Maybe It's You (I'm Wishing For) - Infinity_wiccan - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter 1: Genya | Muichiro

Chapter Text

“Good morning, Tokitou. Who died?”

Muichiro’s usual blank expression twitches when he sees Genya approaching from the other side of the school gates. His lip curls upwards in disgust.

“Dunno.” Muichiro replies flatly. “Probably three weeks worth of my appetite when I saw your face. Who are you again?”

Genya smirks. “Right. As if I don’t live in your mind rent-free.” He considers it as an achievement to be the only one who’s able to get a rise out of this midget who has the emotional capacity of a chopping board.

He falls into step beside Muichiro as they march past the school gates without sparing each other another glance.

Tomioka-sensei might’ve as well become one of the inanimate trash bins.

“Then you better pay up because your dump truck ass is taking lots of space.”

Genya sputters like a beat up car.

“F-fu--f*ck you, perv! Why are you talking about my ass?!” He whips around to try and check out the said body part. “You’re still mad that Tanjiro agreed to tutor me, huh? Me and him, all alone for an hour. Who knows where it’ll lead?” Genya taunts.

This. This guy with a horse mane for a hairstyle is the reason Muichiro couldn’t hang out with his crush anymore, the only thing he ever looked forward to at the end of the day.

This guy with a dump truck Pixar-mom ass forced him to cancel plans that he had spent days making.

Muichiro wanted to visit the ice cream shop after school? I’m sorry!I have to tutor Genya.

Muichiro has tickets to the aquarium next Saturday? Can’t, Muichiro. I’m coming over to Genya’s.

One of Muichiro’s fists balls on his side, itching to land on somebody’s face. But he wouldn’t give the owner of that said face the satisfaction of getting to him. “You know Tanjiro tutoring you literally meant that he’s helping you out because it’s a mutual fact between you that you’re a dumbass, right?”

Elsewhere, underneath a cherry blossom tree, the root of these two’s animosity is laughing and chilling with his friends without a care in the world.

No, that’s wrong.

It’s Tanjiro Kamado. He wholeheartedly cares about the world. He’d carry the world in his shoulders with a smile on his face, dressed in drag and in platform heels if somebody dared him to.

“MUICHIRO! GENYA!” The sunshine incarnate beckons them over and of course, the two couldn’t help but gravitate towards their sun.

They stare at each other for a beat before breaking into an aggressive run towards the cherry blossom tree.

“Out of my way, Shortcake!” Genya grunts at Muichiro. If only it wasn’t morally wrong, he’d trip this leprechaun right here, right now.

“Trivia time. Your phat ass is not proportional to your body which upsets your overall balance, which is why you’re slow as f*ck.” Muichiro informs him as if reading from a science text book.

“Screw you! You’re making sh*t up!”

Eight smooth chimes echoes all around, causing the loitering students to pick up their bags and proceed to the entrance.

“f*ck your ding-dong-ding-ding!” Genya yells at the school building itself.

He thought that his longer legs would get him to Tanjiro first and Muichiro thought that his light feet would propel him faster.

“Tanjiro!” Genya and Muichiro yell in unison.

“Hmm?” Tanjiro, who’s gathering his things, whips around to greet them but the poor unsuspecting lad did not anticipate the impact of two desperate hom*osexuals barreling towards him.

The result was unpleasant. And painful.

Genya had accidentally pinned Tanjiro’s right shoulder roughly against the tree trunk in an attempt to grab him while Muichiro yanked at his left arm with a shockingly strong death grip.

Half of Tanjiro’s body is being pushed and the other is being pulled. It’s like he’s being forced to be in two places at once and they wouldn’t be surprised if he would just rip in the middle like paper.

“Hey! Are we still on for tonight?!” Genya grins at Tanjiro which meant that to others, he’s probably looking like a deranged serial killer. “I really need help with my Math worksheet!”

“O-oh, the tutoring! I-yeah, o-of course! If I’m--” Tanjiro laughs through the pain.

“But you promised me you’d help me pick Dad’s present!” Muichiro asserts, his face still in it’s usual calm but the way he tugs at Tanjiro’s arm speaks the opposite.

“Oh! Haha! T-that’ that today?”

“Piss off, Wee-wee!” Genya barks at the other boy. “It’s your dad! Why don’t you let your own brother help you?”

“Says the idiot with a teacher for a brother.” Muichiro fires back coolly. “How come he’s not helping you, huh, Genya? Too dumb, too hopeless even for the Math pro?”

Nobody except for Tanjiro saw Genya flinch.

“Muichiro, that’s not a nice thing to say!” The redhead flashes the shortest boy a rare, stern look. He sighs. “Look, Uncle’s birthday is not until the weekend so I’d go with you some other time, okay? I already promised something to Genya.”

A victorious smirk crawls up Genya’s face, making Muichiro’s blood boil.

Genya- 1
Muichiro- 0

Wait. Did Tanjiro refer to Muichiro’s father as ‘Uncle’?

“Our families go way back.” Tanjiro responds to Genya’s sudden confusion. “Our great-great-grandfathers were close friends and we actually treat each other as cousins. Right, Nezuko?” The girl cheerfully nods at that.

Oh right, they’ve forgotten her and the rest of Tanjiro’s friends existing.

“Alright.” Muichiro calmly lets go of Tanjiro’s arm. He might’ve been enjoying Genya’s stupid, dumbfounded face at the revelation too much that he decided to back off for now. “I’ll see you at the party on Saturday.” He struts away with confidence, knowing that Genya’s ‘friendship’ with Tanjiro was nothing compared to the years his and the latter’s family had known one another.

Genya- 1
Muichiro- 75

Saturday afternoon arrives. Muichiro was able to get his dad a fountain pen. Unfortunately for him, Tanjiro became preoccupied with school and with their family’s bakery so he wasn't able to accompany the fourteen year old. (But it’s okay as it turned out, they planned to surprise Mr. Tokitou with a glorious, four tier birthday cake.)

Yuichiro refused to go out with him for some reason.

They had a pleasant time with the adults just chatting and having tea and the kids whipping out their handheld game consoles. Yuichiro fires up his PlayStation 5 because he's superior to them lot.

At twelve in the afternoon, they finally dig into a sumptuous feast, courtesy of Mrs. Tokitou’s excellent cooking and the numerous takeouts the Kamados brought. Mr. Tokitou started passing cans of beer along the table for the adults while the children, quickly ushered back to the living room, stuffed their faces with sweets on the desserts table.

After lunch is when things turn wild.

Tanjuro Kamado who got pissed drunk after twelve cans started twerking to Megan Thee Stallion on his wheelchair, cheered on by his own children.

Also seeking attention, Mr. Tokitou attempted to break dance which almost resulted to breaking his neck

One of Tanjiro’s brothers touched Yuichiro’s PS5 controller with their dirty Cheeto cheese fingers causing him to go apesh*t for half an hour, screaming murder. (Literally the scariest moment of their life.)

And then somebody caught explosive diarrhea.

Finally, at four in the afternoon, the doorbell rings.

Muichiro’s heart leapt. “That must be Tanjiro!” He launches himself off the couch with such force, knocking over Tanjiro’s little siblings who had also flocked to the door. They all flop to the floor like bowling pins.

“Hey, Tanjiro! Everyone’s wai--w-what....what the hell is he doing here?!” Muichiro openly points at a very awkward Genya Shinazugawa scratching the back of his head behind Tanjiro.

“Oi, you dickhe*d!” Yuichiro joins in. Nothing personal but his twin’s enemy is his enemy by default.

“dickhe*d! dickhe*d!” The family parrot, Ginko, squawks. She flies off her fake tree branch to defecate on the youngest Kamado’s head.

He bursts into tears.

“Yuichiro, language! Ginko, stop that, you silly bad girl! Takeo, please go find Nezuko so she could clean up Rokuta. Thank you, dear.” Mrs. Tokitou cries above Ginko and Rokuta’s ear-splitting duet as she passes through the chaos happening all at once. “What is going on in there-- oh! Tanjiro, it’s you dear! Come in, come in, you two!”

“Hi, Auntie!” Tanjiro bumps cheeks with the twin’s mother. “I brought along a friend, this is Genya, I hope you and Uncle don’t mind.”

“Of course we don’t! Welcome, Genya .”

But I mind! I mind! I f*cking mind! Why is he with you?!

“But what’s he doing here?” Muichiro whines amidst Tanjiro’s little siblings noisily jumping around their brother.

“Muichiro, Yuichiro, be nice. He’s Tanjiro’s friend.” Their father waves them off before smiling up at Genya like a long lost son. “Have you two eaten? Come on in and have some snack.”

“Thank you, Sir. Happy birthday.” Genya sheepishly follows after Tanjiro and Mr. Tokitou, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else than here.

Good! Because every inch of him is unwelcome in his home!

Angrily, Muichiro speeds after the group towards the dining room. He bolts to the table where he violently squeezes himself between Tanjiro and Genya, grabbing the back of the dining chair as if his life depended on it. “Mind if I sit here?” He glares at the taller boy.

Genya grits his teeth. An equally annoyed pair of purple meets hostile teal. “Not at all, it’s your house.”

“The nerve of you to come here.” And with Tanjiro too. Muichiro murmurs out of the corner of his mouth as soon as they both settle on their places. “Your chonky phat ass on our dining seat was not on my bingo card!”

“Why are you so obsessed with my bum, you gremlin?” Genya hisses under his breath. Mrs. Tokitou walks by carrying a tray of sandwiches. Genya waits until she’s a good distance away before addressing Muichiro again. “One more word about my ass and I’m going to think you’re actually gay for me-- OUCH!”

“Genya, are you okay, my boy?” Mr. Tokitou and Tanjiro who was deep in their own conversation flash the both of them identical looks of concern.

“Y-yes, Sir! I-I apologize, Sir!” Genya bends down to massage his foot which Muichiro brutally stomped on.

“He hurt the huge ingrown in his toenail.” Muichiro didn’t hesitate. One of Tanjiro’s little brothers retches at that then spits out his food.

Mr. Tokitou saunters off to find something for Genya’s nonexistent ingrown while Tanjiro tends to his brother and the mess he made. Muichiro pulls Genya by his jacket’s collar.

“Okay, listen here, Egghead. One, yes I’m gay but the very last thing I would ever touch is your filthy Shinazugussy--

“My what?!”

“Your Shinazugussy.”

“I’m a virg--”

Muichiro presses on, “And two, you never answered my question. What the hell are you doing here and why the f*ck are you with Tanjiro again?” He literally rattles Genya twice with surprising strength caused by all the pent up annoyance he had towards the scarred boy.

Genya slaps Muichiro’s hands away. “As if I wanted to be here!” He tugs on his crumpled collars to smooth them out again. Then his furrowed brows unfurl and his annoyed look shifts into a mocking expression. “It was Tanjiro who invited me, as you can see clearly but before that, we were hanging out at this cozy cafe, just the two of us....for four hours.” Muichiro’s eyes widen just as much as the teasing smirk on Genya’s face.

So Tanjiro ditched his own family, his family friends, and Muichiro for hours in favor of being with this Ginormous f*ckface?

Muichiro opens his mouth for a retort but in that moment, to both their surprise, Mr. and Mrs. Tokitou rush in to the dining room followed by the man on the wheelchair who was twerking earlier.

“Muichiro, Tanjiro! Help us organize the table, quick! It’s okay, you can sit back, Genya.” Mr. Tokitou raises a hand when Genya got on his feet to assist.

“Why, Dad, what’s the matter?”

“What’s going on, Uncle?”

“He’s here! I dunno how, I never--”

“Nooo!” Muichiro cries out. “Dad, you said you didn’t invite him!”

“We didn’t!” Tanjiro’s father, now fully sober, speaks up. “We made sure to tell him that there won't be a party.”

“Sorry, who’s he ?” Genya pipes in.

Nobody was able to answer him as everyone was preoccupied with the sleek, handsome car pulling in the driveway.

“Aight, Imma head out..” Ginko soars out of an open window.

A young man in uniform exits from the driver’s seat, walks around the vehicle to open the backseat passenger door where the most ancient and possibly the surliest-looking person Genya ever saw carefully steps out of the car with his walking stick.

Genya’s first impression of him is that he resembled that old turd-like thingy in the wheelchair from SpongeBob.

They watch the pair trudge up the porch steps. The old man glares at all of them from outside. How is he seemingly able to look at everyone all at the same time, nobody knows f*ck. Creepy sh*t. No matter who you are or where you are inside the house, he’s always looking back at you.

Must have six eyes and all.

“That’s Muichiro and Yuichiro’s great-great-grandfather, Sir Michikatsu.” Tanjiro stands on tippy toes to whisper on Genya’s ear. He shivers from the sudden warm breath on his neck.

How is that thing still alive? Genya wanted to ask but not wanting to be rude, he says, “Is he the close friend of yor ancestor you mentioned?”

“Great-great-grandjiji Sumiyoshi.” Tanjiro utters then shakes his burgundy head. “No, Great-great-grandpapa Yoriichi, Sir Michikatsu’s twin, was the one close with my jiji. They were only friends because of their mutual bond with Yoriichi but they’ure not that close. He and my family don’t like each other very much.”

Proof of that is Michikatsu asking why are the Kamados invited to a family affair as soon as one gnarly old foot crosses the threshold.

“You lot are just dirtying the house whenever you’re here. That’s the effect of having no mother to watch over you, tsk, tsk....Oh, is that you, Yuichiro? Muichiro? Whatever. Boy, you’re a lot skinnier than the last time I saw you, is your mother feeding you well? Goodness, oh, hello dear.” He reluctantly exchange cheek kisses with Mrs. Tokitou who was the only one brave enough to approach the old man. “What’s with that silly get up? Dress like a respectable woman, will you? Even my late wife was more proper than that and I fished her out of a Red Light District.” Mrs. Tokitou tugs at the skirt of her yellow dress as subtle as she could.

Mr. Tokitou balls both his fists under the table.

Tanjuro tensed on his chair. It was a mercy that he didn’t get to hear Michikatsu’s comments about his dead wife and his children earlier or he’d bludgeon the sour old sock to death with his wheelchair and then he’d Hinokami Twerk on his grave until dawn.

“Come on, I don’t wanna be here with the old fart. Let’s go up--” Muichiro hurriedly links arms with Tanjiro to pull him away from the dining room.

“I can’t-- I can’t just leave Genya here, Muichiro!” Tanjiro cries out under his breath.

“He is NOT going into my room!” Muichiro bombastically side-eyes Genya.

“Then he’ll be staying here.” Genya grabs onto Tanjiro’s other arm. Despite the tense atmosphere brought on by the arrival of a rude raisin, all he care about is not leaving the two alone even for a minute.

Muichiro growls before roughly tugging Tanjiro towards his end. “That’s not for you to decide, vish*tor!”

“Let go, you--”

“My, my, what do we have here?”

The three immediately freeze where they stand upon hearing that voice. Genya, not even familiar with it’s owner, feels his entire body being nailed on the spot as if the old man’s sentence was a command for him to stay where he is. ”Hakuji, get me to that seat, will you?” The old man turns to his driver. The young man gave a little bow before helping his boss onto a seat at the head of the table.

“Fighting, boys?” Michikatsu continues in a cold draw. Scarlet, veiny eyes trained on all three of them. “What are you doing to my grandson, boy?” Genya automatically lets out a nervous whimper at that.

For a moment, he thought Michikatsu addressed him but then a mortified Tanjiro smiles awkwardly as he gently shakes off Muichiro’s arm then raise both his hands in surrender. “S-sorry, Sir Michikatsu, we--”

“Sit, Muichiro. Let’s catch up.” Michikatsu did not even let Tanjiro finish. “And somebody fetch Yuichiro as well.” To their relief, Yuichiro sits at the table on his own accord. Muichiro and Tanjiro follows, who beckons for Genya to do the same.

Mr. Tokitou and Tanjuro give their respective sons encouraging smiles.

‘Catching up’ meant Michikatsu getting the Tokitou twins to tell him all about school and their achievements so far. Impressive to the public ear but Michikatsu merely scoffs everytime the twins attempt to show off, he’d dismissively wave them off before pointing out how they could’ve done better.

Five minutes into the conversation and with lots of interruption from the two fathers whenever things start getting heated, Yuichiro was already mutilating a hotdog sandwich with his fork due to sheer annoyance towards the blabbering old man.

“Origami? You kids hold worthless contests for folding a paper, goodness me! Child, if you’re so proud of that, it means you can only go that far....”

Muichiro eventually dwindles into silence like deflated balloon that even Genya felt a bit slightly sorry for him. A bit! A bit!

“Don’t you think so as well, boy?”

Nobody answered.

A nudge to his arm informs Genya that the question was for him. His heartbeat picks up in speed.

“Oh! U-uhm..”

“Who are you?”

“P-pardon, Sir?”

Michikatsu rolls his eyes at him. “Couldn’t you understand basic question, kid?”

“He’s Tanjiro’s friend, Grandfather!” Yuichiro butts in.

“I’m aware of that, silly child.” Michikatsu sassed, raising an eyebrow.

“Grandpa! Please!” Mr. Tokitou cries out. Yuichiro once again wonders what’s stopping them from unaliving this man. If they could all just team up...

Tanjiro takes a gulp of water before answering, “He’s Genya Shinazugawa, a friend from school. I’m helping him out with works.”

“And now he’s suddenly mute?” Michikatsu chews his forkful of salad while he scrutinizes Genya. Genya suddenly fantasizes impaling the fork further in his wrinkly mouth. “Funny you kids still need tutoring these days when everything is on the internet! Everything is literally spoonfed to you lucky brats and you still need help? Gencho boy, are your brain functions devolving or what? Very pathetic, if you ask me.”

Genya didn’t bother to respond, only bowed his head from shame. Who is this guy? What did Genya ever do to him? He thought he’s already immune to names and insults thrown at him by his father, he didn’t deserve being humiliated by someone he didn’t even know and in front of strangers too! In front of Tanjiro whom he front of Muichiro who’s probably laughing--

“That’s the point, nobody asked you.” Muichiro rises up from his seat, trying not to buckle under the weight of the evil old man’s fiery glare. He may look fierce on the outside but a little amount of pee is actually coming out of him.

“So please try to keep your opinion to yourself next time?” Yuichiro seconds.

“Muichiro! Yuichiro!” Somebody yells.

The twins didn’t care who it was. They’ll face the consequences later. Right now, Muichiro has to separate some people away from his great-great-grandfather especially if the angry fossil with issues start bullying teenagers again, what if he picks on Tanjiro this time?

He simply scoops up the said boy by the arm to drag him away, who in turn, taps Genya’s shoulder so the sixteen year old could follow them. “Coming?” Muichiro turns to his twin.

“Betcha.” Yuichiro trails after the three other boys, leaving a blanket of heavy awkwardness in their wake.

Chapter 2: You've Got a Friend in Me


Genya and Muichiro battle zombies.

Chapter Text

Both Muichiro and Yuichiro let out massive breaths of relief as soon as they reach the end of their street.

“That was sh*tty awful.” Yuichiro scrunches up his nose. “And I’m literally born to cause chaos and destruction.”

“Who do you think invited that tyrannosaurus?”

“Beats me.” Yuichiro shrugs. “But that old fart could hear or see things normal people don’t. He has his own ways.” Muichiro clings to his brother’s arm who thankfully did not shove it away. The euphoria of their solidarity against Michikatsu is keeping the older twin in a good mood.

“Don’t take it to heart.” They hear Tanjiro comforting Genya behind them. “He’s always rude to everyone. There’s nothing wrong with me tutoring you, okay?”

Muichiro glances at the two over his shoulder. Tanjiro was looking up at Genya, one hand resting on the taller boy’s back.

Occasionally, he would lay his head on Genya’s bicep while while the arm patting his back start rubbing soothing circles. Genya was only nodding along but Muichiro did not mistake the faint pink coloring both his cheeks.

Suppose he could let that be for now. Genya might be a daily eyesore and a human version of a pimple he’d like to pop but no one deserved to be dissed by an old man who smelled like socks.

God, it’s so f*cking shameful to be related to him. He almost wanted to apologize to Genya.

“So guys...” Muichiro eyeballs his three companions. “Wanna hit the arcade?”

Tanjiro’s already beaming face lights up even more. “Yes, yes, please! Until closing time!” He enthusiastically cheers. Muichiro and Genya melt at boy’s reaction.

Ugh, so adorable! It’s rare to see him ‘rebellious’ like this.

Ever since losing their mother to sickness years ago, Tanjiro had to man up at such a young age for the sake of his siblings and his disabled father. He’d be the one to take care of their needs, would stay up late to do most of the housework so his siblings would be free of chores, be his father’s all around assistant in their bakery, be the children’s mentor...

The most admirable thing is that he does it all willingly, with love, and a smile on his face.

But why do both boys feel a little uneasy with that?

Muichiro’s ‘apology’ to Genya turn out to be a large cup of watermelon-flavored soda. But there’s no way he’d tell him that so he also bought his twin and Tanjiro their own drinks.

“Huh? How’d you know I like watermelon?” Genya raises what little eyebrow he had.

Muichiro glares at his watermelon-patterned backpack. “I don’t.”

The twins bought craptons of arcade tokens which they distributed fairly among the four of them and while Yuichiro and Tanjiro played just for fun, somehow, a competition had sparked between Muichiro and Genya.

For every use, the arcade machines will spit out a number of tickets depending on how well the player did. After the player is done for the day, the tickets collected will be counted at the Redemption Booth where it will be converted to points. Prizes can be attained through points.

More tickets, more points, bigger rewards.

There’s this gigantic purple stuffed bear sitting on a shelf.

Coincidentally, both Muichiro and Genya wanted to get it for Tanjiro.

Great! There’s gonna be a team up?

While that would probably be the faster and surer way to win the damn thing, remember that the boys are also fighting for their pride. (And still actually dislikes each other.)

And so for hours, the two stubbornly determined boys hop from one machine to another to collect as much tickets as they could. Genya, thanks to his sporty build, was able to ace the physical games with ease. The same couldn’t be said for Muichiro. The sportiest thing he ever did in his life was probably lifting an encyclopedia.

“How many you got?!” Muichiro thunders at Genya, seeing his long line of tickets already coiling on the floor.

Genya, after claiming another bundle of ticket he won from the claw machine, smirks at Muichiro. “Almost six thousand, baby.”

“Damn you, cheat! I paid for your tokens!” Muichiro stomps his foot as his hands fly to his waist furiously.

Genya sticks out his tongue at the pouting child. “So what, I’ll win that thing through my efforts and not your money!”

“Out of my way!” Muichiro shooed him as he attempt his luck on the claw machine Genya just vacated. “Why are you still here?”

Genya pretends to check an invisible watch. “Figure I’d take a break. Go on, goodluck.” He crosses his arms teasingly then leans on the machine beside the one Muichiro’s currently abusing.

“This sh*t is rigged!” he snaps at Genya after his sixth unsuccessful try as if Genya himself had tampered with it. "Noooo!" By the time he had wasted thirteen of his tokens, Muichiro’s enraged face scrunches up, obviously on the verge of tears.

“For f*ck’s sake!” Without thinking, Genya grabs the smaller’s wrist to tow him out of there before Muichiro could sell his soul to the machine.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Muichiro attempts to wriggle out of his grip but Genya didn’t respond until they stop in front of a huge machine with dual guns attached to it.

“Look, I’ll help you out since I’m a nice guy.” Muichiro throws him a doubtful look. “We’ll do this together and split the tickets.”

As if I would cooperate with you! Muichiro stares daggers at Genya, and then to his meager collection of tickets, and then at the huge stuffed bear still sitting on it’s place, waiting, beckoning....

Tanjiro’s grateful smiling face flashes in his imagination.

“Fine! But don’t cheat me out of my tickets or I swear--”

Team up is happening after all.

“Geez. I’m not the hellspawn among the two of us.” Genya raises his hands in mock surrender. He fishes out two tokens out of his pocket and inserts them inside the slot.

The game loads immediately.

Muichiro’s soul almost peels off his body when a screeching zombie suddenly zooms in on the screen with it’s bloody mouth wide open.“What the fu--?! What’s that?!” He shrieks at Genya.

Genya aims his gun at the screen, pressing the trigger after. A menu pops out, asking them to choose between Versus or Co-Op. Genya selects the last choice.

The mohawked boy tries to stifle his laugh. “It’s a shooting game. We shoot zombies together, we earn points. Simple. Don’t tell me you’re scared? He taunts as Muichiro expertly schools his face back to a deadpan expression.

“Focus on the game, you prat.” Muichiro huffs.

“Alright.” Genya starts. “This won’t be a split-screen as we’re cooperating. Rules are simple, shoot the zombies in sight, shoot the gnarly bitches your teammate wouldn’t be able to see, try to protect each other--”


“--whether you like it or not. If we reach Level 6 without dying, we win three thousand tickets. If we die, we can try again but it’s gonna be your tokens this time. Okay, ready?”


The first level opens to an abandoned but still-operating carnival. Muichiro and Genya’s characters exits what seem to be a locker room. They pass through a brick road lined up with concession stands and colorful souvenir shops. Up ahead is a running merry-go-round and in the distance is the silhouette of a hulking ferris wheel.

I wanna go to an amusem*nt park with Mom, Dad and Yui. Muichiro chose that very moment to daydream which is why he didn’t notice a zombie shuffling out of the popcorn booth his character walked past.


Genya takes the first shot. “Now who’s not focusing on the game?” He tears his sight from the screen to tease the boy beside him.


Five tickets emerge from the slot.

“You are.” The smirk on Muichiro’s face was so saucy that Genya momentarily forgot his own name. “Get your ass in gear, trash!”

Genya returns his gaze back on the screen only to find out that a horde is coming for them. “Whoa! Back up! Back up, idiot! No, not there or they’ll corner us!”

Strings of unpleasant words and weird noises from the two boys dominate the loud pew pew pew-ing of the guns as well as the machine’s sound effects. The arcade, which is already rowdy and chaotic on a normal day was no match against the racket Muichiro and Genya were making.

They would yell at the screen, they would curse at the zombies and more often, they would scream derogatory slurs at each other that would put Yuichiro to shame.

A staff actually had to approach them at one point to kindly tell them to shut it or get booted off the property.

“Phew, last level! We’re doing great!” Genya wipes a a bead of sweat with his sleeve.

They high five.

People hanging around groan in defeat when a large, bloodied number six appears on the screen. It’s going to take another five minutes or more to finish this level by which time the arcade’s about to close. They f*ck off to different directions, mostly going straight to the exit door.

The last few minutes of the game had Muichiro and Genya going back to screeching and howling. Muichiro keeps on bouncing up and down, his raven and mint hair bobs along with every movement.

“Aaand, YEESS!” Genya bellows at the screen when the words THE END flashes before them. “YES! YES! YES!”

Muichiro immediately tends to the jumbled up tickets on the floor. “Hurry, grab your share, it’s nearly closing time!” He calls out sharply to Genya. It was fortunate that Muichiro is a number genius, they were able to divide the tickets in short time.

“So, all, in all...” Why does he have to be so slow in math? “I have....f*ck!” He suddenly cries out loud it startled Muichiro which disrupted his own counting. “I only have seven thousand eighty nine!”

“Oh wow, my three thousand one hundred is very ashamed.” Muichiro says sarcastically.

“sh*t! I would’ve gotten more if I played other games instead of looking after you!” Genya cries in regret.

“Excuse me?!” Muichiro throws his own bundle on the floor. He advances on Genya, their camaraderie from earlier rapidly vanishing. “Are you really that dumb?! You’re the one who had gone heroic on me all of a sudden and now, you’re blaming me, you elongated Humpty Dumpty?!” Muichiro angrily pokes the taller boy on the chest.

Genya’s reply was cut off by a sudden, ear-piercing wail coming from the Redemption Booth.

A black haired child, no older than four or five was mopping the floor with himself. An adult, possibly his own companion, attempts to reach for the child but was thwarted by the boy’s arms and legs madly swaying in the air. The staff manning the Redemption Booth watches on, a genuine look of sorry was painted on her tired, overworked face.

“Come on, Kotetsu. We need to go home.” The man pleads to the kid.

“Nooo! Misty! Misty!” the boy called Kotetsu keeps yelling, one pudgy finger pointing straight at the giant teddy bear on the top shelf. “Uwaaah!”

“Oh this poor child.” An elderly staff comments as she pass by the scene. “Do you want the bear, honey? Do you need a friend?”

“Frieend! Frieend!” He wails. “Misty!”

“Kotetsu dear, we can’t afford this Misty! Let’s go back so we could get more money, okay?”

Aww sh*t. Despite being aware of the fact that they lack the right amount of tickets to redeem the bear, both Muichiro and Genya race to the counter, their panic intensified by a kid having a tantrum. If the staff pities him,if they give in to his sob story, if they decide to give away the bear for free....

“Muichiro, listen!” It was the first time Genya called him by his name. “Let’s just share! If we combine our tickets, we could get that thing, let’s just tell Tanjiro that we got it for him together or something, please! We have to take it now!”

Muichiro hesitates then finds himself nodding frantically. He shoves the rest of his tickets in Genya’s hands.

“Excuse me! Excuse me!” The sixteen year old practically slams the large bundle of jumbled up paper on the counter. “We got--”

“Ten thousand one hundred eighty nine.” Muichiro supplies.

“Awesome, how many tokens did you get?” A dude behind the counter was impressed. The rest of the staff assisted with feeding the tickets to the counting machine, the crying child and his adult companion suddenly forgotten.

When the counting machine had finished gobbling up the papers, it flashed the number 10189 on it’s front, confirming the amount of tickets they collected.

“What would you like to redeem, my dears?” The old woman sweetly asks.

Muichiro gestures to the stuffed animal on the top shelf. “That teddy bear.” The toddler’s screams suddenly picks up in volume, he immediately sits upright from the floor, spinning while kicking his chubby legs in random directions.

The old woman glares at them like they’re heartless bastards.

As the exhausted adult tries to wrestle the child out of his best Roomba impression, the silver nameplate pinned to his shirt glimmers against the light, catching Muichiro’s attention in the process. It read;

Hi, I’m Kanamori-san! :)

“Right. Here you go.” The dude staff deposits the gigantic stuffed bear on the counter. Genya rubs his hands together, excited to give it to Tanjiro. Although he has no choice but to acknowledge the little runt pitching in too, it made him no less eager to see the redhead’s surprised reaction.

Muichiro grabs the bear. It was so huge that his fingers barely touched when he wrapped his arms around it. He begrudgingly looks up at Genya. “Come on, we still have to find them.”

The two boys turn to leave but an unexpectedly strong tug made Muichiro stop in his tracks.

“Kotetsu, NO!” Kanamori attempts to pry Kotetsu’s tubby fingers off the bear’s leg where he’s desperately clinging onto. “I’m so sorry! His family records said he used to have one like this but he also lost it in the fire!” Kanamori exclaims.


Realization hit Muichiro. A four year old child in the company of a social worker is pretty self-explanatory.

It seems like Genya had arrived to the same conclusion. The mohawked boy bites his lip, the excitement on his face shifts to pity, and then to hesitance, purple eyes nervously darting between the child and the stuffed bear.

“Misty! Please don’t leave me again! No!”

Muichiro made the mistake of looking a heartbroken child in the eyes.

Eyes drowning in tears. Eyes that say Misty is all he have left in his life.

For Genya, the sight reminded him of several smaller children calling out for him, for their Genya nii-chan.

Nii-chan don’t leave us! Nii-chan, please come with us, we’ll never take your food again!

Father, where are you taking nii-chan?!

Muichiro and Genya turn to each other. For the first time together, they reach a silent understanding.

And then Muichiro suddenly lets go of the stuffed bear, causing Kotetsu to stumble before crashing backwards on the floor. The absolute unit of a chonk lifelessly falls on top of the toddler, possibly knocking him unconscious.

“KOTETSU!” Fortunately, Kanamori’s panicked cries muted the wicked, loud snort that came out of Genya because what was he expecting? Happy tears? A tender moment between the two? Muichiro patting the child’s head and telling him that from now on, he’ll never be alone?

Please. Not when he is the embodiment of all evil compressed into a five foot, oversized baby.

Kanamori picks up the poor (passed out?) child, confused whether to thank or berate the demonic pair.

“Boys, wait!” Arcade Dude calls out after them. Dude spills out of the staff door, carrying some sort of an open gift box filled with shredded paper, chocolate bars, and candies. A small bunny plush sits in the middle of the diabetes starter pack.

“This is a complimentary gift for being the first customer who reached a five digit point in just under six hours!”

“Uhmm, ah....nice?” Genya comments. So other people didn't think of combining tickets before? Weird.

While a very confused Genya and the arcade manager pose for a photo which exactly turned out like The Office Handshake Meme, Muichiro goes back to the Redemption Booth to choose a reward. He still had one hundred eighty nine points left and much to his disappointment, he could get nothing with that but several pens with knock-off Disney characters and cheap-looking keychains.

“Lucky we still have something to give Tanjiro.” Muichiro stares at the gift box in Genya’s hands as they walk back to the entrance. Yuichiro and Tanjiro would likely be waiting there.

“We who? Dude handed it to ME.”

“Dipsh*t, you wouldn’t even reach ten thousand without me.”

They bicker all the way to the entrance where they see Yuichiro on a bench, busying himself with his phone. However, Tanjiro was nowhere in sight.

“Where’s Tanjiro?!” they demanded in unison, startling the living crap out of Yuichiro.

“Hello to you too!” he snaps at them. “Tanjiro left ages ago, his siblings were looking for him! Didn’t you get his message?!”

“Out of juice.” Genya shrugs.

“sh*t.” Muichiro curses as he scans the text Tanjiro sent him and Genya about three hours ago.

Muichiro, genya,
Sry I hav 2 leave early! :(
My sibs need me lol
Talk 2 u guys in school ok?

Tanjiro would drop anything on the spot for his siblings.

Some kind of envy stirs inside Genya. “Man, and he was so excited about playing all night!” a hint of bitterness is evident in his tone.

Muichiro secretly agreed, feeling annoyance bubbling in him towards Tanjiro’s siblings. Those irksome goblins have always been too clingy.

“So what the hell am I gonna do with this now?” Genya lifts the box. A bar of KitKat tumbles down the floor.

Muichiro scoffs. “Why are you asking me? Dude handed it to YOU.”

“Very funny.”

“Just take that home, what’s the problem?” Yuichiro lands a huge bite on the KitKat, not bothering to eat it one bar at a time. Monster.

“No way I’m walking home with this creeper!” Genya shoots the stuffed bunny a disgusted look.

What would his older brother say? For some reason, Sanemi loathed all the stuffed animals innocently chilling on Genya’s shelf. Several times he had caught his brother staring at his poor unassuming plushies with the intent of setting them ablaze.

Funny, considering everything in there was gifted by him when they were little.

Genya clicks his tongue in exasperation. “Muichiro, could you--”

“I could.” Muichiro snips him off. “But don’t expect me to give you credits when I give it to Tanjiro.” And then his signature blank face slowly contorts into a huge, nightmare fuel, toothless grin.

Consider him spooked, and his boxers, wet (it’s piss).

“I can’t believe he gave it to me just like that.” The twins are on their way home from the arcade, having parted ways with a very disgruntled Genya. The sixteen year old storms off the building but not before aggressively thrusting the box in Muichiro’s hands and telling him to just keep the whole damn thing for himself.

