe $450 845554 '51 ORD cytfam excellent condition $500 firm 235 1345 HOBBYS Lionel trains any gauge race lets wood boots military figure crafts HobbvHousejOOjfuronRd Tj5' wnL0hWHT' 82 Personal Loans (Banks) terms 80 CLEVELAND TRUST BANKS Sewet Cleaning WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER BAD YOU NEED HIM GOOD Also Bathroom Remodeling 761 4747 ELECTRICSEWER CLEANING BASEMENT WATERPROOED Work guaranteed Established 1886 Coll anytime 221 6666 dpened electri cally basements waterproofed Cop per woterllnes reasonable prices free eitlmates 761 5555 ELECTRICAL SEWER CLEANING Plumbing repairs copper water lines basement waterprooted 721 7555 PLUMBING heating Installation and repair work 651 3458 REPAIRS ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING 28H6972 REPAIRS ALL TYPES Low rate Eot Side 1 285 8782 PLUMBING "repairs free estimates Reasonable recopperlng 333 9953 37779 Lorain Rd 777 8SS2 14455 4476 14 866 510 71 SHASTA fully self contained excellent condition $5700 MUSI SELL 44IO69I 69 PONTIAC Chief HouseT roller juoaj conanion wuu MjEil rh'Ml 'itv" Linoleum Tile EXPERT IN LINOLEUM AND LOOR TIME Reasonable prompt 1 ob1oo ma 1 ogbIgWA 1 5633 LINOLEUM Ce ramic wall and floor CALL for free estlmoleTHe House252 5550 QUALITY LOOR and Wall Mechan ic on Immediate coll 431 5431 offer 6 and Sun TE 1 8630 Painting Paperhanging Cleaning PAINTING poner samras patch plas ter paper removed jn Ulf PAINTING sanltai? home mainte nance Hghtmoylng851 8560 PAINTING: patch mastering etc 991 0827 541 6607 INTERIOR PAINTING nice work guaranteed reasonable exo 221 6417 JAtEWer ADVERTISE IN THE PD Call 523 5555 240 ON DISPLAY 'BEDORD' DATBUN 7 Broadway Bedford Ut il 232 6002 iDATSUN 9 or the economy minded MODELS Datsun ore trade down soecla Cleon cars Automatics Jack Greenhoe TAorvI TOWN i COUNTRY AUTO SALES 15500 BROOKPARK Clean late model used cor New Chevrolet dealer Pay top dollar tor Sharp cor Chevette Comoro 85 Skylarks Corvettes Mustangs Any sharp car considered (Instant cash) Contact Lloyd Barker Gen Mar Bill Ooralv Chevrolet Inc 6376 Pearl Rood Parma His Ohio BIG PAID or any wrecked or lunked car or truck ree towing 14400 Mlle 561 0580 WEBUY CARS ALL MAKES ALL TYPES OR CASH DOWD TRANSPORTATION CENTER 2900Maytield Rd 321 9100 WANTED: '64 or '65 Thunderbird Must be In mint condition Low ml Coll Bud Matthews after 9 om 221 9450 WE'LL buv your too dollar CollBob Goldie I Prt HArfflA ipppri aM'ooi 140 Mobile Homes and Parks WE buy used cars Paying too prlceJ See us first or last ibaNK OWNED li Ne Moon BIRKETT WILLIAMS ORD bedroom 12x60 with exoondo Ex 44th Euclid 431 1898 cellent throughout Pav only toxe CASH OR SPORTS CARS SEE: JACK HORNSBY PARMA SPORTS CARS BROOKPA RK AT ARL 749 0720 WE BUY USED CARS WICK LINCOLN MERCURY 15001 Euclid Ave TOP CASH Paid for Llncoln Mercsj Cougar Compacts Broadvue Motors 6930 Pearl 845 60CO ROM TO OLD JUNKERS HIGHEST PRICES PAID Train Ave Auto Wrecking 861 0897 WE Buv Transportation Type Cor rxee mvivrro Too dollar for lunk car and trucks 500 Aetna 271 3000 WE buy