Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (2024)


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2010 aNNUaL rEporT

2010 faaLiyET raporU

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (4)

içindEKilER01 Genel Kurul’a Sunulacak Yıllık Faaliyet Raporu Uygunluk Görüşü02 Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Olağan Genel Kurul Gündemi

BÖlÜM I Sunuş04 A. Hesap Dönemine Ait Faaliyet Sonuçlarına İlişkin Özet Finansal Bilgiler05 B. Şirket’in Tarihsel Gelişimi ve Hesap Dönemi İçinde Varsa Ana Sözleşmesinde Yapılan Değişiklikler ve

Nedenleri07 C. Şirket’in Ortaklık Yapısı, Sermayesinde ve Ortaklık Yapısında Hesap Dönemi İçinde Meydana Gelen

Değişiklikler, Nitelikli Paya Sahip Gerçek veya Tüzel Kişilerin Unvanları ve Paylarına İlişkin Bilgiler07 Ç. Şirket’in Yönetim Kurulu Başkan ve Üyeleri ile Genel Müdür ve Yardımcılarının Varsa Sahip Oldukları

Paylara İlişkin Açıklamalar08 D. Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı’nın ve Genel Müdür’ün Faaliyet Dönemine İlişkin Değerlendirmeleri ve

Geleceğe Yönelik Beklentileri 10 E. Personel Sayısı ile Bölge Müdürlüğü, İrtibat Bürosu ve Şube Sayısına, Şirket’in Hizmet Türü ve Faaliyet

Konularına İlişkin Açıklamalar ve Bunlar Esas Alınarak Şirket’in Sektördeki Konumunun Değerlendirilmesi10 F. Yeni Hizmet ve Faaliyetlerle İlgili Olarak Araştırma Geliştirme Uygulamalarına İlişkin Bilgiler11 Sektör, Dünya ve Türkiye’de 2010 Yılına İlişkin Gelişmeler12 Yapı Kredi Emeklilik ve Sosyal Sorumluluk

BÖlÜM II Yönetime ve Kurumsal Yönetim Uygulamalarına ilişkin Bilgiler14 A. Yönetim Kurulu Başkan ve Üyeleri, Genel Müdür ve Yardımcıları ile İç Denetim Sistemleri Kapsamındaki Birimlerin Yöneticilerinin Ad ve Soyadları, Görev Süreleri, Sorumlu

Oldukları Alanlar, Öğrenim Durumları, Mesleki Deneyimleri18 Organizasyon Şeması20 B. Denetçilerin Görev Süreleri ve Mesleki Deneyimleri20 C. Yönetim Kurulu Üyeleri’nin Hesap Dönemi İçinde Yapılan İlgili Toplantılara Katılımları Hakkında Bilgiler21 Ç. Genel Kurul’a Sunulan Özet Yönetim Kurulu Raporu22 D. İnsan Kaynakları Uygulamalarına İlişkin Bilgiler22 E. Şirket’in Dahil Olduğu Risk Grubu ile Yaptığı İşlemlere İlişkin Bilgiler

BÖlÜM III Finansal Bilgiler ve Risk Yönetimine ilişkin değerlendirmeler 24 A. 29.06.1956 Tarihli ve 6762 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun 347. Maddesi Uyarınca Teşkil Olunan

Denetçiler Tarafından Hazırlanan Rapor25 B. İç Denetim Faaliyetleri Hakkında Bilgiler25 C. Bağımsız Denetim Raporu25 Ç. Finansal Tablolar ve Bölümün Sonunda Verilmek Üzere Mali Bünyeye İlişkin Bilgiler30 31 Aralık 2010 Tarihi İtibarıyla Düzenlenen Finansal Tablolara İlişkin Beyanımız97 D. Mali Durum, Kârlılık ve Tazminat Ödeme Gücüne İlişkin Değerlendirme98 E. Risk Türleri İtibarıyla Uygulanan Risk Yönetimi Politikalarına İlişkin Bilgiler 99 Teknik Sonuçlar100 F. Rapor Dönemi Dahil Beş Yıllık Döneme İlişkin Özet Finansal Bilgiler104 Adresler


Türkiye’de Bireysel Emeklilik Sistemi 2010 yılında beklentilerin üzerinde bir gelişme kaydetti.


2010 yılı sonunda 2,6 milyar TL aktif büyüklüğe sahip olan Yapı Kredi Emeklilik’in toplam aktifleri içinde 1,9 milyar TL’ye ulaşan emeklilik yatırım fonları en önemli bölümü oluşturdu.

11 9

YÖnETiM KURUlU BAşKAnI’nIn MESAjI2010 yılında imrenilecek bir büyüme oranına ulaşan Türkiye ekonomisindeki olumlu gelişmeler faaliyet gösterdiğimiz iki alanda da etkilerini hissettirdi. Hem Bireysel Emeklilik Sistemi’nde hem de hayat sigortacılığında başarılı bir dönemi geride bıraktık.


COnTEnTS 01 Convenience Translation of the Compliance Opinion on the Annual Report to be Presented at the General Assembly02 Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Ordinary General Assembly Agenda

PART I Introduction04 A. Summary Financial Information on the Activities of the Reporting Period05 B. History of the Company, and Amendments, if any, to the Articles of Association in the Reporting Period, Including

Reasons for Amendments07 C. Information on the Shareholding Structure of the Company, Changes in its Capital and Shareholding Structure in

the Reporting Period, the Titles of Juridical and Real Persons Holding Privileged Shares and Details Regarding the Shares They Hold

07 Ç. Explanations on the Shares Held by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Board Members, General Manager and their Assistants, if any

08 D. Reports of the Chairman and General Manager of the Company on the Activity Period and their Expectations for the Future

10 E. Information on the Number of Employees, Regional Management, Contact Centers, Number of Branches, Company Services, the Fields of Activity and the Position of the Company within the Sector

10 F. Information on Research and Development Practices Carried Out Regarding New Services and Activities11 Industrial, Global and Domestic Developments in 201012 Yapı Kredi Emeklilik and Social Responsibility

PART II Information on the Management and Corporate Governance Procedures14 A. Names, Surnames, Terms of Office, Fields of Responsibilities, Educational Background and Professional Experience

of the Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors, General Manager, Assistant General Managers and Internal Auditors

18 Organizational Scheme20 B. Terms of Office and Professional Experience of Auditors20 C. Information on the Attendance of the Board Members at the Board Meetings within the Reporting Period21 Ç. Summary of the Board Report Presented to the General Assembly22 D. Information on Human Resources Practices22 E. Information on the Related Party Transactions

PART III Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management24 A. Statutory Auditors’ Report Prepared in Accordance with Article 347 of the Turkish Code of Commerce No. 6762,

Dated June 29, 195625 B. Information on Internal Audit25 C. Independent Auditors’ Report25 Ç. Financial Statements and Information on Financial Structure30 Convenience Translation of the Company’s Representation on the Financial Statement Prepared as of 31 December 201097 D. Assessment of Financial Status, Profitability and Solvency98 E. Information on Risk Management Policies by Risk Type99 Technical Results100 F. Five-year Summary Financial Information 104 Addresses


In 2010, the development of the Turkish Private Pension System exceeded expectations.


Yapı Kredi Emeklilik recorded total assets of TL 2.6 billion as of end-2010, the largest share of which were pension funds, which amounted to TL 1.9 billion.


ChAIRMAn’S MESSAGE Positive developments in the Turkish economy, which grew at an impressive rate in 2010, had a favorable impact on the two sectors in which Yapı Kredi Emeklilik operates. In both the Private Pension System and life insurance, the Company achieved major accomplishments during the year.


Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (5)

1Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

To the General Assembly of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş.

We have been engaged to audit the annual report of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. (the Company) as of December 31, which will be submitted to the General Assembly. This annual report is the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility, as independent auditors, is to express an opinion on the annual report regarding whether the financial information presented therein is consistent with the audited financial statements and explanatory notes.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the principles and procedures regarding the preparation and issue of annual reports as set out by the regulations in conformity with the Insurance Law No. 5684 and the Private Pension Saving and Investment System Law No. 4632, as well as regulations on independent audit principles. Those regulations require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial information presented in the annual report includes any material error in terms of consistency with the audited financial statements and explanatory notes. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable and sufficient basis for our compliance opinion.

In our opinion, the financial information included in the accompanying annual report is an accurate reflection of the information on the financial situation of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. as at December 31, 2010 and is consistent with the audited financial statements and explanatory notes, pursuant to the regulations and in conformity with the Insurance Law No. 5684 and the Private Pension Saving and Investment System Law No. 4632, and also includes the summary report of the Board of Directors and our independent audit opinion.

Güney Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik Anonim ŞirketiA member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited

Şeyda Oltulu, SMMMPartner, Lead Auditor

March 7, 2011İstanbul, Turkey

Convenience Translation of the Compliance Opinion on the Annual Report to be Presented at the General Assembly (Originally Issued in Turkish)

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (6)


Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Ordinary General Assembly Agenda


1. Opening and formation of Council of Assembly,

2. Reading and discussion of the Annual Report and Auditor’s Report and the summary of Independent Auditor’s Report of Güney Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik A.Ş. (a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited) for the year 2010. Approval, amendment or rejection of the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding the Balance Sheet and Income Statement for the year 2010,

3. Release of the Board Members and Auditors of their responsibilities for the Company’s activities during the year 2010,

4. Approval, amendment or rejection of the Board of Directors’ 2010 profit distribution proposal,

5. Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors, and election of the Board of Directors members according to the determinated numbers,

6. Election of Company’s Auditors,

7. Determination of the remuneration of the Board Members and Auditors,

8. Authorization of the independent audit firm selected by the Board of Directors,

9. Decision to allow the Board Members to enter into business transactions, directly or on behalf of others, and to become shareholders and carry out other transactions of other companies active in the fields of activity of the Company, under Articles 334 and 335 of Turkish Commercial Code,

10. Authorization of the Council to sign the minutes of the General Assembly and contending with this action that no further action is necessary,

11. Petitions.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (7)


Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (8)


Active in the Private Pension System and life insurance, Yapı Kredi Emeklilik manages pension funds which totaled TL 1,860.83 million as of December 31, 2010; the Company has a total of 312,721 private pension contracts. In the Private Pension System, the Company ranks third in the sector by fund size with a market share of 15.46%, and fourth in the sector in number of contracts with a market share of 12.32%.

The Company’s premium production was TL 109,956,569 with a life mathematical reserve of TL 496,382,238 as of December 31, 2010. The Company serves 1,151,814 policyholders in life insurance and has a market share of 5.03%. In 2010, the Company distributed to policyholders profit shares of 10.55% in TL, 7.17% in USD and 5.03% in EUR.

Total premium production figures for the year in different fields of activity are as follows:

Premium (TL) Share (%)Life Branch 109,697,375 99.76Personal Accident Branch 259,194 0.24

Total Premium 109,956,569 100.00 The table indicates that the total premium production is composed of 99.76% life insurance and 0.24% personal accident premiums.

The net profit of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik in 2010 is TL 22,589,031.

Market shares of the Private Pension System are based on data released by the Pension Monitoring Center and the Capital Markets Board.

A. Summary Financial Information on the Activities of the Reporting Period

Summary Financial Information on the Activities of the Reporting Period

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (9)

5Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report


Amendments, if any, to the Articles of Association in the Reporting Period, Including Reasons for Amendments

As a subsidiary of Yapı Kredi Bank, the Company further strengthened its standing within the Koç Finansal Hizmetler and boosted its market leading position in private pensions and life insurance.

As the Turkish life insurance sector gained momentum in the second half of the 1980s, the Life Insurance Department of Halk Sigorta was expanded and transformed into a separate company. Following this rapid restructuring, the new company, Halk Yaşam Sigorta A.Ş., was established on January 29, 1991 and offered health, life and personal accident insurance services. In 1994, the Company changed its name to Halk Yaşam. On October 1, 2000, the Company’s name was changed to Yapı Kredi Yaşam in order to increase the synergy between the companies within the same financial group.

In 2000, the Company initiated a restructuring to operate within the Private Pension System. As a result, in early 2001, the Company transferred its health insurance operations to Yapı Kredi Sigorta (Insurance), in accordance with the requirements of the Private Pension Saving and Investment System Law. Yapı Kredi Yaşam was one of the first companies to fulfill all legal requirements of transformation to a private pension company. The Company obtained a license from the Undersecretariat of Treasury to become a private pension company on December 3, 2002; subsequently, the Company changed its name to Yapı Kredi Emeklilik on December 30, 2002. In 2005, the

No amendments were made to the Articles of Association during the reporting period.

Company joined Koç Finansal Hizmetler (Financial Services), a partnership of Koç Holding and the Italian UniCredit. As a subsidiary of Yapı Kredi Bank, the Company further strengthened its standing within the Koç Finansal Hizmetler group and boosted its market leading position in private pensions and life insurance.

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik began selling private pension plans on October 27, 2003, and by year’s end, it was the market leader among the 11 companies operating within the Private Pension System at that time. The Company ended the years 2004 and 2005 as market leader in terms of the number of contracts and the volume of funds managed. The Company’s field of activity is operating in the Private Pension System, issuing pension contracts, undertaking all business and transactions within the legal and regulatory framework of private pensions, issuing group and personal life and personal accident policies in Turkey and abroad and conducting reinsurance transactions. The Company is active in the Private Pension System and life insurance and its main shareholder is Yapı Kredi Sigorta, which has an ownership stake of 99.93%.

B. History of the Company, and Amendments, if any, to the Articles of Association in the Reporting Period, Including Reasons for Amendments

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (10)


Milestones in the History of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik

1992 Yapı Kredi Emeklilik becomes one of the first companies to install a POC (Point of Claim) Terminal. The Company starts selling international health insurance and special life insurance policies for women.

1993 The Company becomes one of the first firms to feature a foreign currency denominated life insurance product in its portfolio.

1995 The Company launches the Insurance Security service for Yapı Kredi Bank current account holders with balances above a specified limit.

1996 The Alarm Center starts to deliver round-the-clock urgent medical consultancy to policyholders.

1997 In line with the unconditional customer satisfaction principle, the Company makes a breakthrough in the sector and grants policyholders the right to a refund of premiums paid in the first month after the initiation of the policy.

1998 The Company launches the Unit System to channel policyholders’ savings to investments on a daily basis, and to distribute profit shares.

1999 The Company numbers among the first in the sector to install a digital telephone and voice response system.

2004 “Saffron,” a social responsibility project jointly organized by TEMA, Harran University and the Company, wins First Prize in the environment category of the International Public Relations Association’s Golden World Awards 2004 as well as the Honorary Award of the United Nations.

The Saffron project also receives the Corporate Social Responsibility Award of the Active Academy of Turkey.

In a survey by the magazine Capital, the Company is designated the “Most Admired Company in the Private Pension System.”

2005 The first Private Pension and Insurance Academy in the sector is established jointly with Boğaziçi University.

The Saffron project receives the Social Responsibility Prize in the “Top of the Summit” Awards organized by the magazine Platin.

2006 The Company becomes the first Turkish firm to receive the British Standards Institution’s CMSAS 86:2000 (complaint management) certification.

In another important social responsibility initiative, the Company once again takes the lead in Turkey by founding The Old Age Research Center (65+) and places the issue of advanced age on the public agenda.

2007 The Company becomes the first pension company to raise its CMSAS 86:2000 (complaint management) certification to ISO 10002:2004 standards (quality management-customer satisfaction-corporate guidelines for handling complaints).

In cooperation with the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) and with contributions from the Turkish Institute of Nautical Archaeology, Yapı Kredi Emeklilik launches the social responsibility project “Frigate Ertuğrul: A Turkish Ship in Japan.”

2008 The Company wins two awards with its social responsibility projects at International Public Relations Association’s Golden World Awards 2008: The First Prize in the social responsibility category for the Frigate Ertuğrul: A Turkish Ship in Japan, and First Prize in the customer services category for The Old Age Research Center (65+) project.

The sector’s first three dimensional segmentation results in the division of customers into four value segments, 16 need segments and 23 behavior segments, as well as 9 integrated segments based on specific categories.

2009 Two new products are developed and introduced to the market in the last quarter of the year.

“Income Protection Insurance” assumes regular payments of Yapı Kredi Bank customers in the event of involuntary unemployment, temporary or permanent disability, or death. The “Income Drawdown Plan” allows participants who have retired from the Private Pension System to receive their savings as regular income.

The Bancassurance Department was established in October 2009 in order to boost the development of the Bank sales channel.

In conjunction with the segmentation project launched in 2008, the customer communications map is restructured.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (11)

7Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Information on the Shareholding Structure of the Company, Changes in its Capital and Shareholding Structure in the Reporting Period, the Titles of Juridical and Real Persons Holding Privileged Shares and Details Regarding the Shares They Hold

Explanations on the Shares Held by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Board Members, General Manager and their Assistants, if any

Name of the Shareholder Share Price (TL) Share Ratio (%)Yapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 57,957,472 99.93Other 42,528 0.07

TOTAL 58,000,000 100.00

No changes took place in the capital and shareholder structure of the Company during the reporting period.

C. Information on the Shareholding Structure of the Company, Changes in its Capital and Shareholding Structure in the Reporting Period, the Titles of Juridical and Real Persons Holding Privileged Shares and Details Regarding the Shares They HoldÇ. Explanations on the Shares Held by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Board Members, General Manager and their Assistants, if any

The Chairman, members of the Board of Directors, General Manager and Assistant General Managers of the Company do not hold any shares.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (12)


Chairman’s Message

Positive developments in the Turkish economy, which grew at an impressive rate in 2010, had a favorable impact on the two sectors in which Yapı Kredi Emeklilik operates. In both the Private Pension System and life insurance, the Company achieved major accomplishments during the year.

The year 2010 proved correct those analysts who predicted that the effects of the economic crisis of 2008 would subside gradually; however, the prolonged, two-year downturn did seem to finally come to an end in 2010. Although the environment of uncertainty was replaced by a recovery during the year, particularly in more robust economies, we also witnessed significant crises in a number of countries in the greater European region which includes Turkey. The Turkish economy managed to emerge from the turmoil unscathed, and grew at an impressive pace. This strong performance of the national economy had a positive impact in the two sectors in which Yapı Kredi Emeklilik operates. 2010 was a year of success for the Company in both the Private Pension System and life insurance.

In 2010, the life insurance business sustained its growth momentum of recent years, and closed the reporting period by outperforming the sector as a whole. In the life branch, total premium production exceeded TL 2,181 million. While the overall insurance sector grew by 13.62% year-on-year over 2009, well above the inflation rate, the life branch increased by a significantly higher 19.70%. The strong growth performance in life insurance also raised its share in the overall insurance market, to 15.44% in 2010, up from 14.65% the previous year. We expect that developments in credit life and risk products will continue to have a positive impact on life insurance and, as a result, growth will endure through 2011.

The Private Pension System, too, figured among those business lines which transformed the crisis into an opportunity. Last year, growth in the Private Pension System reached 15.50% in terms of the number of contracts and 33.52% in terms of fund volume. The fund volume of the Private Pension segment reached TL 12.02 billion as of end-2010, and the number of system contracts exceeded 2.5 million. The number of participants in the system reached more than 2.2 million people.

The Company’s performance also paralleled general trends. In the life branch, Yapı Kredi Emeklilik’s premium production increased more than 18% over the previous year, to TL 109.7 million. The Company ended the year with a market share of 5.03% and ranked sixth in a branch where 28 companies operate. The number of contracts in the Private Pension System grew by 3.5% and fund size was increased by 36.2%. The Company posted net profit of TL 22.59 million as of end-2010.

It is expected that the positive developments in the Turkish economy will continue through 2011. Most probably, the national economy will go through the elections without any setbacks, and report a respectable, though not extraordinarily high, GDP growth rate for the year. In this context, the Company projects that its main fields of activity, private pension and life insurance, will continue to expand in 2011.

Tayfun Bayazıt

Chairman of the Board of Directors

D. Reports of the Chairman and General Manager of the Company on the Activity Period and their Expectations for the Future

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (13)

9Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

General Manager’s Message

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik recorded total assets of TL 2.6 billion as of end of year 2010, the largest share of which were pension funds, which amounted to TL 1.9 billion.

Last year, many economies across the world left the financial crisis behind and entered the recovery phase. The Turkish economy, too, completed 2010 with a positive growth performance. In its seventh year, the Turkish Private Pension System enjoyed its share of positive developments due to its feature as a savings mechanism, and as a result continued its expansion. As for life insurance, recently developed risk products rekindled buoyant demand. A review of last year for Yapı Kredi Emeklilik reveals that its performance exceeded expectations; most significantly, the Company’s fund size outperformed the sector average. As a result, the Company’s market share rose to 15.5%, 41 base points up.

As of the end of 2010, Yapı Kredi Emeklilik recorded total assets of TL 2.6 billion with the largest share originating from pension investment funds, which amounted to TL 1.9 billion. The Company reported shareholders’ equity of over TL 131 million and net profit after taxes of TL 22.59 million at year’s end. The Company offered life insurance products, as well as private pension plans to its customers. In 2010, life insurance premium production totaled TL 109.7 million, while life mathematical reserves reached TL 496.4 million. In the Private Pension System, the number of contracts rose to 312,721 and the fund size increased to TL 1,860,834,605. The Company’s market share of group pension plans with employers’ contribution stood at 21.51%.

In terms of its fund size and the number of participants as of the end of 2010, the Private Pension System has lived up to initial expectations. Considering Turkey’s current GDP, however, there is still plenty of growth potential. Although the system’s share in total domestic savings remains relatively low, two factors should not be overlooked in such an analysis.

The ratio of private savings to GDP stood at 25% 10 years ago, while it fell to 14% in 2009. The ratio is estimated to have dropped further, to 12%, in 2010. In short, Turkey is a nation with dwindling private savings. The country needs a mechanism that encourages the growth of long term savings. The Private Pension System is a good candidate to assume such a role, due to its very nature and current level of development. For this to happen, the present tax advantage in the system needs to be transformed into a direct incentive, as we have suggested for some time now.

The tax incentive is the most important advantage that the Private Pension System offers its participants, given the low interest rate environment. However, the overall number of participants benefiting from this advantage still leaves much to be desired. The most important vehicle to prompt individuals to seize the tax advantage would be transitioning to a direct incentive system. This would encourage individuals to remain in the system for a longer term. Currently, even those who abandon the Private Pension System after one month of participation can enjoy the tax advantage. However, a transition to the direct tax incentive model, as recommended by the sector for a long time, would mean that only long term participants can obtain such an advantage.

In the last four years, the sector continued to speed ahead, issuing around 600,000 new contracts every year. This strong performance does not fail to attract the attention of domestic and foreign players alike. In our opinion, new market players and new sales channels can only increase the efficiency of current channels and add to the sector’s overall development. Improvements in the tax advantage scheme and funding options would further accelerate this remarkable growth.

Next year, we expect that the sector will continue its growth and reach a fund size of TL 15 billion. Yapı Kredi Emeklilik, too, will continue to grow thanks to its Private Pension System operations, and through rising sales from new life insurance products. In addition, the Company will further enhance its customer relationship management system, which has been a strategic focus in recent years, and continue efforts to increase customer service quality.

We constantly strive to add to our long list of achievements by drawing upon our rich heritage and enjoying the support of our shareholders, employees, esteemed agencies, all our business partners including distribution channel providers, and last but certainly not least, our customers...

Taylan Türkölmez

General Manager

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (14)


Assessment of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik in 2010

Information on the Number of Employees, Regional Management, Contact Centers, Number of Branches, Company Services, the Fields of Activity and the Position of the Company within the Sector

The Company has 8 regional offices, 10 branches and 54 provincial representatives located in 33 provinces across Turkey. There are currently 820 employees comprising the administrative and sales staff of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik, which also operates through a sales network of 133 agencies. In addition, agency services are also provided at 868 Yapı Kredi Bank branch offices.

The Company’s service category and fields of activity:Yapı Kredi Emeklilik, active in the fields of the Private Pension System and life insurance, offers services that use diversified products designed specifically for both individual and corporate needs. In addition to its Akıllı Adım Private Pension Plans, the Company also offers risk products in the life insurance market.

The Company’s position in the sector:Yapı Kredi Emeklilik ranks among the leading companies of the Private Pension System. In 2010, the Company maintained its market position in terms of both fund size and number of contracts. In the Private Pension System, where 13 companies are currently operating, the Company ranks third in terms of total funds managed, with a market share of 15.46%. The Company is fourth in terms of number of contracts, with a market share of 12.32%. As of end of 2010, Yapı Kredi Emeklilik ranked sixth in the life insurance branch with a 5.03% market share. The Company recorded total life insurance premium production of TL 109.7 million, and mathematical reserves of TL 496.4 million.

Information on Research and Development Practices Carried Out for New Services and Activities

In 2010, in the personal accident branch, the • Company introduced two new products: My Child’s Education Insurance (Çocuğum Okusun Eğitim Güvencesi) and Multi-Protection Accident Insurance (Multi Koruma Kaza Sigortası). My Child’s Education Insurance is a long-term insurance policy which ensures that the education expenses of the policyholder’s children are met for a specified period of time in the event of either a fatal accident or an accident leading to permanent disability of the policyholder. Multi-Protection Accident Insurance pays indemnity to the policyholder or her/his relatives in the event of death or permanent disability caused by traffic, public transportation, and workplace accidents as well as all other types of accidents.

In 2010, the Company launched Credit Card • Payment Insurance (Kredi Kartı Ödeme Güvencesi), Commercial Credit Insurance (Ticari Kredi Güvencesi) and Credit Payment Insurance (Kredi Ödeme Güvencesi) in the life insurance branch. Credit Card Payment Insurance and Credit Payment Insurance are Unemployment Insurance products, which cover main risks such as death, permanent or temporary disability, as well as unemployment. Credit Payment Insurance covers disability and unemployment risks, in the form of a supplement to the Credit Life Insurance product presented to Yapı Kredi Bank clients for personal loans. Commercial Credit Insurance secures commercial credit against the risk of death. All of these new products are offered to customers via the Bank sales channel and are exclusive to the Bank’s clients.

The Company opened a branch in the • Southeastern Anatolian Region. The Gaziantep Branch officially commenced operations in October 2010 within Yapı Kredi Emeklilik’s Southern Region.

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik was designated one of • ”Superbrands of Turkey” by Superbrands International, a UK-based independent brand assessment firm, with operations in 86 countries. The Company was also featured in the book “Superbrands of Turkey 2010.”

The Company completed its systems integration • with Yapı Kredi Bank and launched the “Dataset” (Veriseti) project. As a result, insurance products can now be sold via Yapı Kredi Bank monitors, and integration with the Bank’s CRM and MIS channels allow for customer follow-up and revenue tracking. Monitoring of the sales process not only increases product control, but also enhances service quality and customer satisfaction from products offered via the Bank.

E. Information on the Number of Employees, Regional Management, Contact Centers, Number of Branches, Company Services, the Fields of Activity and the Position of the Company within the Sector F. Information on Research and Development Practices Carried Out Regarding New Services and Activities

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11Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Industrial, Global and Domestic Developments in 2010

Growth in the Turkish insurance sector picked up in 2010, after a period of stagnation due to the 2009 crisis.

Insurance Sector in Turkey and the World In 2010, numerous natural and man-made disasters occurred, requiring huge payouts by the insurance sector. According to a study by Swiss Re, disasters in 2010 resulted in USD 222 billion economic loss, more than three times the amount of USD 63 billion that was incurred in 2009, as well as the death of 260,000 persons, one of the highest figures since 1976.

In 2010, the cost incurred to the insurance sector by disasters totaled USD 36 billion, up 34% over the prior year. Of this amount, USD 32 billion was due to natural disasters. The event with the most fatalities during the year was the Haiti earthquake in January, with a death toll of 222,000; however, there were almost no insured losses associated with this event. The most costly disaster for the sector was the Chilean earthquake in February, which generated an estimated loss of USD 8 billion.