“So, are you gonna pull a Loki and doublecross giant baldy?” Yuichiro blows on the bubble wand.(He was able to redeem a bottle of blowing bubbles.) The brothers watch as soapy globes in varying sizes float around them. One pops when it hit the tip of Muichiro’s nose.

“I’m not that evil, you know.” The younger twin huffs. “Genya really did most of the work and I believe in fair play. Remember, all is fair in love and war!”

They pass by a bridge and Muichiro carelessly hops on the railing, almost giving Yuichiro an early heart attack. By some miracle, nothing toppled out of the box he was carrying.

“Mom, Dad, we’re back!”

“Hi, Back! I’m Da--ow!" Mrs. Tokitou aims a spatula at the back of Mr. Tokitou’s head. "I mean, welcome back, boys!”

To their relief, everything seem to be in a positive mood, which meant that Michikatsu probably didn’t bother causing a scene at the disrespect they showed earlier that day.

“That’s so cute! Where did you get that?” Their mother beams at the gift box Muichiro deposited on the kitchen counter.

“Genya won it for him at the arcade!” Yuichiro pipes in before any sound could even come out of Muichiro. He flashes his twin a why-would-you-say-that-? glare.

“Ohohoho?” Mr. Tokitou helpfully asks. Translation: what’s the tea?

He and his wife exchange meaningful looks which did not go unnoticed by their youngest son.

“W-wait, no! I-it’s not like that!” Muichiro shoots up from the dining chair so quick he almost knocked it over. His gaze falls back on the box. Huh, he didn’t notice that.

Since when did it have adorable little cutouts of paper hearts? Also, the f*ck he’s stuttering for?

“Genya seem to be a good boy.” Mr. Tokitou comments.”I hope he could get that ingrown treated soon, though.”

“Uh-huh.” Mrs. Tokitou seconds. “I think the boy’s very handsome and fit too. Maybe he could teach our Muichiro a thing or two about sports and they could go on these little game dates....”

“True. I’m shipping it.” Yuichiro sarcastically adds, his normal pissy face resting on his palm.

“To where, Yuichiro?” Mr. Tokitou frowns in confusion.

“...and I’ll fix them snacks like heart-shaped cookies or choco strawberries if they want a house date..”

“M-Mi-Michikatsu!” Muichiro chuckles nervously. “Let’s talk about the old dried prune instead, shall we? Dad, didn’t you say he’s the first human born in the Jurassic era?”

As much as Genya tries to deny it, today has been the most fun he ever had in a very long while. Quite ironic though, that he had spent the day with the bane of his existence instead of his redhead dream boy.

Sucks, if only Muichiro had chosen to pursue another guy, maybe he and Genya would’ve been pals.

Seeing him almost break down in tears was one of the highlights of his day. Unlike his twin Yuichiro and his permanent bitch face, Muichiro usually shows only two moods: lifeless and fuming, to which the latter is reserved for Genya alone.

But today, Genya gets to discover another one as he recalls the exact moment Muichiro’s little chub of a face puckered up like a baby’s, huge teal eyes bathing in unshed tears, his lips pouting above his quivering chin..

“Cute.” he snorts out loud. A cricket chirps somewhere.

sh*t, why did he say that out loud?

f*ck, why did he say that at all?

“I spend a few hours with him and I go bonkers! Really?! That Oompa Loompa, cute?!” Genya grumbles. He stomps all the way up the apartment building’s communal stairs, berating himself and Muichiro, mostly Muichiro for acting cutesy--

Oh my god, please stop.

Genya sneaks past the front door. “I’m back.” he calls out softly, not that anyone ever bothered to answer him anyway.

He was preoccupied with arranging his sneakers in the cubbyhole which is why he wasn’t able to notice Sanemi advancing towards him, only the thud thud thud of his brother’s feet alerting him of the white-haired’s incoming presence.

A heavy fist suddenly crashes to the wall mere inches away from Genya’s head, before he could even turn around.

“WHERE THE f*ck HAVE YOU BEEN, YOU BASTARD?!” Sanemi roars at his stupefied younger brother, spit flying everywhere. Genya was too stunned to respond, his stiff body automatically backing up at the wall in alarm.

Calm down, calm down, it’s only Nemi! Father’s far away from here, he can’t hurt you.


Genya’s terrified, bulging eyes land on the wall clock. Half past eleven.

He lets out a tiny scream when Sanemi retracts his fist from the wall, only for it to come hurtling past him for the second time.

“ANSWER ME, YOU PATHETIC sh*t!” Sanemi’s fist starts violently trembling against the surface, as if it’s itching to pummel the younger’s face.

“I--I was...I was at the a-arcades with...”

“THE ARCADES?!” Sanemi barks right at his face. Genya flinches. “YOU TOLD ME YOU’RE OUT WITH THE KAMADO BOY FOR TUTORING!”

“We were!” Genya cries out. “B-but we m-met up with h-his friend and s-so..”

Sanemi growls, finally letting go of the wall, “f*ck, you know what? I don’t care anyway! You’re no different from Kyogo, you’re both scumbags, you’re both liars.” Sanemi bitterly spat. He turns on his heel but not without looking over his shoulder to pierce Genya with a look akin to disgust. “Parasite.”

Genya feels his eyes sting, a painful lump forming in his throat. He rummaged in his backpack to look for his phone as sobs threaten to escape from him.


Tanjiro could make him feel better. Genya needed his friend to tell him that everything’s gonna be alright. He needed to hear the lie that Tanjiro could smell no hate from Sanemi. Like his friend always insisted. He tastes something salty and wet on the sides of his mouth.

Genya chuckles mirthlessly at himself being this desperate.

It’s impossible to smell emotions.

“f*ck.” He curses upon realizing that his phone was dead. He bolts to his room, quickly plugging in the charger.

At least ten messages from his brother bombards him as soon as the phone boots up but Genya temporarily sets those aside for now in favor of calling Tanjiro.

The boy answers on the fourth ring.

“Hey, Genya. What’s up?”

He could barely hear Tanjiro’s jovial tone amidst little children screaming and laughing on the background. Mixed emotions swirls inside Genya.

Relief upon hearing a friend’s voice. A reminder that there’s still someone out there who didn’t hate him.

Annoyance towards Tanjiro’s siblings. How are they always this happy and lively all the time? Why are they this needy and demanding of their brother's time?

“Nii-chan! Read us a book!” one of his sisters call out. Heaps of other voices join in.

“Sure! Wait for me, okay? This is gonna be quick!”

Quick. Oh right, Genya is never a priority.

Before what’s left of his reasoning could stop it, he feels a slight resentment towards the boy on the other side for not being able to ‘smell’ his distress.

“Genya, you still there?” Tanjiro says.

“O-oh, yeah, yeah! Sorry for calling you so late.”

“It’s fine. Are you okay?”

Genya sniffs as he wipes a tear and then shakes his head, forgetting that Tanjiro couldn’t see him. “Brother trouble.” he tries to let out a convincing laugh.

“Aww, Genya.” Tanjiro’s genial voice shifts into a sympathetic tone. He knew bits and pieces about the brothers’ strained relationship but had no clue as to why the Math teacher despised his younger brother on the outside, but his inner emotions smells the very opposite.

One thing is certain though, Sanemi had terribly hurt Genya.

”Do you want to talk about it?”

“Nii-chan! I’m sleepy!”

“Just a second, Hanako!”

Genya decides to cut the conversation short.. “Thanks but it’s gonna be the same old story. Plus, my phone’s kinda plugged in right now so there’s a risk of me getting toasted.”

Tanjiro laughs on the other side. “Okay, I’m gonna be busy this weekend but feel free to message me anytime, alright? How about this, try to distract yourself with funny thoughts or anything good that happened to you recently. You’re going to experience that again sooner or later, Genya. Don’t give up, okay? We’ll talk more about it on Monday, okay? ”

“Thanks, Tanjiro. It means a lot.”

“No problem, Genya! Goodnight.”


Loneliness immediately creeps up on him again as soon as he ended the call. The sixteen year lay spread-eagle on his bed, letting the dangerously overheated phone tumble out of his hand.

Distract himself with something good, huh?

Nothing good ever happened to him since seven years ago, after his parents divorce where Genya had to make a hefty decision as a nine year old boy.

Perhaps meeting Tanjiro many months ago was the most recent good thing....

But arcade machines are great too, free tokens and winning a giant teddy bear which he eventually wasted on some kid. A watermelon flavored drink is very good...

His mind goes back to everything that happened these past hours.

Particularly to that one hundred and sixty centimeter midget getting jumpscare’d by badly designed 8-Bit cartoon zombies.

Genya curses. Why must Muichiro Tokitou have the most prominent presence in his life today?

He watches as the digital clock went from 11:59 to 12:00.

Genya shuts his eyes then rolls over in his bed without bothering to change out of his clothes.

Perhaps yesterday was something good.

Chapter 3: Before I Fall


Kamaboko Squad + Genmui goes on an outing. Some stupid piece of sh*t called Zenitsu f*cks up.

Muichiro keeps sniffing.


Thank you to everyone who had read and commented and kudos'ed!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Sweetheart, I know I’m a ten but please don’t stare at me like that.”

Genya had rendered Muichiro speechless, alright. And so did at least seven other people walking past the school gate, scanning the entirety of him with dubious eyes.

Wait, wait, what the f*ck. That wasn’t what I practiced last night!

Muichiro’s dumbfounded face melts back into his usual flat expression. However, the reason for his momentary surprise wasn’t Genya’s lame attempt at making himself desirable.

He was about to open his mouth to let out a sick burn he’d been practicing all weekend when he takes notice of Genya’s appearance.

Swollen eyes, dark circles around the area, heavy bags underneath.

“Did you do drugs?” Muichiro openly fires at Genya. Tomioka-sensei, who’s surveying students entering the gate, snaps his head to their direction on full alert but who the f*ck is he anyway.

“H-huh..I-what?” Genya waits for the punchline to fall but Muichiro’s face remains blank.

Something behind the twerp catches Genya’s attention. Someone with a deep red hair and huge earrings dangling below his ears.

“Genya!” Tanjiro hollers ten feet away from where they are. He darts past Muichiro, unintentionally ignoring him as his focus was on his taller friend. He didn’t hesitate bringing Genya into his arms for a hug. “Do you still want to talk about it?”

“Yeah. Alone.” Genya responds a bit loudly than intended. It’s true that he needed his friend’s comfort hug but he couldn’t help but flex their intimacy (although platonic) to Muichiro.

His gaze sweeps past Tanjiro’s shoulder, only to find an empty spot where the middle schooler used to stand.

Genya catches him in his peripherals marching towards the entrance.

“You share secrets now? Okay, the f*ck I care.” Muichiro’s poker face did not betray the discomfort welling up inside him.

After treating Genya and Tanjiro to a fun-filled weekend, blowing his allowance on tokens and weirdass soda flavors to keep them happy, they act like he’s nothing but some dried leaf on the sidewalk.

Muichiro wanted to kick things, or kick people, or bash someone’s head on a locker but he kept his calm enough to maintain his deadpan expression.

“Good morning, Yuichiro-san!” a student calls out as he walks by.

But Yuichiro had gone ahead of him?

Muichiro halts on his tracks and sees his reflection on the back of someone’s glistening bald head.

His twin’s pissed off face stares back at him.


Why am I so angry?

He couldn’t explain the distress threatening to cloud his mind. The sheer annoyance. But towards what? Towards who? Genya? Tanjiro? Or both of them? One is his constant source of irk, and the other just ignored him like he’s air.

They both disregarded him.

Yeah, yeah. Both of them. I’m pissed at both of them.

Muichiro stomps all the way to his classroom, the other students quickly scampering out of his way.

He shouldn’t have wasted his Sunday night googling savage insults he could throw at Genya.

“You know, Nemi called me something else that night.” Genya tears off a piece of the anpan bread Tanjiro brought for him. For them. But Muichiro already walked away before Tanjiro could even realize that he was there too.

“What is it?”

“He said that I’m a ‘parasite’.” Genya’s voice breaks, suddenly finding it difficult to swallow the bread he’s chewing. “I always knew that he never liked me but I didn’t know that I’m also making it hard for him.”

“Thats not true, Genya.” Tanjiro asserts, just like always. “He wouldn’t agree to take you in if he’s having trouble with money.”

But Sanemi only begrudgingly agreed because of his mother’s request. If Genya himself turns up at his door, his brother would probably chuck him in a trash bin or let him rot on a ditch somewhere. He doesn’t tell Tanjiro this, he doesn’t want to counter his friend’s opinion.

“So I decided....” Genya takes a deep breath. “ find a part-time job.”

Tanjiro beams up at him. “Good for you, Genya! The money I earn at the bakery isn’t much but it’s helpful to have some in your pocket all the time! Have you decided where?”

“Not yet.” Genya’s lips form a small smile, relieved that someone is supportive of his choice, which meant that he’s doing something right. “But if possible, I want somewhere far from school. Maybe a restaurant, or a cafe, and if I’m lucky, a construction work.”

The redhead nods. “It pays more, but I don’t think Principal Ubuyashiki would let you. Choose wisely, Genya, okay?”

muichiro, genya.
meet u 2 at lunch
same cherry blossom tree.
there’s sumting id like to tell u :)

“No way, I’m mad at you two.” Muichiro harrumphs then shoves his phone back in his pocket. He would’ve liked to meet up with his twin but Yuichiro’s probably eating with his friends (yes, he has) in their club room.

Intent on ignoring Tanjiro’s text, Muichiro makes a beeline for the cafeteria. Or that’s what he thought because without thinking, the path he’s suddenly walking on is towards the cherry blossom tree.

Muichiro grumbles, his curiosity winning.

“Oi, over here, Muichiro!” Tanjiro enthusiastically shouts, one arm waving in the air.

“Geez, I’m not stupid.” Muichiro rolls his eyes but he couldn’t keep the pissed off facade any longer. The corners of his lips tug upwards in a little smile. Perhaps he wouldn’t mind eating lunch even with Genya present.

At least he could still make use of the derogatory slurs and names he researched just for him.

To his immense displeasure though, Tanjiro’s whole squad was also there. The stinky boar idiot is on all fours, munching the food out of the piss-colored boy’s lunch box like a dog.

“Finally!” Tanjiro scoots to his right before tapping the space he just vacated.... which is right next to Genya. Because Tanjiro was giving him an expectant look, Muichiro had no choice but to settle himself between the two boys.

The space was quite tight and he literally felt Genya stiffen beside him.

Well, shucks! You’re not the only one feeling awkward here. Muichiro wanted to stare daggers at the mohawked boy but he’s refusing to turn his hideous head to Muichiro’s direction.

“So guys,” Tanjiro claps his hand once, catching their attention. “Nezuko and I got free tickets to Roppongi this weekend. How do you all feel about ice skating in Midtown?”

An excited buzz immediately erupts within the group but both Genya and Muichiro stay quiet as they aren’t used to going on outings with friends.

Because the first and foremost requirement of that is having friends.

Tanjiro breaks away from the group to address the two of them. “I’m sorry for leaving early last Saturday! Please join us so I could make it up to you both.” he pleads.

Genya finally nods after a minute of contemplating. Truthfully, the most troubling part would be asking permission from his brother but he could probably just leave early and then inform his brother through a message.

“Can Yuichiro come too?” Muichiro asks.

Tanjiro smiles brightly at that. “Of course!”

“Oh yeah. I’m going ice skating with Tanjiro and his friends this Sunday, he says you could come and the tickets are free,” The twins are hanging out in the living room with Yuichiro on the floor and his laptop on the coffee table.

Muichiro is lying on his stomach on the couch, scrolling through Instagram using his empty, faceless, basically dead account. Tanjiro had posted a selfie of him and Genya on one of their bakery’s outdoor tables, books and papers are scattered all over the surface.


“Cool, but I’m gonna be busy.” Yuichiro types away without sparing his twin a glance.

You kinda look cute together? <3

A comment on Tanjiro’s picture says, the five replies underneath agreed.

“It’s Sunday.” Muichiro throws the back of Yuichiro’s head a puzzled look before he goes back to DM-ing death threats to that six particular people. “What are you gonna be busy for?”

“Me and the boys, COD all day.”

“You made PS5 friends, that’s nice.” Muichiro nods.

Tanjiro, your friend is fking haaawt, mind introducing me?

What? Genya, hot?! He scoffs. Probably if Muichiro sets him on fire or push him into a volcano.

He taps on the username.

Bich he’s gay.

On Sunday, everyone gathered on the station where they’ll be taking the bullet train bound to Tokyo and from there, they would have to take a bus going to Roppongi located in Minato city.

“Kekeke, this feels like a field trip!” Zenitsu squeals embarrassingly loud as they all file inside the train. He drags Nezuko onto an empty seat beside him. Meanwhile, Inosuke makes a beeline for the vacant seat next to Aoi, much to her displeasure because apparently, the boy had forgotten to take a shower. Again.

“Don’t you feel ashamed, you pig?!”

“No, fight me!”

Muichiro plops onto a seat right beside Tanjiro.

Hah, score.

Genya and Kanao, who were also aiming for the same spot, could only blink in disbelief at the smallest boy’s action.

“Oh.” Kanao breathes out and she rarely speaks.

“Here, Kanao!” Aoi calls out, gesturing at the seat beside her, having successfully banished Inosuke somewhere else.

“Tsk!” Genya shoots Muichiro an annoyed, disapproving look to which Muichiro responds to with a deadpan stare gradually shifting into a smug expression.

Genya had Tanjiro all week to himself because he’s too dumb to string two numbers together and get a result, there’s no way he would let the redhead out of his grip today, much less allow Genya to spend another second with him.

The only empty space left was beside Inosuke.

Oh my god. The stank! Genya scrunches up his nose as he push past the boar boy towards the window seat..

“Tenya, fight me!”

“Shut up.” He sighs. This is gonna be a long ride.

A fact that Genya learned today, Muichiro Tokitou has a nasty, infuriating type of laugh that grates at his ears down to his bones.

It sounded so irritating that Genya would rather listen to chalkboard scraping in maximum volume than sit through another hour of listening to him and Tanjiro whispering and giggling together about something.

For f*ck’s sake, what’s so f*cking funny? If Muichiro’s capable of laughing like a normal person after all, why does he have to be pissy at everyone all the time?

Genya huffs, annoyed for some reason.

Throughout the whole journey, Muichiro did not leave Tanjiro’s side. Tanjiro, who always knew that the fourteen year old is aloof around strangers ever since he was a kid, pats his head and lets him hang onto his arm until they get to the ice rink.

Genya fumes in the background, his eyes glaring at the back of Muichiro’s head.

“Okay, guys. These also include a free hot drink from any of the cafes. You can also avail light meals whenever you want to!” Tanjiro starts handing out the tickets.

“This is so cool, Tanjiro!” Zenitsu sniffs his own ticket because he’s weird as f*ck. “I don’t know how you got them but at this point I don’t care if you actually stole them from a kid.”

After quite a while of finding the right fit for them, the group march towards the rink, balancing on their skates as they do. Zenitsu immediately pulls in Nezuko without a warning, followed by Inosuke who, even as a first timer, was surprisingly agile and balanced.

“THIS IS EASY PEASY!” He roars as he smoothly glides around, until he realizes that he could go even faster.

Not even two minutes in, he had already knocked down five people.

Kanao and Aoi enters next. The moment Kanao steps on the ice, it’s as if she transformed into a fairy dancing in the wind. For a moment, the world around stops to watch her flawless spins and jumps.

“Whoa..” Tanjiro says, wide-eyed and breathless. Muichiro, who’s still grasping his arm, lets out a small grin at the redhead’s reaction.

“I wish I could do that.” Muichiro, with unsteady noodle legs, voices out.

Someone snorts from behind them. Genya couldn’t help picturing Muichiro’s poker face and stiff posture doing ballerina poses in his imagination.

“Oh, look, it’s the Yeti. Fancy a walk out of your cave?” Muichiro shoots at Genya, the little roast bringing some kind of excitement in him. Maybe because aside from Tanjiro, spitting insults at Genya was one of the things he’s already familiar with.

“Surprised bumping into you as well, Olaf.” Genya merely shrugs but like Muichiro, the corners of his lips are also tugging upwards in an effort to conceal a huge grin. Can’t believe he missed exchanging nasties with this shrimp..

“Come on, you two. Try to get along, will you?” Tanjiro scolds without heat, chuckling as he scratches the back of his head with his free hand.

Genya slides to Tanjiro’s other side. “Thank you for this and for agreeing to tutor me for two weeks, I feel like I should be the one treating you!”

“It’s fine, Genya! Just do great on that math exam next week, okay?”

The three of them, or rather, Genya and Tanjiro with Muichiro gripping on his arm for dear life because he couldn’t skate for sh*t, had a pleasant time going around the rink, weaving around people, just talking about random things (exchanging sick, offensive burns in case of Genya and Muichiro).

Tanjiro’s blood freezes when he hears an ear-piercing scream, he sniffs the icy air, catching the scent of distress from Nezuko. He frantically whirls around and catches Zenitsu skating way too fast around the rink with his sister desperately clinging onto the blond’s waist from behind as she was dragged along.

“Zenitsu-san, slow down, please!” She cries out.

“Don’t worry, Nezuko-chan, I will protect you!” a crazed Zenitsu plucks Nezuko’s hands off his waist and tugs them forward so the girl would have no choice but to wrap her arms around his waist.

“OI, ZENITSU!” Tanjiro bellows in anger. Zenitsu sticks out his tongue at him. “Sorry, Muichiro, I have to go after them! Genya take care of Muichiro, will you?”

Tanjiro speeds away from the pair but not before pushing Muichiro a little too hard on Genya’s direction. The fourteen year old lets out a scream as he zooms towards the taller boy without support, his body bent back, causing him to almost slip on his unsteady feet backwards.

“G-Genya, help!” He wheezes out, pride be damned. His arms circling madly on his sides to prevent him from falling on his ass. Genya made no move except to laugh and point at him.

“Yeah, right, Shortstack!”He guffaws. Another emotion from Muichiro he get to see for himself: fear.

“S-seriously,!” Muichiro calls out loud.

The extra movement had ultimately upset his balance. Muichiro collapses backwards, he scrunches up his face to brace himself from the pain of the impact.

“Damn it!” Genya curses through gritted teeth. He was able to glide quick enough to catch Muichiro’s fall, one arm wrapped around the stupefied boy’s waist.

Muichiro, in reflex, grabs onto the front of Genya’s jacket, ultimately bringing the taller boy further down until they were literally nose to nose.

f*ckf*ckf*ckwhatthef*cktooclose! He had no idea that Muichiro’s eyes were actually two tones of the same color.

Vanilla mint. How the f*ck does this asshole’s breath smell like vanilla and mint? Muichiro sniffs for more before he could stop himself.

To the public point of view though, Muichiro and Genya were one and the same at that moment, both faces, a mere inch away from each other, were flushed in deep, deep red.

And both couldn’t seem to take their gaze away from the other’s eyes.

And also, they seem unaware of the fact that one shove, just one gentle push and their lips could....




Muichiro and Genya snap out of their reverie. They heard the sickening sound of collision before the first scream echoed around the rink. Loud gasps were heard from other skaters, some of them gliding towards the figure lying helplessly on the ice.

“sh*t! Is that--?!” The green checkered jacket confirms it all.

“It’s Tanjiro! f*ck, come on!” Genya clasps Muichiro’s hand in one of his and drags him to where a thick crowd is now forming around their friend. As they get nearer, they realize that there are actually two bodies.

Inosuke lay there, face down and Tanjiro’s on his back, spread-eagled. He’s moaning and crying from the pain.

“Ow, my leg! My leg!”

“What happened?!” Genya questions Kanao, who’s close to tears.

“Tanjiro and Inosuke were chasing Zenitsu around so they could rescue Nezuko-chan but he was too fast. So they both went opposite ways, maybe they could catch Zenitsu in the middle. All three of them were going too fast, Zenitsu swerves on the last minute. Because of that, Tanjiro collided with an incoming Inosuke and now....” she gestures at a sobbing Tanjiro.

“Urgh, I’m fine!” Inosuke attempts to swat the many hands patting him all around, checking for injuries. “What about Monji--KENTAROOOO!” Inosuke howls, crawling to his bestfriend.

A group of medical personnel carefully escorts Tanjiro and Inosuke out of the rink where an ambulance is standing by for Tanjiro, ready for transport. Only Kanao and Nezuko were allowed to ride in the ambulance with the patient.

“Take this, I’m breaking up with you.” a tearful Nezuko yanks a bracelet out of her wrist, carelessly slamming it against Zenitsu’s chest before racing to the ambulance.

Inosuke on the other hand, is being treated by the on-site medical staff as he is surprisingly unscathed and not suffering from any pain. He is being tended to by a very worried Aoi until the boy’s request went from ‘hold my hand!’ to ‘buy Lord Inosuke the biggest and manliest sandwich and make it fast.’

“You suck!” she throws a towel on his head. “I’m going home!” She marches away, leaving an indignant Inosuke, and a clueless Genya and Muichiro behind.

Without Tanjiro, both boys couldn’t find another reason to stay there any further and it’s not like Inosuke needed assistance since his guardian was called to pick him up plus Zenitsu is still there, albeit wallowing on his own some distance away. Poor sod.

“Hey.” Muichiro turns to a fidgeting Genya. Poor idiot couldn’t stop biting his lip, shifting from foot to foot, whipping out his phone from time to time. Probably weighing in if he should check in on Tanjiro as soon as possible or let time pass. “Come on, let’s get some coffee or some sh*t.” He waves the ticket to emphasize his point.

“Yeah.” Genya’s tone was soft, for the first time, towards Muichiro. “Shouldn’t let this ticket go to waste.”

Thankfully, they have found an almost vacant coffee shop not long after. Muichiro and Genya present the ice skating tickets to the barista behind the counter. “I’ll go find us seats. Get me peppermint hot choco.”

So many things to think about, a tight knot is forming in is stomach from anxiety, his dearest friend just got into an accident.

Yet he still finds himself grinning at the way Muichiro said ‘choco’.

What the f*ck’s wrong with him?

Genya shuts his eyes tight, willing his brain to conjure up an image of Tanjiro saying ‘choco’ again and again with his signature sunshine of a smile.

Maybe it’ll sound cuter.

Buddha, Genya just implied the possibility that he thinks something Muichiro did is cute.

It’s not the first time you thought he’s cute. A traitorous part of him teases. Remember his face when he was about to cry?

Don’t remind me of that sh*t. Genya growls internally.

I don’t need to. You couldn’t get it off your mind, could you?

Once again, like on random periods during random days, Muichiro’s scrunched up face and pouty lips invades his malfunctioning brain. Only this time, the Muichiro in his mind peers up at him and says ‘Choco?’

Genya physically hits himself on the face. Repeatedly.

“S-sir?” The concerned barista calls out awkwardly. Oh. It’s his turn. “What can I get you?”


Genya had been searching for Muichiro in the main area of the coffee shop, only to realize that the smaller boy had picked a secluded table beside a huge glass window.

A tall shelf bursting with books and adorned with potted plants stood behind against the wall.

Muichiro himself is facing the window, slouched at the table with a book open in front. The mint of his hair being the only one contrasting with the otherwise dark, rustic furniture around him.

The coffee shop’s hanging lamps flicker on, bathing Muichiro’s pale face in a warm, golden radiance.


Genya trips on a random chair leg.

The clanking of metal against metal startled Muichiro out of his concentration. He snap the book shut before rushing forward to steady the precarious drinks about to tumble off the tray.

“Whoa..s-sorry.” Genya mumbles, heat rising to his cheeks at him being an idiot.

Muichiro’s huge teal eyes bore into him as if it could read his soul, as if it holds the answers to all of Genya’s questions.

As if he knew what’s (or who’s) in the very depths of Genya’s mind.

“It’s okay, you’re distracted.” Oh, sh*t. How the f*ck did he know Genya was staring at-- “I am too, I’m worried about Tanjiro.”


They saunter towards the table, Genya plops his butt on the squishiest armchair he ever sat on.

“Are you really?” Genya throws him a questioning look as they each claim their drinks from the tray. “Worried for him?” It’s a bit surprising that Muichiro’s not acting like he’s on the edge, unlike Genya, who had gone back to checking his phone time and time again.

“I am.” Muichiro says flatly, taking a sip from his hot peppermint drink. It left a stain above his lip like a brown mustache. Genya wanted to pinch his ballsack for thinking it’s adorable. “I’m no doctor but I think Tanjiro attained multiple fractures on his legs and arms, not to mention, the damage when his back hit the ice. He’s gonna need rest, lots of it. And that’s a good thing.”

Genya squints his eyes at the boy. “Are you saying that it’s a good thing Tanjiro got hurt?”


Purple eyes almost bulge out of their sockets from shock. “Excuse me, what the f--?!”

Muichiro reaches out to place a hand against Genya’s mouth, effectively shushing him. “Tanjiro’s siblings rely on him too much, because he spoils them just as much. If him getting injuries is a way for him to take a break, to rest, to actually let his siblings get their asses moving, then I’m thankful he got hurt.”

“O-Oh, I--wow..” Genya blinks in quick succession. So tough love is Muichiro’s thing, probably. What else did Muichiro see over the years? But then, he’s not exactly wrong.

He had been Tanjiro’s friend for months and he had seen the redhead prioritize his siblings over anything. Just last week, Tanjiro had to apologetically cut their tutoring session short on some days because some Kamado kid’s having tantrums or something, because it was late and he needed to prepare their meal, because his youngest brother’s demanding a playtime.

Envy clenches at his heart.

No way. There’s no way Sanemi could love him like that. Ever.

The train back home is silent, and surprisingly comfortable. After texting his brother that he would be home in an hour, not that the math teacher actually cared, Genya falls into a shallow sleep. His arms crossed in front of his chest, with his head lolling to his left where Muichiro sat beside the window, just watching the nighttime scenery pass by in a blur.

Muichiro’s phone beeps, signaling that Yuichiro and his parents had responded to his message in their family group chat.

Ok, get home safe :)
I made simmered radish
and steamed fish

Did u get me a souvenir?

Is Genay with u ( ͡° ͜つ ͡°)

His fingers freeze in the middle of typing. Something soft and fluffy had landed on his shoulder. Muichiro’s reflection on the train’s window indicates that it was Genya’s big, lavender-scented head.

The fourteen year old stiffens on his seat, unaware of the heat rapidly crawling up his face. Because all he could feel is Genya’s fragrant hair tickling his neck and cheek. Why does every part of his body smell really good?

And then Muichiro turns his head, reflexively burying his nose in Genya’s hair. Inhaling him as much as he could.

He gives it three more sniffs before reality sinks in.

What the f*ckf*ckf*ck! Muichiro hits his head on the glass window a little too hard. Thankfully, the loud ‘thunk’ did not wake Genya or there’ll be questions. Your enemy’s drooling on your shoulder and all you could think of is his smell?!

Muichiro spent the rest of the ride home being constantly aware of Genya using him as his pillow. Sometimes, the taller boy would shift in his sleep, accidentally grazing Muichiro’s neck with the pinpricks of little hairs on his shaved head.

It tickles. His neck’s f*cking tingling.

How did they even get to this, he just wanted to accept Tanjiro’s invitation to make a fool of himself on top of solidified water.

“I hope Tanjiro’s doing okay.” Muichiro whispers, reminding himself that the boy should be the one he’s thinking of.

Seeing no notification from him, Muichiro goes to his gallery, to his meager collection of photos of him and Tanjiro over the years, trying to print the image of the redhead in his mind.

He tries. He tries and he tries so hard to distract himself from the sweet scent of lavender next to him.

But he was unsuccessful.

Because in that moment, Genya murmurs in his sleep, “Muichiro....why are you so pretty?...”


Muichiro's dad misspelling of Genya's name is intentional. Silly Sasuke Tokitou

Also canon: The twins' parents are hardcore genmui shippers.

Chapter 4: The Heck Are these Feelings


Muichiro and Genya are diagnosed with gay


Sorry if this is boring chapter, we're getting there.

I broke my tooth yesterday and it disappeared wtf, then this morning I broke my f*cking neck

Chapter Text

There's feeling flattered and awkward.

Then there's being flattered, awkward and offended all of the same time.

Muichiro is the latter.

He couldn't even pinpoint which of the three he's furiously getting red for.

Why would Genya say that? In his sleep? Why the f*ck is he having dreams of Muichiro? What were they doing there? Why ‘pretty’? Is Genya implying that Muichiro’s a sissy? Is it for real or is he pulling a prank on him?

Questions after questions were firing off inside Muichiro's brain so fast that Eminem could probably make a verse out of it and not to mention, his confusion as to why his heart is going boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass at that lame compliment said by some unconscious twit.

Tanjiro had called him cute. Lots of times. Since they were toddlers until now. Perhaps Muichiro had been desensitized already but if he’s crushing on Tanjiro, it should still have an effect on him, shouldn’t it?

“Next stop, Nagoya Station.” a cool, velvety voice flows out of the train speakers.

Genya snores louder at that.

Well, at least it answered one of his questions. The moron’s really asleep and it wasn’t a prank.

He did call him pretty.

Since the next station is their stop, Muichiro carefully pushes Genya by the head to an upright position. As if Genya calling him ‘pretty’ isn’t causing enough disturbance in him, the feel of the taller’s shockingly soft and silky hair under his palm is giving him a dangerous urge to run his hands through them for hours.

Somebody tell him what the hell is going on. Why is he suddenly having this kind of pull towards his daily plague called Genya Shinazugawa?

Not wanting Genya to see Muichiro somehow turning into a puddle of mush, he decided to use aggression in waking the other boy up. Maybe if he hurt him enough, Genya would go batsh*t on him and he will turn into the same, old, hotheaded loser he meet every morning at the school gates.

Muichiro slapped him on his shoulder. Nothing.


“Nagoya Station.” the same smooth voice speaks.

“Oi, wake up!” Muichiro slams his hand on Genya’s bicep, back and forth, alternating between his palm and the back of his hand.

And for good measure, taps Genya on the face, a little stronger than he intended.

He shouldn’t have done that.

To Muichiro’s and the other passenger’s extreme shock, Genya jolts awake like he was electrocuted. Gut-wrenching, terrified screams and sobs suddenly escaping out of him. “I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY, DAD! I’M AWAKE! PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!”

The sixteen year old retreats further in his seat, whimpering, as he apologizes again and again with his arms forming a cross to protect his tearful face.

Muichiro reflexively reaches out an uncertain, shaky hand to try and calm him down. “G-genya..Genya, i-it’s me!”

“No don’t--!”

“Is everything okay here?!” The train conductor as well as several attendants rush to their seat.

“Can’t you tell?!” Muichiro snaps at them amidst Genya’s sobs. The majority of the passengers are now disembarking the train. They had to get out of there and fast before they miss their stop.“G-genya...I need you to calm down, okay?”

As carefully and gently as he could, Muichiro brings up both his hands to cup Genya’s tear-soaked face, not realizing the series of soft ssshhh he’s letting out. “Genya, it’s me, Muichiro. The guy you hate, remember? We both like Tanjiro and we’ll see him again soon. No one’s gonna hurt you here.”

Muichiro didn’t know how he managed to string one soothing word after another, as he and his twin’s mouth were made to utter curses and insults.

