Top Posts Tagged with #yandere king henry viii x reader | Tumlook (2024)


Mar 8, 2023

How would Catherine or Anna boleyn feel when the reader given birth to healthy triplets (2 boys and 1 girl) after she had Elizabeth also what yandere henry reaction to finally having the son he wanted???

Old Catherine is too smart to react too strongly. She feels disappointed and resentful. She is very afraid for his daughter Mary. She's worried about her daughter's throne. She prays that her daughter is not harmed and that she can ascend the throne.

Anne tried to get rid of the reader at first. She has endeavored to eliminate reader and babies without giving birth to babies. She will be very angry. She was jealous of your reader, but now she's too jealous. She will try to do something to get rid of the reader and the babies. But Henry will fail because he is too protective of the reader and his babies. They will soon be executed for their actions.

Henry was frustrated after Elizabeth's birth. Anne became pregnant again but gave birth to a stillborn son. This had exhausted Henry's patience. He was both angry and very angry. He finds happiness in the reader in a short time. Henry makes your reader her legitimate mistress. Henry is overjoyed when the reader becomes pregnant. He protects and cares for your reader throughout her pregnancy. He is very happy and proud when his healthy triplets are born. He had never been this happy in his life now that he had male heirs. He tells the reader how he is proud of her and loves his. He will marry the reader. He will declare the triplets heirs to the throne. No one can stop Henry.

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May 14, 2023

How would Yandere platonic Catherine of Aragorn react to see Reader (Henry’s 8 eldest daughter) holding baby Mary in her arms, saying “Don’t worry baby sister, your older sister will protect you from any dangers.” And she’s rocking Mary back and forth, so she won’t cry and starts singing a lullaby (Reader’s mother was singing the same lullaby, before she died). The same goes for Yandere platonic Anne Boleyn and Jayne Seymour and Henry 8 to see Reader holding baby Elizabeth and Edward rocking them back and forth, singing lullabies.

I think yandere platonic Henry’s 8 wives only wished that Reader would be their daughter. Also this sight would warm their hearts.

So how would Yandere platonic Henry 8, Catherine of Aragorn, Anne Boleyn and Jayne Seymour react to the scenario I wrote above? Can you describe their feelings and what would they do? Something tells me that Mary, Elizabeth and Edward would be obsessed with their older sister.

The Princess is King Henry's first child born to his precious first wife. She's the only Princess who doesn't mind being a girl. Henry has always been the perfect father to the Princess. In fact, Catherine is very happy and emotional at this sight. She's most likely supporting Princess Catherine every time she miscarried and lost a baby. That's why the Princess means a lot to Catherine. For Catherine, the Princess' consolation is the only support for her disappointment and sadness at not giving birth to a man. I think Anne Boleyn will treat the Princess better than Mary. At first it was because she was afraid of the King. However, as she loves the Princess in a short time, she tries to get along with her. When Anne gives birth to a daughter, she finds solace in the Princess. The only shelter of the mother during the miscarriages and baby losses is the Princess. It will likely prevent Princess Anne's execution. However, even if he cannot prevent it, he will protect Elizabeth. The princess will ensure that both Mary and Elizabeth have titles. Thanks to the princess, Mary will be able to see her mother. Mary and Elizabeth become very attached to the Princess after the loss of their mother. Jane loves the Princess very much. She dreams of having a daughter like a Princess. The Princess supports her until Jane gives birth. The princess takes on the role of mother for Edward after Jane dies. Mary, Elizabeth and Edward see the Princess as mother and older sister figures. I expect all three of them will be yandere. The assurance, support, love and attention they receive in their lives comes from the Princess. The Princess takes the place of their mother, who never existed in their lives. So it's not surprising that they developed unhealthy tendencies for the Princess.

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Mar 14, 2023

Yandere king Henry VII headcannon?

~ If King Henry has developed yandere tendencies towards you, there is no escape for you anymore.