lunk cars running or not tip prices paid 341 2223 $5 TO $100 lunk or wrecked nr ast Service 491 1156 99l 2953 WE PAY for USED CARS BOBS AUTO SALES 671 3666 TOP BUCK: or your old car running or not 12209 IMilesj44l 0027 WE buy old cars and trucks Tow pway tree 441 1506 or 651 7475 WE buy wrecked or ree lowing Eddie's991 7924 TOP Price for Junker and Wrecks 4 HrServlce 751 2255 BUY JUNKERS AND REE TOWING 921 3322 JOHN'S REE TOWING'UP TO $25 OR YOUR JUNK CAR 752 5700 THD fne unite nM rnAwinn he aa 1 1 9 4 lUU I V1 Wl V1 I V9IIIII VI 1 1 VI WE SELL USED MOtORS Broadway riaa 1 rnee Trtmin 1 1 rrtcc iwvYii'ik? tvt wiclm i op cQ3n pold Towing SSMOl $100 25M175 THRITEE 12626 Loroln ALL TYPES GOOD USED MOTORS TRANSMISSIONS INSTALLED PEARL RD 66VM10 SNOW WHEELS 751 2255 491 9444 USED automatic transmissions and stick shifts also rebuilt transmission ond parts 281 1748 TRANSMISSION REPAIR SMALL LABOR CHARGE PLUS PARTS 631 9593 BATTERIES REBUILT 995 up 3330 Superior 391 9191 TIRES all kinds Before you buy com paremv price 267 4325 private TIRES 30 pgR CENT DEALER 451 6565 398 5442 ENGINE 69 ord 302 low miles com plete 145 861 3975 ENGINE 400 Excellent 63 and good runners ail or port 861 395 '64 CHEVY Impala 4ldr for parts all power seats 238 8453 after 3 TWO 825 15 mobile tires $30 944 8120 SAVE ON GEARS OR BOXES3 or4 speeds DISCOUNTS 749 6500 '69 TOYOTA Corona 4 dr damaged $600 JG 6100 Euclid 1961 RAMBLER Classic 4 dr sell all or Dart $50 721 3549 ENGINE: '69 "Ambassador 290 V8 ex cellent Will Install 861 3975 ENGINE: '69 Electra 430 and Turbine trans will Install TO 1 3975 Corsa 140 hp 4 oeed ORPARTS 238 8889 '70 PONTIAC "400' motor needs work $100 526 1071 STRIPPING '66 CHEVY 661 8771 SNOW TIRES LOW PRICES Parma Tire Service 885 0080 4 NEW Kelly aioss belt on rims "2 roily H7O 14 $85 941 7323 TRANSMISSION motor new tires $66 Olds 881 8378 after 4 8 TRANSMISSION REPAIR ond rebuild 2202 Clark 696 1778 AUDIS OR ARE HERE!" A ew or Immediate Delivery PORSCHE AUDI S80JROADWAY BEDORD 232 470 AUDI 100LS dr Mhioiebiue Best offer Must sell 524 2252 otter 4 71 AUDI 4 dr automatic glr sunroof AMM no rust $2900 486220 office pr '72 AUDI IM LS automatic Sfaddarrf Imported Car 9MI040 1971 IAT SO Solder convertible $1395 MARSHALL ORD 6200 MAYIELD 197! IAT 124S $1395 eder Imports 3582 Lee Rd 752 2900 irTpi AT $1295 eder Imports 3582 Lee Rd 752 29M ORD Cortina GT low ml excel lenLJWust see 731 7841 HONDA CARS ARE HERE! Available for Immediate Delivery SEDANS $175960 COUPES $189960 JAY PONT AC INC jMgrjjgwoBedforJgM 144 Antique Classic and Collectors Cars Mrtt condition I4uuu Sport Center 46? '72 ORD 4 wheel drive tgw fryck 7 angle snow plow Asking 5500 9461017 1970 BROCKVAY3I8 13 od fall screw jieener factory air ROSS MAN BROCKWAY64l 70 ORO 350 stake truck bed2m! WhCl' "kt ntW' '61 ORO No Plow 4 drive w'WboflW heed motor $375 361 9749 942 2851 '70 ORO truck 350 390 enolne Excellent condition 121 Von body $2600 333 2334 day 333 7516 om 1966 ORD 350 with weld built and towing dohle ond 1965 1 ton stake 3384700 orl34 44O2 '68 ORO rON