The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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1 cuUANO plain ctALtR gj Personal Lon (Licensed) Jo MONOAV JUKI JI 1S4 MAN CASH YOU GTT AVAILABLE 477 00 SU1 naM 2 iO7Prvpect NOW DELICATESSEN ven Baked Paint Job $1600 Nothing Down ONE DAY SERVICE OR INORMATION CALI ALL MAKE CARS MOST MODELS EXACO EXPERT BODE AND ENDER REPAIRS 3 LT NO OB TOO NO JOB TOO SMALL Plain Modern million Service Stations be Leon $25 $1000 on Slgnou furnHur foari vulran 3 S630 Eve ADam 5 2437 1 20 Auctions 143 Trucks Trailers Parts 143 Trucks Trailers Parts or $995 RANCHISES RITCH INC Profit up $1295 HEWITT $750 Praetor 1952 Chevrolet this $1795 $750 1952 Dodec YOU on CAN BORROW $695 MA 51 EORDS $7772 1951 Chevrolet con $595 de 1950 Chevrolet ready $595 buy 1950 ord 1950 Chevrolet 80 Business Opportunities lifetime Is Heilc Inc an $550 Schreiber Chevrolet Inc at 16204 Detroit Ave AC 1 0505 Open Eves 9 A I rwv gX)dl $1799 BLAUSHILD'S ct i inn builder supply (tea CL 1 6300 ounrr ha bran 111 SELL OR CAS 1 1 vve'fay car mi ham rvviir ni busy equipment good profit record: Ninths EN 1 3085 i hone IN WITH TUTS AD OUT WITH $7772 mg at a Close to 1 1 i ton 15000 property 33222 Cash tor 1954 Cadillac SchvarU SW 1 2633 Wedgwond gia IH ton with' special body Here excellent buy at ONLY $1500 CASH Pickup In excellent condition See truck before you buy at SODA BAR! CUSTARD West: Just loaded make your own ice homes for 1954 to 45 ft Parkins Roys Mobile Home Shore Blvd East stake Thf truck his less than mile Here is an excellent buy nr tin each it difference how much you CASH for old gold diamonds jewelry RATO 140 Old Arcade new 1 8 quarTrs I WITHIN NEW ana opportunity of STORE: Excellent tor couple $6000 inventory will be sold for $4 900 Sub post office pay rent first electric Call TU 4 6363 axk lor Jack Craig 71 extras MOTELS! RD RT 42: Almost with spacious llvjnc CAE 5 2 Ton vacuum axle EART ST CLAIR Acroaa from large i modern fixtures A 1 eroutown location: I factory Only 2 owner in 1 years natlnna! brands or appointment call One day service No endoraeri needed Up to 20 months to repoy Phone or stop in today GARAGE AND GIT SHOP An rmismilly well paying romntnaHon' business land 175x60 rikxJ building 2 nice apartments: fully equipped and stocked low overhead Ouutanaing loca tion 20 near Altoona i a Ill health forces sale Priced exceptionally tow We urge you to rhrok this KORYTA CO 819 Nat City Bank Bldg CH 1 310 SO Butintu Opportunities Hilliard and Wooster Rocky River Ohio ton panel In exceptionally nice dition refinished throughout h1 Hippodrome Ride CABARS TAVERNS 3 TON MODEL 621: vacuum brakes 2 speed axle 10000x20 tires 5th wheel saddle tanks: unit In top shape 1 Complete paint job by factory trained men 80 Butintu 0 pa rt nitlei ANTIQUE auction Sal June 26 at 10 nan Rt 8 liriajEUCLID OICE 22408 Lake Shor Blvd 2nd PHONE: REdwood 7 8400 Office Hours: 10 to 5:30 including Saturday Open Tuesday riday unt'l BUY SELL TRADE WHAT HAVE A KORYTA INC YOUR BUSINESS BROKER THE ARCADEMAJL1789 Ideal rrca Will build tn in ic schools library churches close by Call TU 4 4981 MACHINE SHOPS MOTELS 142 Auto Pirn Rtptlrs ton panl This truck Is tn excellent condition and ready to go Only cohiett Ave it 1 on rnr orofi'itKionai man suite or sell choice comer Jot tranaporiauon $20967' 36958 WE NANCE BUYER QUICK Nd Waiting the apple co a year 10 vear leas: rent J700 per month terms HUNTER A CO 1 9824 KITCHEN IN TAVERN OR RENT WEST SIDE Wl 1 4379 rrlv Rohalv PO 1 6903 RE 1 2578 CAPITOL REALTY SW 1 2149 LINOLEUM AND "SHADES Low' rent: plenty of work good location Must sell SH 1 3618 jtHle modern equipment: located in the busi est Exit Side shopping center A clien tele of 20 years In previ'nn location and 5 years in present one Owners retiring YE 2 2201 nr SW 5 67 64 Aute Pirti Repair 142 SuU Parts Repair 1 ton panel newly painted and to £0 Economy Savings and Loan 2123 9th at Prospect CH 1 4294 At Ontario and Public Square TO 1 5717 8425Hrnadwav at Harvard VU 3 3514 GKT jhoo PROMPTLY LINCOLN LOAN CORP 3106 25tb Sit 1 5790 13429 Euclid MU 1 4800 CASH AST Pacific inance Co 614 Hippodrome Bldg CH 1 2217 Service Station for ease We have 2 new excellent West Side locations which will be available soon or Information cal! MA 1 5255 TELEVISION RADIO SALES AND SERVICE STORE 14553 Mad iron in the heart of Lakwood fully equipped modern Illness forces tale Reasonable LA 5 194 TAVERN: your chance io gel In the tavern business 2 new cooler draught beer system licenses east slay nr move ON 1 2722 TELEVISION and appliance sale and service too much business need artnerOi will ell SW 1 4617 TISSUE vending machines 1 0 i some on location other interests Priced right h'x riam noaier 3 WALLPAPER" and" Taint' sate win them 2 are Pennsylvania Dido Good other Plain Dealer Industrial Credit 7 OR ACTION 220 ROSE BLDG SUl 9800 Still open throughout Ohio Indiana and Michigan tor new pwen product re tails 97 rents discounts atractlve po tential earnings unlimited small In vestment required for sltx only Write your qualifications to OUTSTANDING PROMT ON $5000 INVESTMENT REQUIRED table stands beds sinks On your slgrature if you 1 Are over 21 2 Steadily employed Ha good credit record REPAY LOAN WITH 9 MONTHLY PAYMENTS Maxes qo owel WALK WALK $25 to $1000 On Signature Car or umlttn Summer Lo ini Vacation Cnh Kealv Nnw! An amount to 1000 arranged signature or furniture IN RECORD TIME Call Our Nearest Office Seaboard inance Co Store for sell 1 2 or all 3 of located in small Western towns and 1 in Eastern clean stores Reason for interests P't 31324 for Spring Summer Needs $20 to $1000 