In 2009, total premium production worldwide decreased by 1.1%, to USD 4 trillion, on a real basis due to the repercussions of the global crisis. Of this total, USD 3.5 trillion was produced in developed nations, while emerging countries, where insurance awareness is still nascent, produced USD 533 billion. However, premium production in developed economies decreased by 1.8% over the previous year, while it was up 3.5% in emerging markets. In North America, premium production fell by 6.1% in real terms over the previous year, but it rose by 1.8% in Europe and was up 2.8% in Asia. In 2009, per capita worldwide premium production decreased from USD 625 to USD 595, and the ratio of premium production to world GDP was 6.98%.

The Turkish insurance sector, however, grew in real terms in 2010, after a stagnant prior year in the shadow of the global economic crisis. In 2010, the insurance sector’s premium production totaled TL 14,129 million, with the non-life branch accounting for TL 11,948 million, up by 12.57% over 2009. Sector growth exceeded the annual inflation rate and generated real growth for the year; however, it lagged behind the Turkish economy’s growth rate of over 7%. As a result, the sector left behind a year more successful than 2009, when it saw a contraction in real terms.

Pension Systems in Turkey and the WorldThe year 2010 saw many pension systems across the world work to compensate for losses sustained during the 2008 global financial crisis. Pension funds losses in OECD countries had reached USD 3.5 trillion as of end 2008, of which USD 1.5 trillion was recovered by the end of 2009. Chile, Norway, Hungary and Poland were among those countries which fully recouped losses incurred during the crisis.

Global markets started to recover in March 2009. By the end of 2010, the 13 largest pension fund markets (Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland, UK and US) had increased 12% over the previous year and reached USD 26,496 billion. This figure is approximately 76% of the aggregate GDP for these nations in 2010.

In terms of share of global pension assets, the largest pension fund markets are the US (58%), Japan (13%) and UK (9%). In 2010, the fastest growing market in terms of total fund size was South Africa with 28% growth in USD terms. Investment-oriented pension funds continued to increase their share in the overall market: from 35% in 2000, 40% in 2005, and up to 44% in 2010. The same year, worldwide life insurance premium production totaled USD 2,460.75 billion.

In Turkey, an expectation survey by the Pension Monitoring Center (EGM) at the beginning of 2010 revealed that, according to the most likely year-end scenario, the total number of pension fund participants in the country would reach 2.3 million with a total fund size of TL 11.5 billion. As of end of 2010, the actual number of participants stood at 2,287,898 while total fund size reached TL 12.02 billion, showing that Turkey’s Private Pension System lived up to expectations in 2010, and even slightly exceeded them.

Last year, the Private Pension System recorded a growth of 15.50% in number of contracts and of more than 33.52% in fund size. The Private Pension System’s fund size totaled TL 12.02 billion as of the end of 2010. For the same period, the number of contracts rose to 2,540,998, and the total number of participants increased to 2,287,898*.

(*) EGM data, January 7, 2011

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Clear proof of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik’s success in maintaining a high level of corporate social responsibility is its completed projects Saffron and Ertuğrul Frigate: A Turkish Ship in Japan, as well as its ongoing CSR initiatives and volunteer efforts.

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik and Social Responsibility

In order to draw attention to the social aspects of the Private Pension System, which allows individuals to be self-sufficient after retirement, Yapı Kredi Emeklilik supports Turkey’s sustainable development with social responsibility projects. Clear proof of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik’s success in maintaining a high level of corporate social responsibility is its completed projects Saffron and Ertuğrul Frigate: A Turkish Ship in Japan, as well as its ongoing CSR initiatives and volunteer efforts.

The Old Age Research Center (65+)Yapı Kredi Emeklilik established the Old Age Research Center (65+) in February 2006 to raise public awareness of the social dimension of old age and retirement issues. Additionally, the Center serves as an information sharing platform on old age and the elderly population, which are not currently priority issues on the national agenda. The Center has conducted the following activities since its establishment:

December 2006A database was formed based on old age studies • carried out in Turkey and around the world. The Company implemented the qualitative and quantitative survey “World of Elders” which deals with the perception of old age and the current problems of the elderly in Turkey.

March 2007A portal for the elderly, www.yaslilikrehberi.org.tr, • was established and includes research and other various materials for senior citizens. It is accessible by all via the Internet at no cost.

March-June 2007 With the collaboration of the Educational Volunteers • Foundation of Turkey (TEGV) and Yıldız Technical University (YTU), 94 persons received training on the use of computers and the Internet.

June 2007The “Home Accidents” brochure prepared • by CEREPRI was translated into Turkish and distributed throughout the country, as a supplement of the daily newspaper Akşam on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

March 2008On the occasion of Elderly Week, March 18-24, a • survey entitled “Those That Challenge Youngsters” was conducted from March 20 to April 9, 2008 with the participation of 3,500 people.

June 2008 The Old Age Research Center project was awarded • First Prize in IPRA’s Golden World Awards 2008, in the category of customer services.

June 2009 To contribute to the development of a cost of living • index for the elderly and to periodically refresh and enrich comprehensive data acquired, the first “Elderly Cost of Living Index” was prepared and disclosed to the public, in collaboration with Boğaziçi University and TNS PIAR.

Private Sector Volunteers Association ProjectCompany employees received Social Project Development Training, under the supervision of Private Sector Volunteers Association. Within this program, personnel are encouraged to contribute to society in cooperation with an NGO which presents the opportunity to enhance their skills and qualifications both for their current position and their career plans. Teams of five to six employees are formed to develop projects that will contribute to society. The training program was launched in 2007; by the end of 2010, 74 employees had implemented 13 different projects.

YKE Volunteers/ “Leaving a Trace” Sculpture ProjectThe Company launched the Yapı Kredi Emeklilik Volunteers team under the umbrella of the Yapı Kredi Volunteers organization, initiated in 2009 to cultivate volunteerism over the long term across the Yapı Kredi family. Adopting the name “Leaving a Trace” for the group, Yapı Kredi Emeklilik Volunteers first initiative was the Sculpture Project. The project, scheduled to begin in 2011, will be carried out jointly with the Cultural Awareness Association. The initiative will feature the cleaning of sculptures built for the 50th anniversary of the Turkish Republic.

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Information on the Management and Corporate Governance Procedures14

Board of Directors

Board of DirectorsTayfun Bayazıt ChairmanAlessandro Maria Decio Deputy Chairman Assoc. Prof. S. Giray Velioğlu Executive Director H. Faik Açıkalın MemberMarco Cravario MemberAhmet Fadıl Ashaboğlu MemberTaylan Türkölmez General Manager/Member

Top ManagementTaylan Türkölmez General Managerumur Çullu Assistant General ManagerS. Bülent Eriş Ph.D. Assistant General Manager

AuditorsM. Abdullah GeçerAdil G. Öztoprak

Internal Systems

Internal AuditMustafa Sağlık Supervisor

Internal Control and Risk ManagementAyça Özyılmaz Supervisor

Tayfun BAYAZITChairman of the Board of Directors Tayfun Bayazıt graduated from Columbia University with an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s degree in Finance and International Relations. Mr. Bayazıt began his banking career with Citibank. He served for 13 years in senior management positions in the Çukurova Group at Yapı Kredi Bank (Assistant General Manager and member of the Executive Committee), Interbank (General Manager) and Banque de Commerce et de Placement in Switzerland (President & CEO). In 1999, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of Doğan Holding and Managing Director of Dışbank. Leaving his position at Doğan Holding in April 2001, he became Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dışbank, a member of the same corporate group. In 2003, Mr. Bayazıtwas elected Chairman of the Bank’s Board of Directors, a position that he held concurrently with that of CEO. When Fortis acquired a majority stake in Dışbank in July 2005, he was appointed CEO of Fortis Bank and also became a member of its Executive Committee. At a general assembly of this Bank’s shareholders in May 2006, he was elected Chairman of its Board of Directors, a position he held until the next general assembly in April 2007 when he became Managing Director of Yapı Kredi Bank. Mr. Bayazıt was shortly thereafter appointed the Bank’s General Manager, on May 1, 2007. He then served as Chairman in Yapı Kredi Bank affiliates such as Yapı Kredi Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş., Yapı Kredi Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş., Yapı Kredi Finansal Kiralama A.O., Yapı Kredi Faktoring A.Ş., Yapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş., Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş., YKB Nederland N.V., Yapı Kredi Azerbaycan and Yapı Kredi Moscow. In the period of April 2007-2009, he took charge in the Bank as the Managing Member and the General Manager. As of April 6th, 2009, he left the General Manger position and assumed the Chairman of the Board of Director’s post. Mr. Bayazıt has also served as the Chairman of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik since April 19, 2007.

A. Names, Surnames, Terms of Office, Fields of Responsibilities, Educational Background and Professional Experience of the Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors, General Manager, Assistant General Managers and Internal Auditors

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15Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Board of Directors

Alessandro Maria DECIODeputy ChairmanAlessandro Maria Decio graduated from Commerciale L. Bocconi University, Department of Economics, after which he received an MBA from the European Institute for Business Administration (INSEAD). He began his financial career with IMI International, and then worked at Morgan Stanley International, McKinsey, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In June 2000, Mr. Decio became head of UniCredit’s Foreign Banks Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Planning and Control Group. In the following years, he served in senior management positions in UniCredit Group subsidiaries Zagrebacka Bank (General Manager and Vice President), and Bulbank (Managing Director and Vice President); he later became Integration Project Manager for the UniCredit Group. At the beginning of 2006, Mr. Decio was appointed UniCredit Group Germany Integration Project Manager and served as Vice President of its Integration Office from July 2006 to July 2007. On April 26, 2007, Mr. Decio was appointed Executive Director of Yapı Kredi Bank. He was appointed the Bank’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) on July 1 of the same year and was later appointed Deputy General Manager on January 30, 2009. Mr. Decio has served as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik since May 10, 2007. Assoc. Prof. S. Giray VELİOĞLu*Executive DirectorAssoc. Prof. S. Giray Velioğlu graduated from Robert College, Department of Civil Engineering in 1971. After obtaining a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from Boğaziçi University in 1973, he received a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana in 1976. Later in 1976, Mr. Velioğlu started his career at Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering as faculty member. From 1977 to 1982, he held a position in the Department of Civil Engineering at Boğaziçi University. Mr. Velioğlu was a faculty member at Yarmouk University in Jordan between 1982 and 1986, at the Jordan University of Science and Technology from 1986 to 1987, and in the Civil Engineering Department at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia.

He joined Yapı Kredi Sigorta as Risk Engineering Manager in 1989. In March 1997, he was appointed General Manager of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik. Since May 1, 2009, Mr. Velioğlu has served as General Manager of Yapı Kredi Sigorta and Executive Board Member of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik.

H. Faik AÇIKALIN MemberH. Faik Açıkalın graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU), Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Business Administration in 1987. He began his banking career as a Management Trainee (Assistant Specialist) at Interbank. From 1992 until 1998, Mr. Açıkalın held various positions at Marmarabank, Kentbank, Finansbank and Demirbank. In May 1998, he became Assistant General Manager at Dışbank; in December that year, he also assumed the position of Secretary General. Mr. Açıkalın was appointed Vice General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors in 1999 and General Manager in December 2000 at Dışbank. After the acquisition of the Bank by the Fortis Group, he also started to serve as Vice President of the Executive Committee besides his position as CEO of Fortisbank. Açıkalın also served in the Fortis Global Management Committee before becoming CEO of Doğan Gazetecilik in 2007. In April 27, 2009, Mr. Açıkalın was appointed Executive Director of Yapı Kredi Bank and then CEO in May 1, 2009. He is a Board Member at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik since June 26, 2009.

Marco CRAVARIOMember Marco Cravario graduated from the University of Torino, Economics Department in 1991; he later participated in senior-level finance education programs at the London School of Economics and INSEAD (The European Institute for Business Administration). Mr. Cravario began his career in Italy as an auditor in the Torino Office of Ernst & Young and later served in the Prague Office. In 1996, he was appointed to the position of Director of the Milan Office of Ernst & Young Corporate Finance where he served until joining UniCredit Group in 2001, to become Head of the New Europe Division Mergers and Acquisitions Unit. Mr. Cravario subsequently held a number of

managerial positions with UniCredit, in planning and control, organization and business development; he also gained considerable commercial experience in retail banking. In 2006, Mr. Cravario was appointed to the position of CFO at UniCredit Tiriac Bank in Romania. Since January 7, 2008, he has served as Assistant General Manager / CFO at Yapı Kredi Bank. Mr. Cravario was also appointed member of the Executive Committee in February 2009. He has served as Board Member at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik since October 15, 2007.

Ahmet Fadıl ASHABOĞLuMemberAhmet Fadıl Ashaboğlu is a graduate of Tufts University, Mechanical Engineering Department and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he received a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. Mr. Ashaboğlu also worked as a research assistant at MIT for over a year. From 1996 to 1999, he worked for UBS AG, as Risk Manager and Director, and from 1999 to 2003 he was at McKinsey & Company where he worked as a Consultant. In 2003, Mr. Ashaboğlu started working at Koç Holding A.Ş. as Finance Group Coordinator. He served in that post until his appointment as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Koç Holding A.Ş. in January 2006, the position he currently holds. Mr. Ashaboğlu has been a Board Member at Yapı Kredi Bankası A.Ş. since September 28, 2005. He has served as Board Member at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik since April 7, 2008.

Taylan TÜRKÖLMEZ*Member / General ManagerTaylan Türkölmez graduated from Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations in 1991. Mr. Türkölmez completed his master’s degree at Marmara University, Institute of Banking and Insurance Sciences in 1994. He started his professional career at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik in 1991. Mr. Türkölmez was appointed Assistant General Manager, Financial Management in March 2006, and subsequently Assistant General Manager, Sales and Financial Management. He has served as General Manager of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik since May 1, 2009.

(*) The name of the Company, established in 1943 under the name Halk Sigorta, was changed to Yapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. in 2000. Also, the name of the Company, established in 1991 underthe name Halk Yaşam Sigorta, was changed to Yapı Kredi Yaşam in October 2000, and then to Yapı Kredi Emeklilik in December 2002.

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Information on the Management and Corporate Governance Procedures16

Top Management

Taylan TÜRKÖLMEZ*General ManagerTaylan Türkölmez graduated from Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations in 1991. Mr. Türkölmez completed his master’s degree at Marmara University, Institute of Banking and Insurance Sciences in 1994. He started his professional career at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik in 1991. Mr. Türkölmez was appointed Assistant General Manager, Financial Management in March 2006, and subsequently Assistant General Manager, Sales and Financial Management. He has served as General Manager of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik since May 1, 2009.

umur ÇuLLu*Umur Çullu graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Industrial Engineering in 1984. He completed the Certificate Program in International Management at İstanbul University, Institute of Business Administration in 1985. Mr. Çullu started his professional career at Ekinciler Holding in 1985, and subsequently joined Yapı Kredi Sigorta in 1990. In 1994, he transferred to Yapı Kredi Emeklilik. Mr. Çullu has worked at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik as Assistant General Manager since 1997. He is in charge of Legal Affairs, Information Technologies, After Sales Services, Administrative Affairs and Cost Management.

(*) The name of the Company, established in 1943 under the name Halk Sigorta, was changed to Yapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. in 2000. Also, the name of the Company, established in 1991 underthe name Halk Yaşam Sigorta, was changed to Yapı Kredi Yaşam in October 2000, and then to Yapı Kredi Emeklilik in December 2002.

S. Bülent ERİŞ Ph.D.* S. Bülent Eriş (Ph.D) graduated from İstanbul Technical University, School of Business Administration, Department of Management Engineering in 1989. He completed his master’s degree at Marmara University, Institute of Banking and Insurance Sciences in 1992. In 2004, he completed his doctoral studies in the School of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering of the same university, and obtained his Ph.D. He started his professional career at Yapı Kredi Sigorta in 1990. Mr. Eriş has worked at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik as Assistant General Manager since October 2003. He is in charge of the Corporate Communication, Bancassurance, Training, Marketing, Sales Support, R&D, Actuary Departments.

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17Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Internal Systems

Mustafa SAĞLIKInternal AuditMustafa Sağlık graduated from Bilkent University, Department of Industrial Engineering, in 2001. In 2003, he began to work in the Research and Development Department of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik as Specialist. Mr. Sağlık has been in charge of the Internal Audit Department since April 2008.

Ayça ÖZYILMAZInternal Control and Risk ManagementAyça Özyılmaz graduated from Marmara University, Department of Economics in 1999. Ms. Özyılmaz obtained her master’s degree in finance at Exeter University in 2001; she began to work as a Specialist in the Fund Management Department at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik in the same year. Appointed to Risk Management Department in 2006, Ms. Özyılmaz has been in charge of the Internal Control and Risk Management Supervisor since December 2008.

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Information on the Management and Corporate Governance Procedures18

Organizational Scheme

Group ManagersAli CanSales Management

Burak Sayın R&D Management

Hande OsmaFinancial Management

T. Serkan BayramoğluAdministrative Affairs and Cost Management, Training Management

Uğur ÖzkanAfter-Sales Services Management

Department ManagersAyça Özyılmaz, Internal Control and Risk ManagementBanu Şahin Canpolat, Bancassurance ManagerBayram Battal, Legal Affairs ManagerElif Sarıbay, Budget Planning and Control ManagerFüsun Dedehayır Ulukan, Corporate Communications ManagerGökçe Yıldırım, Fund ManagementGülender Ay, Underwriting-CorporateGülin Ofluoğlu, Marketing ManagerMehmet Uğur Türkan, Agencies ManagerMustafa Sağlık, Internal AuditMünür Karacagil, Corporate Sales ManagerOğuz Ahmet Aktaş, Sales Support ManagerÖzcan Varna, Customer Relations ManagerPınar Kaya Büke, Financial Affairs ManagerSeda Tunoğlu Kaymak, Human Resources

Selçin Haney, TrainingSüleyman Ercan Tekin, ActuarialŞeyda Acar, System and Network ManagerTarık Zafer Ceylan, Underwriting-IndividualUtku Birdal, R&DVedat Erkomay, Software Configuration ManagerYaman Arnavutoğlu, Unit Relations Manager

Regional ManagersAtilla Özer, Central Anatolian Region ManagerBarış Yılmaz, Central District Sales ManagerBurak Açkurt, Kadıköy DistrictDilek Tartıcı, Bursa Regionİhsan Orkun Karaörs, Antalya RegionMelda Önbaşlı, İzmir Region Sales ManagerReha Nazlıoğlu, Ankara Region Sales ManagerSinan Yılmaz, Eminönü District Sales ManagerŞebnem Kürkçü, Adana Region

Management Office

General ManagerTaylan Türkölmez

Internal Audit Department

Internal Control and Risk Management



Legal Matter Management

Legal Affairs Department

IT Management

Software Configuration Department

System and Network Department

Unit Relations Department

Assistant General Manager

Umur Çullu

After-Sales Services Management

Customer Relations Department

Underwriting Department

After-Sales Services Group Manager

Administrative Affairs and Cost Management

Administrative Affairs and Cost Management

Department (1)

Training Management

Training Department

Administrative Affairs and Training Group


R&D Management

R&D Department

Actuarial Department

R&D and Actuarial Group Manager

Assistant General Manager

S. Bülent Eriş Ph.D.

Human Resources Management

Human Resources and Organization


Marketing and Sales Support Management

Group ManagerAli Can

Sales Management

Group ManagerHande Osma

Financial Management

Marketing Department

Sales Support Department

Corporate Communications


Bancassurance Department

Corporate Sales Department

Agencies Department



Central District



Aegean Region


İzmir Customer Relations


Central Anatolian Region


Ankara Customer Relations

Financial Affairs Department

Budget Planning and Control Department

Fund Management Department

Çorlu Branch Alanya Gaziantep Branch

İzmit Branch

Muğla BranchDenizli Branch

K.Ereğli Branch Konya BranchSamsun BranchTrabzon Branch

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19Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Organizational Scheme

(1) Shared Department with Yapı Kredi Sigorta.(2) In charge of the İzmir Region, Antalya Region and İzmir Customer Relations

which all fall under the umbrella of the Aegean Region.(3) Compliance Officer.

Management Office

General ManagerTaylan Türkölmez

Internal Audit Department

Internal Control and Risk Management



Legal Matter Management

Legal Affairs Department

IT Management

Software Configuration Department

System and Network Department

Unit Relations Department

Assistant General Manager

Umur Çullu

After-Sales Services Management

Customer Relations Department

Underwriting Department

After-Sales Services Group Manager

Administrative Affairs and Cost Management

Administrative Affairs and Cost Management

Department (1)

Training Management

Training Department

Administrative Affairs and Training Group


R&D Management

R&D Department

Actuarial Department

R&D and Actuarial Group Manager

Assistant General Manager

S. Bülent Eriş Ph.D.

Human Resources Management

Human Resources and Organization


Marketing and Sales Support Management

Group ManagerAli Can

Sales Management

Group ManagerHande Osma

Financial Management

Marketing Department

Sales Support Department

Corporate Communications


Bancassurance Department

Corporate Sales Department

Agencies Department



Central District



Aegean Region


İzmir Customer Relations


Central Anatolian Region


Ankara Customer Relations

Financial Affairs Department

Budget Planning and Control Department

Fund Management Department

Çorlu Branch Alanya Gaziantep Branch

İzmit Branch

Muğla BranchDenizli Branch

K.Ereğli Branch Konya BranchSamsun BranchTrabzon Branch

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Information on the Management and Corporate Governance Procedures20

M. Abdullah GEÇERM. Abdullah Geçer graduated from Middle East Technical University in 1996. He worked at the Undersecretariat of Treasury between December 1996 and August 2000, and at the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency as Sworn Auditor for Banks from September 2000 to September 2007. Mr. Geçer transferred to Koç Holding in September 2007 and currently serves as Audit Coordinator for Koç Holding, Audit Group Directorate.

During 2010, 21 Board meetings were held and all the members attended these meetings.

Adil G. ÖZTOPRAKAdil G. Öztoprak graduated from Ankara University, School of Political Science, Department of Finance and Economics in 1966. He worked at the Ministry of Finance as Inspection Committee Officer, between 1966 and 1975. In 1975, Mr. Öztoprak was promoted and appointed to the General Directorate of Budget and Financial Control as an Assistant Director-General. After 1976, he worked in several companies as CFO and CEO. Between 1997 and 2000, Mr. Öztoprak served as Partner at Başaran Nas Accountancy & Certified Public Accountants Bureau (PriceWaterhouseCoopers). Since 2000, he has worked as an independent Sworn and Certified Accountant.

Terms of Office and Professional Experience of Auditors

Information on the Attendance of the Board Members at the Board Meetings within the Reporting Period

B. Terms of Office and Professional Experience of AuditorsC. Information on the Attendance of the Board Members at the Board Meetings within the Reporting Period

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21Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Esteemed Shareholders,

We are pleased to present for your consideration, and with our best regards, the 2010 balance sheet and income statements of the Company, which has just completed its 20th year of business. We would like to express our gratitude for your participation at this assembly during which the results of our activities in 2010 will be presented.

In 2010, with regards to the Private Pension System, the number of the Company’s contracts increased 3.5% and fund size was up 36.2% over the previous year. By the end of 2010, the Company had 312,721 contracts in force with a market share of 12.32%. The Company’s fund size reached TL 1,860,834,605 and our market share in terms of fund size was 15.46%. By fund size, the Company ranks third in the sector; additionally, the Company ranks fourth in terms of the number of contracts.

Total collections in the Private Pension System for 2010 was TL 580 million.

In addition to this success in the Private Pension branch, the Company’s production of premiums in different branches of activity was as follows:

Premium (TL) Share (%)Life Branch 109,697,375 99.76Personal Accident Branch 259,194 0.24Total Premium 109,956,569 100.00

This table indicates that total premium production is composed of 99.76% life insurance and 0.24% personal accident.

Last year’s total life insurance premium production was TL 109,697,375, composed of savings products worth TL 42 million, credit life insurance policies of TL 51 million and risk products of TL 17 million. Life insurance mathematical reserves totaled TL 496,382,238; the Company distributed to policyholders profit shares of 10.55% in TL, 7.17% in USD and 5.03% in EUR.

Throughout Turkey, the Company currently has 8 regional offices, 10 branches and 54 provincial representatives in 33 provinces, staffed by 820 employees. Yapı Kredi Emeklilik’s extensive sales and service network also includes 133 agencies, and 868 Yapı Kredi Bank branches. In 2010, the Company continued to enhance the efficiency of all of these sales channels.

In 2010, the premiums collected from policyholders as well as the Company’s cash were invested in risk-free and high return instruments such as government bonds, treasury bills, eurobonds, foreign exchange and TL deposit accounts.

Summary of the Board Report Presented to the General Assembly

Ç. Summary of the Board Report Presented to the General Assembly

The summary of the attached 2010 balance sheet and income statements presented for your consideration is as follows:

Total assets in the balance sheet amounted to TL 2,603,432,660 and shareholders’ equity was TL 131,318,623.

The total balance in the technical branch was TL 13,954,627, investment revenue was TL 18,766,792, investment expense was TL 3,294,768; the net sum of the revenue, profit, costs and losses from other activities and extraordinary activities was TL 1,513,842, with Company profit before taxes of TL 27,912,809.

After deducting taxes of TL 5,323,778 from gross profit, profit after taxes amounted to TL 22,589,031.

With our best regards, we express our hope to enhance this successful result in the years ahead.

In the name of the Board of Directors,ChairmanTayfun BAYAZIT

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (26)

Information on the Management and Corporate Governance Procedures22

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik believes that highly qualified employees are the key to continued success in today’s competitive world. To this end, the Company employs a workforce which has high levels of self confidence and value added, adheres to rigorous business ethics, and has high potential in line with Company performance targets and strategies. In order to capitalize on this workforce in the most productive manner, all employees are supported with training throughout their career. To this end, the Company established a pioneering training institution within the sector, the Private Pension and Insurance Academy, with the collaboration of Boğaziçi University’s Lifelong Learning Center and Watson Wyatt. The Academy offers an ongoing learning process, which allows employees to enhance their skills and boost their professional performance.

The Company differentiates itself in the private pension segment, and in the entire finance sector, thanks to the importance that it places on employee satisfaction and individuality, in a positive business environment nourished by a corporate culture that encourages personal and professional development. The Company targets being an organization always preferred over others, and which is innovative and is constantly making breakthroughs.

The average age of the Company’s employees is 30.9, and the average employment duration is 5 years and 7 months; 92% of employees have earned a degree in higher education, at the vocational school, university and/or postgraduate university level.

Recruitment and Career Due to the Company’s strategy and performance targets, when a need for new recruitment arises, internal and external resources are evaluated in line with the job description and the skills required by the position. Detailed information on the position is publicly posted via the Company website, recruitment websites and newspaper ads. At the Company, the career paths of the administrative staff and sales personnel diverge into business management and human management. Employee career development is the shared responsibility of the Company and the respective employee. Created with the contribution and participation of personnel, the Performance Assessment System is proof of the Company’s commitment to a performance-oriented human resources management culture. This new system aims to create a common perspective on performance assessment in the Company, to preserve the principles of fairness and impartiality, to emphasize concrete assessments rather than abstract concepts, to enhance the ability to give and receive feedback, and to connect career development and training needs to performance outcomes.

Information on Human Resources Practices

D. Information on Human Resources PracticesE. Information on the Related Party Transactions

RemunerationThe starting salary of an employee joining the Yapı Kredi Emeklilik family is determined in accordance with the general policies of the Company, the job description, as well as the skill level, experience and education of the candidate. In addition to their base salary, employees of the sales team earn performance bonuses, and receive other incentives periodically determined and announced by department management. Similarly, Call Center employees earn incentive bonuses according to specific performance criteria set by customer services management, in addition to their base salary.

Additional BenefitsAll employees are offered a group pension plan with • the Company’s contribution, group life insurance coverage and private health insurance that also covers spouses and children. Employees working at the Head Office and at some • district offices are provided transportation services. In addition, lunch cards were provided to all • employees. All Company employees can become a member of • the Koç Ailem.

Information on related party transactions is given in detail in the attached Independent Auditors’ Report, in the footnote No. 45 titled “Transactions with Related Parties.”