PICK UP With camper cab $1500 777 3619 6 MACKS 1961 anPOT 673 Diesel Duplex 1022 clegn86bl960 '71 TOYOTA Vz ton camuer fjg A 1 141 Autos Trucks yoiv a ivrgni L5eggruKJier( Air tool AWAlLSMcrt wrench 79 MV pir hammers from si (Ail type en ters) Sanders and drills IN die grinders j2 complete muffter kl( 29 body kit 49 front ond kit $119 Cali ft I Li BEVERLYTO on 'hegr No io Whlf nev punch boil sandr paint pot torches and auoaes 600 welding co bie steam cleaner pipe lie air hoist sc air tool 3330 Superior Ave WH191 truck crane 125 axle lock from hydraulic bumper lacks 30 Coll JJ3 ORMICA SINK TOP CLOSEOUTS 20 25 Alo Custom root cabinet lnk BREITS 5218 Delrolf 281 1661 RADIO ancTTV TUBES 50 to 60 pct off ree toning Complete invento rlc Ola and new 13310 921 15M REIdUILTTiRBY'S 1 Year uncond tlonol guarantee Also have Kirby with rug nomoooer Cail In Cleveland 8714138 or Lorain I 244 1519 ARG fs Selection of paneling and vanities oyer IM varieties In stock Panel World Store Eai Wt South coll 463 83i 9 LIVES CoHood 6'4 oz cant special ioc eo 9h'O REIGHT AND SALVAGE 6816 Superior 81 7769 steel used (3) GAs left over from Prol ect (3) jtOT Thru Wall and Sxcg Heaters Central Air conditioner and Humidifier Cheap Terms 531 3l07 train extras sets Aurora HO cor set ITO 10 aol Aauarium Extras 30 526 1351 oner 6 PM JR West Coast Chrome Mirror with Brackets Per Pr 6 All Sales 341 49 4411717 WASTE SST Dishwasher 20 rti Sat SALVAri SMS Eucl' PIANO bar for sole like new ormi ca too and bottom Padded arm rests Plcng glso available Coll 831 1213 POLYOAM Cushions cut to tire DESKS with chair 20 57WEuCHdlSeESAI VAGE 361 136 GAS Healer waler heater Incinerator fronrlte Ironer water softener 196 65 96l 3619 SHOTGUN REMMiNGTON PUMP" CHARLES DALY AUTOMATIC' MISC RILES ELECTRiCAL Hospital bed 150 351 1993 Side roll no mattress LUORESCENT futures good condition 3612S7S USED OVERHEAD DOORS larga so lection Dealer 19106 Mlles URNACE installed $375 ree estT mates ESJH AT I NGSSI SOSO COLOR picture Electronic 5701 Harvard RAI LROADJtESOHSALE RTHE rm "electric heater $75 ea 120V 416 5608 POOL round Aluml num new In boxes 1 725 6139 ALUMINUM SIDING INSTALLED 68c SO TTE M767 KiTOtE'N CABINETS CHEAP! Installed 010831 8765 DWELL Tach engine analyzer timing llaht New Joo aualltv 351 1097 ENGINE '72 Dodae 440 Maanum 40M miles Complete $425 861 3975 ENGINE '70 Cuda 383 Maanum with 760 Holly $225 861 3975 67 REBEL SST VI for parts200 267 3384 eves 67 VW Bug '69 motor wide ovdls extras after 6 pm 662 5982 ENGINE '69 Plymouth 440 strong run nor 275 861 3975 MINI? DOODLE by LOUIS MAGIIA Cn you unscramble th facia features and put them in order? 