Window Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING ast service reasonable rate Call day night EV 2 00 11 1946 ORD Vanette $395 Llndsav A Son professional ov rs of mi re SW 5 0360 MOVING van Experienced large or email JoHSW 1 8633 GA I JJ880 MOVING LIGHT HOUR LOAD OR CONTRACT GOT pickup truck cleaning yards haul 1 sonab le HE 1 3279 RUBBISH hauled clean out basements and yards 7 days a week UT 1 1614 MOVING hauling: end state wide Coveredvan LMcPherson RA 1 7399 LIGHT "moving "stoves refrigerators rtc reasonable LI 1 712 7 CMVWrf elcM i which is martrt yut EUCLID AT Sehoftold Bldg Rm 200 MAin 1 J154 2077 4th StrMt 2nd loor CHorry 1 6S94 OWN DAltr TO 5 MONDAYS 9 TO a CLOSED SATURDAYS 5421 Broodway Avenue BRoodway 1 0543 fltE PACKING ON POSTAGE AVENUE ONE BIOCK EAST OICE 1372S St Clair Ave at Hayden CLenville 1 0055 10547 Euclid Ave 2nd loor GArfleid 1 S757 SOUTHWEST 4194 Peari Road SHedyalde 1 55J2 11720 Lorain Ave at 117th St Winton 1 5400 OfEN PAIIY 9 TO RIDAYS 9 TO 8 CIOSEO SATURDAYS tesm made to roUdtah ell tvfroRdlng lnt PUICK 1951 Special 2 door H4XB Economy hunters here is a real value Green metallic finish that Is without a mar or scratch An in terior that is as clean as the day it left Qua Buick new famed straight eight valve in hcad engine Equipped with factory installed ra dio boater direction lights and many other extras $995 QUA BUICK 103 Shaker Blvd RA 1 6000 CAE 3 LIVING QUARTERS IJOWUNG AUKYS West: Doing a (air buairess Can be greatly increased 5 rooms and twin available meet! $25 000 $10000 a i fast time) at Grange Uniontown Ohio Infempct inn and 619 urniture curly maple cherry pine desks dishes Gaudy Welsh a snrs and cnlnred guns county atlases pewter steins many New I Tome Roycraft Peerless Low down payment: 5 years to pay: parking facilities in beautiful Olmsted Trailer Park Children welcome 7617 Pearl Rd Open 7 days 9 to 9 1 TOP DOI LAR PAID OR YOUR CAR AT UNIVERSAL OPKN ltVTS SS10 tl'CLID JUNKER" HIGH CASH PRICKS CALL BR 1 144 seTl us our car We pay talphest price WEST SIDE PONTIAC UJI01 DETROIT AC 1 4500 SELL YOUR CAR AT TOP PRICE BAKER KING CO Your De Soto Plymouth Dcs'er 71 and Euclid EX 1 33 2 5 500 CARS wanted for out of town: TOP DOLLAR all years maks models Euclid Auto 5101 Euclid EN 1 2800 WANTD 9 to ord or convertible: must be A priva owner Eves aftor WI 114293 WE pay' top for late inodel cars HlllsborOj 1 57 25 Detroit LA H01 5 GET more tor vour car at AUTO CITY 8100 Etrlld UT 1 6500 LUNCHEONETTE soda fountain pop corn etc busy Lorain Ave mode fli turrsWO 9523 MANUACl URING POTATO CHIP ACTORY irmly established successful wholesale huslnes Have many active acrotints volume can be Increased Land 175x200 brick building all modern machinery and equipment trucks and ample stock al 3 nice apartment Located in York County Pa Reasonable Pi ice KORYTA CO 19 NatJ City Bank Jlldg CII V3A1Q MASON and fill sand deposit inhert of Tmm growing section 20 miles from Cleveland Supplying some of best known mixj tivaiVl ill i rriniiu i WHrvi i irr linn Clifford 6 3383 until 4 Sun or iMen tori Blackburn 5 2580 weekdays Ll 1 562S BARGAIN 86 Money Wanted WISH to borrow from private party $5000 for 1 year excellent security Box 9522 PJaln Dealer INANCING the amount Of 2000 needed for expansion of professional services Box 8515 Plain Dealer WANTED: $3500 loan $15000 col lateral GA 1 1511 urnace Cleaning Repair LOWEST clean Install all makes: free estimates YE 2 2590 Hauing RENT A CAR OR TRUCK Chrysler Plymouth Headquarters 1600x KinsmanVY 1 3000 SEWI RING GAS LEAKS Install copper water lines hot water tanks remodeling kitchen bathroom easy terms free cstimateLO 1 9200 MAROTTA electric sewer cleaning and epair: copper waler lines installed without digging 24 hour service WA 1 9322 LO 1 0497 MASTER plumber new or repair woik by time or job fast service luw rates Ted Richards GA 1 3327 REPAIRS remodeling copper lines gas line tests sewers EX 10739 HEATING AND SEWER CLEANING Promptservlce LO 1 7770 PLUMBING repairs quick save money Call time anywhere YE 22007 PLUMBING and heating repairs: quick service reas nab EV 1 7683 Brick Repair Pointing A PINTO SK I 8900 and Cement Contractors Drives porches walks steps It no sideline our business PERRY'S SLAG A CINDER CO Slag stone gravel cinders sand and hot mix asphalt bulldozing grading Days nlghts HE 1 4 106 or VTl 8865 CEMENT finishing 9c per ft and up will contract complete job patio floors annmi aiticwalks and walls Call any hline CE i 4228jSW 5 7394 'cement WORK: Garage bases drive Certified READY MIX guaranteed refn foiced SLAG STRIPS formed LUMBER Eagle a ps 17 55 0 Dri a Concrete Asphalt TA I( MU 1 7877 1952 Chevrolet ton panel: just refinished and in ex cellent condition NEW CUE BEAUTY! 10 convenient offices in Cleveland Area EUCLID AT I3TH EUCLID AT 4TH WEST SIDE SOUIHEAST 1S5TH SSL CLAIR EAST CLEVELAND LAKEWOOD EUCLID LORAIN EETRIA Merchants inance Customers Send Tlilr 406 Euclid over Kresge's CH 1 74 85 Painting Papering Cleaning PA I OUTSIDE Speed and efficiency guarantee you low est possible rales Pure lad and oil terms Also interior painting patch plastering AC 1 2528 DI 1 0783 BO 2 9989 28928 El CLIO AVE Wicklil lecithin OOD MARKET 2 BEER WINE To TAKE OUT SALES $1800 TO $2 000 WEEK Old established steady year round busi ness in llilcklv populated neighborhood men BUSINESS AND PROPERTY 1ft a 'res on Highways 14 and 82: 2 2 gas station delicatessen 5 rooms and bath Income double asking 1946 CHEVROLET Canory exceptionally low mileage $395 Rent $50: comidete food A fixtures large Owner retiring Ptlee $13000 nilYTX C( 810 NatJ City Bankjlldg J'ood Market Self Serve Steady year round