But seeing someone as huge as Genya curling himself into a trembling ball, trying to make himself as small as possible, the words of comfort just tumbled out of his mouth. Rivals be damned, archenemies be damned. For just a moment, he needed to be Genya’s friend.

Genya let his arms go lax, finally meeting Muichiro’s two toned eyes that was enough to render him speechless this afternoon. He focuses on the huge pools of blue gleaming in front of him.

Muichiro’s eyes are the sea.

Muichiro’s eyes are the sky.

Both are calming and beautiful.

Genya feels his heart rate slow down.

“Come on, we gotta get out of here.” Muichiro was able to haul Genya by the arm but it was kinda of difficult to walk since Genya is leaning all his weight into a boy who’s almost twice smaller than him.

After mouthing a quick thanks and a half-hearted apology to the conductor, they finally step into the platform. Muichiro guides a still shaken Genya through the crowd, desperate to find an empty place where they could work out Genya’s panic attack properly.

He spots a small urban park nearby. They’re in the middle of a shopping and financial district so there were swarms of people moving about but the little park’s thankfully almost vacant. Muichiro quickly pulls Genya to one of the secluded benches.

“Genya.” Muichiro starts before kneeling in front of a sitting Genya. His sobbing has finally subsided and his breathing slowed down but he allowed a moment of silence to let the the sixteen year old pull himself together. “Genya, do you need anything?”

He shakes his head, his long hair at the back swaying with the movement.

The smell of lavender and Genya’s drool dripping on Muichiro’s shirt felt like a lifetime ago. How did they get here?

Ah, it’s because Muichiro f*cked up.

He wanted to apologize badly but he refused to make the moment about himself. He’ll stew over that later in bed and probably go to school exhausted the next day.

“Stay here, I’ll go get us drinks.” Genya didn’t answer, only a little needy whine, barely audible, escapes from his mouth. Muichiro pads to a vending machine not far away from the park and bought two bottles of water.

Genya chugs the drink as if it was the most refreshing spring water he came across after days in the desert. Large amounts of liquid are trailing down his lips, to his neck, to his chest but the boy didn’t care.

“Here.” Muichiro who’s about to take a sip from his bottle, offers it to Genya instead.

“T-thanks.” Genya breathes out. A sign that he’s feeling a little better. He gulps down the cold liquid with great abandon but still left more than half for Muichiro. Silence reigned for quite a long time, neither of the two boys knowing how to address the situation.

Several times, both of them opened their mouths, as if trying to get some words out but would shut them again after some hesitation. Genya knew it in himself that he wanted to thank Muichiro, despite him being the cause of his panic attack.

He didn’t know. He doesn’t know anything about you. That small, rebellious part of himself re-emerges. Somehow determined to defend Muichiro.

Shut up and use your energy to think of the proper words to tell him instead. Genya scolds.

Hmph! And because that part of him is also an asshole, the sentence being arranged in his brain began to get jumbled up again.

“Please don’t say anything about this to Tanjiro.” Genya was too late to realize that it wasn’t what he wanted to say,

Muichiro shoots him a look of utter disbelief. Tanjiro? Again? A part of him is seething with anger at the fact that it was all Genya could say. Tanjiro’s opinion is what Genya is concerned about. Muichiro’s the one in this moment with him yet all he cared about is still the redhead.

Why am I annoyed, it’s not like we’re friends.

Right. What they’re sharing right now isn’t a moment but a mere situation.

The fourteen year old willed his shocked face into his usual impassive look before responding coldly, “Yeah, whatever.” Muichiro abruptly gets on his feet, violently dumping the still half-full water bottle into the trash bin which rattled on the impact. “Looks like you can take care of your own ass now, I’m off.”

Without another word or glance, Muichiro turns on his heel to walk away, never once looking back despite Genya calling out his name.

“The hell? The f*ck did I do?” Genya rises from his seat to pace up and down. “And why am I so frustrated about that grumpy diddly dong I just had a panic attack about my father in public for f*ck’s sake and am I really talking to myself now?”

“Mama, that guy is a delulu!” a child passing by openly points at him.

Genya sighs before slumping back down on the bench. Both Muichiro and his father’s image swimming around his head. f*ck, f*ck, f*ck. That piece of sh*t’s still affecting him despite Genya moving to a faraway city.

“I don’t want to think about him!” Genya growls, annoyed.

Alright, how about I remind you the dream you had about Muichiro? The tricky side of his brain teases.

What? No, no, no!

Despite his protests, his brain envisions the scene in his dream.

They were back at the cafe but Genya wasn’t carrying anything this time. Instead, he was staring intently at Muichiro’s side profile.

Studied the way his raven hair smoothly cascades down his back, the adorable curve of his upturned nose, the perfect protrusion of his lips, and if Genya squints hard enough, he could see short eyelashes along the edge of his lids. And then that golden light from the ceiling came on, illuminating Muichiro’s features even more.

Genya felt everything around him freeze. “Muichiro, why are you so pretty?”

“Okay, that’s enough!” Genya bellows at no one in particular. “You’ve shown me enough! Dreams are stupid, okay? They’re like written by cheesy Wattpad writers! Enough!”

Thank f*ck the park was empty by that time or he’ll probably get chucked at a mental ward right then.

“You’re late! It’s way past dinner time!”

“Nice to see you too, dear brother.” Muichiro darts past his twin, lifelessly slamming his bag down on the coffee table. Even the aroma of his favorite simmered radish and his mother’s infamous steamed cream dory in carrot and potato soup failed to lift up his mood. “Hi, Mom..Dad, sorry I’m late. Had to take a detour.”

“Muichiro!” His mother plops him down onto a dining chair before dropping a kiss on his head. “Just sit in there while Dad and I take care of the food.”

Mr. Tokitou pads towards the table, carrying stacks of plates and bowls. “A detour? Were you with Genya though?”

“Something like that.” Muichiro says lifelessly. What’s the point of lying?

“Hehehehe!” Mr. Tokitou grins from ear to ear, confusing the heck out of Muichiro.

“So, did you get me something?” Yuichiro persists.

“I wasn’t able to go shopping. Tanjiro got into an accident.”

Mrs. Tokitou lets out a small, horrified scream, while Mr. Tokitou almost drops the plates. “What the--what happened?!”

The cheery atmosphere was slightly marred as Muichiro recounts the events from this afternoon. His father immediately whips out his phone to ask Tanjuro how his son’s doing only to find out that the man had sent him an update about Tanjiro already.

Tanjiro got into an
ice skating incident.
Sprained ankles, arm
fractures and back pain
but he’s fine! will skip
school tmrw.

“It’s okay, I got an update from Tanjuro.” Mr. Tokitou reads his friend’s message out loud to his family. Muichiro sighs in relief as Yuichiro hummed in response.

“Now, I don’t want to speak ill of children especially developing teens..” Mrs. Tokitou starts ladling soup into their bowls. “But that Zenitsu boy sounds really childish for his age, I hope he matures into a fine man one day, Nezuko-chan probably saw something good in him....poor Tanjiro, though.”

“Well..” Muichiro finds himself shrugging. “Sometimes, idiots are surprisingly endearing. Take Genya for exa--”

He freezes.

So did the rest of the Tokitous.

And then Muichiro gasps, his hands flying to his mouth right away, as if he just uttered the most disgusting curse word.

Genya’s probably using a shampoo infused with a chemical that turns people into deranged bananas because no way Muichiro would associate ‘Genya’ with ‘endearing’ nor would he go and snort people’s lavender scented hairs like it’s addictive cocaine.

It’s because I mentioned ‘idiot’ and my brain automatically recognized it as him, that’s probably it!

Yuichiro points a trembling finger at him. “O-oi, w-what the...what the fu--what the fudge?”

“Kyaaa, our little Muichiro is growing up!” Mrs. Tokitou unhelpfully squeals.

“I knew this day would come, I’m so proud of you, Muichiro.” His father dramatically rises up from his seat to pat his back.

“N-no! No!” Muichiro squeaks, shaking his raven head frantically. These corny ass people. “I-I only meant the i-idiot part! Genya’s a massive idiot, you know!”

Right? In what way Genya is endearing, the guy has been the bane of his existence since he caught him in a classroom all alone doodling Tanjiro’s name on a blackboard.

Did he ever do something nice for Muichiro at all?

Helping him back then at the arcades was because of pity.

Catching him before he injures his ass on ice was basic human decency.

True, he had noticed Genya staring at him hours ago at the coffee shop but he might as well be looking at the nice furniture around him.

Not to mention, despite Muichiro helping him out of a situation, Genya thinks of Tanjiro first and it’s really pissing him off for some reason unknown which then pisses him off even more because how the f*ck does he not understand a thing, how does he not have an answer to something when he’s a literal genius?

“Stupid.” Yuichiro raises an eyebrow. “You were just about to make an example of ‘endearing idiots’, not just ‘idiots’ but endearing idiots.”

Geez, why is his brain ain’t braining?

Maybe because it’s overloading with thoughts that were unfamiliar with him before.

As if what happened with Genya on the train wasn’t enough to keep him awake, now he’s confused as to why he walked out on the sixteen year old earlier.

He confided this to his twin because he had no choice, damn this twinning thing, Yuichiro could correctly guess whenever something’s bothering him.

He didn’t directly say anything about Genya’s panic attack, Yuichiro was smart enough not to ask and just focused on his twin’s dilemma.

“You aren’t friends, Muichiro.” Yuichiro says from his bedroom doorway where he’s leaning onto while his twin is slumped against the wall. “You know nothing about each other. Tanjiro is the reason why you’re stuck together so it’s only natural that he would be the subject everytime you interact. What? Did you expect him to open up to you just because you helped him out?”

“A ‘thanks’ would’ve been nice.” What Yuichiro said made sense but it didn’t help ease the annoyance towards Genya.

“Well, maybe he was about to but your petty sulky ass suddenly yeeted itself out of there.”

“Why are you taking his side?”

“I’m taking no dumbass’ side and that means both of you!”

Muichiro huffs crossly as he stands up to his full height, in his penguin pajamas and all.

“Hmph! Whatever, he’s a selfish, Tanjiro-addicted schmuck of a simp who stinks big time.” No, he didn’t mean any of those words. “I’m never talking to that asswipe again.”

Now that means business.

He stomps the two meter distance to his bedroom across his twin’s.

Goddamn it to Satan’s balls, Genya, you turned my genius brother into a moron.

Yuichiro wanted to pull his hairs out but he and his mom just splurged on a luxury treatment at a hair spa some hours ago.

Genya knew he done f*cked up.


He’s not really sure what happened or whatever he did. But he had seen the way Muichiro’s unusual worried face transform into his normal, impassive, I-give-zero-f*cks expression in a span of 0.005 seconds.

And he didn’t even look that worried when Tanjiro hurt himself.

Then again, Tanjiro didn’t start screaming out of nowhere inside a jampacked train.

Tanjiro didn’t have to be carried and dragged and cared for by someone who was also on the verge of panicking themselves.

Tanjiro didn’t have physical and psychological scars from a terrible past.

Buddha’s big balls, Genya just realized he wasn’t able to thank Muichiro.

Could that be the reason he got pissed off?

But it’s Muichiro. That side of him voices out immediately. That bite-sized corn dog wouldn’t care about trivial things like that.

Yes. Muichiro is too dignified and too proud to care whether Genya thanks him or not.

Still, you could’ve shown that you appreciated what he did. Interrupts the Muichiro-biased side of his brain.

You dunce, anyone would’ve done the same!

But it’s Muichiro. He could’ve dumped you on some bench and f*ck off and not lose sleep over it. But he didn’t!

Are you mocking me?!

“Shut the f*ck up, damn it.” Genya hisses, not sure whether to consult a psychiatrist or a paranormal investigator.

He quickly scrambles for his phone to fire another message at Tanjiro but to his surprise, his friend had finally replied to his texts hours ago.

helo gneya im ok .)
cant wriet much tho
but we’ll talk on tue
abt ur tutorng

Clearly, due to recent events, he had forgotten about his Math exam on Friday.

Tanjiro! im so glad ur
alright. dont worry abt
me just focus on urself
and rest! f*ck dat zenitsu
im going to scalp him!

He hits send, waits for another five seconds before opening up a new message field.

btw i forgot to ask
do you have

Of course Tanjiro has Muichiro’s number they’ve known each other since they were sh*tting in their diapers!

God, he couldn’t even spell Muichiro’s name properly in case Tanjiro teases him for asking the fourteen year old’s number and he could just deny it by claiming Muchurro is another person who goes to another school and Genya just sent the message to the wrong person.

“Why am I stupid?” Genya asks out loud.

His phone suddenly beeps. He shrieks.

Damn, Tanjiro’s pain must’ve been keeping him awake too.

Thx! Yes I hve
Muichiro’s # (Genya cringes in embarrassment. Ugh! f*cking stupid baldy fart.)
but I cnt give it
away w/o his
permission :(
Anw, u can talk
on tue! Bcoz I
have to tell u both

He didn’t bother replying to that because all he wanted is to bury his face in the pillow until morning and maybe if he’s lucky he’ll peacefully suffocate to death or maybe he should go out for a walk?And hopefully an isekai truck would hit him?

“Asking for Muichiro’s number, really, what would Tanjiro think of me now?” He mumbles. “f*ck it, I’ll go to sleep! Maybe I’ll never wake up again.”

Hours later, Genya tosses and turns on his bed, groaning at his incapability to fall asleep. No matter how exhausted his body is, the raging thoughts and the embarrassment made sure he’s eyes wide open until the wee hours of the morning. His gaze dart. to the digital clock on his night stand. 3 AM.

Five hours until school.

Five hours until he inevitably bumps into Muichiro.

“Don’t bother, he hates you right now.”

Yuichiro, like the chad that he is, didn’t elaborate further and just left a very stunned Genya all by himself on the sidewalk.

Boy, if Muichiro hated Genya on normal days then the fourteen year old literally ‘harrumphing’ him with a deep frown on his face then walking away without any word to him must’ve meant he really, really, truly despised him.

Most of him is confused.

Part of him thought the pout looked adorable.

“There you go again, can’t you just stop?!” Genya screeches at that part of his mind before slapping the sh*t out of himself. One of these days he’s gonna bash his head on the railings just to stop hearing those voices.

The rest of the students passing by gawks at him.

“But I just wanna say ‘thank you’....” Genya softly watches Muichiro’s mint-ended locks swaying in the morning wind.

On Tuesday, Genya received double news that had him shookt.

First, he got a job.

Second, Muichiro has been designated to replace Tanjiro as his tutor.

“I-I don’t know about this.” Genya murmurs as he wheels Tanjiro towards his favorite cherry blossom tree. “Muichiro hates me.”

All of Tanjiro friends (probably except Zenitsu) are already waiting for him there with unholy amounts of food for an impromptu picnic and sort of a ‘welcome back’ party.

Tanjiro isn’t back to his classes yet. He just went with his father who had gone to talk to the Principal about the accident in which Principal Ubuyashiki had granted the boy a two month recovery period.

Which also meant that Genya is left tutorless on the very week of his upcoming Math test.

“Then why were you asking for his number?” Tanjiro’s tone might be carrying a little bit of teasing.

Genya suddenly goes full scarlet at that.

“I--I, uh, I n-never said M-Muichiro..I meant Mu--Muchurro, my f-friend from S-Spain!” He sputters from sheer embarrassment. “A-and that text w-was for another person n-not you!” His frantic, panicking eyes land on the school gardeners digging a hole. If he dives in there, how long until his whole body gets swallowed by the earth?

Tanjiro shakes his red head, letting out a chuckle.

Genya must been having constant constipation cause he for sure can’t pull sh*t out of his ass.

“"Anyway, I've decided! I'll confirm it to him soon as possible!"”

“Then I hope you won’t be able to see him as soon as possible.” Genya murmurs under his breath, forgetting that phones and internet exists.

Muichiro? As his tutor? He only wanted to thank him, he didn’t ask for further encounters with that..with that....

Adorable jellybean with issues? Imaginary Genya#2, the softer one, suggests. Yeah, he gave them stupid ass names.

“Eww, adorable? No! He’s..he’s--”

The mad dwarf you couldn’t stop thinking about at nights? Imaginary Genya#1 taunts.

“Stop! Yuck! No way! And since when did the two of you teamed up?!”

Genya’s angry tirade echoes all around, causing the rest of Tanjiro’s friends to immediately shut up and stare at him in bewilderment.

“Uhh, Genya....” Tanjiro starts but a loud scoff cuts in.

“And you want me to tutor this numpty nuts?”

There, in all his five foot glory, Muichiro scrutinizes him with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Genya raises one little eyebrow in question. “You’re talking to me again?”

“Not much of a choice, isn’t it? Since I have to help your dumbass on behalf of someone.” Muichiro purses his lips, turquoise eyes landing on Tanjiro who grins sheepishly in his wheelchair.

“God, I ship them so much.” The injured redhead whispers to himself.

Chapter 5: Do You Realize


Genya realizes.


I'm sorry for taking so long! I had a wisdom tooth pulled and the anesthesia, the pain and the hunger made my brain not braining.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Believe it or not, Genya woke up to dogs having sex on the morning of the first day of school. Welp, that’s on him for forgetting to shut the damn window last night.

But thanks to the scandalous mewling of the horny bitches, it was how Genya found out that his alarm clock did not go off.

And that Sanemi did not even bother checking up on him before he left.

A horrible, sickening feeling settled on his empty stomach but Genya immediately forced it away.

His brother just probably forgot that he’s living with someone else now and just went on with his usual routine.

Yeah, that’s it. Or he’s needed by the faculty or some higher up or someone and he had to leave early.

Genya wouldn’t let some trivial sh*t weigh him down today, not when he’s been given a chance for a fresh new start, away from his father, and if possible, to catch up with his beloved older brother.

He grabbed his phone for a bit of scrolling, only to realize that he only had less than ten minutes to get his ass to school.

And with that, his phone’s battery died, along with his positive outlook.

The poor sixteen year old peeled himself off his bed, hurriedly got dressed where he had spent a crazy long three minutes digging into his bag for a pair of socks. Then he bolted to the kitchen to scavenge for something he could eat along the way.


His stomach growled louder than ever at that.

Genya high-tailed out of their apartment, screaming at the landlord to call the animal control on the fornicating stray mutts outside the building. He only heard the shocked curses of the man who yelled that the dog were both males before Genya was able to exit the street and make a turn for the main road.

“sh*t!” Four minutes until they close the school gates or force him to twerk on the opening ceremony. At least that’s what the former students were saying about first day latecomers in some forum he stumbled into.

Genya legged it. He galloped like a free horse under the cherry blossom trees. His childhood bullies who made fun of his yee-yee ass haircut would’ve been proud.


“Excuse me, watch out!” Genya barely looked over his shoulder before a speeding bicycle zoomed in and went straight for his back, causing Genya to come crashing down on the pavement.

Several pieces of bread tumbled down the bicycle’s front basket and the rider of the said bicycle had his face fortunately cushioned from the fall by Genya’s backdoor cheeks.

“The road’s f*cking wide, you dick cheese! Whatchu tooting me for?!” Genya roars at the boy with dark red hair.

“I’m so sorry! My bike has a loose brake cable, I think. I didn’t mean to hit you! I’m Tanjiro Kamado, by the way. Hey, you go to Kimetsu Academy too?!” Because apparently that’s the appropriate thing to say after you had your face in the middle of another guy’s buttcrack just seconds ago.

“f*ck off, I don’t have time for this!” Genya lifted himself off the ground but not before snatching one of the bread nearby.

“Hey, hey! Wait!” Tanjiro called after him. “Since we’re both gonna be late, why don’t I give you a lift?”

Genya side-eyed Tanjiro and his badly designed green and black checkered bike. “Boy we gonna end up in the obituary before we get to school with that!”

“Not very friendly, are you?” Tanjiro awkwardly commented as he set his bike upright again.

“Then stop trying to be my friend.” Genya quipped back.

The familiar eight chimes faintly echoed from the distance.

“f*ck!” Genya kicked one of the poor bread in annoyance. They’re probably closing the school gates at this very second. He had no other choice. “Move it! I’ll ride!”

“B-but what about me?!” Tanjiro asked.

“You stand behind me, idiot!”

Genya floored it as soon as Tanjiro was able to step onto the bike’s pegs. He ran over several breads but Genya only uttered an apology as he and Tanjiro sped away from the gruesome crime scene.

“So I was late because my father had asked me for some last minute errands. We have a bakery by the way, come by sometimes! I’m the oldest in the family, my mother died years ago and my father got into some accident, he’s a disabled man now but--”

By the time they managed to crash on the bicycle parking lot, Tanjiro must’ve told him his entire life story but Genya absorbed nothing in his mind. He didn’t care, as he busied himself trying to search for his brother’s bright white hair among the crowd.

Any minute now....Sanemi would appear, apologizing why he had to leave early....or why he forgot that Genya existed.

Maybe he’s already in the school gym?

“Who are you looking for?” Tanjiro persisted behind him because Genya’s life’s his business now. There should be a special circle in hell for annoying, overly friendly people.

“My brother.” Genya replied gruffly.

“Oh does he go here too? Why aren’t you together?” Tanjiro carried on with a huge smile on his face, unaware that he had struck a nerve.

“No.” Genya growled in irritation. “He’s the math teacher.”

Tanjiro’s mouth formed an ‘O’. “I see! It’s Mister--oh, what’s your name, by the way?”

“Genya Shinazugawa.” He said through gritted teeth. He couldn’t believe he’s close to squashing someone until they’re unrecognizable on his first day of school.

“Oh? But you don’t have the same last name?” Tanjiro mused out loud.

And that was it.

The last thread of Genya’s patience snapped. He rounded on Tanjiro, eyes bulging madly at the shorter redhead.

“I DON’T KNOW! MAYBE OUR PARENTS f*ckING DIVORCED OR SOMETHING?! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!” He roared in frustration. A hush fell over the crowd and almost everyone’s heads turned to their direction.

Two people emerged from the crowd. One was an adult in blue tracksuit with a blank expression and the other one was a middle school girl who frantically rushed towards Tanjiro.

“Brother! Brother! Are you okay? What’s wrong?” She grabbed her stiff brother by the arms, watching the color drain from his tanned face.

“N-N-Nezuko.” Tanjiro wheezed out.

The students carried on towards the entrance but a few were whispering as they pointed at the three of them. Or maybe just at Genya. Probably wondering who the f*ck let a whacko into their school.

Nezuko bowed then grabbed the back of her brother’s head to force him down as well. “W-whatever my brother did, h-he’s sorry!”

“Y-yes!” Tanjiro sputtered. “I-I apologize f-for my words and m-my insensitivity!”

“Everything okay here?” The guy in tracksuit finally caught up.

“Oh, yes, Tomioka--” Nezuko started but Genya snips her off.

“Excuse me, my brother is the math teacher, do you know where he is? Uh, sensei?” Genya added after the guy’s ID implied that he was the gym teacher.

A confused look slightly contorted Tomioka-sensei’s blank face. Genya took it as a sign that the teacher was probably thinking where he had last seen his brother.

There was no need for Genya to know that Sanemi never talked about another brother to his colleagues.

“He’s up in the Faculty Room, I think.” Tomioka vaguely replied. “You’ll see him at the opening ceremony, I’m sure. So come along now.” He shepherded the three of them towards the front door before he excused himself and made a beeline for the staircase, leaving the three of them to stew in a very awkward silence.

And Genya thought that was the last time he would encounter Tanjiro Kamado.

The next place where he saw him, was in his conscience.

See, suddenly screaming at people, terrifying innocent people, was Kyogo Shinazugawa’s thing.

As if Genya didn’t already hate himself whenever he sees his reflection, talking down to people and becoming his father for a moment made Genya want to throw up until he’s able to convince himself that he’s him, that there was nothing more of Kyogo existing within him.

“I’ll apologize.” Genya decided. “I’ll make it right.”

After the ceremony, instead of searching for something white, Genya craned his neck for something in deep red.

Tanjiro, accompanied by a small gang, finally spilled out of the gym’s double doors, all chatting and laughing with each other. It was Nezuko who spotted Genya first, she tapped her brother on the shoulder and pointed at him.

Genya fidgeted where he stood, the embarrassment from that morning taking over him as Tanjiro broke off from his group to approach him.

“Hey!” Tanjiro bounded to him. All smiles, as if Christmas had arrived early. Don’t this guy’s jaws hurt at all?

“H-hey.” Genya croaked back sheepishly. His mouth tried to fire the apology sitting at the back of his throat but no voice came out. He had never apologized to anyone before and part of him didn’t want Tanjiro to easily forgive him but judging from how his grin is widening, f*ck that’s creepy though, this boy probably never hold grudges or anger towards anyone. “L-listen, this morning....”

“Hmm?” Tanjiro tilted his head to the side a little.

I’m sorry. “I-It was y-yell at you like that....especially w-when you just helped me out, I--”

Tanjiro, for some reason, sniffed the air.

“I know, Genya!” He remembered his name? “I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have pried too much. You’re right, it was none of my business. You’re good, I’m good, we’re good!” Tanjiro let out a delighted, warm chuckle.

And Genya couldn’t help but think that he might’ve actually made his first friend ever.

Minutes later, Genya’s having fun exploring the entire school with the same dickwaffle he wanted to turn into ground meat just hours ago. Tanjiro excused himself from his friends so he could eat his lunch with Genya, who the redhead noticed, had come empty handed.

Being an old student, Tanjiro toured him around the school grounds. He chatted away while Genya only listened as he nibbled on the melon bread his new friend offered him.

The pair was walking down the third floor hallway when they unexpectedly bumped into someone familiar.

Funny how Genya was desperately looking for him but his stomach immediately formed into a tight knot upon seeing Sanemi stepping out of a classroom.

“B-brother!”Genya rasped. He hesitated before jogging the distance between him and the math teacher. “I missed you this morning! I need to talk to you.”

Judging from the way his brother’s staring daggers at him, his probably not in the mood for some ramen or a wholesome trip to the supermarket after school.

“Not here.” Sanemi said in a low, icy tone. It was the longest thing he said to Genya in seven years.

“Uhm, not what?” Genya felt a little happy despite the chill seeping into his skin.

Sanemi’s lighter pair of purple landed on Tanjiro. The boy squeaked then again, sniffed the air.

“I’ll see you downstairs, Genya.” Tanjiro turned on his heel to walk out of that awkward moment. Genya wished he didn't. He hated the sudden discomfort he felt around his own brother.

"I'm not your brother, not when we're at school, do you understand?" Sanemi hissed as soon as Tanjiro rounded a corner towards the staircase.

"I-I understand." Genya murmured. Sanemi itched to tell the sixteen year old that he had stopped seeing him as a brother after their parents divorce. But he's a teacher and whether he despised Genya's existence or not, he had to remain a decent adult when they're in school premises.

"I heard about the commotion you caused this morning." Sanemi glared.

Commotion?! It was just some shouting that didn't even last for ten seconds!

"We'll talk about this later. Right now, stop seeking attention." Sanemi walked away, leaving Genya confused if that 'talk' would be an exciting brotherly bonding or not.

"I smell no hatred from him." A voice suddenly piped in, followed by a series of loud sniffs. Genya jumped in surprise. Tanjiro was at his side again, watching the math teacher stalk out of there.

"W-what? You....y-you smell what?" Genya frowned at his new friend. Was he part dog? Are those gay mutts from this morning his gay uncles?

Tanjiro scratched the back of his neck. "I know this is unbelievable but I can smell feelings from people....even emotions left behind in objects. It's okay if you think it's nuts but believe me when I say that your brother is not really angry at you."

Admittedly, it sounded like horsesh*t but Genya found himself trusting Tanjiro. The boy just gives off this pleasant aura where you couldn't help but rely on him, trust on him and believe him.

Even though in the future, Genya would gradually cease to believe his words as days pass, and Sanemi's hostility just grew and grew towards him.

Genya still held onto Tanjiro, held onto his calming words and warm smile. He held onto their precious friendship, the days and nights when Genya would confide in him and then he could tell him again and again that Sanemi never hated him and once again, Genya would believe him.

Everytime, it brought him the peace he needed. Everytime, Tanjiro was there to say the right words.

Genya will forever be thankful for becoming his friend, all he wanted is for Tanjiro to live the happiest he could be and that includes seeing him giggle and sigh at Kanao Tsuyuri's messages.

"Someone's simping." In the present, Genya grinned down at the back of Tanjiro's head. The mohawked boy could see him scrolling up and down through an open text conversation with Kanao.

Tanjiro almost dropped his phone.

"I-I...w-well, have you seen her? Not only k-kind but b-beautiful as well." Tanjiro sputters, probably unaware of Genya being exclusively attracted to anyone with a dong. "We really got into talking more after the accident and I..I just couldn't stop thinking about her, I just had a dream about her last night, like, damn it!" Tanjiro passionately rants, his hands swaying madly in the air.

Genya halts in his tracks. He lets go of Tanjiro's wheelchair and kneels in front of his friend.

"Tanjiro." He starts, the usual embarrassment of showing his feelings all forgotten for now. "T-thank y-you ....for being my friend, especially when I have troubles with Nem-- with Sanemi. I could positively and confidently say now, that I don't actually like you."

Silence. And then,"E--EHHHHH?!?!" Shock takes over Tanjiro’s face, and moments later, his huge wine-colored eyes shine with tears.

Genya panics. "N-no! No! I like you as my friend! I--I just thought....I just thought that I liked you more than that...." Genya trails off, letting Tanjiro absorb his words.

"O-Oh." Realization finally dawns on Tanjiro. "I didn't know that."

Of course he wouldn't. Tanjiro is being Tanjiro without intending anyone to fall for him. He's just a pretty great guy in general without expecting anything in return.

"But I just realized...." Genya carries on, surprisingly finding it easy to. "I like you because I associated the feeling of being alright with you. You'd always try to make me feel better and whenever I feel like sh*t, I automatically run to you and expect you to do your thing. That's why I've always been jealous of your friends and your siblings, you're always there for them and I was afraid won’t be there the next time I cry like a baby because you’re busy with the more important people.”

“But then, it didn't suck when you confessed about the Tsuyuri chick. I didn't feel like scalping her or gouging her eyes out at all, I'm actually happy for you two. I never had dreams about you and whenever I picture us together, we would just always talk about my brother, comforting me over a cup of coffee. I don’t write poems about your nice red eyes or something.... you're very alright looking, though."

Wew. That was probably longer than everything Genya ever said in sixteen years.

Yet his heart feels light at the massive realization.

"P-please...." Tanjiro whines after the short silence that followed.


"Please don't take Kanao's eyes out, they're literally the most beautiful--"

"Nah, I don't think so." A pair of huge turquoise flashes in his mind and Genya wanted to run himself over with Tanjiro's wheelchair.

He paid it no mind after that. Generally speaking, Muichiro....ah, the Tokitou twins have amazing, blue, doll-like eyes. Anyone would've noticed it. Genya's observation wasn't anything special.

Sure. That part of him shrugs.

Tanjiro sniffs something in the air. Whoops. And then he smiles.

"Genya, thank you for telling me and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to acknowledge it. But I'm glad it turned out that way because I'm happy as your friend. Don't worry about me forgetting you, I always make time whenever someone needs me."

"Okay, okay. Stop crying, come on, everyone’s waiting." Genya pffts then makes a show of dismissing Tanjiro before wheeling his chuckling friend once more, both basking in the friendly, lighthearted mood.

"Oh! About your tutoring, by the way...." Tanjiro starts as they approach the cherry blossom tree. "I asked Muichiro to take over for me. He's good, way better than me and he would be able to actually help you with your grades. You could come to his house. Uncle and Auntie would even make you a nice dinner."

A little bit of dread and a whole lot of nervousness made Genya squeak.

“I-I don’t know about this.” Genya murmurs. “Muichiro hates me.”

Quite the opposite. But Tanjiro didn’t voice it out. He'd let his almost-cousin realize that on his own.

"Then why were you asking for his number?” Tanjiro prods. Teasingly. It was certainly a surprise, but a welcome one.

Genya's close to bursting like a tomato as he spews out the bullsh*t about his made up Spanish friend.

“Now, as in today? We’ll start right now?”

Genya could barely walk since he was bloated from all those foods and drinks. Honestly, he just wanted to get home and lie down and maybe doze off until midnight.

But today also happens to be his first day at his first job which he couldn’t afford to miss.

Just this morning, he woke up to an email confirming that he had been accepted as a barista slash all-around helper at a certain cafe. He’s scheduled to work on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

But since he was a student, the manager had only given him a five hour shift on weekdays and six on a weekend. The pay’s not bad too, he would be able to cover a part of their bills while having some savings for himself as well.

And add to that, it’s more than half an hour away. Nobody from school would be able to see him or run into their shop.

Because if there’s one con to this plethora of pros, it’s the goddang uniform.

It’s the cursed, horrifying work uniform which gave Genya the urge to burn it to hell as soon as he laid eyes on it.

Anyway, work comes first.

Muichiro would have to wait.

“You realize that your math test is three days away, right?” Muichiro presses on. It’s unfair how he could still walk upright despite binging on bread and soda a while ago. Not that Genya’s watching him eat. Not that he noticed the elegance in how he cradled food in his hands. “Tanjiro sent a copy of your records to me. You gotta pump those rookie numbers up if you want a decent final grade at the end of the school year.”

Well, Genya couldn’t argue with that.

“I’m sorry, but can we please not now? I mean, I just changed tutors and I--”

“Then what do you want, a ritual? A welcome party for me?” Muichiro sassed, glaring at the taller boy. There were small bits of bread crumbs dusting his chin and Genya felt this itch to run his thumb across it.

He just couldn’t stand gross, unsightly things. Really. Believe him.

Genya’s phone lets out a small beep. His boss had sent him a message, expecting him that afternoon for a short orientation.

sh*t. And it would take at least half an hour to get there. He has to shake off Muichiro now or he won’t make it in time.

“Ehrm, I have a thing....this afternoon.” Genya scratches his cheek. “Maybe it won’t be long and I could just message you or something?”

That’s one way of getting his number! Inner Genya #2 wiggles his little imaginary eyebrows.

“What’s your thing?” Muichiro stops in his tracks, penetrating Genya with his intrusive stare.

“Uh, I can’t say. It’s private. It’s my thing.”

“Unless you tell me what this thing is....” Muichiro resumes his steps. “I’ll take you to my room whether you like it or not.”


Even if he didn’t mean anything like that, Muichiro was stunned speechless as well, upon realizing how he worded his sentence. “I--I mean, w-we’ll study at my house! I didn’t--I didn’t--ugh!” His deeply flushed face turns away from Genya’s direction.

Which would’ve been futile as Genya’s equally blazing face is turned to the opposite side too.

“Wait here!” Muichiro suddenly barks at the sixteen year old, stopping in front of a small building. A coffee and smoothie place. Really?! Right after they almost drowned in soda and juice?! “You better stay where you at, you hear me?” He makes a brave attempt to look at Genya.

Their gazes met.

Muichiro lets out an embarrassed little squeak before scampering inside.

Genya, still quite pink in the cheeks, leans against the shop’s cobblestone walls, his arms neatly crossed in front of his chest.

Dude, what the f*ck are you doing? Inner Genya#1 snaps.

What now?

What ‘what now’ ?! Why are you standing there like a typical shoujo manga male lead?! Gun it! Leave while he’s distracted!