Information on the Related Party Transactions

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (27)



Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (28)

Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management24

Statutory Auditors’ Report

A. Statutory Auditors’ Report Prepared in Accordance with Article 347 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6762, Dated June 29, 1956

To the Annual General Assembly of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş.

We hereby submit to your esteemed discretion the results of our review and audit of the Company’s accounts held in the accounting year 2010.

1. It has been seen that, as regards and in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code and other relevant legislation,

a. The books and records that are required to be kept have been kept in compliance with the provisions of the law,

b. The documents authenticating the records have been systematically retained, and

c. The decisions of Corporate Management have been duly and appropriately recorded in the Company Casebook.

2. The values shown in the inventories, balance sheet, and profit and loss statements accurately reflect the records shown in the books; the referenced documents have been drawn up as dictated by the Company’s Articles of Association, the Turkish Commercial Code and the Tax Procedures Law. In this context, it has been seen that, as concerns the status and condition of the Company, the financial statements presented to the General Meeting of Shareholders by the Board of Directors are in keeping with the principles of clarity and accuracy stipulated in Article 75 of the Turkish Code of Commercial, that the statements in question have been drawn up in compliance with the provisions of the Tax Procedures Law, and that they reflect the records in the official books of the Company.

3. The setting aside of reserves and the distribution of period profits have been implemented in compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and applicable legislation.

In conclusion, we hereby respectfully submit to you for your discretion, the report of the Board of Directors on the Company’s activities and the related financial statements that have been presented in this context, together with the recommendations of the Board of Directors on the distribution of period profits.

İstanbul, 25.02.2011

Best regards,

Auditor Auditor Adil Giray ÖZTOPRAK Abdullah GEÇER

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (29)

25Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Internal audit activities of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik are performed by the Internal Audit Department. The Internal Audit Department, which consists of a Group Head and a Specialist at the end of 2010, is structured as a department that reports to the Board of Directors. Auditing activities are carried out according to the Audit Plan created on a risk-based approach and approved by the Board of Directors. The Internal Audit Department conducts routine audits, process and monitoring audits as well as additional investigations. The Department reports important events within the reporting period as well as auditing activities directly to the Board of Directors every six months through the Audit Committee, with the participation of Board Members.

Enclosed herewith.

Financial statements and information on the financial structure of the Company can be found in the attached Independent Auditors’ Report.

Information on Internal Audit Activities

Independent Auditors’ Report

Financial Statements and Information on Financial Structure

B. Information on Internal AuditC. Independent Auditors’ ReportÇ. Financial Statements and Information on Financial Structure

The purpose of the Internal Audit Department is to ensure the compliance of the administrative and financial aspects of insurance and pension activities undertaken at Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Headquarters and regional offices with the regulations and company procedures in effect, to assess any areas subject to risk, to monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal audit system and business processes, and to offer solutions regarding the avoidance of risks.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (30)

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (31)

YAPI KREDİ EMEKLİLİK A.Ş.Financial Statements And

Independent Auditor’s Report As Of December 31, 2010

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (32)

Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management28

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (33)

(Convenience translation of independent auditors’ report originally issued in Turkish)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik Anonim ŞirketiIndependent auditors’ report as of 31 December 2010

To the Board of Directors of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik Anonim Şirketi.

1. We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik Anonim Şirketi (“the Company”) as of 31 December 2010 and the related statement of income, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement for the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes

Company Management’s responsibility for the financial statements

2. The Company management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the prevailing accounting principles and standards set out as per the insurance legislation. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal systems relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circ*mstances.

Auditor’s responsibility

3. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the regulations regarding auditing principles set by insurance legislation. Those standards require that the ethical principles are complied with and that the audit is planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The independent audit procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the internal systems relevant to the entity are considered. However our purpose is not expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control, but to consider the relation of the financial statements prepared by the Company management and the internal systems in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances. Our audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


4. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik Anonim Şirketi as of 31 December 2010 and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the prevailing accounting principles and standards (see financial statement Note 2) set out as per the insurance legislation.

Other matter

5. The financial statements of the Company prepared in accordance with the accounting principles and standards as set out in the insurance law were audited by another independent audit firm, who expressed an unqualified opinion in their report dated 28 February 2010.

Additional paragraph for convenience translation to English:

6. As of 31 December 2010, the accounting principles described in Note 2.26 to the accompanying financial statements differ from International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. The effects of differences between accounting principles and standards described in Note 2 and IFRS have not been quantified in the accompanying financial statements. Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial position and results of operations of the Company in accordance with IFRS.

Güney Bağımsız Denetim ve Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlik Anonim ŞirketiA member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited

Şeyda Oltulu, SMMMPartner

24 February 2011İstanbul, Turkey

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (34)

Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management30


We confirm that the accompanying financial statements and notes to these financial statements as of 31 December 2010 are prepared in accordance with the accounting principles and standards as set out in the insurance legislation and in conformity with the related regulations and the Company’s accounting records.

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş.

İstanbul, 24 February 2011

Taylan Türkölmez Hande Osma Pınar Kaya Büke General Manager Finance Management Manager Group Manager

Adil Giray Öztoprak Abdullah Geçer Belkıs S. Erşen Legal Auditor Legal Auditor Actuary Treasury no: 20

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (35)

31Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report








Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (36)

32 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheBalanceSheetsat31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)





31December2009I- CurrentAssetsA- CashandCashEquivalents 14 98,473,617 81,833,620

1- Cash 2.12 and 14 - 5172- Cheques Received - -3- Banks 2.12 and 14 67,546,901 55,118,6154- Cheques Given and Payment Orders (-) - -5- Other Cash and Cash Equivalents 2.12, 14 and 47.1 30,926,716 26,714,488

B- FinancialAssetsandFinancialInvestmentsatInsured’sRisk 592,920,171 604,759,1311- Available-for-Sale Investments 2.8 and 11.1 84,149,894 88,861,4132- Held to Maturity Investments - -3- Trading Investments 2.8 and 11.1 25,485,526 20,356,5804- Loans - -5- Provision for Loans (-) - -6- Financial Assets at Insured’s Risk 2.8 and 11.1 483,284,751 495,541,1387- Company’s Shares - -8- Provision for diminution in value (-) - -

C- ReceivablesfromMainOperations 2.8,11.1and12.1 1,881,029,648 1,389,767,2831- Due from Insurance Operations 12.1 1,335,264 1,653,8602- Provision for Due from Insurance Operations (-) - -3- Due from Reinsurance Operations - -4- Provision for Due from Reinsurance Operations (-) - -5- Premium Reserves - -6- Loans to Insured’s 12.1 7,750,457 11,236,1617- Provision for Loans to Insured (-) - -8- Due from Private Pension Fund Operations 12.1 and 47.1 1,871,943,927 1,376,877,2629- Doubtful Receivables from Main Operations - -

10- Provision for Doubtful Receivables from Main Operations (-) - -D- DuefromRelatedParties 31,767 -

1- Due from Shareholders - -2- Due from Subsidiaries - -3- Due from Equity Investments - -4- Due from Joint-Ventures - -5- Due from Personnel 31,767 -6- Due from Other Related Parties - -7- Rediscount on Due from Related Parties (-) - -8- Doubtful Receivables from Related Parties - -9- Provision for Doubtful Receivables from Related Parties (-) - -

E- OtherReceivables 19,774 19,7741- Leasing Receivables - -2- Unearned Leasing Interest Income (-) - -3- Deposits and Guarantees Given 19,774 19,7744- Other Receivables - -5- Rediscount on Other Receivables (-) - -6- Other Doubtful Receivables - -7- Provision for Other Doubtful Receivables (-) - -

F- DeferredExpensesandIncomeAccruals 7,012,071 5,183,8721- Deferred Expenses 47.1 4,917,069 2,746,4202- Accrued Interest and Rent Income - -3- Deferred Income - -4- Other Deferred Income and Expense Accruals 2.25 and 47.1 2,095,002 2,437,452

G- OtherCurrentAssets 191,466 18,2651- Prepaid Office Supplies - -2- Prepaid Taxes and Funds - -3- Deferred Tax Assets - -4- Job Advances - -5- Advances to Personnel - -6- Count Shortages - -7- Other Current Assets 47.1 191,466 18,2658- Provision for Other Current Assets (-) - -

I- TotalCurrentAssets 2,579,678,514 2,081,581,945

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (37)

33Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheBalanceSheetsat31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)





31December2009II- Non-CurrentAssetsA- ReceivablesfromOperations - -

1- Due from Insurance Operations - -2- Provision for Due from Insurance Operations (-) - -3- Due from Reinsurance Operations - -4- Provision for Due from Reinsurance Operations - -5- Premium Reserves - -6- Loans to Insurees - -7- Provision for Loans to Insurees (-) - -8- Due from Private Pension Fund Operations - -9- Due from Private Pension Fund Operations - -

10- Provision for Doubtful Receivables from Main Operations (-) - -B- DuefromRelatedParties - -

1- Due from Shareholders - -2- Due from Subsidiaries - -3- Due from Equity Investments - -4- Due from Joint-Ventures - -5- Due from Personnel - -6- Due from Other Related Parties - -7- Rediscount on Due from Related Parties (-) - -8- Doubtful Receivables from Related Parties - -9- Provision for Doubtful Receivables from Related Parties (-) - -

C- OtherReceivables - -1- Leasing Receivables - -2- Unearned Leasing Interest Income (-) - -3- Deposits and Guarantees Given - -4- Other Receivables - -5- Rediscount on Other Receivables (-) - -6- Other Doubtful Receivables - -7- Provision for Other Doubtful Receivables (-) - -

D- FinancialAssets 45.2 631,834 631,8341- Investment Securities - -2- Subsidiaries - -3- Subsidiaries Capital Commitments (-) - -4- Equity Investments - -5- Equity Investments Capital Commitments (-) - -6- Joint-Ventures - -7- Joint-Ventures Capital Commitments (-) - -8- Financial Assets and Financial Investments at Insurees’ Risk - -9- Other Financial Assets 45.2 6,939,956 6,939,956

10- Provision for diminution in value (-) 45.2 (6,308,122) (6,308,122)E- TangibleAssets 2.5,2.6,6and7 16,680,468 16,460,757

1- Investment Property 7 1,287,708 1,285,7492- Provision for Diminution in Value of Investment Property (-) - -3- Property for Operational Usage 6 15,061,381 14,892,8144- Machinery and Equipment 6 8,240,293 6,598,2875- Furniture and Fixtures 6 3,291,406 3,195,4596- Motor Vehicles 6 75,352 75,3527- Other Tangible Assets (including leasehold improvements) 6 9,851,191 9,685,5538- Leased Assets 6 - 504,5129- Accumulated Depreciation (-) 6, 7 (21,126,863) (19,776,969)

10- Advances Given for Tangible Assets (including construction in progress) - -F- IntangibleAssets 2.7and8 1,544,329 1,897,810

1- Rights 8 4,011,077 3,484,3962- Goodwill - -3- Start-up Costs - -4- Research and Development Expenses - -5- Other Intangible Assets - -6- Accumulated Amortisation (-) 8 (2,466,748) (1,586,586)7- Advances Given for Intangible Assets - -

G- DeferredExpensesandIncomeAccruals 47.1 3,851,701 3,539,2891- Deferred Expenses 1,415,951 1,112,7232- Accrued Interest and Rent Income - -3- Other Deferred Income and Expense Accruals 2.25 and 47.1 2,435,750 2,426,566

H- OtherNon-CurrentAssets 1,045,814 1,757,4631- Effective Foreign Currency Accounts - -2- Foreign currency Accounts - -3- Prepaid Office Supplies - -4- Prepaid Taxes and Funds - -5- Deferred Tax Assets 2.18, 21 and 35 1,045,814 1,757,4636- Other Non-Current Assets - -7- Other Non-Current Assets Depreciation (-) - -8- Provision for Diminution in Value of Other Non-Current Assets - -

II- TotalNon-CurrentAssets 23,754,146 24,287,153

TOTALASSETS(I+II) 2,603,432,660 2,105,869,098

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (38)

34 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheBalanceSheetsat31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)



31December2009III- CurrentLiabilitiesA- FinancialLiabilities - -

1- Due to Credit Institutions - -2- Leasing Payables - -3- Deferred Leasing Costs (-) - -4- Short-Term Installments of Long-Term Borrowings - -5- Issued Debt Securities - -6- Other Issued Debt Securities - -7- Value Differences of Other Issued Debt Securities (-) - -8- Other Financial Payables (Liabilities) - -

B- PayablesfromMainOperations 19 1,894,211,832 1,394,305,3651- Payables from Insurance Operations 4 and 19 929,329 243,2882- Payables from Reinsurance Operations - -3- Premium Reserves - -4- Payables from Private Pension Operations 19 and 47.1 1,893,282,503 1,394,062,0775- Payables from Other Operations - -6- Rediscount on Payables from Other Operations (-) - -

C- DuetoRelatedParties 45 423,079 18,7421- Due to Shareholders 45 423,079 -2- Due to Subsidiaries - -3- Due to Equity Investments - -4- Due to Joint-Ventures - -5- Due to Personnel - 18,7426- Due to Other Related Parties - -

D- OtherPayables 19 4,854,847 3,425,4981- Deposits and Guarantees Received - -2- Other Payables 19 and 47.1 4,854,847 3,425,4983- Rediscount on Other Payables (-) - -

E- InsuranceTechnicalProvisions 20,473,843 14,783,9011- Unearned Premium Reserve-Net 2.24 and 17 10,576,936 5,977,4832- Unexpired Risks Reserve-Net 2.24 and 17 - 133,3623- Life Mathematical Reserve-Net - -4- Outstanding Claim Provision-Net 2.24 and 17 9,746,907 8,513,0565- Bonus Provision-Net - -6- Provision for Life Policies at Insured’s Risk-Net - -7- Other Technical Reserves-Net 150,000 160,000

F- TaxesandOtherFiscalLiabilities 5,725,423 4,203,4231- Taxes and Funds Payable 47.1 3,252,298 3,047,1842- Social Security Withholdings Payable 828,596 768,3053- Overdue, Deferred or Restructured Taxes and Other Fiscal Liabilities - -4- Other Taxes and Fiscal Liabilities - -5- Corporate Tax Provision and Other Fiscal Liabilities 2.18 and 35 5,791,686 6,888,8686- Prepaid Corporate Tax and Other Fiscal Liabilities (-) 2.18 and 35 (4,147,157) (6,500,934)7- Other Taxes and Fiscal Liabilities Provision - -

G- ProvisionsforOtherRisks - -1- Provision for Employment Termination Benefits - -2- Provision for Social Aid Fund Asset Shortage - -3- Provision for Expense Accruals - -

H- DeferredIncomeandExpenseAccruals 5,583,838 5,370,0911- Deferred Income - -2- Provisions for Expenses 2.20 and 23 5,583,838 5,370,0913- Other Deferred Income and Expense Accruals - -

I- OtherCurrentLiabilities 166,411 199,0021- Deferred Tax Liabilities - -2- Count Overages - -3- Other Current Liabilities 42 166,411 199,002

III- TotalCurrentLiabilities 1,931,439,273 1,422,306,022

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (39)

35Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheBalanceSheetsat31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)



31December2009IV- Non-CurrentLiabilitiesA- FinancialLiabilities - -

1- Due to Credit Institutions - -2- Leasing Payables 4 - 1,0653- Deferred Leasing Costs (-) - (1,065)4- Issued Debt Securities - -5- Other Issued Debt Securities - -6- Value Differences of Other Issued Debt Securities (-) - -7- Other Financial Payables (Liabilities) - -

B- PayablesfromOperations - -1- Payables from Insurance Operations - -2- Payables from Reinsurance Operations - -3- Premium Reserves - -4- Payables from Private Pension Operations - -5- Payables from Other Operations - -6- Rediscount on Payables from Other Operations (-) - -

C- DuetoRelatedParties - -1- Due to Shareholders - -2- Due to Subsidiaries - -3- Due to Equity Investments - -4- Due to Joint-Ventures - -5- Due to Personnel - -6- Due to Other Related Parties - -

D- OtherPayables - -1- Deposits and Guarantees Received - -2- Other Payables - -3- Rediscount on Other Payables - -

E- InsuranceTechnicalProvisions 530,601,393 537,164,6511- Unearned Premium Reserve-Net - -2- Unexpired Risks Reserve-Net - -3- Mathematical Reserve-Net 2.24, 4 and 17 496,382,238 512,507,0454- Outstanding Claim Provision-Net - -5- Bonus Provision-Net 17 751,671 1,031,5446- Provision for Life Policies at Insured’s Risk-Net - -7- Other Technical Reserves-Net 2.8, 17 and 47.1 33,467,484 23,626,062

F- OtherLiabilitiesandRelatedProvisions - -1- Other Payables - -2- Overdue, Deferred or Restructured Taxes and Other Fiscal Liabilities - -3- Other Taxes and Fiscal Liabilities Provision - -

G- ProvisionsforOtherRisks 4,041,326 2,972,7851- Provision for Employment Termination Benefits 2.19 , 3 and 22 4,041,326 2,972,7852- Provision for Social Aid Fund Asset Shortage - -

H- DeferredIncomeandExpenseAccruals - -1- Deferred Income - -2- Provisions for Expenses - -3- Other Deferred Income and Expense Accruals - -

I- OtherNon-CurrentLiabilities 6,032,045 8,209,5971- Deferred Tax Liabilities - -2- Other Non-Current Liabilities 2.25 and 47.1 6,032,045 8,209,597

IV- TotalNon-CurrentLiabilities 540,674,764 548,347,033

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (40)

36 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheBalanceSheetsat31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)



31December2009V- Shareholders’EquityA- ShareCapital 2.13and15 58,000,000 58,000,0001- Nominal Capital 2.13 and 15 58,000,000 58,000,0002- Unpaid Capital (-) - -3- Adjustments to Share Capital - -4- Adjustments to Share Capital (-) - -

B- CapitalReserves 18,825,585 18,825,5851- Share Premium - -2- Profit from Stock Abrogation - -3- Sales Profit Addition to the Capital 15 18,825,585 18,825,5854- Foreign Currency Translation Differences - -5- Other Capital Reserves - -

C- ProfitReserves 8,339,917 14,663,0681- Legal Reserves 15 4,696,267 1,328,1032- Statutory Reserves - -3- Extraordinary Reserves 15 329,103 10,033,9674- Special Reserves - -5- Valuation of Financial Assets 2.8 and 15 3,314,547 3,300,9986- Other Profit Reserves - -

D- RetainedEarnings 23,564,090 23,564,0901- Retained Earnings 23,564,090 23,564,090

E- AccumulatedDeficit(-) - -1- Previous Years’ Losses - -

F- NetProfitforthePeriod 22,589,031 20,163,3001- Net Profit for the Period 37 22,589,031 20,163,3002- Net Loss for the Period (-) - -

V- TotalShareholders’Equity 131,318,623 135,216,043


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (41)

37Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheStatementsofIncomeForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)



01.01.2009-31.12.2009A- Non-LifeTechnicalIncome 341,952 (9,049)1- Earned Premiums-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) 341,952 (74,753)

1.1- Written Premiums-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) 2.21 and 24 226,093 61,7711.1.1-Gross Written Premium (+) 24 259,194 95,2001.1.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Gross Written Premium (-) 24 (33,101) (33,429)

1.2- Change in Unearned Premiums Reserve (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Reserves Carried Forward) (+/-) (17,503) (3,162)1.2.1-Unearned Premiums Reserve (-) (17,503) (3,162)1.2.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Unearned Premiums Reserve (+) - -

1.3- Change in Unexpired Risks Reserve (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Reserves Carried Forward) (+/-) 133,362 (133,362)1.3.1-Unexpired Risks Reserve (-) 133,362 (133,362)1.3.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Unexpired Risks Reserve (+) - -

2- Investment Income Transferred from Non-Technical Part - -3- Other Technical Income-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) - 65,704

3.1- Other Gross Technical Income (+) - 65,7043.2- Reinsurer’s Share of Other Gross Technical Income (-) - -

B- Non-LifeTechnicalExpense(-) (239,774) (184,241)1- Incurred Losses-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) 142,971 (184,241)

1.1- Paid Claims – (Net of Reinsurer’s Share) (22,864) (24,975)1.1.1-Gross Paid Claims (-) (26,179) (24,975)1.1.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Gross Paid Claims (+) 3,315 -

1.2- Change in Outstanding Claims (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) 165,835 (159,266)1.2.1-Outstanding Claims Provision (-) 166,201 (157,468)1.2.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Outstanding Claims Provision (+) (366) (1,798)

2- Change in Bonus Provision (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Reserves Carried Forward) (+/-) - -2.1- Bonus Provision (-) - -2.2- Reinsurer’s Share of Bonus Provisions (+) - -

3- Change in Other Technical Reserves (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Reserves Carried Forward) (+/-) (88,196) -4- Operating Expenses (-) 31 (294,549) -C- NetTechnicalIncome-Non-Life(A-B) 102,178 (193,290)D- LifeTechnicalIncome 135,522,191 135,526,5961- Earned Premiums-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) 96,756,013 86,503,458

1.1- Written Premiums-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) 2.21 and 24 101,337,963 86,913,3461.1.1-Gross Written Premiums (+) 24 109,697,375 92,288,5271.1.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Gross Written Premium (-) 24 (8,359,412) (5,375,181)

1.2- Change in Unearned Premiums Reserve (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) (4,581,950) (409,888)1.2.1-Unearned Premiums Reserve (-) (5,037,376) (152,691)1.2.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Unearned Premiums Reserve (+) 10, 17 455,426 (257,197)

1.3- Change in Unexpired Risks Reserve (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) - -1.3.1-Unexpired Risks Reserve (-) - -1.3.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Unexpired Risks Reserve (+) - -

2- Life Investment Income 26 38,642,340 48,848,5213- Unrealised Investment Income - -4- Other Technical Income-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) 123,838 174,617E- LifeTechnicalExpense (129,611,896) (130,368,095)1- Incurred Losses-(Net of Reinsurer’s Share) (105,886,725) (133,204,153)

1.1- Paid Claims (Net of Reinsurer’s Share) (104,487,039) (132,036,878)1.1.1-Gross Paid Claims (-) (105,814,565) (134,733,380)1.1.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Gross Paid Claims (+) 1,327,526 2,696,502

1.2- Change in Outstanding Claims (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) (1,399,686) (1,167,275)1.2.1-Outstanding Claim Provisions (-) (1,748,013) (1,070,554)1.2.2-Reinsurer’s Share of Outstanding Claim Provisions (+) 348,327 (96,721)

2- Change in Bonus Provision (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) 279,873 177,0232.1- Bonus Provisions (-) 279,873 177,0232.2- Reinsurer’s Share of Bonus Provisions (+) - -

3- Change in Life Mathematical Reserves (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) 47.5 16,212,855 37,001,7233.1- Life Mathematical Reserves (-) 16,212,855 37,001,7233.2- Reinsurer’s Share of Life Mathematical Reserves (+) - -

4- Change in Provision for Policies at Life Insured’s Risk (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) - -4.1- Provision for Life Policies at Insured’s Risk (-) - -4.2- Reinsurer’s Share of Provision for Life Policies at Insured’s Risk (+) - -

5- Change in Other Technical Reserves (Net of Reinsurer’s Share and Returned Reserve) (+/-) 17, 47.1 (3,878,260) (3,697,912)6- Operating Expenses (-) 31 (36,339,639) (30,644,776)7- Investment Expenses (-) - -8- Unrealized Investment Expense (-) - -9- Investment Income Transferred to Non-Life Technical Part (-) - -F- NetTechnicalIncome-Non-Life(D-E) 5,910,295 5,158,501G- PensionFundsTechnicalIncome 63,300,352 53,534,9161- Fund Management Income 31,450,395 22,691,8192- Management Expense Charge 20,477,341 18,924,0783- Entrance Fee Income 9,183,635 11,914,9014- Management Expense Charge in case of Suspension - -5- Special Service Expense Charge - -6- Capital Allowance Value Increase Income 8,280 -7- Other Technical Income 47.1 2,180,701 4,118H- PensionFundsTechnicalExpense (55,358,198) (55,580,122)1- Fund Management Expense (-) (7,862,599) (5,672,955)2- Capital Allowance Value Decrease Expense (-) - -3- Operating Expenses (-) 31 (42,962,281) (45,580,152)4- Other Technical Expenses (-) 47.1 (4,533,318) (4,327,015)I- NetTechnicalIncome-PensionFunds(G-H) 7,942,154 (2,045,206)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (42)

38 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheStatementsofIncomeForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)



01.01.200931.12.2009C- NetTechnicalIncome-Non-Life(A-B) 102,178 (193,290)F- NetTechnicalIncome-Life(D-E) 5,910,295 5,158,501I- NetTechnicalIncome-PensionFunds(G-H) 7,942,154 (2,045,206)J- TotalNetTechnicalIncome(C+F+I) 13,954,627 2,920,005K- InvestmentIncome 18,766,792 25,041,818

1- Income from Financial Investments 26 11,956,083 13,350,2742- Income from Liquidation of Financial Investments 26 1,145,671 3,079,8883- Valuation of Financial Investments 26 4,415,813 7,542,5184- Foreign Exchange Gains 26 260,656 539,0525- Income from Subsidiaries - -6- Income from Equity Investments and Joint-Ventures - -7- Income from Property, Plant and Equipment 26 988,569 530,0868- Income from Derivatives - -9- Other Investments - -

10- Investment Income Transferred from Life Technical Part - -L- InvestmentExpense(-) (3,294,768) (2,631,391)

1- Investment Management Expenses (Interest incl.) (-) 26 (225,276) (218,516)2- Diminution in Value of Investments (-) - -3- Loss from Realization of Financial Investments (-) 26 (839,435) (425,136)4- Investment Income Transferred to Non-Life Technical Part (-) - -5- Loss from Derivatives (-) - -6- Foreign Exchange Losses (-) - -7- Depreciation Expenses (-) 6.1, 26 (2,230,057) (1,987,739)8- Other Investment Expenses (-) - -

M- IncomeandExpensesfromOtherOperationsandExtraordinaryOperations(+/-) (1,513,842) 1,307,2891- Provisions (+/-) 47.5 (1,122,749) (690,926)2- Rediscounts (+/-) - -3- Special Insurance Account (+/-) - -4- Inflation Adjustment (+/-) - -5- Deferred Tax Assets (+/-) 21, 35, 47.5 (681,153) 1,328,6026- Deferred Tax Liabilities Expenses (-) - -7- Other Income 290,060 669,6138- Other Expenses (-) - -9- Prior Year’s Income - -

10- Prior Year’s Expenses (-) - -N- NetProfit/(Loss)forthePeriod 22,589,031 20,163,300

1- Profit/(Loss) for the Period 27,912,809 26,637,7212- Corporate Tax Provision and Other Fiscal Liabilities (-) 35 and 47.5 (5,323,778) (6,474,421)3- Net Profit/(Loss) for the Period 37 22,589,031 20,163,3004- Inflation Adjustment - -

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (43)

39Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheStatementsofCashFlowsforthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)




1- Cash flows from insurance operations 126,843,825 69,191,7592- Cash flows from reinsurance operations - -3- Cash flows from private pension funds operations 560,343,226 476,047,5634- Cash outflows from insurance operations (-) (153,825,933) (114,781,023)5- Cash outflows from reinsurance operations (-) - -6- Cash outflows from private pension funds operations (-) (550,424,863) (474,608,275)7- NetCashfrommainoperations(A1+A2+A3-A4-A5-A6) (17,063,745) (44,149,976)8- Interest payment (-) - -9- Income tax payment (-) (4,036,687) (6,412,572)

10- Other cash inflows 1,283,437 513,25111- Other cash outflows (-) (3,433,711) (1,638,904)12- Netcashprovidedbymainoperations (23,250,706) (51,688,201)B- CASHFLOWSFROMINVESTINGOPERATIONS

1- Sale of tangible assets - 271,8612- Tangible assets acquisition (-) 6,7,8 (2,054,835) (2,551,829)3- Financial assets acquisition (-) (163,513,231) (75,008,747)4- Sales of financial assets 198,791,900 112,785,7705- Interest received 26,316,197 23,212,3516- Dividends received - -7- Other cash inflows 1,237,176 1,177,9498- Other cash outflows (-) (1,064,711) (643,652)9- NetCashfrominvestingactivities 59,712,496 59,243,703

C- CASHFLOWSFROMFINANCINGOPERATIONS1- Issue of shares - -2- Cash inflows due to the borrowings - -3- Leasing payments (-) - -4- Dividends paid (-) 45 (26,500,000) (7,000,000)5- Other cash inflows - -6- Other cash outflows (-) - -7- Netcashusedinfinancingactivities (26,500,000) (7,000,000)

D- EFFECTOFEXCHANGEDIFFERENCESONCASHANDCASHEQUIVALENTS 260,656 539,052E- Netincreaseincashandcashequivalents 10,222,446 1,094,554F- Cashandcashequivalentsatthebeginningoftheperiod 59,237,498 58,142,944G- Cashandcashequivalentsattheendoftheperiod(E+F) 2.12 69,459,944 59,237,498

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (44)

40 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheStatementsofChangesinShareholders’EquityForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)










































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Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (45)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

41Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

1. General Information

1.1 Name of the parent Company: As of 31 December 2010, the immediate parent of Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş (“the Company”) is Yapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. (“Yapı Kredi Sigorta”) and the ultimate parent is Koç Holding A.Ş. and UniCredit S.p.A.