business in Lorain pnnn quar curner OPPOBTUrnTY OR BEAUTICIAN Beauty shop and completely furnished bouse sell rent or lease located on far West Side in fine neighborhood Shop is in basement recreation room and has 10 years of good clientele This is a good chance to be at home and have a good income Owner must move to different climate for reasons of health! CR 1 8345 137 Want Old Gold Diamonds BEORE SELL I Gold Silver Diamonds Watches See I Milter Inc 304 Colonial Cleveland Only smelters and Rejlners HOUSE CLEANING? Gold Jewelry 'etc bought Simon 509 inance Bldg 421 CHlxens Bldg Ma 1 0250 Evening and Sunday ro 1 425 1 DE SOTO PLYMOUTH DEALERSHl DR SALE bldg 5 years old 4 on lot 200 un4 car lot next tn bldg Will sell fnr $9500 rash will finance personally 11 mortgage balancef $18000 payable at 5 $175 per month Owner naa other Interests Price is compile building and equipment flog Dealer All auiukuu luiir rquippeu whitewalls beautiful maroon and ivorv with red leather convertible top red leather Interior On of the finest British Automobile In production Orig inally owned bv a prominent Cleve lander Here Is a real opportunity for anyone to possess a mint condition au tomobile GODD HXTPKJI GODD lVATTON cdod business rrDD stock Located near St Luke's Hospital CALL TODAY tft ee ins buy CHAS A NOVAK PKAl TOIl lA4 y2 DELICATI rsSEN 2 $1500 DOWN Superior Ave: Grn $700 week: low jud lease ltne sale Call RIZZO CO Coal Cinders Topsoil JOHN'S top soil sandy loam no stones or waste 3 to 7 yd loads also gravel slag cinders and sand reason able delivered West or East Call day or night MI 1 6908 TOPSOIL Loaded in Your Tru or Delivered 4 239Lee Rd WA 1 2756 RICH virgin topsoil prepared and pul verized no weed or waste Large load $1250 delivered Open till 11 PO 1 3785 GL 1 6577 6 YARDS TOPSOIL $15 LIME STONE OCORN SAND GRA TU 5 981 7 TOPSOIL: RICH $250 YD ILL DIRTU $7 BR 1 7271 GA 1 3228 TOPSOIL large Toad $12 "east west delivery LO 1 7299 orWY 1 2953 REE fill charge hauling asphalt driveways 1 4 7 6 loor inishing Sanding SAM IS HACK loor sanding and finishing reasonable guaranteed Cali SK 1 5649 A 1 5719 LOUR finishing satlsfa'c tlon gua ra teedMV A1 i 605 Landscaping BLUE GRASS SOD Now you can have a completely finished lawn in 1 day at prices often cheaper than seed See 1 week old lawns at 55 Birch and 4117 Mayfield Rd De livered or laid Special attention land riMTriAi i na i tro i 5 0 COMPLETE landscape service I AIUK MU 1 3792 NEW lawns yototillln Plowing grad ing topsoil: trees removed trimmed I weed mowing West OR 1 5538 Sales $1200 Week: shows goM substantial building nice living ters fully equipped and stocked store A good deal can be made Af KnUVTA UD 819 Nal'l City Bank Bldg ROZEN cuntaTd aland ideal downtown small investment Apply be tween 3 5 Room 400 830 Vin CARDN Cleveland wonderful location Ideal for pariners principals only Ca LA 1 755 5 GIT and lingerie shopr fine cation East Side low rent a real money maker will sacrifice GL 1 1847 days GROCERY fruir net weekly? owner will take terms Ideal for couple 1 Kinsman WA 1 5333 GAS station for sale: Major products: very good callonage inventory and equipment A 1 3681 GROCERY 2 investment back In less than 1 year reasonable rent JIE 1 9282 GAS station 3 pumps good location terrific Carhegie C'odar 60 rar parking sot tip tor rib ehl'ken steak busmm Particulars Miss Wilkes RE 2578 PO 1 6903 ERONlj RfAltW A Quick Sale I OCA T1ON Living Quarter Good business very Cheap SW 5 65' DELICATESSEN 2 Superior Ave: $700 work eross low renL CB 1 9504 Cement and asphalt drive No money down 36 months tn pay NERO HOME IMPROVEMENT CO SW 1 9073 LI 1 1991 SHAKER' AS ILA LT CO Drives parking lots tennis court 20 rears on Heights fre estimates Al 71 24 PO 1 166 ASPHALT CO asphalt dkives parking areas Work suaranli'cl Term Lowit Rat It booked now ree estimates Md A 164 94 SAVE money: Call Terry A White Con struction Co for free estimates on base ments driveways sidewalks and retain ing walls no job tx large or too small HE 2 0539 WANTED TO SELL WHEN YOU LIST' 5 OUR BUSINESS WITH TOWER CO start packing WE SELL AST TOWER CO TV 5 2600 LIQUOR PIUS 2 sihiie room units wtflciv i known Pennsylvania summer resort town 40 ear parking with trailer park i plus 5 nxxn cottage offered at this nil time low $17500 Include prop 1 amv no iaon i nw 1 oita 9 counter stools business district ZITO REALTY SH 1 1300 ROOM 1 XG pVoTerty $262 month in Euelid 95 Motors GA 1 4032 WE pay top CtslTPnct towdeder 4600 Euclid yr 3000 HIGHEST prices for junVcirs Republic J6700 Jkin WY 1 2266 EAST or West we pay the best 1 4029 ct Clair GL 1 0033 LORIST and gift shop West Side well esl: $6000 Reasonable rent parking lot Box 16019 Plain Dealer cupboards chairs grandfather clock and Gaudy Dutch ironstone: pattern Ambertna lamps A Heins manv many primitive RORKfiTsuN OWNER EARL KNTTTLE AUCTIONEER 122 Clothing urs Rapairs 80 Business Opportunities tr tri store MOVE OR $1560 3 cases 3 acaiea cash register adding machine deep freeze ere Cross town west lowest terms 1RJ6 urlid WA I 174S SHEET AIETAL SHOP Manufacturing ey profitable specially: fur sale by owner who is retiring on account of old age and falling eye sight this la a golden opportunity for 1 or 2 good with experience shown by appointment only AT 1 6594 day or eve SHOE STORE Southwest very busy Intersection Ideal Set up br one man good stk priced for quick sale owner has other inter est ALVIN ZWICK Broker YE 2 0592 SHOE REPAIR Went shoemaker to rent part of afore with dry cleaner Est 15 years Busy Shaker arrtlon Lnw rental LU 1 7800 SERVICE station East side ideal for mechanic reasonable 1 9898 SERVICE station