144 Sports and foreign Cars Parts Accessories Service ACTORY PARTS VOLVO KIAT MIDGET MG SPRITE AND TRIUMPH MG MOTORS LA 1 3131 We are dismantling a large stock of late model foreign cars for parts BELLAIRE RD AUTO PARTS 11207 Bellaire Rd 251 3131 oreign Car Parts and Service CLEVELAND IMPORTED Auto Parts and Service 926 Brooknark Rd 742502 SNOW TIRES' for VW type I and III $1995 on rim also studded $2795 VOLKSWAGEN CENTRAL INC RL21 ot Rockside 524 7580 DATSUNlfOYOTA VW OPEL 5100 St Clair 431 3260 "OREIGN AND SPORT CAR RE PAIR" Repair to all mokes foreign and sports cars 930 Cedar 421 4100 OREIGN Cor wrecking (TeleType) Inter City 232 0066 1969 TOYOTA Corona De'uxe 1900 4 door sedan au tomatic bucket seats radio heater A real gas miser $1195 Call Ron Brant or Jock Grove BOB KAY INC 310 Broadway 232 3445 232 0880 TOYOTA LARGE SELECTION COLORS SAVE AS MUCH AS $500 WILLO 946 9390 TOYOTAS 4 Wheel drive LAND CRUISERS 2 doors and 4 doors Snow plows available Immediate Delivery BEDORD TOYOTA 333 Broadway Bedford 439 2350 Toyota Mark It automatic o'r AM new condlf ion88f 6119 '69 Toyota air MOO Wholesalers 6100 Euclid'69 i ovbfa Ccrana 4idr damaged $60PD1G6100 Euclid '70 TRIUMPH spitfire "blue snow fires 14000 ml Excellent condition Make offer 921 8963 $350 Call after 6 281 5613 VW EXCSLLENt CONDITION $67548115l56 '65 VW good condition very dependa ble32l 666? '69 radio 1 owner Make offer 777 1478 1967 VW excellent shape new oalnt $700 281 1555 after 9:30 pm 66 VW AStBACK good condition $450 283 1J98 otter 4 om 67 condl tlon $62523M388 '65 VW Rebuilt motor: perfect condi tion $525 486 7161 after 66'VW BUG RADIO $3M 481 3384 1972 VW AIR 70M MILES WARRANTY 944 8422 '67 ROO 7 tires Con Olete Servicerecord 521 9377 6k" vw' A 1 newtires 5600 or best ofterJN4 8088 VW rust A $495 251 7974 Art NO RUSTdow ml radio $685 961 0641 MG ANNUAL SPORTS CAR SALE! AU 1 960 through 1967 through 1966 through 1972's 1968 through DON'T MISS THIS ONCE A VLAR CHANCE AT A REAL BARGAIN SPORTS CAIL 521 3131 OR COME IN AND GET OUR TAKE HOME REE PARKING MG MOTOR SALES 16000 Madison Ave LA 1 3131 Good Service I Our Specialty Please WeJI Be Glad To Help '73 VOLKSWAGEN $6379 per month Buy a 1973 VW Standard Beetle for195 cosh or trade Balance du ot $1922 payable In 36 monthly Installment of $6379 including (I nonee charges of $37444 The annual percentage rate of 1196 and a total note ot 229644 Ohio sale tax gnd llcenie fee additional Bank financing available with anoroyed Credit application accepted bv phone IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ask About Remaining '72 Models Parma Motor VW 7115 Brookpark Rd 749 2525 (New Car Showroom) Volkswagen CLEARANCE SALE Price reduced on all Used VWs Choice of Models color and equipment Large selection ROM $295 CREDIT APPLICATION ACCEPTED PARMA8 MOTORS VW 5221 Ridge at Brookpark Parma Ohio 749 2525 1968 VW 2 Door radio heater $880 121 Sailhnats BUTTE YACHT1 ALEst 281 5990 SONlSiranrt MIHIISH 777 Hnrl sTmn Marine 663 7900 19499 Miles Ave 475 6161 COMPLETE" shovel head top end! complete electric start Mt up tor pan and shove: CH frame ana extended CHJrontenq 249 8239 WANTED Harlev Davidson basket case (complete) Wlirtrade IS ft boat motor ond trailer 961 7744 MOTORCYCLE storaoelSlO mo Cycle ShockMsT Euclid 585 7531 RAME molding painting sondblost' Ing olckuqond deliver 84 1645 WANTED motorcycle 160 CC parts 238 5785 ask for Rick (CHROME PLATING) We olio do aluminum 841 7554 148 Bicycles Parts