1.2 Legal residence of the Company, its legal structure, the country of incorporation and the address of its registered office: The Company is registered in İstanbul and the registered address of the Company’s headquarters is Büyükdere Cad. Yapı Kredi Plaza A Blok 34330 Levent/İstanbul.

1.3 Nature of operations: The main operation of the Company is to act in private pension fund system and, as a result of this activity, to prepare private pension contracts, to fulfill all transactions defined in the laws and regulations related with pension funds, and also to issue all kinds of group and individual life and personal accident policies in Turkey and foreign countries and to perform all related reinsurance transactions. The title of the Company, which was Yapı Kredi Yaşam Sigorta A.Ş. has changed as Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. on 30 December 2002. The articles of association of the Company have been changed by the written approval (No 81316) dated 20 December 2002 of the Undersecreteriat of Treasury and the initial authorization (no 10919) dated 20 December 2002 of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. With this change, the Company has been entitled to act in private pension fund system, to issue private pension fund contracts and to fulfill all transactions defined in the laws and regulations related with pension funds.

1.4 Explanation of the activities and characteristics of main operations of the corporation: Disclosed in Notes 1.2 and 1.3.

1.5 Average number of employees during the period by category:



Top and middle management 26 28Other personnel 797 822

823 850

1.6 Total salaries and benefits paid to the members of the Board of Directors, General Manager, General Coordinator, Assistant General Managers and other executive management during the current period:



Benefits paid to executive managementSalary and other short term payments 1,043,635 1,658,661Group pension plan 60,062 185,638Other benefits paid 23,997 19,372

1,127,694 1,863,671

1.7 Criteria set for the allocation of investment income and operating expenses (personnel, management, research and development, marketing and sales, outsourcing utilities and services and other operating expenses) in the financial statements: All investment income that is generated by investments backing life technical provisions, is transferred from non-technical to technical part of the income statement. Other investment income is classified under nontechnical part. The Company distributed operating expenses transferred to technical part initially to pension and insurance parts by considering the weighted average of number of private pension agreements, and number of policies issued in the last three years period. The expenses allocated to insurance part are distributed to life and non-life parts by considering the weighted average of number of policies issued, gross written premium amount and number of notified claims in the last three years.

1.8 Whether financial statements include only one firm or group of firms: The financial statements comprise of only one company (Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş.).

1.9 Name and other identification information of the reporting firm and changes at this information from the previous balance sheet date: The name and other identification information of the Company are disclosed in notes 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 and no change has been made in this information since the previous balance sheet date.

1.10 Events after the balance sheet date: Financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2010 are authorised by Board of Directors on 24 February 2011. Events occurred after the balance sheet date is explained in Note 46.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (46)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

42 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

2.1 Basis of Preparation

The Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with the Insurance Law numbered 5684 and the regulations issued for insurance and reinsurance companies by the Undersecretariat of Treasury (“the Treasury”).

The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Insurance Chart of Accounts included in the communiqué issued by the Treasury regarding the Insurance Chart of Accounts and Prospects, published in the Official Gazette (No:25686) dated 30 December 2004 (Insurance Accounting System Communiqué No.1). Content and the format of the financial statements prepared and explanations and notes thereof are determined in accordance with the Communiqué on Presentation of Financial Statements published in the Official Gazette numbered 26851 dated 18 April 2008.

According to the “Regulation on Financial Reporting of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and Pension Companies” issued on 14 July 2007 and effective from 1 January 2008, except for the communiqués which may be issued by the Treasury, operations of insurance companies shall be accounted for in accordance with the Turkish Accounting Standards (“TAS”) and the Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (“TFRS”) as issued by the Turkish Accounting Standards Board (“TASB”) and other regulations, communiqués and explanations issued by the Treasury regarding accounting and financial reporting issues. With reference to the notice of the Treasury No. 9 dated 18 February 2008, “TAS 1-Financial Statements and Presentation”, “TAS 27-Consolidated and Non-consolidated Financial Statements”, “TFRS 1-Transition to TFRS” and “TFRS 4-Insurance Contracts” have been scoped out of this application. In addition, the companies are obliged to comply with the Communiqué on the Preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statement of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and Pension Companies” (“Consolidation Communiqué”) dated 31 December 2008 and published in official gazette numbered 27097 effective from 31 March 2009. Since the Company does not have a subsidiary, it is not required to prepare consolidated financial statements.

Financial statements were prepared on TL and historical cost basis, being adjusted for inflation until 31 December 2004, excluding the financial assets and liabilities measured at their fair values.

It was announced with the article of Treasury numbered 19387, dated 4 April 2005, insurance companies are required to restate their financial statements as of 31 December 2004 in accordance with “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” included in the regulations of Capital Markets Board (‘‘CMB’’) Communiqué XI No.25 (which came into force as published in the Official Gazette No: 25290 dated 15 January 2003). In line with the decree of CMB dated 17 March 2005, Treasury also notified that inflation accounting is not required effective from 1 January 2005. Based on the above mentioned notification of Treasury, the Company has restated its financial statements as of 31 December 2004 in accordance with the regulations regarding “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” and not continued to apply Standard No. 29 “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” issued by TASB.

The Company calculated insurance technical reserves and accounted for in the financial statements in accordance with the “Regulation Regarding the Technical Reserves of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Companies and the Assets to which These Reserves Are Invested” dated 1 January 2008 and related legislations issued in accordance with Insurance Law numbered 5684.

Accounting policies and measurement principles that are used in the preparation of the financial statements are explained in the notes from 2.4 to 2.25 below.


Changes and interpretations in TAS/TFRS those are effective in 2010 and not relevant for the consolidated financial statements of the Company:

• TFRIC 17 “Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners”, • TAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” (revised), • TFRS 2 “Share-based payment” (revised) – Share-based payments paid in cash by the Group,• Restructured TFRS 3 “Business Combinations” and TAS 27 “Consolidated and Separated Financial Statements” (revised), • Improvements on TFRS, May 2008 – Published all amendments, TFRS 5 “Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations” is valid for the period

ended December 31, 2009 except the improvements that clarified of the classification of the subsidiary and its assets’ or liabilities’ as held for sale, • Improvements on TFRS, April 2009

These standards and interpretations do not affect the Company’s activities and financial statements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (47)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

43Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

TFRIC17DistributionsofNon-cashAssetstoOwnersThis interpretation guides the business how to account of distributions non-cash assets, and clarifies the time of the record and measurement of assets and liabilities.

TAS39FinancialInstruments:RecognitionandMeasurement(revised)–EmbeddedderivativesThe amendment clarifies that changes of a financial instrument in the fair value or cash flow can be described as a part of embedded derivatives. In addition, the amendment predicts that the inflation cannot be considered in case of partially or completely as item that embedded from financial risk.

TFRS2Share-basedpayment(revised)–Share-basedpaymentspaidincashbytheGroupThe amendment clarifies issues on process of accounting for the payments of the main partnership or other entities and presentations of these payments on the subsidiary’s financial statements.


Revised TFRS 3 reveals some changes for the amount of accounted goodwill due to the business combinations, the effect of the combination on current reported profit and loses and future reported profits and losses. Those amendments consist of revealing the cost that change on fair value of the conditional amount that were occurred the process of the combination, accounted at profit and loss table instead of revising the goodwill amount. In addition, the amendment considers the changes on the shares of the subsidiary as a capital movement. Furthermore, the revised amendment changes the accounting of the subsidiaries’ losses and losing of the power on subsidiary.


TFRS2Share-basedPaymentIt clarifies the subject that business partnerships and business combinations occurring in the form of joint control, are not included in the scope of the TFRS 2 and even if those are not also included in TFRS 3 (revised).

TFRS5Non-currentAssetsHeldforSaleandDiscountedOperationsIt clarifies the subject of the assets’ that held for sale and classified as discounted operations descriptions are limited to mentioned at TFRS 5, other TFRS’s descriptions can be applied for only and only for the assets as considered discounted operations.

TFRS8OperatingSegmentsThe amendment clarifies issues that the segment’s assets and liabilities have to be disclosure in case of using business operations by the top executives. TAS1PresentationofFinancialStatementThe amendment clarifies that not effecting the classification of the debt according to a request from the other party with financial instrument and deductibility of the debt.

TAS7StatementofCashFlowsThe amendment referred that expenditures culminated in the record of an asset can be categorized as cash flow resulting from the investment activities, and this adjustment will affect the presentation of the cash flow table’s of the businesses that made cash payment with price conditional arising from the business mergers.

TAS17LeasesThe amendment abolishes the special regulation on classifications of lands as leases and regulates the transactions with the framework of general rules.

TAS18RevenueThe Board adds a guidance book (as an integral part of the Standard) in order to determine the Company’s act as on behalf or as an agent.

Evaluation of qualifications required of a business:

- Has whether primary responsible for the provision of the goods and services - There is an inventory risk or not - There is discretion on the price determination or not- Entertaining a Credit risk or not

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (48)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

44 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

TAS36ImpairmentofAssetsThe amendment clarifies issue of largest accounting unit over the goodwill acquired in a business merger, may be defined at TFRS 8 for reporting the main business before bringing together the business.

TAS38IntangibleAssetsThe amendment clarifies that the subject of intangible assets that acquired via business combinations, have similar conditions and useful lives can be accounted as single intangible assets. Furthermore, it also clarifies that the technique of the valuation of intangible assets that acquired via business combinations can be described as example and cannot tackle using another valuation technique. Even a business implemented the TFRS 3 (revised) at an early stage; this amendment has to apply at same early stage.

TAS39FinancialInstruments:RecognitionandMeasurement-EligibleHedgeItemsThe amendment clarifies the following issues;

- The current trading price of an early payment option is considered as closely associated item with the agreement in case of the lender obtains the remaining maturity of the interest amount of the compensation up to the present value of the amount.

- In a business merger, the exemption scope is also valid for the contracts that not implicated as derivative and binding future contracts (valid for all current contracts for the period beginning January 01, 2010).

- The profits and losses that occurs from financial instruments that has not been committed under the protection of the financial statements, has to be reclassified at the period affecting the profit and losses (valid for all current contracts for the period beginning January 01,2010).

TFRIC9ReassessmentofEmbeddedDerivativesThe board changed the scope of the explanation in order to clarify the issue on revaluation of at the date of purchase embedded derivatives that get via the business merger, acquisitions or joint ventures. Even a business implemented the TFRS 3 (revised) at an early stage; this amendment has to apply at same early stage.

TFRIC16HedgesofaNetInvestmentinaForeignOperationsThis Interpretation applies to an entity that hedges the foreign currency risk arising from its net investments in foreign operations and wishes to qualify for hedge accounting in accordance with TAS 39. For convenience this Interpretation refers to such an entity as a parent entity and to the financial statements in which the net assets of foreign operations are included as consolidated financial statements. All references to a parent entity apply equally to an entity that has a net investment in a foreign operation that is a joint venture, an associate or a branch.

The standards, amendments and interpretations that published before the approval of the financial statements but not become into effective and not put in early practice by the Company, as follows;

TFRIC19ExtinguishingFinancialLiabilitieswithEquityInstrumentsThe interpretation is valid for the annual period on and after July 1, 2010 and refers to the accounting of capital instruments that accepted by the lender for the repayments of a all or a part of debt, and it clarifies the situation that the capital instruments can be described as “paid amount”. As a result, the dept excluded from the financial statement and the paid amount processed at issued capital instruments.

TFRIC14TheLimitonaDefinedBenefitAsset,MinimumFundingRequirementsandTheirInteraction(Amendment)The amendment is valid for the periods on and after January 1, 2011 and the scope of the amendment is to allow to describe the voluntarily pre-payments as an asset in order to minimum funding requirements. Early implementation is allowed and has to be made retrospectively. The Company does not expect an effect of the amendment on financial status and performance.

TFRS9FinancialInstruments–Chapter1FinancialAssets,ClassificationandDisclosureThe new standard is valid for the annual periods on and after January 1, 2013, and brings new judgments about the classification and measurement of the financial assets. Early implementation is allowed and the Company considers the effect of the new standard on the financial status and performance.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (49)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

45Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

TAS32FinancialInstruments:Presentations–ClassificationofRightIssues(Amendment)The amendment is valid for the annual period on and after February 1 2010, and is related to right transfer offers that made in return for given foreign currency amounts in line with the accounted as derivative liabilities according to the related standard. In addition in case of some defined conditions are met, the amendment introduce the requirement of classification for the right transfer as equity capital regardless of the functional currency.

TAS24RelatedPartyDisclosures(Revised)The rearrangement is valid for the annual periods on and after January 1 2011, and clarifies assessment that have to make by the entities in order to describe the related parties of government or the entity as solely a client. The entity has to consider economical integration between related entities. Early implementations is valid and has to be made forwardly, the Company does not expect an effect of the rearrangement on the financial status and performance.

The Board published third frame arrangement at May 2010, in order to clarify the declarations and correct discrepancies, and determined various effective dates for the changes. Early implementation dates are also determined for the annual period on and after July 1, 2010.

TFRS3BusinessCombinationsisvalidfortheannualperiodsonandafterJuly1,2010.The improvements clarifies that the validation of the exception for the business combinations before the rearrangement of TFRS 3 at 2008 for conditional amount that mentioned at TFRS 7 Financial Instruments; Disclosures, TAS 32 Financial Instruments; Presentation, TAS 39 Financial Instruments; Recognition and Measurements. In addition, the improvement limits the scope of measurement (fair value or the ratio of property right over the net assets of the combined entity) choice for components of the non-controlling shares that stated as a ratio of property right over the net assets of the combined entity. As a result, the improvement obliges the entity (a part of business combination) to change the accounting of the purchased (voluntarily or mandatorily) entity’s share-based payments such as amount and distribution of costs that occurred after the combination.

TFRS7FinancialInstruments:Disclosures,will be effective for annual periods on and after January 1, 2011. The amendment clarifies the disclosures that have to be made and emphasize the interaction between the natures of risks with qualitative and quantitative descriptions and nature of the risks related to financial instruments.

TAS1PresentationofFinancialStatements,will be effective for annual periods on and after January 1, 2011.The amendment clarifies the requirement to submit comprehensive income analysis for each on shareholders’ equity items on the statement of changes in equity or financial statements notes.

TAS27ConsolidatedandSeparatedFinancialStatements,will be effective for annual periods on and after July 1, 2010. The improvement clarifies the forward implementation of changes at TAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, TAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures and TAS 28 Investments in Associates for the annual periods beginning on and after July 1,2009 in case of the early implementation of TAS 27.

TAS34InterimFinancialReporting,will be effective for annual periods on and after January 1, 2011. The amendment guides the entities for implementing the principles of TAS 34 and adds the required descriptions.

TFRIC13CostumerLoyaltyProgramme,will be effective for annual periods on and after January 1, 2011. The amendment clarifies issues that in case of the net present value can be calculated by the entity, the calculation has to consider the valuation of the bonuses that not included in the programme as well.

TFRS7FinancialInstruments–DisclosuresabouttheInvestigationofOff-BalanceSheetAccounts(Revised),will be effective for annual periods on and after July 1, 2011. The purpose of change is to provide better understanding to financial statements readers for the transactions (such as securitization) including the possible risk of party that transferred to financial assets. In addition, the standards require additional explanations for the situation that the disproportionate transfer of financial assets at the end of the fiscal year. And those amendments are also in line with the requirements of IFRS and US GAAP, and the Company does not expect an effect on the financial status of performance.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

46 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

2.2 Consolidation

The Company does not have any subsidiary that requires consolidation in accordance with “TAS 27-Consolidated or Non-Consolidated Financial Statements”.

2.3 Segment Reporting

As of 31 December 2010 and 2009, the Company operates mainly in Turkey and in life and personal accident insurance, and private pension business segments and the Company does not perform segment reporting in the scope of “TFRS 8-Segment Reporting”, since it is not a listed company.

2.4 Foreign Currency Translation

The functional currency of the Company is TL. Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at the period end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the income statement.

Changes in the fair value of monetary securities denominated in foreign currency classified as available for sale are analysed between translation differences resulting from changes in the amortised cost of the security and other changes in the carrying amount of the security. Translation differences related to changes in amortised cost are recognised in profit or loss, and other changes in carrying amount are recognised in equity.

Foreign exchange translation differences from non monetary financial assets and liabilities are considered as part of fair value changes and these differences are classified under the accounts where fair values changes are booked.

2.5 Property and Equipment

All property and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation on property and equipment is calculated using the straight-line method. Residual values of property and equipment estimated over their estimated useful lives are as follows:

Property for operational usage (Buildings) 50 yearsMachinery and equipment 10-20 yearsFurniture and fixtures 3-15 yearsMotor vehicles 5 yearsLeasehold improvements 5 yearsTangible assets acquired via financial leases 5 years

If there are indicators of impairment on tangible assets except for land and buildings, a review is made in order to determine possible impairment and as a result of this review, if an asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount, the asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount by accounting for an impairment provision. Gains and losses on disposals of property and equipment are included in other operational income and expenses accounts (Note 6). The Company has accounted for an impairment provision amounting to TL 246,878 for the tangible assets as of 31 December 2010 (31 December 2009: TL 288,329) (Note 6).

2.6 Investment Property

The buildings of the Company held for the purpose of receiving rent or an increase in value or both instead of being used in the operations of the Company or being sold within the normal business course are classified as investment properties. The investment properties are carried at acquisition cost by deducting the accumulated depreciation. Investment properties are amortised by the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives. If there are indicators of impairment on investment properties, a review is made in order to determine possible impairment and as a result of this review, if the property’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount, the property’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount by accounting for an impairment provision. The recoverable amount is the higher of the future cash inflows from the existing use of the investment property and the fair value of the property after cost of sale. The depreciation period of investment properties is 50 years (31 December 2009: 50 years).

2.7 Intangible Assets

Intangible assets consist of the acquired information systems, franchise rights and software. Intangible assets are carried at acquisition cost and amortised by the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives after their acquisition date. If impairment exists, carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount (Note 8).

The amortisation periods of intangible assets are as follows are 3-5 years.

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47Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

2.8 Financial Assets

The Company classifies and accounts for its financial assets as “Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Held-for-trading financial assets)”, “Loans and receivables (Receivables from main operations)” and “Available-for-sale financial assets”. Receivables from main operations (except policy loans) are the receivables arising from insurance agreements and they are classified as financial assets in financial statements.

Purchases and sales of the financial assets are recognised and derecognised on “Settlement Date”. The classification of the financial assets is determined by the Company management at inception by considering the purpose for which the financial assets are acquired.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Held-for-trading financial assets):

The financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are classified as held-for-trading in the financial statements by the Company.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss consist of financial instruments that are acquired principally for the purpose of generating a profit from short-term fluctuations in price or dealer’s margin, formed as a part of a portfolio of financial assets that are managed together for which there is evidence of short-term profit taking, and classified as financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss at inception since they are managed and their performance is evaluated on fair value basis.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are accounted for at their fair value at inception and after initial recognition, financial assets are measured at their fair values. It is concluded that the fair value cannot be reliably measured if the price that provides a basis for fair value is not set in active market conditions and amortised value that is calculated using the effective interest method is used as fair value. Gains or losses generated as a result of valuation are recognised in the income statement. The valuation gains and losses on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are classified in Investment Income and Investment Losses, respectively.

In addition, changes in fair value of the marketable securities within the portfolio of life policyholders are classified in investment income and expense under the Life Branch Technical Income and Expenses. Furthermore changes in fair value of the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss within the portfolio of life policyholders are also included in the mathematical reserve and profit share calculations and as a result the increases/decreases in the technical reserves are accounted for in the change in mathematical reserves account under the Life Branch Technical Income and Expenses (Note 11).

Loans and receivables together with policy loans:

Loans and receivables are financial assets which are generated by providing money or service to the debtor. Loans and receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Fees and other charges paid related to assets obtained as guarantee for the above mentioned receivables are not deemed as transaction costs and they are recognised in the income statement.

Policy loans are the loan provided to the insured for the time interval (the time interval for policy loan is minimum three years related to the General Conditions of Life Insurance) determined by the technical principal cause related to the tariffs of life insurance. Policy loans are accounted from their fair value in the balance sheet and followed from their values determined by applying interest on, by considering impairment provision if any. Since 100% cash guarantees are received for policy loans, Company does not account any impairment for its policy loans. Interest income from policy loans and the foreign currency gains and losses are also taken into account in the mathematical reserve and profit share calculations and are classified in the investment income and expenses account under the Life Branch Technical Income and Expense in the income statement.

Interest income from policy loans and the foreign currency gains and losses are also taken into account in the mathematical reserve and profit share calculations and changes in these accounts are classified in the change in the life mathematical reserves account under the Life Branch Technical Income and Expense in the income statement.

Available-for-sale financial assets:

Available-for-sale financial assets are composed of the financial assets except for the “Loans and receivables” and “Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss”.

Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently carried at fair value after their recognition. It is considered that the fair value cannot be reliably measured if the price that provides a basis for fair value is not set in active market conditions and amortised value that is calculated using the effective interest method is used as fair value. Equity securities classified as available-for-sale are carried at fair values if they have quoted market prices in active markets and/or if their fair value can be reliably measured. The equity securities that do not have a quoted market price in an active market, and if their fair value cannot be reliably measured are carried at cost less the provision for impairment.

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48 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

“Unrealised gains and losses” (included its tax effect) arising from the change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets is accounted for under “Valuation of Financial Assets” account in the shareholders’ equity and not reflected in the income statement until the financial asset is sold, disposed or derecognised. The unrealised gains and losses arising from the change in the fair value is removed from shareholders’ equity and recognised in the income statement when the financial assets mature or are derecognised.

The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired. In the case of equity investments classified as available-for-sale, such as, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its cost is considered as impairment. If any objective evidence for impairment exists for available-for-sale financial assets, the difference between the acquisition cost and current fair value is deducted from equity and recognised in the income statement. The impairment losses on available-for-sale equity instruments previously recognised in the profit or loss cannot be reversed through profit or loss.

In the condition that there is not a collection risk for the financial assets classified under available-for-sale financial assets, the Company does not account for a provision for impairment based on the short-term market fluctuations (Note 11).

The share of the portfolio of the policyholders in unrealised losses, arising from the change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets in an amount of TL 32,526,080 (31 December 2009: TL 23,325,661) composing 95% of total unrealised losses is classified under the short term “other technical reserves” on the balance sheet. The interest income and foreign exchange gains and losses of available-for-sale financial assets which are in the portfolio at policyholders’ risk is calculated with the effective interest rate method and are traced under “Life Branch Investment Income” account. The portion of these gains that is included in the calculation of mathematical reserves is traced in “Changes in technical mathematical technical reserves” account in the life technical income or expenses (Notes 17 and 47.1).

2.9 Impairment of Assets

The details about the impairment of assets are explained in the notes in which the accounting policies of the relevant assets are explained.

Mortgages or guarantees on assets are explained in Note 43, provisions for overdue receivables and provisions for receivables which are not overdue are explained in Note 12.1, and provision and rediscount expense for the period are explained in Note 47.5.

2.10 Derivative Financial Instruments

None (31 December 2009: None).

2.11 Offsetting Financial Instruments

Financial assets and liabilities are offset only when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or when the acquisition of the asset and the settlement of the liability take place simultaneously.

2.12 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, demand deposits held at banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less, and bank overdrafts.

Cash and cash equivalents included in the statements of cash flows are as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Cash (Note 14) - 517Banks (Note 14) 67,546,901 55,118,615Other cash and cash equivalents (Note 14 and 47.1) 30,926,716 26,714,488Less-Restricted cash Company’s portfolio (Note 14) (*) (28,874,250) (22,482,360)Less-Interest accrual (139,423) (113,762)

Totalcashandcashequivalents 69,459,944 59,237,498

(*) Time deposits which are blocked in favour of the Treasury are included in ‘financial assets acquisition’ under ‘the cash flows from investing operations’ in the statement of cash flows.

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49Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

2.13 Share Capital

The composition of the Company’s share capital at 31 December 2010 and 2009 is as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Nameofshareholders Share ShareAmount Share ShareAmountYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 99.93% 57,957,472 99.93% 57,957,472Other 0.07% 42,528 0.07% 42,528

Total 100.00% 58,000,000 100.00% 58,000,000

The Company has not made capital increase in the periods ended 1 January-31 December 2010 and 2009.

As of 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2009, no privileges are granted to the preference shares representing the share capital.

As of 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2009, the Company is not subject to the registered share capital system.

Other information about the Company’s share capital is explained in Note 15.

2.14 Insurance and Investment Contracts-Classification

The insurance contracts are those contracts that transfer insurance risk. Insurance contracts provide protection to the insured against adverse economic consequences of an event of loss as covered under the terms and conditions stipulated in the insurance policy. Private pension contracts are not considered as insurance contracts in this context and are accounted for in accordance with the relevant regulation (Notes 2.21 and 2.25). The accounting principles for the calculation of technical reserves due to insurance and reinsurance agreements are disclosed in Note 2.24.

The main contracts produced by the Company are group and personal life, and personal accident agreements which are classified under the groups of risk and saving policies as explained below:

i) Risk Policies:

Fixed-Term Life Insurance

Fixed-term life insurance provides guarantee against the risks that the policyholder may encounter within the pre-defined time limits. This insurance covers all risks that the policyholder can be exposed to by providing natural death coverage along with the additional coverage such as accidental death, disability, critical disease, accidental death in public transportation during the policy term. Fixed-term life insurance contracts do not provide surrender and policy loan rights, does not have any paid up value, and can be issued for groups and individuals. The age limit is generally between 18 and 65 years of age and premium amount varies according to the risk assessment based on age, sex and health risk assessment. Premium payment terms may vary according to the product types.

Credit Protection Insurance

Credit Protection Insurance is an insurance that provides guarantee against the risks that the policyholder may encounter (the risks related with the death, disability, involuntary unemployment, temporary disability for service and daily hospital coverage) throughout the period the credit is used. These products are marketed in order to service the credit debt in case of the realization of the risk in the period of the credit. Therefore, the debtor and the family of the credit holder are financially protected. Credit Protection Insurance products are risk products that do not have any paid up value and are sold only death coverage (credit life) or death coverage along with additional coverage of disability, involuntary unemployment, temporary disability for service and daily hospital coverage (payment protection). The age limit is between 18 and 70 (the period and age cannot exceed 70) premium amount changes according to the risk assessment based on age, sex and health risk assessment. Insurance guarantees can be arranged as fixed or diminishing and premium payments are made in the first year of the insurance. This product is sold only through the branches of Yapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş.

Personal Accident Insurance

Personal accident insurance provides guarantee against the risks that the policyholder may encounter within the pre-defined time limits. This insurance covers all risks that the policyholder can be exposed to by providing accidental death coverage along with the additional coverage such as accidental death by traffic, accidental death in during occupation and accidental death in public transportation during the policy term. Personal accident insurance can be issued for individuals. The age limit is generally between 18 and 65 years of age and premium amount does not vary according to the risk assessment based on age, sex and health risk assessment. Premium payment terms may vary according to the product types.