side monTKTy average iqOOOjaWT 1 3628 SODA bar lunch confectionery good jutra saie TAILORING tailoring and alterations all MOTEL modern In every respect 20 14 units 4 units and double garage built last sprint modern roum home Included for owners Jiving present owner wishes to retire and will lake mortgage Principals only EV2 0 1 2 1 PEARL unit Plenty of land for expansion a xtiKUvv ur TURNPIKE Will show and prove the highest percent of occupancy on Pearl Rd Very attractive financing ha been arranged By appointment only LORAIN RD RT 10: eeder to NEW Only 1 year old DU III VI LUC I uh I UVl IVIl puw aible 3 2 lovely rooms and office Book venia1 Sutidavs will prove jiuv ivr rant montn at i moat continually filled inancing ar ranged Can be bought for 32000 down By appointment only GROCRY AND MEAT BEER AND WINK Modern fixtures complete market lhery truck included WII SACRIICE Leaving clty Owner YK 2 794 'GAS STATION' OR REN OR LEASE 4407 Detroit Ave: Offers excellent op Hrtrf 1 1 rt I th rx a 1 I iHL'aimnnl' kaen re ia van vjj 145 Airplanes Parts Service pTpr 16 A fcuper Cub 115 Lyc engine: total time 220 hours ship ha never been stunted or used as duster two way radio parking brakes full flans built in landing lights starter and gen erator Airplane look like new Phone Paul Baldwin Chatham Ohio 2 2 140 Continental 90 480 total time engine and airframe transtvrr must jwcrlficetmmedlately PO1 6576 1953 PIPER trt paeer super custom complete radio and Instruments: priced tn 200 hour total Airport Bowl ing Green Ohio Phne 9 181 PIPER 1 dW? good engine good fabric $600 BR 4 0652 or this anq other citt to be come distributor for the famosn VU RITl ball point pein man ufactured by erber Corp Eng glewoud i no selling: very little to do except sndc the account we turn over to you on which there are tremendous re peats with 100 maraup tn you Atx Ut 3 hour a week Hand some return on rash inveatrrent fit $1980 KM siMl nBTihn dise Give name and phone for personal Interview with factory representative Write Box 30324 Plain Deator Tandem Dumps body auxiliary transmission very ctoan: ow mileage Udelson 'i'ruck Salrs 3210 WOODLAND SU 1 1666 1953 Dodge i Ton Pickup ronditlnn low mileage see this real today Hipp Theatre Bldg 8th 720 Euclid Ave TOer 1 5130 2012 25th at Loiain 7th United Office Bldg CRospect 1 4570 1117 Hayden Ave at St Clair GLenvilla 1 6312 5601 Broadway 2nd loor BRoadway 1 0221 10701 Lorain Ave across from Seat stown ORchard 1 9343 Ovr Lorain Av Offha open Monday I riday fvsnlngt antil 9 00 PM GARAGE body and "general repairs well extabllabedfeH GROCERY 2 guxi loeaTRn near churchscliX'ls Owner CE 1 97 1 6 DAB1 RDASIH RY Wear Sale $5000 month help operated See large display at cur fabulous Colum bia Park 7100 Columbia Rd (State Pt r252 Olmsted alls Ohio AD 5r2735 Lorain Ave at 150th OR 1 8S11 Brookpark at 118th St (Opposite Chevrolet Plant) Permanent Trailer Parking Don't Misa the Buy of Buys! See the Most Talked About 1 Mobile Ranch Home LORENCE ABC MARLETTE CHAM PION STREAMLITE LaSALLE COLO NIAL HIAWATHA Large selection of new and used trailers Mobile Homes 4849 35 St State Rd SH 1 8676 Ooen 7 Daysa Week MOBILE HOME SALES Cleveland's newest dealer invites you to inspect the new 1354 coaches on dis Coach Diy General Motor Corp 14TH AND LAKESIDE AVE 1 4115 JOE HRUBO UHI wn 7 DcCARLO EN 1 6927 1893 Attics additions poiche siding roof ing gutter bathrooms kitchen estimate Nodown payment General Contractor main on yovr lot or modern ize YOUR PRESENT HOME LESITR MYERS TU 4 5949 RErAYhSAND REMODKLING: Kltch ens bathrooms recreation and attic room Estimates terms City wide serv ice Thonc Day PO 1 5800 Eves1 SH 1 5360 SH 1 1488 IX' IT: Small job welcome We can do most anything Electrical repairs carpentry remodeling etc Rast only 2 5541 ajiy lime AH type: rocreati and kitchen repairs and rcmodeUng 3 years to payJLl 1 2293 ALL typr'S repairs remodeling and addl linns 35 experience work guar anleed A terms MA 164 94 Repairs remodeling steps attics porenes canvas drokr prompt service EV 1 914 9JIE JM904 SPECIALIST: ormica sink tuns com plete kitchen and bath remodeling Norm Getzlaff OR 1 4262 RKMdDKlTlNG a specialty aluminum door mitalhd $3750 recreation room II 12937 or KE 1 8553 SM Al jobs preferred remodeling re repaint small cement Jobs special rajir service EV2 0556 pej 80o3 GARAGES built lengthened repaired: overhead doors Installed repairs or new wotk: prompt ervlce AT 1 5439 CARPKNtRY worli efieap rates any place time RO2 7742m1 CARPENTRY 'concrete chimneys roof ing free estimates I 1 1962 Carpentry maonrV' DECTffG AND GARAGES EX 1 4271 901'7 EASt HAS THR BUYS South East Ctievrolet 8815 Broadway Camera Repairs Trojectors cameras SUN RAY films MA 1 8489 Carpet Repalr ARPKt repair and installations: tuar ntee TO Vr452MU l4d9 Coal Cinders topsoil PfYZRN with aquipment make your own Ice rreara very buss intersection RIDICU LOUSLY LOW PRICED AT ONI I $3 500 til owner further agree to sell wn rt Hurryl The Drive It Co 1204 Carnegie Ave MA 1 9676 MAINTENANCE IIAUtlNG Jor factories apartments filling stations yards base ments cleaned Brooks Maintenance EN 1 1073 DRIVER with 1954 Chevrolet 2 ton dump truck will haul rubbish ashes dirt slate: by load or contract: hourly rate Daniels lnSW5 6696 DRIVER with Chevrolet 2 ton dump truck will haul rubbish ashes dirt slate: by load or contract: hourly rate Daniels jr SW 5 6696 We haul anything 24 hour service Light moving II ldlGj HAULING Rubbish ashes dirt: broken concrete: garages torn down load con tract GL 1 384 649JK HAULING aahe rubbisn and Iron any time RA 1 7198 SMALL and large vans stoves refrigera tors furnlture HEl 