What Happens After - Chapter 11 - peoniesinthewind - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter Eleven - The Confession

Tanjiro blurted out the words, his confession hanging heavy in the air.

Inosuke stared, processing his words. His expression was unreadable for a tense second before morphing from surprise to realisation to anger.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Inosuke growled, taking a threatening step forward, his fists balling at his sides. A vein throbbed in his temple, and his boar mask seemed to snarl in unison with his growl.

Tanjiro groaned, dropping his head to his hands. This wasn’t going to turn out well.

“What do you mean you like her?” Inosuke demanded. “Like her as in you like training with her? Going on missions with her?”

Tanjiro closed his eyes briefly, wishing he could take back his impulsive confession. “Not like that,” he finally muttered. “Like her as in how you like her.”

“What? Like her like… how I like her… like I like tempura?”

Tanjiro blinked, struggling to process Inosuke’s train of thought. Then he threw his hands up, exasperated. “Seriously, Inosuke! I just care about her, okay?” He let out a defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping forward. “It bothered me, seeing her happy with someone else…”

The gears seemed to turn slowly inside Inosuke’s head. Then it finally clicked in place. “Someone like… me?”

Tanjiro shot him a glare.

Inosuke’s confidence returned. Oblivious to Tanjiro’s frustration, he plastered a wide, self-assured grin to his face. “Of course she’s happy with me, Soichiro! I am the Great Hashibara Inosuke!”

For a moment, Tanjiro’s jaw clenched but he forced himself to relax. “Look,” he said firmly. “We are not going to fight over her. Let’s just see how Kanao feels and let her decide.”

Inosuke considered it for a second before he grudgingly agreed. “Hmph, fine. But if you try anything funny—”

“We don’t know how she feels,” Tanjiro interrupted, a hint of worry in his voice.

Inosuke muttered something inaudible before falling silent. After a long while, he spoke hesitantly, vulnerability etched in his voice, “Whatever happens, we’ll still be friends right, Tanjiro?”

Tanjiro looked up, surprised by his question. Then he a genuine smile spread across his face. “Of course, Inosuke. We’ll always be friends.”

Tanjiro scanned the crowd, searching for her raven hair amongst the festival lights. His gaze landed on a figure by the edge of the point, illuminated by the cool moonlight. Kanao.

She felt his presence even before she saw him. His haori landed on her shoulders, the weight sending a wave of warmth and familiarity. “Oh,” she said in surprise. Her chest rose involuntarily, pulling in a deep breath of air, taking in his scent—a comforting reminder but also a source of confusing emotions.

She looked up at him, taking in his apologetic face. A shadow of sadness flickered across her eyes before she turned away, fiddling with the edge of his haori.

They sat in silence for a long while, filled with the gentle gurgling of the koi pond and the rustling of leaves in the cool autumn breeze, the festivities a white noise in the background.

Finally, Tanjiro shifted uncomfortably. “Kanao,” he began, his voice soft. “I…” he took a deep breath and turned to face her, his face contorted with emotion. “Earlier, when we were watching the fireworks… I—I acted like a complete fool.”

“That you did,” she agreed softly.

He scratched the back of his neck, betraying his growing anxiety. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to. I… I care about you, Kanao. A lot. More than just a teammate. I—” He stopped short, his voice cracking slightly with emotion. “Seeing you with Inosuke…”

“Inosuke?” Kanao tilted her head in surprise, but before she could ask him further, the sound of approaching footsteps cut her off. They both turned towards the sound, and a familiar silhouette came into view.

“Found her!” Inosuke boomed happily, barreling through the crowd to reach the koi pond. But the sight of Tanjiro halted him in his tracks, a fierce frown replacing his grin. And to make matters worse, he noticed Tanjiro’s haori draped over Kanao’s shoulders.

“Blast it!”

Inosuke stomped towards them, his hand outstretched towards Kanao in an indication to pull her up. “Come on, Butterfly Girl. I’ll walk you back to the inn.”

