The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

U.S. TEMPERATURES Albany picidy Albuquerque four Amarillo sunny Anchorage .01 Asheville r4.12 Ationta rA1.69 Atlantic City otcidy Austin foir Baltimore pickdy Billings sunny Birmingham Bismarck picidy Boise picidy Boston picidy Brownsville foir Buttaio .06 Burlington Vt. .01 Casper .06 Charleston SC .01 Charleston .02 Charlotte NC .12 Chevenne picidy Chicago .71 Cincinnati .08 Columbia SC .03 Columbus .19 Dal-Ft. Worth picidy Davion .10 Denver picidy Des Molnes Detroit .26 Duluth picidy El Paso sunny Evansville .07 Foirbanks picidy Forgo cloudy Flogstaft fair Hartford picidy Helena picidy Honolulu sunny Houston four Indianapolis .31 Jackson Miss. .16 Jacksonville picidy Junroy .01 Kansas City 54n Las Vegas sunny Little Rock .12 Los Angeles foir TUS2 Louisville .25 Memphis .0 723 Miami Beach picidy Milwoukee .79 SQ Mols-St.

Paul cloudy Nashville .26 New Orleans picidy New York cloudy Norfolk picidy SV45 Oklahoma City .07 SVA Omaha cloudy Orlando picidy Philadelphia picidy Phoenix 11.21 Pittsburch .02 Portland Me. picidy Portland Ore. .03 Providence picidy Raleigh Rapid City picidy Reno picidy Richmond cloudy Sacramento hazy St. Louts .70 St. Pete- Tampa picidy 1371 Soft Lake City cloudy 4122 San Antonio San Diego toir San Froncisco fog St.

Ste. Marie .0 Seattle cloudy Shreveport .20 Sioux Falls cloudy Spokane cloudy Syracuse picidy Topeka Tucson fair Tulsa .07 Washington picidy Wichita .03 5V40 U.S. temperatures are yesterday's and sky conditions. Rain, snow or precipitation (rain snow) are indicated as or with amount of precipitation in of an inch. Temperature extremes yesterday, 48 contiguous states: High: 86 at West Kendall, Fla.

Low: 5 at Gunnison, Colo. THE PLAIN DEALER MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1982 PAGE 2-A CLEVELAND AREA High 43 (5C), low 27 (-3C). Showers likely and windy with temperatures dropping through tithe day. Variable cloudiness with chance of, flurries tonight and tomorrow. Highs tomorrow in the mid-30s.

Chance of rain today and tonight. EXTENDED FORECAST (Wednesday through Friday) Partly cloudy Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Highs in the 30s and overnight lows in the 20s Wednesday and and in the teens Thursday. REGIONAL FORECASTS OHIO Scattered showers and windy today with temperatures falling into the 30s during the day. Clear southwest and variable cloudiness with scattered flurries northeast tonight and tomorrow.

Lows in the 20s, highs tomorrow 35 to 45. LOWER MICHIGAN. Mostly cloudy A today with chance of snow north and morning rain southeast, temperatures falling into the mid-20s to low 30s. Chance of snow tonight and tomorrow. Lows in the teens to low 20s, highs tomorrow 25 to 35.

WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Windy a with scattered showers, highs in the 50s with falling this afternoon. Mostly cloudy tonight, lows 25 to 35. Variable cloudiness tomorrow, highs 35 to 45. WESTERN NEW YORK Windy and turning colder with chance of showers today, highs in the 40s. Variable cloudiness tonight, lows 30 to 35.

Scattered showers or flurries tomorrow, highs 35 to 40. Lights, FIGURES SHOW HIGH TEMPERATURES FOR AREA 30 507 60 70 80 70 80 SNOW RAIN STATIONARY COLD Data from NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FLURRIES SHOWERS OCCLUDED WARM NOAA Commerce US Dept NATIONAL FORECAST Rain will reach from the lower Great Lakes and New England through the Appalachians into central Georgia. Rain will also stretch from Idaho to the northern third of the Pacific Coast. Skies will be cloudy over northern Nevada and Utah as well as over the upper Great Lakes. Temperatures will be in the 20s from Minnesota to eastern Montana.