7 14 7 MOVING large or small: hydraulic gate: week ends eves LA 4 677 2 AT 1 8217 MOVING and ITght hauling any time The Mobile City The Best Deal on Wheels Schult Vindale Skyline Platt Alsa large selection of used coacnes Trailer Village Inc Aurora Rd State Route 4 3 between Libby and Richmond Rds BE 2 1428 Open 7d ays a week till ft This Ail is Worth 100 Toward the purchase of any new trailer on my lot limited time only Rt 8 south rf AuroraRd PEERLESS Utmost In mobile models from 28 ft available Reno and Park '36295 Lake 1 a Wil lough by 2 3 005 TRADE forequity in suburban home or sell for cash 1953 New Moon 45 ft 4 rooms and full size bath automatic gas ranee ll cu ft refrigerator Youngstown kitchen: forced heat: A condition: many extras AD 5 2608 SMOKER SUPREME CASTlE VICTOR RIVERVIEW TRAILER SALES AND PARK 500 3'Rd Elyria 44 631 Open 9 9 UTILITY trailers rented 1 way coast to coast car frame hitches tow bars Refrigerator dollies fur sale nr rent 5300 Pearl Rd SHI 9694 Schunck IDEAL TRAVET0 AND NEW MOON TRAIT ERS 2600 Brcokpark Rd k82 1 5 1953 DUE Empress: 43 ft 2 bedrooms bath tub and shower practically new BE 2 3813 I UXOR house trailer 18 ft sleeps will rent to responsible party for vaca tion trio YE 2 3331 1948 25 ft: Very clean priced leasonable Adams 5 2498 5 7 onljL 25 NEW torque lift 4x6 trailers price reduced to $225 Dick Schunck 5300 Pearl Rd SH 1 9694 38' STREAMLITE "house CfaiTer 1'951: fully equipped ready for occupancy make offer BO 2 1912 1951 3 ROOMS ATI LOR 1 0 8 0 2 194 9 25 ft National shower com plete: private JA 6 R54 1 TRAILER $800 17300 Lake Shore Blvd El 6 822 OVERLAND 1932: complete cheap 14901 Lnratn parking Heston 1953 ANDERSON 17 good condition $3350 AD 5 3227 1952 RRENTWOOD 27' modem A sleeps 4 many extras PO 1 353 6 29Vj 3 rooms with shower and tonet 949 Luxor $1600 GL 1 248 1 2 BEDRODM pontiac complete cheap parking Little 1 49 0 1Lqrain TRAILER make offer KE 1 6822 17300 lake Shore 147 Motorcycles Bicycles 1953 HARLEY Davidson 74 extras must ell $650 EX 1 8914 4109 Payne Ave 1944 50 52 bavldsnn motor cycles: 74 sacrifice TO 1 0982 CUSHMAN motor scooter 194 8 Al condition LA 4 2657 195 1B single 1 mo old very economical CL 1 8030 5 8 ox iiHiuii uaviQson SK 2 0531 after 5:30 HARLEY DAVIDSON 74 HMf 1RSTCLASS SHAPE WO 1 2603 1950 HARLEY Davidson Model 74 fully equipped $500 GL 1 18062 I4S Autos Trucks for Rent Th? DRIVE IT' 1204 Carnegie Ave MA 1 9676 144 Automobiles for Sale 1952 ALVIS DROP HEAD COUPE aluminum body fully equipped Interior and exterior ree estimates Work guarantee IV 1 3300 or MO 2 9333 PAPER CLEANEDA)I size rooms $350 Walls and woodwork washed reasonable painting plastering Kem Tone PR 1 6419 painting and paper re moving WALL WASHING KEM TON ING PAPER CLEANING NEAT RELI ABLE PHON EG Len vl 1 1 1 4909 Piano Tuning JTAXO Tl'XIXG SPECIAL TUNE AND DEMOTH $8 Wnndman Piano Co BO 2 5220 DUMP Holst mechanical and rubber good 295 Portcr Gadowski ORD 9900 BUCKEYE CEl 0fll3 1 28 single axle open top "air new brakes new paint 1 set doubles 16" sides rebuilt air 1 32 ft tandem open top 1 ederal tractor A no reasonable offer refused ab Weld Co 2041 Ham 1 1 1 on TO 1 6535 Appli ance Repairs ALL malces wringers repaired Also quick service on automatic washers other small appliances CL 1 O15R VACUUM CLEANER SPECIALIST City wide service all worn guaranteed Reasonable HI 2 5324 Asphalt Brickwork Cement Asphalt and Cement Drives Barking areas flfxrr garage base ive estimates Terms Guaranteed ABC CON fRACTORS AT 1 5579 1 4226 cash OR BUSINSS Wf finance the tale and purchase of business enterprises We also supply the CASH to expand vour business or modernize It to consolidate debt or for any worth purpose SEE 1953 Chevrolet TON STAKE This truck Is Immacu late throughout One owner less than 12000 miles 5 Tandem Dumps GMC SO Opportunities f) A GOO )N A rt $12to weekly proven sales rent Hh Hvti quarters lees than 8130 month High hauor aalee: perfect for partners $12000 down S9 500 DOWN ast growing suburb west crossroads of 2 routes: plenty of parking hntrl mold apartment district ThU one na gnt to go fat IRST COME IRST SERVW ROTOTILLING lawn rolled cut fcr tlltzed seeded shrub service I n4 EXPERT landscaping lawn: free esti mates rich virgin topsoil $11 load VL 1 0174 TREES down free esti BR 1 6155 or GL 1 9014 LAND CLEARING grading ditching bulldozing KE 1 3 499 TENDING lawn and gardens reasonable rate Call UL 1 0466 ask for Randy RICH dark sandv ioam no wheat clean SOIL 8 1 3538 TREES cut down or removed: Insurance SK 1 5336 ree estimate 1 0334 LANDSCAPING and gardening cleaning walls SW 1 4 819 ROTOTILLING lawns garden free estlm etes west WO 1 2481 Linoleum LINOLEUM tile and slnTs: rold and installed Shear EN V7761 AMICOLASTERING WORK GUAR ANTEED WA 1 Painting Papering Cleaning EXTERIOR PAINTING Work guaranteed Dutch Bov paint Prompt service Reasonable prices ully Insured Estimates ftee Til 5 1270 iioKtE OWNERS Whitewash ynur basement or founda tion formulated whitewash $1 gal 1 gal makes3 do it yourself AT 1 949 PAINTING panerhangirig: sanitasf outside painting and work Call Nathan A 1 5278 PAPER A nfiTTRIOR AINT Refrigeration RERIGERATION seivice repair on all I It I I I A I lU chfn makes Work guaranteed American Ap Pltonce Co SW 5 31QO TStStTOTn RajOi Television nee free xiirx you tail your uviun you don't settle tor his nurse: when you cal! me you get personal attention no employers Complete service call includ ing tubes and picture tubes checked in your home $350 east or west eve nings Sundays and holidays same price 10 bar all aluminum antenna com pletely installed $2495 PHI Teitel 1704 Coventry Rd YE 2 0282 CLEVELAND