Beware the Viper's Fangs - Chapter 2 - AsOneWithWindAndCloud - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

For the past few weeks, Kocho,, Midoriya’s new instructor, was focused on analyzing Midoriya’s fighting style in comparison to existing ones that have written records. For example, Water Breathing is typically associated with fluidity, wherein its movements are focused on the constant flowing forms of water. Wind Breathing on the other hand is more based on erraticism. Fluid, yet unpredictable, where resistance meets change.

She could instantly tell that Midoriya is an insightful young man. He follows instructions well, and he conducts his own interpretations in his head. But Kocho could see what Iguro was talking about when he said that Midoriya was predictable. It was exactly because that Midoriya follows instructions well that it prevents him freedom. No wonder Serpent Breathing didn’t work.

Although he follows the motion and it seems “flowy” because of his attention to detail, it’s not fit for Serpent Breathing. She understands Iguro’s reasons for sending him to the Insect Hashira.

“Midoriya, come here for a moment, please.” Midoriya stored the worn-out katana to the side and walked towards his new mentor. “From a technical perspective, you’ve pretty much understood the basic katas of the corps, even the supposed movements of Serpent Breathing. However…”

Midoriya could sense that “however” an entire city away. “Iguro-san is right. You have a sort of… ‘stiffness” to your movements. Or as he said, predictable. I’ll try my best to teach you my Breathing Technique, but I must warn you, it may not be suited for you in the slightest. After all, just like Iguro-san,” Kocho kept her easygoing smile in place. “I developed a Breathing Technique that is completely suited for myself.”

The sound a blade swishing out of its scabbard was heard. Kocho was twirling the weapon with her fingers, settling it comfortably between the digits. “Observe this blade, Midoriya. Tell me your insights about it.”

When he took a closer look at the weapon, he immediately saw that it was missing a good portion of its body. It was mostly comprised of a tip and a base before meeting its hilt. “Your blade is unique as well…” he stared at it, clearly awestruck. “It kind of reminds me of insect stingers.”

The blade was expertly weaved in front of him, being sheathed back to its scabbard. “Correct! Oh, I think I’ll have a fun time nitpicking your brain, Midoriya. You’re right. In a sense, this is a stinger. If you’ve noticed my body composition, I’m not built like Iguro-san or how many other slayers you’ve seen. I’m simply too weak to behead a demon.”

Midoriya’s eyes widened. “But wait… Aren’t there only two ways to kill demons?” Kocho only giggled innocently, “Oh, I do believe your previous mentor forgot to tell you? Demons are repulsed by wisteria flowers.” Her grin turned darker with her gaze. “By extracting wisteria flower essences, I’m able to incorporate poison and inject a lethal dose towards demons.”

All that Midoriya could do was stare wide-eyed at the revelation. ‘This changes everything… The sheer potential of using wisteria extract… and its interaction with demon blood as well.

“W-What’s the science for that? Is there any reason why it works on demons?” If possible, Kocho’s smile turned way more saccharine. “I admire the enthusiasm, but because of the nature of demons being homicidal, I dispose of them as fast as possible. Also, regular demons’ blood burn easily when exposed to the sun, and my poison alters the blood too fast for me to collect a normal sample.”

She turned and grabbed a wooden variant of her blade. “My theories revolve around its toxins such is lectin and wisterin glycoside, however that brings up questions such as why specifically wisteria and not other plants? What if instead of the toxins, it uses the sunlight absorption of the plant? Too many variables, too little samples.” She hands the wooden training blade to Midoriya.

“We’ll see how your body reacts to Insect Breathing.”

The following weeks were spent with training with Kocho, honing his body to learn Insect Breathing. Between those weeks, Midoriya has set up communications with the Monomas once again, and in turn received his quite lengthy reply, especially with his unexpected radio silence.

Kocho accidentally caught a glimpse of the letter. She’s gotta say, the Monoma kid was incredibly poetic. Using an abundance of unique words that can absolutely flatter anyone.

And truth be told… Even though the world is unaware of the existence of demons, as a demon slayer, you experience life at its darkest moments. It’s nice to see that something as pure as a crush still exists in this world. Frankly, she’s seen it plenty of times with Kanroji and Iguro. Those two kept dancing around each other so much, she just wanted to smash their heads together.

Meanwhile, there was also Kocho’s other Tsuguko: Kanao Tsuyuri.