Readings will range from the upper 40s across the Pacific Northwest to the mid-70s over southern California. The Atlantic Coast will range from the mid-50s across northern Maine to the mid-70s for the mid-Atlantic Coast to the low 80s over Florida. The Gulf Coast region will be in the 70s. Elsewhere highs will be in the 30s and 40s. HOURLY TEMPERATURES 56 2 56 3 57 60 5 61 6 60 7 61 8 64 9 65 10 65 11 66 65 1 64 2 64 3 65 4 67 5 64 6 59 7 57 55 9 55 10 55 11 Midnight.

WESTERN HEMISPHERE Barbados foir WI Bermuda picky Buenos Aires clear Caloary Edmonton picidy Freeport foir Guadalalara char TIN Havana otcidy Lima Mexico City clear Monterrey clear Montreal Nassou clear Ontawo Regina clear Rio de Janeiro no Son Juan foir WT Sao Paulo no Toronto 5VO Trinidad clear Vancouver cloudy Vero Cruz cloudy Winnipeg clear FOREIGN TEMPERATURES Amsterdam cloudy Athens cloudy Bangkok clear Beirut rom Belgrade clear Sertin cloudy Brussels cloudy Cairo cloudy Copenhocen cloudy Dublin cloudy Frankfurt Genevo cloudy Hong Kong cloudy Jerusalem rain Johan 'burg clear cloudy Lisbon clear sva London cloudy Madrid clear Montio clear Moscow cloudy nm New Delhi clear Nice clear Oslo rain W32 Poris cloudy Peking cleor Rome cicor Singapore rain Stockholm clear Sydney char Tokyo clear Vienna cloudy Warsaw pickdy Readings reflect high and low temperatures. The symbol "na" means not available. METEOROLOGICAL DATA Sunday, Dec. 5, 1182 7 a.m. 1 p.m.

p.m. Borom. (sea level) 29.83 29.72 29.61 Humidity (relative) 67 73 65 High Low temp. Normal mean temp. High temp.

same date last year Low temp. some day last year Record high 67 in 1982 (old record was 63. in 1975) Record low 2 in 1871 Readings taken between midnight and 4 p.m. Saturday. Dec.

4, 110 $: High 70 Low terno. 52 Mean temp. 61 Normal mean temp. 34 Excess temp, for month. 118 Excess temp.

for the vear 38 Precip. for the day 16 Precip. for the .16 Precip. for the year 33.41 Deficit precip. for month ,16 Excess precip.

for year .46 Sunset 4:57 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow. 7:40 o.m. Moonrise tonight 11:27 p.m. Last Quarter tomorrow 10:53 a.m.

The planet Mars, now moving from the constellation Sogittarius into Capricornus, sets at 7:55 p.m. There are now only comparatively dim stars appearing near Mars. nm 3430 3r W61 POLLUTION INDEX POLLUTION INDEX YESTERDAY a.m.... 45-55 INDEX YESTERDAY 4 p.m.... 45-55 TODAY'S POLLUTION INDEX 8 a.m...........

45-55 0-49 good, 50-100 moderate, 101-199 unhealthy, 200- 299 very unhealthy, 300 and above hazardous. LAKE CONDITIONS LAKE ERIE Occasional showers today. Winds west to northwest at 25 to 35 knots. Waves 5 to 8 feet. Water temperature 47.

and, uh, this is Cleveland? By Thomas S. Andrzejewski The essence of Cleveland, at least that which promoters and advertisers see as alluring to visitors, has been compressed into a 30- minute closed-circuit travelog in major hotels here. Candor is not eliminated. A narrator notes the Cleveland 'Indians are "consistent contenders and the training grounds for some of baseball's biggest stars." Hyperbole may be recognized by prosecutors, defense lawyers sand public defenders who might hear the Justice Center called the of Justice." But certainly the Cleveland 500 auto race being called the Budweiser 500 would please the beer makers. The video tour guides, a pert, young dishwater blond and his THE PLAIN DEALER Copyright, 1982, Plain Dealer Publishing Co.