SERVICES INC 2 labor parts extra MUNTZ OTHERS Anvwhere Mu 1 3310 Any time RADIO TV REPAIR'S AILVORK GUARANTEED 596 EXIH'Rf TV SERVICE ALADDIN TV AT 1 M10 Roofing Tjnnlng NEW ROOS INSTALLED Gutters and spouting impairs types we will not he undersold guaranteed (rep estimates we where Budins 1 any 1600 fnrain 1946 Studebaker TON STAKE Here I a truck in very good condition Ready to work for seasonal expenses to pay up old blits Get a rh loan quickly on the friendly bant that made tha choice of over one person last year I TRl $(BVIC Just nhone first for one trip Employed men snd women married or single welcome Write or come tn to tXAcnat 1948 Eord 1 PICKUP Body and mechanical condition 395 Portcr Gadowski ORD 9ftnn BUCKEYE 1 6613 TRUCK BODIES 1 4 1 reconditioned new paint 12' rear and side doors reconditioned furniture an stake body TRADE YOURS IN Cleveland Truck Auto Body 1 0 2 5B RO A AY SU 1 2572 1952 WILLYS 4 wheel drive: pckup truck original In and out trade nr terms MOTORS INC 6840 BROADWAY VU 3 5800 TRUCK AND' TKUCiCPARTS Motor Sale 516 Hrnokpark Rd ON 1 9120 4x6 utility trailer excellent ron dilion custom made Campers special EV 1 5962 19K3 ORD hall ton pick up A shape Only 6000 mile Radio heater bst offer Call 9 Jo 1 SW 5 3144 1946 LODGE 1 ton panel good condition best offer or will trade for anything of equal value KE 1 4 917 WANTED: ton truckTfate model good condition low price armer Icment sH unt sburg ORD ton ccal truck $195 1947 ORD ton cal truck $295 BR U232 3 VU 3 6037 7 CHEVROLET Stake body good shapelll9 ML Carmel 194 1 DODGE avton panel good coh dition V7 2 0 0 51'' CHEVROLET sedan delivery Ra dio beater Good condition HE 1 2624 1953 ORB'DUMP 750: 7x9 body (vllj equipped: 39 12 Er 91 Street HEADQUARTERS tor Used TrucM RYSLER PORRIS 9216 Supe rtor 1943 ORD 12 fl stake: 16 000 mile A shape $395 Must sell YE 3 9530 1 1951 'DOSgK De'Luxe s4 ton express A 000 miles 194 ORD tnick 2 ton: lift gate peed sxle stake body $590 EV 1 6438 High Gallonagc Service Station SPRINGS shotks glass rear end clutch transmission brake service Republic Auio Parts 4700 I les Ave WY 1 2 266 Guaranteeo actory Rebuilt Engines CHAPMAN MOTOR REBUTLDEKS 7600 Carnegie EX 1 78 0 "SUPERIOR MOTORS REBUILDERS 1032 Carnegie MA 1 7222 WILLIAM THOMAS ORD 5310St Clair Ave HE 1 1103 140 Mobile Trailers The inest In Trailer Homes LIBERTY DUO STAR ZIMMER Leaders in Our ield rl H1 CAES DELICATESSENS ACTORIES SKWER ELECTRICALLY COPPER WATER LINES INSTALLED GAS LEAKS TESTED Plumbing repairs: free estimate DAY NIGHT SUN SERVICE WRITTEN GUARANTEE GA 1 6465 WO 1 7777 Six 2 ro)m auitM: come plus 2 om and bath Watkins Realty 1 3085 ROOMING PROPERTY NWAW mffPCtr vMu iuuvuu grow per room oatn gas garage toveiy beer and wine take nut permit I a rooms fm owner Income $125 11 Vf I A1 on no I A A A 1 onwH nwnei ie a yjpy Diamonds Jewelry GENEROUS LOANS DIAMONDS WATCHES ANTIQUES BINOCULARS CAMERAS SEALED VAULT PROTECTION HARMAN JEWELERS 1902 E9 LIBERAL Ivans on'DIamond SOLBERGMAN 401 Prospect 80 Business Opportunities BEAUTy hop for lease with option to buy west good following: lllne force sale 3 room living quarters available furnished or unfurnished Days MJ 1 1937 night and Sun AC 1 6054 Ask iL Ellen CAI'1Z 5 Wet Now grossing $1800 per week: large horseshoe bar excellent fixtures good lease with low rent netted to sell IASS Euclid EL12' MA lST4S'MOTEI In in slater new list write CUT VP POilLIRY slana lifmoat MILIHR REALTY CO 5ev rrinar pping center Plenty traffic and free parking One man opentton Money maker I ut nirr uiur CONCRTEbfoek nw hfne makes all tvoea of tinrkt due to expansion Phone Lotam Portcr Gadowski ORD 9900 BUCKEYE CE 1 0613 1953 Model 614 yd crane with boom: slightly used REUBEN ANDERSON INC ORD STAMPING PLANT BEDORD BE 2 5770 141 Wanted Autos Trucks CA'SIJ'OR YOUR CAR BROWNLEE CHEVROLET INC 12S05 pETROI LA 1 SSil CASH OR LATE MODEL CARS WEST PARK CHEVROLET INC Oldest West Side Chevrolet Dealer 15300 LORAIN CL 2 0375 SELLING OUT! ine clothing or entire family Great reductions! Dealers welcome 4 133 Lorain Ave WOJ 5434 WANTED INE QUALITY SUMMER CLOTH INCL SW 1 57 11 WEDDING dress veil size 9 organdy balkrina Bargain A 1 4723 132 Sale Diamonds Jewelry imperfect diamonds Sig TarUtx 850 Euclid CI I 1 79 DIAMOND ring one large stone four small $I25 MI 1 6889 BEAUTY shop: est 15 rry? lease: reasonable ca BhVZRAGBl itnre 2 license gnd business little JnvestmentAJi78R BEVERAGE store 2 license corner location QL P2JOO ARBER shop: 3 Chairs no compehtlon low rent: tmKuclId andE 69 fiARBERSVlOP 12803 St Clilr After 7 rn SW 1 95 27 BAKERY and 3 famlly house for aide ast Side BR feE'JDWlalon fiZ rooms Must acii reasonable IV 1 3350 2 Wil! not pre! fade nr crinkle 3 New amonther uniform finish with our De Vjlbcs (las EN elini nate high spot in paint Regular $110 value 5 Your choice of colors 1951 CHEVROLET tractor 9x20 tire air and brakes saddle tanks 2 speed 1952 BUICK oa dmaster 4 sedan: factory equipped with radio heater dynaflow TOTH MOTOR SALES BE 4 9553 EK 4 5462 BERKA BUICK DEALER 1952 BUICK RIVILRa 2 DOOR: A YELLOW AND BLACK BEAUTY ELECTRIC WINDOWS A REAL TUP SEE AND YOU'LL BUY 7 20? ErCLlDX 1 5350 1950 BUICK Roadmaster 4 dnnr tone green al! extra A condition must sell $750 or best offer MO2 9R17 or RE 2 8350 1951 BUICK Rnadmaster Riviera sedan Beautiful condition 5 new Goudye ar I whitewalls tinted windows aece gortes Must RelMrnmedlately TR 1 7749 1953 BUICK 4 door Special: i' tnra blue radio heater directional signals77 £iPMn: $1 1112 3 1 5J) 1040 BUICK convertible 6 wheels nc good condition make otter ATVJ29 1953 BUICK 4 door Luse equipped A $650 ownr 21701 Ivan RE 7 37 1953 