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50 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

ii) Saving Policies:

Saving Life Insurance

Saving Life insurance products are investment policies of minimum 10 years. The savings at the end of a minimum period of 10 years are paid to the policyholder. These insurances cover death risks as well as additional risk such as disability, critical disease, accidental death, and accidental death in public transportation. Guaranteed amounts are determined as multiple amounts of the monthly insurance premium. The age limit is usually between 18 and 65, and the premium amounts changes according to the risk assessment based on age, sex and health risk assessment. If the return on saving policies exceeds the technical interest guaranteed, the policyholders benefit from the profit share. In accordance with the insurance regulation in force, the Company classifies and accounts for all saving policies as insurance contracts.

iii) Annuity Products:

The Company offers lifelong annuity products and annuity products with guaranteed periods for beneficiary clients willing to receive payments periodically instead of a bulk compensatory payment. The annual income calculation for lifelong products are made by considering the real age and for annuity products with guaranteed periods, the insurance period is taken into account during the calculation as there is no probability of life or death.

iv) Reinsurance Agreements:

Reinsurance agreements are the agreements the agreed by the Company and Reinsurance Company for the loss which may occur in one or more insurance agreement signed by the Company, and those meet all conditions to be classified as insurance contract and those whose costs are paid.

The Company transfers partly the risks taken such as death, disability, accidental death/disability, critical illness, accidental death in public transportation to reinsurance companies. The Company has reinsurance agreements for the life policies differentiated on product basis which are generally surplus, quota share/surplus and excess of loss structured. As for the catastrophic claims, the Company adopted a structure with USD 40,000,000 capacity formed of three layers.

The Company eliminates the risks in personal accident branch by the excess of loss reinsurance agreements.

2.15 Insurance contracts and investment contracts with discretionary participation features

None (31 December 2009: None).

2.16 Investment contracts without discretionary participation features

None (31 December 2009: None).

2.17 Borrowings

None (31 December 2009: None).

2.18 Taxes on Income

Corporate Tax

Corporation tax for 2010 is payable at a rate of 20% (2009: 20%) on the total income of the Company and its Subsidiaries registered in Turkey after adjusting for certain disallowable expenses, exempt income and investment and other allowances. No further tax is payable unless the profit is distributed.

Dividends paid to non-resident corporations, which have a place of business in Turkey, or resident corporations are not subject to withholding tax. Otherwise, dividends paid are subject to withholding tax at the rate of 15%. An increase in capital via issuing bonus shares is not considered as a profit distribution thus does not incur withholding tax and no stoppage is applied.

Corporations are required to pay advance corporation tax quarterly at the rate of 20% on their corporate income. Advance Tax is declared by 14th of the second month following and payable by the 17th of the second month following each calendar quarter end. Advance Tax paid by corporations is credited against the annual Corporation Tax liability. The balance of the advance tax paid may be refunded or used to set off against other liabilities to the government.

The affiliate shares stocked for minimum 2 years and the 75% of the profit obtained from the property sales are considered as tax exemptions in such condition that the amount is added onto capital as pre-stated in Corporate Tax Law or the amount is kept in equity for 5 years.

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51Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

According to Turkish tax legislation, financial losses on the returns can be offset against period income for up to 5 years. However, financial losses cannot be offset against previous years’ profits.

There is no such application for the reconciliation of payable taxes with the tax authority. Corporate tax returns are submitted to the related tax office by the 25th day of the 4th month following the month when the accounting period ends. In tax reviews authorized bodies can review the accounting records for the past five years and if errors are detected, tax amounts may change due to tax assessment.

In accordance with Tax Law No.5024 “Law Related to Changes in Tax Procedural Law, Income Tax Law and Corporate Tax Law” published in the Official Gazette on 30 December 2003 to amend the tax base for non-monetary assets and liabilities, effective from 1 January 2004 income and corporate taxpayers are required to prepare the statutory financial statements by adjusting the non-monetary assets and liabilities for the changes in the general purchasing power of the Turkish lira. In accordance with the Law in question, the cumulative inflation rate for the last 36 months and the inflation rate for the last 12 months must exceed 100% and 10% respectively (TÜİK TEFE increase rate). Since the conditions in question were not fulfilled in 2009 and 2010, no inflation adjustments were performed (Note 35).

Deferred Income Tax

Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are determined using tax rates and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled.

Deferred income tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised (Note 21).

2.19 Employee Benefits

The Company accounts for its liability related to employment termination, vacation benefits and other benefits provided to employees according to “Turkish Accounting Standards Regarding Employee Benefits” (“TAS 19”) and classifies employment termination in balance sheet under the account “Provision of Employment Termination Benefits” and liability related with vacation benefits and other short-term benefits in balance sheet under the account “Expense Accruals”.

According to the Turkish Labour Law, the Company is required to pay termination benefits to each employee whose jobs are terminated except for the reasons such as resignation, retirement and attitudes determined in Labour Law. The provision for employment termination benefits is calculated over present value of the possible liability in scope with the Labour Law by considering determined actuarial estimates (Note 22).

The Company also makes payments to monthly pension contribution as contributions paid by staff within the company retirement plan and recognize as expense in personnel expenses amount of which corresponds to their share.

The Company pays contributions to the Social Security Institution of Turkey on a mandatory basis. The Company has no further payment obligations once the contributions have been paid. The contributions are recognized as an employee benefit expense when they are due.

2.20 Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the Company has a present or constructive obligation as a result of past events; it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation; and the amount can be reliably estimated. Provisions are measured considering the expected outflow of economic resources and expenditures, required to settle the obligation by considering the risks and uncertainties related to the obligation at the balance sheet date. When the provision is measured by using the estimated cash outflows that are required to settle the obligation, the carrying value of the provision is equal to present value of the related cash outflows.

Where some or all of the expenditure required to set a provision is expected to be reimbursed by another party, the reimbursem*nt shall be recognised as an asset if and only it is virtually certain that reimbursem*nt will be received and the reimbursem*nt can be reliably estimated

Liabilities that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity are classified as contingent liabilities and not included in the financial statements (Note 23).

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

52 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

2.21 Accounting for Revenues

Written Premiums

Written premiums represent premiums on policies written during the year, net of cancellations and taxes. As disclosed in Note 2.24, premium income is recognised in the financial statements on accrual basis by allocating the unearned premium reserve over written risk premiums. The premium written for life insurance policies with maturities over one year consists of income accrued for payments with maturities within the current year. The premium written for policies with maturities less than one year covers the total premium of the relevant period. As a Company policy, in circ*mstances where the premiums related with the life branch are not collected, if no response is received after the termination of the notification period, the policy is cancelled within the period prescribed and the cancellation is accounted for in the records of the Company.

Reinsurance Commissions

Commission income for ceded premiums to reinsurance companies are recorded on an accrual basis over the period, and classified in the technical section of the income statement under operating expenses.

Interest Income

Interest income is recognised by using the effective interest rate method on an accrual basis for all financial assets. The information about the accounting of the income from life policyholder’s portfolio is disclosed in Note 2.8.

Dividend Income

Dividend income, when deserved, is booked as income in the financial statements (Note 45).

Income from Pension Operations

The entrance fee income account includes the accrued balance when the participants enter the private pension system for the first time or when they open a new private pension account, not exceeding the monthly minimum wage (half of monthly amount for contracts issued after 9 August 2008,) at the date the private pension agreement is signed. In the Company’s private pension plans, half of the entrance fee is collected within the first year of the contract and is recorded as income. The collection of the other half is deferred till the date the participants leave the private pension system or make a demand for transfer to another company within 10 years (5 years for contracts issued after 9 August 2008).For contracts issued in TL before 9 August 2008, if the participant leaves the system before 10 years, the other deferred half of the entrance fee is collected by increasing the amount with the inflation rate and booked as income. For new contracts issued after 9 August 2008, if the participant leaves the system before 5 years the deferred other half of the entrance fee is collected from the participant without being increased with the inflation rate and is booked as income.

On the other hand, for contracts issued before 9 August 2008, based on the entrance fee amount collected at the beginning, the Company contributes a continuity (loyalty) award, amounting to the deferred portion of the entrance fee which is fixed for foreign currency denominated contracts and the deferred portion of the entrance fee increased with the inflation for TL contracts, to the private pension account of the participants on the condition that the participants hold their private pension account in the Company for 10 years without interruption. For contracts issued after 9 August 2008; the entrance fee received is transferred to the account of the participants, by increasing the amount with the inflation rate for contracts in TL, on the condition that the participants hold their private pension account in the Company until retirement.

2.22 Leases

Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lesser are classified as financial leases while other leases are classified as operational leases.

Finance leases are capitalised at the commencement of the lease at the lower of the fair value of the leased property and the present value of the minimum lease payments. The liability to lessor is classified as the leasing payables in the balance sheet. Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges so as to achieve a constant rate on the finance balance outstanding. The interest element of the finance cost except for capitalised portion is charged to the income statement.

The payment of the operational lease is charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease period (The incentives received or to be received from the lessor and payments made to intermediaries to acquire the lease contract are also charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease period). As of December 31, 2010, the Company’s outstanding lease liability was TL 1,005,901 (31 December 2009: None)

2.23 Dividend Distribution

A liability for dividend payments is recognised as in the Company’s financial statements in the period in which the dividends are declared as a component of dividend distribution decision.

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53Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

2.24 Technical Reserves


Mathematical reserves consist of actuarial mathematical reserves and profit share reserves,share of policyholders, determined from the income generated from mathematical reserves directed towards investment, that are calculated separately for each effective policy, in accordance with the technical principles in the tariffs and which are explained in clauses (i) and (ii) below.

i) Actuarial mathematical reserve is the difference between the premiums received for the risks assumed and cash value of liabilities to policyholders and beneficiaries. Actuarial mathematical reserves are provided for life insurance having more than one year of maturity, based on the formulas and elements of technical principles. Actuarial mathematical reserves are calculated on a prospective method by determining the difference between the cash value of the insurer’s future liabilities and the present value of future premiums to be paid by the policyholder. However, the sum of actuarial mathematical reserves calculated either based on the retrospective method (calculation of difference between the final value of premiums paid and the final value of the risks assumed) or based on the generally accepted methods by the Undersecretariat cannot be less than this amount. When the actuarial mathematical reserves are presented as negative, this value is deemed to be nil. In life insurance policies where accumulated premiums are collected, actuarial mathematical reserve includes the sum of accumulated portion of premiums. Actuarial mathematical reserves can be measured on an accrual or collection basis depending on the technical characteristics of the tariffs.

ii) Profit share reserves consist of the income obtained from assets in relation to reserves provided for the obligations for the policyholders and beneficiaries in contracts for which the Company has committed to distribute profit shares; the guaranteed portion, not to exceed the technical interest income calculated based on the profit share distribution system prescribed in the approved technical principles of profit share and prior years’ accumulated profit share reserves (Note 17).


The Company accounted for unearned premium reserve calculated on a daily basis for all policies in force except the policies for which mathematical reserve for the unearned portions of premiums written without deducting commissions or any other expenses. In this context, unearned premium reserve has been calculated for the premiums corresponding to annual insurance guarantee amounts of policies renewed annually and with maturities over one year. The Company calculated unearned premium reserve via adding annual premiums of valid life insurance policies and accumulation of life insurance over a period of one year, and deducting the expenses in the framework of “Industry-Specific Declaration about the Changes on the Regulation of Technical Reserves Assets Invested by Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and Pension Funds” numbered 2010/29 and dated September 20, 2010. During the calculation of unearned portion of premiums written on a daily basis, it is supposed that the policies start at 12.00 noon and finish at 12.00 noon again (Note 17).


Within the framework of the Circular numbered 2007/25 and dated 28 December 2007 published by Treasury, the unearned portion of commissions paid to agencies for the written premiums and commissions received from reinsurers for the ceded premium after 1 January 2008, are recorded as in deferred expenses and deferred income, respectively on the balance sheet, and as operating expenses on a net basis in the income statement (Note 17). Income and expenses from private pension agreements (including commissions) are disclosed in Notes 2.21 and 2.25 (Note 17). Furthermore, as of December 31,2010 the Company is not subject the guarantee premiums costs of the policies that have mathematical reserves as deferred income account within the framework of the “Industry-Specific Declaration about the Changes on the Regulation of Technical Reserves Assets Invested by Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and Pension Funds” numbered 2010/29 and dated September 20, 2010 . As of December 31, 2010 the Company calculated insurance expenditure amounting to TL 624,981 (31 December 2009: None).


The Company accounts for outstanding claim reserve for ultimate cost of the claims incurred, but not paid in the current or previous periods or, for the estimated ultimate cost if the cost is not certain yet, and for the incurred but not reported claims. Claim reserves are accounted for based on reports of experts or initial assessments of policyholders and experts (31 December 2009-Claim reserves are accounted for based on reports of experts or initial assessments of policyholders and experts, less salvage, subrogation and similar gains.)

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

54 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

In Life Insurance branch, outstanding claim reserve amount for incurred but not reported is calculated on the basis of guarantee amounts within the framework of Circular numbered 2010/14 “Calculation of outstanding IBNR reserves at Life Insurance Branch” and Article No.7 of Circular “Technical Reserves and Assets for Investing Reserves of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Funds Companies” published by Treasury numbered 2010/14. In this direction, the Company takes into account the IBNR amount for the last 5 years, compensations and total guarantees. The annual average of the guarantees that calculated for each policy, weighted according to their risks, and the outstanding IBNR reserves of life branch is calculated by dividing the total of guarantees into amount of guarantees of last 5 years as stated above and multiplying this ratio and the average of 12 months of current period’s guarantee amounts. As of December 31, 2010 the Company made provision on the financial statements about Life Insurance branch IBNR amounting to TL 2,137,311 (31 December 2009: TL 790,392) as net outstanding claims reserves (Note 17).

In Personal Accident Insurance branch, the Company calculated outstanding claim reserve for IBNR via the technique that stated at Article No:6 of “Technical Reserves and Assets for Investing Reserves of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Funds Companies” due to the low number of claims (19 claims in 7 years). In this calculation, the figures of end of accounting periods that covers last 12 months were taken into as gross. Claims that occurred before but reported after these dates are considered as IBNR claims amount.

While the calculation of the IBNR claims reserves, the Company take into considerations weighted averages of the amounts outstanding IBNR reserves of past 5 years and more; deducted the withdrawal, salvage and similar gains, and dividing the related each year’s written premiums. The current years IBNR amount is calculated by multiplying the weighted average that found as stated above and total of 12 months before the current period. In this framework The Company made provision amounting to TL 4,113 (31 December 2009: TL 914) for Personal Accident Insurance branch.(31 December 2009: The Company made provision for outstanding claims adequacy amounting to TL 272,322, and actuarial chain ladder method was TL 151,901)


According to the Decree of Technical Provisions of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies and Pension Funds and Assets Held For Such Provisions , insurance companies are required to provide equalization reserve in their financial statements for earthquake and credit coverage in order to balance the fluctuations in the claim ratios and to meet the catastrophic risks in the subsequent periods.

Based on the explanation numbered 2009/9 regarding “Application of Regulation on the Technical Reserves”, starting from 1 January 2009, the life and pension companies are required to record an equalization reserve for the insurance contracts including earthquake and credit coverage in life and accident branches. In addition, the calculation technique of the equalization reserves determined by the Undersecretariat of Treasury by Regulation numbered “Regulation for the Amendment on Regulations about Technical Reserves and Assets for Investing Reserves of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Funds Companies” 27655 and dated July 28, 2010. According to the related Regulation’s Article No.9 and fifth paragraph entitled as “Equalization Reserves”, Insurance companies can use their own statistical data for calculation of the equalization reserves amount for the life policies that have guaranty of death, but if the entity that has not own statistical data, has to made provisions as equalization reserve via considering 11% of the amount of life indemnity (also include costs share) as earthquake premium and 12% of the same amount as equalization reserve. As of December 31, 2010 the Company made provision for life branch amounting to TL 941,255 (31 December 2009: TL 300,401) (Note 17). In Personal Accident Insurance branch, for policies which are newly sold or covering the earthquake risk stated in the section 6, article f of the Personal Accident Insurance General Terms, equalization reserve is calculated by taking into consideration 12% of earthquake premiums stated in the technical tariff. The Company has made an equalization reserveprovision of TL 149 as of December 31, 2010. (31 December 2009 – None)


According to Article No.6, Legislation of Technical Reserves, the Company can provide provision at accepted branches that assumed risk level is not compatible with distribution of earned premiums, in case of if the unearned premiums cannot meet with assumed risk and expected costs to unearned premiums reserves. As of December 31, 2010 there is no requirement for unexpired risk reserve for the Company (31 December 2009: TL 133,362).


The bonus provisions are the amount that has to be made provision if the Company commits to pay bonus to insured’s’ policies in force regardless of renewal of the related policies. According to Insurance Law Article No.16, if the Company decides to bonus or discount operations, the amount must be allocated for insured person or beneficiaries regarding to technical results of the current year. As of December 31, 2010 the Company made provisions for bonuses amounting to TL 751,671 (31 December 2009: TL 1,031,544).

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55Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

2.25 Private Pension Operations

The total amount of pension investment funds established by the Company within the private pension system including the participants’ investments are accounted for as gross amounts within the financial statements under due from private pension fund operations and payables from private pension operations.

As of 31 December 2010, the Company has twelve investment funds.

Private pension system receivables consist of capital advances made to pension investment funds, receivables from funds for fund operating deductions and receivables from Takasbank, the custodian. Fund operating deductions account comprises of daily deductions made by the Company for the expenses arising from fund management services that have not been collected on the same day. Advances allocated to pension investment funds established by the Company are recorded as capital advances made to pension investment funds.

In addition to payables to participants’ account mentioned in the paragraph above, private pension system payables also include payables to private pension intermediaries and temporary participants’ accounts. Temporary participants account includes the contributions from pension investment fund participants that have not been invested yet by the Company. This account also includes the proceeds from the sale of participation shares less entrance fee deduction and similar charges, if any, in case the participant leaves the system or transfers his/her saving to other private pension companies.

Fund management charge, which is charged in return for the fund management services, representation and other services provided to pension funds, is recorded as income in the Company’s accounts and is shared between the Company and the funds’ portfolio manager according to the ratios specified in the agreement signed between the parties. The total charge is recorded to the Company’s technical income as fund management revenue and the part of charge which belongs to the funds’ portfolio manager thereof, is recorded in the Company’s technical expense accounts.

Commission expenses incurred for pension fund operations are accounted for under operating expenses for pension funds account balance. The Company, defers the commissions paid for issuing the private pension contracts in the context of TAS 18 “Revenue” and TAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” with the condition of not exceeding the total guaranteed income from these contracts and by considering the expected period of time to secure this income. As of 31 December 2010 the Company has calculated deferred commission expense amounting to TL 4,530,752 (31 December 2009: TL 4,864,018) and booked TL 2,095,002 (31 December 2009: TL: 2,437,452) of this amount under other current deferred income and expense accruals, and the remaining amount of TL 2,435,750 (31 December 2009: TL 2,426,566) under other non-current deferred income and expense accruals (Note 47.1). The change in deferred commission expense based on private pension agreements is accounted for in the income statement under the operating expenses (Note 17.1).

Management expense deduction, which is deducted as 8% at most, from contributions made to participants’ private pension accounts, is accounted for under the management expense deductions account.

The entrance fee income account includes the accrued balance when the participants enter the private pension system for the first time or when they open a new private pension account, not exceeding the monthly minimum wage at the date the private pension agreement is signed. In the Company’s private pension plans, half of the entrance fee is collected within the first year of the contract and is recorded as income. The collection of the other half is deferred till the date the participants leave the private pension system or make a demand for transfer to another company within 10 years. Nonetheless, based on the entrance fee amount collected at the beginning, the Company contributes a continuity (loyalty) award (for TL contracts, the deferred portion of the entrance fee is increased with the inflation rate), amounting to the deferred portion of the entrance fee which is fixed for foreign currency denominated contracts and the deferred portion of the entrance fee increased with the inflation for TL contracts, to the private pension account of the participants on the condition that the participants hold their private pension account in the Company for 10 years without interruption. The Company has calculated a provision amounting to TL 6,032,045 (31 December 2009: TL 8,209,597) for its liability regarding the loyalty bonus on contractual basis and accounted for this provision in the financial statements under other non-current liabilities. In order to calculate this provision, the Company has developed a model to measure the probability of participants to keep their private pension account in the Company for 10 years and accounts for the probable amount in the financial statements by discounting it to present value. The change in this financial liability is booked in other technical expenses under the expenses from private pension operations account in the income statement. For contracts issued after 9 August 2008, loyalty bonus is given when the participants are entitled to pension therefore the calculation of this provision for contracts issued after this date is made over the probability of the participants to keep their pension accounts in the Company until the date of their eligibility to pension.

The return on capital advances injected to newly established pension funds, representing the positive fair value change in the newly established pension funds, are recorded to income as interest on capital advances given to pension funds.

2. 26 Additional paragraph for convenience translation to English:

The effects of differences between those accounting principles and standards set out by insurance laws and regulations and accounting principles generally accepted in the countries in which the accompanying financial statements are to be distributed and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have not been quantified in the accompanying financial statements. Accordingly, the accompanying financial statements are not intended to present the financial position, financial performance, changes in equity and cash flows in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in such countries and IFRS.

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56 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

3. Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgments

Preparation of financial statements requires the use of estimations and assumptions which may affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as of the balance sheet date and reported amounts of income and expenses during the financial period. Estimations and assumptions are evaluated and based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under current circ*mstances. Although the estimations and assumptions are based on the best knowledge of the management for existing events and operations, they may differ from the actual results.

The estimation of the ultimate liability for technical expenses that can be incurred for the existing insurance contracts is the one of the most critical accounting estimates. Estimation of the insurance liabilities, by nature, includes the evaluation of several uncertainties. Significant estimates used in the preparation of financial statements are mainly related with the outstanding claims reserve, life mathematical reserve, fair value of financial assets, retirement pay liability, asset impairment and calculation of deferred tax assets and are disclosed as below:


The cost of defined benefit plans is determined using actuarial valuations. The actuarial valuation involves making assumptions about discount rates, future salary increases and employee turnover. Due to the long-term nature of these plans, such estimates are subject to significant uncertainty. As of December 31, 2010, the ceiling of employee benefit liability increased to TL 4,041,326 (December 31, 2009-TL 2,972,785) (Note 22).


While calculating the outstanding claims reserves, the Company needs definitive evidences such as experts’ predictions, provisions and consultants’ opinions, and can be take a very long time to reach final shape. For this reason, in order to estimate the amount of outstanding claims reserves the Company uses the actuarial chain ladder method with development of claims on past years. Development of past years claims is also used in order to estimate development of future claims, and this estimation is made based on development of paid claims, the average compensation amount per claim, and number of claim in the past with the expected number of loss/Premium ratio. As of December 31, 2010 the Company’s outstanding claims reserves is net TL 9,746,907 (31 December 2009: TL 8,513,056) (Note 17).


Deferred tax assets are recognized for all unused tax losses to the extent that is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the tax losses can be utilized. Significant estimations and judgment are required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognized, based upon the likely timing and level of future taxable profits together with the future tax planning strategies. As of December 31, 2010, the Company calculated TL 1,045,814 (31 December 2009: TL 1,757,463) as net deferred income tax assets (Note 21).

4. Management of Insurance and Financial Risk

Insurance Risk

The risk under any one insurance contact is the possibility that the insured event occurs and the uncertainty of the amount of the resulting claim. By the very nature of the insurance contracts, this risk is random and therefore unpredictable.

For a portfolio of insurance contracts where the theory of probability is applied to pricing and reserving, the principal risk that the Company faces under its insurance contracts is that the actual claims and benefit payments exceed the carrying amount of insurance liabilities. The Company determines its strategy when issuing policies according to the type of insurance risks taken and the claims occurred.

The Company’s pricing mainly depends on statistical analysis and outputs from historical data and/or on some mortality/disability/morbidity tables assumed to be best fit for the related product. The Company manages the risks mentioned above by its strategy formed for policy issuance and the reinsurance agreements to which the Company is a party in all branches. In risk acceptance policies of life and personal accident branches, the following components are considered:

- In individual insurance, health declarations and reports under consideration of policyholder’s age and insurance coverage,- In group insurance, health declarations and reports based on the number of person in group and if the policyholder’s is voluntary or not,- In pricing, the information about charging sur-premium based on the health condition of the policyholder’s, addition of condition to be added to the contract or the

deduction or the rejection of the coverage,- In high coverage, in additions to the health documents, the documents about the financial position of the insured.

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57Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

4. Management of Insurance and Financial Risk (continued)

The concentration of insurance risk (maximum insured loss) under each branch is summarised below:

31December2010 31December2009Life 13,388,377,078 10,322,392,357Personal Accident 2,124,879,111 1,689,794,794

Total 15,513,256,189 12,012,187,151

The risks that the Company is exposed to due to the pricing strategies are as follows:

Mortality Risk:

The Company is subject to mortality risk if the actual death claims are higher than expected death rates in the mortality tables used in pricing the policies. The Company uses the appropriate mortality table for each product. Also the tariffs are updated according to the loss ratio of each product. The Company uses the CSO 53-58, CSO 80 or CSO 2001 mortality table while pricing the life insurance agreements.

Technical Interest Rate Risk:

In saving life products, the policyholder’s are guaranteed an income that is equal to “technical interest rate” at a minimum. The Company is subject to the technical interest rate risk if the market interest rate is lower than the guaranteed interest rate. With the tariff change in 2000, technical interest rate has been restricted with the inflation rate.


Financial Risk

The Company is exposed to financial risk through its financial assets, reinsurance assets and insurance liabilities. In particular the key financial risk is that the proceeds from its financial assets are not sufficient to fund the obligations arising from its insurance contracts. The most important components of the financial risk are market risk (including foreign exchange risk, fair value interest rate risk, cash flow interest rate risk and price risk), liquidity risk and credit risk. The Company’s overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimize potential negative effects on the Company’s financial performance. The Company does not use derivative financial instruments to hedge certain risk exposures. Risk management is carried out by management under policies approved by the Board of Directors.

(a) Market Risk


The Company is exposed to interest rate risk through the impact of rate changes on interest bearing assets and liabilities. The related risk is managed by balancing with interest rate sensitive assets and liabilities.

Financial assets issued at variable rates expose the Company to interest rate risk. As at 31 December 2010, if market interest rates on financial assets were higher by 5%, with all other variables held constant, the net income before taxes would have been lower by TL 445,399 (31 December 2009: TL 539,437). As at 31 December 2010, if market interest rates on financial assets were lower by 5%, with all other variables held constant, the net income before taxes would have been higher by TL 474,298 (31 December 2009: TL 495,893).


The Company is exposed to foreign exchange risk through the impact of rate changes at the translation of Turkish Lira pertaining to foreign currency denominated receivables and payables. These risks are monitored by the analysis of the foreign currency position.

At 31 December 2010, if Euro had strengthened/weakened by 10% against TL with all other variables held constant, profit before tax would have been higher/lower by TL 138,150 (31 December 2009: TL 306,857), as a result of foreign exchange gains/losses on the translation of Euro denominated receivables and payables.

At 31 December 2010, if USD had strengthened/weakened by 10% against TL with all other variables held constant, net assets excluded its tax effect would have been higher/lower by TL 619,097 (31 December 2009: TL 741,938), as a result of foreign exchange gains/losses on the translation of USD denominated receivables and payables. As the Company does not have any available for sale share as of 31 December 2010, the change in foreign Exchange rates will have an effect on the “Valuation of Financial Assets” account classified under the Company’s shareholders’ equity accounts by TL 131,009(31 December 2009 – TL 0).

Foreign currency denominated assets and liabilities of the Company is disclosed in related notes.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

58 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

4. Management of Insurance and Financial Risk (continued)


The Company’s financial assets expose the Company to price risk. The Company is not exposed to commodity price risk.