Kanao was adopted by the Hashira a few years ago. Midoriya met Kanao sometime during his training. Kocho was starting to instruct him when it came to Total Concentration Breathing. Aoi and three other children started helping Midoriya with his training by tending to his needs, aiding him with flexibility and such, and if he ever sustained injuries, they would help him.

The senior Tsuguko found Midoriya blowing his lungs out with the gourd. So far, he hasn’t been successful.

Meanwhile, although Midoriya could see Kanao through his peripherals, she would never approach him. However, there are some moments where he would see her flip a coin every now and then. He had no idea what for, but he supposed that if she didn’t want to speak to him, then he is not about to force her. All he had to focus on right now was breaking the gourd.

The days slowly blended together that there have been a lot of times where he doubted if he even made any progress at all. As he drank his water, Aoi huffed out while she whipped out a sheet of blanket. In his time here, he’s seen a multitude of slayers come and go for recovery… Some, however, are less fortunate.

“Midoriya-sama, your while I must admit that your progress to Total Concentration Breathing has been slow, but you shouldn’t let it discourage you. Many slayers have encountered the same problems over the years.” Midoriya sighed. Although it was harsh, it was the truth. Midoriya wasn’t having much luck figuring out how to breathe properly. If he doesn’t master this, he wouldn’t be able to even begin training for Insect Breathing.

“Hm… it seems Iguro-san forgot to teach you the techniques we use. Total Concentration Breathing: Constant. It is the very breathing that allows us to keep fighting and moving for a prolonged period of time.” Midoriya stared at Kocho incredulously. “Total Concentration Breathing?”

She nodded. “Simply speaking, we’re making full use of your lungs. You use Total Concentration Breathing when you’re performing your forms. With Constant, however, you continuously expanding your lungs to its full capacity without straining will let not only let you breathe more efficiently, but as well as increase your performance.” Kocho walked away, and when she returned, she sported a small, ceramic gourd.

“Your task is to improve your breathing to the point where you are able to shatter this gourd.” Midoriya looked at it doubtfully, unsure if she was kidding or not. She seemed to sense that, so in an effortless breath, she managed to burst the gourd. “That’s what you will be doing.”

And this is how one Midoriya Izuku found himself with another gourd in the middle of the traditionally-styled mansion.

However, this day is going to be different. Why?

Because one Kanao Tsuyuri would be approaching him today.

It clearly caught him off-guard, especially with the fact that she usually just stood aside, flipping a coin every now and then. This time, she proceeded with her usual coin flips… But right after, she approached him.

It clearly caught him off-guard, especially since this was unusual for him. “H-H-Hello!” was all he could mustered, raising his pitch and volume more than necessary. Kanao, however, kept up with her impassively smiling face before speaking, “The problem is not because of your consistency nor your technique, but rather your execution.”

Midoriya’s face was decorated with surprise. Not only was she talking to him willingly, she wasl also giving him constructive advice. “H-How do you mean?” to which Kanao replied, “You breathe with your lungs. It might be effective for executing a form; however, it causes you to tense up your upper body. Your movements are not fluid. You have to breathe with your diaphragm, as well as by bracing your lower half while your upper body is relaxed.”

At her instructions, Midoriya started pondering, running Kanao’s guides through his brain. “If you’re breathing with your diaphragm, it lessens the stress on your lungs and shoulders! Kanao, you’re a genius!” Midoriya stared at her with a twinkle in his eyes. Kanao kept the same expression on her face, bowing. “It’s no problem. Please excuse me.” She turned on her heel, heading back to her quarters.

“W-Wait! My name’s Midoriya Izuku. I hope we get along well!” She stopped in her steps and looked at him. “It is a pleasure to meet you. Please excuse me.”

Even though Kanao’s mannerisms were still considered strange for Midoriya, he stilled smiled as he continued his training using Kanao’s advice.

Kocho popped in every now and then, observing how Midoriya’s breathing has strengthened. It was clear that Kanao aided him, seeing as how Midoriya was struggling for a significant amount of time. However, what got her more intrigued was how quick Midoriya was to adapt a new technique. He might not have mastered it, for now anyway, however his kinesthetic intelligence is definitely an asset that helps him attain his goals faster than most people.

So, while Midoriya was meditating and concentrating on his breathing, Kocho found it fit to interrupt his concentration as a form of training.

“Oh? Seems you’ve figured it out!” Kocho’s sudden appearance at Midoriya’s side caused the latter to jolt and hack up a lung with all his might. “K-Kocho-san!” He continued to cough out loud, to which Kocho hummed saying, “But it seems you still need time before you master such technique.”