feu'ltk auper 4 door hivicra prl vate Owner perfect condition would consider trade DI1 61 81 riifP) 4 aior nadaa: Radio heater one owner good condition YE 2 1296 tContinard on Plus 7 room frame home: double garage factory district Kuhaly PO 1 6903 Capitol Realty SW 1 2149 DRY 'cleaning synthetic well '7qufpped 26 year reputable service illness ex cellent for couple I'R 1 2554 It no answer SU 3 5215 $7 REST location on" St ClAtr for dancing 79 area partners disagree MO 2 8852 after 8 $27000 All top name polka band DELICATE5SKN all new fixture excellent condition living quarter and lease available If desired Must sacrifice Illnea jrurneyHd PR 1 4452 DRERSahnp: Small" modern btmp" fn tin? Broadway 55 area Small invest ment Cull MO 2 5R16 nr MO 2 0576 DR ai? 100 one rent candy and gurn vending machine some with stand ard and merchandise Owner must sell reasonable because of other business In letests or Information and price write Box 31224 Plain Dealer arge housing development must knowledge of Insurance end of business investment not necessary TU 4 6055 RARE OPPORTUNITY Car home and sporting goods store in clude apartment and warehouse Priced fur quick jale Box 30 Bereat POPULAR line automobile agency lo cated in Cleveland wonderful opportu nity all replies confidential write fulldetail Bnx 9920 Plain Dealer 7 SETS of autoniotive muffler clamp dies sizes 1 to also 40 tun straight side punch press motorized WI 1 0127 LEASE Rooming House 9 room com pletly furnished $800 cash for furnl ture GA 1 4730 COMBINATION gfinut ice cream custard st and 3 00 SW I 04 95 WANT idea light mfg must be gorT Wnle 511 Market Warren Off ING: REASONABLE WHITE VT1MAT SW 18229 INTERIOR "painting neat work we spe cialize in matching color or free estimates call A 1 5058 HOUSE SW 5 4S90 Inside nr hit Du ont Paint fTPERHANGiNC steaming: $12 tor 9x12 rooms work guaranteed free citi mateRA 1 6234 STEAMING" 9x12 room paper ing painting stuccoing: work guaran teed: free estimate MU 1 1294 A HOUSE PAINTING Bonded cash or terms low rate Ci! UT 1 1838 PAINTING paperhanging steaming quick service GL 1 3969 1 1136 PAPER HANGING' 112 up white ATHR SON juaranteedLt I 056 paintingZ patch pl ter1ngHK 0884 PAPERHANGlNGrcleanlng nd removing wall washing: Kem Tone WA 1 8Um fAPERRANGING: Kem Tone 9 room: labor In lap SW 1 6556 or'out A unimi low rates free estimate AC1 0721 INTERIOR" painting paper removing texturing: reasonableTR 1 647 ifNlON painter: on your work Price MI 1 4181 PAPERING painting: low price estl niatr tfUarantecd MU 1 1793 TOfc rich unWl iarse PAINT! Nd? PArKRJUX AT 1 0364 I ree estimate Jxw rate AL BEAUTV SHOP $1150 uJtnn Rd 7 years present owner nicely equipped rent $45 Term APPLE 1836 lticlid MA 1 374 BEAUTY SALON Downtown location Reasonably priced 69 2 2 Plain Dealer BEAUTY wert: best offer takes following BO 2 2010 LA 1 829 4 ania er 1 7744 i rxuting business ran lie greatly increased A ppi i nclil MA 1 17 cashing nay roll checks and servingi '1 14 11 11 1 WP meal at noon Owner will accept any HOTX apartment brick building 60 reasonable of'er call for further infor room north of Euclid Income $35000 i I New bide In nlanntnr etr will hntM 10 lU next d'or t0 r' motol oppo tMimuhif Isllc Cleveland Clinic 14 stonl and rr uuir nn narVlns num 8 30 to in Cafe and Restaurant 2 RESTAURANT $5000 $3600 fi620 2 ii'nse operating partner III rr 12! "I1 CS! comer oer wine license well estab lished! 0801 TliiAve CE1 9889AE 2 living quarter long JBlltotoJBar 5207 Detroit CAE 2 living quarters Pelbh arca Mary'gCafe 3590 57 UUnd 8 $8500 AD 5 2529 eve DELICATESSEN 3'7 6T 13 1 Ddng hf 1 MA I Ci A A A A 1 Zi in A tuvuuu'fiyuvuu ernti Vt tn kA $8500 plus stock LO 1 8644 1'0 JJrm Eut: Grand spot 1S ft' lu ukp $2000 due to owner Warier death in RA 1 4113 DVi I 4k pN 'Tv 1 KANT ne Tii ly Ind N'f Mt store 1 lent $100 ocard ro 15 actoiy lur 8' cll 8t 1 5329 location east $5000 WA 1 6984 5V4wt busy tocafion I reasonable HE 1 6535 or EN 1 8946 PS NTou thealTC 2 license ROOMING house 14 rooms' excellent good location near school DI 1 9647 furniture good income 1930 79 'CALL LARRY CONSTRUCTION CO rmnH'llnz and rrplrtn 1so Mid new home 3 eitlmxe Also li type ot Bldlns root SW sw RS Quality workmanship priced right Highest grade materials Anv Urge or small No down HA terms No waiting ully insured Robert Geilcon PR 1 34 CALL LES KO CONS TRUCTION CO Most PrJ1(7'5 on nT remodniine 1 1 1 rewlrlnc NO MONEY nn'N HA flnonolnj: 3 yer Pon wlt Cull for mate any time SU 1 0380 SHELL OIL CO Days TO 65O MO 2 6847 NEW SUNOCO Service station under construction high profit potential in one of Cleveland outstanding location salary paid while in training investment $5000 lo $6000 experience ndt neces sary only high type ambitious persons will be considered or information and personal interview VU 3 6100 8 30 a to 4 30 daily or write SUN OIL CO Box 6356 Cleve 1 and 1 Qhi Central Ohio town 400 population good mini late Ate ronm nnmr water owner Hi Ail for $16 500 $10000 down Box 30624 Plain Dealer General Insurance Win huy for cash or consolidate agen cies Box J5310 Plain Dealer GENERAL store with Income property: 20 miles east of Cleveland on main hlghw a 7 1 2 490 9 (enter lastest growing in 1951 CHEVROLET 2 ton chassis and cab 161" wheel base 2 to choose from 695 AST 12 ALLEYS To lease or sell 1 Z'' $8000 per year plut rent and utilities I I I 1 1 WHh' A or without building Brand new home made soft 1 cream stand $12000 or more net profit for: 7 month season very possible Could I I bought for les than $12000 for busi net only with option to purchase build I isier aaie Lot uea ijxizHu Elyria 1l Euclid Ae 2nd Winout BldjPRosped