Accessories LADIES Bike 5 speed Schwinn hardly used 721 3000 Rm 513 26" BOYS 3 sper $25 girl 16" bike $15 After 7 om 237 4980 145 Aviation SALES SERVICE INSTRUCTION LIGHI Line CorpiKabcnobentor membership See our new look ive IR aircraft all XPDR eauloped 3 single engine and 2 twin engine air craft available Contact Mr Rosin 696 0038 '61 MOONEY Mark 21 new paint Cle anest Mooncv around $9 500 otter 6 pm 988 5733 Amherst Ohlcx Snowmobiles and flw'0 ever All Terrain Vehicles 15 wANitu: small toot operated metal shear 36' preferred 351 1097 POP CORN BALLS tor Holiday Sea son $8 PER 100 641 7406 KEGS ond borr'els7T2' 34 10 20 ond 50 gal 881 833 751 7766 LIONEL train et and diesel accessories 221 0001 LIONEL Trains sets engines ear transformers switches 842 1132 GAS thru the wall heater Sear 30r 000 BTU almost new 671 1598 Photo enlarger 2 cameras Schwinn bicycles brass andirons 871 1356 SNOW WHEELS Big savings to vou due to our truck load purchases New and used Eastside Republic Auto Parts 14700 Mlles 991 2266 Westside Bellaire Rd Aulo Parts 11207 85 Bellaire Rd New: 251 8030 Used: 251 3131 RADIATORS NEW WHY SPEND MORE MONEY? BUY DIRECT ROM CLEVELAND'S LARGi 5f ACTORY DISTRIBUTOR REPUBLIC AUTO PARTS 14700 Miles Ave 991 2266 "COMPLETE ENGINE REBULD iAAfiSl and 17C InrissriM remnuftl nnr4 inr I Ini Ijm mk8 A SVVM UHU HUIUIIUHVI UIIU IHUIIII I VOUI LOrQtn ouorontee 3 day service In most lTAo' cases Complete machine shop fadll ties towing Coll Bill at AUTO Brookpark 267 5353 4V1U I TfaO 1 Tf I CRANKSHAT EXCHANGE ALL CARS TRUCKS INDUSTRIAL MACHINE SHOP SERVICE REBUILT MOTORS 761 6057 283 327 396 CHEVY and rebuilt stock and hl performonce Installation available Trade Ins ac cepted Automotive 946 1997 7 days a week AUTO MOTORS INSTALLED Good used motor for most cor NOTTINGHAM AUTO PARTS 17309 St Clair 531 4732 '63 VOLVO 121122 available tor d( lt yourself total or portiol strionlng Bargain prices 125 Belmar Avan Lake933 5740 AUTOMATIC REBUILT INSTALLED BROKEN WHEEL Wl 1 4438 Television COLOR TV SERVICE $150 parts labor citywide 25 vrs exp 90 pct repair In homes 731 0408 MOTOR Home for rent no mileage 3JI 6048 for weeHy MS ANORSON 696 6559 1 KAATHD Kama Iap fnlt rn1 iper ooy t9hjai SUPERIOR MOTOR HOMER I UztlArs Trejf CrairuMnt 7777eA 77 KAYOT mMAf home 93 ft tlMMM 0 'j mi Mjjgg At 140 Mobile Homes and Parks Emm BrAMzflu CAtsHWMl I 123 I MEANS LASTING SATISACTION No I dealer to set the finest In mobile and rrfihil ham ilvina Drar to pleaie vour taste While here have our representative take you on a guid ed tour of PIKEWOOD MANOR umo Tines moone nome commumiv SOMMER'S MOBILE HOME Rt $7 off Turnpike Ext I Elvrla Dally 9 5:30 Sun 1 5 Mon and Thurs Till 8:30 TRAILER MART Inc AMERICA'S NEWEST AND MOST BEAUTIUL MOBILE HOMES See them at alt 1 parks 7100 Columbia Rd 14901 Loroln 1800 Brookpark All parks ooen dally til 8:30 Sat 9A MOBILE HOME LOTS OR SALE I nk and rfrratlnnnl fnftlltlev wntr nnd smum AAvlAh' finiv 12x6O'rTJbBILE 1 ocre All 1363 LaGrange Ohio Att: Mr Surak EXQUISITE full tenoth Morning Light Improvemen ts Cambridge