Genya peeps inside the shop through a window and sees Muichiro’s dark and teal head in a queue. Guilt stirs inside Genya at the thought of leaving that unsuspecting chibi all alone, and without a warning too. Muichiro trusted him enough to stay put outside.

Guilt won’t pay the bills. Run! could just tell him the truth about your job.The other side of Genya butts in.

No way! What if he decided to tag along? The uniforms!

Is that fugly outfit worth betraying his trust?

Trust?! Hah! Stop being a dramatic wussy! Why are you always a dramatic wussy?! God, can’t even say ‘puss*’ cause of too much gay.

Perhaps the real question is, since when did Genya’s conscience grow a second voice? The one that always favored Muichiro.

Hey. The second voice felt like a hand on his shoulder. Just get in there and tell him you have to leave, and that you would explain next time, okay?

Genya draws in a breath. “Okay.” Okay.

That same moment, Genya’s phone once again beeps, startling him. He groans when he realized it was just some random text from an online scammer. But when his eyes accidentally lands on the time, the phone almost slips out of his hand like a bar of soap.

“sh*t!” He cries out. Less than twenty five minutes before he needs to clock in. Genya bolts out of there in panic, the potential to get fired before he could even start overshadowed the guilt he feels.

He’ll just send Muichiro a text.

Wait, he doesn’t have his number.

Oh well, it’s Muichiro’s fault for not giving it to him.

What kind of tutor doesn’t establish good form of communication beforehand with his pupil, right?

“smh” Genya shakes his head. Maybe next time be sensible and give me your num--your contact? For communication purposes?

He’d tell him that. Definitely. That’s definitely true.

“Sorry, the line was--oh.”


Of course, Genya wouldn’t hesitate to drop Muichiro’s ass on the spot like a hot potato. What possessed him and actually asked the sixteen year old, who loathes him to the core, to wait for him like he's his guard dog?

Genya couldn’t really stomach him, huh? Not even for his grades.

Muichiro wanted to send a text to Tanjiro, but is unable to.

Not with both of his hands in use.

He takes a sip of his Iced Peppermint, teal orbs side-eyeing the drink on his other hand. “Hmm.”

Maybe Yuichiro would fancy a fresh, watermelon smoothie.

He couldn't let it go to waste, could he?


I promise that the next update won't take as long to finish! I couldn't stand a little to no genmui in a chapter >:(

Chapter 6: Muichiro's Feelings


A father and his sons talk. A wholesome hug. Watermelon smoothie sucks. Thoughts are raging inside Muichiro's head and a surprise at the end.


Just a very quick and short update because I'm gay and so are you.

I just wanna say a HUGEE THANK YOU to everyone who hit, kudos'd and commented particularly Fumi_Grayheart, sofialovescats and Cl0udyb0y.

But it's all of you's comments that's making me keep on going so thank you, children !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hashtag watermelon sucks. Hashtag selfie. Hashtag my twin brother is in a mood."

"Stop it, Yui. Don't include me in the pic!" Muichiro throws his twin a sour look then hides his scowling face behind his science textbook. “Since when do you take selfies and post it on Fakebook? You’re acting so out of character, it’s creeping me out!”

Yuichiro rolls his eyes. His love for his twin brother’s the only thing stopping him from chucking the oven toaster at his stupid head. “That’s my line, nincompoop! You came home hours ago acting like a hoe with a premenstrual syndrome, and you wouldn’t even tell us who beefed in your borscht?!”

Their father chose that very moment to enter the dining room.

“Language, Yuichiro!” Mr. Tokitou cries out, scandalized. The hell? Yuichiro literally screamed death threats at everyone last Saturday at the party.

“What?! You think ‘borscht’ is a swear word?!”

“It’s not?”

“No! It’s a Ukrainian soup!”

“Oh? Huh.” Mr. Tokitou breathes out. Sometimes having a child who knows too much is scary. You never know when they’re trippin. He clears his throat, “Well, today I learned! Haha! Now be a good boy and please help your mom with dinner, okay?”

Mr. Tokitou quietly gestures at Muichiro with his dark red eyes. The younger twin still has his nose behind his book, never once joining his brother and father’s wack conversation.

The patriarch knows his eldest child is just trying to help, but still, he’s just a teenager and the father got this feeling that this is gonna be one of the ‘What is happening to me?’ puberty talk.

“Right.” Yuichiro noisily slurps the last of his watermelon smoothie.

As soon as Yuichiro stalks out of the dining room, Mr. Tokitou quietly drags his seat closer to his youngest son.

“Hey, bud.” Mr. Tokitou sways on his side to bump his shoulder against Muichiro’s.

“Mhmm.” Muichiro acknowledges weakly. Mr. Tokitou sighs, gently laying a hand on the top of the book to urge his son to put it down.

Dejection is clearly and surprisingly painted on Muichiro’s face which he quickly shifts into his normal blank look.

“You can talk to me, you know.” Mr. Tokitou caresses his son’s cheek with his fingers. “I can tell something’s wrong. You don’t have to tell me the whole thing if you don’t want to, I just want my Bright Eyes Baby Boo to feel better.”

Oh boy, the cringe. The cheese. Muichiro throws his father a look of something between disbelief and disgust before laying his head on the man's shoulder.

Mr. Tokitou strokes his son's head, running his fingers through his seaweed of a hair. From who did his sons get this? Tsk.

"I don't really understand what's wrong." Muichiro starts, because what else could go more badly than the abomination of a nickname his father had for him? "I'm used to people thinking that I'm kind of an ass and I don't really care about what they say about me because I don't really care about anyone besides Yui and Tanjiro." Muichiro puts it out bluntly. And....who else?

"But this afternoon, there's this uh, person. I'll be doing this person a huge favor but they don't seem happy or grateful about it. I don't understand why, uhm, why it doesn't feel....okay. Somehow."

"Muichiro." Mr. Tokitou maneuvers his son carefully so they could talk face to face. "Either it's your pride talking, do actually care for this person."

"W-what?! Hell no!" Muichiro sputters, his teal eyes wide open as he stares at his father in shock. Him? Care about that stretchy asshole? "T-that's impossible! Like I said, I only care about Yui and Tanjiro! T-there's no-- I don't-- that's really impossible, Dad!"

Mr. Tokitou, once again, heaves a sigh. After a few beats of silence, he says a out loud, "I know you're listening, Yuichiro. Come here!"

Like in horror movies, Yuichiro gradually pokes his head out from the entryway but instead of the mangled appearance of a restless spirit, a little face bearing an eternal scowl pops out from behind the wall. Mr. Tokitou gestures at the vacant seat on his other side.

Yuichiro rolls his eyes but makes a beeline for the chair anyway. Mr. Tokitou wraps each arm around each twin's shoulders.

"I'm truly sorry.." He begins, causing the twins to look up at him in unison, surprise etched on their identical faces. "..that we had to live with Grandfather Michikatsu for a long time. I'm sorry that you didn't get to experience a normal childhood and grow up as normal kids. You both are so intelligent and hardworking." Mr. Tokitou spares each son a proud look. "You know lots of things academically, but understanding the complexity of human emotions is a pain in the ass, isn't it?"

Neither answers but both retain their gaze on their father, indicating that they're listening.

"Boys, the only friend you have outside of our family are the Kamados. You care for them, especially Tanjiro but don't be afraid if you find yourselves caring about other people too. You're growing boys, your world is growing bigger too. You two won't be the infamous 'badass' Tokitou twins forever, cool, smart but unfriendly. Eventually, you might find a particular person you're interested with. It's okay to be confused right now, it'll clear up one day after you meet more people."

“Muichiro.” A pair of shimmering teal meets blood red. He had always been thankful that his sons had inherited one of the most beautiful things his wife possessed. “Maybe the situation upset you, because it had something to do with the person. Try to substitute that person with someone else and see if you still bad about it. Then ask yourself, what sets this person different than the rest? Why did I feel that way about them? But don’t lose sleep over it, okay? Don’t rush things.”

The younger twin nods. “Thank you, Dad.”

The arm around them pulls Muichiro and Yuichiro closer to Mr. Tokitou for a heartwarming hug. While their cheeks were pressed against their father’s chest, Muichiro finds himself face to face with his twin brother.

Now, as twins, they sometimes could communicate just with their eyes. Not only that, they could also read each other’s lip movements and there was no mistaking it when Muichiro deciphered the silent words Yuichiro’s mouth were forming.

I’m. Going. To. Cut. Off. Genya’s. Dick. And. Balls

That night, Muichiro followed his father’s advice.

All but one.

It’s already fifteen past nine in the evening and he’s still tossing and turning in his bed. He should’ve been asleep ages ago. Don’t judge him. Early to sleep and early to rise is an underrated way to keep one’s brain healthy.

“Don’t lose sleep, my ass.” Muichiro peels his blanket off him to engage his ceiling in a staring contest. "Did you really think I could sleep at all when my mind is now full of questions than answers, Dad?”

Outside, a chilly gust of wind disturbs the stationary trees. Muichiro pads to his window to take a peek outside. He shivers from the sudden cold, though the rustling of the tree leaves against the wind is quite pleasant to the ears.

And then the sizzling sound finally comes on, accompanied by the strong smell of wet earth.

Muichiro pulls his window down, shutting his blinds in the process.

The evening news didn’t say anything about the rain.

Guess they’re really unpredictable, like Muichiro’s strange feelings.

Maybe the situation upset you, because it had something to do with the person.

Muichiro didn’t exactly tell his father the truth.

He wasn’t upset with Genya’s obvious unwillingness to be his tutor.

It’s just....the thought of Genya easily dismissing him like that, leaving him like that so easily, ugh! It felt....disrespectful? But no, no. That’s not the word he’s looking for. Something deeper than that. Something more personal.

He already tried inserting other characters in Genya’s place. What if it was the piss-colored boy? Or the boar-smelling one? If they wordlessly leave him, he would merely shrug and probably just contact them after.

If it was Nezuko? Oh, something probably came up. No biggie.

Tanjiro? Same. He’s always busy. Muichiro would probably be a little annoyed that the redhead didn’t contact him or warn him before, though.

But he’d never stay awake, like right now, plagued with restless thoughts and feelings swirling inside him.

So what the f*ck is it with Genya? Why him? Why the blasted idiot who looks like a thumb with hair?

Why his love rival who he spent some time in the coffee shop with, shared a train ride home with and after that, witnessed his vulnerability as he possibly recalled something traumatic in his life?

A money-grabbing scam of an arcade machine.

A panic attack in public.

Two different scenarios that greatly vary in gravity of seriousness. Yet both of them immediately jumped to the other’s rescue.

And then there are the little things in between, like the basket of chocolates, the watermelon soda, two steaming mugs of hot cocoa, the lavender scent of Genya’s hair, meeting everyday in front of the school, whether it’s all an accident or not, the insulting nicknames meant to offend yet secretly smiling at the absurdity of each one, that silence after Genya’s panic attack, both of them grasping for the right words to say.

Whether Muichiro admits it or not, he had shared a lot of things, a lot of moments with Genya, his supposed to be enemy. Never in his life did he imagine losing precious sleep over thoughts and feelings with Genya at the center of it all.

Exhausted from thinking too much, Muichiro’s brain finally surrenders. He could feel his lids getting heavier, his thoughts dispersing like smoke. His raven and mint head sinks further in his fluffy pillow. Not before long, The aggressive downpour outside becomes his lullaby....

Until the sudden blasting of the doorbell jolts him awake again.

“WHO THE f*ck IS THAT, I SWEAR I’M GONNA SHOVE MICHIKATSU’S MOLDY WALKING STICK INSIDE YO ASS!” Yuichiro thunders from inside his room across Muichiro’s, thank f*ck it’s muffled and their parents are still downstairs watching TV.

Muichiro wanders along the hallway then down the stairs. Whoever’s outside the door is relentless so it could either be a murderer, or a the middle of the night.

“Coming! Coming!” He yells at the doorbell ringer anyway, heart pounding from nervousness. What if it’s indeed a criminal?

Then at least he’d get killed first in order to buy his family time to escape.

Muichiro grasps the doorknob, counting in his mind. As he reached ‘three’, he pries the door open.

His heart immediately stops. Eyes widening at the scene before him.

There, on the other side, is the boy who’s keeping him awake tonight, panting madly, drenched from his mohawked hair to the small bouquet of white lilies and pink carnations in his hand.

“Hey.” Genya Shinazugawa greets, his tone breathless.



Chapter 7: One Rainy Evening


They finally succumb.



Sorry for taking so long with this update, I didn't realize that time is passing by so quick lol. Warning, might be a boring chapter but I wanted you guys to have something before this year ends.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Genya, dude. Not to be an asshole but are you not liking the party?”

“Huh?” Genya peels his eyes away from his phone screen only to find his co-workers watching him intently. He flushed. “Sorry, I was....” Thinking of what to say to a bite-sized demon I probably pissed off.

“Come on, bro. We all had to pitch in for this stuff.” His male co-worker gestures at the greasy pizza boxes and empty soda bottles.. “At least pretend to be enjoying it!”He guffaws, landing a playful punch on Genya’s arm that he might’ve intended to be real.

Ouch! f*ck.

Not even done with his first day and he already wanted to sock someone in the face.

“Oh, please. It’s Ma’am who paid for all these. ” A female co-worker butts in. She crosses her legs to obviously emphasize them smooth, curvy hotdogs. Wouldn't work on Genya, though, as she doesn't have the kind of wiener he wanted.. “But this inflated moron is right, Genya, you’re being quite inattentive and keep looking at your phone. Hmm....girlfriend trouble, perhaps?" She asks hopefully.

Genya chuckles nervously. "Haha, no. Just a small misunderstanding with someone."

Instead of listening intently during his orientation and enjoying the surprise after party for him, Genya couldn't help but think about Muichiro and the gnawing feeling inside him.

How did Muichiro react when he realized Genya left just like that? Was he disappointed? Mad? Angry enough to slice off his balls?

Or just as he most likely would, shrug it off and go on his way?

After all, what is Genya to him to warrant such reactions?

Still, he begged Tanjiro for Muichiro's number under the pretense of using it for educational purposes. His friend thankfully gave in, saying his new tutor probably just forgot to give it to him.

When his boss called for a quick break, he didn’t waste another second and whipped out his phone so he could fire a message to Muichiro.

Bu then Genya’s fingers only hovered over his screen, because nothing in his meager vocabulary felt like the right words to tell the other boy.

Only the blinking cursor stared back at him. Like a foot tapping impatiently.

"Misunderstanding with the gf? Tell the bro about it." co-worker Bro puts an arm around Genya's neck. “Come on.” He urges.

“Oi, quit scaring him off!” The sweet old lady, their boss and the cafe owner hisses at Bro. Kindly, she smiles up at her new employee. “Flowers, dear boy. Get them flowers, you could never go wrong with flowers.”

Which brings Genya to the present situation.

Oh, flowers. Did somebody die? Muichiro’s brain automatically fires up a witty remark with a heat that could instantly warm up the harsh, cold night, only to realize that those words were actually the ones that died in his throat.

Now he simply stands there, mouth agape, hardly daring to believe what, or who’s in front of him.

Despite the bone-chilling wind caused by the downpour, Muichiro feels a steamy kind of warmth spreading all over his stupefied face as his widened teal eyes never left Genya’s apprehensive purple ones hiding behind several loose strands that branched off his usual slicked back hair.

Until his vision is suddenly blocked by something white, green, pink, fragrant and cold.

Genya had shoved the soggy, wilting bouquet right in his face.

“U-uhm!” Genya unconsciously thrusts the flowers further in Muichiro’s face. “I-I...about this a-afternoon! S-s-sorry for leaving you, I didn’t--”

“What’s going on? Who is that?” Muichiro’s mother’s worried voice, accompanied by another two sets of footsteps interrupts the moment. She, her husband and Yuichiro rushes to the living room, only for her to come into an abrupt stop.

Mr. Tokitou collides with her from behind, which then caused a a very disgruntled Yuichiro to suddenly bump into his father’s thicc backside before finally falling down on his ass.

The trio stares at the strange scene happening in front of them.

It’s nine twenty five in the late evening and a trembling Genya Shinazugawa is standing there at their front door, drenched from his now flaccid mohawk to his purple sneakers, the rainwater dripping from the poor boy is forming a large puddle on the Tokitous’ expensive porch tiles.

In front of him is another boy in teddy bear-patterned pajamas. He greatly resembles their youngest son, Muichiro.

If Muichiro’s face happens to mutate into a bunch of carnations and lilies, that is.

Thank God for Mrs. Tokitou having a normal, sensible, functioning brain.

“Goodness, Muichiro. Get him inside, quick!” Muichiro, who still has his vision obscured by the flowers, made grabby hands to locate the sixteen year old.

Mr. Tokitou remembers that he’s supposed to be the other responsible adult in the house. He picks up his eldest son off the floor before rushing towards their visitor.

“Here, Genya, let me take that off your hands, I’m sure there’s a spare vase in the TV room.”

“But it’s mine!” Muichiro cries out, much to their surprise. And his. He eyeballs all of them as he hugs the limp bouquet tightly in his chest.

“O-okay!” Mr. Tokitou chuckles nervously at his son, stepping away with his hands raised in surrender. “Well, you bring that up in your room while Mom and I take care of this gentleman, go on.” He and his wife then marches Genya to the bathroom while the embarrassed teen keeps mumbling apologies at the wet muddy trail he’s leaving behind on their pristine wooden floor.

Muichiro darts past his twin, not daring to meet Yuichiro’s intrusive, questioning glare.

His father’s head appears from behind a wall. “Yui, dear. Could you mop the floor before you get back to bed? Thank you, Baby Poohkie Honeygems.”

“Kill me now.” Yuichiro glares intensely at the ceiling. Maybe laser beams will shoot out of them and destroy this effin house. He was just peacefully snoring in bed more than twenty minutes ago but now he has to do additional chores because the stupid human piñata pulled a Nick Nelson from Heartstopper episode 4 with extra steps.


Well, it’s not cute! Bleggh.

Yuichiro clicks his tongue in annoyance, stomping all the way to the storage room where they keep their cleaning tools in a cabinet.

He whips out the mop, wishing he could bonk Genya’s head with it. “Horsehead! I’m gonna slice off your dick!” Yuichiro then starts whacking the sh*t out of some old, battered, life-sized teddy bear he and Muichiro had when they were toddlers to release his frustration.

“C-come in.” Muichiro chokes a reply at the gentle rapping on his bedroom door. He didn’t have to guess who it is. He knew the way his family knocks. His mother would call his name first, his father would tap lightly before calling out.

Yuichiro didn’t have to. Muichiro would just feel his presence, open the door and find him outside. He just knows. It’s a twin thing.

This one.... this one’s unfamiliar, hesitant and strange.

Something purple appears in his peripherals.“Uhm, I....your mom told me to wait until she finished drying off my clothes.” Genya fidgets at the doorway, clad in Mr. Tokitou’s old, purple, sleeveless yukata.

“I see.” The fourteen year old manages to nod curtly, his impassive gaze returning to the vase of flowers perched on his windowsill. The vibrant pop of pink and green plus the pureness of the white is surreal to look at against the dark neutral theme of Muichiro’s minimalist bedroom.

Pink carnation and white lilies.

In the flower language, both could mean as a heartfelt apology.

“M-may I..may I come in?

Muichiro clears his throat and says in the most dignified voice he could muster, “I already said you could, didn’t I?”

Genya gently closes the door, cutting off the world outside.

The two of them alone in the four corners of his room. Nowhere else to run. Nowhere else to hide. Silence reigned, save for the loud pitter-pattering of the rain hitting the roof.

Thank f*ck for that because Muichiro’s heart starts thundering in his chest he could literally feel it banging in his ribcage.

And Genya didn’t need to hear that, thank you very much.

He is NOT going into my room! Muichiro remembers saying to Tanjiro.

God, if he only knew that time. That time was merely more than a week ago.

Genya awkwardly ambles towards the vacant desk chair, passing by him in the process. Muichiro caught a whiff of something familiar.


The scent of his own body wash.

How he wished he could bash his head on a wall right now because that realization is certainly doing something to him.

“So, I, uh, I need to tell you something.” Genya casually starts, as if every inch of him, from his damp hair strands falling on his face to his thick, muscular thigh poking out of the yukata’s slit, to his perfectly trimmed toenails, is not unwelcome in Muichiro’s private space.

“I’ll go first.” Muichiro crosses his arms, maybe it’ll silence his wild beating heart. “You should find another tutor because I’m not wasting my time on you anymore.” He flashes Genya a look akin to superiority and dominance.

Muichiro needs to remind the boy that he’s the boss here and that his throat’s definitely not drying up at the sight of those huge biceps and scarred, brawny arms intruding his line of sight.

And oh, are those nicely shaped pectorals peeking out ?

God, what is happening to me? Since when did I become interested with human anatomy?

Maybe he’s just envious of Genya’s toned body? Yeah. Well, he shouldn’t worry, the time and chance to bulk up will eventually come. Definitely.

Definitely just that.

Hah, as if this overgrown donkey has any effect on him.

“Muichiro, please, I’m sorry.” Genya pleads softly in a voice that he never used on him before. When Muichiro made no effort to reply, he sighs in defeat, “It’s because I got a job, okay? Today’s my first day, I couldn’t afford to be late! But I couldn’t tell you anything because I didn’t want anyone to know about it!”

“Why not?”

Dude, just tell him and get this over with.

Come on, you can do it. What’s the worst that could happen?

The thing is, it’s more than just a hideous uniform. Genya actually had broken a school rule.

“Because this job is not....not just around the corner, you know?”

Principal Ubuyashiki and the rest of the school administrators allowed their high school students to take part-time jobs provided that they follow the three, strictly implemented rules which are;

1. Students must not apply for positions at sex or alcohol-centered establishment, (e.g. bars, Love Hotels, host clubs, etc.)

2. Students are not permitted to work on jobs that would require too much physical labor. (construction, warehouses, trucking.)

And finally,

3. Students are only allowed to find work WITHIN the city.

Guess which one the stubborn sixteen year old broke?

Muichiro runs a palm over his face .“Damn, Genya, where did you apply?”

Genya swallows nervously before responding, “Shizuoka.”

“SHIZUOKA?!’ Muichiro rises to his feet. “That’s two hours from here!”

“Sssh! Sssh!” Genya nervously puts a finger to his lips, his eyes automatically shooting towards the door as if Mr. and Mrs. Tokitou would come bursting inside with the principal in tow. “Err, uhm.. actually, it’s. just around thirty minutes if I take the bullet train.”

“That’s not the point!” Muichiro hisses through gritted teeth. Why is he acting angrier than necessary? It’s Genya’s crusty ass that’s gonna be baked and busted, not his.

“Look,” Genya shakes his head. “No one’s going to know anything if we keep this a secret between us.”

Muichiro throws him an incredulous look. “You want me to be a rule-breaker like you? You want me to lie when they ask around where the hell Genya Shinazugawa works? You want me to be the guy in the chair while you kick ass out there?”

And perhaps it was out of desperation, or the heat of the moment, but Genya suddenly finds himself grabbing Muichiro’s both hands to take them in his.

Genya gave them one good squeeze.

“Please, Mui, I’m really, really sorry for asking you this. But no other place accepted me as soon as they saw my picture. This one, this one where I’m currently working at, was the only one that responded to me. So, please. I really need to make money on my own. I don’t want to trouble my big brother and my mother anymore.”

All these information wouldn’t have taken a long time to process for Muichiro but after a few beats of silence, he merely tilts his head and with a slightly confused look on his face, he says,

“Did you just call me ‘Mui’?”

Wew. Nicknames, already?

At least take him out to dinner first, lover boy.

Mui! Mui! Mui! Mui!

Horse people are really fast.

“Shut up!”

“Excuse me?” The slight smirk on Muichiro’s face vanishes in an instant.

Oh sh*t. “N-no! No! Sorry, I wasn’t talking to you! T-there my head, yeah?” Genya twirls his finger near his head to emphasize his point but only made it worse because now he just admitted to Muichiro that he’s a nutter.

“Okay.” Muichiro merely nods after an awkward stretch of silence.

“Uhm, okay what?”

“Okay I won’t tell anyone about your job and for the first time in my life, tolerate a broken school rule that might come bite me back on the ass later.”


“Yep.” Muichiro shrugs. “One less thing for you to worry about, right? Don’t want to damage any more of that shrunken brain....if you still have any.”

Genya wasn’t able to stop his hands from squeezing both Muichiro’s shoulders. “Wow! Thank you, Mui--!” Immensely relieved, his body lurched forward on it’s own accord for a hug. It was just gonna be a hug.

But then his senses returned to him almost immediately, resulting in him stopping midway, with his face just mere inches away from Muichiro’s.

Pretty sure Genya breathed in something warm and minty that the fourteen year old exhaled.

His knees kinda felt weak at that.

sh*t, what am I doing?!

“U-uh, Genya?”

And he definitely didn’t need to see a terribly red, scowling Muichiro shyly averting his gaze from him. But more so, didn’t need the unmistakable feeling of trembling, smaller hands, Muichiro’s hands, pushing against his bare chest as the yukata’s collars came loose enough .

Both boys let out an undignified squeak before hastily jumping about ten feet away from each other.

Muichiro retreats further back on his bed while Genya contemplates about boarding a plane to Poland and never coming back.

Because the universe is not done f*cking up with him, the door suddenly bursts open and of course, it had to be Yuichiro carrying a f*cking plate of lasagna on the other side. He frowns at Genya.

“W-Why....why are your tit* out?”

The pile of cheesy glob splats down the floor.

Fortunately, Mr. Tokitou hollers from downstairs at that very moment, calling Genya to a quick meal they prepared for him.

A warm bowl of miso soup, a slab of pan-fried salmon fillet and a tray of fluffy tamagoyaki rolls awaits for him at the dining table. Genya’s stomach growled at the sight, he didn’t know he was that starving. The junk food and greasy pizza at his workplace’s welcome party seemed a lifetime ago.

“Thank you so much but you didn’t have to.” A hesitant Genya couldn’t bring himself to drop his ass down on the dining chair as he feels like he’s abusing the kind couple’s hospitality already. No one, not even his own parents, had done this much for him.

His mother, Shizu, was too preoccupied with making ends meet to still have time to tuck her kids to bed and his father, well, Kyogo’s the human equivalent of a big pile of turd marinating in a moldy, piss-stained toilet .

“Nonsense!” Mr. Tokitou waves him off, clapping Genya’s back once. “My wife should be done with your clothes and uniform. But go help yourself with food first, son, go on.” He pulls a seat for him as Muichiro and Yuichiro scurry around the table like rats to start picking some of Genya’s egg rolls off the plate.

“Boys, get back to bed!” Their father scolds but gives up when his sons merely stared back at him with their identical hamster cheeks stuffed with food. He raised his hands to the ceiling then sighs, “Don’t blame me if you two wake up tired tomorrow.”

After finishing his meal, Mr. Tokitou insisted on driving him home despite Genya’s fierce protest.

“It’s okay, Sir. You’ve done enough already!” He calls after Mr. Tokitou’s stubborn ass who ran off to fetch his keys. Embarrassed, he bolts to the front door to get out of there before the man returns, only to be stopped by a firm grip on his hood.

He whips around to find himself face to face with Muichiro.

“Idiot. You’re not actually getting those wet again, are you?” Genya could almost feel Muichiro’s penetrative gaze boring a hole on his freshly dried off clothes. He fidgets, one hand automatically covering his crotch. Muichiro questioningly raises an eyebrow at that. Genya wonders what’s the earliest available flight to Norway.

“Come on, kid. Let’s get you home!” Mr. Tokitou suddenly pops out. As he passes the staircase, he shouts at Yuichiro to go back to his room.

“NOT UNTIL I GET RID OF THIS LASAGNA!” screeches the boy from upstairs.

“You too, Muichiro. You have school tomorrow!”

“Do you know what this jacket means, Dad?” Muichiro gestures at the blazer he had put on above his pajamas.

If Mr. Tokitou’s sighs could be converted into money, he would be the richest man alive now. “It means: ‘I’m capable of making decisions of my own and I’m matured enough to accept whatever consequences of staying up late might bring, therefore, I’m going along for the ride and go back to bed later. You can’t stop me.’

“Good man. Love you, Dad. I’ll go start the van.” Muichiro pries the keys off his father’s hands. He pads towards the garage. In his furry slippers and all.

Genya could only stare in shock at the father and son exchange. If he acted buddy buddy like that towards Kyogo, he would’ve been buried neck deep in soil like some mutated turnip.

Beaming, Mr. Tokitou turns to Genya. “I swear he was such a baby angel when he was four.”

All three of them piled into the minivan moments later. Muichiro settles himself beside his father, his feet comfortably resting on the dashboard. Mr. Tokitou had no troubles moving around the cramped vehicle as well.

“Oof!” Luckily, the shrill noise of the rain covered the embarrassing noise he made as Genya’s massive balloon head hits the van’s roof.

What’s this, a Hobbit’s car?

“Just make a right turn and it’s the first building you’ll see. There.” Genya instructs. After about fifteen minutes of driving, the Tokitous’ van pulls in the apartment’s parking space, earning a suspicious look from the landlord who’s feeding his cat outside.

“Hey, isn’t this one of the apartment complexes the school’s affiliated with?” Mr. Tokitou blurts out, looking up at the decently-sized building through the windshield. “The ones they offer to faculties at discounted prices?”

“Yes, Sir. My brother is the math teacher, Sir.”

Genya anticipates the questioning look after that and he was right, Mr. Tokitou’s expression shifts into puzzlement, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. Ah. That’s usually the part where people noticed that Genya and Sanemi had different last names. He gets that all the time.

However, the man had enough sense not comment on it any further except for a casual, “Oh, I see!” He presses a button on his side’s door. A popping noise indicated that the door’s been unlocked. “Well, I’m sure your brother’s busy all the time, being a teacher and all! You’re very welcome to visit us anytime you need to, or want to, alright?”

“T-thank you very much for everything, Sir.” Genya almost chokes on his words, feeling a small lump forming in his throat. Why are they so kind to a kid they barely know? Genya’s merely a friend of a family friend and he isn’t even sure what Muichiro thinks of him. “Mui--I mean, Muichiro....I’ll see you in school tomorrow.”

Muichiro, who had been quiet the entire ride, only hums to acknowledge him. Genya slides the van’s door open to let himself out, muttering a soft ‘Good night’ to the father and son before making his way to the staircase.

The fourteen year old’s gaze follows the figure of the taller boy walking through the second floor open-air corridor. He finally stops in front of a door. Judging from how empty and pitch black the window is, there must’ve no one inside the unit to welcome Genya back.

He shivers, and it had nothing to do with the van’s air-condition.

Is the math teacher still at school? What’s going on in there that’s keeping him so late? Or is he out with the rest of the teachers?

“Okay, let’s go home.” Mr. Tokitou reverses the van out of the parking lot but then comes into an abrupt stop when without any warning, Muichiro flies out his door and out of the moving car. “MUICHIRO! Geez, warn me next time, Sugar Plums!”

“Genya! Wait, Genya!”

Genya could hardly believe what, or rather, who’s hurtling towards him with the speed of a comet. “Hey, what?” His eyes snap back and forth between the minivan downstairs and a panting Muichiro.

“Here!” Muichiro fishes something out of his blazer’s pocket. He thrusts a piece of crumpled paper under Genya’s nose. “I made you a worksheet earlier! Make sure you get it done before you sleep and no cheating, got it? I will evaluate your performance based on the score you’ll get so I repeat, no cheating, because it won’t help you!”

“D-does....does this mean you’re staying as my tutor?” Genya pries his eyes away from the numbers to stare at Muichiro’s little heart-shaped face. Pink from the cold.

Muichiro scoffs, though without malice. “Yeah, well, do not disappoint me again, Genya Shinazugawa.”

“I won’t.” The hallway lights seemingly dimmed in favor of illuminating the unusual expression on Genya’s face. His tiny furrowed brows are relaxed, and his mouth which is usually in a perpetual snarl is spread into a closed-lip, gentle smile with both corners pointing upwards to his flushed pink cheeks.

But perhaps the cause of Muichiro getting the wind knocked out of him is the way Genya softly looks at him in that moment.

A far, far cry from the harsh glares and bunch of eye-rolls they used to have.

His rivalry with Genya felt like a distant memory. Almost questionable if it really happened or not.

What did Muichiro like about Tanjiro anyway?

“God, this is cheesier than the sh*t lasagna earlier.” Mr. Tokitou shrieks at Yuichiro’s head suddenly popping out from behind the seats.

“Y-Yuichiro?! What in the dingdong bells are you doing here?! did you--?! Oh, and LANGUAGE!” Mr. Tokitou breathes hastily, attempting to trigger his heart attack. Like you would do when that stupid sneeze wouldn’t come on.

Maybe he’d rather self-expire himself than suffer more of his sons’ antics.

“I was in the last row.” He shrugs, resting his chin on the space beside the front seat’s headrest. “That’s not important, your other son is gaying harder than Skittles up there” Yuichiro points at Muichiro and Genya on the second floor, obviously getting lost in each other’s eyes.

“Well, yeah, your brother’s growing up.”

“I don’t want him to grow up.”

“You two can’t be our baby forever, Yuichiro.”

The older twin harrumphs then lets himself fall on the backseat.

“U-uhm, Mui..I mean, Muichiro, you should go.” Genya’s lips purses. “Your dad’s waiting for you.”

“I--yeah, I guess. See you tomorrow, Genya. My house after school. Work on that paper, okay?” Muichiro turns, jogging his way back to the van. His fuzzy slippers making faint thud thuds on the floor. Genya’s eyes didn’t leave the boy, letting out a horrified gasp when the middle door suddenly bursts open and Muichiro was hurriedly yanked inside.

Thank f*ck Mr. Tokitou turned on the interior lights or he would think that Muichiro approached the wrong vehicle and got kidnapped.

An identical kid then starts tickling Muichiro all over.


Since when did Yuichiro--


Genya fondly shakes his head as he watched the van drive away. He could make out the twins’ silhouettes playfully clawing at each other with their short, pudgy arms. Their muffled screams could still be heard all the way up to where Genya is. Poor Mr. Tokitou must’ve busted his eardrums at that level of noise.

He rubs his hands together, in an attempt to bring a bit of heat to his body before fumbling with his bag for his keys..

The thought of going back to the Tokitous’ chaotic household tomorrow might be the only other thing keeping him warm.

“So, Muichiro, what was all that about?” The twins shrieking in the backseat immediately stop from trying to tie each other into a human pretzel. Muichiro meets his father’s stare on the mirror. His kind, red eyes are still as jolly and gentle as ever, but even so, there was curiosity and concern burning behind them. “I don’t mind taking care of your friends but I have to know as a parent, and as an adult, about Genya’s unusual visiting hour. It’s very late and not to mention, the rain. I’d hate it if anything bad happens to a kid.”

“Because he’s a level ten simp.”

“Not now, Yui.”

Muichiro takes a deep breath before answering, “The conversation we had this afternoon, the truth is, Dad, I was talking about Genya. He, too, must’ve realized his mistake and went straight to our doorstep to apologize.”

“What did he do?”

“Sorry, dad, that’s his business.”