She giggled and clapped her hands. “No matter. At the rate you’re going, I wouldn’t be surprised if you manage to get the hang of it. Keep up with your training, and once you’ve managed to completely shatter the drinking gourd…”

Kocho looked at Midoriya expectantly, where the younger replied, “We… start training for Insect Breathing?” Kocho laughed and shook her head. “Not at all! Then you shall start your training with blowing up a gourd about the same height as you!”

Midoriya groaned, already having such a hard time with the small one, and now he has to blow something up the same size as him? Can’t he just get lung transplants…

Throughout his training with the damned gourd, Aoi and the three other young children of the Butterfly Mansion continued aiding Midoriya with his endeavors of learning Total Concentration Breathing: Constant. It took a number of attempts before he became capable of consistently breaking the gourds.

Midoriya smiled, presenting himself to the Insect Hashira. “I’ve succeeded with the gourds, Kocho-san.” Kocho nodded. “Indeed. Well, if that’s the case, follow me.”

Kocho led the way outside the yard, and there was a clearing. It leads to a forest that seemed to head upwards, towards a mountain. “Your next task is to move upwards the mountain and downwards the mountain all the while continuing to use Total Concentration Breathing: Constant. I assure you, that would be the easier task compared to learning how to wield a rather intricate blade. Besides, from what I can see… I don’t think you’d have much problem at all.”

“If anything…” she continued, “I’d be willing to say you’re just as, if not more, talented as Kanao.”

Well to hear your mentor compare you to her other excellent mentee is quite the motivation! Now, Midoriya has to ensure that he doesn’t screw this up because if he does? Well… He’ll cross that bridge when he gets there.

…He won’t be reaching that bridge any time soon.

Midoriya lets out a frustrated shout, throwing the carefully designed blade replica towards a tree. Kocho kept her smile on her face, but she can’t help but stare at the direction of the blade. “Dammit!”

It was enough to get Kocho’s attention back at him. She walked calmly towards the boy, who was incredibly frustrated because of his incapability to successfully perform any semblance of the Techniques that were taught to him. His body was too stiff for Serpent Breathing, but also too strong for the precision required by Insect Breathing. He’s unable to perform it without hacking up violently, despite accomplishing the task of walking up and down the mountain.

“Why can’t I just do it? I’ve been training consistently and nothing works! Not Insect Breathing, not Serpent Breathing, nothing!” Midoriya leaned on the gigantic boulder that was tasked with cutting in half.

Kocho thought it best to intervene right about now. “Midoriya-kun, take a deep breath. Only the immature people let their feelings out on a rampage.” She handed him a cup of tea as well as a towel. “Let yourself calm down and see things from a different angle.”

Midoriya flushed red from all his frustrations and embarrassment, but he slowly cooled down. “Different angle?” He asked.

“Yes. Look.” She gestured to the direction where the wooden katana was embedded cleanly halfway through a tree trunk. The young boy couldn’t help but stare at the accidental feat he made, but it still intrigued him.

“Can you see now?” Kocho asked. “Your training has not been for naught. I believe there to be a possibility that your body is just suited for something else. Something that doesn’t exist just yet. Something…”

Midoriya looked at her with inspiration. “Something you are yet to make.”

She walked back towards the armory and tossed him another blade. Thicker, longer. (Get your minds out of the gutter.)

“Your mind is bright, Midoriya-kun. You already have a bank of information inside your head. Apply that knowledge and form your own style.”

Midoriya stared at the wooden blade in his hands curiously. All his abilities… Make a Breathing Technique that suits his body…

He faces his right as he drops the sword, blade facing downward. He braced his knees and he took a few deep breaths…

“Now!” Without a proper name, he couldn’t possibly speak out a form, yet he managed to launch himself forward. He used his remaining strength to bring that blade forward…

“What a completely unforeseen and interesting development!” Kocho said to herself while she kept her up her façade.

If Kocho was asked what it looked like… Midoriya looked like he was coiled up, waiting just for the perfect time to strike. And with how he struck using the blade, it felt as if a snake had bitten its prey, and it wouldn’t let go no matter how much it struggled.

Clapping deliberately slowly, Kocho told him, “Wonderful, Midoriya-kun. You’re on your way to build up on your foundation.”

Beware the Viper's Fangs - Chapter 2 - AsOneWithWindAndCloud - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.