Springs O' tf'offr4SIOht new' Vau Pa Box HK 82 Plain Dealer PHEASANT RUN VILLAGE 3200 now $750 543 9125 12x60 MOBILE home aouble RICHARDSON Glenhaven 10x50 2 MENS COATS 2 cashmere I wool 10 944 4520 onbV' gray COAT with mink collar excel MOBILE Homes tor Sale or Rent No chlldremprts 2263994 orltn 7445: Days 281 6750 Eves 991 2855 all 9467 WANTED: Racoon coat 36 or 38 65 DUKE 10x50 2 bedrrrs tip out llv sjoen cnro 'e Ing rm Moy stay 225 5008 nrnpr utility Shed A 1 May Slav on ULL length rabbit fur coat for sale '59 MOBILE home 10x50 Eastlake' lot A ter om 413 4245 like new size 10 12 243 8127 No pets No children 946 1348 hfw MOON 10x55' 2 bedrm' oTr PERSIAN lamb block locket grey OR IH BEST AL ALWAYS pas heat on lot 237 9520 after mink color size 16 SK 1 9076 Discount Mobile Homes 5628396 2 bedrms skirting MINK locket Autumn Hoze good con (Cont'nued In Next Column) her ter Geneva 1 487rt227 dittw22L752j43L USE Boxes base plugs repair loh violations corrected ESTIMATES I NANCE THROUGH ELECTRIC BiLL Licensed Reasonable 391 5868 USE boxes repair rewire etc C'eT financing Llcenscd371 1039 WIRING of all kinds? viola! Ions ree estimate Licensed 442 0363 USE plugs switches wiring violations repair SKJ 1908 SI NO JOB TOO SMALL 851 9737 ELECTRIC motor repairing ond resi dential wiring 292 4972 ELECTRICAL service free estimates verv reasonable 692 2008 WIRING garage Illes 220 drver plugs fuse boxes 491 9319 urnace Cleaning Repairs Installed AS LOW AS $297 DORNBACK tor 65 years 751 2500 "URNACE boiler plumbing repair Install glean check $12 431 3887 LOWESfprlce Clean repair Install all moke ree estimate YE 2 2590 OR Rent: '7? Champion motor home Sleep I 842 2103 842 129 72 CONCORD 74' far rent Sleep 8 10 Self contained 234 1391 '72 CONCORD motorhome 24' tor rent Sell contained 941 4465 K2 47M '73 PACE Arrow 24' motor home for rent peneroior olr 247431 Inslfle or Oyt Norm Rldoo Eauloment 777 7956 nl homEePToe? 72 2 drTwlf contained bite home Tovrter MAMZi extras like new 845 3835 eo ronMT7tA4SsS" pldtUB' '7? MOTOR Home tor ISitTIteS' good condi Jlon S27L47M7O5 'winter Rote 777 412 22S 5252 O' WIOQQW van uVSQOKJHke good condlton $M066M671 TOP CASH OR USED APPLIANCES OR URNITURE OVER 40 YRS OLD 632:5601 CHURCH need bus large outside Christmas decorations commercial paper cutter paper stitcher binder headliner Reasonable 941 5882 CASH OR URNITURE APPLI ANCES ANTIQUES 441 0070 Buying pianos REE PHONE APPRAISAL 291 3838 WANTED: Soft lead 7c a lb Wheel weights 5c a lb Mehr Metals Jomes Pa TOP PRICES OR USED 1JRN'iyRE APPLIANCES 431 1320 or evesj91 0775 AL PAYS too prices for bedroom liv ing room stoves refrigerator ond rugs EX 1 3238 Dealer WE Buv TV's Color block nnd white Porta bi '64 and newer 631 2339 WANTED regulation size state pool tabloanv condition LA 4 7454 REGINA REGINA REGINA MUst BOXWANrED 33M642 COLOR TV'S WORKING OR NOT LA 7454 WH ELCHA I 20" or more Call after 9 am3513901 COLLECTOR'S Items: 3 heaw field guns Moving must tell 659 6389 eve U3 cameras and Photographic Equipment CAMERA PROJECTOR SPECIALS