The Company’s available-for-sale financial assets with fixed interest rate have been stated at market value as of 31 December 2010. If market interest rates had been changed by 1% holding all other variables constant, impact on “Valuation of financial assets” account would have been equal to TL 78,255 (31 December 2009: TL 23,538) excluded its tax effect.

The Company’s available-for-sale financial assets have been stated at market value as of 31 December 2010. If market price of available for-sale financial assets had been changed by 1% holding all other variables constant, profit before tax for the period would have been higher/lower by TL 236,668 (31 December 2009: TL 187,783).

The analysis on price risk explained above reflects the effects on before income tax.

(b) Credit Risk

Ownership of financial assets involves the risk that counterparties may be unable to meet the terms of their agreements the Company’s exposure to credit risk arises mainly from cash and cash equivalents and deposits with banks, financial assets, reinsurer’s share of insurance liabilities, amounts due from reinsurers, premium receivables from policyholders and intermediaries. The Company management deems these risks total credit risk to the counterparty.

The Company monitors the credit risk of financial assets and receivables from insurance operations (including reinsurance receivables) by limiting the aggregate risk to any individual counterpart and covered by collaterals. Other explanations in relation to these receivables are made in Note 12.

The Company’s financial assets except for loans and receivables subject to credit risk generally consist of domestic government bonds and time and demand deposits kept in banks and other financial institutions in Turkey and such receivables are not deemed to have high credit risk.

(c) Liquidity Risk

The Company uses its available cash resources to pay claims arising from insurance contracts. Liquidity risk is the risk that cash may not be available to pay obligations when due at a reasonable cost. Management sets limits on the minimum portion of funds available to meet such claims.

The table below analyses distribution of the Company’s financial and insurance liabilities into relevant maturity groups based on the expected remaining period at the balance sheet or contractual maturity date.

Contractualcashflows31December2010 Upto3months 3monthsto1year 1yearto5years Over5years TotalPayables to insurance and reinsurance companies - 929,329 - - 929,329Leasing payables - - - - -

Total - 929,329 - - 929,329

Expectedcashflows31December2010 Upto3months 3monthsto1year 1yearto5years Over5years TotalLife mathematical reserve-net (*) 13,525,826 87,176,801 276,893,365 118,786,246 496,382,238 Outstanding claim reserve-net (**) 7,326,485 814,054 1,606,368 - 9,746,907

Total 20,852,311 87,990,855 278,499,733 118,786,246 506,129,145

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59Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

4. Management of Insurance and Financial Risk (continued)

Contractualcashflows31December2009 Upto3months 3monthsto1year 1yearto5years Over5years TotalPayables to insurance and reinsurance companies - 243,288 - - 243,288Leasing payables - 1,065 - - 1,065

Total - 244,353 - - 244,353

Expectedcashflows31December2009 Upto3months 3monthsto1year 1yearto5years Over5years TotalLife mathematical reserve-net (*) 30,780,727 75,574,760 279,777,075 126,374,483 512,507,045Outstanding claim reserve-net (**) 4,700,633 1,801,667 996,050 1,014,706 8,513,056

Total 35,481,360 77,376,427 280,773,125 127,389,189 521,020,101

(*) The Company foresees that the payment of mathematical reserves will be partly made within a period of more than one year. The outstanding claim reserve is classified in the non-current liabilities in the balance sheet.(**) The Company foresees that the payments of outstanding claim in legal follow up will be made within a period of more than one year. The outstanding claim reserve is classified in the current liabilities in the balance sheet.

The Company foresees to fulfill the liabilities explained above by its financial assets and cash or cash equivalents included in the assets.

Fair Value of the Financial Assets

Fair value is the amount at which a financial instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced sale or liquidation, and is best evidenced by a quoted market price, if one exists.

The estimated fair values of financial instruments have been determined by the Company using available market information and appropriate valuation methodologies. In fact, analysis of market information needs interpretation and judgment.

The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of the financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate fair value:

Financial Assets

The fair values of balances denominated in foreign currencies, which are translated at period end exchange rates, are considered to approximate carrying values. The fair values of certain financial assets carried at amortised cost, including cash and cash equivalents are considered to approximate their respective carrying values carried at amortised cost due to their short-term nature. The fair value of premiums receivable along with related provision for overdue receivables is considered to approximate respective carrying values carried at amortised cost. The cost of the financial assets that are not quoted in an active market, less impairment if any, are considered to approximate carrying value. As of 31 December 2010 and 2009, all of the financial assets of whose fair values are determined are first level financial assets.

Financial liabilities

The fair values of liabilities from main operations and other financial liabilities are considered to approximate to their respective carrying values.

Capital Management

The Company’s objectives when managing the capital are:

-to comply with the capital requirements of the Treasury, -to safeguard the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern so that it can continue to provide returns for shareholders.

Based on the regulation on evaluation and assessment of capital adequacy, as of 31 December 2010, the minimum required shareholders’ equity amount is calculated as TL 44,902,529 (31 December 2009: TL 40,580,873).

5. Segment Information

Disclosed in Note 2.3.

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60 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

6. Property, Plant and Equipment

6.1 Depreciation and amortisation expenses for the period: TL 2,230,057 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 1,987,739).

6.1.1 Depreciation expenses: TL 1,349,895 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 1,478,277).

6.1.2 Amortisation expenses: TL 880,162 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 509,462).

6.2 Changes in depreciation calculation methods and effect of such changes on depreciation expenses for the year: None.

6.3 Movements of property and equipment in the current period:

6.3.1 Cost of property, equipment, and intangible assets purchased: TL 2,054,835(31 December 2009: TL 2,348,535).

6.3.2 Cost of property and equipment sold or used as scrap: None (31 December 2009: TL 206,155).

6.3.3 Revaluation increases in the current period: Cost of fixed assets (+): None (31 December 2009: None). Accumulated depreciation (-): None (31 December 2009: None).

6.3.4 Nature, amount, beginning and ending dates of construction-in-progress: None.

1January2010 Additions Transfers Impairment Disposals 31December2010Costs:Property for Operational Usage 14,892,814 127,116 - 41,451 - 15,061,381Machinery and equipment 6,598,287 1,137,494 504,512 - - 8,240,293Furniture and fixtures 3,195,459 95,947 - - - 3,291,406Motor vehicles 75,352 - - - - 75,352Special costs 9,685,553 165,638 - - - 9,851,191Leased assets 504,512 - (504,512) - - -

Total 34,951,977 1,526,195 - 41,451 - 36,519,623

Accumulateddepreciation:Property for Operational Usage (1,597,860) (304,855) - - - (1,902,715)Machinery and equipment (5,381,651) (800,255) (456,387) - - (6,638,293)Furniture and fixtures (2,600,113) (105,154) - - - (2,705,267)Motor vehicles (27,199) (13,438) - - - (40,637)Special costs (9,371,153) (100,458) - - - (9,471,611)Leased assets (456,387) - 456,387 - - -

Total (19,434,363) (1,324,160) - - - (20,758,523)

Netbookvalue 15,517,614 15,761,100

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

61Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

6. Property, Plant and Equipment (Continued)

1January2009 Additions Transfers Impairment Disposals 31December2009Costs:Property for Operational Usage 14,679,353 204,116 - 9,345 - 14,892,814Machinery and equipment 5,466,554 343,441 791,865 - (3,573) 6,598,287Furniture and fixtures 3,162,124 34,413 - - (1,078) 3,195,459Motor vehicles 276,856 - - - (201,504) 75,352Special costs 9,509,422 176,131 - - - 9,685,553Leased assets 1,296,377 - (791,865) - - 504,512

Total 34,390,686 758,101 - 9,345 (206,155) 34,951,977

Accumulateddepreciation:Property for Operational Usage (1,297,593) (300,267) - - - (1,597,860)Machinery and equipment (4,358,679) (697,642) (325,479) - 149 (5,381,651)Furniture and fixtures (2,473,777) (126,360) - - 24 (2,600,113)Motor vehicles (201,508) (19,467) - - 193,776 (27,199)Special costs (9,188,455) (182,698) - - - (9,371,153)Leased assets (655,738) (126,128) 325,479 - - (456,387)

Total (18,175,750) (1,452,562) - - 193,949 (19,434,363)

Netbookvalue 16,214,936 15,517,614

In circ*mstances where the fair value of the tangible assets is lower than the inflation adjusted costs, impairment is booked for these differences. The Company has booked impairment amounting to TL 246,878 (31 December 2009: TL 288,329) for the property for operational usage as of 31 December 2010 and this provision has been accounted for in the property for operational usage account.

The Company’s tangibles assets obtained from financial leasing agreements are as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Cost-capitalised financial leasing agreements - 504,512Accumulated depreciation - (456,387)

Netbookvalue - 48,125

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62 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

7. Investment Properties

1January2010 Additions 31December2010Cost:Buildings 1,285,749 1,959 1,287,708

1,285,749 1,959 1,287,708

AccumulatedDepreciation:Buildings (342,606) (25,734) (368,340)

(342,606) (25,734) (368,340)

Netbookvalue 943,143 919,368

1January2009 Additions 31December2009Cost:Buildings 1,285,749 - 1,285,749

1,285,749 - 1,285,749

AccumulatedDepreciation:Buildings (316,891) (25,715) (342,606)

(316,891) (25,715) (342,606)

Netbookvalue 968,858 943,143

The fair values of the Company’s investment properties are determined according to the expertise reports prepared by licensed real estate valuation companies. In the circ*mstances where the fair value of the investment properties is lower than the costs adjusted for inflation, the differences are accounted for by booking impairment. The Company does not have impairment for its investment properties as of 31 December 2010 and 2009.

According to the valuation report, dated 31 December 2010 the fair value of the investment properties is determined as TL 2,205,000 (31 December 2009 – TL 2,000,000). The Company has a total monthly rent income from these investment properties amounting to TL 9,700 for the year 2010 (31 December 2009 – TL 9,600).

There are no mortgages on the Company’s investment properties.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

63Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

8. Intangible Assets

1January2010 Additions 31December2010Costs:Rights 3,484,396 526,681 4,011,077

3,484,396 526,681 4,011,077Accumulatedamortisation:Rights (1,586,586) (880,162) (2,466,748)

(1,586,586) (880,162) (2,466,748)

Netbookvalue 1,897,810 1,544,329

1January2009 Additions 31December2009Costs:Rights 1,893,962 1,590,434 3,484,396

1,893,962 1,590,434 3,484,396

Accumulatedamortisation:Rights (1,077,124) (509,462) (1,586,586)

(1,077,124) (509,462) (1,586,586)

Netbookvalue 816,838 - 1,897,810

9. Investments in Associates

None (31 December 2009: None).

10. Reinsurance Assets

31December2010 31December2009Totalreinsuranceassets/(liabilities)Reinsurer’s share of outstanding claim (Note 17) 1,435,043 1,087,082Payables to reinsurance companies (Note 19) (929,329) (243,288)Reinsurers’ share of unearned premiums reserve (Note 17) 461,128 5,702



Totalreinsuranceincome/(expense)Premium ceded to reinsurers (Note 24) (8,392,513) (5,408,610)Reinsurers’ share of change in unearned premiums reserve 455,426 (257,197)Reinsurers’ share of change in outstanding claims reserve 347,961 (98,519)Reinsurer’s share in paid claim 1,330,841 2,696,502Commission income from reinsurers 3,150,527 1,230,212

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

64 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

11. Financial Assets

11.1 The Company’s financial assets are summarised below by measurement category in the table below:

31December2010Financialassetsatpolicyholders’risk Company’sportfolioBlocked Free Total Blocked Free Total Total

AvailableforsalefinancialassetsEurobond and Government Bonds denominated in foreign currency 278,832,236 - 278,832,236 - - - 278,832,236Private Sector Bonds - 1,303,550 1,303,550 - - - 1,303,550Government Bonds denominated in Turkish Lira 72,442,847 1,825,296 74,268,143 71,618,162 12,531,732 84,149,894 158,418,037

351,275,083 3,128,846 354,403,929 71,618,162 12,531,732 84,149,894 438,553,823

HeldfortradingfinancialassetsGovernment Bonds denominated in Turkish Lira 13,904,471 3,616,770 17,521,241 4,311,549 19,451,477 23,763,026 41,284,267Investment Funds 54,507,185 1,721,328 56,228,513 - 1,722,500 1,722,500 57,951,013

68,411,656 5,338,098 73,749,754 4,311,549 21,173,977 25,485,526 99,235,280

Total 419,686,739 8,466,944 428,153,683 75,929,711 33,705,709 109,635,420 537,789,103

31December2009Financialassetsatpolicyholders’risk Company’sportfolioBlocked Free Total Blocked Free Total Total

AvailableforsalefinancialassetsEurobond and Government Bonds denominated in foreign currency 294,015,040 - 294,015,040 - - - 294,015,040Government Bonds denominated in Turkish Lira 50,591,871 22,315,733 72,907,604 84,628,236 4,233,177 88,861,413 161,769,017

344,606,911 22,315,733 366,922,644 84,628,236 4,233,177 88,861,413 455,784,057

HeldfortradingfinancialassetsInvestment Funds 49,704,090 1,646,405 51,350,495 - 1,542,450 1,542,450 52,892,945Government Bonds denominated in Turkish Lira 18,691,364 9,343,659 28,035,023 3,884,682 14,929,448 18,814,130 46,849,153

68,395,454 10,990,064 79,385,518 3,884,682 16,471,898 20,356,580 99,742,098

Total 413,002,365 33,305,797 446,308,162 88,512,918 20,705,075 109,217,993 555,526,155

In addition to the financial assets described above, as of 31 December 2010, the financial investments at policyholders’ risk includes a time deposit account amounting to TL 55,131,068 (31 December 2009: TL 49,232,976) including interest accrual and all (31 December 2009: TL 47,642,852) of which is blocked and the total financial assets at policyholders’ risk is equal to TL 483,284,751 (31 December 2009: TL 495,541,138). The weighted average interest rates of the time deposits denominated in TL, USD and Euro at policyholders’ risk are 8.87% , 2.93% and 3.06% (31 December 2009: TL 9.28%, USD 2.44% and 2,50), respectively and their average duration is less than 3 months.

The interest rates of the available-for-sale financial assets vary between 7.60% and 19.46% (31 December 2009: 8.16% and 23.36%). The interest rates of Eurobonds are between 3.63% and 11.56% (31 December 2009: 4.64% and 14.74%). The interest rates of the held for trading financial assets vary between 7.28% and 8.01% (31 December 2009: 7.36% and 18.88%).

31December2010 31December2009Loans and receivables (Note 12) 1,881,029,648 1,389,767,283Total 1,881,029,648 1,389,767,283

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

65Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

11. Financial Assets (Continued)

11.2 Marketable securities issued during the year other than share certificates: None (31 December 2009: None).

11.3 Debt securities issued during the year: None (31 December 2009: None).

11.4 Market value of marketable securities and financial assets carried at cost and carrying value of marketable securities and financial assets shown at market value:

MarketableSecurities 31December2010 31December2009CarryingValue CarryingValue

Cost (FairValue) Cost (FairValue)Eurobond and Government Bonds denominated in foreign currency 242,040,730 278,832,236 272,227,754 294,015,040Government Bonds denominated in Turkish Lira/Treasury Bill 110,553,071 199,702,304 195,350,836 208,618,170Investment funds 52,892,945 57,951,013 41,441,662 52,892,945Private Sector Bonds 1,261,721 1,303,550 - -

406,748,467 537,789,103 509,020,252 555,526,155

Financial fixed assets are disclosed in Note 45.2.

11.5 Marketable securities under “Marketable Securities and Investment Securities” account group and issued by the Company’s shareholders, investments or subsidiaries and the issuers: None (31 December 2009: None).

11.6 Revaluation of property and equipment in the last three years: None (31 December 2009: None).

11.7-11.9 Other information about financial assets

The realised fair value changes and interest income from available-for-sale financial assets amounting to TL 34,237,177 (31 December 2009: TL 39,930,204) (Note 26) are accounted for under investment income in income statement. At the end of the period, TL 1,607,381 (31 December 2009: TL 3,581,074) of the unrealised fair value changes are classified in the shareholders’ equity (Note 15) and TL 12,129,108 TL (31 December 2009: TL 33,724,292) are classified in other long term technical reserves (Note 17.15-17.19).

The interest income and fair value changes during the current period from held for trading financial assets are TL 11,265,323 (31 December 2009: TL 21,837,840) and are classified under investment income in the income statement (Note 26).

The maturity analysis of financial assets is as follows:

31December2010NoStatedMaturity 0-3months 3-6months

6months-to1year 1to3years

Morethan3years Total

Eurobond and Government Bonds denominated in foreign currency - 1,120,730 9,201,658 - 12,978,129 255,531,719 278,832,236Government Bond Denominated in Turkish Lira - 14,039,223 23,152,437 5,773,398 64,745,102 91,992,144 199,702,304Investment funds 57,951,013 - - - - - 57,951,013Private Sector Bonds - - - 1,303,550 - - 1,303,550

Total 57,951,013 15,159,953 32,354,095 7,076,948 77,723,231 347,523,863 537,789,103

31December2009NoStatedMaturity 0-3months 3-6months

6months-to1year 1to3years

Morethan3years Total

Eurobond and Government Bonds denominated in foreign currency - 21,194,807 15,325,119 6,733,808 11,352,108 239,409,198 294,015,040Government Bond Denominated in Turkish Lira - 70,912,220 16,758,065 57,092,494 46,167,682 17,687,709 208,618,170Investment funds 52,892,945 - - - - - 52,892,945Total 52,892,945 92,107,027 32,083,184 63,826,302 57,519,790 257,096,907 555,526,155

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

66 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

11. Financial Assets (Continued)

The distribution of financial assets denominated in foreign currency is as follows:

Financial assets(except loans and receivables)

31December2010Currency Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTL

USD 150,892,256 1,5460 233,279,428Euro 22,230,642 2,0491 45,552,808


31December2009Currency Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTL

USD 162,263,655 1.5057 244,320,385Euro 23,003,590 2.1603 49,694,655


12. Loans and Receivables

12.1 Classification of the receivables as receivables from main customers, receivables from interested parties, receivables for the advance payment (short-term and long-term prepayment) and the others:

31December2010 31December2009Receivables from policyholders 1,335,264 1,653,860

Duefrominsuranceoperations 1,335,264 1,653,860

Receivables from private pension operations (Note 47.1) 1,871,943,927 1,376,877,262Loans give to policyholders (Policy loans) 7,750,457 11,236,161

Duefrommainoperations 1,881,029,648 1,389,767,283

12.2 Due from/due to shareholders, investments and subsidiaries:

The balances and transactions with the related parties are disclosed in Note 45.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

67Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

12. Loans and Receivables (Continued)

12.3 Total mortgages and collateral obtained for receivables:

The details of guarantees and collaterals obtained are as follows:

31December2010USD Euro TL Total

Mortgages - - 279,250 279,250Letter of guarantees 309 - 2,003,200 2,003,509Cash guarantees - - 57,980 57,980Other guarantees 85,184 34,580 107,345 227,109

Total 85,493 34,580 2,447,775 2,567,848

31December2009USD Euro TL Total

Letter of guarantees 301 - 1,336,200 1,336,501Mortgages - - 280,250 280,250Cash guarantees - - 57,980 57,980Other guarantees 113,785 27,036 93,000 233,821

Total 114,086 27,036 1,767,430 1,908,552

12.4. Receivables and payables denominated in foreign currencies having no foreign exchange rate guarantees, assets in foreign currencies and conversion rates:


Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 362,874 1.5460 561,003Euro 25,700 2.0491 52,662


31December2009Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 379,155 1.5057 570,894Euro 24,272 2.1603 52,435



31December2010Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 4,226,077 1.5460 6,533,515Euro 551,926 2.0491 1,130,951


31December2009Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 6,090,865 1.5057 9,171,015Euro 737,588 2.1603 1,593,411


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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

68 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

12. Loans and Receivables (Continued)

12.5-12.7 Other information about loans and receivables:

The aging of due from insurance operations is as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Overdue 800,474 991,468Up to 3 months 137,493 170,2993 to 6 months 148,110 183,4496 months to 1 year 249,187 308,644

Receivablesfrominsuranceoperations 1,335,264 1,653,860

The aging of the overdue but not impaired receivables from policyholders and agencies are as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Up to 3 months 52,393 64,8943 to 6 months 284,954 352,9446 months to 1 year 310,971 385,169Over 1 year 152,156 188,461

Total 800,474 991,468

The Company does not receive guarantees for the receivables from insured.

13. Derivative financial instruments

None (31 December 2009: None).

14. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents that are included the statements of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 2010 and 2009 are shown in Note 2.12 and the details of bank deposits of the Company are as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Cash - 517Bank deposits 67,546,901 55,118,615Other cash and cash equivalents (Note 47.1) 30,926,716 26,714,488

Total 98,473,617 81,833,620

Foreign currency denominated bank deposits-demand deposits 399,477 359,514-time deposits 1,083,623 2,658,756

1,483,100 3,018,270

Bank deposits in TL-demand deposits 5,860,440 4,745,028-time deposits 60,203,361 47,355,317

66,063,801 52,100,345

Total 67,546,901 55,118,615

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

69Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

14. Cash and Cash Equivalents (Continued)

As of 31 December 2010, the Company’s time deposits amounting to TL 28,874,250 are blocked in favour of the Treasury (31 December 2009: TL 22,482,360) (Note 43).

Weighted average interest rates time deposits:

31December2010 31December2009(%) (%)

TL 8.59 9.63USD 2.88 2.39

Details of foreign currency denominated demand and time deposits are as follows:

31December2010Foreigncurrency TLequivalent

Time Demand Time DemandEuro - 14,056 - 28,802USD 700,921 229,182 1,083,623 354,315CHF - 9,953 - 16,360

Total 1,083,623 399,477

31December2009Foreigncurrency TLequivalent

Time Demand Time DemandUSD 1,765,794 174,888 2,658,756 263,329Euro - 37,832 - 81,728CHF - 9,976 - 14,457

Total 2,658,756 359,514

15. Share Capital

Legal Reserves:

Retained earnings as per the statutory financial statements, other than legal reserve requirements, are available for distribution subject to the legal reserve requirement referred to below. The legal reserves consist of first and second reserves, appropriated in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code. The Turkish Commercial Code stipulates that the first legal reserve is appropriated out of statutory profits at the rate of 5% per annum, until the total reserve reaches 20% of the Company’s paid-in share capital. The second legal reserve is appropriated at the rate of 10% per annum of all cash distributions in excess of 5% of the paid-in share capital. Under the Turkish Commercial Code, the legal reserves can only be used to offset losses and are not available for any other usage unless they exceed 50% of paid-in share capital.

The Company has legal reserve amounting to TL 4,696,267 (31 December 2009: TL 1,328,103) and extraordinary reserve amounting to TL 329,103 as of 31 December 2010 (31 December 2009: TL 10,033,967).

Valuation of Financial Assets:

The Company’s share of the unrealised gains on available-for-sale financial assets is credited to the “Valuation of financial assets” account in the shareholders’ equity.

The movement of valuation of financial assets in the year is as follows:

2010 2009Opening balance-1 January 3,300,998 563,518Change in fair value 1,607,381 3,581,074Outflows due to matured or sold financial assets (1,590,445) (159,223)Tax effect of fair value change ( 3,387) (684,371)

Net change 13,549 2,737,480

Closingbalance-31December 3,314,547 3,300,998

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

70 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

15. Share Capital (Continued)

Other Reserves:

As of 31 December 2010 and 2009, TL 18,825,585 which is classified under the Sales Profit Addition to the Capital account, is related with the sale income of Company’s subsidiary in 2007.

Share Capital

The Company has 580,000,000 units of shares all fully paid. The face value of Kr 10 each and the total nominal amount is TL 58,000,000.

The movement of common stocks at opening balance and closing balance is as follows:

1January2010 Increase Decrease 31December2010Unit NominalTL Unit NominalTL Unit NominalTL Unit NominalTL

Paid in capital 580,000,000 58,000,000 - - - - 580,000,000 58,000,000

Total 580,000,000 58,000,000 - - - - 580,000,000 58,000,000

1January2009 Increase Decrease 31December2009Unit NominalTL Unit NominalTL Unit NominalTL Unit NominalTL

Paid in capital 580,000,000 58,000,000 - - - - 580,000,000 58,000,000

Total 580,000,000 58,000,000 - - - - 580,000,000 58,000,000

16. Other reserves and equity component of discretionary participation feature

Information about other reserves classified in share capital is explained in Note 15.

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets

17.1 Guarantees to be provided and guarantees provided for life and non-life branches:

31December2010Life Non-Life

Required guarantee amount to be provided (*) 508,352,975 170,595Guarantees provided 541,021,498 226,868

31December2009Life Non-Life

Required guarantee amount to be provided (*) 509,030,269 168,384Guarantees provided 543,248,974 231,169

(*) In accordance with the article 4 of Communiqué regarding “The Financial Structure of Insurance, and Reinsurance and Pension Companies”, published in the Official Gazette (No: 26606) dated 7 August 2007 in accordance with the adaptation to the Insurance Law, the insurance and pension fund companies operating in personal accident and life insurance branches should be provided guarantees that equals to one third of required capital amount in each capital adequacy calculation period.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

71Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

17.2 Number of life policies, the number and mathematical reserve amount of the life policies that enter and exit during the year and current status:

31December2010Numberofpolicies Mathematicalreserve

Transferredfrompreviousperiod 797,014 512,507,045Increase in mathematical reserves - 53,726,153Non-saving policies 718,792 23,363,923Increaseincurrentperiod 718,792 77,090,076

Saving policies (9,506) (92,219,091)Non-saving policies (353,022) (995,792)Decreaseincurrentperiod (362,528) (93,214,883)

GrandTotal 1,153,278 496,382,238

31December2009Numberofpolicies Mathematicalreserve

Transferred from previous period 709,769 549,508,768Increase in mathematical reserves - 72,465,868Non-saving policies 344,733 14,093,954Increaseincurrentperiod 344,733 86,559,822

Saving policies (11,161) (122,857,237)Non-saving policies (246,327) (704,308)Decreaseincurrentperiod (257,488) (123,561,545)

GrandTotal 797,014 512,507,045

17.3 Guarantee amount to be provided for non-life branch:

Disclosed in Note 4.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

72 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

17.4 Unit prices of pension funds and savings founded by the Company:



31December2009Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Gelir Amaçlı Kamu Borçlanma Araçları Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEK 0.036420 0.033640Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Para Piyasası Likit Kamu Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEP 0.026240 0.024890Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Gelir Amaçlı Kamu Dış Borçlanma Araçları Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YGD 0.021655 0.019594Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Büyüme Amaçlı Hisse Senedi Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEH 0.053707 0.042144Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Esnek Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEE 0.039430 0.035365Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Gelir Amaçlı Uluslararası Karma Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEU 0.013075 0.013051Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Esnek (Döviz) Grup Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEY 0.015428 0.014347Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Esnek (Türk Lirası) Grup Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YTL 0.035633 0.031285Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Para Piyasası Emanet Likit Karma Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEL 0.020542 0.019674Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Gelir Amaçlı Kamu Dış Borçlanma Araçları Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu (Euro)-YGE 0.012991 0.013258Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Gelir Amaçlı Kamu Borçlanma Grup Tahvil Bono Fonu-YEB 0.015146 0.013842Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş. Büyüme Amaçlı Esnek Emeklilik Yatırım Fonu-YEN (*) 0.010414 -

(*) The YEN fund was issued on August 31, 2010 and publicly traded as of January 3, 2011.