Mr.Tokitou hums. “Not if he hurt my Baby Boo.” He may agree that Genya boy and his youngest looked very cute together but he wouldn’t hesitate to shove the sixteen year old inside a pre-heated industrial oven if he harms his Sugarcandy Babymallows.

A sharp cough escapes Muichiro. “Jeez, Dad! It’s not like he broke my heart or something!”

“But going to our house late at night?” And the flowers?

“Maybe he couldn’t sleep.” Yuichiro suggests. “Or he could feel my murderous intent all the way to his house. Now I know where he lives! Bwahaha! I’m the only one allowed to hurt this hideous, gnarly, toe-faced dwarf.” He pins Muichiro’s head under his armpit to suffocate him with the smell.

“We look exactly alike, you nincompoop!”

The screaming resumes. Mr. Tokitou leaves it at that. He was a teenager once and probably did something far more dramatic than young Genya’s actions. What matters is they were able to bring the boy back home safely.

Genya almost drops his key when a rough voice suddenly startles him. “Whose car was that?”

“H-hi, Sanemi! Welcome home.”

“Answer my question and get out of the way, useless lump.” He barks. Sanemi didn’t even let Genya step back and just violently elbowed his little brother to the sides.

The sixteen year old nervously swallows as he watches his older brother work on the key. “Muichiro and his dad drove me home. I went to their place after school because he’s my new tutor.”

“Muichiro? The Tokitou kid?” Sanemi pushes the door open.

“Yes.” Genya follows after his brother.

“Hah!” Sanemi lets out a mirthless laugh. “You mean you actually got a top student to tutor someone like you? The f*ck are those people wasting their time on you for?”

In the six months Genya’s been living with his estranged brother, the only conversation they had was when the latter felt like insulting him or call him names. Like sh*t it hurt him but he’s learned how to numb the pain everytime Sanemi tries to get a rise out of him.

But right now, Genya feels his blood boil at the words Sanemi just said. Not for himself but for the only people who had shown him kindness and concern.

“Maybe they’re just being decent people, Sanemi. And as a teacher yourself, shouldn’t you be glad if a student is trying to do better?”

His roasting game might’ve dulled since his unspoken ceasefire with Muichiro but Genya could tell that his words had hit Sanemi right where he wanted it to.

Genya lingered long enough to observe his brother’s scarred face transform into shock, guilt and then anger in a span of seconds. Without sparing another glance, Genya darts past him and towards his own bedroom.

Muichiro’s tutoring brutal.

And weird. Especially weird. Because who in their right mind would own a life-sized, wooden statue of their ancestor wielding swords in all of it’s six, (six!) f*cking arms.

Genya’s ashamed to admit that the high-pitched, blood curdling scream when Yuichiro wheeled in that monstrosity inside Muichiro’s room was his.

“Dad carved it!” Yuichiro declares proudly.

“He carves in his spare time.” Muichiro seconds. “This one is called ‘Yoriichi Type Zero’.”

Yuichiro goes on, “It was supposed to be a gift to Bitchikatsu but he hated it because even a wooden version of twin brother was better than him and his pruney ass could never.”

“So Yui and I tried to repurpose it into something else.” Muichiro excitedly pads behind the statue. “Don’t tell Dad but when you turn the switch on, it does this.”


The kotatsu flips over when Genya accidentally kicked it while he attempted to run away.

Instantly alert at the noise, the puppet suddenly zooms in on him, it’s mechanical limbs loudly click-clacking as they rotate and change positions at an alarming speed.

One of the wooden swords it was holding sliced the air, almost hitting Genya on the groin. “YOU CREATED A MURDER PUPPET, YOU FRANKENWEENIES!” He shrieks, both hands shielding his crotch.

“Murder? Is that an insult?” Yuichiro frowns at his twin. “Get a load of this idiot.” He points his thumb at Genya who’s trying to squeeze himself under Muichiro’s desk like a frightened puppy.

“We’ve already calculated how strong the impact’s gonna be. It depends on how fast one arm is going but we made sure that if it hits someone’s head they would only get a concussion, not get killed.” Muichiro explains in an attempt to ease Genya’s worries.

“Thanks a lot.” Genya replies sarcastically.

“No problem. So!” Muichiro claps his hands jovially, obviously more excited than usual. What a sad*stic Smurf. “Yoriichi Type Zero here should help you focus very well on your work, Genya. One mistake, one bonk to the head. Don’t want to get bonked, then do well. Simple as that. Get out of there, let’s start!”

Of course the puppet was just a scare tactic. Muichiro didn’t actually activate it whenever Genya made a mistake or forgot something from the lesson. As for Yuichiro, he left them on their own after cruelly parking the puppet right behind Genya.

Muichiro also made sure to confiscate his phone to avoid further distractions. Tanjiro didn’t even do that. He was allowed to relax with his phone from time to time.

Also unlike his time with Tanjiro, Muichiro did not bother with little ice breakers in between studying like taking selfies, small talking or playing a quick game.

For two and a half hours (Muichiro added an hour and a half to make up for yesterday), it was nothing but numbers, numbers, numbers or suffer the presence of the puppet Yoriichi.

He’s not evil enough to not let Genya take breaks, though. Muichiro would let him rest while they snack on a bowl of freshly-sliced fruit and iced tea. Genya misses the Kamados’ sweet pastries and bite-sized cakes but Muichiro’s snacks are no less than delicious anyway.

By the end of the session, Genya could already breeze through basic beginner problems like a prototype calculator. The lack of distraction plus the right balance between studying and taking well-timed breaks had effectively improved his thinking capacity.

Best thing of it all, Muichiro was quite satisfied with the results of their first session.

“You’re not that bad.” Muichiro places Genya’s previous test papers and this afternoon’s problems beside each other. A 4 out of 50 quiz versus an 18 over 30 homemade worksheet. The gap between the scores is baffling. “Sure, I only gave you Kindergarten-level problems but you did better than I expected.”

“Thanks, I guess.” Genya scratches his cheek, not knowing whether to feel elated or insulted.

“Right. Now that your mind’s exercised, we’re gonna focus next on the lesson your brother’s going to give you a quiz on. Tomorrow and Friday morning would be more ruthless so pack your sh*t and get out of here.”

“Tomorrow?” Genya frowns at the smaller boy as he had already informed him of his schedule. “But I have work tomorrow. It’s Thursday.”

“I’m aware.” Muichiro deadpans. “But you still have a lunch break at school and a coffee break at work or something, right?”

“What?! You’re coming to the cafe with me?!” And see me in that....that....horrid clothing? Maybe he could take a sick leave on his technically, real first day of work?

Muichiro rubs his chin. “Oh. So you work at a cafe? Then even better, we could study during your break and you can treat me to a large Peppermint Choco. Well, if you have any.”

Aurgggh! He did it again! He said ‘choco’ again!

Did you see his cutie pinky mouth going round?

Cheetos Fries, I don’t need this right now! Shut up!

“I’ll make you one.” Genya finally relents as he shoves his books in his backpack. And is he about to break a store rule by serving a customer something that’s not actually on the menu? “We don’t have it but I’ll make you one. Don’t you dare tell anyone in the store or I’ll get sacked, kay?!”

He’s not sure if he liked the sly, playful smirk on Muichiro’s face but it’ll surely keep him up tonight because it’s definitely doing something to his insides. Little child, are you a cute angle or a naughty divel.

“It’s gonna be our little secret, Genya.”


“Hey, bro!”

Genya bumps his fist with Tanjiro’s because they’re completely platonic bros now.

After leaving Muichiro’s place he immediately goes straight to the Kamados’ bakery to ask for a favor.

“What brings you here? How are you doing with Muichiro’s tutoring?” Tanjiro starts wheeling himself towards one of the outdoor table after refusing Genya’s assistance.

Genya scoffs as he walks beside his chair-bound friend. “Overkill. He’s very strict when explaining things and they threatened me with this creepy ass puppet. No offense to Mr. Tokitou but if an evil spirit or something possessed that thing, it’s a family horror movie waiting to happen.”

Tanjiro barks out a laugh, then winced when it hurt his ribs. “Did it work, though?”

“Kinda. You bet your ass I concentrated on his worksheets like there’s no tomorrow. I think I burned a hole through one.” They share another laugh at that and then Genya clears his throat, “Uhm, do you know how to make a peppermint choco drink?”

Oh, huh? That’s unexpected. “I can Google it and try but it’ll be terrible, I think. We only serve the most basic coffee here.” Tanjiro chuckles awkwardly.

“That’s okay.” Genya shrugs. “I only need help with the ingredients and how to properly measure and mix those shizz. Also, I need a taste tester.”

“What’s all this for?” The redhead throws his friend a curious look. Genya suddenly turns even redder than Tanjiro’s hair.


“Eh, what?”

“It’s for M-Muichiro!” Genya roars louder than he intended. “H-he likes it and I-- well, h-he helped me a l-lot so, so--what’s going on with your face?!”

Tanjiro bit his lip to try and conceal the ear-splitting grin contorting his face. To no success. Because how could he stop going giddy if his ship’s about to sail?

“Hehehe! Come on then, let’s get to werrrrk!” Tanjiro then wheels himself away with the speed of a Formula One race car, leaving Genya to wonder if he misses his piss-colored friend so much he’s channeling his spirit.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Muichiro and Genya were literally inseparable the next day. Since they only have precisely thirty two hours until Genya’s math test on Friday, they grabbed every available chance they could to study.

For the first time, there was no animosity exchanged when they met at the school gates. Instead, Muichiro whisked Genya to the library first thing in the morning, passing by a very happy Tanjiro and his very confused gang.

In the middle of History period, Genya felt his phone vibrate. Since he only gets like six messages a year and four of them are spam, he was of course intrigued.

To his surprise, Muichiro’s name flashes on his screen.

I don’t rly encourage
this but could you
get out for a bit &
meet me in the 3rd
floor restroom?
I know you have
Rengoku now.

“Err, S-Sir?” Genya raises a hand. Rengoku and his massive, unblinking eyes that could probably see someone’s entire life story, turn to him.

“YES, BOY?!”

“May I go to the restroom, Sir?”


“Uhh....thank you.”

Muichiro’s waiting for him by the sink, clutching what looked like impromptu made flash cards. “I’m gonna quiz you real quick to make sure you still remember everything.”

“Wow. You’re pretty serious about this more than I thought.”

“Of course.” Muichiro starts shuffling the cards. “I made a promise to Tanjiro.”

Genya watches his reflection on the mirror, seeing his face suddenly fall in disappointment. Oh. So this is for Tanjiro, after all, huh? Is there anyone out there who’s actually, genuinely, concerned about Genya’s well-being?

“Do you still like him?” Genya mutters darkly under his breath, making sure Muichiro heard nothing of it, because there’s a part of him that didn’t want to know the answer.

Honestly, Genya shouldn’t even question it. Whether Muichiro still had feelings for the redhead is irrelevant to this whole tutoring thing.

Genya mentally slaps himself. So much for being grateful. Here’s the school top ranker, a model student sneaking out of his classes for his sake, breaking rules to keep his secret. What more does Genya want from him?

To actually say that no, Muichiro’s doing all these things not because of Tanjiro but because he truly cares about Genya?

“Genya, did you say something?”

The mohawked boy shakes his head. “Nothing. Come on, we don’t have enough time.”

Needless to say, the train ride going to Shizuoka is awkward. Even more than when they were still sworn enemies.

Muichiro thought that he had caught Genya’s sudden expression change back at the restroom when he mentioned Tanjiro. Now he wanted to confront him about that but weren’t sure how to start or if he should, even.

What if that wasn’t the case at all and he just makes a fool of himself?

But he really needed to know, how else is he going to fix it if there’s a misunderstanding? Ugh, it’s frustrating! He didn’t mean to mention Tanjiro anyway.

Well sure, at first he only accepted it because it was Tanjiro’s request but the moment he had gone extra by making Genya worksheets, losing some of his sleep time to try and rearrange math problems so he could find an easier way for Genya to understand his lessons, sacrificing literal class hours so he could continue teaching him....all of it is Muichiro’s own doing. For Genya’s sake.

He had already gone beyond trying to fulfill his promise to Tanjiro.

But Muichiro’s a dumbass of a wiener and made it all about their friend again when he just truly wanted Genya to do great.

Guess he could call it payback since Genya did it to him first during the Great Nagoya Walkout after the sixteen year old’s panic attack.

“Shizuoka Station.” the familiar silky voice snaps Muichiro out of his thoughts.

“We’re here, come on.” Was the first thing Genya said to him the entire ride. He stands up, only to be held back by a tight grip on his wrist. "Mui?"

"Genya, I--" Don't look at me like that, I don't know what possessed me! "I, uh, you're doing great as my student. Teaching you is uh, nice. I like...I like doing this." Muichiro inwardly cringes. He has a brainful of better sounding words and he could only go for the most basic ass compliment?

He retracts his hold on Genya but to his massive shock, a bigger and rougher one gently pulled it back.

"You can say that to me after I pass the test." Genya utters, more confident than he ever was. He squeezes Muichiro's hand. "Let's go." Genya smiles down at the smaller boy. A smile that's somehow lovelier than the one back at his apartment. Maybe it's just the better lighting.

Or maybe it's time to admit that Genya is successfully turning his insides into mush.

It was never like this with Tanjiro.

A cat cafe.

Genya works at a freakin’ cat cafe. Who would’ve thought.

Muichiro had been expecting a cacophony of human voices to welcome him, not a series of nyaaaan-ing and purring from fluffy, four-legged creatures of different colors and sizes fighting over his legs.

“Genya bro, get out of here!” Muichiro heard Genya’s co-worker echoing laugh from inside the staff room. “Don’t you want to show yourself to your friend? Bahaha!”

A girl approaches his table, carrying a tray with two steaming mugs. Pink smoke is coming out of whatever accursed drink he pretended to order. “Hello. Here’s your Strawberry Kitty KitKat Kookie Kreme, and Genya’s order, Paw Paw Pumpy Punch.” Which is of course, is not a literal fruit punch but Pumpkin Spice.

Damn, Yuichiro’s not gonna survive this place.

It’s like somebody hired their dad to name these godforsaken drinks.

A fat*ss Persian cat lands on Muichiro’s table with a soft fwump. He’s neither a cat nor a dog person but there’s just something about the way these animals look at you that compels you to go ahead and rub their chinny chin chins.

Just as he was about to, another cat suddenly shrieks out of nowhere, startling the Persian who immediately hopped off his table to investigate the noise.

“sh*t! I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY!” Huh? That was Genya’s voice. "Shucks, I accidentally stepped on him."

“Bro, you lucky the boss is not here and we don’t have customers yet!”

Muichiro whips around, finally catching sight of Genya in his full uniform. The one that he warned him about, because it’s supposed to be hideous.

It wasn’t hideous.

In fact, it was no different from the regular coffee shop uniform.

Except perhaps the chibified head and paws of a cat printed on the apron.....or the fake whiskers Genya had taped to his face....or the kitty ears on his head.

“I’ll check him out for injuries!” Genya cries out as he gently cradles a cat in his arms. He turns on his heel, rushing to the cats’ sleeping quarters.

Or the....the large, furry tail bobbing along with his steps as he walks away.

“Ahem, this is the, uh, what they call, Newbie Nyan Nyan outfit, obviously required to wear when you’re n-- stop laughing!” Genya slams his mug on the table, causing bits of his Pumpkin Spice to splosh over the mug’s edge.

Muichiro, who’s trembling from the effort to not laugh out loud, bursts into fits of giggles. “I shouldn’t have come! I can’t focus!” He wheezes. The highlighter he’s dragging along a page quivers and somehow, it made him laugh even more.

“Come on now, Mui! I need you to concentrate!” Genya whines. While he works, Muichiro’s writing him more problems to answer and a reviewer where the fourteen year old had jot down tips and techniques, as well as short cuts to answering difficult equations.

When the owner found out that they were studying, she gave Genya a longer breaktime, much to the annoyance of Hotdog-legged girl and Co-worker Bro.

“Jeez, after I spent the entire night perfecting your Peppermint Choco!”

Muichiro takes a sip from his mug, now filled with Genya’s own concoction. “And it’s perfect, Genya. Thank you.”

“You have a choco beardie, Mr. Wonka.” In reflex, Genya reaches forward to swipe the stain off Muichiro’s mouth with only his thumb. An act that made Muichiro’s eyes snap up from the papers and stare wide-eyed at the breathless sixteen year old before him.

Mustering his courage, Genya’s thumb slides down to Muichiro’s upper lip, feeling the warmth and softness of it under the pads of his finger.

f*ck, I wonder how would his feel against mine?

“You’re really beautiful, Mui.” Genya whispers without hesitation.

All of the good things happening to him these past few days have given him the strength to take another risky step forward. His actions could make or break his newfound friendship with the boy he thought he would hate forever.

Months ago, if somebody would tell Genya that he’d be wanting to hold his rival instead of (who used to be) the boy of his dreams, he would tell them to f*ck off with such bullsh*t.

But here they are right now.

Surrounded by smelly cats and ridiculously named stuff, Muichiro lays his own hand on top of Genya’s. For a moment, he was afraid that Muichiro would yank it off his face but the fourteen year old gently moves his own to caress the bigger and rougher one underneath.

“G-genya, I--”

“Hey, Genya! The boss needs you!”

The magic disappears as fast as it appeared. Muichiro withdraws his hand which automatically flies back to grasp the highlighter. For the first time in his life, the mathematical problems and jargon laid before him did not make sense at all.

Genya curses under his breath as he gets to his feet. All he could think of is committing first-degree murder as he glares at the back of Co-worker Bro’s head.

Unbeknownst to each other, both Genya and Muichiro whipped out their phones at the exact same second to message the exact same person.

Tanjiro sprayed ice cold water all over his sister’s face. sh*t. Could this be a prank? Maybe this is a prank. Please don’t let it be a prank. Because there, on his phone's notifications, are two messages with the exact same context:

Bro help
i caught
4 mui.

what do I
do? I just
realized I
like Genya.


Oh, flowers. Did somebody die?


Chapter 8: Someone to hold, someone who'll make me feel alive


Aight, some people are confused as to why I send these sillies to bed too f*cking early. In my country, 7 PM is actually when it's night night, like the sky is already starry and pitch black and 9 PM is late, it's usually the time kids and students are encouraged to sleep. If you live in rural areas? Lights off at 7-8PM. Trust me, I was also surprised when I learned that in some countries during long days, it's still light at 9 in the freakin PM.

Other than that, sorry this took long.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Oh my Goood, okay, it’s happening, Tanjiro, stay calm! Stay the fuucccking calm!

Tanjiro gasps. Did a sunshine patootie like him just uttered a swear word? sh*t, sorry. That’s so out of character. But cut him some slack, okay? It’s not everyday that his ship’s about to be canon!


What to do, what to reply? Tanjiro wildly paces back and forth, his brain scrambling for ideas on how to proceed. He could cut to the chase and tell both his lovestruck gays to just get together because they feel the same anyway, and of course, it’ll lead to that in the end anyway, he’s just hurrying the inevitable.

Plus, the visual delight when he sees them together would be so eeeeeeeee! Tanjiro jumps up and down as he brings two balled fists on his face and openly squeals at his imagination.

“Uh, Nii-chan?”

But no, no. Tanjiro thumps his head. What an idiot. Of course, meddling like that would be stupid. Muichiro and Genya needs to realize the other’s feelings by themselves. Making them date at once would rob them the chance of developing their budding feelings further and confessing to the other in their own time.


Tanjiro frantically prowls to and fro their living room. For now, he’ll stay quiet with the secret knowledge. Oh how he wished he could be physically present to bridge the gap and and maybe help speed up the process by low-key emphasizing one’s lovely characteristics or adorable quirks to the other.

Genya, Muichiro looks so floofing huggable in that sweater, right? He smells like marshmallows too! Mmph!

Muichiro, let’s watch Genya’s Sharpshooting practice today! (And see how hot he is when shooting targets kekekeke.)

But unfortunately, his father had banned him from further visiting school just so he could see his friends.


The dazed, idiotic redhead finally snaps out of it. “Eh, what?” He grins stupidly at the rest of his family. Only when he sees Hanako pushing a wheelchair towards him did he realize what’s going on. “Oh.”

Right. He’s injured.

And shouldn’t be able to stand.

With that realization, Tanjiro’s knees buckle before he crumples ungracefully down on the floor.

“Tanjiro!” All of his siblings, including his father, run forward to help him up. Then his dad Tanjuro forgot that he, too, is a wheelchair-bound dumbf*ck since time began, which then of course resulted to him also falling on his bony ass soon after.


Panic erupts among the household.

“I’m okay, I’m okay. Oof!” Tanjiro grimaces at the many hands pressing against his back as they roll him upwards “Are you okay, Dad?”

Tanjuro flips on his back, his eyes wide and unblinking. “I’ll live.” He replies to the ceiling, full of regret.

Here’s a fun fact: Atami, the specific city in Shizuoka where Genya works, is actually a coastal city lying in an extinct crater of a volcano. The name directly means ‘hot sea’ and the warm waters are often used in hot spring inns which is what the city is also famous for.

Interesting, but Muichiro doesn’t give a crap about geography outside his class, but the usually warm climate of this city must’ve been the reason, right?

Why else he’s suddenly extremely red in the face, if not? And his fairly milky cheeks now more likely resembled two ripe tomatoes fresh for taking a bite from?

As for his heart rate going bonkers inside his chest? Well, it has to work harder due to the warmth and pump more blood to regulate his temperature.

Of course. That must be it. Muichiro asserts, his pen brutally stabbing through the poor, abused worksheet. May it serve as an example on what he’d do to morons who’d insist that his furiously blushing cheeks and erratic heartbeat has nothing to do with the geothermal heat warming the entire city.

Muichiro huffs, eyes landing on the cup of peppermint chocolate Genya had specially made for him....using the same big and rough, but gentle hands he just caressed his face with. No wonder why it tasted so amazing.

It's me, hi, I'm the moron, it's me. With a low groan, Muichiro helplessly slumps forward in his seat to bury his face in his arms. A cat passing by jumps up at his table, narrowly avoiding the precious cup of peppermint choco. It meow’d at him, probably asking what’s wrong if it had a human voice.

“What am I sh*tting myself for, I already admitted to Tanjiro that I l-like...G-Genya...” Muichiro pats the feline’s fluffy head. His own flushed even redder if possible. He sighs in resignation, cheeks puffed out and tingly. “So I like Genya. What do you think I should do next? What does people do when they like someone? Do they tell the person at once or wait it out? But wait for what? I don’t know, kitty. I only had a crush on someone once and it wasn’t even a crush, after all. Plus, what if Genya still dislikes me? Should I apologize first for calling him a giant, dumb, rotten ballsack all the time?”

The cat raises a leg before tucking it’s head down to repeatedly lick it’s own butt.

“Ah, Genya, my boy. Sorry for disturbing you when you’re studying on your break time but a delivery just came in and I want you to learn how we handle the transaction.” The cafe owner beams up at him with a mix of an apologetic look and a soft motherly smile.

Of course Genya could only return that smile before nodding. He couldn’t exactly go batsh*t on the sweet lady, could he? He redirected his annoyance to his co-worker instead because that lanky twat is an asshole for disrupting his moment with Muichiro.

And what exactly did you want to happen? Are you really gonna kiss him in public, while you’re at work, you horny imbecile?

No, no. The real question is, are you really gonna have your first kiss wearing that atrocious outfit? Nyaaan~

Genya folds in on himself as he silently whimpers, his uniform suddenly itching against his skin. He so badly wanted to take it off and burn it to hell. Or even better, set himself on fire as a whole. He’s already feeling kind of dizzy and hot in the face anyway.

The awkwardness had stayed throughout the entire ride home. Genya had been clearing his throat, as casually as he could, for a while now, yet refused to even look at his seatmate. Muichiro quietly sits beside him, pretending to be busy with a one-sided conversation in his family group chat.

In the public eye, they both seem to look fine, thank you very much.

sh*t balls, couldn’t they just have a peaceful, normal train ride for once?

But if thoughts have voices, the train would be plagued with chants of 'talk to me! talk to me! talk to me!’ in two different voices.

Neither have the balls to broach that subject.

Muichiro softly sighs. He doesn’t know himself anymore. These days, it’s more questions than answers. More about pondering his emotions than mentally solving mathematical equations, and that’s saying something because his week was filled with nothing but Genya and numbers.

And then the humongous bald monke (he says this with affection) had been confusing as sh*t, petting his cheek, wiping stains off his lips, then caressing said lips like examining a piece of treasure.

“Next stop, Nagoya Station.”

What the heck does that all mean? Is it what they call, ‘in the heat of the moment’? No way the idiot’s suddenly sharing a time-stopping, enchanting moment with him. Because Genya....and suddenly Muichiro feels his heart drop to his churning stomach at the realization, because Genya has liked Tanjiro all this time, right?

Lucky, lucky Tanjiro. With his brighter than the sun persona and pure, heavenly heart. Muichiro’s family had always been the one faring well in life rather than the Kamados, the redhead’s siblings had always envied his and Yuichiro’s more luxurious way of life.

But Muichiro’s never been jealous of his close friend more than ever. If he would ask Yuichiro to cut Genya’s heart open, they would no doubt find Tanjiro taking up a whole lot of space in there and so little for Muichiro, if there’s any for him at all.

Muichiro’s fingers bring him back to the reply Tanjiro had sent him. The redhead had expressed happiness, saying that he always thought that he and Genya actually looked cute together. And then came his question,

Wat do u want
2 happen now?
Wat r u gonna
do w/ it?

His response....

I was hoping
you tell me
what do I do
now, idiot.

....remained in drafts.

Feelings was Tanjiro’s forte. His ‘sniffing’ powers might sound bullsh*t but even without it, Tanjiro knows how to navigate feelings and put a name on phenomenas like suddenly wild heartbeats or deeply flushed faces.

Muichiro’s hoping his close friend had come up with one hundred and one tips on how to win Genya by the time he opened the redhead’s rather disappointing reply.

“Nagoya Station.”

“U-uhm, M-Muichiro...we’re here.” (Too bad Muichiro’s preoccupied brain missed the way Genya squeaked in embarrassment upon talking to him again after a long while.)

They’ve been bickering, hurling offensive insults at each other for far longer. There’s no way Genya’s feelings for him changes overnight.

So yes, there’s a ninety nine percent chance of it being just in the heat of the moment. Genya is a teen and a virgin and even if he doesn’t harbor romantic feelings for Muichiro, it’s only natural that getting to touch another boy in a more intimate way for the first time would’ve done something to him.

It would cause Muichiro to toss and turn in his bed tonight nonetheless.

“Courtship is a family tradition, Genya. Listen, our ancestors once lived in a forest and made the woods their entire life. You would have to spend days with Dad in his workshop and assist him. You’d have to chop logs, polish blades, clean the shed and be his slave. You would have to learn from him before you’re allowed to carve your own first gift to offer your intended, which happened to be his son and my brother dear, not that I’d tell him that he’s dear to me, pretend he’s not here, so even if you pass our father’s test, don’t think that you’d even be half-alive to pursue Muichiro after I’m done with your scaly lizard butt.”

Frankly, Genya had been anticipating to be called another name for ‘ballsack’ by Yuichiro after grilling his twin brother on his whereabouts tonight. He and Muichiro did not expect the older twin to launch into a Tokitou history lesson on....courtship.

His face gradually glows into an overripe tomato as soon as the implications of Yuichiro’s tirade sinks in his big head. ”I--I don’t..” He sputters eloquently.

Muichiro isn’t any better and is redder than Genya, if possible. The deep frown on his face made him a perfect clone of Yuichiro. “T-That’s horsesh*t, Yui! That tradition last happened one hundred years ago!” Swearing under his breath, he tries to push past his brother. “D-don’t listen to him, G-Genya!”

“Oh, so you’re not denying that you two were out on a date?”

“IT’S NOT A DATE!” It’s a wonder how their overly flushed heads didn’t explode on the spot as soon as they screeched in unison.

“Then why are you late?!” Yuichiro cries out at his twin, his finger angrily tapping his wristwatch to emphasize his point. The time on screen flashes 8:45.

Muichiro crosses in his arms, mirroring his twin. “I messaged you all, didn’t I? I was out tutoring this fella.” Technically, not a lie. “His test’s tomorrow.” He gestures at Genya with his thumb.

“And you finished just now?!”

“Well, I’m really, really stupidly dumb, you see.” Genya sacrifices himself.

“Hey, what’s all the yelling here?” To their horror, Mr. Tokitou approaches the group brandishing a kitchen knife. It gleams against the light. He takes one look at their stupefied faces before chuckling. “Oh, this? I was just making some tasty snacks! Come in, come have some, Genya.”

“We just had dinner hours ago!” Yuichiro calls back to his father as Muichiro and Genya trail past him.

Mr. Tokitou’s ‘tasty snacks’ turn out to be freshly chopped fruits and raw vegetables which was a refreshing treat after the thick, sugar-laden drinks they had at Genya’s workplace.

Genya allows himself to enjoy munching on his carrot stick while watching the twins interact with their father. The easiness at their exchanges, the years long inside jokes, the free-flowing laughter and the way they just casually touch each other without their spines going rigid at the contact, or their eyes reflexively shutting tight in response.

Mr. Tokitou enjoys hugging his sons, cherishes the warmth of his own flesh and blood against his body. The times Kyogo Shinazugawa touched Genya is when he’d slap him awake when there’s no coffee on the pot or violently push him aside if he so breach an inch of the old man’s personal space.

Mr. Tokitou prepares food and randomly timed snacks for him and his family, uncaring of the mess he leaves behind. He doesn’t care if Yuichiro spills an entire plate of lasagna on the expensive floor or if Genya leaves tracks of watery mud.

During his precious free time not doing chores, Genya’s father would start screeching about imaginary dirt on the windows, the yellow stains in the bathtub that no cleanser could ever erase, fingerprints on the fridge door and the trash bin overflowing with spoiled food, all the while nagging about how a bloody slob he is for not exactly predicting what time will the mold grow on the corner of the tiled sink.

“Oh. Thank you, love.” Mr. Tokitou kisses his wife’s cheek when she comes over with a tray of iced tea. “Feel free to eat whatever you like, Genya, okay? I’ll drive you home in a while.” He pops grape after grape in his mouth, his sons noisily begging to go with them for the ride.

His father once stuffed himself like pig during one of his mother’s birthdays, then vacated the table wordlessly after having his fill.

Genya once had a friend call him first thing in the morning and because it was Kyogo who answered, that particular friend has been subjected to his father’s soul-damaging insults.

“So I won four tickets from work. Who’s up for some amusem*nt park fun this Sunday?”

And then there was chaos. Muichiro, Yuichiro and their father immediately wrap themselves around Mrs. Tokitou. The kids cheering at the prospect of having fun, their faces far from the cold expressions they were famous in school for, already talking about which rides they would try on in rapid voices. They could buy twenty park tickets in their sleep but Mr. Tokitou rains his wife’s forehead with kisses, as if she won them the entire world.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Tokitou.” Genya sheepishly says, not sure if winning theme park tickets needed such a greeting. She brightly beams at him through her family’s heads anyway.


Surely, there are more loving fathers than abusive ones in this world? Surely there are more loving and intact families, in whatever shape or form, that Genya could’ve belonged to?

Envy clenches his heart. Whatever he did in his past life that deemed him undeserving of one?

“Thank you, Genya. We’ll bring back something for you too.”

He smiles. At least she and his mother Shizu would’ve gotten along.

@ mui’s place
they’ll drive me
back. will be
home soon.

Sanemi doesn’t respond.

The moment has arrived. It was sweet of Muichiro to sneak out of his classes and see Genya before the latter’s next class starts, which is math with his brother, which means, the much awaited quiz.

Thankfully, the fourteen year old’s cheery mood from last night had helped dissipate the awkwardness between them. Not only that, it’s as if his palpable excitement for Sunday is growing too much that he needed someone else to transfer a bit of his positive energy into.

Muichiro doesn’t realize that he had taken Genya’s hands in his.

“I won’t expect you to get a perfect mark, but I highly encourage it.”

Genya pffts, uncaring at the strange looks the pair is getting. “Sure, I will. I won’t let my tutor’s efforts go to sh*t.”

“Do this for yourself, you dummy.” Muichiro glares at him. If his hands were free, he would’ve poked Genya in the chest. Then his lips stretches into a smile. “I wouldn’t say no to a treat, though.”

The sixteen year old practically vibrates with excitement as well. “Then dinner’s on me! Come to my house when I get the results and if I pass, I’ll cook for you!” And the fact that someone other than his vile father would eat his dishes sends newfound determination in him. He would definitely pass this test!

Muichiro chuckles as he softly pulls his hand from Genya’s hold but not without giving them a good, encouraging squeeze. “Good luck. Remember, if a problem’s a bit of a pain, leave it first and answer what you could. There’s no use wasting your time on it since you could just get back to them later. And remember all the short cuts I taught you, okay?”

Genya watches the smaller boy go. Muichiro whirls around to give him one last wave before jogging down the staircase back to his classroom.

If only he could pinpoint the exact moment when Muichiro’s smile has become brighter and warmer than Tanjiro’s.

Eager is an understatement. Genya is ecstatic to get his paws on his test paper as soon as possible, which he actually filled up flawlessly, finding it easier than he expected. Maybe the gods decided to show some miracle and Sanemi eased up on his students a bit. But judging from the grunts and pained moans his classmates were letting out during the test, he couldn’t be so sure.

But one thing is: Muichiro had taught him well and his techniques were truly effective.

Genya might’ve skipped a question, or two, or four....but he’s sure as balls he’s getting a decent mark for once.

It was the first time he breezed through his paper with a huge, confident smile on his face.

He couldn’t wait to see the look on his brother’s face.

He couldn’t wait for Muichiro to taste his cooking.

On Saturday morning, Genya finds Sanemi hunched on the dining table. His work laptop open as he’s preoccupied with the thick bundle of test papers on his side. It isn’t unusual for the math teacher to take a few of his paperwork home and work through the rest of the weekend while he pretends that his younger brother is nothing but air or a spirit of a fart or something.

Genya uses this advantage to check if the papers his brother’s grading is yesterday’s quiz and boy is he thrilled when he discovered that it actually is. Unfortunately, it’s not like he could just casually walk up to his brother and ask for his paper. He’s just a fart, remember?

So he waits until eventually, Sanemi gets on his feet to use the bathroom before tip toeing his way towards the table. With gentle fingers as if the papers are gonna start screaming for Sanemi, Genya flips through the pile. “Shinazugawa, Shinazugawa....” he chants under his breath.

Until said breath hitches and his eyes start to hallucinate. This...This couldn’t be real, right?

His name and the encircled letter A etched on the same math test paper couldn’t be real. Genya’s definitely still dreaming, he slept in during a Saturday and he’s dreaming about all of this.’s somebody else’s paper. Somebody also named Genya Shinazugawa.

“N-no..way..” His tone is shaky, hardly daring to believe what’s written in front of him, at the same time, praying for it to be real. Genya pinches and punches his balls, hard enough to slaughter some kids that will never be born.

When he didn’t wake up drooling on his pillow, Genya allowed himself to accept that this is definitely his reality.

He got a f*cking A on a math exam.

For the first time in his f*cking life.

Gods, Sanemi must’ve been cursing in spite while grading his paper.