Nlkormqt tn Camera new $219 S'TObe Lights 995 and up Bell tiowec iHSuBer Ev? Camera $39 Slide projectors 500 watts $3888 ITIOr "ms 'ow discount MODERN CAMERA MM 4194W 'l' 16RIX 5 MpDERNCRAPHLEX XL 2vt and 3' with flashi52214W JTBREQ Realist and cose ex tros Collectors lfem238 4067 unlt' aiifa equipment $85 261 4893 eve 135 Hobbies Crafts and Toys Asphalt Brckwotk Cament CEMENT WORK 40c' UP bosement trt wuterp uouna ioi naaiiot brck jWOrk porches 661 2640 CEMENT WORK Waterproollng west ScottSom94lrt4T4 work $20 rofah and ud Paint also remodel carpentry NwlS stone and block work remod ellng free estimates 749 1075 Basement Repairs urnace Cleaning Repairs Installed Painting Paperhanging Cleaning DPVRQ 4NR IAIAllPRt 1 14 HR SERVICE urnaces BollerslNTERIOR EXTERIORoalntlnpsotls UKTLKo WW VVAOtltKO Res in10i Commercial All makes taction guaranteed SW 5 0347 ONE OAY SERVICE violations corrected ree estimates up room? panertna EAST 9410165 WEST 251 4412 on Installation Reasonable 321 2525 1 Jan'tos master carpcntey 791 4773: (interior trade 26 631 6363 CALL arn 6:30 PM urniture Movina Storage 'vrs West Side only 749 5094 nuu rncr i rs'r AixuiMr PAPER PAINT WALTEX olo References free est mates 321 5278 24HR SERVLE74? 2864 PAINTING gutter cleanidTreoalred Garages Duors replaced roofing 263 1815 451:5566 UARAGLS REMODELING ETC telnB' SOnla' loll anytime BAR TEL 661 8347 IPAPERHANGINGe painting excellent Handyman work tsi ost? '69 JAGUAR XKE Convertible Jet block A really tine clnsjlc tpgri car You'll be lm ONLY $2580 Hume of the 3 Ytcr 40 C00 Mile Wnrruntv HAL ARTZ LINCOLN MERCURY 5930 MAYHELD 442 8000 I JmVUAK ARBi PIU" MTBMW 1600 Sun root AM low' excellent 4750 or best otter Will heiu ia riBW naint aien i ii iwai rinnnra wjawjv nr MfeeVRdgfffl0PMENT irfiSSiE' I BlAkAf aAA ii Coil 243 2772 Mtnsell 419624: 2 2 automatic 250 382 8533 afler 3 Om 63 jaguar with '70 enaine rebuilt drive train 944 332J '71 KARMANN Ghla glr stereo tope radio vinyl ton mag wheel excellent rendition 2400 or belt otter Call be fore 4 3715797 68 KARMANtl GHIA stick good con Oltlon $900 229 7473 561 8421 70 KARMANN Ghla: 4 soeed radio good tires A 1 Shope 42 7597 MERCEDES BENZ Huae savings on all brand new 1977 ond demo's 1973 models tor Imme diate delivery DOWD I Authorized Dealer 1 Oldsmoble Mercedes 1 ovota Movlleld ot Suoerlo 321 9100 MERCEDES BENZ Authorized new car dealer expert service technicians large current parts stock big selection carefully reconditioned used Mercedes KOEPKE MOTORS NEW CARS ANO SERVICE 11905 DETROIT AVE 221 3530 used Cars J2M0 Detroit Ave 221 1010 LARGEST INDEPENDENT SPECIALIST IN NORTH AMERICA CHAGRIN ALLS IMPORTS INC 508 Eost Washington 247 5813 Chagrin oils 25OC electric sunroof air excellent condition must sell bed Offer 292 6611 398 5900 '68 MERCEDDES AIR AM 292 6684 or562 6429 '58 MERCEDES SL Roadster with hardtop 1895 419154 '67 MERCEDES 25OS 4 dr factory air stick fine condition 831 8531 '66 MERCEDES 250SE Coupe Classic or serious collector 831 8531 I960 MERCEDES Benz 190 SL can be used for part 338 8700 SE 