(USPS 603100). Published daily at 1801 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Issue No. 340. Postmaster: Send address changes to this address.

Suggested prices. Newsstands and vending machines: Dolly 20c, Sunday 60c. Home delivery service: Daily $1 per week, Sunday 60c, Daily Sunday $1.60 per week. Mail subscriptions: Daily $78.00 per vear, Sunday $39.00 per year. Foreign mail rates on request.

Second class postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. The Plain Dealer, established as a weekly in 1842, became a daily evening paper in 1845. Morning and Sunday editions founded in 1885 by L.E. Holden. Member of the Associated Press the Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches.

Advertisers should check their ad the first day. The Plain Dealer SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR FAILURE TO PUBLISH AN AD or for a typographical error or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the ad for the first day's insertion. Adjustment for errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad wherein the error occurred. toothy, raven-haired companion, are wind-tousled in sunny scenes against Cleveland's best backdrops in and around downtown. The presentation, which breaks occasionally for commercials from sponsors such as AmeriTrust the Higbee Co.

and The Plain Dealer, has all the elements of one of those disguised promotional shows called magazines. "I'm not sure they (visitors) will watch it for 30 minutes at a time," said Ray Holland, president of Traveler's Information Channel of Birmingham, which produced the videotape. But hotel guests may catch snatches of it, said Holland. Further, a map will be provided to conventioneers, business travelers and others in the nine hotels using the channel. The tape has been playing continuously over Channel 2 in eight hotels here for three days and will begin in the Marriott Beachwood in a week or two, said Dale R.

Finley, president of the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Greater Cleveland. The other hotels are the Bond Court, Hollenden House, Shera- WANTED PIANOS PAY CASH 541-6080 FREE GIFTS from CONTINENTAL FEDERAL COOK CUT CARVE CASH Continental Federal Savings is offering fine gifts and cash bonuses for new deposits. Just make your qualifying deposit to a new or existing account at Continental Federal and get a free gift to take home or cash for your pocket. A 7-piece gourmet tool set is yours for a deposit of $500 or more. The toolery contains six wood kitchen tools and a 12" wire whisk placed in a deluxe ceramic caddy.

For deposits of $1,000 or more, you may choose either a quality stainless steel two-piece carving set or a six -piece steak knife set with a genuine mahogany block holder. Both items are made by Regent Sheffield. And for deposits of $2,500 or more you will receive a cash Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposit bonus. The gift chart shows how FREE GIFTS $500 $1.000 $2.500 $5,000 $10,000 much you can receive. or more or more or more or more or more Take a look at the gift chart and 7-piece gourmet.

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One is sure to deposits. InterestChex Seven-day accounts and do not 28-day quality notice for free accounts, gifts. Jumbo Offer expires certificates, January and of savings meet your financial needs. At 29, 1983. Continental Federal Savings, our interest is in your future.

09 ASSOCIATION Federal Savings Main Office 614 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Telephone Branch Offices: Clark-West 25th Parma Westgate University Heights Southland Euclid Square Mall Memphis-Fulton Westlake Brooklyn Richmond Mall Maple Heights Aurora Commons Parmatown Mentor Vermilion Eton Square Lakewood Strongsville Midway Mall Brocksville Indepondence Public Square Painesville Eastlake Great Lakes Mall Satellito Facilities: Euclid-Green Painesville Main Street Heinen's Cedar-Green store ton Beachwood, Sheraton Hopkins, Stuffer's Inn on the Square, Lakeside Holiday Inn, Westlake Holiday Inn and Hilton Inn. There is a 35-second introduction by Mayor George V. Voinovich and a three-minute hotel promotion tailored to the hotel in which the program is being shown. Updates will be made quarterly. Holland said production cost more than $100,000, paid for by advertisers.