Euclid Ae Room The Arcade Superior I 55001899 St Mehncr Bldg MAm 1 06055411 Bioaday (Cor 55th) VUlcan 3 4339 10537 St Clair Are Ground Glenville I 987013501 Euclid Avenue Mulberry I 51 1 5 1 4900 Detroit Ave 2nd Academy I 0990 22078 Lake Shore Blvd at St REdwood 1 7474 761 Broadway Ohio Edison Bld Phone: 5 6859 392 Broad St 2nd Cor ol Middle Ave Phone: 4764 loans made to evident of ell surrounding towns Bender Tucky 3ft SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU Ohio Largest Business Broken OL 1 5200 OR 1 9433 TU 5 1216 BAR EAST Grossing $1500 wrote union WIL workshop dLstrict day bustness good for family $27500 BEN BER CO 2307 Prospect SU 1 0 ft 6 BRICKLAYER wilt do repair or new lob brick or stone work satisfaction a ra eed WY 1 68 IB ASPHALT and cement drives garage floor parking aieas resurfacing HA i terms KE 1 0804 SAVE money call Sylvester Coal for your cement work driveways sidewalks basement GL 1 21 75 LORIO Asphalt A Paving Co Drives parking lots HA free estimate EV V3302x PAVING asphalt: Driveway tn 3 dif ferent colors reasonable work guaran teed free estimate HE 2 2365 brickwork chimneys steps PATIOS SW 1 5440 A AM ATO CEMENT drive sidewalks ree esti mates Guaranteed work EV 1 87 8H ASPHALT reasonable price free estimates MO 2 7262 GUARANTEED cement all estimate SK 2 2049 3U 5 1532 SAVE on' cement just pay labor WO 1 4806 OR1 8718 BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS STOPS IREPLACES AM ATO LO 1 7893 CCARASTEED' Ci ment work ll MndM friv vsnmates SK 2 2049TU 1M34 Building Carpenjry Repairs $850 BROOKLYN CHEVROLET 4899 Pearl Rd SH 1 1503 Open Evenings DODGE CABIN CHASSIS ton 152" WR 2 speed axto boos ter brakes This truck has never been driven never titled You ('an Save $600 APPAREL shop gpix laltles sportswear good active East Side location doing volume business with greater potential Air conditioning modern fixtures Rea sonably priced Don't miss this oppnr tunl ty Owners EV 1 2 07 5 jG 4 8 2 AUTO body shop equipment all de luxe: including John Bean ramp type me chanical wheel aligner and straightener 2 5 air compressor Sell a unit or piece 3161 2 5 15 Bars Taverns! WBST 25TH ST NEAR Cafe 5 ont of the finest taverns on Avenue $1300 a week strictly bar no food 1st time offered Suburban Meavlt traveled hihw $1200 a week busing Plenty ot park Term Aih vi "iiuuuu uuiiuiuh Paroia! Cafe 5 priced to move only $26500 Tbl will only last more week so hurryt West 6 MAPLE ALLEYS Cheap vent excellent location juuu cash amvn payment requjreo CHEVROLET IXC 15201 EUCLID 1 3307 of all all work go any time Repaired replaced Work done by owner AU work guaranteed ree estimates Ca II any time WA 1 6750 ROOING: Expert workmanship: also tinning City wide service Guaranteed Estimates Phone: Davs PO 1 5800 EveSH 1 5360 SHl 488 ROOING gutters and downspout fur nace repairs: free estimates Ra 1 6967 LEAKY routs repaired: new "roof gut ters downspouts A 1 731 1 RtXllNG GUTTERS AND SPOUTS EN 147876 chimney "repairs gutters and downspouts ui HE 1 299! Sewing Machines Repairs THE MAY CO repairs any machine In jipuhonienentalsCH 1 000 Stone Work STONE WORK McMillan ga i 75fl upnoisiery oiip toversi urapeneb1 REUPHOISTEH YOUR URNITURE Now cost about the cost of new fur niture: terms 5 vear guarantee NELSON UPHOLSTERING CO 1572 66 All hours HE 1 5658 SLIP cover and draperies custom made Sample shownat home CE WE repair and recover porch and out door furnltu re KX 2 2 9 7 Wall Washing WALL washing paper eleanTrx rirpe cleaning by hand: free estimates 16 yr experience WA 1895 A I JC A CL EA ING wall washing paper rlwnM nioved painting window EV 2 09 1 1 WALL "washing and Kemiane GA 8659 WALL" washing paper cleaning' cheap rate SW 1766 12 ROOM modern mntel with 2 bed rooms walking distance of restaurant on Highway 2 and 6 excellent year round business beautiful grounds offer expan sion ill health must sell or further in 'formation write owner Box 30924 Plain Dealer A AMILY of 4 nr partners can make $30000 a vear In downtown sundry store Price $1 6000 Phone CH 1 0741 a fnrM I buv Coing business showing to $25000 Box 10122 Plain Available in Cleveland and Ohio Good money make for right men Independent run your own business Call I red Holl Plastering PLASTERING Interior and exterior stucco coves arches patchwork: $5 up: new work good reference EN 1 0999 ARCHES REASONABLE RATES SW1 0634 PLASTERING: Experienced large and SmallJ MU 188 1 PLASTERING patches large small: ps 1 43 OL 1 5323 PATCH plastering ree estimate ACL 2 5 2 8 BO 2 j99 89 PLASTERING patch work large and small prices reasonab RA 1 0118 I limbing Se er le a ning Sewer Cleaning AVith Electric Alachine Written guarantee If we open you don't pay no extra charge for nights or Sundays east or w'est water proofing copper line Installed free estimates quick service roasonable ILL SCHNEIDER JOAN A MNANUE CO SERVING CLEVELANDERS 38 YEARS Ml Hlnnfirtrnm Hide MA 11065 5429 Pearl Rd nf Ridge 1U 4 4300 THE' CITY LOAN Personal inancing JIU 19 JIBUV Seven Convenient Office 1 Cl eje1 a nd I 18k K'' A rTv i I KT5BC 'V im mu YYAiN iLJ amwgaw I MMl I 1 1 tZSil uJr Man mU MT bcue to hi them you $14 I pwrtKvtor reK and income flB lmr4ovrd people el I MK 3 Get yotir Joan fait 1 BkHS or come in tod USB Hi $2 Im i A er Cor Buys rucl OK 19 It RM 1 1 Ik: si INANCE O' I rCtcO thci lour Own Pafrrnti riC i1OO i 840 74 04 66 1967 6OO 46 36 1 Oh 406 Euclid Ave SU 1 6225 11501 Lorain Ave Wl 1 8H00 5724 Broadway VlT 3 4951) 10508 Superior Avt SW 1 5300 626 185th IV 1 9144 4 276 Pearl Rd SH ft.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Views: 5463

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.