~ Since it is not possible to refuse a King, you will become Henry's wife or legitimate mistress.

~ Your social status or financial situation is not important to this man.

~ You will most likely stay in the Palace. If this is not possible, you will live in the mansion close to the Palace or in the Palace.

~ You will have the most luxurious clothes and expensive jewelry. It gives you everything every woman dreams of.

~ He calls you cute nicknames. He is obsessed with embarrassing you. The flushing of your cheeks pleases this man.

~ You are the only woman Henry shares a bed with most nights.

~ He wants a lot of children from you. This leads to more sex and lovemaking sessions.

~ He will make the children born of you his legitimate heirs.

~ Children born of you are spoiled. Your children are Henry's first priority.

~ He is overprotective of you. You cannot leave the Palace without guards with you.

~ He takes great care of your health and safety. It allows the best doctors to serve you.

~ No one can disrespect or hurt you or your children. He executes those who make the slightest mistake against you for treason.

~ No wife can compare to you. Other women are not afraid to say that they got married simply out of necessity or for any other reason.

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Mar 10, 2023

What if reader was yandere king henry first and only wife but she an Empress who actually manages to give birth to a son???

Reader is Henry's first and legal wife. The reader may be a Princess, perhaps a noble, or a Princess or a nobleman of another country. Their marriage is arranged for the benefit of the country. But the moment Henry sees the reader, his love and obsession begins. No one notices that Henry has always been very fond of his wife. Throughout the pregnancy, Henry takes great care of the reader. Henry and the reader have two children. Their first and only son is Henry (Duke of Cornwall) and their second only daughter, Mary Tudor. Henry is a good father to his two children. Concerned with their birth, Henry organizes ostentatious and extravagant celebrations and ceremonies. Henry has a protective attitude towards his wife and children. I think Henry would never cheat on his wife. (Because there is already a male heir.) No one can disrespect or harm his wife and children.

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May 28, 2023


I’m just wondering if you can do a platonic Yandere Henry viii x twin brother Reader.

Henry and Reader are twins with Henry being the older twin.

Henry will not let the Reader marry anyone woman or a man, saying that “My precious brother should not have his innocents tainted by sinister people!”

Once Henry becomes King, he doesn’t let his brother out of the palace

Henry’s children, unhealthy, adore their uncle and want to spend every second of their life with him.

Or Platonic Yandere Henry viii x son reader

Reader is the eldest son of Henry vii. His mother died in childbirth.

Reader is known for going on wild adventures. Henry and his wives adore the prince and spoil him in riches. Every time Reader goes on an adventure Henry and the wives try to stop the young Reader but ends up failing.

The wives love Reader and wishes that Reader was their son instead.

Once Mary, Elizabeth and Edward(all three of them are yandere) is born, Reader tries to get them to go exploring which works. Elizabeth and Edward are excited to go on a cool adventure with their favourite sibling while Mary trails along says that they should just go back home and cuddle.

Back over at the palace, Henry and the wives are running around trying to find their precious son and the other three.

Henry and his brother seem to be glued together by the hips. Henry is always by his brother's side. Henry never lets his brother go away. Henry is literally the mother hen and the foster brother for his brother. He is the caretaker of brother Henry's children. The children find the missing parent figures in their lives in the uncle reader.

Henry's first son was born of his precious wife, who died at birth. Henry is a protective father to his son. He is very afraid that something will happen to his son. I think you're right, Henry's wives see the Prince as their own son. They wanted the prince to be their own son. Mary, Elizabeth and Edward adore their older brothers. Elizabeth and Edward go on adventures with their older brother. Mary expects them not to come back. Henry and his wives are looking for the whereabouts of all of them.

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Mar 12, 2023

scenarios from king henry x reader batsis who now pregnant and found out that reader from the future So he trap reader in a room/ Palace. Platonic yandere batfamily goes to the past to help reader (hope that Made sense)

Hello. It actually makes sense. Such a scenario is possible.