The air was soon charged with energetic glee. The kind where the paper in Genya’s hands trembles, his feet rapidly bouncing up and down, no doubt he would soon launch himself towards the ceiling should he keep it up, and the laughter....the joyous, relieved laughter bubbling up his throat was nothing but a disbelieving wheeze.

Unfortunately, he has to cut his victory dance short. There was the sound of toilet flushing followed by water splashing down the bathroom sink. Genya hurriedly whips his phone out to take a photo and then as carefully as he could, slips his paper back into the pile before practically flying out of there and back to his room to deliver the good news to Muichiro.

Screw texts. Genya presses the call button.

Muichiro didn’t even get to say ‘hello’.

“I did it! Mui, I did it! I got A on my math test! I'll send you the pic! Can you believe it?! I couldn’t either but hey, it was my name I saw! f*ck, I cannot--” Genya fans himself with his hand. The bubbling, ecstatic energy escalates. “J-just..just come here at six tonight, would that be okay?”

On the other side, Muichiro kept on nodding before his dumbass realized that Genya couldn’t see him. “Yes, yes, yes, Genya! I do!” He screeches in response as if the other boy’s proposing to him. Muichiro slaps himself. The fourteen year old clears his throat, embarrassed at the way his voice came out in high-pitch. “Uhm, I mean, good work. As expected, You’re not half-bad.” He drawls in his normal flat voice which made Genya bark out a laugh.

f*cking tsundere. Adorable, muffin-sized tsundere.

Muichiro ends the call before a spirit of a crazed, lovestruck moron possesses him again. Still grinning, he texts Genya his confirmation that he’ll be there at his apartment at six and if he should bring anything?

“Nothing else. I just need you.” Genya stares up at his ceiling dreamily, his hands crossed, pressing against his chest where his heart beats. Then he shrieks like a high school girl before he snapping out of it. “f*ck, that was so cheese.”

Sanemi steps out before lunch to go somewhere far away from his worthless younger brother. Genya himself makes a quick trip to the grocery store to buy his ingredients for his dinner with Muichiro tonight. (No he’s definitely not openly squeeing and skipping on the way there.)

He decided to go for a foreign cuisine, choosing to make a hearty beef stroganoff as the main course. A dish Genya once learned for his father’s birthday but ended up being ignored until it eventually rotted and grew it’s own ecosystem at the back of the fridge.

Not even the foul memory spoils his bright mood.

He also got them a piece of salmon steak each, and then Genya backtracks, picking up another one for his brother. As for dessert, he grabs a box of chocolate cake mix he could whip up in no time. And if he snatched a bottle of peppermint extract without batting an eye, that’s his business.

Of course, must not forget, Muichiro’s beloved radishes. While he was having lunch at a cafe, Genya might or might not have rang Mr.Tokitou, who came to get his wife and transferred the call to a video call, just to ask for the specific recipe that makes their youngest son go gaga over said vegetables.

“Oh, I see.” Mr. Tokitou brushed his chin with his thumb when Genya told them what the dinner was for. “Well, congratulations on your test, Genya! And...any chance we could also get a portion of your lovely meal? Hehehe.” Mrs. Tokitou nods enthusiastically at that while comically rubbing her tummy.

Genya should hang up fast before he bursts into ugly tears. Nobody had asked to sample his cooking before.

“I--of course, yes! I’ll have Muichiro pack some home. Thank you very much for your time and for guiding me!” He says in a voice which emphasized that it wasn’t just about the radishes.

A face suddenly pops out from the side of the screen. Good thing he saw the infamous scowl first, giving him an extremely zoomed in view of Yuichiro’s mug.

“You better give Muichiro a good time, you hear me?!” Yuichiro loudly pops the lollipop he’s sucking on out of his mouth. Few drops of saliva splatters on the screen. “But not too good, Shinazugawa, I’m warning you.”

“Yuichiro! Behave!”

After the call, Genya makes his way to the Kamados’ bakery to get pastries and a loaf of bread. Upon seeing each other, Genya and Tanjiro launches themselves towards each other, hold hands and scream like crazy fangirls.

“So have you thought about it? What are you gonna do about your feelings?” Tanjiro pulls his friend aside after Genya made his purchase and ordered a glass of cold tea. Unbeknownst to both Genya and Muichiro, Tanjiro had sent them the exact same text. Muichiro is yet to respond.

The smile on Genya’s face was so tender and soft it almost hurts the redhead.

“Yeah, I’ve thought about it. I want to be proper friends with him first, take the time to get to know him and discover new things about him. He always take me by surprise whenever I learn things about Muichiro, like when I discovered that he has emotions other than his dead face look.” Genya laughs, earning himself an ‘awww’ from his friend. “Or the first time I saw him in his childish, cute animal-patterned pajamas....”

And the terror on his face during my panic attack, the way he did his best to take care of me, until I f*cked up the next moment, that is.... Also, how he was willing to lie, a perfect, model child like him, choosing to keep my secret and lie for my sake. How he sacrificed his sleep for me, how I finally did well on something because of his help....

“Uh, Genya?” Tanjiro waves a hand in front of Genya’s face. “You zoned out.”

“sh*t, sorry.” Genya scratches the back of his head. “It’s just....I never expected any of this, realizing how human he actually is....I want to get surprised by new things I learn about him until it piles up and then I wouldn’t be able to keep my feelings anymore, and that’s when I’ll strike. Boom! Kabedon!”

Tanjiro face palms but his shoulders quivering indicates his barely controlled laughter. “I’ll bet our entire bakery that he would be the one to kabedon you first, Genya.”

“Huh, me? Why me? You’re the one he likes, right?” Genya pouts bitterly.

“Oh? He does?” Tanjiro says vaguely, which is considered lying since he knew that Muichiro one hundred percent likes Genya. Must not say anything! Must not say anything! Before he could stop himself, Tanjiro bites his lower lip, the rest of his face hideously scrunching up.

Genya spits his tea. “What’s wrong with your face?!”

“Okay, first of all, what the f*ck are you wearing?”

Muichiro whirls around to the sound of his twin’s flabbergasted voice, giving Yuichiro a full view of the idiot in a f*cking three piece suit with his hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Muichiro would’ve looked stunning (no, this is not Yuichiro striking his own ego) if it weren’t for the fact that he’s just going to eat dinner at someone’s apartment and not in a reservation-only five star hotel.

The little bitch even has jazz music playing in the background while he dressed.

“Something appropriate for dinner for two?” Muichiro raises one eyebrow at his twin’s reflection. “Do you think I should just drop the jacket or not?” Muichiro shimmies out of his crisp blazer before folding the sleeves of his dress shirt up to his elbows.

“Everything. Drop everything. What? You think Genya’s prepared some cheesy candlelit dinner?!” Yuichiro scoffs. “He probably just ordered a family sized box of greasy tacos!” Of course, he knows Genya’s cooking his own meal but couldn’t help imagining his twin looking so handsome in his expensive suit pigging out on tacos and spilling taco things all over his vest.

“He said he’ll cook.” Muichiro flashes his brother an offended look on behalf of Genya.

“Well, that still doesn’t warrant this red carpet look!” Yuichiro gestures all over him.

Muichiro glares at his twin, then at his reflection. He doesn’t really want to ruin the image he has been creating since hours ago. He had never looked so manly and dashing like this before. Even if Genya doesn’t have feelings for him, the momentary stunned look on his face would’ve been worth it.

“What do you suggest I wear, then?” The younger twin relents.

Twenty minutes later, after being dropped off by his father, Muichiro finds himself ringing the doorbell of Genya’s unit clad in a white and teal oversized hoodie, black mid thigh length shorts and a pair of white sneakers on his feet.

Yuichiro had forced him into this too casual monstrosity after peeling his choice of outfit off him like it’s some diseased skin. Thankfully, he left the ponytail alone, saying that the hairstyle fit his new sporty, street style look better.

Muichiro huffs as he shoves his hands inside his hoodie’s pockets. Forget looking like a dashing debonair of a gentleman, now he’s just one of those little boys off to whisk Genya to the arcades instead of having an intimate, sit down dinner with him.

“Coming!” a rough, muffled voice echoes.

His heartbeat thunders in the same rhythm of Genya’s rushing footsteps he could hear from inside. The butterflies in his stomach take off.

Once again, Genya didn’t give him a chance to say ‘hello’.

The older boy catapults himself to him, like an arrow fired from a taut bowstring. Muichiro’s suddenly having a faceful of muscled chest that strongly smelled of beef and cream, as well as a pair of thick arms heaving him off his feet. Muichiro lets out a tiny scream when he couldn’t feel the ground beneath him anymore, his legs kicking in the air.

“Mui! Mui! I did it, oh my God! We did it, holy sh*t!” Genya cries out happily, drowning out the screams of the precious, five foot package in his arms when he closed the door and starts spinning them around and around instead until they reach the living room.

“G-Genya! Genya, stop! I’m gonna go dizzy!” Laughter mingles with his shrieks.

Genya, now with unsteady footing, wobbles and then collapses on the couch with Muichiro pinned under his larger form. Instead of a grunt of pain, Muichiro joins in on Genya’s uncontrollable fit of giggles, his arms around the taller boy’s neck as they both ride out the feeling of dizziness, the apartment still whirling around them.

Muichiro doesn’t know how his hand traveled to Genya’s cheek. He doesn’t know why Genya’s arms around his waist tightens in the way that says he doesn’t plan to let go.

But by the time their erratic breaths dwindle into a normal rate, all they could see is their reflection in the other’s eyes.

Muichiro could breathe in what Genya breathes out. Their noses almost touching....

“Have I already told you that you look amazing in that outfit?” Not that Genya’s going to tell him that the damn ponytail is certainly doing things to him.

They both freeze, unaware that one’s merely waiting for the other to move.

Muichiro swallows. “I...I haven’t taken off my shoes yet..”

Genya stupidly blinks, and the spell has been broken just like that. “O-oh. Oh, sh*t, you’re right.”

To avoid dirtying Sanemi’s immaculate floors, Genya picks up Muichiro in bridal style, causing the fourteen year old to blush almost as red as the hardwood floor. He fondly listens to the smaller boy’s embarrassed sputtering while he walks them back to the Genkan, the sunken floor in the entryway where they put their shoes.

Muichiro merely kicks his sneakers off his feet, they hit the door with two loud bangs and for some reason, the noise and the ridiculousness of the scene sets them off again. Genya gently puts Muichiro down, the two of them chortling as they make their way to the kitchen.

Though both are still quite tingly and flustered from their close encounter a while ago, it’s surprising how they managed to bring back a comfortable atmosphere again through laughter and acts of silliness.

“What are you making?” Muichiro’s tiny feet wrapped in adorable foot socks carry him to the stove where a pot of bubbling white sauce sits. He carefully lifts the cover, allowing the mouth-watering aroma of sauce, mushroom and beef to assault his nose. His stomach growls loud.

“Beef stroganoff.” Genya calls out from somewhere. “And if you don’t like it, I also made salmon steak and your favorite simmered radishes.”

Muichiro almost drops the lid. “H-how’d you k-know how....?” He stammers.

Genya comes out of what must be his bedroom, his smile awkward but his cheeks were once again dusted with pink. “I might’ve... called and asked your parents? I don’t want to f*ck it up, you know! Anything but the radishes!”

He bursts out laughing before padding to who knows where, not knowing that the fluttering butterflies in Muichiro’s stomach gather together to form a massive tornado of emotions in his tummy.

Genya....cooked his favorite dish and even sought help from his parents? All because he wanted it to be perfect?

Muichiro sighs. Is it too early to realize that this is probably, maybe stronger than a crush?

Everything’s done less than half an hour later. Two plates are set at the dining table and Genya had lit scented candles on (Yuichiro, you dumbs.) The salmon steaks over a bed of freshly steamed vegetables are waiting to be savored. Muichiro’s radishes, he couldn’t help noticing, are served in what looked like the best bowl the brothers owned.

A bowl each of warm pasta and rice are also readily placed beside the heavenly main course, Genya’s beef stroganoff. Of course, for tonight’s dessert, a delectable two-layered chocolate cake drizzled with chocolate ganache. (“Mint chocolate.” Genya corrects. He almost kissed the other’s cheek.)

Muichiro cannot wait to dig in.

“Genya, mind if I use your bathroom for a bit?”

“Go ahead. It’s the one with a white door!” Genya calls out. “I’m just gonna change in my room then we can start eating!”

Muichiro probably spent some time in the bathroom longer than necessary. He did and redid his ponytail, making sure that his tendrils framed his face correctly, he then straightened his clothes, brushed off invisible dirt and cringing to himself, practiced a number of cutesy facial expressions in the mirror he could seduce Genya with.

When he comes out of the bathroom, though. He finds the kitchen suddenly filled with unmistakable sound of angry voices and utensils loudly clattering against the table. He immediately recognizes the enraged voice as their school’s math teacher thanks to the latter’s past time of yelling at students in the hallway.


Muichiro jumps at that, his face contorted by a deep frown.

“YOU DID ALL THIS sh*t, WASTED THE ALLOWANCE MOM GAVE YOU, JUST FOR ONE f*ckING TEST--” A hand meets skin with a loud smack. Muichiro panics, thinking that Sanemi had slapped Genya but it was the math teacher merely facepalming himself. “ARE YOU NOT AWARE THAT IT’S JUST ONE OUT OF TWENTY OR MORE FOR THE REST OF THE TERM?!”

“W-why are you a-angry....” came Genya’s soft reply. Muichiro peeks out from the wall he’s hiding in and his heart breaks at the way Genya cowers from his brother, shoulders hunched and head bowed down, making himself as small as possible despite him towering over the white-haired. A behavior he had once seen at the train. “...t-there’s....there’s nothing wrong with celebrating my p-passing mark.”

The teacher throws his hands up.“CELEBRATE!” Sanemi mockingly exhales in disbelief, following a breathy laughter without a hint of humor or fondness in it. “AND HOW DID YOU KNOW WHAT MARK YOU GOT?!” Sanemi challenges. “THE PAPERS ARE DUE TO BE GIVEN BACK ON MONDAY!”



A wave of fury he never felt before engulfs Muichiro, he balls his fists at his sides, a low snarl ripping out of his mouth as his usually laid back eyes sharpened into a heated glare at the back of Sanemi’s head. It’s a surprise that the man hasn’t spontaneously combusted on the spot yet.

“I saw it on the table! I looked for mine when you went to the toilet!”

A dreadful, suffocating tension fills the air after Genya’s confession. Sanemi co*cks his head to the side.

“So you’re telling me, that you touched my things with your dirty paws?” Sanemi’s voice trembles with barely contained rage.

“I did, but--”

“School related stuff, Genya. There might be Academy sh*ts and secrets in my stuff not meant to be shared to you students.”

“I’m sorry--”


Muichiro doesn’t stop the horrified gasp he lets out at the scene that happened next. Sanemi marches to the table and without hesitation, swipes the food-filled bowls and plates off the surface with his bare hands.

“ANIKI, STOP! PLEASE STOP!” Genya pleads at the top of his lungs. It falls on deaf ears. Drowned out by the sound of glasses crashing to the ground, and the sickening squelch of the falling foods as they flop gracelessly down the floor.

The food....Genya’s creations. Genya’s gratitude and joy in the form of a hearty meal, something he crafted for hours, wasted in seconds.

Muichiro’s fury surges like a tsunami.


Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

A very surprised Sanemi turns to face his back, where the sound of rushed, angry stomping came from.

He was barely able to react when a five foot, middle-schooler’s fist makes contact with a fully grown adult’s jaw.

The math teacher stumbles backwards from the shock rather than the impact but due to him loosing his footing, he accidentally slips on the remains of the discarded food, causing his pathetic ass to join the shards and the wastes.

“MUICHIROOO! BROTHER!” Genya screams at the same time Muichiro was able to acknowledge the sharp pain from his wrist and knuckles. He doubles over with a pained grunt, his teeth gritting as he nurses his damaged hand against his chest. A pair of trembling arms catch him. “Gods, Mui, are you okay?! Why did you do that?! Ne--Sanemi, are you okay?!” His worried gaze graces his sorry excuse of a brother.

Muichiro’s anger at the white-haired man escalates. This miserable sh*tbag don’t deserve Genya.

For Genya’s sake, he tries to calm down, he tries to regularize his breathing but to no avail. The adrenaline is keeping his blood and cells charged with furious electricity. He might as well have the older brother get the brunt of it.

“How big is the stick shoved up your pitiful ass?” Muichiro, despite the boiling anger, was surprised that he was able to keep his voice level. The glare he sent Sanemi though, was worth five raging thunderstorms. “I don’t know what the hell your problem with Genya is but at least talk to him like a f*cking adult, not like a dumb, rabid child whose Mummy didn’t get what he wanted for Christmas.”

“Mui!” Genya stares at him in horror. No, the fact that Muichiro’s currently verbally assaulting a twenty one year old adult and his Academy teacher doesn’t sink in his mind yet.

At the moment, he don’t really care.

“ dare..” Sanemi peers up at them from the floor, the veins on his face threatening to pop from sheer anger and embarrassment at getting his ass handed to him by a fourteen year old that barely reached past his shoulders. “OUT! THE BOTH OF YOU! GET YOUR f*ckING FACES OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!”

Muichiro merely rolls his eyes. “Sure, have fun cleaning your own sh*t.”


With his undamaged hand, Muichiro didn’t think twice about pulling Genya out of the accursed sh*thole of an apartment. Both of them break into a run as soon as they were able to descend the communal stairs, passing by a very confused landlord.

Muichiro and Genya ran and ran without looking back, as if their lives depended on it. They sped by homes and streets, past shops closing up for the night and past people watching them go with questioning look on their faces.

At some point, Genya took the lead. At some point, their hands melded with each other’s.

They ran until they reached a less populated neighborhood and Genya yanks him under a corner street light and as soon as they stopped in their tracks, Muichiro immediately burrows his face in Genya’s chest before locking his arms around the taller boy.

“Why?! Why, Genya, why?!” Muichiro screeches against Genya’s front shirt, his thundering voice muffled by the soft material.

“Mui....” Genya says his name for the nth time that night.

“Why would you let yourself get yelled at?! What the f*ck is wrong with your brother?! Why would he be so angry at some trivial thing, that overdramatic giant toddler! How long has this been happening?! Does he physically hurt you too?! Why didn’t you tell anyone...why didn’t you tell an adult?! Let’s report this to Principal Ubuyashiki right now and get his creamy ass fired and homeless! can stay with us until Dad and the school inform your pare--your mother!

“Sshh,, he never physically harmed me, please relax..” Genya attempts to calm the other boy down by rubbing circles on his back.

“I can’t!” Muichiro shrieks right to his face and Genya understands his outburst. It’s as if he’s finally letting out the explosive kind of anger that Muichiro probably willed himself to control. Nobody should be that calm after landing a big punch of life on someone else’s face.

Oh, f*ck. The punch. Muichiro’s hand!

“We have to get this treated!” Genya carefully cradles Muichiro’s now swollen and badly colored hand in both of his.

The glass doors let out a pleasant melody as it automatically closed behind him. Genya spills out of the convenience store carrying a bag of ice, as well as two meat buns to satiate their hunger, and two bottles of Gatorade to replenish their lost energy. All courtesy of Muichiro since Genya left his own money back home.

Something bitter rises up from his throat. It doesn’t feel right to call it ‘home’ anymore, as much as he still loves his big brother.

He never had a home for the last seven years of his life.

But maybe he’s lucky enough to still have safe spaces in this world.

Like in the presence of a tender-hearted redhead and of course, in the home of who used to be the bane of his existence and his unbelievably, incredibly kind family.

Genya finds Muichiro sitting on a parking block, massaging his hand as he waits for his arrival. Despite what happened tonight, despite Genya witnessing the smaller boy making a fool out of his beloved brother, he couldn’t help the sudden feeling of security that wrapped around him like a pleasant, warm energy.

When the said warmth reaches his heart, Genya’s feelings for the boy seem to expand tenfolds. Muichiro used to unleash his wrath on him. He never expected the day would come when Muichiro would do it for him.

Only months had passed since they started being at each other’s throats. Only weeks passed since fate (actually Tanjiro) gave them the chance to become closer with each other. If life would be kind to him this time and let him be with Muichiro, the one he so very much likes, he wouldn’t be able to thank his friend enough.

“Give me your hand.” Genya doesn’t hesitate as soon as he sits on the narrow raised concrete beside Muichiro. One hand has his palms up and the other clutching the bag of ice.

“I can do it myself.” Muichiro protests. His fluffy cheeks tinged in pink betrays him.

“You can’t eat without hands, dummy. I bought us meat buns. I mean, you bought’s your money, after all.” Genya makes a beckoning gesture, prompting Muichiro to sigh, roll his eyes and just give his hand and be done with it.

He winces from both the pain and relief the ice bag had brought. Genya carefully slides the bag along the most damaged areas, particularly on the ugly red bruise forming on his knuckles.

Now that they’re not on the run, Muichiro was able to fully feel Genya’s skin against his. The roughness, the scars, the calluses.... he tries not to combust upon remembering that one of those fingers was pressing on his lips two nights ago.

Until he realized the implication of the bumps and dry patches that decorated Genya’s hand. Muichiro silently berates himself, he didn’t mean to romanticize those scars.

“I’m really sorry about dinner.” Muichiro opens up. They’re bound to talk about what happened at some point. “But I’m not sorry for punching your asshole of a brother.” Hell, Muichiro would do it again if needed. With his other hand. The additional pain and broken bones would be worth it. And if the white-haired freak’s still intent on hurting Genya, he still have his legs. The only downside to that, though....

“Do you realize that you just assaulted a teacher?” Genya replies, despite the seriousness in his tone, Muichiro could see the corner of his lips tugging upwards into a smile.

“Hmm..” Muichiro rubs his chin. “Is it considered an assault on a teacher if we’re not in school when it happened?” The fourteen year old hides his anxiety behind a rather funny pensive look. He would be lying if he says that he’s not worried about the consequences of his actions. Not only would it affect his grades and overall academic performance, the shame it would bring his family is inevitable.

But what happened already happened, and his regret still amounts to zero. Muichiro’s prepared to take responsibility.

“Why did you do that, anyway? Why did you do that for me?”

Muichiro clearly did not anticipate the second question, how much it sounded more personal. Genya feels him jump which is quickly followed by a series of annoyed stuttering coming out of the smaller’s pouting lips.

“I--I don’t know, okay! My b-body just moved on it’s own! You made me my favorite dish today so just for today, you’re my..m-my f-favorite... my f-favorite person! No one hurts my favorite person!” Genya’s practically talking to the back of Muichiro’s head at this point.“A-anyway!” Muichiro clears his throat in an attempt to sound serious again. “Why are you the one asking questions? I should be the one asking questions here! I went to your house to stuff my cheeks not ram my fist in someone else’s! What’s got your brother’s stained panties in a twist?! I understand him going off at his things being messed with, which is still a dramatic reaction, by the way, but why the hell is he making a big deal out of some dinner?”

Muichiro bravely faces Genya again, only to find an uncapped Gatorade just inches away from his mouth.

“Drink.” Genya offers.

“Thank you.” Muichiro snatches it with his free hand, splashing a bit of the liquid over the rim. Genya sighs. Tsundere.

“Ne--I mean, Sanemi’s feelings towards me is a build up of seven years' worth of anger. You may think that his reactions to petty and trivial things are overblown but these reactions are always amplified by the seething rage that’s been boiling inside him for years. Getting mad at me has become his outlet, a way for him to unleash his anger that he kept for so long.”

Muichiro throws him a confused look. “What warranted this anger?”

Genya heaves a sigh before continuing. “Seven years ago, my parents divorced after my mother and us, her children, suffered too much from the abuse of our deadbeat, drunkard piece of sh*t father. My mother is physically small and weak. She was no match. There were times when she was beaten up so much, she couldn’t get up from bed for a day or two. Sanemi and I....we were a team. We took it upon ourselves to take care of our siblings. Everywhere, we looked for a way to earn money. We were two brothers against the world, except for when our father beat us up too and we had to function as one person, as each other’s other half....”

For a moment, nostalgia clouds Geya’s purple eyes until the memories it brought dissolves into the form of tears. Muichiro’s body once again moves on it’s own, his fingers already wiping the fluids away before any of them could take another breath. Genya sniffs and smiles at him, softly gripping the said hand. Neither of them lets go.

“We promised that we would protect not only our siblings but also each other. And we did, we did. He caught punches for me and in turn, I took blows for him too. Every night, we would whisper to each other, beneath our smelly, torn up blankets. Killing is bad but that didn’t stop us from fantasizing our father’s death. That was our only stress reliever.”

“Then one day, to our surprise, our abused, manipulated, kindhearted but weak mother has had enough. She filed for divorce, rolled up her sleeves and prepared to raise all seven of us by herself. I mean, there was no way that any of her kids would come with that monster! Sanemi aniki was so f*cking happy he kept embracing me and telling me that we’re finally free and that we wouldn’t suffer anymore. It’s time for that abusive freak to rot in a ditch alone all by himself. Until I did the unthinkable....”

Genya brushes his thumb across the back of Muichiro’s hand. Genya’s grip on the smaller boy becomes firmer, allowing the fourteen year old to piece two and two together by letting him feel the scars and other damages permanently etched on his skin.

Muichiro despised the answer he came to. “Oh no, Genya....” He whispers painfully.

Genya nods. “I came with him. I chose to be with Kyogo.” He swallows with difficulty, as if he’s swallowing the weight of his decision. “When we were personally questioned by the authorities, I lied and claimed that our father didn’t mistreat me as much as he did my mother and siblings. I even insisted that I liked him better and he was my favorite, imagine that, haha. All because I didn’t want it to look suspicious when I made my choice that I would be living with him instead.”

The sorrowful look on Muichiro’s face makes him want to reach out and wrap the smaller boy in his arms. “Genya, why?”

“I have six other siblings, Mui. My mother couldn’t possibly take care of us all. Nemi was just your age back then. He couldn’t have part-time jobs yet so I--I thought....I thought that I could take a heavy burden off their shoulders if they won’t have to take care of me. Kyogo, my father, never gave a sh*t about us. He probably only thought of me as free labor and his occasional punching bag, but the infuriating smug look on his face when I walked to his side....I’ve never seen my brother’s face so angry and heartbroken. Betrayed. That was it. That’s how he felt. His greatest and closest ally shockingly siding with the enemy....”

“Life in hell is probably a lot better than living with that vile piece of sh*t. I don’t have to tell you about these scars....” Genya casts a weary glance on their joined hands. One pair smooth, one pair marred. “I don’t have to tell you about the endless physical work, like....I was always picking up after his sh*t. I don’t have to tell you about his preferred way of waking me up when he finds out that there’s no coffee in the pot or eggs on his plate or--”

Muichiro violently yanks his hands away and they fly to his mouth in horror. “ the train..your panic attack....he was hitting you..oh God, and I did...I did--”

“Hey! didn’t know, okay?” Genya soothes. Muichiro is on the verge of panic attack himself.

“But still--!”

“You took care of me after!” Genya asserts, also fighting the urge to cup Muichiro’s cheeks. He wanted the smaller boy to look nowhere else and see the truth in his eyes. He might’ve pettily blamed him at first but he knew better now. “Did you know that was the first time I was looked after by someone in years? I know I f*cked up, I’m so, so sorry about that. Also, I haven’t thanked you yet, have I?”

Muichiro huffs, the guilt gradually melting off his face. “Why are you apologizing, I should be the one....” The following words dwindle into indignant mutterings and maybe life decided to grant Genya a simple gift tonight, so Muichiro’s lips once again transform into an adorable pout.

“Muichiro, thank you.” A heartfelt smile stretches in Genya’s beautiful scarred face. The rest of Muichiro’s world stops, allowing him to drink in the naked sincerity Genya graces him.

Words fail him. Instead, Muichiro bolts up on his feet at once, startling Genya. Using his better hand, he reaches in his pocket for his phone, taps his contact list and waits. “Hello, have you eaten dinner yet? No. don’t answer that, I don’t care. I’m going home and I’m bringing Genya with me.”

“Mui?” Genya says in confusion when Muichiro shoves his phone back in his pocket.

“Come on, let’s go to the market. You still owe us beef stroganoff.” Muichiro stretches his hand towards him. Genya takes it, definitely not blushing, and gets to his feet.

Only then did he realize that something feels wrong. “Mui, wait, look--” He glares downwards, Muichiro follows his gaze.


Genya’s still in his thin indoor slippers, and Muichiro in his cute little pair of foot socks.


they didn't get to eat the meat buns :(

PS I FORGOT GENYA HAS A SHIFT ON NYAN NYAN CAFE ON SATURDAYS. Welp lets just say he asked for a leave because hes excited and Muichiro isnt available on Sunday anyway. Co-workers are def pissed but owner is like 👍

Chapter 9: It's You (I'm Wishing For)





(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“W-wha..what the hell..? What in the f*ck?” Yuichiro’s eye twitches at the pair of dimwits standing outside the front door.

“Hey, I called you, didn’t I? I said I’m bringing Genya and he’ll cook.” Muichiro raises one plastic bag with his good hand to emphasize his point. Inside were two tubs of ice cream. He turns to the taller boy beside him, the both of them sharing a confused look.

And then they have the audacity to shrug at Yuichiro’s startled expression as if they’re not the complete morons who stepped onto the porch sharing one f*cking pair of indoor slipper.

“Yuichiro, language.” Mr. Tokitou’s exasperated voice joins in. Although a bit confused at Muichiro’s impromptu call (Weren’t he and Genya supposed to have dinner together?) His normally jovial face lights up even more at the sight of the two boys outside. A pair of cheery, red-wine eyes scan them up and down as well the brown grocery bags in Genya’s arms. Oh? Interesting. “Why are you still out there? Come in! Genya, have you decided to cook for us after all?”

And then his gaze immediately freeze as soon as he sees it.


Yuichiro stomps his foot before rolling his eyes. “I know, right?!” He cries out, arms flying to cross themselves in front of his chest. “Who in their right mind would split a pair of slippers and wear one each?!”

But Mr. Tokitou merely strides past his eldest son, his kind, round eyes sharpening into a serious glower with every step he take. Some other time, he would’ve laughed at the two boys’ choice of footwear but there was no mistaking the white bandage wrapped around Muichiro’s hand he so desperately presses between him and Genya in the hopes of keeping it from his father.

Beside him, Genya feels Muichiro shuffle closer until there was no inch of space left between them. The smaller body tenses up against him,
his raven head bowed down, avoiding Mr. Tokitou’s confrontational stare. Genya wanted nothing but to drop the goddamned grocery bags and wrap his arms protectively around Muichiro.

Stupid! What, protect him against his dad?

Brat, don’t get ahead of yourself!

“Muichiro...look at me.” The voice that came out of Mr. Tokitou was so unlike his glare. It was gentle, yet strict. A warning tone. Muichiro wouldn’t be able to get out of this. “Darling, does it hurt?” His father reaches for his damaged hand, lightly thumbing the bandages coiled around his wrist.

“Mhmm. Mhmm.” Muichiro nods twice, trying not to cry from the tenderness his dad’s showing him. Guilt floods in his chest. Both from his hesitance earlier and the inevitable shame he’d be bringing to his family once everyone learns the truth.

The father and son jump apart when Genya suddenly lets out a yell of shock with the grocery bag tumbling out of his grip. Several of their purchases littered the ground, some even rolled away but they didn’t have the time to scramble after those because a moment later, Yuichiro shoves Genya against the door, his angry fists clenching the front of the taller boy’s shirt.


“YUI! NO!”

The older twin pushes his cute but unwelcome nose right at Genya’s horrified face. “What in the sh*t happened to my brother’s hand, Shinazugawa? Why the f*ck is he hurt?”

“Yuichiro! No! Baby, stop! This is not how you handle this!” Mr. Tokitou pries his son off their guest. “Are you okay, Genya?” He shoots the boy an apologetic look, making several, hurried bows to go along with it.

Muichiro’s at his side the next second, running his hands worryingly all over his chest. An attempt to smoothen his shirt, perhaps. Genya tries not to shiver at the contact.

“I’m fine, Mr. Tokitou. I’m sorry for all this, and Mui’s’s all my fault.” Genya bows his head somberly.

“No, it’s not and we both know it!” Muichiro protests rather strongly, unaware of his father and twin staring at him.

Mr. Tokitou sighs as he lets go of Yuichiro. With Muichiro and Genya being here instead of following their plans....something must’ve happened on Genya’s end, right? Something’s definitely going on here. In any case, this is not a matter that should be discussed while they’re all stupidly hovering by the front door with one of his lovable gremlins fuming in anger. Plus, Muichiro’s injury....

“Well then, let’s come inside. It’s hardly proper to disturb the neighbors. There’s juice in the fridge, feel free to have some while we sort things out, okay?” He offers kindly to Genya. “Yuichiro. Pick up the items.” Mr. Tokitou scolds his eldest son as he shepherds Genya and Muichiro towards the kitchen where the twin’s mother rushes out of to meet them.

“Dear, I heard some shouting, what’s happening?”

Mr. Tokitou wearily brings up Muichiro’s injured hand. His wife gasps at that and when she calls out her son’s name, her voice trembles in a mix of worry, anger and shock.

“Muichiro! How did this happen? Who did this to you?” Her smaller hands both envelope her son’s and her husband’s much bigger one. Behind them, Genya shifts uncomfortably

“N-no one.” Muichiro responds in a small voice, looking anywhere that’s not his mother’s distressed expression. “I did..t-this is my own..” He trails off, not really knowing how to get the full truth out. His family never had confrontations such as this. He and Yuichiro were good kids. Evil incarnate but good, non-problematic children who brought honor and pride to their parents rather than the common teenage problems.

“We should talk about this in private.” His father gently grasps his shoulder with a hand while the other rubs soothing circles on his mother’s back. “Muichiro, Genya, go get yourselves something to drink and then we’ll talk in my office, alright?”

Mr. Tokitou’s office is housed inside the couple’s quarters as a separate room. The walls outside are made up of vertical wooden panels with a handsome sliding glass door to grant them entry. A sleek, modern desk is pushed up against one side of the wall underneath rows and rows of framed certificates, while the other is lined up with bookshelves full to bursting with books, clear files and succulent plants. The place is undoubtedly tiny but the immaculate tidiness and orderliness gave the illusion of it being a spacious room.

“Take a seat, Genya.” He gestures at the two loveseat facing each other at the center of the room with a coffee table made of glass set between the couches. Genya wished he could’ve been here in a different circ*mstance. He plops himself beside Muichiro who flashes him a tight, uneasy smile.

f*ck, the urge to hold his wrap Muichiro’s smaller and smoother one in squeeze it as an assurance that everything’s gonna be okay....

Really, right when you’re asses are about to be interrogated?

Mr. Tokitou settles himself on the seat in front of them just as his wife strides in the room clutching a medical kit. The matriarch then smiles at Genya, softly asking him to scoot farther so she could sit beside her injured son.

“Okay.” Mr. Tokitou clears his throat, sounding unsure. How should he do this? “First of all, I want you to tell me how you got that injury, Muichiro.”