Kanao hesitated, her eyes darting between Inosuke’s outstretched arm and Tanjiro’s dejected face. “Uh—”

“Actually, Insouke,” Tanjiro spoke up. He eyed his boar-headed friend with a determined glare that left no room for discussion. “I was hoping to walk Kanao back myself.”

The air pulsed with a nervous energy as Inosuke’s posture stiffened. His body tensed, almost as if sensing a challenge thrumming beneath the surface. A predatory grin slowly spread across his face as he cracked his knuckles. “Looks like we have a problem here, Tangoro Hamado.”

At that moment, Kanao decided to step in. Sure, Tanjiro could handle himself, but Inosuke’s unpredictability was enough to make her reconsider. “Right. Thank you for your concern, Tanjiro,” she said quickly, her voice infused with forced cheer. “But I think I’ll walk back with Inosuke.” She didn’t really want to, not really no, but Tanjiro’s safety was paramount.

A glint of disappointment crossed Tanjiro’s eyes, but he masked it quickly with a smile. “Sure, Kanao,” he said, his voice strained but his gaze unwavering. “Just be careful, all right? And… I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Hah, don’t worry, Kamaboko! I’ll keep her safe!” Inosuke declared, oblivious to the real reason behind Kanao’s choice.

Before the tension could escalate any further, Kanao placed her hand on Inosuke’s outstretched arm and stood up.

Inosuke and Kanao maintained a respectful distance as they walked side by side back to the inn, a companionable quiet settling between them.

Her gaze drifted towards him. The moonlight cast an almost ethereal glow on his profile, highlighting the wildness in his eyes and the slight furrow in his brow. A gentle fondness enveloped her heart. Inosuke was fierce, impulsive and rough on the edges, yet beneath all that gruffness, there was a surprising gentleness.

Tanjiro on the other hand... he was so… different. Her heart squeezed as she recalled his words earlier. What was it? He cared for her? A lot, he had said.

Lost in thought, Kanao didn’t realise Inosuke had stopped walking until she bumped into his broad back.

“Oh!” Kanao exclaimed, surprised. “Why did we stop?”

Inosuke took in a puff of air, his cheeks tinged a faint pink. “Well… I—uh,” he stammered, which was very unlike him. Then, before he could change his mind, he blurted, “I have something to tell you!” Drawing a large inhale, as if summoning all the mountain air for courage, he began, “Kanao, you see… ever since we first fought Doma…” he stopped, unsure if this was the right way to approach this.

Kanao waited patiently, curious as to what changed his manner. This was a side of Inosuke she hadn’t seen before.

“Forget what I said about Doma! What I mean is… you’ve always been strong, not quite as strong as me of course, but still really strong. But also… well…” He fumbled for words, his eyes darting around nervously. “You’re pretty. Like way prettier than those wild flowers in the mountains.”

Kanao felt herself turning red. He had never spoke to her like this before and she was suddenly wondering where this was going. A growing sense of worry was beginning to pool in the pits of her stomach.

“The way you care for others… for me,” he continued, his voice softening. “When you took that blow for me from that demon… it makes me want to…” he cleared his throat, struggling to find the right words. “What I’m trying to say is that… Kanao, I like you. More than I like tempura, even.”

Oh Inosuke. His words held a genuineness that disarmed her. She met his gaze, his eyes filled with an earnestness that pulled at her heartstrings.

But… but she couldn’t.

Not because she didn’t like him. She did. But not in the way he expected of her. She may not know very much about relationships between a man and a woman, but she at least knew the difference between a friend and something more. Inosuke was a close friend she dearly cherished, but the fluttering in her chest, the squeeze in her heart… that was for…



The dawning realisation struck her like a physical blow. A blush danced across her face as a warmth spread through her, leaving her slightly breathless and uncertain.

But now, now wasn’t the time to dwell on Tanjiro. Inosuke was still waiting for her reply. She looked up at him as her mind raced, searching for the right words, for a way to respond without hurting him.

Taking a small gulp of air to steady her nerves, she straightened her posture. Her eyes met Inosuke’s with newfound clarity. The affection for him remained, but there was an underlying sadness and regret for the words she was about to say.