17.5 Units and amounts of share certificates in portfolio and in circulation:

31December2010Unit Amount

Share certificates in circulation 57,968,957,639 1,860,834,605Share certificates in portfolio - -

31December2009Unit Amount

Share certificates in circulation 48,623,894,789 1,366,293,701Share certificates in portfolio - -

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

73Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

17.6 Numbers and portfolio amounts of the individual and group pension funds’ participants (entered, left, cancelled during the period and the current participants):



Individual 35,712 161,890,903Group 20,638 33,474,398Increaseincurrentperiod 56,350 195,365,301Individual 28,170 161,666,868Group 17,607 54,453,773Decreaseincurrentperiod 45,777 216,120,641Individual 240,184 1,440,738,614Group 72,537 420,095,991Existingparticipants 312,721 1,860,834,605



Individual 43,152 109,340,586Group 20,384 24,217,459Increaseincurrentperiod 63,536 133,558,045Individual 40,170 171,581,782Group 7,467 29,696,725Decreaseincurrentperiod 47,637 201,278,507Individual 234,369 1,076,607,206Group 67,779 289,686,495Existingparticipants 302,148 1,366,293,701

17.7 Valuation methods of profit share calculation for life insurance:

Investment Type Valuation MethodGovernment Bonds/Treasury Bills Market Value/Internal rate of returnEurobonds Internal rate of returnRepo and Deposits in TL/Foreign Currency Daily simple interest methodInvestment Fund Unit price values announcedCommon Stock Weighted average value of İMKB 2nd session of last 5 days

17.8 Number of units and individual/group allocation of gross/net contribution amounts of the private pension fund participants at the Company during the period:

1January-31December2010Numberofcontracts Grosscontributionamount Netcontributionamount

Individual 35,712 162,421,398 159,490,472Group 20,638 32,467,407 32,273,946Total 56,350 194,888,805 191,764,418

1January-31December2009Numberofcontracts Grosscontributionamount Netcontributionamount

Individual 43,152 108,064,653 105,500,213Group 20,384 22,768,312 22,595,140Total 63,536 130,832,965 128,095,353

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

74 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

17.9 Number of units and individual/group allocation of gross/net contribution amounts of the private pension fund participants transferred from another company during the period:

1January-31December2010Numberofcontracts Grosscontributionamount Netcontributionamount

Group 112 2,164,794 2,161,011Individual 225 3,359,552 3,359,183Total 337 5,524,346 5,520,194

1January-31December2009Numberofcontracts Grosscontributionamount Netcontributionamount

Group 706 3,342,184 3,341,821Individual 128 1,777,383 1,773,667Total 834 5,119,567 5,115,488

17.10 Number of units and individual/group allocation of gross/net contribution amounts of the private pension fund participants transferred from the life insurance portfolio to the private pension fund portfolio during the period: None (31 December 2009: None).

17.11 Number of units and individual/group allocation of gross/net contribution amounts of the private pension fund participants that left the Company and transferred to another company or that left the Company but did not transfer to another company:

1January-31December2010Numberofcontracts Grosscontributionamount Netcontributionamount

Individual 28,170 139,333,931 131,309,573Group 17,607 44,632,374 44,360,822

Total 45,777 183,966,305 175,670,395

1January-31December2009Numberofcontracts Grosscontributionamount Netcontributionamount

Individual 40,170 155,110,079 145,838,084Group 7,467 23,943,908 23,723,210

Total 47,637 179,053,987 169,561,294

17.12 Number of units, gross/net premiums and individual/group allocation for life policyholders that joined the portfolio during the period:

The Company does not have new saving life policyholder that joined the portfolio during the year (31 December 2009: None).

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

75Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

17.13 Number of units, gross/net premiums and individual/group allocation of mathematical reserves for life policyholders that left the portfolio during the period:

1January-31December2010Numberofcontracts(*) Grosspremium Netpremium Mathematicalreserve

Individual 9,365 3,475,861 2,400,419 89,094,790Group 141 81,247 72,450 3,124,301

Total(**) 9,506 3,557,108 2,472,869 92,219,091

1January-31December2009Numberofcontracts(*) Grosspremium Netpremium Mathematicalreserve

Individual 10,693 4,510,533 2,903,102 105,819,808Group 468 80,910 68,589 17,037,429

Total(**) 11,161 4,591,443 2,971,691 122,857,237

(*) Only the saving policies are included.(**) The policies denominated in USD and Euro are translated into TL at the exchange rates as of 31 December 2010 and 2009 announced by the Central Bank.

17.14 Profit share allocation rate to the life policyholders:



TL 10.55% 16.94%USD 7.17% 7.12%Euro 5.03% 6.43%

17.15-17.19-Other required information about liabilities from insurance agreements:

Life mathematical reserves:

2010 2009Opening balance-1 January 512,507,045 549,508,768Premiums from saving policies 41,568,800 52,219,217Investment income 38,642,340 48,848,521Surrender and maturity payments (92,219,091) (122,185,569)Risk premiums (4,337,502) (5,305,151)Commission expense (4,351,403) (5,349,753)Loadings (3,410,019) (2,843,892)Change in mathematical reserves of non-saving policies 7,982,068 (2,385,096)Closingbalance-31December 496,382,238 512,507,045

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

76 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

Life mathematical reserves denominated in foreign currency are as follows:

31January2010Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 144,672,198 1.5467 223,760,299Euro 24,409,914 2.0510 50,065,950


31December2009Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 163,224,493 1.5063 245,866,531Euro 24,734,704 2.1630 53,492,458


(*) Since the foreign exchange rates used are different for the products, average rates are disclosed.

Unearned premium reserve:

2010Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January 5,983,185 (5,702) 5,977,483Net change 5,054,879 (455,426) 4,599,453Closingbalance-31December 11,038,064 (461,128) 10,576,936

2009Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January 5,827,332 (262,899) 5,564,433Net change 155,853 257,197 413,050Closingbalance-31December 5,983,185 (5,702) 5,977,483

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

77Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

As of 31 December 2010, deferred commission expenses are TL 2,343,146 (31 December 2009: TL 1,023,373) and deferred charge expenses are TL 624,981 (31 December 2009: None) recorded in deferred expense accruals account on balance sheet (Note 47.1).

Outstanding claims reserve:

2010Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January 7,597,931 (300,404) 7,297,527Paid claim (7,492,905) 300,404 (7,192,501)Increase

-Outstanding claims of current period 4,838,196 (773,302) 4,064,894-Prior years’ outstanding claims 3,431,441 - 3,431,441

Closingbalance-31December 8,374,663 (773,302) 7,601,361

Claims incurred but not reported 2,802,932 (661,508) 2,141,424Reserve for claim adequacy 4,355 (233) 4,122Additional outstanding claim reserve Calculated by chain ladder method (*) - - -

Total 11,181,950 (1,435,043) 9,746,907

2009Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January 6,594,640 (498,569) 6,096,071Paid claim (6,116,539) 489,718 (5,626,821)Increase

-Outstanding claims of current period 4,194,230 (205,272) 3,988,958-Prior years’ outstanding claims 2,925,600 (86,281) 2,839,319

Closingbalance-31December 7,597,931 (300,404) 7,297,527

Claims incurred but not reported 1,282,562 (491,256) 791,306Reserve for claim adequacy 567,744 (295,422) 272,322Additional outstanding claim reserve Calculated by chain ladder method (*) 151,901 - 151,901

Total 9,600,138 (1,087,082) 8,513,056

(*) The reserve is calculated net.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

78 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

Foreign currency denominated items in claims reserve are as follows:

31January2010Currency Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 334,131 1.5460 516,567Euro 5,954 2.0491 12,200


31December2009Currency Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 188,364 1.5057 283,620Euro 5,954 2.1603 12,862


Unexpired risks reserve:

2010Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January 133,362 - 133,362Net change (133,362) - (133,362)Closingbalance-31December - -

2009Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January - - -Net change 133,362 - 133,362Closingbalance-31December 133,362 - 133,362

Bonus and allowance reserve:

2010Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January 1,031,544 - 1,031,544Net change (279,873) - (279,873)Closingbalance-31December 751,671 - 751,671

2009Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Opening balance-1 January 1,208,567 - 1,208,567Net change (177,023) - (177,023)Closingbalance-31December 1,031,544 - 1,031,544

Other long-term technical reserves:

The unrealised profit and losses which do not belong to the Company due to changes in the fair values of the available for sale financial assets are classified in “Other long-term technical reserves” (Notes 2.8 and 47.1).

The movement of other long-term technical reserves within the period is as follows:

2010 2009Opening balance-1 January 23,325,661 (7,373,385)Increase/(decrease) in fair value 12,129,108 33,724,292Disposal of financial assets sold or matured (2,928,689) (3,025,246)Closingbalance-31December 32,526,080 23,325,661

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

79Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

17. Insurance liabilities and reinsurance assets (Continued)

Equalization reserve:

2010Gross Reinsurer’sshare Net

Opening balance-1 January 300,401 - 300,401Net change 641,003 - 641,003

Closingbalance 941,404 - 941,404

2009Gross Reinsurer’sshare Net

Opening balance-1 January - - -Net change 300,401 - 300,401

Closingbalance 300,401 - 300,401

The Company prepares the claim development table by considering net paid claims in accordance with the Regulation on Technical Reserves.

Claim development table as of 31 December 2010(*):








Payment made in the year of the accident 115,199,064 244,565,644 96,592,259 113,059,519 131,857,850 100,862,787 802,137,1231 year later 422,447 658,685 368,646 317,851 401,171 - 2,168,8002 years later 242,697 45,136 64,958 78,905 - - 431,6963 years later 45,103 20,504 10,247 - - - 75,8544 years later 14,821 77,919 - - - - 92,7405 years later 60,934 - - - - - 60,934

Totalpaidclaim-net 115,985,066 245,367,888 97,036,110 113,456,275 132,259,021 100,862,787 804,967,147

Claim development table as of 31 December 2009:








Payment made in the year of the accident 2,968,734 4,579,702 4,899,330 5,660,963 8,328,256 7,310,550 33,747,5351 year later 219,404 296,850 148,460 273,591 204,303 - 1,142,6082 years later 81,022 16,977 12,639 4,846 - - 115,4843 years later 773 30,140 6 - - - 30,9194 years later 29,195 1,231 - - - - 30,4265 years later - - - - - - -

Totalpaidclaim-net 3,299,128 4,924,900 5,060,435 5,939,400 8,532,559 7,310,550 35,066,972

In accordance with the Regulation on Technical Reserves, since the outstanding claim reserve per branch in the current period is greater than the amount calculated per branch by the chain ladder method issued by Treasury, the Company has not accounted an additional reserve (31 December 2009: TL 151,901 (personal accident)).

(*) As of December 31, 2010, paid claims, payments for policy termination (maturity) and surrenders have been also included to claim development table.

18. Investment Contract Liabilities

None (31 December 2009: None).

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

80 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

19. Trade and Other Payables and Deferred Income

31December2010 31December2009Payables from pension operations (Note 47.1) 1,893,282,503 1,394,062,077Payables to reinsurance companies 929,329 243,288

Payables due to main operations 1,894,211,832 1,394,305,365

Other payables (Note 47.1) 4,854,847 3,425,498

Total 1,899,066,679 1,397,730,863

The related party balances are disclosed in Note 45.

The foreign currencies denominated payables are as follows:


31December2010Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 363,287 1.5460 561,642Euro 10,590 2.0491 21,700


31December2009Currencytype Foreigncurrencyamount Foreigncurrencyrate AmountinTLUSD 164,231 1.5057 247,283Euro 5,974 2.1603 12,906


20. Borrowings

None (31 December 2009: None).

21. Deferred Income Tax

The Company calculates deferred income tax for the temporary differences in the balance sheet items arising due to measurement in the financial statements and measurement in accordance with Tax Law.

The enacted tax rate used for the calculation of deferred income taxes on temporary differences that are expected to be realised in the following periods under the liability method is 20%.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

81Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

21. Deferred Income Tax (Continued)

As of 31 December 2010 and 2009 the temporary differences giving rise to deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities with using appropriate tax rates are as follows:

Cumulativetemporarydifferences Deferredincometaxassets/(liabilities)31December2010 31December2009 31December2010 31December2009

DeferredincometaxassetsFinancial liability due to pension agreements 6,032,045 8,209,597 1,206,409 1,641,919Expense provisions 3,398,105 5,880,569 679,621 1,176,114Provision for employment Termination benefit 4,041,326 2,972,785 808,265 594,557Provision for unused vacations 626,361 498,110 125,272 99,622Government bond valuation difference 385,748 2,743 77,150 549

Totaldeferredincometaxassets 14,483,585 17,563,804 2,896,717 3,512,761

DeferredincometaxliabilitiesDeferred acquisition costs for pension contracts (4,530,752) (4,864,016) (906,150) (972,803)Net difference between the carrying values and tax base values of tangible assets (3,093,686) (2,817,881) (618,737) (563,576)Eurobond valuation difference (1,630,078) (1,094,593) (326,016) (218,919)

Totaldeferredincometaxliabilities (9,254,516) (8,776,490) (1,850,903) (1,755,298)Netdeferredincometaxassets 5,229,069 8,787,314 1,045,814 1,757,463

The movement of deferred income tax within the year is as follows:

2010 2009Opening balance-1 January 1,757,463 739,190Deferred income tax credited (Note 35) (681,153) 1,328,602Deferred tax assets booked in equity due to increase in value of available for sale financial assets (Eurobond and Government Bond) (30,496) (310,329)

Closingbalance-31December 1,045,814 1,757,463

22. Retirement Benefit Obligations

31December2010 31December2009Provision for employment termination benefits 4,041,326 2,972,785 4,041,326 2,972,785

Under Turkish Labour Law, the Company is required to pay termination benefits to each employee who has completed one year of service and whose employment is terminated without due cause, is called up for military service, dies or who retires after completing 25 years of service (20 years for women) and achieves the retirement age (58 for women and 60 for men). After the changes made on 23 May 2002 in the legislation, some process of transition clauses related to the length of service before retirement have been omitted.

The amount payable consists of one month’s salary limited to a maximum of TL 2,517.01 (31 December 2009: TL 2,365.16) for each year of service at 31 December 2010.

The liability is not funded, as there is no funding requirement.

The provision has been calculated by estimating the present value of the future probable obligation of the Company arising from the retirement of the employees.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

82 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

22. Retirement Benefit Obligations (Continued)

TAS 19 requires actuarial valuation methods to be developed to estimate the enterprise’s obligation. Accordingly, the following actuarial assumptions were used in the calculation of the total liability:

31December2010 31December2009Discount rate per annum (%) 4.66 5.92

The Company uses a different probability rate for each personnel according to age, years to retire, and department worked and this rate is the arithmetic average of the different rates used as a result of actuarial calculations.

The principal assumption is that the maximum liability will increase in line with inflation. Thus, the discount rate applied represents the expected real rate after adjusting for the anticipated effects of future inflation. As the maximum liability is revised semi-annually, the maximum amount of TL 2,623.23 which is effective from 1 January 2011, has been taken into consideration in calculating the provision for employment termination benefits.

The movement in the provision for employment termination benefits in the current period is as follows:

2010 2009Opening balance-1 January 2,972,785 2,295,098Paid during the period (Note 33) (694,082) (682,516)Charge for the period 1,762,623 1,360,203

Closingbalance-31December 4,041,326 2,972,785

23. Provisions for Other Liabilities and Charges

Commitments and contingent liabilities not recognised as liabilities are disclosed in Note 43.

Guarantees and pledges received are disclosed in Note 12.3.

The details of provisions that are classified under provisions for expense accruals in balance sheet are as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Personnel bonus provision 2,152,852 1,971,861Bonus accrual for sales personnel 883,000 1,240,514Vacation pay provision 626,361 498,110Other 1,921,625 1,659,606

Total 5,583,838 5,370,091

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

83Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

24. Net Insurance Premium Revenue

The distribution of premium income is as follows:

1January-31December2010Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Life 109,697,375 (8,359,412) 101,337,963Personal Accident 259,194 (33,101) 226,093

Totalpremiumincome 109,956,569 (8,392,513) 101,564,056

1January-31December2009Gross Reinsurers’share Net

Life 92,288,527 (5,375,181) 86,913,346Personal Accident 95,200 (33,429) 61,771

Totalpremiumincome 92,383,727 (5,408,610) 86,975,117

25. Fee Income

Income related with pension operations are disclosed in Notes 2.21 and 2.25.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

84 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

26. Investment Income

1January-31December2010TheCompany’sshare Policyholder’sshare

Available-for-sale financial assets Interest income 10,213,837 24,023,340Cash and cash equivalents Interest income 3,628,655 3,587,064Held-for-trading financial assets Interest income 1,425,156 6,528,896Valuation and net sale income 1,410,484 1,900,787 Foreign exchange income 188,215 2,602,253Total(*) 16,866,347 38,642,340

1January-31December2009TheCompany’sshare Policyholder’sshare

Available-for-sale financial assets Interest income 11,871,092 28,059,112Cash and cash equivalents Interest income 5,349,078 4,246,563Held-for-trading financial assets Interest income 2,775,871 13,440,453Valuation and net sale income 3,478,916 2,142,600Foreign exchange income 438,274 959,793

Total(*) 23,913,231 48,848,521

(*) The net investment income presented in the income statement of the Company as of 31 December 2009 is TL 15,472,024 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 22,410,427) and the difference between this amount and the investment income presented above consists of depreciation expense amounting to TL 2,230,057 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 1,987,739), income from building amounting to TL 988,569 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 530,086), investment management expense amounting to TL 225,276 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 218,516), sale of vehicle amounting to TL 0 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 65,707), income from other operations’ foreign currency translation excluding marketable securities amounting to TL 72,441 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 100,778) and income from other sales amounting to TL 0 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 6,880).

27. Net Realised Gains on Financial Assets

Information about realised gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets is disclosed in Notes 11 and 15.

28. Net Fair Value Gains on Assets at Fair Value through Income

The information about net fair value gains on assets at fair value through income is disclosed in Note 26.

29. Insurance Benefits and Claims

Disclosed in Note 17.

30. Investment Contract Benefits

None (31 December 2009: None).

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85Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

31. Other Expenses by Destination



Operating expenses classified under technical part-pension 42,962,281 45,580,152Operating expenses classified under technical part-life 36,339,639 30,644,776Operating expenses classified under technical part – non-life 294,549 -Total(Note32) 79,596,469 76,224,928

32. Expense by Nature



Personnel expenses (Note 33) 43,718,150 41,450,952Outsourcing expenses 9,178,549 9,188,385Commission expenses, pension 9,274,321 6,904,886Commission expenses, life 8,844,444 5,349,753Commission expenses, non-life 2,714 -Office expenses 3,151,089 3,306,894Transportation expenses 1,750,231 2,528,775Deferred acquisition costs for pension contracts 333,266 2,503,804Advertising and marketing expenses 1,663,148 1,493,218Communication Expenses 1,280,592 1,429,943Rent expenses 1,653,934 1,166,260Maintenance and repair expenses 35,040 78,975Commission income, life (3,150,527) (1,230,212)Other 1,861,518 2,053,295

Total(Note31) 79,596,469 76,224,928

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

86 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

33. Employee Benefit Expense



Salary payments 23,238,400 21,723,210Bonus payment 14,119,185 13,824,867Employer share of social security premium 5,225,544 4,844,028Employment termination benefits 694,082 682,516Notification pay benefit 155,321 153,781Unused vacation benefit 21,563 11,914Other 264,055 210,636

Total(Note32) 43,718,150 41,450,952

Total salaries and benefits paid to the members of the Board of Directors, General Manager, General Coordinator, Assistant General Manager and other executive management are explained in Note 1.6.

The Company does not have any shared-based payments.

34. Finance Costs

34.1 Total financial expenses for the period: TL 1,056 (1 January-31 December 2009: TL 644).

34.1.1Expensesrelatedtoproductioncost: None (1 January-31 December 2009: None).34.1.2Expensesrelatedtotangibles: None (1 January-31 December 2009: None).34.1.3Directexpenses:TL 1,056 (1 January-31 December 2008: TL 644).

34.2 Financial expenses related to shareholders, subsidiaries and investments (any amount exceeding 20% of total will be illustrated separately): Transactions and balances regarding related parties are disclosed in Note 45.

34.3 Sales to/purchases from shareholders, subsidiaries and investments (any amount exceeding 20% of total will be illustrated separately): Transactions and balances regarding related parties are disclosed in Note 45.

34.4 Interest, rent or other charges received from or paid to shareholders, subsidiaries and investments (any amount exceeding 20% of total will be illustrated separately): Transactions and balances regarding related parties are disclosed in Note 45.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

87Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

35. Income Taxes

Tax income and expense recognised in the income statement of the year ended 31 December 2010 and 2009 are summarised as follows:



Corporate tax provision for the current period (5,791,686) (6,888,868)Reversal of prior year’s corporate tax provision booked in excess 495,017 40,408Tax expense classified in equity on available-for-sale financial assets (27,109) 374,039

Tax expense before deferred tax (5,323,778) (6,474,421)

Deferred income tax charge (Note 21) (681,153) 1,328,602

Totaltaxexpense (6,004,931) (5,145,819)

31December2010 31December2009Tax provision 5,791,686 6,888,868Prepaid taxes (-) (4,147,157) (6,500,934)

Total 1,644,529 387,934

Deferred income tax asset 2,896,717 3,512,761Deferred income tax liability (1,850,903) (1,755,298)

Deferredincometaxasset,net(Note21) 1,045,814 1,757,463

The reconciliation between the expected and the actual taxation charge is as follows:

31December2010 31December2009Profit before current and deferred income tax 28,593,962 25,309,119Enacted tax rate 20% 20%Tax calculated by enacted tax rate (5,718,792) (5,061,824)Overpaid corporate tax prior year 495,017 40,408Expenses not allowable for tax purposes (781,156) (124,403)

Taxchargefortheperiod (6,004,931) (5,145,819)

36. Net Foreign Exchange Gains

Disclosed in Note 26.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

88 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

37. Earnings per Share

Earnings per share are calculated by dividing net profit for the period into weighted average unit share of the Company.



Net income for the period 22,589,031 20,163,300Weighted average number of shares with face value of TL 0.1 per share 580,000,000 580,000,000Profit per share (Kr) 3.89 3.48

38. Dividends per Share

The Company has made a dividend distribution amounting to TL 26,500,000 (31 December 2009: TL 7,000,000) for the year 2009 net profit and prior years extraordinary reserves to the shareholders by considering their shares up to March 2010, (TL 20,019,431 of the dividend was paid at March 31, 2010 and the rest of the TL 6,480,569 was paid at the April 1, 2010).

39. Cash Generated from Operations

Disclosed in the statement of cash flows.

40. Convertible Bond

None (31 December 2009: None).

41. Redeemable Preference Shares

None (31 December 2009: None).

42. Contingencies

31December2010 31December2009Outstanding claims litigations against the Company (*) 574,192 538,375Labour litigations against the Company (**) 166,411 199,002

(*) This amount is classified within outstanding claims and the movement table of outstanding claims is disclosed in Note 17. (**) Classified in other current liabilities.

43. Commitments

31December2010 31December2009Domestic bank guarantee letters given 27,727 157,146

Total 27,727 157,146

The Company does not have foreign currency commitments as of 31 December 2010 and 2009.

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Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

89Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

43. Commitments (Continued)

Mortgages or restrictions on assets:

31December2010 31December2009Marketable securities portfolio 495,616,450 501,515,283BanksPolicyholders’ portfolio (Note 11) 55,131,068 47,642,852Company’s portfolio (Notes 2.12 and 14) 28,874,250 22,482,360Total 579,621,768 571,640,495

44. Business Combinations

None (31 December 2009: None).

45. Related-Party Transactions

Koç Holding and Unicredit Companies, subsidiaries and top management are considered as related parties in these financial statements.


31December2010 31December2009Other payablesYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. (*) 1,745,820 1,183,017

(*) This account includes the balance of due to shareholders amount TL 423,079 (31 December 2009: None).



Premiumreceived Yapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 45,102 77,875

InsurancepremiumpaidYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 3,036,969 2,154,234

CommissionspaidYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 9,205 5,418

RentincomeYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 959,816 528,741

RentexpenseYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 447,582 125,591

OtherincomeYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 41,296 38,600

DividendspaidYapı Kredi Sigorta A.Ş. 26,480,569 6,994,867

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (94)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

90 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

45. Related-Party Transactions (Continued)


31December2010 31December2009Bank depositsYapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş. 62,347,485 20,884,823

Total 62,347,485 20,884,823


Yapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş. (*) 192,225 261,840Yapı Kredi Factoring A.Ş. - 7,166Yapı Kredi Yatırım A.Ş. (40) -

Total 192,185 269,006

(*) This account also includes Credit life policy balances.



PayablesforinsuranceandpensionoperationsYapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş. 888,458 476,790

OtherpayablesZer Merkezi Hizmetler A.Ş. 325,353 324,566YKS Tesis Yönetim Hizmetleri A.Ş. 12,818 28,387

Total 338,171 352,953

PremiumreceivedYapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş. 1,030,812 1,637,252Yapı Kredi Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. 12,952 24,818Yapı Kredi Yatırım A.Ş. 20,334 38,010Yapı Kredi Factoring A.Ş. 5,378 10,945

Total 1,069,476 1,711,025

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (95)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

91Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

45. Related-Party Transactions (Continued)



CommissionspaidYapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş. 16,666,862 9,681,025Yapı Kredi Portföy A.Ş. 7,950,134 5,803,579Yapı Kredi Yatırım A.Ş. 87,786 87,248Total 24,704,782 15,571,852

RentexpenseYapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş. 328,397 97,806

InterestincomeYapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş. 1,657,588 1,852,605

DividendspaidYapı Kredi Factoring A.Ş. 9,623 2,542Yapı Kredi Yatırım A.Ş. 9,622 2,542Diğer 186 49Total 19,431 5,133

OtherexpensesZer Merkezi Hizmetler A.Ş. 2,067,222 1,925,800YKS Tesis Yönetim Hizmetleri A.Ş. 1,130,513 745,899Otokoç 753,461 677,484Total 3,951,196 3,349,183

45.1 Doubtful receivables from shareholders, investments, subsidiaries: None (31 December 2009: None).

45.2 Breakdown of investments and subsidiaries having an indirect shareholding and management relationship with the Company, participation rates and amounts of these investments and subsidiaries; profit/loss, net profit/loss in the latest financials, the period of these financials and the opinion type of the independent audit report if the Company is independently audited:

Financial Fixed Assets



cost BookValue



period Totalasset Totalliability NetsaleNetprofit/

(loss)Çimsataş A.Ş. 0.01 368,613 368,613 Not audited 30.09.2010 488,296,027 28,059,273 58,576,027 664,953Emeklilik Gözetim Merkezi 7.69 263,221 263,221 Not audited 31.12.2010 7,336,205 3,034,258 4,938,578 22,372Çukurova Çelik End. A.Ş. 0.17 6,308,122 - Not audited 30.09.2010 2,398,792,221 172,685,665 - 909,105 6,939,956 631,834



cost BookValue



period Totalasset Totalliability NetsaleNetprofit/

(loss)Çimsataş A.Ş. 0.01 368,613 368,613 Not audited 30.09.2009 296,131,076 51,288,337 36,577,223 (6,269,167)Emeklilik Gözetim Merkezi 7.69 263,221 263,221 Not audited 31.12.2009 6,097,858 1,818,553 5,215,935 39,539Çukurova Çelik End. A.Ş. 0.17 6,308,122 - Not audited 31.12.2009 2,401,845,085 184,170,469 - (491,163) 6,939,956 631,834

The Company’s financial statements prepared as of 31 December 2010 include the impairment booked in previous years for available for sale financial assets amounting to TL 6,308,122 (31 December 2009: TL 6,308,122).

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (96)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

92 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

45. Related-Party Transactions (Continued)

45.3 Bonus shares obtained through internally funded capital increases of equity investments and subsidiaries: None (31 December 2009: None).

45.4 Rights on immovable and their value: None (31 December 2009: None).

45.5 Guarantees, commitments and securities given for shareholders, investments and subsidiaries: None (31 December 2009: None).

46. Events after the balance sheet date:

The employment termination benefits ceiling has increased to TL 2.623,23 (31 December 2009: TL 2,427.04) effective from 1 January 2011.