45 All ex tras New condition 1 877 9700 69 owner4500 1 282 5602 Lorain 1967 MERCEDES Benz automatic transmission tor ports 1 564 5524 4tar air now er loaded mint 338 8900 1971 MG MIDGET ROADSTER A beautiful dark green with black Inte or Michelin tires 4 speed Mint con dition Ratlve orlced $1795 WEST PARK CHEVROLET 671 1628 '64 MGB excellent condition NEW RADIALS $650 333 1228 Station wagon red? block vinyl or 4 sDeca radio whitewalls runs well Just traded $1095 QUA BUICK 10201 BUCKEYE RD 721 600071 OPEL Gf" 20000 ml excellent condition 2 new snows 461 6220 1970 OPEL GT $l59 5 eder Imports 3582 Lee Rd 752 2900 '69 OPEL GT gold mint condition Extra Asking 1650 333 4368 19000 ml new VAC tte irn le rI i a te re VUU WUfl ICUVC II1C33UWC Rts38i82NRovaPon 237 5611 371 0822 9Tsy'4' AM i966 PORSCHE 912 completely re MJ track stereo 729 9910 I built engine best offer 842 1350 1972 DATSUN 940Z7tlke new extras' PORSCHE forgo verv good condl Eotpn 748 3791 5to 6 Omfon 3500 831 1271 BASEMENT WATERPROOED Only timetaroven method of correct ing all causes of basement leakage GUARANTEED WORK SINCE 1886 Callonv time 221 4444 BASEMENT WATERPROOING spe cialists 23 years exp guaranteed sys tem no outside digging terms free estimates Call collect 1 825 6100 24 hour phone Garrett Contractors Barberton Ohio BASEA4ENTS waterproofed leaks'? days a week nnH C4brvn reamaliAri I compare our prices and SAVE tree estimates coll onvtlme 381 8200 I Carpentry Remodeling Repairs INE CARPENTER LICENSED INSURED REERENCES XREMODELNEW Guaranteed REASONABLE 381 7990 425 4324 DEAL direct with carpenter ens dens cddlflons porches etc Cail Mike 32l 6236eyes CARPENTRY doors roof: porch' stepsreplacement windows 795 8114 PORCHES GARAGES ROOS PA'RS Llcensed 721 2120 BATHROOMS complete 3 pc set In stalled 450 New old work 467 4034 COMPLETE IN OUT KITCHENjbaths panel etc 3510092 ORMICA sink tops and custom vani ties ReasonableMI 6578 451984l CARPENTRY slolrslkltchens porch es doors etc Reasonable 631 1498 GARAGES built repaired overhead doors concrete floors 351 0103 CARPENTRY repairs panel norches new old work Low rate 381 2225 Carpets Cleaned Repaired Installed ANY size rooms $25 sofa 2 chairs $1995 Sell retarded cornmer clot stpom cleaning 5873540 Electrical Service a THE ALL NEW MANTA 1 'j AM I I I xl I 1 i Il y7 i I lu Relrigeration RERIGERATOR service calls Rea sonable 86Jrt034 RERIGERATOR REEZER SER VICE REPAIR Low rule ME 1 2100 Roofing NO SALESMAN I DO THE ROOS GUTTERS CHIMNEYS RE PAIRS 481 1847 LEAKY ROO EXPERTS Roots outters chlmnevs flash terms 421 6030 ROOING gutter chimney painting Wedg the work SW 5 7613 REPROOING garages stores opt Slate Chlmnevs 571 2182 961 168 Snow Plowing NOBLE'S snow plowing commercial residentialw6stonlv 2'2 5881 quick starting 24 h7 service Good rate 791 2923 Tree Service TREES TRIMMEO REMOVLD REE ESTIMATE 486 6881 Wall Washing WALL WASHING WINDOW CLEAN ING 75PCT Of 741 0140 351 3266 721 0927 Window Repair WINDOWS repaired AST ERVICE pick up deliver 451 3678.
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