“Insouke,” Kanao began, her voice trembling at the edges. “Thank you for telling me all this. I… I really appreciate you as a friend. But I… no, there’s… there’s someone else I care about more than I thought.”

A long drawn silence stretched between them. Inosuke’s hands curled into his fists as a guttural growl rumbled low in his throat before it vanished, replaced with a loud exhale. He looked down at his hands, looking as forlorn as he could behind his boar mask that was now hanging lopsided.

The rush of guilt seared through her chest, almost like a physical pain, but she gritted her teeth and pressed on, hoping he would understand.

“You are special to me, Inosuke. I would never forget your help with Upper Moon Two,” Kanao offered him a small smile, reaching out to gently right his mask. “You are so strong, so brave. And you are a good friend. I value that more than you know.”

Her voice softened further, “And maybe, someday, you’ll find someone who appreciates those qualities just as much as I do.”

Thoughts swirled in his mind. Then, with a heavy sigh, Inosuke nodded, sadness clinging to his features. “I get it, Kanao. Just promise me that you won’t forget about me entirely, okay?”

“Of course not, Inosuke,” she replied softly. “I’ll always be your Butterfly Girl. Plus, you promised to get more bottles of Ramune for me whenever I want, remember?”

A beat of silence followed before a familiar grin broke through. “Hah! That’s only if you can beat me in a duel though!”

She chuckled, a small relief washing over her. “Challenge accepted, Inosuke. But this time, I’m not going to go easy on you.”

Kanao collapsed onto the tatami floor of her room, the emotional roller coaster of the night taken a toil on her. Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs, a stark contrast to the quiet chirping of the crickets outside.

Images flickered like summer’s fireflies behind her close eyelids—Inosuke’s hopeful gaze, the blush creeping up on his neck, the raw vulnerability in his voice. Regret pricked at her heart. Inosuke was a good friend, fiercely loyal and always dependable. He deserved someone who could reciprocate his feelings fully.

Realising she still had Tanjiro’s haori on, she pulled it closer to her, burying her face in the worn fabric. His familiar scent—a mix of sunshine and something like woodsmoke—sent a wave of warmth that spread through her core. It was a grounding sensation, a beacon in the storm of emotions coursing through her. His gentle smile, his protectiveness, and the way he cared for her when she was sick and injured… those memories brought a blush to her cheeks, a warmth that was unlike anything she felt with Inosuke. But what did it all mean? The feelings felt foreign, a confusing jumble of emotions she couldn’t quite decipher.

The wind howled through the trees, a lonely symphony mirroring the hollowness in Inosuke’s chest. He kicked a stray rock, sending it tumbling down the mountainside. Kanao’s words echoed in his head, each one a fresh jab at his pride.

You’re a good friend.

Inosuke’s scoffed. Damn right he’s a good friend. But all those times they trained together, fought side by side, her patching him afterwards… did she only do it because she saw him as a friend and nothing more? Like some weakling she needed to protect?

He slammed his fist against the trunk, the bark giving way slightly to the force. He tried to put up a brave front in front of her, but his heart hurt. He had never been good with emotions, especially sappy crap like these. But even a boar head could understand rejection.

What did he have that he didn’t? Strength? Probably not. Better hair? Maybe. But Inosuke had raw power! The strength of ten men! But deep down, in that part of him that wasn’t clouded by these confusing emotions, Inosuke knew. He had that warmth, that sunshine smile that made everyone feel comfortable. Heck, that boy even made Inosuke like him.

No matter. He wasn’t going to dwell on his emotions like a wimp. Training. That’s what he was going to do. He was going to train so hard until his muscles screamed and his lungs burned. He squared his shoulders, a newfound determination hardening his gaze as he picked up his twin katanas. He would train harder, fight fiercer, show everyone who’s the real king of the mountain.

With a mighty BWAAHHHH! that echoed through the mountains, he charged deeper into the wilderness, the wind whipping through his boar mask.

What Happens After - Chapter 11 - peoniesinthewind - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.