The project. was done under the auspices of the Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Growth Association and the New Cleveland Campaign. For those who may not be impressed with the points of interest in the production, this is the introduction to the Cuyahoga Valley Line Railroad: "How would you like to go on a train ride to Akron?" Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking problem, call Alcoholics Anonymous at 241-7387. Amana CUTS HEATING COSTS to water than ordinary 40 gallon water heaters. Command furnace Average Standing Pilot No chimney required.

The Amana Energy Furnace, AFUE installs like an ordinary furnace, except it vents through the wall like a clothes dryer. So you don't need a heat wasting chimney! Average Electronic Ignition Operates on Natural Gas. Available at 80,000 or 100,000 Furnace, AFUE BTUH input, the most common furnace sizes. Electric Resistance Heat efficient a SAVE GAS, SAVE YOU MONEY WHEN 'Savings estimates based on 80.000 BTU Energy Command furnace versus 80.000 BTU furnaces as shown, using national average energy REPLACE WITH A NEW, costs Actual savings wilt vary with models compared. chimate and actual mana ENERGY-EFFICIENT energy costs See your dealer for details.

GAS FURNACE. And heats your water, too! With the Energy Gas Furnace EFFICIENT The most efficient 80,000 to 100,000 BTUH furnace you can buy! Remember last winter's heating bills? Imagine if those bills doubled! That's what leading sources predict will happen to the price of natural gas in five years! With those prices. you can't afford to keep an old inefficient furnace. The Amana Energy Command furnace can reduce your heating bill to compared to typical gas enough to pay you to replace an inefficient furnace regardless of its age or condition. And, because the Energy Command furnace doesn't require a chimney, it's ideal for replacing expensive electric heat.

Outstanding features make the Energy Command furnace a smart buy: Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of to That's better than any comparably sized furnace on the market. The higher the efficiency, the more you save. Exclusive Heat Transfer Module, A compact combustion chamber that has helped make Amana a leader in heating If you You could efficiency in over ten years proven use. Heats your water too! With the optional Amana water heater, the Least Efficient Furnace on Energy Command furnace can deliver 2 to times more hot the market, AFUE CLEVELAND EAST SUBURBS Adams Air Conditioning Heating Corp. 701 Beta Drive 449-2200 Don Fisher Furnace Company 4306 Mayfield Road 291-1350 Gorjanc Htg.

Cooling, Inc. 760 East 200th Street 692-2557 TUSCARAWAS COUNTY AREA Sugarcreek Heating Rig. Inc. 200 S. Factory Sugarcreek, Ohio 852-2313 CLEVELAND SOUTHEAST A SUBURBS Cleveland Air Comfort 7575 Bond Street 232-1861 Comfort Air Company, Inc.

15629 Broadway Avenue 587-4125 Jackson Comfort Systems, Inc. 1433 East Highland Road Office 24 Hr. 425-3309 468-0840 CLEVELAND WEST A SUBURBS. Lakewood Furnace Company 18502 Detroit Avenue 221-2038 CLEVELAND SOUTHWEST SUBURBS EGZ Hydronic Htg. Cooling 9421 Chesapeake 237-0102 Independence Mechanical, Inc.

10039 Concord Court Twin Comfort Htg. Air Cond. 6250 State Road 842-0505 Wagner's Heating Cooling State Road 741-8403 LAKE COUNTY AREA Natural Gas Service 293 Chester Avenue 352-0272 LORAIN COUNTY AREA C. L. Hupp Heating Air Cond.

1854 Obertin Avenue Lorain, Ohio 244-0172 Mitchell Heating Cooling 39645 Detroit Road Avon, Ohio 934-6460 AKRON AREA J. W. Geopfert Company, Inc. 1024 Home Avenue Akron, Ohio.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.