Henry became obsessed with her during his time with the reader. It demands to live together with the reader. Even if the reader tells him the truth, he will not stop. He can also see what the reader says as an excuse. It doesn't matter to him even if he believes it. As a result of Henry sleeping with the reader frequently, the reader gets pregnant. Henry imprisons him in the Palace so that he does not escape. Batfam is worried about the reader returning from work late. They are shocked when they read information about the reader in historical books. Batfam just goes back in time. They sneak into the palace. When they find their reader, the sight they encounter amazes them. The reader is in front of them with a newly defined belly and different clothes. The reader is very happy to see them. But whether she returns to his own time or not is her decision. I think she will want to have the baby. Whatever decision Batfam makes, they will be there.

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Jul 1, 2023


I saw one of your post about King Henry VIII brother and I’m hoping you can do another one:

So it is King Henry’s birthday and they are hosting a ball! Anytime The King and Queen host a party(which is rare) Y/n get excited cause it is the only time Y/n can speak to other people who aren’t his brother, nieces and nephew(the wives, guards and servants aren’t aloud to have a conversation with brother Y/n). The only place Y/n is aloud to go outside of the palace is the palace gardens.

Henry is busy talking to his friends. Edward was dancing with a noble girl, Mary and Elizabeth was gossiping with some ladies. Until, something caught Elizabeth’s eyes, some lady was “talking” to her uncle. Elizabeth excused herself from the conversation and went a little bit closer to her uncle and the witch lady. Once closer, she saw the lady wasn’t talking to her uncle but flirting with him. Brother Y/n was uncomfortable with the lady’s flirting and tried to walk away after politely saying that he needs to go but the lady painfully grabbed his arm.

Elizabeth instantly went to get her sibling to tell them about it and they were pisses. The three went over to their father and told him everything. Henry was pissed that someone touched his precious twin brother. Henry looked over to crowd and saw his brother alone, rubbing the arm(that was probably bruised) the lady grabbed. The lady was still at the same spot that Elizabeth saw everything at, looking displeased. The King knew exactly what to do to make sure no one touches what is his again.

The next day, the lady was dragged out of her house by the guards.

A week later, the woman was getting ready for her execution. Henry brought his brother to the balcony to watch the execution, the queen was also there but was ordered to stay far away from Y/n. While the lady was saying her final words, saying that she prays to the King for forgiveness for flirting and touching his twin. Halfway through her speech, the brother turns his back from the scene and clings to his brother, putting his face in his brother’s shoulder. Henry smirks and comforts his brother. He felt his brother flinch as a clean slicing sound breaks through the silent. The queen stares at Y/n in rage. The woman who was executed was good friends with the queen.

A few hours later, Henry catches his wife talking bad about Y/n to her ladies in waiting…. I guess we who is going on the chopping board next.

Meanwhile, the brother, still very frightened, was in yandere Henry’s bed getting cuddled by his yandere nieces and nephew.

Sorry if that was long I just really like that idea, plus we need more brother Y/n and male best friend Y/n with Henry. Oh and the queen might be Kathrine Howard.

The woman who was executed was a close friend of Queen Katherine Howard. That's why Katherine is both angry and upset. The poor reader is sitting in his bed trying to forget the execution scene. His nephews hug his and comfort his. Meanwhile, Henry witnesses his wife talking badly about the reader. The next person to be executed is the Queen. Henry will not allow anyone to speak ill of his brother.

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Jan 7, 2023

》 Yandere Husband King Henry 8 《

~ No one can prevent him from taking you as his wife.

~ He will ask you to have many heirs.

~ He will give you everything you want.

~ He will compose songs for you.

~ You go on excursions and hunts together.

~ He will give priority to children born from you.

~ He doesn't hesitate to threaten everyone you care about to stop you from leaving him.

~ He's proud of himself when his jokes make you blush and embarrass you.

~ No one can harm or disrespect you.

~ As he got older, his paranoia and cruelty increased.

~ Your leave of absence is now very restricted.

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