The fourteen year old reflexively sought his mother’s face, confused and anxious for the first time in a long while. Like a kid looking up at his mom when a doctor asks about what’s wrong, in the hopes of mom explaining it instead.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Tokitou knows nothing about this but as an encouragement, she gently squeezes the hand she’s applying a cool, healing balm on. Muichiro turns to Genya next, as if his wide teal eyes were asking ‘Are we really gonna do this?’ And if they’re really doing this..if they’re going to tell the truth, then Genya would have to spill everything about his terrible home life as well.

Sanemi could possibly be fired before this night ends. Whether he likes it or not.

Genya nods.

Muichiro might be feeling dreadful, but he’s no wimp. “I punched Genya’s older brother in the face.”

The stunned silence that follows is to be expected but the way both his parents freeze in place from shock was too long for Muichiro’s comfort.

To his left, Genya once again starts twitching uncomfortably.

Muichiro watches the other boy through his peripherals, attempting to open his mouth as if to say something but decided against it.

Deep breaths, deep breaths. It took Mr. Tokitou’s whole self control to not only snap out of his disbelief but also to keep his temper in check. Last time he yelled at his sons, they were three and made a poopy mess in Michikatsu’s bathroom. At the same time.

His fear of his grandfather, life’s frustrations and lack of control at that time made him explode in fury at his poor babies. He still regrets that even now, seeing two pairs of bright and googly eyes shining with unshed tears, their lips wobbling before giving him fearful, heart-clenching whines in unison.

And now apparently, Muichiro, his Sweet Baby Teddybooboo who may be clueless about emotions and people in general, and who’s too innocent for this world, had physically attacked someone. Never mind that it was an adult, a teacher, Mr. Tokitou would rather believe that water is not wet than Muichiro committing such an offense.

“Okay....” He sucks in a breath, concentrating all the negative energy into an imaginary ball. Slowly, he lets it out, picturing the bad feelings escaping out of his body. So when he opens his eyes again, it was the same comforting pair of red that his sons always trusted. “Okay. Muichiro...would you tell me why you did that?”

His wife turns her concerned gaze to their son but Muichiro seeks out Genya’s eyes instead and the sixteen year old looks back at him, their eyes questioning and worried for some reason.

Genya chews on his lip.

The patriarch did not miss the way his son’s left hand, his undamaged one, slide closer to Genya’s, Muichiro’s fingers lightly nudging the other boy as if to ask for permission.

Oh? Mr. Tokitou couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in curiosity when Genya’s longer digits brush on top of Muichiro’s before finally moving his head in a little nod.

“I did it....” Muichiro starts. He knows what he did was wrong but he was wrong for the right reasons. Maybe that’s why his voice comes out calmer and steadier than he anticipated. “....because I couldn’t stand him being an abusive piece of sh*t to Genya.”

For the first time, none of his parents called him out for swearing.

“A-abuse?” Mr. Tokitou whispers, aghast at the revelation. He jolts forward, eyes frantically swaying from his son then to the boy sitting beside him. “Is it true, Genya?” He presses with as much carefulness he could muster, far from demanding for an answer. He wanted to make Genya feel that he’s not being forced to talk about it if he doesn’t want to.

But they needed to understand, it’s the only way they could help the boy with whatever’s going on.

Suddenly, the small thread jutting out of his shirt’s hem becomes interesting. Genya fiddles with it as the atmosphere becomes charged with tension....and panic. f*ck, it was just a question all he had to do was nod just like what he has been doing a lot tonight.

Nemi...Nemi....his older brother’s job is on the line, Muichiro’s parents would surely inform the school principal and what Sanemi worked hard for for years could end with just a movement of Genya’s head. He knows that his mother and siblings are doing better now but without financial support from his brother, they could all fall back to poverty again.

Genya felt his hand pleasantly shiver before he realizes that Muichiro had slid his hand further in, his own fingers parking in the gaps of Genya’s sweaty ones.

His pulse picks up in speed at the gesture and the fact that the rather intimate act did not go unnoticed by Mr. Tokitou. Nothing changed in his soft expression, Genya notices.

And then he f*cked up by meeting the patriarch’s stare, full of patience and concern, because in the next moment, he was already telling them about his life under his brother’s roof.

“I see, so this all started from a family problem.” Mr. Tokitou somberly nods. “Well, I can’t say I agree with your brother’s way of handling his feelings because frankly, it’s completely ridiculous of him to take it all out on you.” He huffs tiredly, deflating against the couch’s pillows as if he was the one being abused by the math teacher.

A petite hand finds its way on Genya’s shoulder. “You were too young to make such a heavy decision for the sake of your family.” Mrs. Tokitou speaks out and it hurts. She and his mother Shizu almost sound alike. “I wish you didn’t but that was really brave of you.”

“If your mother and siblings are doing well right now then it’s a huge thanks to you.” Mr. Tokitou seconds, offering Genya a smile along with a look akin to admiration. However, it didn’t last long. His face soon shifts into a grave mood. “But you understand that we need to report him to Principal Ubuyashiki, right? No matter the reason, he’s still a teacher and you are a student of the Academy. Seeing as it happened outside of the school though, I don’t think his position will be compromised, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Muichiro grins up at him. “He’ll probably just be suspended for a few days or have his pay lessen..or better, would be asked to run around the courtyard just in his briefs.”

Unfortunately, his parents didn’t find the joke funny.

“Don’t think that we have forgotten about you, young man!” Mr. Tokitou sternly glares at his youngest. “We’re very, very disappointed in what you’ve done. You, your mother and I are gonna have a long talk about using violence and other things. Telling you that you as well needed to inform Principal Ubuyashiki of your wrongdoing is just the beginning. We will drive you to school on Monday, we’ll personally be there during the talk. Do you understand, Muichiro?”

The grip on Genya’s hand eases. His heart drops, seeing someone as proud as Muichiro curl in on himself. Then he lets out a whimper before he could stop it, when tears start running down Muichiro’s fair cheeks. He had half a mind to just yank him away, lock themselves up in a room and hold his miniature form in his arms. That or he’d convince him to just run away together and live the rest of their days in the mountains up north as primitives.

Mr. Tokitou pinches the bridge of his nose. Now he’d done it. Wanting to hold his crying son as soon as possible, he once again turns to Genya so he could banish him (kindly). “You’re free to stay with us for as long as you’d like. Actually, I encourage it, especially if you’re still feeling unsafe. Do you want me to drive you so we could get your things?”

“I-it’s okay, Sir..I’ll just drop by tomorrow..” Dread clouds his stomach at the prospect of seeing his brother face-to-face for far too soon but he couldn’t ask anymore favors from this kind family.

Mr. Tokitou hums as he chews the inside of his cheek. “Alright. Well, let’s not think about that for now, I could lend you some of my old clothes so you have something to wear tonight. Now--” He slaps his hands together in an attempt to lighten the mood. “--I believe we were promised a delicious meal or two? Feel free to go wild in the kitchen, you can ask Yuichiro for help. No wait, actually, could you ask him to come here as well? What he did earlier was uncalled for.... ”

“Oh? What did he do now, Dear?”

The husband and wife erupt into a chatter about their other son. Genya takes this chance to inconspicuously lean closer to Muichiro. Or rather, to the curtain of hair shielding his face. The fruity smell does something lethal to his heart. “I’ll see you later, okay?” Genya murmurs.

Reluctantly, he fully retracts his hand from the other boy’s fragile grip, the warmth still lingering between his fingers as he tears himself out of the room. When he looks back at the family, Mr. Tokitou was already bringing Muichiro’s tear-stricken face against his chest.

“Hey--” Genya searches his brain for a derogatory slur meant for short people but decided against it at the last minute. While they share the same characteristics and both are absolute menace to society, he’d rather keep the creative insults between him and Muichiro as something special. Even if they won’t likely be trading names anymore from now on. “--Yuichiro. Your dad’s looking for you.” He points at the direction of the room he just emerged out of with his thumb.

Yuichiro peers up at him from his phone but said nothing for a few beats of silence. Then he rolls his eyes for f*ck knows why. Genya merely shrugs to himself. He’s not the one who woke up today and chose violence. At least Muichiro, the twin brother of the repugnant, five foot beast currently glaring at him, did it in Genya’s defense.

“Your beef sh*tganoff ingredients are on the counter. Ice cream’s in the oven so hurry your wrinkly ass. I want everything done when we come out, ‘kay? I’m starving! Also, make sure to wash whatever the f*ck you’d use after.” The older twin finally peels his pudgy ass off the couch and makes a beeline for his parents’ room.

“I’m not your slave, brat.” Genya clicks his tongue after him. How in the world are the twins one hundred percent identical yet he finds Muichiro utterly pretty, adorable, and fun to be with while he thinks of Yuichiro as a physical manifestation of a sour-smelling, sweaty armpit? “Wait! The ice cream’s where?!”

Have a long talk, Mr. Tokitou had said and talked for a long time they did. By the time Yuichiro and his mother enter the dining room, it was quite late in the night and Genya was already transferring the dish onto a serving bowl. The table has been set as well with four sets of plates, utensils and glasses.

In a large pitcher, slices of lemon swim around a freshly made iced tea. The mother and son’s stomachs let out obvious rumbles. Mrs. Tokitou giggles behind her hand, Yuichiro furiously goes red from embarrassment.

“Wow, Genya! These all look so good, and oh! Is that--?” Teal eyes zeroes in her youngest son’s favorite radishes placed in a bowl near where Muichiro usually sits.

Genya scratches his cheek. “I hope you don’t mind me taking from your fridge, Ma’am..”

“Of course not!” She waves her hand dismissively “It’s perfect! My darling baby boy would surely cheer up. But why are there only four plates, why aren’t you joining us?”

“Oh, uhm, I, uh...”

“Just get a da--a dang plate and get on with it, Baldy!” Yuichiro snaps from his seat, arms crossed in his chest. And then he remembered that he was also in his mother’s presence who he had just been with while they were being lectured about violence and manners and all that. He pouts so much that his murmured apology sounded like ‘Sowwy’.

Finally, Muichiro and Mr. Tokitou arrive not long after, both of them sporting blotchy faces and reddened noses but nevertheless with relaxed, happy expressions. Muichiro’s tears from earlier obviously escalated into a full blown breakdown and Mr. Tokitou, the overly loving father that he is, probably burst into tears because of that.

Genya just wanted to pick his little demon angel up and carry him to the nearest room with a blanket they could wrap themselves with and pretend to be a burrito until everything turns out okay.

“Food!” Mr. Tokitou beams, arms opened wide. “Looks lovely, Genya!”

An adorable squeak has Genya’s face automatically stretching into a smile. “ even made my radishes!” Muichiro, in all his flushed, tear-stained cheeks and blushing nose grins up at him with wonder like he just served him the moon, the stars, and an entire galaxy on a bowl.

I could make you your beloved radishes forever..


The F word! Somebody just said the F word?!

“Of course.” Genya simply replies to that. Yuichiro would probably smash his head with the oven door if he so proposes to Muichiro right now.

“Now, is anyone here interested with settling their fannies down on their designated chairs so we may begin partaking this..this...something Sir Shinazugawa has so kindly made for us?”

Mr. Tokitou sighs, not even ten minutes has passed since he finished lecturing Yuichiro. “That’s not what I meant when I said you should be polite, Cookie Pookiecakes.”

Idle chatter, chair legs scraping against the floor and utensils gently clanging fill the air as they gather around the table. It was Genya’s first time to eat in a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere.

Soon enough, series of ‘mhmm’s and ‘delicious!’s echo around the room, causing Genya to become filled not only from the food but from the satisfying reactions as well. Even Yuichiro seem to be contemplating an apology for all the sh*t he did to Genya while Mr. and Mrs. Tokitou’s expressions seem to ask the gods why wasn’t he their son.

Pleased as he may be with their reactions, the only one that really matters to him is the boy who sat on his side (or was it Genya who sat beside him?) Heart slamming in his rib cage, he gulps when Muichiro starts to reach for the radishes with his undamaged hand.

Suddenly, Genya feels like he’s in some cooking show and Gordon Ramsey’s about to call his entire broken family a ‘f*cking doughnut’. Only this time, the loss would be more devastating if he doesn’t live up to Muichiro’s expectation.

Muichiro’s face lights up.

Genya releases the breath he has been holding.

Muichiro scoots his seat closer to Genya and openly lays his head on his shoulder. “If somebody asked me what’s the only food I could eat forever, I would tell them, ‘Genya’s radishes’.”

Mr. Tokitou hoots. Mrs. Tokitou giggles.

Yuichiro probably swallowed an entire spoon.

Genya goes full red in the face, and then he f*cking falls in love.

“Oh for gosh’s sakes, you can’t just say things like that, you cheesy toadwart!” Yuichiro hotly points at his twin.

“Say what?” Muichiro frowns.

“Anything!” Bits of meat and rice fly out of Yuichiro’s mouth and land near his father’s plate. “Anything like eating Genya’s radishes....carrots....eggplants....anything Genya’s that is long and thi--”

“AHEM!” Mr. Tokitou wisely hijacks the conversation with a loud cough. “So! For tomorrow....”

“The amusem*nt park!” Muichiro and Yuichiro chorused, thankfully letting whatever the f*ck was their conversation about pass to oblivion.

Oh. The amusem*nt park. Yeah, that.

“Right! We’ll leave an hour before lunch so make sure that your homeworks get done tonight since we might be coming home later than dinner.” He turns to their guest. “Do you think you could run home to get your things and something to wear for tomorrow before we leave, Genya? The offer still stands to drive you back, you know.”


To wear?

For tomorrow?

Seeing the total confusion in his face, Mrs. Tokitou pipes in, “You’re coming with us, of course.”

His bulging eyes widen even more. “Ah, oh but the tickets--I couldn’t..” Genya quickly represses his inner child who whooped at that in favor of his manners.

Mr. Tokitou waves him off, giving his food his attention again. “Don’t mention it, Genya. No one’s gonna be left behind on a day of fun! Really, there’s no problem if we purchase one more ticket.”

“If you won’t come with us, I’ll cry.” Muichiro puts it out without hesitation. Yuichiro snorts.

“Eh, Muichiro?!” Their father starts flailing his arms around before he stands up so fast he almost knocks his chair down. Mr. Tokitou slams his hands on the table, rattling the food and bows to Genya’s direction. “This is bad! Please agree to it now, Genya I don’t want to see my Patootie Honeysprinkles cry again! Huhuhu!”

Guffaws, plus Yuichiro’s indignant noises, drown out Mr. Tokitou’s dramatic sobs. Muichiro and his mother were practically melting down on their seats, clutching their stomachs and Yuichiro was calling his father ten different names which all translated to ‘idiot’ but tries to make it polite-sounding as much as possible. Mr. Tokitou cries harder.

“Pfft.” Genya’s brain could only process much silliness. He welcomes the rumble of laughter in his stomach, unaware of Muichiro’s soft looks trained on his face being twisted by mirth. “Alright, I’d hate it if Mui would cry too.”

After another twenty minutes of shared meals, laughter, good-natured ‘insults’ and two tubs of melted ice cream for dessert, the five of them decided to clear the table. Muichiro and his parents strongly protested when Genya moved to help with the dishes.

“Follow me, Genya. I’ll show you the guest room.” Mrs. Tokitou beckons him over and then towards the stairs. Although smaller than the bedrooms he had seen in this house, the spare room still looked like it was designed to emulate the comfort of staying in a top quality hotel.

“Woah..” Even the scent smelled new, fresh and relaxing, and that’s saying something because Muichiro’s raisin of a great-great-grandfather probably stay here during his visits. The gnarly old man might be rich but he still smelled like feet marinating in sweat and pork stock.

“I take it you already know where the bathroom is.” Mrs. Tokitou appreciates the kid’s amazed reaction. She works hard on the cleaning after every Michikatsu’s visit, you know. “You can go and take a shower while Yuichiro’s still busy....since that boy hogs the bathroom for ages!” She laughs and in the distance they could hear the older twin’s loud complains about cleaning up.

Muichiro darts past his mother and seemingly goes in for a dive on the bed but stops himself at the last minute. He sniffs. “Mom, are those new sheets?”

Mrs. Tokitou rolls her eyes fondly. “Yes, I already changed it five months ago. After Grandfather’s overnight visit.”

“Okay.” Muichiro still eyed the bed warily, as if Michikatsu’s secretly sleeping on the bed and rubbing his scent all over it every night. Genya snorts after Mrs. Tokitou left to find extra clothes.

“I promise it doesn’t smell like Grandpa Juice.” Genya plops his ass down on the bed. It bounces. The mattress, not his ass.

“Eww!” Muichiro’s face twists in disgust. “Don’t word it like that!”

Genya just wanted to kiss his adorable scrunched up nose.

Hey! No kissing in bed!

What the f*ck?! I didn’t--

Muichiro crawls to the middle part before crossing his legs.

He shrugs off his jacket, revealing a black, sleeveless turtleneck beneath which shouldn’t have done things to Genya but then Muichiro folds both his arms so he could rest his chin against them, unintentionally emphasizing the faint biceps under ivory skin.

Should he want to, tight and fit muscles would look so good on Muichiro.

Maybe one day, they could be gym buddies.

Did you just buddyzone yourself?

“How’s your hand?” The bed dips under Genya’s weight.

Muichiro flexes and rotates his damaged hand. “It’s okay now, I think. Mom put a soothing cream on it that numbs the pain. I should be fine screaming my head off tomorrow.”

“G-good....that’s good.”


For a moment, that was that. Silence engulfs them, only broken by Yuichiro’s faint tantrums downstairs, as well as the muffled sound of plates and utensils being carelessly handled by the angry potato. It wasn’t uncomfortable but Genya needs to know now.

“And are you? What’s going to happen now? What did you and your parents talk about? I mean, if you want to tell me, but if you don’t, it’s okay too. I’m just....I’m just w-worried about you, s’ all.”

“Hmm.” Was all Muichiro says again. And then the bed suddenly wobbles when the smaller boy drags himself to the pillows where Genya is leaning against. Muichiro slumps, feeling his tired body drown in a sea of feathers and floral scented fabric conditioner.

But that wasn’t the kind of softness he was seeking. Without hesitation, Muichiro leans to his left, letting his head rest against Genya’s shoulder.

The sixteen year old momentarily stiffens at the contact, he looks away to hide the furious shade of pink being painted across his cheeks. He wonders if the boy’s overwhelmingly kind parents would finally snap if he so leans to his right and tuck Muichiro’s gorgeous head under his cheek. Oh, and lock their youngest son in a warm embrace in the process.

“Nothing you didn’t hear before you left. They’ll drive me-and that includes you and Yui-to school on Monday so they could talk to the principal. Dad says I might get a week of suspension or something.”

Genya would’ve stood up if not for the precious little thing pressing on him. “But that’s unfair! You were defending me! You--that was.....that was my brother’s fault!”

“My punishment could’ve been worse.” Muichiro simply shrugs. Oh it would affect his grades and academic performance for sure but nothing his genius mind couldn’t handle. When he catches up he’d still end up on top of the ranks. “So listen, Dad asked me why I resorted to violence and I told him that punching your brother was the fastest way to make a point which is to point out that he is an insufferable dickwaffle with issues then Dad grounds me for being crass, he said! Should I’ve been professional, then? Should I’ve used the formal word ‘penis’ instead?”

Genya’s brain, and words, fail him. He could only sit there, staring at Muichiro’s pouting lips.

And then the first wild, roaring, and carefree laughter tears out of his throat after seven long years.

Hours later, the whole house finally falls into a quiet slumber. Genya himself is swallowed by the softness of his bed but despite the topnotch comfort, he lays wide awake with only the light of his phone screen illuminating his face. Thank f*ck the device was in his pocket all along.

Genya’s currently messaging Tanjiro, telling his friend what happened this afternoon and that he’s staying at the Tokitous’ temporarily. If his messages were ninety seven percent about Muichiro valiantly stepping in to defend Genya and three percent about the personal stuff he left at his brother’s house, then that’s his and Tanjiro’s inbox’s business.

But by God, he misses his favorite teddy bear. The one given to him by his brother on his fifth birthday. His heart clenches as the thought of Sanemi. Everything just f*cking hurts especially now as he lay in the dark all alone, the memories from hours ago creeping up on him once more.

Sry, I never
thought, its
just my scent
was always ryt.
guess it could
be wrong 4

Genya huffs at that, not bothering to punch in a reply immediately. He stares at the dark ceiling to collect his thoughts.

Well, that was depressing if such a ball of positivity like Tanjiro acknowledges that his relationship with Sanemi is hopeless after all. Allowing himself a tired sigh, he shifts his focus back on the blinking cursor.

It would be three in the morning before sleep would finally claim the two friends.

Which is why it only felt like he had half an hour after of sleep before faint, muffled noises woke him up. Apparently, Yuichiro is even grouchier during mornings. Wait, Yuichiro?

Genya unfurls his eyes, thick with itchy crusts. Eww. He stretches out his long limbs across the fluffiest sheets he had ever slept on. It took him a bit of a while to take in the unfamiliar smell, the smooth humming of the air conditioner and the way the morning sun rays seem to hit his face from a different direction.

Oh, right. He’s at the Tokitous’ home.

Yuichiro once again stomps past his room, screaming something about somebody eating his favorite cereal and cursing Muichiro while he’s at it.

As if the thought of the younger twin jolts him back to life, Genya jumps off the bed eagerly.

He first checks the hallway for an angry Yuichiro, then pads across the hall towards the bathroom. There’s no way he’d show up downstairs with an oily face so Genya carefully examines the bottles of facial washes, definitely not taking his time to sniff which one’s the most fragrant in case Muichiro casually mentions it in passing or something. No he definitely did not.

Genya barely stepped away from the bathroom when the doorbell rang. He heard footsteps and then Mrs. Tokitou exclaiming, “Tanjiro! Nezuko! What a pleasant surprise, what are you doing here?” Of course, Genya didn’t hear the reply but he thunders down the stairs in a heartbeat. “Oh, you brought Genya’s stuff? Wonderful!”

“Tanjiro!” Genya beams from upstairs. Tanjiro grins up at him as Nezuko pushes her brother further inside the house. In his redhead friend’s lap is a familiar duffle bag which, judging from it close to bursting open, probably contained everything that ever belonged to him. “You two got my things!” He also spared a grateful smile to his sister.

"And Muichiro's shoes." Tanjiro lifts a paper bag.

“More like I stayed in the living room making sure Sensei won’t break Nii-chan’s legs while he pack up your things. Hmm, is that pancake I smell?” She laughs then strides past them and into the dining room. Genya lets out a chuckle. Of course there’s no way his brother would just harm students but the presence of a sweet, little girl definitely helped make sure that no sh*t’s about to go down.

Genya shifts his focus back on his friend, feeling a rush of gratefulness and relief. “I can’t believe--! I, wow....I mean, thanks, dude. Really, really. It saved me a lot of trouble..I-- I don’t want to, not yet--” Genya starts awkwardly, gratitude lost somewhere in his stuttering but Tanjiro smiles in understanding all the same. Yeah, there’s no way he would be able to face Sanemi too soon.

There’s no use talking about it, though. They have said what should be said in text last night. Instead, Tanjiro gestures for Genya to come closer, a rare sh*t-eating grin twisting his face.

“How does it feel spending the night in your beloved’s home?”

Okay. He didn’t expect that. Genya retreats backwards and made a noise akin to a shriek of a tea kettle.

“B-beloved?!” Heat travels all the way to the roots of his hair.

Tanjiro wanted to say that he could actually smell the new, sweetass, diabetes-inducing feeling enveloping Genya. His friend had fallen in love, for sure.

In the end, he holds himself back as the subject of him ‘sniffing emotions’ is still heavily tied to Sanemi and the disappointed it brought along.

He laughs at Genya’s stupid tomato face instead.


Ah, speak of the devil who apparently turn faces into tomatoes. Muichiro comes barreling out of the kitchen, only stopping short a good distance away from Tanjiro’s wheelchair, his face alight with enthusiasm at his close friend’s surprise visit.

“Muichiro! It’s been so long!” Like, days. Tops. The human sunshine spreads his arms open, causing Muichiro to freeze up with an ‘Eh?’ at that. “Won’t you give your favorite cousin-friend a good hug?”

“Jeez!” Muichiro rolls his eyes, a perfect imitation of Yuichiro then bends forward and without hesitation, wraps his arms around his ‘cousin-friend’. “Yeah, yeah, missed you too.”

Genya’s throat dries up seeing Muichiro so open with Tanjiro. There’s this repeating motion in his chest as if his heart’s being clenched and released repeatedly. Which then felt like it had been dropped to his stomach when he realized that Muichiro still liked Tanjiro.

That it was only because of the happenings from the past few days that he wasn’t able to rub it in Genya’s face just like he normally do.

And that as soon as everything falls back into place again, Muichiro would probably pick up where they left off, albeit with much less hostility and insult now that they’re friends.

Breakfast should’ve been a pleasant affair. Mrs. Tokitou had whipped up stacks and stacks of fluffy pancakes for everyone. Varieties of toppings and syrups had been placed on the table as well, allowing the kids to go wild with their creations. In case the taste of their unicorn vomit of a breakfast make them sick, bacon, sausages and eggs were prepared as well.

Muichiro, Tanjiro and Nezuko had huddled together which started because they were comparing their horrendously designed pancakes with one another and then somehow, their conversation turn to whispers and a whole lot of giggling, and blushing in Muichiro’s case. Genya doesn’t know what they’re talking about but his insides twists at the sight of Muichiro’s and Tanjiro’s faces hovering close with each other’s.

The feeling of being left out by his friends wasn’t what’s making him uncomfortable but Genya decided to focus on that instead of the jealousy burning at the pit of his stomach.

He eats his meal alone, tuning out the trio’s giggling and Mr. and Mrs. Tokitou’s conversation about their theme park visit at eleven o’clock.

When he looks up, he sees Yuichiro raising an eyebrow at him.

To distract himself, Genya insists on helping Mr. Tokitou with the cleanup. As the patriarch talks Genya’s ear off about woodcarving, the sixteen year old realizes that the man had become a father to him in just a few weeks compared to his own. He liked the man, respected him a lot.

The same goes for Mrs. Tokitou. Being taken care of like he’s their own warms his heart. Genya would do what he could for them. He would’ve been a good future son-in-law and the overload of sugar and syrup probably jammed the blood vessels in his brain because what the f*ck is his delusional ass thinking right now?

“You better rest up for a bit, Genya. We’ll be leaving in two hours.”

“Okay, Sir. Let me just take care of the trash.” Genya makes quick work of the overflowing trash bag lest it’s rancid smell contaminate the immaculate kitchen. He heaves the bag over his shoulder to deposit it outside. On his way there, he’d have to pass by the storage room first. The door was ajar, Mrs. Tokitou’s probably in there to clean.

But as he gets closer to the room, he heard familiar voices in a somewhat heated discussion.

“Go on, do it. What’s stopping you?!” came a sharp cry. Genya freezes before he’s able to cross the open doorway. He frowns. Something’s not right. There’s no way Tanjiro is raising his voice?! But on who?!

The answer reveals itself in the form of Muichiro’s flat voice. “What makes you so sure that I like you?”

“No! No, that doesn’t--” Tanjiro sputters indignantly. “Try again. Come on, Mui.”


Mui as in Genya’s nickname for Muichiro?! The nickname in which he’s the only one allowed to use?! (Right, that is technically not true, anyone who thinks of it could use it, it’s was kind of a special privilege to him.)

“This is not working. I can’t use proper words. I would just have to show it to you.”

A loud thud causes Genya to jump on the spot. He drops the bag on the floor and he couldn’t help closing the distance between him and the door.

Genya peeks inside.

His heart somersaults in his chest and then shatters at the scene before him.

Tanjiro, still in his wheelchair, was trapped against a wall by Muichiro’s arms caging him from both sides.

And as if there’s still a piece of his heart’s that’s left breathing, he heard Muichiro proclaim loud and clear, “Go out with me.”

Genya f*cking bolts it out of there but not before Tanjiro yanks Muichiro’s face closer by the back of his head.

“Ouch! What the fu--” Muichiro stumbles backwards, massaging his forehead where his idiot of a cousin-friend just headbutted him. “That hurt!”

Tanjiro smacks his own forehead in hopelessness. “Why are you so unromantic? There’s no way Genya’s be able to reply if you kabedon him like that!” He flails his arms wildly. “Poor guy’s going to pass out!”

“I told you, I can’t words!” Muichiro presses on, madly flushing where he stood. "Especially when I’m looking at you and not the boy I actually like! It’s like I’m confessing to my own brother, eughh.” The fourteen year old sticks his tongue out.

Funny how he instantly forgot his crush on the other boy. Perhaps it was fleeting. Shallow. Born out of familiarity rather than chemistry. Maybe what made him stay was the silly fights he had with Genya because of it.

That doesn’t mean that Tanjiro isn’t an important person in his life. He might be the only one except Yuichiro and hopefully in the future, Genya, who he’s comfortable being his true self with.

Tanjiro actually pouts. “Well, you’re the one who asked me to pretend to be Genya.”

“And you suck at it so much I was trying not to laugh.” Muichiro huffs, sitting himself on an old mattress. “I don’t really know what to do. H-he...I think he still likes someone else.” Teal eyes peer up at Tanjiro, questioning, asking for help.

The redhead sniffs the air, catching anxiousness and a bit of....jealousy?


Muichiro still thinks that Genya has feelings for him.

Where’s Nezuko? He literally needed someone to tape his mouth and bind him to his wheelchair or else he’d scream the two pining idiots’ exact same secret right to their oblivious faces.

Tanjiro shakes his head, a small smile on his lips. “I’m not so sure about what he feels for me now.” He says instead, fighting off the urge to scrunch up his face. Must remain a kawaii sunshine patootie. “Plus, I’m already with Kanao. So you know, nobody else stands a chance.”

“Mhmm. ‘Grats.” Muichiro absentmindedly says, his mind undoubtedly still on a certain mohawked boy.

Genya was barely able to control himself. The bedroom door slams behind him, louder than he intended but then again, his self-control is kind of not working right now so maybe he intended to take it out on an innocent piece of wood. Mr. or Mrs. Tokitou would probably check on him any minute now.

“Sorry about the door, it was an accident!” Genya yells at the hallway before retreating back to his room, gently this time.

Heart running wildly in his rib cage, yet refuses to fully acknowledge what he just witnessed downstairs, Genya tumbles down the bed, staring into nothing as he does so.

Calm down, calm down. It must’ve been a misunderstanding. Tanjiro’s already with someone, he would never--

But why did he pull Muichiro closer for? Other than a ki--

Stop. Don’t go there! He shuts his eyes tightly, shaking his head as if to will the thoughts away. His traitorous mind doesn’t let him. As if to torture Genya, the scene keeps replaying and replaying until the poor boy stuffs his face under a pillow. Maybe he’d writhe and die from asphyxiation or something.

The fact is, even if he did understood Tanjiro’s actions, Muichiro’s was loud and clear and heart-clenching.

Muichiro still had feelings for their redhead friend, after all.

Those touches, those silly moments, those faces inching closer to the other’s....all meaningless just with those three words Muichiro said to the boy he’s still crushing on. Go out with me.

He had half a mind to go back to Sanemi’s. His big brother would likely ignore him but at least he has the privacy to cry and wallow in self-pity in his own room.

I wish I could have someone to talk this with.

No friends to cheer him up.

No parents to comfort him.

No big brother to guide him through his first heartbreak.

Genya curls up in a fetal position, thoughts raging, stomach churning and all alone in this world.

He wakes up to the muffled sound of Mr. Tokitou’s voice from outside the door. Knuckles gently rapping at the door follows then Genya jerks up from the bed in alarm. sh*t, he dozed off?

“Genya, are you there?” came the concerned voice of the man who will never be his father-in-law.

“U-uhm yeah! Sorry, I kinda fell asleep!” He sniffs lamely and feels the wetness surrounding his reddened eyes. Genya hastily wipes them off before opening the door for Mr. Tokitou. The noise downstairs suggests that the twins were loudly boasting about their amusem*nt park trip to the Kamado siblings who hasn’t left the house yet.

He must’ve looked worse than sh*t because Mr. Tokitou widens his eyes upon seeing his blotchy face and teary, bloodshot eyes. “Genya! Are you, okay? Are you sick? Do you want to just stay here after all?”

And spend all day pity partying in his gloomy blanket?

“It’s okay, I’m fine, Sir. It’s just from sleep.” Because he’s stupid, he feigns a big, wide, unconvincing yawn.

Fortunately, Mr. Tokitou didn’t press further and just chalked it up as a result of his nap. “Okay. We’re leaving in thirty, get yourself ready, kiddo. You got your things back, yes?”

About ten minutes later, Genya sweeps out of the room in a simple white tee and dark skinny jeans.

The shower he took had helped alleviate his bad mood a bit but make no mistake, he’s still as miserable as he was a few hours ago especially seeing Muichiro in his dark gray long-sleeved shirt and black cargo pants tucked in a pair of knee-high Converse chucks.

As if the dangerously attractive outfit hasn’t drove Genya to the brink of insanity yet, Muichiro tops the look with a messy bun sitting high on his head. Strands of dark and mint hang loosely over the sides of his face and dear Lord, the beautiful little thing just spotted him and lights up at the sight of him as if he’s not the one letting Genya catch a glimpse of heaven.

Why couldn’t I just run away and take him with me?

“Genya!” Muichiro waves him over to catch his attention. Not that he needed to. “Where were you? You disappeared after breakfast!” The fourteen year old scoots to the side to make some space for Genya, practically shoving Tanjiro roughly to the couch’s armrest, hurting his injured leg in the process.

Genya blushes when he catches a whiff of Muichiro’s scent. “I.. fell asleep.” He supplies in a quiet tone, his glum mood preventing him from faking a cheery demeanor. It’s just too much work.

Whatever Muichiro’s reply’s going to be is suddenly cut off by the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Tokitou and a very cranky Yuichiro following behind who as it turns out, was forced into a matching outfit with his dad as punishment for being a grumpy little bitch since last night.

Mrs. Tokitou seem to age ten years younger in her blouse and denims while Mr. Tokitou and Yuichiro are in their stupid, bright yellow shirt and shorts which were patterned with...sunny side up eggs? Their tops are opened, revealing a plain black tee beneath so people could look there to save their eyesight should the hideously bright egg-y shirts make their eyes water.

Muichiro and Tanjiro burst out laughing.

Genya’s lips form into a half-smile. f*cking hysterical. Hysteggrical.

The drive to the theme park was uneventful. They dropped the Kamado siblings back at their bakery and had a quick, early lunch at some cafe. Branded foods inside the park are ridiculously marked up and yes, the Tokitous could afford it but there’s no way they’d pay such an amount for a slice of pizza.

Genya tries hard not to slump back in his awful mood since he didn’t want to waste the money Muichiro’s parents spent on him.

Just let it go for now and have fun.

Muichiro’s hand slowly wraps around Genya’s forearm as they walk to the park’s entrance. Suddenly, he couldn’t tell if the BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! he’s hearing is from the park or the sound of his heart frantically slamming itself to death in his chest.

“Don’t get lost.” Muichiro grins up at him which is futile as Genya’s already lost in his beautiful eyes. Why must you hurt me this way? One look at the jewel-like pair and it’s as if Genya was caught under an illusion spell.

“Alright, where first?” Mr. Tokitou yells above the chaotic noise, flipping a map open like the tourist that he is.