47. Other

47.1 Details of “Other” items in the balance sheet which exceed 20% of its respective account group or 5% of total assets:

31December2010 31December2009a) Other cash and cash equivalents:Credit card collections 30,836,893 26,612,822Bank payment document 62,562 88,724Other 27,261 12,942

30,926,716 26,714,488

b)Receivablesandpayablesduetopensionoperations:Receivables from custody institutions 1,859,893,915 1,365,310,672Receivables from participants (entrance fee) 7,873,053 8,340,532Fund management expense fee 3,036,269 2,243,029Sales orders 940,690 983,029Paid in advance to pension funds 200,000 -

Receivablesfrompensionoperations 1,871,943,927 1,376,877,262

Payables to participants 1,860,834,605 1,366,293,701Participants’ transitory account 29,198,521 23,827,560Payables to intermediaries 660,553 674,058Participants withdrawal account 1,829,624 2,705,867Other 759,200 560,891Payablesfrompensionoperations 1,893,282,503 1,394,062,077

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (97)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

93Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

47. Other (Continued)

31December2010 31December2009c)Othercurrentassets:Receivables from suppliers 66,678 16,728Equipments provided to personnel 116,317 -Other 8,471 1,537

191,466 18,265

d)Othercurrentdeferredincomeandexpenseaccruals-short-term:Deferred acquisition costs for pension contracts (Note 2.25) 2,095,002 2,437,452

2,095,002 2,437,452

e)Othernon-currentdeferredincomeandexpenseaccruals-long-term:Deferred acquisition costs for pension contracts (Note 2.25) 2,435,750 2,426,566Deferred expense for agency bonus 1,405,000 1,100,000Other 10,951 12,723

3,851,701 3,539,289

f)Otherpayables:Payables to suppliers 3,806,755 3,199,130Payables to intermediaries (Life Insurance Branch) 502,785 103,976Unearned reinsurers’ commissions on unearned premium reserves 303,608 2,964Other 241,699 119,428

4,854,847 3,425,498

g)Othernon-currenttechnicalreserves:Other technical reserves (Notes 2.8 and 17) (*) 32,526,080 23,325,661Equalization reserves (Notes 2.8 and 17) 941,404 300,401

33,467,484 23,626,062

(*) Other technical reserves consist of unrealised gains and losses generated from changes in the market values of available for sale financial assets that are not belonging to the Company.

h)Otherlong-termliabilities:Financial liability (loyalty bonus) due to pension contracts (Note 2.25) 6,032,045 8,209,597

6,032,045 8,209,597

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (98)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

94 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

47. Other (Continued)



i)Deferredexpense:Prepaid insurance expenses 1,886,342 1,690,498Deferred commission expense 2,968,127 1,023,373Other 62,600 32,549

4,917,069 2,746,420

j)Taxesandfundspayable:Income tax payable 2,419,705 2,259,717Income tax deducted from salaries 691,257 664,327Insurance tax payables 71,065 50,216Stamp tax payables 28,943 22,086Value added tax payable 8,297 20,464Withholding tax payable 9,679 19,829Inheritance tax payable 23,352 10,545

3,252,298 3,047,184

k)Changeinothertechnicalreserves:Provision expense for share in profit 1,229,065 1,478,848IGP Pool 1,647,452 1,302,845Equalization reserve expense 640,854 300,401Financial asset provision expense (10,000) 160,000Union membership dues 112,043 117,703Incorporation fee 126,240 114,764Reinsurance foreign exchange difference 33,599 103,054Other 99,007 120,297

3,878,260 3,697,912

l)Othertechnicalexpenses:Visa card commission expense 3,329,723 2,320,435Loyalty bonus expense - 1,009,640Commissions paid to Takasbank 478,872 464,832EGM, E-BEAS Expenses 342,699 306,793Other 382,024 225,315

4,533,318 4,327,015

m)Othertechnicalincome:Changes on loyalty bonus 2,177,551 -Other 3,150 4,118

2,180,701 4,118

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (99)

Yapı Kredi Emeklilik A.Ş ConvenienceTranslationoftheNotestotheFinancialStatementsForthePeriods1January-31December2010and2009 (Amounts expressed in Turkish Lira [“TL”] unless otherwise indicated.)

95Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

47. Other (Continued)

47.2 Due from and due to personnel classified in “Other receivables” and “Other short-term or long-term payables” that exceed 1% of total assets: None (31 December 2009: None).

47.3 Receivables from claim recoveries followed under off-balance sheet items: None (31 December 2009: None).

47.4 Income and expenses related to prior periods and the amounts and sources of expenses and losses: None (31 December 2009: None).

47.5 Information that the Treasury requires to be presented:

Provision and rediscount expenses/(income) for the period:



TechnicalReservesChange in life mathematical reserves (16,212,855) (37,001,723)Change in outstanding claims reserves 1,233,851 1,326,541Change in unearned premium reserves 4,599,453 413,050Change in other technical reserves 3,966,456 3,697,912

OtherReservesTax provision 5,323,778 6,474,421Deferred tax provision 681,153 (1,328,602)Provision for employment termination benefit 1,068,541 677,687Vacation pay provision 128,251 (30,061)Other (74,043) 43,300

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (100)

96 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

APPENDIX I -Convenience Translation of The Statements of Profit Distribution

Note CurrentPeriod PreviousPeriodI. DISTRIBUTIONOFPROFITFORTHEPERIOD1.1. PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 27,912,809 27,052,1681.2 TAXES PAYABLE AND LEGAL LIABILITIES (5,323,778) (6,888,868)1.2.1. Corporation tax (Income tax) (5,323,778) (6,888,868)1.2.2. Income tax deduction - -1.2.3. Other taxes and legal liabilities - -A NETPROFITFORTHEPERIOD(1.1-1.2) 22,589,031 20,163,3001.3. PREVIOUS YEARS’ LOSSES (-) - -1.4 FIRST LEGAL RESERVE - (1,008,165)1.5. LEGAL RESERVES KEPT IN THE COMPANY - -B NETDISTRIBUTABLEPROFITFORTHEPERIOD[(A-(1.3+1.4+1.5)] - 19,155,1351.6. FIRST DIVIDEND TO SHAREHOLDERS (-) - (2,900,000)

1.6.1. To common shareholders - (2,900,000)1.6.2. To preferred shareholders - -1.6.3 To owners of participating redeemed shares - -1.6.4 To owners of profit-sharing securities - -1.6.5 To owners of profit and loss sharing securities - -


1.10.1. To common shareholders - (14,777,396)1.10.2. To preferred shareholders - -1.10.3. To owners of participating redeemed shares - -1.10.4. To owners of profit-sharing securities - -1.10.5. To owners of profit and loss sharing securities - -


2.3.1. To common shareholders - (8,822,604)2.3.2 To preferred shareholders - -2.3.3. To owners of participating redeemed shares - -2.3.4 To owners of profit-sharing securities - -2.3.5 To owners of profit and loss sharing securities - -


The distribution of the dividends to Undersecretariat of Treasury in 2009, have been realized over the legal reserves and the current year’s profit that calculated according to Insurance Law, and made after the preparation of audited financial statements, and approved by the Annual General Meeting of 2009. The Company will decide on the distribution of the dividend based on the percentage of shares of the shareholders and the amount of dividend related to the year 2010 that can be distributed in March 2010 in the General Assembly dated 22 March 2011.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (101)

97Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

In 2010, the Company’s life insurance premium production totaled TL 109,697,375.

The Company’s total mathematical reserves were TL 496,382,238 and its fund size in the Private Pension System was TL 1,860,834,605 as of December 31, 2010.

According to the Regulation on the Measurement and Assessment of Capital Adequacy Requirements of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Companies, dated January 19, 2008, the calculation of the required amount of capital is based on the larger value obtained from the first and second methods as stated in the regulation.

The required amount of capital for the Company stood at TL 44,902,529 on December 31, 2010 and the Company’s shareholders’ equity of TL 131,318,623 is sufficient to cover this amount. The Company’s total profit before tax was TL 27,912,809.

Assessment of Financial Status, Profitability and Solvency

D. Assessment of Financial Status, Profitability and Solvency

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (102)

98 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

Information on Risk Management Policies by Risk Type

E. Information on Risk Management Policies by Risk Type

The Company has set a risk management strategy, that includes all regional departments and units, which has efficient internal systems that systematically assess and manage risks related to activities to maintain sustainable profitability in its field of activity. The Company has adopted the Risk Management policies of Koç Finansal Hizmetler.

In accordance with these policies, the Internal Control and Risk Management Department defines, measures, controls and reports risks affecting the Company. In addition, the Internal Control and Risk Management Department functions as a Compliance Unit in the implementation of Law No. 5549 on prevention of Laundering Crime Proceeds and other related regulations.

The Department’s risk management and internal control activities are periodically audited by the Internal Audit Department, which also reports to the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee convenes at least twice every year and submits its evaluations to the Company management.

In 2010, the Internal Control and Risk Management Department held separate Risk Analysis Meetings with the managers of each department in order to develop risk models and systems; the Department submitted the meeting outcomes to the Company management.

The main risk categories that concern the Company are as follows.

Insurance RiskRisk concerning insurance contracts is the probability of the event under insurance to occur and the uncertainty about the extent of the resulting damage. Due to the nature of insurance contracts, said risk is random and as a result cannot be fully predicted.

In a policy portfolio where probability theory is applied to the methods of pricing and reserve allocation, the main risk that a company faces due to insurance contracts is for the insurance reserve of the paid claims and indemnity to exceed the allocated amounts. The Company sets its policy writing strategy according to the types of accepted insurance risks and the damage that occurs.

The Company determines pricing according to statistical analysis, past data and mortality tables relevant to the product. The Company manages the aforementioned risks according to its policy writing strategy and the reinsurance agreements to which it is a party.

Financial Risks

Market RiskMarket risk concerns positions held in accounts included or not included in the balance sheet. It is the risk of falling into loss due to interest risk, stock position risk and foreign exchange risk, which stem from changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates and stock prices, due to fluctuations in financial markets.

Market risk operations include assessing the impact of changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates and stock prices on the Company’s trading portfolio, monitoring risk limits stated in risk management policies, and reporting results to top management and related departments.

There are certain limits on the securities and investment categories in which the Company can invest and the authorization to hold foreign exchange is constrained by limits. This portfolio, formed according to the limits approved by the Board of Directors, is monitored and reported with analytical methods such as value at risk, stress tests, scenario analysis and sensibility analysis.

Credit RiskPossession of financial assets brings along the risk that the counterparty does not comply with the requirements of the contract. The Company’s credit risk is related to cash, cash equivalents and bank deposits, financial assets, reinsurance shares of insurance obligations, receivables from reinsurance companies, and receivable premiums from policyholders and financial intermediaries. These risks are considered by the management as total credit risk stemming from the counterparty.

The Company monitors and limits the credit risk of financial assets considered credits and receivables and of the receivables due to insurance operations (including reinsurance receivables), with guarantees taken and procedures in the selection of the counterparty.

Apart from the credit and receivable group, the Company’s other financial assets with credit risk are, in general, domestic government bonds, time deposits and call deposits at banks or other financial institutions located in Turkey, and receivables from organized exchanges; these receivables are not deemed to carry a high level of credit risk.

Liquidity RiskLiquidity risk is related to a shortage of cash due to maturity mismatch or market issues, in meeting liabilities originating from contracts. The Company plans to cover risks related to finance and insurance liabilities with its financial assets, cash and cash

equivalents. To this end, liquidity risk is monitored and controlled on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, according to the different currencies utilized.

Operational RiskOperational risk is defined as risk originating from errors, transgressions, defects and losses caused by internal systems, processes, and personnel or by external events.

The Board of Directors has approved the principles and policies stated in the regulation prepared by Koç Finansal Hizmetler Operational Risk Management (KFH ORM), and the Company operates accordingly.

Every month, data that has caused operational loss is collected on a departmental basis and then analyzed. This data will be used as basic data of modeling in measurements and scenario analyses for Risk-Based Capital Adequacy calculations, according to Solvency II rules that will be applied in the future.

In addition, in 2009, in order to adopt Solvency II that is expected to start in the European Union in 2012, the Undersecretariat of Treasury established a Solvency II Expertise Committee. The Company volunteered to participate in the subcommittees formed by the Solvency II Expertise Committee and the Quantitative Impact Study 4 (QIS 4).

The Company also participated in the Quantitative Impact Study 5 (QIS 5) at the end of 2010. The study is scheduled for completion in the period 2010-2011, and the Undersecretariat of Treasury will finalize its sector-wide outcomes.

Additionally, the Company continued to gather data to be consolidated with Yapı Kredi Bank data for capital calculations according to Basel II standards; this concerns data from the last five years in the database of the Bank and its subsidiaries, that has caused or could cause operational loss.

In 2010, the Company completed all the infrastructure investments for the Business Continuity Management project and launched it, completing an important phase in its operational risk management efforts. Business Continuity Management is a comprehensive management process that will create a structure to establish the organizational flexibility to identify potential risk threatening the Company and the effects of this risk on commercial activities, and to take measures to protect shareholders’ interests, company reputation, brand and value generating activities in the event of occurrence of these risks.

The Business Continuity Management Policy approved by the Board of Directors will continue to be implemented in 2011, with upgrades and structural improvements.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (103)


Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (104)

100 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Premium (Life) 111.84 98.61 110.14 92.29 109.70 Net Profit -4.66 27.98 19.91 20.16 22.59 Technical Reserves 525.12 481.70 563.47 528.46 518.40 Total Assets 1,112.23 1,343.46 1,671.06 2,105.87 2,603.43 Shareholders’ Equity 49.02 96.58 119.32 135.22 131.32

Five-year Summary Financial Information

F. Five-year Summary Financial Information

Financial Indicators (TL Million)

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (105)

101Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Premium and Contribution (TL Million)























In 2010, premium production of TL 109.70 million in life insurance, and contribution production of TL 554.42 million in Private Pension System has been reached.

Market Shares in Life Insurance

YapıKrediEmeklilik5.03% Other94.97%

In 2010, our market share in life insurance was 5.03% with TL 109.70 million in premium production.

Number of Life Insurance Clients Number of Private Pension Contracts

IndividualLife13% GroupPensionPlans23%GroupLife87% IndividualPensionPlans 77%

In 2010, the number of our life insurance clients totaled 1,151,814. The number of corporate life insurance clients is 1,005,511 and the number individual life insurance clients is 146,303 .

In 2010, the number of contracts in the Private Pension System totaled 312,721. There are 240,184 were individual contracts and 72,537 were group pension contracts.



Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (106)

102 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management

Market Shares in Private Pension / Contracts Market Shares in Private Pension / Fund Size

YapıKrediEmeklilik12.32% YapıKrediEmeklilik15.46% Other87.68% Other84.54%

As of end-2010, our market share in terms of total number of contracts signed in the Private Pension System was 12.32%, with the Company’s 312,721 contracts.

As of year-end 2010, the size of the funds we managed in the Private Pension System totaled TL 1,860.83 million. Our market share in the total funds in the Private Pension System was 15.46%.

Net Profit / Loss (TL Million) Total Assets (TL Million)

2006 2006



0 0



5 5,00

10 1,000

15 1,500

20 2,000

25 2,500

30 3,000

2007 2007



2008 2008



2009 2009

20.16 2,105.87

2010 2010



In 2010, our Company’s net profit was TL 22.59 million. Due to high acquisition cost including advertising expenses and infrastructure investments for the Private Pension System, our Company generated loss in previous years, as was forecast in the Feasibility Report submitted to the Undersecretariat of Treasury in the certification phase for transformation into a pension company. The Company started to make profit as of 2007.

In 2010, the Company’s total assets increased by 24%, to TL 2,603.43 million.

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (107)

103Yapı Kredi Pension 2010 Annual Report

Technical Reserves (%) Shareholders’ Equity (TL Million)

2006 2006




470 0

480 20












2007 2007



0.55 0.21 0.28



2008 2008





2009 2009




2010 2010







In 2010, technical reserves decreased by 2%, and totaled TL 518.40 million.

In 2010, the Company’s total shareholders’ equity decreased by 3% and reached TL 131.32 million. The current year’s profit is included in this total amount.




Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (108)

104 Assessment of Financial Information and Risk Management104


Head Office

YapıKrediPlaza,ABlokBüyükdere Cad. Levent, 34330 İstanbulPhone: +90 (212) 336 76 00 Fax : +90 (212) 336 79 79

CentralDistrictOfficeYıldız Posta Cad. YK Gayrettepe İş Merk. No: 4 K: 7/8 Gayrettepe, 34349 İstanbulPhone: +90 (212) 355 95 00Fax : +90 (212) 355 95 99

EminönüDistrictOfficeYıldız Posta Cad. YK Gayrettepe İş Merk. No: 4 K: 9/10 Gayrettepe, 34349 İstanbulPhone : +90 (212) 336 37 00Fax : +90 (212) 336 38 00

KadıköyDistrictOfficeŞehit Mehmet Fatih Öngül Sok. No: 1 K: 6-7 Kozyatağı, 34242 İstanbulPhone : +90 (216) 571 46 00Fax : +90 (216) 571 46 96

CentralAnatolianRegionG.M.K. Bulvarı No: 70 K: 2 Maltepe, 06570 AnkaraPhone : +90 (312) 294 32 00Fax : +90 (312) 205 10 88

AegeanRegionHalit Ziya Bulvarı No: 74/1 Alsancak, 35210 İzmirPhone : +90 (232) 498 66 66Fax : +90 (232) 466 21 73

SouthernRegionZiya Paşa Bulvarı Hocaoğlu Apt. No: 72/A Seyhan, 01130 AdanaPhone : +90 (322) 455 51 00Fax : +90 (322) 450 00 34

MediterraneanRegionRecep Peker Cad.Antalya 2000 İş Merk. K: 3 07100 AntalyaPhone : +90 (242) 310 74 00Fax : +90 (242) 314 11 04

Marmara-1RegionAtatürk Cad. No: 25/4 16010 BursaPhone : +90 (224) 280 50 00Fax : +90 (224) 280 90 32

ÇorluBranchKazımiye Mah. Omurtak Cad.Olimpia İş Merk. No: 149/41 Çorlu, 59860 TekirdağPhone : +90 (282) 673 47 17Fax : +90 (282) 673 47 07

DenizliBranchSaraylar Mah. Oğuzhan Cad.No: 2 K: 4 Bayramyeri, 20100 DenizliPhone : +90 (258) 265 07 30Fax : +90 (258) 265 20 46

MuğlaBranchAbdi İpekçi Cad. Dişçigil Apt. No: 9 48000 MuğlaPhone : +90 (252) 212 67 76Fax : +90 (252) 212 20 51

KaradenizEreğliBranchMüftü Mah. Devrim BulvarıŞevket Kalay İş Merk. No: 25 K: 2 D: 12 Karadeniz Ereğli, 67320 ZonguldakPhone : +90 (372) 322 91 00Fax : +90 (372) 322 91 05

SamsunBranchKale Mah. Kaptan Ağa Cad.Dr. Tevfik Türker İş Hanı No: 4 K: 4 55030 SamsunPhone : +90 (362) 432 14 33Fax : +90 (362) 431 96 42

TrabzonBranchKahramanmaraş Cad.İpekyolu İş Merk. No: 87 K: 4 61100 TrabzonPhone : +90 (462) 321 63 80Fax : +90 (462) 322 39 16

İzmitBranchÖmerağa Mah. Alemdar Cad.Küpçü İş Merk. No: 17 K: 5 İzmit, 41100 KocaeliPhone : +90 (262) 325 07 47Fax : +90 (262) 325 06 99

KonyaBranchMedrese Mah. A. Hilmi Nalçacı Cad. No: 80Selçuklu, 42060 KonyaPhone : +90 (332) 221 36 00Fax : +90 (332) 237 37 05

AlanyaBranchSaray Mah. Atatürk Cad. No: 66/3 D: 4 Alanya, 07400 AntalyaPhone : +90 (242) 510 09 00 Fax : +90 (242) 513 79 74

GaziantepBranchDeğirmiçem Mah. Gazimuhtarpaşa Bul. No: 13/1Şehitkamil / GaziantepPhone : +90 (342) 211 72 01/02 Fax : +90 (342) 230 22 14

YÜKSEK ÖĞRENİM KREDİ VE YURTLAR KURUMU ...yurtkur.gsb.gov.tr/Public/Edit/images/KYK/351sayilikanun...İstifa, emeklilik, başka bir göreve atanma gibi sebeplerle asli görevlerinden

THE INSTITUTE OF NAUTICAL ARCHAEOLOGY· Robyn Woodward • Yapi Kredi Emeklilik A.S. • Zegrahm Exeditions, Inc. • Margaret Zemla-Sag˘lam . iv Please address all submission and

YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI 75 - COnnecting REpositories· YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI Kültür ve Sanat Hizmetlerinden : 75. Sergi GÖÇMEN KUŞLAR (Tablolar : SALİII ACAR) 13 Ocak - Çarşamba

YAPI KREDİ FİNANSAL KİRALAMA A· Web viewYapı Kredi Finansal Kiralama A.O.’nun 2005 yılı bilanço ve kâr zarar tablosunu görüş ve onaylarınıza sunuyoruz. Sektörün

YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI3^3 4A r YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI Kültür ve Sanat Hizmetlerinden: 104. Sergi > J Cumhuriyet'in 50. Yılında DONANMA VE DENİZ HARP OKUDU 1773 -1973 Sergisi BİR

YAPI KREDİ KORAY GAYRİMENKUL YATIRIM ORTAKLIĞI A.Ş.· 2013-12-09· yapi kredİ koray gayrİmenkul yatirim ortakliĞi a.Ş. yapi kredİ koray gayrİmenkul yatirim ortakliĞi

TEMMUZ 2019 ÇUKUROVA· Çağrı (Kılıçlı Köyü) Kutlay (Hocallı Köyü) Zeray (Buruk Beldes ) ... OLGUN 233 27 70 TURGUT ÖZAL BULVARI ,POLİSEVİ KAVȘAĞI, YAPI KREDİ BANKASI

YAPI KREDİ KORAY GAYRİMENKUL YATIRIM ORTAKLIĞI A.Ş.€¦· Değerleme işlemini genel anlamda olumsuz yönde etkileyen ve sınırlayan bir faktör yoktur. 1.7 Müşteri Taleplerinin

YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI A.Ş. İhraççı Bilgi Dokümanı...SEÇİLMİŞ FİNANSAL BİLGİLER 3.1. Konsolide Bilanço Sınırlı Denetimden Geçmiş Bağımsız Denetimden Geçmiş

YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI A.Ş. İhraççı Bilgi Dokümanı€¦· Yapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş., Web Adresi: ... YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI A.Ş. ... notu ve özetin bir bütün olarak

Borsa İstanbul’da İşlem Gören Bankaların Entelektüel ...· 6 TEKST (Yeni:ICBCT) TEKSTİLBANK (Yeni: ICBC Bank) 7 TSKB TÜRKİYE SINAİ KALKINMA BANKASI 8 YKBNK YAPI VE KREDİ

YAPI KREDi P ,R .. Y YONETiMi A.$.· 2006-2012 Yapi Kredi Bankasi Piyasa Riski Direktoril 2016-Devam Yap1 ve Kredi 14 YII Bankasi Planlama ve Kontrol Grup Direktoril 2007 - 2015

YAPI KREDİ PORTFÖY PY BİRİNCİ DEĞİŞKEN ÖZEL …...Fon’un finansal tabloları ve dipnotları, SPK tarafından 30 Aralık 2013 tarihli bülten ile açıklanan formatlara uygun

YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI A.Ş. BİREYSEL MÜŞTERİ SÖZLEŞMESİassets.yapikredi.com.tr/WebSite/_assets/pdf/bireysel-bankacilik/...· larla ilgili işlemler, Vadeli Bireysel Hesaplarla

YAPI KREDİ PORTFÖY ALTIN FONU...B. Finansman faaliyetlerinden nakit akışları 240.861.734 80.665.491 Katılma payı ihraçlarından elde edilen nakit 410.231.984 153.621.165 Katılma

Kurumsal Yönetim İlkelerine Uyum Derecelendirme Raporu...1 SINIRLAMALAR Kobirate Uluslararası Kredi Derecelendirme ve Kurumsal Yönetim Hizmetleri A.Ş. tarafından Garanti Emeklilik

mit Content von NfA Auslandsausschreibungen· - Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. - Genel Müdürlük Yapi Kredi D Blok Plaza Büyükdere Cad. Levent 34330 Besiktas-Istanbul 212/3 39 70

YAPI KREDi PORTFOY YONETiMi A.~. FON SEPETi ~EMSiYE …· Yonetim Kurulu 2016-Devam Yapi ve Kredi 14 Ytl Ba~kan Y ard1mcis1 Bankasi Planlama ve Kontrol Grup Direktoru 2007 - 2015

BİREYSEL EMEKLİLİK SİSTEMİ· Bireysel Emeklilik Sistemi, SGK’yı tamamlayan ve gönüllülük esasına dayanan bir emeklilik ve tasarruf sistemidir. Bireysel Emeklilik Sistemi’nin

Sustainable Energy Finance Where is the Business ...€¦· Sustainable Energy Finance Where is the Business Opportunity for FIs ... Yapi Kredi Leasing IFC investment: $75M credit

Emeklilik Şirketleri

500.000 TL ve Üzeri - PLATİN / 500.000 TL and over - PLATINUM· İlhan or bodrum gayrİmenkul yat. İnŞ. Ösb consulting İlham lÜtem yapi kredİ emeklİlİk a.Ş. m. selÇuk

YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI A.Ş. İhraççı Bilgi Dokümanı· önce ilan edilecek olan sermaye piyasası aracı notu ve özet aracılığıyla kamuya duyurulacaktır. ... (Otomatik

Ana Sayfa | KKB· YAPI VE KREDi BANKASI A.s. Yapl Kredi Plaza, D Blok 34330 Levent/tstanbul SEKERBANK T.A.S. Büyükdere Cad. No:171 Metrocitv A-Bbk Esentepe/istanbul T.c. ZiRAAT

KİRALIK KASA SÖZLEŞMESİ - YapiKredi· 2015-07-06· Bir taraftan aağıda BANKA adıyla anılacak YAPI ve KREDİ BANKASI A..; diğer taraftan KİRACI adıyla anılacak adı,

Emeklilik şIrketleri.Ppt

YAPI VE KREDİ BANKASI A.Ş. BİREYSEL MÜŞTERİ SÖZLEŞMESİ· Hesaplarla ilgili işlemler, Elektronik Fon Transferi, Virman, Havale, Repo, Ters Repo, Hazine Bonosu, Devlet Tahvili

Yatırım Danışmanlığı Teknik Strateji Bülteni· FINANSBANK A.S. -51.539 AKBANK T.A.S. -39.279 GARANTI BANKASI -22.500 YAPI VE KREDI B -12.750 Diğer -3.501 Günlük Kümülatif

hisselerininBim~ de~isimiYOIUYlj,· Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi Anonim Sirketi'nin Olaganüstü Genel Kurul Toplantisi 18 Temmuz 2007 Çarsamba günü saat 11.00'de, Banka merkezi olan

TİCARİ MÜŞTERİLER İÇİN YAPI KREDİ İNTERNET ......yazılımların telif hakkının BANKA’ya ait olduğunu, bu yazılımları hiçbir şekilde çoğaltıp dağıtmayacağını


TAKSİTLİ EĞİTİM SİSTEMİ YAPI KREDİ MOBİL İLE BAŞVURU …· TALİMAT GİRİŞİ 1 2 3 4 5 1. Yapı Kredi Mobil’e giriş yapılır > Sol menüye tıklanır > Ödemeler

Katılım Emeklilik Anasayfa - Bireysel Emeklilik ve …...2 KATILIM EMEKLİLİK VE HAYAT A.Ş. KATILIM KATKI EMEKLİLİK YATIRIM FONU İZAHNAMESİ Bu izahname 4632 sayılı Bireysel

KOÇ ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÇALIŞANLARI KURUMSAL SAĞLIK …sgsymposium.org/sites/my.ku.edu.tr/files/YAPI KREDİ SAĞLIK...· Fizik Tedavi / Rehabilitasyon Yıllık 2.500 100% Evde Bakım

Emeklilik dilekçesi için gerekenler· Bilgilendirme broşürü Emeklilik dilekçesi için gerekenler Sigorta hesabının açıklığa kavuşturulmuş olması halinde, emeklilik

Yapi Kredi Emeklilik a.S. 2010 Annual Report - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.