“Space Shuttle!” Yuichiro starts but his cries were suddenly drowned out by a loud rumbling of a moving machine accompanied by the deathly screams of it’s passengers. The very ride Yuichiro pointed out just zoomed overhead them, making their hearts thunder, before the roller coaster catapulted itself to nauseating twists and loops.

“But we just ate!” Muichiro counters. He had no plans to throw up and ruin his outfit because oh yes, he had felt Genya’s eyes on him when he first saw him earlier. The feeling is mutual, of course. Genya had no business looking like a topnotch snack in just plain clothes.

“You’re lame!”

“Just like your stupid clothes!”

“Then Dad is lame too!”

“Boys, boys....” an offended Mr. Tokitou sighs.

In the end, Yuichiro got what he wanted. The fourteen year old and his dumb omelet outfit called dibs on the roller coaster’s very front seat, hissing at people who attempt to sit with him. Muichiro and Genya settle on the second seat with Mr. and Mrs. Tokitou on the third.

“Scared?” Genya smirks at Muichiro, teasing.

“Hah! Says who?” Muichiro fires back smugly, his grip tightening around Genya’s arm. Is it dangerous to hold hands in a roller coaster?

“Don’t worry, I’ll hold the rest of your hair for you when you throw up.” Genya flashes him a lopsided grin. How the disgusting statement sounded romantic in his ears was beyond him. Ah, he probably heard it in a love song.

Finally, the ride operator approaches each of them, caging their bodies in the safety lock.

“Hehehe! Here we go!” Mr. Tokitou snickers from behind them and then a loud, hissing noise followed before the smooth rumbling of the ride coming to life.

Slowly, very slowly....the roller coaster elevates in reverse, back first. They watch as they were being dragged away from the ground, the people queuing becoming smaller and smaller, the ride still going on cruelly slow to build up tension, Muichiro realizes, and excitement, or even anxiety for it’s passengers. The ride pulls and pulls upwards until Muichiro could almost see their street from the view above.

It stopped. Muichiro counted the seconds, he barely reached five.

And then, like an arrow pulled taut, it plunges.

Screams and the roaring of a strong wind fill their ears as the ride plummets down with the speed of a race car before it suddenly rises up and goes around an upside down loop, then their bodies suddenly jerking when it passed a sharp twist, not even giving it’s passengers a chance to recover from shock.

Despite the thrilling terror, Muichiro couldn’t help but bark out a laugh when he realized that poor Yuichiro is facing this headfirst all by himself. Muichiro could see his twin’s dumbass shirt sleeves flapping against the wind while he holds onto the safety lock for dear life and it’s somehow f*cking funny so Muichiro’s crazed laughter joins his screams.

Behind them, his father starts praying to every god he knew.

But above all else, a shriek of utter delight catches Muichiro’s attention.

Awestruck was an understatement. Genya had his eyes and mouth wide open in sheer amazement. The ride violently shakes and curves and flips upside down but the older boy just takes it all in, welcomes whatever terrifying direction they go through, laughs as the world spins unnaturally. While everyone was screaming their heads off, Genya was whooping at the top of his lungs, his face stuck in a childlike wonder he probably never experienced as a young boy.

He feels free.

Like he’s being given a chance to become a kid again.

Muichiro watches him until they reach the ground, forgetting the craziness he was supposed to be riding out.

How many people realize that they’re in love with someone while they’re being thrown around in a murder vehicle?

“Whoo! That was nuts!” Genya yells above the buzzing noise while the ride attendant shepherds them to the exit. Muichiro keeps up with his shorter legs, hand automatically curling around Genya’s arm.

“Let’s check out the photos and laugh the sh*t out of Yuichiro’s face!” Muichiro yanks the older boy, who was very happy being led on by his crush, towards the small booth near the exit.

How they installed cameras on tracks was beyond Muichiro but he doubles over on the floor seeing Yuichiro’s panic-stricken face on the screen, his lips seem to be flapping in the wind, hideously baring his teeth and gums and all.

The images on the screen moves to the next seat, displaying Muichiro’s lovestruck eyes boring into Genya’s soul.

Muichiro pales, unlike his counterpart on the screen. He wasn’t able to stop the mini whimper when Genya perks up as soon as he sees the photo. “I’ll take that, how much?”

“Eh, Genya, are you sure?!”

“Two hundred seventy yen.” The person behind the booth says. Genya winces. f*ck capitalism. But then again, there’s just something in the way Muichiro was looking at him. Surely a few hundred yen is worth the precious piece of paper he could bring with him anywhere. So he paid for two copies.

“Here.” Genya hands a freshly printed out copy to a stunned Muichiro. The paleness of his face shifting into a soft shade of pink as he pockets the photo.

“T-thanks.” He huffs. The picture’s totally going to his night stand. In the most beautiful frame money could buy.

Of course they bought a copy of Yuichiro’s ugly mug as well before they navigate their way around people to find the rest of the group. They found Mr. and Mrs. Tokitou, and Yuichiro huddled around a trash bin where Mr. Tokitou is hunched over, retching and spilling rainbows.

“Dad, are you okay?” Muichiro asks

Mr. Tokitou holds up a hand for a few seconds. “I’m fine, Sweetypie. It’s just....that ride was insane! Buweeeggh!”

“How about we all just take it slow, hmm?” Mrs. Tokitou rubs her hand one of the printed eggs on her husband’s back. She gestures at one of the small rides. For six year olds.

Yuichiro harrumphs at that, crossing his arms. His glaring teal eyes rovers around. The lines for extreme rides (for matured people like him, thank you very much) goes on and on like it’s a blockbuster movie. There’s no time to waste on a stupid toddler ride.

“But Mom--!” He whines brattily. “It would take ages before I get to try the other rides.”

Their parents wanted to to go slow while Yuichiro has a deathwish.

Which leaves Muichiro and Genya in the middle.

“Alright.” Mr. Tokitou takes a swig from the water bottle handed to him. “How about we separate ways for the meantime? Your mother and I could just stay lowkey and you three go off together?”

Yuichiro raises an eyebrow at his twin and Genya. “Great idea, Dad but I’m not third wheeling!” Both Muichiro and Genya squeak, looking away in opposite directions. “So why don’t I go alone, you go with Mom and these two could gay with each other? Nice, right? Bye!” And then he zooms away, getting swallowed by the crowd not long after.

Mr. Tokitou sputters. “Y-Yuichiro! Gummy bear!” He slaps a hand on his face. “Good grief. I swear, that child. Right, then. Let’s all meetup at three for a snack. I’ll message you, okay? Have fun!” And just like that, he whisks his wife away to god knows where, leaving the two blushing hom*osexuals on their own.

Genya clears his throat, cheeks still flushed when he realized that being left alone together seem like they’re on a date. “W-well, uhm, shall we?” They have to move along eventually anyway.

Muichiro only nods and they march on to nowhere in particular. At some point, after overcoming his embarrassment, Muichiro reclaims Genya’s arm again which made the sixteen year old melt and preen at the same time. To any outsider, they would undoubtedly look like clingy boyfriends.

He decided to completely let go of the dark, heavy feeling from this morning. For now, he would enjoy this pretend, one-sided ‘date’ with the boy he deeply likes. For now, Genya would imagine Muichiro loving him instead of Tanjiro and make sure that his day would be fun and unforgettable. For now, Genya will allow himself to get lost in his fantasy. What better place than a magical theme park? Who knows if he’d get to have the opportunity again....

Muichiro couldn’t tell when’s the exact point in which holding onto Genya’s arm wasn’t enough anymore. Everytime his glare falls on a random couple, this urge to just hold Genya closer, to touch him more, boils inside him. The sudden attention (and gifts) the older boy’s showering him doesn’t help either.

He doesn’t know what triggered Genya to act like a doting boyfriend but who is he to complain? Muichiro’s gaze lingers on Genya’s dark mane flowing down to his shoulder blades. He watches him thoroughly examine a pair of headbands because of course, what is an amusem*nt park day out without the overpriced couple headbands?


Muichiro shifts the bag hanging on his shoulder, now filled with toys and snacks Genya had won for him from those shooting games. None of the other guests knew that Genya is in a sharp-shooting club of course but Muichiro reveled at the other people’s jealousy at such talent and more so, at the whiny bitches crying because unlike his Genya, their mediocre meatbag boyfriends couldn’t even hit a pack of Doritos for them.

When Genya got him that expensive box of chocolates, (cue another round of hoes weeping) he summoned all his willpower not to kiss the other boy on the cheek right there and then. Both of them were smug as they walked away.

The sixteen year old finally turns away from the cart, clutching two headbands with a small wizard hat perched lopsidedly on top. Genya’s face twists in a grin, holding up the headbands to show it off to him. Muichiro, in, turn, points at the two cups of smoothies on his side. One chocolate mint. One watermelon.

“Haha. Cute!” Genya chuckles after putting the headband on Muichiro. “You look like a kid in a kiddie party hat!”

“No fair! I’ll do yours!” Muichiro pouts before attempting to swipe the other one out of Genya’s hands. ‘Attempt’ being the word because his darling asshole lifts the thing out of his reach and then Muichiro’s very core shivers at the naughty grin on the taller boy’s face.

If Genya’s smiles are gonna give him the tingles from now on then it might be an early death for his poor, smitten heart.

“Catch it if you can.” Genya teases a bit too calmly, too confidently. Muichiro stands on tippy toes, cheeks puffed out and eyebrows furrowed in determination.

Ugh! So f*cking cute! He’s gonna be the death of me!

“I could reach it but your arm’s too long!” Muichiro whines. When ballet toes prove ineffective, he starts jumping up instead, the tip of his fingers almost brushing the headband.

Oops. That won’t do.

So Genya suddenly darts away, leaving a stunned Muichiro behind as well as few scandalized murmurs from the crowd. (One or two might’ve said ‘ow, f*ck!’ when Genya bumped into them.)

Really, Muichiro could just dump Genya and his stupid wizard hat in the Lost and Found section but where’s the fun in that?

“Oi, what’s the matter? Can’t keep up?” Genya yells some distance away, his raspy voice cutting through the overall noise as he waves the headband in the air as an invitation. Muichiro allows himself a smirk of his own, and then he takes off, determined to pin Genya’s mischievous ass on the ground.

“Give me that!” The two of them chase each other around the area, not being mindful of the people they almost knock down. Who cares about them NPCs and their angry complaints? All the the two boys care about is the thrill of catching and being caught over a damned head accessory.

Just as when Muichiro’s a few feet away from Genya, his foot accidentally got caught on a random popped up tile. Muichiro yelps, and trips over, face first if he won’t able to stop his fall. He desperately fumbles for something but there was nothing but air.

He braces for the impact, and the impending shame of having his two front teeth smashed.

The hands that gripped both his arms was too late as well. Muichiro lands on something solid and definitely smelling strongly of his own shampoo.

Muichiro landed on the solid chest of Genya.

Muichiro’s lower body was messily slotted between the taller boy’s legs.

f*cking cliche. Do all love stories involve falling over on someone while time stands still?

Because that’s what’s currently happening here.

Genya resembled a watermelon split open on the ground, his muscular arms wound around Muichiro’s waist, their faces inches apart from each other’s. The angry blushes on their faces might as well be a second skin now.

He’s frustrated at how many times this has been happening to them and either’s yet to cross the distance between them and just....just....just kiss!

Well, why don’t you do it, then?

You know what, why the f*ck not?

Have you forgotten about this morning with Tan--

No! I’m not going there!

“Pfft. Cute.” Muichiro giggles. Genya registered the ticklish feeling of something being slid on his head before he saw the fourteen year old’s face split in an ear-to-ear grin. His face scrunched and his eyes shut. The grin escalates into a full-blown laughter with Muichiro’s head thrown back without a care in the world. “I got you! I got you!”

“Yeah. You did.” Genya whispers softly, and thank the gods that he was born on the same lifetime as this beautiful boy.

Now sporting the same headbands, they take time to stare at each other while holding back their laughter at their silly behavior.

“Hey!” A high-pitch whistle shatters the moment. Muichiro scrambles off Genya so fast before offering his good hand to the other boy. “What do you think you’re doing in broad daylight?!” Scandalized murmurs and gasps echo around them. Some even stopped to watch the annoyed security personnel marching towards the two boys definitely doing something inappropriate while locked in that inappropriate position.

Muichiro had had enough reasons to get suspended from school so he did what every matured, responsible people would do.

He yanks Genya by the wrist and runs.

“Mui?!” Genya cries out.

“Let’s hide in a stall or somewhere!”

And fuel the rumors that two teenage boys within the park are doing something indecent? Bet.

They snatch the bag Muichiro left on the bench, as well as the now melted smoothies before chugging them with great abandon.

‘Somewhere’ eventually turn out to be an almost empty queue line of a park attraction and they could tell why. (“We could lose him if we go inside!” Muichiro insisted.)

They’re standing in front of a small, derelict-looking, colorless building made with painted dark stains and chipped hollow blocks. The park attraction is closed off in a chain link fence with barbed wires lining up the top of the fence. Above the barbed entryway, scratched out letters in red spelled out ‘ALCATRAZ’.

“Alcatraz? What’s Alcatraz?” Genya lightly shudders. The place is giving him the heebie-jeebies.

“It’s an island holding a maximum security prison in California in the USA. The whole place is a creep without it being claimed as haunted by the Natives.” Of course Muichiro would know that. Not only because he’s actually intelligent if he’s not sharing a brain cell together with Genya but also Rengoku once made them reenact a famous escape attempt and he had been cast as one of the inmates. Crazy bastard. “Hmm, a prison, though? I think we’re entering in some sort of a horror house but no ghosts this time, only sh*tty paid actors acting mad.”

“And in sh*tty make up too.” Genya grins to hide his swooning over Muichiro morbidly reciting facts about a creepy American madhouse.

“Heh, true.” Muichiro huffs out a chuckle in agreement. He had seen enough poor attempts during their school’s Cultural Festivals. “Come on, the big, beefy guy is probably closing in.”

They didn’t bother checking if the security guy is still on their heels. Moments later, a large group fills in behind them, prompting the two boys to move forward.

A man in uniform greets them at the entrance, says some warnings and disclaimers yada yada and then they were finally allowed inside, Muichiro and Genya taking up the front of the line.

Mad, as it turns out, was the wrong term. Oh, the make-up and effects were cheap as hell, alright, but the actors were on a different level. They were unhinged.

‘Prisoners’ wailing in sheer agony reach out to them from the cells lining up the narrow walkway that Muichiro went from nonchalant to annoyed to freaked out real quick, his usual deadpan eyes now blown wide from anxiousness.

“They’re actors, they’re real people. They pee, they poo.” Genya mutters under his breath like a mantra amidst the horrifying screams as he and Muichiro stiffly shuffle forward. He couldn’t even enjoy the way Muichiro was clinging to his arm like he’s afraid that he would be snatched up anytime now. Genya places a trembling hand on top of the smaller boy’s. He may be spooked but he’s not gonna let some f*cker pull the boy away.

One of the cells they pass by had people in straitjackets standing up from their beds in a f*cked up synchronized manner before falling to the floor and crawling towards them like giant, writhing maggots.

Genya prays for an exit door to magically appear when they pass by a ‘dead’ man strapped to a torture device.

What does it though, was a bloody red light suddenly lighting up directly above them to reveal a man maniacally laughing upside down from the ceiling.

“Ugh, Mui!” f*ck being a badass, Genya practically shoves his face on the crook of Muichiro’s neck, his arms coiling around the fourteen year old’s shoulders. He jolts when he feels Genya’s hot breath, as well as the touch of his lips tickling his skin.

Muichiro would’ve been swooning and tingling and doing heart eyes if not for the psychotic hysteria distracting him.

Everybody behind them were screaming their heads off and laughing nervously as they push each other when all of a sudden, one of the cells creaked open and the crazed prisoners stumble out of their cage like zombies.

“sh*t!” Muichiro’s done acting tough as well. “This sh*t’s f*cking insane! I want a refund!” He wraps his arms around Genya’s waist and with their heads tucked in together, they gun for the exit looking like one armless creature.

Another cell opened and the people in straitjackets slithered after them.

Genya fires a litany of curses on his neck (which Muichiro finds really hot oh my god why now) when a body suddenly spills on the floor face down. One of the man’s bloody arm extends forward, suggesting that they have to step over it, and maybe have their ankles grabbed, no big deal.

“Mui, we have to jump high enough.” Genya says, already disentangling himself from their embrace. Ah, ah. None of that. Muichiro tightens his hold on the taller’s waist.

“Let’s do it together.” Muichiro insists.

“Okay. In the count of three, one..two..”

They hop in unison, successfully going over the slumped figure. Or maybe the actor commends them for their awesome teamwork by not bothering with them anymore. A blood-curdling, shrill scream follows. The others aren’t as lucky, it seems.

Then there was a resounding sound of thwack and a groan of pain.

One lady kicked the actor right on the face. Oof. Hope he gets paid double today.

“Genya, look!” Muichiro points at an area up ahead which is more well-lit than the rest of the building. “I think we’re nearing the exit.”

“Thank f*ck.” Genya sighs. “I’m gonna gobble up cute, colorful cotton candies after this sh*t.” The prospect of seeing daylight again and the snacks waiting for them fuels the two boys into braving the next set of terrors.

Muichiro yelped when a man tied to a rope jumps in and tried to grab his shoulder but Genya was not having it. “Oi, back off!” He warns by pulling the boy closer to his side and glaring at the actor and his dumbass makeup.

The last line of cells they had to go through were filled with prisoners that somehow mutated into Resident Evil characters. It was campy as sh*t but the sounds coming out of them, a combination of monstrous and agonizing, sends a cold shiver down their spines.

Clanging noises suggests that these creatures are about to ambush them.

So they floored it out of there before the monsters could.

Because they didn’t stop to cry unlike the other guests, Muichiro and Genya were able to reach the exit faster. A boring gray wall made of crumbling blocks with a rectangular doorway in the middle had never looked so beautiful. Sweet, sweet freedom, f*cking finally!

They burst out of the madhouse, panting madly, their fingers still locked with each other’s so tight their knuckles are practically turning white and cold. But neither of them let go as they ride out the leftover adrenaline. It was just a cheap park attraction but the way they stared at each other felt like they’ve been on a life and death adventure together.

Supernatural horror is one thing but psychological terror like that is something else.

“H-hah..I--I’d like to s-see Yuichiro....s-survive that.” A smirk finds it’s way into Muichiro’s sweaty face the same time some his hair strands fall over his teal eyes looking up at him and Genya vibrates on the inside.

He pulls out a napkin with his still trembling hand before dabbing it all over the smaller boy. Muichiro doesn’t protest.

“We could....d-dare him...later.” Oh, that would be fun, seeing his stupid scowling face become pale with fear and his god-forsaken omelet shorts soaked in piss. Genya wouldn’t be able to sleep for days from laughing. “Right now, hah, cotton candy....soda slushies.... macarons....unicorn sh*t....anything colorful!”

Giggling, Muichiro pulls his hand out of Genya’s hold only to wrap it around the crook of the sixteen year old’s arm. This time, the smaller body presses against him with no spaces left between them. “Let’s go get snacks.”

After buying overpriced bags of chips, bottles of soda and a stick of cotton candy large enough for them to share, they aimlessly wander around the park, taking in the festive vibe and decorations to wash away the ‘traumatic’ experience back at the horror prison.

They sit in a children’s puppet show, glaring at the brats and their parents who dare throw them a questioning look. There were no rules that said ‘no teenage punks allowed’ so Muichiro and Genya stay at the back, causing distraction by audibly munching and slurping their snacks while they watch.

“I wanna try out the rides but lining up is a bitch.” Muichiro boredly turns to Genya, ignoring the aghast ‘shushes’ and sharp looks the children’s parents sent his way.

“We could upgrade our tickets.” Genya blows his bubblegum until it explodes in a very loud pop, startling the crotch goblins in front. One infant start wailing. “I saw in their website that we could pay extra for the VIP lane.”

“You mean we could overtake the unfortunate pisspoor people who could only afford the regular ticket anytime?”

Muichiro’s words would’ve offended him if he couldn’t actually afford the upgrade but hey, he could. Plus, he loves his bitch boy very much. “Yeah.” Genya shrugs his shoulders.

“Come on, then.”

Leaving quickly before another security staff is sic’d on them, the two boys diligently pick up their trash because they’re no ill-mannered assholes.

They walk back to the ticket booth wherein they have to pay one hundred percent of the original price so they could upgrade them to VIP and they have to pay another fee for the transaction itself and just f*ck these money-grabbing opportunists but there’s no way Muichiro (and his hot af companion) would allow themselves to stew among a horde of tightly compressed people.

“What do you say we give that a go?” Genya points to the bumper cars and Muichiro was quite pleased to notice, that the queue is longer than Michikatsu’s lifetime. It would be awesome to flaunt their VIP privileges to the poor, sweaty souls.

So they approach the attraction, present their tickets to the operator with a smug look on their faces and then they were waved in through the fast lane like they’re royals.

The first round was tame. Even though the point of the ride is for drivers to bump into each other, both Muichiro and Genya maneuver their cars around the track trying to dodge oncoming collisions. It was still enjoyable and occasionally, they would seek each other out from the crowd of moving heads to find that the other is also sporting a wide, childish grin on their face.

The second round was wild. Nothing more need to be said except that they might or might’ve not plowed through cars and caused rib damages on a number of people.

The third round, they both collided with freakin’ Yuichiro at the same time.

“Should we ride the roller coaster again?” Muichiro laces his fingers with Genya’s, both boys ignoring the ticklish feeling crawling along their skin.

“As many times as we want now.” Genya smirks, casting his VIP wristband a grateful look.

Not only once or twice but it took them four turns on the roller coaster for the thrill of the ride to completely wear off, same goes with Anchor’s Away, a Viking ship designed to swing back and forth which was thrilling the first two times but eventually felt like chilling on a hammock on a hot summer day. Muichiro could’ve fallen asleep during the last round. The Tower Ride required another monetary payment so screw that. Jungle Log Rapids is a strong NOPE, imagine sliding down a slope in breakneck speed only to get splashed with black, murky water that smelled of rubber, algae, and unwashed undies combined.

In the end, they find out that the rides they really enjoy are the ones that allow them to sit in peace without a bunch of shrieking grownups on their backs. Like, it’s not fun when they aren’t the ones causing the disturbance and chaos. So the two teenage grandpas pretend to be cowboys on the carousel, chortling and whooping even louder than the children.

But even better was the massive Sky Swing which had individual swing seats chained to the ride’s rotating top. Muichiro and Genya settle on theirs, hands automatically finding each other’s between their seats.

The ride starts slow at first until the passengers were lifted higher and higher the faster it goes. There weren’t screaming, just cheers and cries of amazement echoing around them.


Muichiro’s seat rises higher than Genya’s. He giggles at the sensation of being almost thrown off the ride. Unlike everything they tried being on, being in here truly felt like flying.

The golden hue of the afternoon sun hits Muichiro’s gleeful face just right.

Genya’s heart skips.

Strands of his hair blowing in the wind.

Genya’s heart warms up.

His joyous, unbridled laughter accompanying the careless grin of his mouth.

Genya’s heart clenches.

Muichiro’s hair tie snapping off, causing his curtain of raven and teal to freely unfurl behind him like a billowing cape.

Genya’s heart soars, and then he falls deeper.

Deciding that they need to recharge for a bit, they try to look for a cozy place to rest but Muichiro spots something in the distance, an idea popping in his head.

He then pulls them to the Swan Lake ride which they wouldn’t have to do anything but float along the thankfully chlorine-scented blue pond while pedaling the giant bird they’re gonna get on.

It’s actually populated mostly by lovers wanting time for each other but they purposely ignored that fact.

“Peace at last.” Muichiro sighs in contentment. He let his tired body go lax, wilting in his seat with his head resting near the butt part of the swan. Genya copies him as he hums in agreement. They watch the late afternoon sky for a moment, getting lost in the vast blue and orange before Muichiro speaks again, “We should come back here another time with Tanjiro. Or with his friends too or something but I’m gonna ignore them all. As long as they don’t talk to me, they could join us, I suppose. Well, except the boar guy who never showers and the retarded guy with french fries head.”

The laughter bubbling up Genya’s throat instantly dies as he takes in what the other boy just said. Oh, he has no problem with coming here with Tanjiro, of course not but suddenly, the ugly, heavy feeling from this morning swirls uncomfortably in his stomach once more, as if it was mocking Genya for thinking that it had disappeared completely.

Muichiro’s confession....asking Tanjiro out....Tanjiro pulling him close....


Muichiro’s hand in his all day....their shared joy....their laughter.... their memories of today....

Genya’s head rolls to the side, staring at Muichiro with one eyebrow raised. “Oh, what about Kanao? Is she welcome too?” He couldn’t help the slight hostile lilt in his tone.

Muichiro frowns at that. “Uhm, of course? She’s Tanjiro’s girl, right?”

“Oh, you actually know that?” Genya beats himself up. Shut up! Shut up, you fool! Muichiro doesn’t deserve your bitching!

“Why wouldn’t I?” Muichiro’s frown deepens, even he could make out the beginnings of aggression coming out of the sixteen year old. “He’s a family friend. We talk.”

The dark, bitter emotions seem to stop whirling in the pit of his stomach in favor of crawling up his heart and mind. Before Genya could even stop the surge of jealousy coming out of nowhere, he sits up to scoff at Muichiro’s puzzled look.

“Hah. It must suck so much, right?”

Now it was Muichiro’s turn to bolt upright so he could glare at Genya. What got this idiot’s briefs in a twist? They were having fun all day and now he’s treated to the revelation that Genya is still sulking at the fact that Tanjiro got himself a girlfriend?

Yeah, it suck. This f*cking sucks. They were one finger touch away from having a proper date like a proper couple and now Genya’s still head over heels with Tanjiro all along?

Muichiro’s glare couldn’t even rise past Genya’s stupid, tight fit shirt and bulging biceps before his look melts into hurt. “Do you really think that?”

To his frustration, Genya answers his question with another question. “Well, don’t you?!”

“Are we really having this conversation inside an inflated duck?!”

“I saw you two this morning!” Genya practically screeches.

“What are you talking about and why the f*ck are you angry?!”

By now, several massive swan heads gawk at their general direction, their passengers murmuring to each other but neither of them cared about what’s going on around them.

“” Genya swallows upon picturing that scene again. “You were...he was pinned on a your arms, and then..and then you asked him to g-go out with you...he said some words and I--I...noped out of there because I c-couldn’t watch-- but he pulled you close, and then he--” Genya summons a whole lot of air in his lungs and screamed, “Well, I think you k-kissed!”

“And does that bother you?”

“Does that bother--!” Genya irritably drags his fingers through his hair. What kind of question was that? It doesn’t bother him, it f*cking disturbs him to the point that he’s losing his self-control right now! “Yes. Of course, it bothers me, Mui. He’s my friend!”

Genya hated the way his tone’s suggesting that he’s gatekeeping Tanjiro whereas he meant that seeing the redhead about to kiss the boy he knew Genya liked was akin to betrayal. He couldn’t care less about the Tsuyuri girl but he cared about Muichiro snogging someone else and the prospect of a good person like Tanjiro cheating.

Needless to say, Muichiro didn’t know that. A bark of sarcastic laugh escapes his lips. “Friend? Hah! Now he’s just your friend and not the reason you were insulting me for half a year? Who’s the one blushing like a rotten strawberry this morning because Tanjiro is whispering something to his ear?”

“How does it feel spending the night in your beloved’s home?”

“T-thats....that’s not what you think it is!” Genya insists rather lamely. The blush coming back on Genya’s cheeks upon remembering Tanjiro’s burning question certainly didn’t help. Muichiro growls. Genya presses on, “A-anyway! You didn’t answer me! If you knew he has a girlfriend then why were you forcing yourself on him?! Why did you kiss?!”

Genya indignantly shrieks right at Muichiro’s face. He leans in closer, invading the fourteen year old’s space with his fists tightly balled to his sides.

“We didn’t kiss, you bonehead baboon!” Muichiro slams his hands on the dumbass’s chest to push him away. And they were just holding hands and getting mushy a few hours ago, how did it come to this exchange of accusations? “He freakin headbutted me and so help me I wouldn’t hesitate to send you to the hospital with your head busted open if you won’t shut the f*ck up and tell me what’s driving you up the f*cking wall!”

The teal-eyed cups the back of his head to go in for the kill. Genya scrunches his face and shuts his eyes to brace for the impact.

He wasn’t prepared enough at what happens next.

Muichiro lays his forehead against Genya’s, a sigh blowing on the latter’s lips.

The hands coiled around the back of his head slides down until Muichiro was holding him by the cheeks, both his thumbs caressing Genya’s scarred face like he was the most precious gift sent to him by the gods. A whine surges up from his throat at the sheer tenderness of the act.

“I only asked Tanjiro to pretend to be someone else.” Muichiro whispers against his lips. “Someone I’m in love with all this time. You don’t have to worry, Genya. I have no feelings for him anymore. From now on, he’s all yours. Yours to daydream about, I mean....I don’t think anyone stands a chance against Tsuyuri. Sorry to say...”

Genya dearly loves his redhead friend but for now, if his name comes up one more time, he would flip.

What he only cares about were the words Muichiro just said. Once upon a time, he would never even associate Muichiro’s name with the word ‘love’ but fate had forced them to spend time together. Had forced Genya to open his eyes and see what else this five foot lovable blunt asshole could offer.

A reliable tutor who went beyond the call of duty.

A dependable brother who Yuichiro could count on to have his back.

A son his parents could be proud of.

A friend who stepped in his defense.

A topnotch public menace but he’s Genya’s menace and he’s ready to throw hands, insult people, and commit crime for his shortstack’s sake.

Genya plucks Muichiro’s soft hands off his cheek before enveloping them in his. Heart frantic in his chest, Genya braces for whatever’s the answer’s going to be at the question he’s about to fire.

That’s right. Even if the answer doesn’t end up as the one he hoped, well, he could always keep his feelings locked up rather than lose what he had formed with the other boy.

Emotional pain is nothing new to him.

“Muichiro, who are you in love with?”

The boy peels himself off Genya, throws him a struggling look, like he’s aching to say something but pries his eyes away to stare at anything but the lovely pair of mauve in front of him.

“Mind your own business.” Genya’s heart would’ve been broken at that if not for the head on his shoulder nuzzling into his neck. “My shampoo smells so right on you.” Muichiro burrows his face further on the hair flowing over his shoulder.

“It is my business if you never stopped holding my hand throughout the day and you say things like that to me.

Their bodies lightly jerk forward when they bump on a small island, thankfully obscuring them from the public eye with the rocks and a huge fake palm tree. Not that they cared about the world around them at the moment. Not when Genya’s boring deeply into the jewel-like eyes peering up at him, begging, begging to be understood with just a glance, begging for Genya to just seek the answer within.

For Muichiro struggle to form his thoughts.

Ah, nope. Muichiro knows what he wanted to say, but his inability to properly lay out his confession to Genya, in a way that the older boy would feel like he’s the most treasured, fails him.

Muichiro wanted to tell him about the boy who had been occupying his head from the start, grudgingly or not. He wanted to tell him about the boy who had drawn out emotions he never thought he was capable of feeling. The cheesy dumbass who brought him flowers in the middle of the night. He wanted to rant about the mohawked idiot who deviated his thoughts from the usual academic matters, who made him ask questions that weren’t related to mathematical equations and scientific topics.

Most of all, he ached to tell Genya’s wounded soul that he is finally loved.

“I can’t use proper words. I would just have to show it to you.” And unlike his pretend confession from this morning, despite saying it word for word, Muichiro’s voice cracks from the weight of his true feelings.

Also, unlike this morning, Muichiro leans forward slowly, as if afraid that Genya would push him away. When he realizes that the sixteen year old was looking at him with the same soft gaze, he braves the remaining distance between them.

Trembling arms wrap around Genya’s neck, and with a shudder, Muichiro whispers against his lips, “C-can I..?”

Muichiro’s sweet breath is pure torture. Swallowing, Genya nods.

It was merely a brush of soft lips but suddenly, the world explodes with colors.

Which Genya shouldn’t be able to see with his his eyes closed, which meant that he felt it. Genya f*cking felt his previously bleak world thrum with new life.

Finally, finally, finally, you goddamn fool! The voice in his head cry out in triumph.

Muichiro’s inexperience was blatantly obvious in the way he carelessly mashed their lips together in an attempt to deepen the kiss so Genya gently treads his fingers through the raven locks he loved so much and cups the back of Muichiro’s head before he cants it upwards with his fingers on the smaller’s chin, allowing their lips to slot together in a deeper, more intimate position.

It was messy, it was wet, it was all lips and an unholy amount of tingling all over their bodies but oh gods, it was perfect.

Genya thanked the gods who had brought him into Muichiro’s path as he devours the same mouth that once fired offensive names towards him. Oh lord, how did they get here? From fighting over the same guy to passionately sharing their first kiss with each other. It will be something unbelievable to him for a long time.

Unfortunately, their ability to go on without breathing weren’t as long. They begrudgingly part, pained whines and little cries escaping out of their mouths as they did so.

"I..I don't understand." Muichiro almost whimpers, frowning up at Genya in total confusion. "But you.... your feelings for Tanjiro--"

"--was nothing romantic." Genya cups his face, rubbing soothing motions all over with his thumbs. "I realized it when I didn't feel anything about him and Tsuyuri getting together. I realized that I was just jealous of his siblings and close friends because at that time, he was my only friend and the only one who knew about Nemi and me so you know, I got kinda possessive there." He shakes his head, laughing at his stupidity.

But I'm glad I thought I liked him because it eventually brought me to you. Goes unsaid. He didn't need to. Muichiro for sure feels the same. What do they call it? Ah, serendipty-

Muichiro's stomach did a happy flip at that. He makes his feelings known by pulling Genya into another searing kiss, pouring everything in there. The tension, the heated words, the moments that inevitably brought them closer, the same feelings they had to keep secret, the mutual pining, the relief brought by the fact that their love for each other was requited....

"God, Mui, I--" Genya pants when they part for air. "I like you so much. It hurts and it's driving me crazy."

“I like you too..G-Genya..” Muichiro trembles like his weakening knees. “I like y-you....more than you could ever know.”

There would be more to talk about later. Right now, Genya huffs out a laughter as he brings their foreheads together. “That’s all you needed to say, you damned chibi.”

“Well, sorry if I’m nervous around the guy I liked, you phat-assed gorilla.” Muichiro closes his eyes to savor the feeling of his beloved’s warm skin against his.

Genya almost sobs at the familiarity. “Oh, Mui.” His arms wrap around his sweetheart’s smaller form.

“Thank you for choosing me.”


IS THIS THE END? Well, if you're only into the story of how they got together, then yes, you can stop here.

IS THIS THE STORY'S END? It's not goodbye! I still have one chapter left about the main story, basically just them after the confession, PLUS another chapter of three to four side-stories about their lives going on and a snippet of the future.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO WAITED, KUDOS'D AND COMMENTED! I'm sorry if you find this lacking, the loss of my GenMui files in my other laptop greatly demotivated me, I mean, all my Genmui life works are in there, from unfinished fics to fanart WIPs and I don't know how would I start again. But anyway, not like I'd stop trying!

I hope you all enjoyed this fic! Leave a kudos or comment if you can!

Maybe It's You (I'm Wishing For) - Infinity_wiccan - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.